Economical electric heating boilers. The most economical electric boiler

Compact, reliable and easy-to-use electric heating boilers, of course, are inferior to analogues in terms of efficiency, but in certain conditions they will be irreplaceable. They can be used everywhere, installed in apartments and private houses, offices and industrial premises - wherever there is access to electricity. Electric boilers are often used as a backup heating source. The numerous advantages of such units have led to an increase in their popularity and the emergence of a mass of modifications. Let's try to figure out which electric heating boiler is better to choose for a private house and apartment, what power is needed to create comfortable conditions, and what is important to pay attention to when buying.

# 1. Advantages and disadvantages

An electric heating boiler works extremely simply. In it, electrical energy is converted into heat. When the boiler is turned on, the heating elements heat up the coolant. The latter gets into the living room and heats the air in it. In the simplest and most common version, the usual heating element is used as a heating element, but there are also induction and electrode boilers, in which heating is carried out in a slightly different way. Only the power source remains unchanged - electricity. Many boiler models are equipped with a monitoring and control mechanism.

Despite the fact that electric boilers can hardly be called an economical source of heat, they are very popular, and there are many reasons for that. To the advantages of electric heating boilers can be attributed:

  • versatility. The unit can be installed wherever there is electricity, no permits from the technical supervision authorities are required. Today, electric boilers are used both in and in apartments, as well as in commercial and industrial premises;
  • low cost in comparison with and;
  • high efficiencywhich reaches 95-99%;
  • ease of installation. Electric boilers have small size, and when connected, there is no need to build;
  • ease of operation and temperature control. Most models are equipped with convenient control systems and thermostats, so the user should literally press a few buttons or turn the lever - constantly run to the boiler, control its operation, or, worse, not have to. Since the boiler perfectly controls its work, its efficiency increases;
  • safety... There is no open fire in electric boilers, and no flammable fuel is used. Plus, well-thought-out automation is used, so the likelihood of emergency situations in comparison with other types of boilers is sharply reduced, if, of course, the installation was carried out correctly;
  • compactness, so the installation of such a unit is possible even in the smallest rooms;
  • environmental friendliness, because no harmful emissions are generated during the operation of the boiler;
  • noiselessness;
  • no need for constant monitoring of operation (you can leave the boiler unattended) and frequent maintenance. Solid fuel boilers, for example, require constant maintenance and cleaning;
  • a wide range of. There are models on the market with different power (from 2 to 60 kW and more) and functionality (single-circuit and double-circuit).

disadvantages there is also:

  • high operating cost. Despite the advanced automation and energy saving systems, electric boilers are still quite expensive to operate. For heating large rooms, in most cases, it is unprofitable to use them. Such boilers are often used as backup heat source;
  • dependence on the availability of electricity. If they are observed in the region, then such a heating option is not suitable;
  • the need for special three-phase wiring if a boiler with a power of more than 12 kW is used. Some experts recommend using a three-phase line even when connecting a boiler from 6-7 kW.

Despite the existing disadvantages, electric boilers find their customers. Moreover, if you carefully analyze the conditions at the facility where you want to create a heating system, and choose the right electric boiler, you can enjoy the positive qualities of these devices to the maximum.

# 2. Types of electric boilers by type of heating element

Depending on how the water is heated, all boilers are divided into heating elements, electrode and induction.

Heating elements boilers

it the most popular version, and so popular that when talking about electric boilers, as a rule, they mean exactly structures with heating elements. Such a unit works on the principle of a boiler. Electricity is supplied to a tubular electric heater (TEN), it heats up and transfers heat to water, which is used as a heat carrier. Heating element consists of nichrome spiral and a durable steel, aluminum or titanium shell. The space between the spiral and the shell is filled with quartz sand or other dielectric filler.

The rated power in such boilers is reached in steps, about 10-15 minutes after switching on. Heating elements boilers operate in a flow-through mode, they can be single-circuit and double-circuit. As a rule, several heating elements are placed in the boiler tank.

Since there is no direct contact of the heating coil with water (the dielectric plays the role of a separator), there is no need to be afraid of a short circuit. The main problem with such boilers is different. The surface of the heating element is in contact with water, it appears relatively quickly scalewhich can gradually damage the boiler. To slow down this process or even completely avoid it, it is better to use distilled water in the system. Special fluids are also sometimes used. The boilers are protected from overheating of the coolant by a thermal regulator, but if a leak occurs, then the unit runs the risk of overheating and failure.

Electrode (ion) boilers

The design of this boiler assumes the presence of two electrodes immersed in a heat exchanger. Electric energy is supplied to them, due to which a potential difference is created. Due to the presence of salts in the coolant, it turns into a current conductor. Electricity passing through a high-resistance electrolyte causes it to heat up. Just a couple of minutes is enough for the boiler to reach its rated power. As an electrolyte (heat carrier), take specially prepared water or an ethylene glycol based liquid.

In operation, boilers of this type are sufficient economical, and to provide the same heat output as the heating element boiler, they consume almost half the electricity. Such units, as a rule, have a reliable thought-out automation, they rarely fail, since, in fact, there is nothing to break here. If a leak occurs in the system, then overheating will not happen - there is no electrolyte. Electrode boilers also show themselves well in conditions of unstable voltage. If it falls down to 180 V, the unit will continue to operate and generate heat.

Of the minuses only cost of equipment and the need to use a specially prepared coolant. Its composition will determine how much energy the boiler will spend on heating. Another nuance is the need for reliable grounding. The electrodes will have to be changed periodically.

Induction boiler

Boilers of this type began to be used back in the 80s of the last century, but at first they were installed only in production. The release of household models began only at the end of the 90s. Their principle of operation is quite complex and resembles a transformer. The heart of the unit is an induction coil, which converts electrical energy into a magnetic field, directing it to the core. The latter is a system of steel pipes with a coolant inside.

The system performed well. Induction boilers economical and very compact, durable (service life of 30 years or more) and are fireproof, and the problem of scale with them is not terrible. There are no strict requirements for the coolant, as in the two previous types of boilers - you can even fill in refined petroleum products.

The main disadvantage is high price... In addition, induction boilers weigh decently, despite their miniature dimensions. Finding a model lighter than 20 kg will not work.

Which boiler is better to choose depends on the budget and the requirements put forward - all three types can be found on sale.

Number 3. Connection type

Before buying a boiler of a certain capacity, it is necessary to find out the features. Among boilers with a capacity of up to 10-12 kW, you can find models that can be connected both to single phase (220 V) and to three-phase network (380 V). More powerful boilers with a single-phase network cannot be used - it will be necessary to connect the house to a three-phase network.

To connect the boiler to the shield, it is better to take a copper stranded wire, which, with a higher conductivity, will heat less.

No. 4. Number of contours

Among electric boilers, the most popular are single-circuit models... They are only responsible for the heating system. To provide yourself with hot water supply, you need to retrofit the system with a water heater or take double-circuit boiler... The latter has two independent circuits for heating water. Double-circuit electric boilers consume a lot of electricity, so they are rarely used.

No. 5. Calculation of the power of an electric boiler

The power of electric boilers ranges from 2 to 60 kW (there are even 400 kW models for production and commercial premises) and is selected depending on which area of \u200b\u200bthe room needs to be heated, and whether there is a need to heat water for hot water supply. Ideally, to determine the power, it is necessary to carry out a full heat engineering calculation, taking into account not only the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, but also the height of the ceilings, level, quantity and other factors. For this, it is better to turn to professionals, but calculate approximate power you can do it yourself.

The easiest way is to use the proportion according to which it is necessary to provide 1 kW of boiler power for every 10 m2 of area, provided there is sufficient thermal insulation and with a ceiling height of no more than 3 m.It is better to throw in a little more margin (10-15%), and if you use a double-circuit boiler , then add another 25% to the obtained value. This calculation is rather arbitrary, and to obtain more accurate results, you can use another, slightly more complex, formula.

  • W \u003d (40 * S * h + Qо+ Qd) * kwhere
  • 40 - average required boiler power per 1 m 3, 40 W / m 3;
  • S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe house / apartment;
  • h - ceiling height;
  • Qо - heat loss through windows, 100 W for each;
  • Qd - heat loss through the doors, 200 W for each;
  • k is a coefficient depending on the region, for the southern regions of the country it is possible to take 0.7-0.9, for the central and European parts - 1.2-1.4, for the north and far east - 1.8-2.0.

If the calculation is for private house, the result is multiplied by another 1.5.

Let's say there is a house with an area of \u200b\u200b85 m 2, a ceiling height of 2.8 m, with 6 windows and 2 doors, it is located in the southern part of the country. The required power will be equal to W \u003d (40 * 85 * 2.8 + 600 + 400) * 0.8 * 1.5 \u003d 12.6 kW.

No. 6. Power regulation and boiler control system

In electric boilers, it is enough to simply adjust the power and temperature of the coolant. Actually, these two parameters are interconnected, so it is impossible to consider them separately from each other.

The boiler output is regulated in one of the following ways:

  • stepwise - a frequent option in heating boilers. In this case, the design provides one heating element, which provides half the power, and two, which give 25% heating each. It turns out that the boiler can operate at 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum power, more precise regulation can be carried out in each room thanks to valves on;
  • smooth regulation achieved through the use of a rheostat. This is the privilege of more expensive models. In simple, low-power boilers, there may be no regulation at all.

The user sets the boiler to the required coolant temperature to maintain comfortable conditions in the house, and the boiler turns on heating and turns it off when the coolant is sufficiently heated. Automation can be operated with mechanical and electronic thermostats. Both options allow you to save energy and maintain a comfortable temperature without constant monitoring of the boiler.

Mechanical thermostat cuts off the coolant current or opens the electrical network when the coolant temperature set by the user is reached. When the temperature drops, the boiler switches on again. This is a simple and cheap method, but not the most accurate - the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler may differ by 2-3 0 С from the set one. Electronic thermostats more accurate, they consist of a remote sensor and a control unit. The sensor is attached to the heating element and transmits information about its temperature to the unit remotely or using wires. Naturally, such boilers are more expensive.

No. 7. type of instalation

Electric boilers can be:

  • wall-mounted;
  • floor-standing.

It is clear that wall-mounted ones take up less space and are suitable in cases where this very place is very limited. Western manufacturers prefer this installation format. In the floor-standing version, as a rule, more powerful boilers are produced, which need to heat up a large volume of the coolant.

No. 8. The best electric boiler manufacturers

There are dozens of manufacturers, both foreign and domestic, on the electric boiler market. European boilers usually receive smooth regulation and are assembled from more expensive components. Our boilers are predominantly stepped and therefore cheaper. Probably, each of us understands well that it is better not to save on the heating system, so you should not trust little-known companies. Most large, proven and reliable electric boilers in the world and in Russia:

  • Protherm Is a Czech manufacturer that started precisely with the production of electric boilers. Today, other types of heating boilers are produced, as well as thermostats, etc. Electric boilers of the company have wall-mounted design, power from 6 to 28 kW, efficiency 99.5%, are produced in single-circuit design. In 2001, the company became part of the German group of companies Vaillant;
  • Vaillant produces slightly more expensive boilers than Protherm, power up to 28 kW, all models are easy to use and reliable;
  • Buderus - a large German company that produces electric boilers for private houses and commercial facilities, the power of wall-mounted single-circuit models is 30-60 kW;
  • Kospel - reliable Polish electric boilers, presented in a wide range. Power from 4 to 36 kW, models up to 8 kW are presented in two versions, for operation with a 220 V and 380 V network;
  • Bosch also produces electric boilers, power from 4 to 24 kW, wall-mounted, with one circuit, but it is possible to connect an indirect heating boiler. You can buy both just a boiler and a boiler complete with an expansion tank and a pump;
  • Ferroli - high-quality Italian electric boilers with a capacity of 6 to 28 kW with a very well-thought-out automation and a wide range of additional functions. The boilers have connectors for connecting room and outdoor temperature sensors, a large display, the ability to daily program the operation of the boiler and even control the boiler using the remote control;
  • ZOTA - domestic boilers, which differ in the most affordable price and fairly high-quality performance. Power from 3 to 400 kW, boilers are presented in several lines, heating elements are used as heaters;
  • RusNIT - budget good boilers from the Ryazan company, power from 3 to 99 kW;
  • Evan - a large domestic manufacturer, part of the NIBE concern, produces boilers in different price segments. Power from 2.5 to 480 kW.

It is also worth noting the products of the companies Dakon, ACV and REKO, Intois, Alvin, Resource.


Such a factor of choice as efficiency can be ignored for electric boilers - all models operate with an efficiency higher than 95%, often this indicator reaches 99%. Pay attention to the package bundle. If the heating system is built from scratch, then it is more profitable to take the boiler in the maximum configuration with an expansion tank, pump and other elements.

The equipment market is replete with a large number of such heating devices. When making a choice of an electric boiler, an uninitiated user can easily get confused in the differing indicators and technical characteristics.

We will tell you how to choose an electric boiler, when heating with an electric boiler is justified, how to calculate the power, and reduce heating bills.

Advantages of electric boilers

  • Simple design, minimal heat loss and the highest efficiency factor in the heating season - up to 99.5%.
  • There is no need to install it in a separate room at home or summer cottage.
  • Electricity, as an energy carrier, does not need to be delivered or stored, which cannot be said about gas or coal.
  • Electric heating boilers are safe: in case of water leakage, the electric circuit will open, the electric boiler will turn off.
  • Environmentally friendly, no chimney is needed, since no harmful substances and decay products are released during operation.

In the absence of hot water supply, you can choose a double-circuit heating boiler, which is also used as a heating boiler, which is especially important for a summer cottage or a private house. The consumer will have hot water around the clock.

TOP-3 best electric boilers for heating

  1. Protherm Skat 9 KR 13
  3. MORA-TOP Electra Comfort 15K

Calculation of the power of an electric boiler - the main indicator of choice

Let's figure out the most important characteristics of electric boilers. Power is the main one, its choice depends not only on the heating area, but also on the presence of an insulating layer and insulation, wall material, and the quality of other building materials.

Power is provided by a heating element, an electrode or an inductance coil (depending on the type of boiler). It is defined in kilowatts (kW) and ranges from 2 to 60 kW.

Sales consultants use a fairly simple formula for calculating the power of an electric boiler, 1 kW of electric boiler power is taken as a basis for every 10 sq. m premises. Let's say we have a private house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 sq. m, to heat such an area, we will need an electric boiler from 10 kW.

Consider the heat loss of your home. If the house is not sufficiently insulated, there are bad windows, the power of the electric boiler should be chosen more than the recommended one for your area.

The performance of the heater is taken into account when calculating the heat engineering of a private house, as well as when calculating the power of hot water supply. This will allow you to select an average value in order to compensate for the heat loss.

Detailed calculation of the power of the electric boiler

The power for heating a private house, summer house or apartment with an electrical heating device is equal to the heat power. To calculate it, they are guided by several simple rules:

  • for heating 1 cu. m. at home or summer cottage, about 40 W of power will be required;
  • for each of the windows it is necessary to add 100 W, on the door - another 200;
  • these data are averaged and depend on climatic conditions: residents of the Far Eastern and Siberian regions multiply the total number by 1.5–2, the coefficient in the middle regions of the Russian Federation is 1.2, and the southern regions use the coefficient 0.7–0.9;
  • for a house or a summer residence, the result of the calculation is multiplied by another 1.5, which is associated with heat loss due to the construction of the roof and the floor surface (especially in the absence of a basement floor).

Let's give an example for a house in the south of the country with an area of \u200b\u200b80 sq. m., with a ceiling height of 3 m, six window openings, one entrance door. House area - 80 sq. m. must be multiplied by 40 W, then multiplied by 3 (ceiling height indicator), add 200 and 600 W (door and windows). The resulting value is multiplied by the private house and regional coefficient - 0.7 and 1.5. As a result, we get 10,920 watts.

Installation features

A wall-mounted electric boiler for low-power heating (for example, the Mini or Economy series) has a single-phase voltage of 220 V. For devices with a voltage of 380 V, a three-phase voltage is required.

For an ordinary household outlet, you can choose a low-power wall heater of the Economy or Mini class, which consumes no more than 3.5 kW. The power limit is calculated as follows: 16 A is the current in household outlets. With an average voltage of 220 V, we get the maximum power - 3520 W (220x16).

Despite the fact that the technical characteristics of mini- or economy boilers up to 12 kW allow connection to a single-phase power line, experts recommend connecting models from 6 kW to a power line of 380 W.

Before installing a wall-mounted electric boiler, a cable with a recommended cross-section of 1 mm and a design load of 8 A is drawn from the shield. Floor-standing boilers are more productive, owners of houses with a large area should choose this type of boilers.

Types of electric boilers

Depending on the class, purpose and performance, electric heating boilers are:

  • floor-standing and wall-mounted: the second device is more compact, which does not affect its performance;
  • single-phase (220 V) and three-phase (380 V): this indicator depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • single-circuit and double-circuit: the former will provide heating for a private house, the latter will also provide hot water in the tap;
  • Heating elements, induction and electrode.

Heating element boiler

The most common type. The wall-mounted apparatus is a tank in which several heating elements are placed. The choice of this mini-boiler is optimal for an apartment or a house, as it is economical due to the multi-stage control mechanism and is easy to maintain. Economy models are the cheapest compared to induction and electrode models. They are also used in conjunction with water heaters. The wall-mounted boiler has a manual mode and an automatic one. Selecting the latter sets the desired temperature at night. The disadvantage of heating elements can be attributed to the appearance of scale, which reduces performance, if not dealt with.

Often, a wall-mounted mini-boiler has a circulation pump to stimulate the movement of the coolant. In modern models, instead of water, it is permissible to use antifreeze.

Induction boiler

Consists of a small dielectric tube and a ferromagnetic rod. The coolant moves through the tube. The passing electric current heats the rod, which increases the temperature of the coolant. Many people make a choice in favor of such heating devices, since they are durable, compact and economical: thanks to the “soft start” function, they consume 2 times less electricity than heating elements. Their vulnerability is a complex control unit.

Electrode boiler

The so-called "direct action" unit, since there is no heating element. It heats up due to the flow of alternating electric current through the coolant with a frequency of 50 vibrations / second. Heating is carried out due to the rapid movement of water ions. Such an electric boiler is safe, since in the event of a system leak, it will automatically turn off.

The disadvantages include an increased requirement for water, which must have the required resistance. It is also necessary to periodically replace the electrodes, they dissolve over time. To avoid the risk of electric shock, heating with an electrode unit is possible only if there is a good grounding.

What should be considered when choosing and installing an electric boiler?

To determine which electric boiler is better to choose, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the estimated heating area of \u200b\u200bthe house, dacha, apartment;
  • type of premises;
  • weight and dimensions of the device;
  • operational period;
  • efficiency indicator;
  • price limit.

Installation method

Depending on the installation method, you can choose:

  • electric boiler with lower branch pipes (inlet and outlet);
  • electric boiler with a lower inlet pipe, an upper outlet pipe location.

Wall mounted mini boiler

An economy-class wall-mounted mini-boiler will perfectly heat the room, if the following nuances are also taken into account when installing it:

  • The meter can affect electricity consumption. It is advantageous to choose a multi-tariff electricity meter that takes into account the operation of the unit at night.
  • A pump off delay program is useful.
  • Having made a choice in favor of a circulation built-in pump, you can further increase the efficiency of the equipment by several percent. It increases the speed of movement of water in the system, heating a private house or apartment is faster.
  • The efficiency of the appliance can be increased by using pipes of a smaller diameter. The heating time of the water will decrease, therefore, the energy costs will decrease.
  • The performance of the equipment also depends on the type of control. For a private house, it is beneficial to take an economy-class wall-mounted appliance with an automatic control panel, since the automation increases the efficiency by 1/4.

But since mechanical control is considered more reliable, mechanically controlled boilers are the most optimal for long-term heating of rooms with a large area.

Rating of electric heating boilers - the choice of the best company

The most popular manufacturers of electric boilers:

  1. Protherm
  2. Vaillant
  3. Kospel
  4. Evberg
  5. Dakon

Domestic firms RusNit and EVAN are also popular.

Electric heating boilers - reviews

Alexander (Moscow)

The boiler was advised by a friend, so he took the already proven technique. It has been working without failures for 2 years. I do not recommend buying PROTHERM THERMOLINK S without a regulator, after installation, the savings became tangible, the advantages of this boiler increased.

Advantages: Not great. Fits well into the room

Disadvantages: Small noise during operation, which is not always audible

Marina (Rostov on Don)

Heating boiler Protherm Skat 24K

It is a pity that domestic manufacturers do not make such quality! Bought and forgot!

Advantages: Proterm uses high quality copper heating elements. Soft start system - the electric body does not turn on immediately at maximum power, but with a delay, which prolongs the service life. High-quality stainless steel heat exchangers. The ability to use not all heating elements for heating. The presence of a built-in circulation pump, while it is almost inaudible.

Disadvantages: EXPENSIVE! Quality comes at a price. Production in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - hence the price! A voltage regulator is required, otherwise you can forget about the guarantee.

When cold weather sets in, the owner of a private house faces the problem of heating the room. Due to many circumstances, sometimes it is not possible to conduct gas, so the question arises of purchasing electric heating systems. It is necessary to choose not only the optimal system that will warm up the entire space, but also the one that does not cost the pocket every time you have to take readings from the meters. In this regard, the best solution is an electric boiler. But the questions arise: Which electric boiler is the most economical? How to choose it? Several types of electric home heating should be considered.

Types and features

To begin with, such boilers have a lot of advantages.

  • Firstly, it is very convenient with its low weight, you do not have to spend a lot of time on its installation, since it is quite simple.
  • Secondly, it won't take up much space. And on top of that, it is a very inexpensive form of heating.
  • Another plus is its high security. If we take into account gas boilers, then they are still not so safe, there is a threat of explosion.
  • The electric boiler, however, is safe, does not emit odors and does not create noise. It is noteworthy that it has a temperature controller, that is, one more plus is convenience and comfort.

As for the economy: it depends on the type and model. There are so-called Heating elements boilers ... They work on the principle of a teapot, heating water. They stand out for a fairly low price. There are models that can be installed on the floor, and there are wall models. But it has long been known that scale accumulates on teapots. Heating elements are no exception. Due to this, the consumption of electricity is greatly increased.

Some electric batteries work on the principle of heating elements. Their heating covers a smaller area, but they are convenient for simple installation and beautiful design, creating an excellent warm climate. They do not heat the air itself, but walls and interior items. But the warm floor from such batteries is no longer possible. Such electric batteries have different power, therefore, for greater efficiency, you need to calculate the quadrature of the house and, depending on this, choose what power the device is in which room to put. Plus, it is better to choose non-liquid radiators with the ability to regulate the heating temperature.

There are also automated electric batteries, in which you can set the daily rate of electricity consumption, and they will work in a given mode. They are not so convenient to use for a private house.

There are also induction boilers. By the principle of operation, they are comparable to heating elements, but their advantage lies in the fact that they do not have heating systems. They work according to the following principle: An induction coil is located above the boiler system, which heats the water with the help of current. Thus, the boiler becomes universal in that it rarely breaks down - simply because there is virtually nothing to break down. Plus - in efficiency. It can work even at low voltage. And it also has a high level of security, so you can install it in any corner of a private house. The downside is its rather high price compared to the previous model. It is also a rather heavy structure, so such a boiler is mainly placed on the floor. And, it is important to note that the principle of the model is based on magnetic inertia, so it is better not to put household appliances nearby.

The third type is an electrode boiler ... In it, the heating system is built on injecting current through the entire coolant. It heats the water much faster, which gives it the title of "the most economical electric boiler". It is very compact, which makes it easy to install and save space. But there are also disadvantages here. You should pay attention to the fact that there are many factors affecting the energy saving with the help of such a boiler. It is necessary to choose the right radiator for it. There is also a phenomenon called electrolysis, that is, over time, the power decreases, and the system is airborne with rather poisonous gases. Quite complicated installation, so it is better to call a specialist. Well, in order to regulate the temperature, you will have to install additional equipment.

This type of boiler belongs to the "scorpion". Its principle is just built on the efficiency of electricity. Having collected the necessary energy, the "scorpion" automatically turns off, and again gets back into operation when the energy begins to fall. It can have both minimum and high power - this is also its advantage. In addition, the "scorpion" is silent and does not require any technical intervention. But there is such a copy, respectively. If we compare the electric batteries with the "scorpion" type boiler, then, in terms of economy, there is not much difference. Unless, if you have one boiler, it is much easier and easier to monitor the temperature and power, and, accordingly, the money spent on electricity. In addition, the "scorpion" has a high conversion rate of energy into heat.

Private home owners also face the problem of cold floors. Electric batteries or boilers warm up the air and interior items, but they can no longer cope with the floor.

The warm floor is water and electric. What is the difference? In the economy and the level of complexity of the installation. The water floor works by holding thin tubes in which warm water circulates. Electric - due to the transmission of electric current. If we compare both types, we can safely conclude that a water-heated floor is more economical, but with the condition of operation from a gas boiler or central heating. The only difficulty is that such a system is quite expensive to install, but under conditions of long-term use, it more than pays off.

An electric underfloor heating will be more economical to use in small areas of the house. It's pretty easy to install. Not so long ago, an infrared floor heating system appeared. It also runs on electricity, but consumes less electricity. This is achieved due to a larger heating area and a small thickness of the screed. In addition, the same electric floor can be more or less economical depending on the finish.

What to choose?

The most economical boiler is an electrode boiler, but with all the installation conditions being observed. You can save a lot on the scorpion electric boiler due to its operating mode. In addition, the "scorpion" has a power control function, which also goes to the advantages of efficiency. In small rooms, you can get by with electric batteries, the so-called convectors. On a large area of \u200b\u200ba private house, it is most economical to carry out heating from an electric boiler and a water heated floor.

Residents of houses, next to which there are main gas lines, have a number of advantages over other citizens. This is especially noticeable in the winter period, when gas heating boilers are started. The rest have to look for alternative heating methods.

Of course, the most affordable fuel is gas, at the same time, gas equipment is considered quite simple to operate. But what about those who do not have a gas main? Understand which electric boilers for the home are energy-saving in order to make heating your home with electricity affordable.

Positive qualities of electrical equipment

Electricity is becoming a popular power source for modern boilers. In this regard, many citizens are thinking about which electric boiler is the most economical to choose for the home. This state of affairs is associated with regular increases in light bills. However, in the presence of some disadvantages, an economical electric boiler has a sufficient number of advantages:

  • maximum autonomy of work;
  • reduced noise level during operation;
  • lack of harmful emissions;
  • minimum dimensions;
  • excellent environmental performance.

In addition, the equipment is less demanding during its installation, because there is no need to call special services to connect it. In this, electric heating energy-saving boilers compare favorably with gas equipment. During the installation process, even the most economical electric boiler does not need any extractor hood, as it and its analogues have no emissions. When setting the set operating parameters, the automation will maintain the operating range during the entire period of operation.

Read with this article: Electric heating of a private house

Varieties of modern models

World manufacturers offer buyers the following options for heating boilers:

  • electrode devices;
  • Heating elements;
  • induction units.

The first type uses electrodes in the design, lowered directly into a liquid heat carrier (water or antifreeze). In the process of work, the interaction of liquid and electricity occurs. Water splits into ions, moving towards the electrodes in a polar manner. The process occurs with the release of thermal energy, which is enough to warm up the liquid.

Such an economical electric boiler for heating needs periodic replacement of the electrodes. They dissolve during operation due to ionization.

Electrode heater

The second type uses a thermoelectric heater during operation. Temperature sensors and power controllers are used as additional equipment inside it.

Heating element boiler

The functioning of such a boiler is quite simple. Energy from the heat exchanger is transferred to a liquid (heat carrier), which is then redirected to the system. A negative factor in this process is the formation of scale on the inner surfaces. This negatively affects further operation.

Induction equipment

The third type is induction apparatus. This is one of the most economical electric boilers for home heating uses an inductor in its system, which provides energy to the coolant. The negative qualities of this variety are the significant size and high cost of the unit.

To choose the right electric heating energy-saving boiler, the following characteristics must be taken into account:

  • estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe heated room;
  • dedicated space for equipment installation;
  • financial limit for equipment;
  • estimated system life;
  • manufacturer's specified efficiency for the device.

VIDEO: What are the sellers of electric boilers silent about?

Distinctive features of the latest equipment

Modern energy-saving electric boilers for the home can not only consume small amounts of electricity, but also provide sufficient heating of rooms. This approach can be achieved due to the multistage equipment.

Before taking care of the installation of an economical electric boiler for heating a private house or apartment, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a new meter.

Such a meter must be multi-tariff. He will be able to reduce the cost of electricity used in the evening and at night. It will also be a useful option to turn off the postcirculation water pump when the equipment is shut down.

The most popular energy-saving electric heating boilers have a built-in circulation pump in their design. Due to this solution, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the system. The use of a pump provides an increase in the rate of passage of the coolant through the system, contributing to the rapid and efficient heating of the room.

By using a pipeline with a smaller diameter, it is possible to reduce the need for heating large masses of water, which also has a positive effect on the energy-saving properties of an electric heating boiler. At the same time, the rate of heating of the coolant is also increased with less energy consumption.

The most economical heating boiler is equipped with well-functioning automation. Thanks to it, an important synchronization of all processes taking place inside the apparatus is ensured. The use of automation allows you to raise the level of efficiency in some cases by 25-30%, in comparison with mechanics.

With this article they read: Choosing an electric boiler for heating a house of 50, 100 and 150 square meters

Most popular and affordable models

Choosing from budget-priced, economical electric boilers for heating a private house, you should pay attention to the Polish brand KOSPEL EKCO. For this equipment, the manufacturer has successfully reduced losses, bringing the efficiency to 97-98%. Three-phase models use the multi-stage principle. Both manual and automatic operating modes are used in the work.

Energy saving boilers KOSPEL EKCO

Russian "Galan" is also popular with buyers. They have three power levels, while it is possible to operate not only from three-phase power networks, but also from single-phase ones. When choosing which heater is the most economical, buyers often give preference to domestic equipment.

Induction devices are known under the brand name "SAV" and are also produced in Russia. Although their cost ranges from 30 to 150 thousand rubles, they find their fans. This is due to the high efficiency (up to 99%).

Energy saving boilers Galan

When choosing any type of heating, it is important to reduce heat loss in the room. For this, all possible methods of thermal insulation of the room are necessarily used, for example, the installation of energy-saving windows and doors.

VIDEO: Electric heating. An inexpensive way to heat your home

Which electric boiler is the most economical to choose for home

When cold weather sets in, the owner of a private house faces the problem of heating the room. Due to many circumstances, sometimes it is not possible to conduct gas, so the question arises of purchasing electric heating systems. It is necessary to choose not only the optimal system that will warm up the entire space, but also the one that does not cost the pocket every time you have to take readings from the meters. In this regard, the best solution is an electric boiler. But the questions arise: Which electric boiler is the most economical? How to choose it? Several types of electric home heating should be considered.

economical electric boilers for heating a private house

Types and features

To begin with, such boilers have a lot of advantages.

  • Firstly, it is very convenient with its low weight, you do not have to spend a lot of time on its installation, since it is quite simple.
  • Secondly, it won't take up much space. And on top of that, it is a very inexpensive form of heating.
  • Another plus is its high security. If we take into account gas boilers, then they are still not so safe, there is a threat of explosion.
  • The electric boiler, however, is safe, does not emit odors and does not create noise. It is noteworthy that it has a temperature controller, that is, one more plus is convenience and comfort.

As for the economy: it depends on the type and model. There are so-called heating boilers. They work on the principle of a teapot, heating water. They stand out for a fairly low price. There are models that can be installed on the floor, and there are wall models. But it has long been known that scale accumulates on teapots. Heating elements are no exception. Due to this, the consumption of electricity is greatly increased.

Heating element boiler

Some electric batteries work on the principle of heating elements. Their heating covers a smaller area, but they are convenient for simple installation and beautiful design, creating an excellent warm climate. They do not heat the air itself, but walls and interior items. But the warm floor from such batteries is no longer possible. Such electric batteries have different power, therefore, for greater efficiency, you need to calculate the quadrature of the house and, depending on this, choose what power the device is in which room to put. Plus, it is better to choose non-liquid radiators with the ability to regulate the heating temperature.

There are also induction boilers. By the principle of operation, they are comparable to heating elements, but their advantage lies in the fact that they do not have heating systems. They work according to the following principle: An induction coil is located above the boiler system, which heats the water with the help of current. Thus, the boiler becomes universal in that it rarely breaks down - simply because there is virtually nothing to break down. Plus - in efficiency. It can work even at low voltage. And it also has a high level of security, so you can install it in any corner of a private house. The downside is its rather high price compared to the previous model. It is also a rather heavy structure, so such a boiler is mainly placed on the floor. And, it is important to note that the principle of the model is based on magnetic inertia, so it is better not to put household appliances nearby.

Induction boiler

The third type is an electrode boiler. In it, the heating system is built on injecting current through the entire coolant. It heats the water much faster, which gives it the title of "the most economical electric boiler". It is very compact, which makes it easy to install and save space. But there are also disadvantages here. You should pay attention to the fact that there are many factors affecting the energy saving with the help of such a boiler. It is necessary to choose the right radiator for it. There is also a phenomenon called electrolysis, that is, over time, the power decreases, and the system is airborne with rather poisonous gases. Quite complicated installation, so it is better to call a specialist. Well, in order to regulate the temperature, you will have to install additional equipment.

Electrode boiler

This type of boiler belongs to the "scorpion". Its principle is just built on the efficiency of electricity. Having collected the necessary energy, the "scorpion" automatically turns off, and again gets back into operation when the energy begins to fall. It can have both minimum and high power - this is also its advantage. In addition, the "scorpion" is silent and does not require any technical intervention. But there is such a copy, respectively. If we compare the electric batteries with the "scorpion" type boiler, then, in terms of economy, there is not much difference. Unless, if you have one boiler, it is much easier and easier to monitor the temperature and power, and, accordingly, the money spent on electricity. In addition, the "scorpion" has a high conversion rate of energy into heat.

Warm floor as a type of heating

Private home owners also face the problem of cold floors. Electric batteries or boilers warm up the air and interior items, but they can no longer cope with the floor.

The warm floor is water and electric. What is the difference? In the economy and the level of complexity of the installation. The water floor works by holding thin tubes in which warm water circulates. Electric - due to the transmission of electric current. If we compare both types, we can safely conclude that a water-heated floor is more economical, but with the condition of operation from a gas boiler or central heating. The only difficulty is that such a system is quite expensive to install, but under conditions of long-term use, it more than pays off.

An electric underfloor heating will be more economical to use in small areas of the house. It's pretty easy to install. Not so long ago, an infrared floor heating system appeared. It also runs on electricity, but consumes less electricity. This is achieved due to a larger heating area and a small thickness of the screed. In addition, the same electric floor can be more or less economical depending on the finish.

What to choose?

The most economical boiler is an electrode boiler, but with all the installation conditions being observed. You can save a lot on the scorpion electric boiler due to its operating mode. In addition, the "scorpion" has a power control function, which also goes to the advantages of efficiency. In small rooms, you can get by with electric batteries, the so-called convectors. On a large area of \u200b\u200ba private house, it is most economical to carry out heating from an electric boiler and a water heated floor.

Economical electric boilers

Electric boilers can work according to different principles, while all energy consumption is proportional to the amount of heated coolant.

More recently, in one of the articles, we talked about double-circuit electric boilers. Today we will touch on the topic of economy. Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that everywhere there are promotions, benefits, everything is only the best, and for everyone. The same applies to heaters powered by the network. The counters of specialized stores are simply full of offers to buy economical electric boilers for heating a private house, only today and only for you at the best price. And what is typical, people believe.

Many people ask questions about the advisability of such an acquisition on the forums, some promote their products there, misleading people. But any person with a technical education will unequivocally tell you that such a concept as an economical boiler is not entirely correct. More precisely, it is not at all true. Let's see if this is really so.

Economical electric boiler for heating: myth or reality

Every potential owner of a mains-powered heater wants to buy a unit from the line with the proud name "economical electric boilers for heating a private house". And this is quite reasonable, because the network units are very gluttonous and the electricity bills come in quite large. The question is so urgent that many are trying to take advantage of the situation in their mercantile interests. See also: "How to choose an electric boiler."

Some manufacturers repeat like a mantra what kind of energy-saving electric heating boilers they make. The benefits promise simply colossal, it comes to the point that the efficiency of the units reaches as much as 400%. Incredibly, you might think, it is a sin not to take advantage of such a benefit.

In fact, economical electric heating boilers are a myth that, like a soap bubble, is deliberately inflated by enterprising and not always clean on hand marketers.

What is the deception? Everything is quite simple, there are laws of physics, which, although many scientists are trying to challenge, are still unsuccessful. One of the laws is the law of conservation of energy. It is better to call it the principle of conservation of energy, according to which energy passes from one state to another with full preservation of its value.

Based on this, we can conclude that even an allegedly energy-saving electric boiler for heating will give exactly as much energy as it consumes, no more, no less. In addition, when it is written in the product passports that the efficiency of the unit is 98% or 95% - all this is sheer nonsense. The efficiency of any heater is exactly 100%. We talked about the principle of operation of electric boilers last time.

It turns out that there can be no economical electric boilers for heating a priori. The method of converting electrical energy into heat and the speed of this process can only differ. The list of questions to ask when you are offered to buy the most economical electric boiler for heating:

  • whether errors were found in the law of conservation of energy;
  • whether Noether's theorem has been refuted;
  • whether the riddle of Nikola Tesla has been solved;
  • whether the developer received the Nobel Prize.

How does it work in practice? All electric heating boilers have exactly the same power consumption. To heat a liter of coolant by one degree, the boiler spends 0.001 kW of energy. The apparatus works as an intermediary. It takes energy from the network and converts it into heat, heating the water. How he does it does not matter. All the same, he will give exactly as much as he took, he will not leave himself anything. Even the small part that heats not the coolant, but the body, is still eventually transferred to the air. Why, then, did they come up with the term economical electric boiler for heating a private house?

Marketing and more marketing. If there is a choice between a simple unit and an economical electric heating boiler, which one would you prefer? Of course, the second. Considering the fact that this is a special device, then, naturally, the latest super-complex technologies were allegedly used for its production. They are very expensive and labor-intensive. It is no wonder that an economical electric boiler for heating a house will cost more, but then what benefit promises their owners. All this in order to increase sales. Oh, this wild capitalism that came to us from the west.

Superimposed on this is general illiteracy and unwillingness to understand the essence of the matter. On the contrary, it is said that this is an economical electric boiler for heating a house, which means that it is so, because no one wants to admit, even to himself, that he was simply cheated. People buy them, and then they strenuously look for benefits in exploitation and find them. It is interesting only on what their conclusions are based, if, most likely, the boiler bought by an economical one is the first in their practice and cannot be compared with anything.

Therefore, do not believe advertising, be skeptical and check everything to the smallest detail. If manufacturers really made such a breakthrough, then why are they silent about it? Let them declare their discovery to the whole world. For this they are promised not only the recognition of colleagues in the shop, but a significant monetary reward in the form of the "Nobel Prize".

How much does cheap home heating actually cost?

There is a separate article on how to draw up a heating plan for a one-story house. Interesting? Then click here.

Where you can really save

This is an induction electric boiler. According to the manufacturer, it is very economical.

As we have already determined, electric economical heating boilers for home were invented in order for you to buy them more willingly, while in fact there is no energy savings. But energy is not all that can be saved on. You can save:

  • place in the room;
  • its time;
  • your strength;
  • your nerve cells;
  • increase self-esteem.

Is it not enough? Therefore, perhaps you should look at the situation from the other side and it will change. It doesn't matter that, according to manufacturers, the units operate in an energy-saving mode, which is not the case, but there are other advantages. By using economical boilers for heating, you will win a few centimeters in the room, which you can distribute as you like. After all, it is profitable. It turns out that the most economical electric heating boiler, in this regard, should have the smallest dimensions.

Having connected the unit to the network, there is no need to worry that the firebox will run out of fuel, or that a gas leak will occur. Installation is simple, easy to turn on, there is a control unit that controls the operation of the device. You are calm and do not worry about anything, and this is also important. Also, economical boilers for heating do not need a chimney, the purchase and installation of which requires costs. Well, in the end, how not to brag to your friends about the purchase of a brand new, economical boiler? Thus, showing their entrepreneurship and advancement.

What are the benefits of inverter heating at home?

In practice, they even assemble heating using an induction cooker, which is also very profitable. Details here.

Only the installation of a two-tariff meter that separates the use of electricity at night and during the day will allow you to really save. Also, in tandem with a two-tariff meter, you can install a heat accumulator that will heat up at night. During the day, this reservoir gradually releases its heat into the heating system. Just keep in mind that in order for the effect to be felt, you need to choose the right size of the heat accumulator.

There are advantages, you just need to find them. Indeed, such boilers are good-looking, they are reliable and durable. Simply in fact, in their design, apart from far-fetched benefits, there is no real savings. This must be accepted and self-deception must be stopped.

Which electric boiler is the most economical

Recently, more and more attention is paid to the safety, compactness and environmental friendliness of heating equipment. The best indicators in this matter are models powered by electricity.

It can be used both independently and in combination with other heating devices. Today the most economical electric boiler is ionic.

It consumes 30% less energy than similar devices of other types.

Features of electric boilers

Modern heating devices are of a fairly simple design. The most popular among them are:

  • Electrode (ionic)
  • Heating elements

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, in heating elements, the main element is a container, inside which a heater (heat exchanger) is fixed. The control and regulation functions in such boilers are carried out by a special automation unit.

Usually, economical electric heating boilers for installation only require an electrical network, which avoids unnecessary costs for chimney and exhaust equipment.

Another advantage is their low cost, but real tangible cost savings can only be achieved with a careful approach.

How to choose the right one

The main criterion is power. It is calculated using mathematical formulas, but very often averaged values \u200b\u200bare taken as the basis. Based on them, the power of an electric boiler must be at least 1 kW per 10 m².

But this data is accepted only for single-circuit boilers, if it is necessary to prepare hot water, the value must be increased. Also, the possibility of connecting it has a great influence on the choice of model.

If the power of the boiler is small, then it can operate from a single-phase network.

More powerful devices require three-phase equipment, but there are also samples that can be connected to any of the available ones. There is a difference between the various models in the configuration and, accordingly, the price.

Ionic electric heating boilers are in the greatest demand; they are economical and equipped with:

  • Circulation pump
  • Security systems
  • Remote programmer
  • Expansion tank

The presence of nodes that expand the capabilities of the boiler during the off-season can significantly reduce the electricity consumption of an electric boiler, which makes such models the most economical. Consider the functional features of devices from various manufacturers and determine which electric boiler is the most economical.

The best known are the products of the Protherm company. It is represented by a wide range of models and has an ideal combination of price and quality.

These boilers are among the most reliable and are in demand not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Most of the devices are intended for use in residential buildings. They have technical stability and original design solutions. All devices have an intuitive control panel, compact dimensions and can be installed in any room.

Protherm boilers can be connected not only to heating systems, but also to a warm floor. They are available in wall and floor versions, the latter having a 110 liter boiler.

The power range varies from 6 to 28 kW. Most of the models operate on a mains voltage of 380 V, but there are also those optimized for 220 V. The boiler equipment includes a pump and an automatic diagnostic system, there is an input for a boiler and a convenient liquid crystal display.

The Russian manufacturer offers an economical electric boiler of the Evan brand. It has high reliability and quiet operation. Heating elements are controlled in them using a seven-meter unit. The unique design of the heat exchanger guarantees high reliability and complete absence of leaks. It is designed as a one-piece, seamless piece.

Equipping boilers with circulation pumps and an expansion tank significantly increases their capabilities, and a modern microprocessor unit and a multi-level security system make their operation reliable and completely safe. Heating modes are selected according to external conditions, which allows to reduce the load on the electrical network and reduce heating costs.

Another well-known Dakon brand. An economical boiler from this manufacturer has a capacity of 4 to 60 kW. A multi-stage circulation pump made in Germany is included as standard.

Each device has:

  • Water pressure gauge
  • Safety valve
  • Filter

Some modifications have a built-in expansion tank, samples with a power of up to 12 kW can be connected both to a network with a voltage of 380 V and 220 V.

Having considered the models of heating devices from different manufacturers, we can conclude that there are no big differences in their design. All of them are equipped with modern security systems and are multi-stage, which allows them to be used most efficiently and economically when heating small rooms.

Price difference?

The products of the Slovak manufacturer have not only an attractive design and high quality, but also a reasonable price. Electric boilers Proterm, depending on their capacity, cost from 700 to 800 euros, which is much cheaper than gas appliances.

Evan's equipment from a Russian manufacturer is in a wider price range, ranging from 400 to 1000 euros.

And the most expensive, among the models considered, are boilers from the Czech company Dakon. They are sold in the Russian construction market at a cost of 700 to 1300 euros.

Comparing the technical characteristics and cost of each of the models, we can conclude in favor of the products from the Protherm company. It is not only the world market leader in quality, but also the cost of its boilers is much lower than for similar products from other manufacturers. Therefore, if you are looking for the most economical electric boiler, then pay attention to electric boilers from a Slovak manufacturer.

The most cost-effective

For so long a man used to heat his house with wood. Then solid fuel boilers appeared, which were available only to the wealthiest. But they have already been replaced by gas, and then electric models, which are the most modern.

All manufactured economical electric boilers are equipped with a control unit that allows you to select the optimal operating mode and set the required temperature for the coolant. Many of them today are equipped with a circulation pump, an expansion tank and a security system, which has significantly increased the capabilities of the equipment.

Heat accumulator for heating boilers


There can be only one answer: the most popular and demanded today are still energy-saving electric heating boilers. The indicators of convenience and practicality of these devices are of the highest level, therefore, these mechanisms are deservedly appreciated among consumers.

Their work is based on the use of electricity, so that the room can be heated even without the participation of the owners. The performance of these devices is very high, they have a lot of positive characteristics. Therefore, you should consider in more detail the features of this equipment and answer the question of which electric boiler is the most economical (read also: "").

If we talk about what are the most economical electric heating boilers today, then these are certainly devices called induction. However, this type of equipment has not yet become widespread due to the fact that only a few manufacturers are engaged in its manufacture. The best option in terms of price-quality ratio is energy-saving ionic electric boilers operating on the principle of electronic heating.

An equally important factor is the method of connecting to the electrical network, since the requirements for the electrical supply network must be taken into account even before purchasing the desired model. It is important to make sure in advance whether it is possible to lay a line with a power of 380V. In the event that this cannot be done, then you will have to choose that economical electric heating boiler that is capable of operating from a standard network.

Another condition to which special attention should be paid is the efficiency of the equipment. Depending on the type of model, you can choose an economical electric boiler with one or another power. So, a standard energy-saving electric heating boiler has an indicator of 6 to 12 kW, but there are also more powerful samples, the performance of which reaches 300 kW.

A very important factor when choosing a boiler is the number of circuits. It is worth remembering that single-circuit devices are used only for heating, while using double-circuit boilers, you can also heat water.

Many models are equipped with modern automation that allows you to control the operation of equipment from a distance, and this happens thanks to thermostats installed in the premises and outdoors.

Immediately before purchasing a boiler, it is very important to make sure that the device fully complies with the pre-set requirements for it and can be used in a specific room. If you wish, you can always study in detail the photos of the samples, which are always available from the representatives supplying this equipment.

Characteristics of single-circuit electric boilers

Such economical electric boilers are perfect for use in private homes. The energy consumption in them is aimed exclusively at heating the heat carrier, therefore their power does not differ from the indicator previously presented by the manufacturer.

The main advantages of such boilers are as follows:
  • excellent performance indicator. The coolant in such a device heats up very quickly, and the energy consumption is less;
  • convenient size. Such electric heating boilers - economical or, on the contrary, very powerful - are extremely compact;
  • the ability to heat even a large structure, despite its small size.

Types of double-circuit electric boilers

The main difference between single-circuit ones is that the latter also have an additional function of heating water. So, this equipment is usually distinguished according to the type of heating and the method of storing heated water.

Therefore, there are two categories of such boilers:
  1. Flow devices. These mechanisms are equipped with a special heating element through which water flows. The main disadvantage of such equipment is that many factors affect the temperature during the heating process, as a result of which this parameter is constantly changing, and this, in turn, is the cause of additional energy consumption.
  2. Cumulative models. These samples are much better suited for private homes, they are more economical and allow you to have hot water on a regular basis. Their principle of operation is similar to that of a standard boiler (read also: "
  3. the process is very fast, and the work itself is not difficult. The requirements for the operation of these mechanisms are very similar to the recommendations for working with a boiler.
  4. It should be noted that an electric heating boiler is an excellent replacement for any gas appliance (read also: ""). With its help, you can quickly and comfortably heat the whole house, and the process of this work does not require any special skills.