Conspiracies that work instantly. Instant love spell

Everything about religion and faith - "when the prayer conspiracy begins to operate" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

If you decide to perform a magical rite, but do not want to wait long for the result, use conspiracies that act instantly. These are the most powerful options for magical effects. We share effective and proven folk ways.

For the conspiracy to work accurately, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Read conspiracies for the growing moon. During this period of time, the lunar energy reaches its peak and very powerfully affects the result of the magical rite.
  2. Memorize the text of the conspiracy in advance. This is necessary so that at the right moment you can clearly and without the slightest hesitation read the words important for the magical rite.
  3. Read conspiracies only with good intentions. If through the rite you want to harm someone, evil will return to you many times
  4. Believe that the conspiracy will definitely work. Doubts and fears get in the way and make it difficult to fulfill the request you are sending

Gunpowder conspiracy

This conspiracy option helps to get rid of health problems. Use it if you suffer from severe headaches or toothaches. This ceremony is a kind of "first aid" that will instantly heal you from physical suffering.

You will need a box of matches. Empty them out and use a knife to scrape the black powder off the heads. Place the collected gunpowder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing safety precautions, light the gunpowder and quickly pronounce the conspiracy:

Wait until the powder is completely extinguished. After that, the pain will begin to subside and should disappear completely within a few minutes.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

This conspiracy option is used if luck has turned away. Use it in order to return luck to your life and quickly cope with a series of failures, solve unforeseen problems.

Also, a conspiracy helps to win the lottery, successfully pass an exam or pass an interview. Use it whenever you need to arm yourself with luck.

Prepare a small piece of paper and write the words of the conspiracy on it:

Then roll the sheet into a tube and tie or glue it in such a way that it does not unfold. Use a safety pin to fasten the charmed piece of paper to your clothes so that it is invisible.

At the moment when you need to call on luck for help, touch your hand to the place of clothing where the paper is fastened and ask for help. At this moment, the conspiracy should take effect instantly.

Conspiracy from the evil eye

This conspiracy option should be used immediately when you suspect that someone has jinxed you. If you felt that you were envied, or someone in their hearts wished badly, also use this conspiracy.

To cleanse yourself of negative energy and remove bad libel, bring holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is desirable that it was previously used in the bath.

Pour holy water on the broom and start clapping yourself with it, saying the magic words of the conspiracy:

After completing the ceremony, sprinkle holy water on your face and wipe yourself off with the hem of the clothes you are currently wearing. Drink the rest of the water and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. At this, the ceremony is considered complete, and the evil eye should go away instantly.

Instant money conspiracy

Use this conspiracy if you need money or want to increase income, get quick profits. It acts instantly and helps to bring the financial situation back to normal.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of yellow metal, so you can use coins in denominations of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait until midnight in a day when the moon is in a waning phase. Then head outside and exit at a deserted intersection.

Stand by the road, take the coins in your palm. Extend your arm so that the moonlight hits your arm. Then read the text of the conspiracy:

You need to repeat the sacred words three times. After completing the ceremony, immediately go home. Put the charmed coins into your wallet. The conspiracy will take effect instantly - you only need to spend money on the right thing. From this moment on, the magical effect will begin to gain its strength, and in a month you will forget about financial problems.

A conspiracy to quickly accumulate money

This conspiracy option is suitable if you are going to make a large purchase, but cannot save money for it in any way.

Prepare a banknote - the larger it is, the more effective the conspiracy will work. You also need to purchase a piggy bank - it must be new and evoke positive emotions in you.

Wait for Wednesday and at night, with the onset of midnight, put the bill into the piggy bank, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

The magic words must be said three times. After the ceremony, put the piggy bank in a prominent place. You will need to put money there every day, at least one coin at a time.

But most likely you will be more generous, start putting enough money in your piggy bank, and as a result, you will quickly save money for the desired thing. At the same time, more money than usual will start to appear in your life.

Important: a positive attitude is necessary for conspiracies to work. Try to get rid of emotions such as anger, resentment, envy, greed. Concentrate on good, joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the action of the conspiracy will not be long in coming.

You really need to be guided by the moon. For example, I was convinced many times that on the growing moon you need to do what you would like to happen, and on the waning one do some actions to get rid of something. For example, when I didn’t look at the moon and cut my hair, my hair didn’t grow normally for a long time, and I worried afterwards. Now I pay attention to the moon. Or plant plants, which are also better growing. And to get rid of the negative of course on the waning of the moon.

The most basic thing in any conspiracy is belief in him. If a person really believes in him, then the conspiracy will come true. And the best thing is to do something else to fulfill it.

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Why don't conspiracies work?

For a start, about conspiracies.

There are old conspiracies that help, regardless of whether you believe in this kind of help or not.

In our area, you can most often find such conspiracies in Old Slavonic or Surzhik (a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian languages), less often in Latin. Often words are difficult to pronounce, but such conspiracies cannot be changed. The principle of operation is such that words are sound waves that change energy fields, if they are read on water, the structure of water changes. I'm not a physicist, but I hope the meaning is clear. And this has already been proven by science.

These conspiracies do not become outdated, no matter how ridiculous they sound - these are not clothes that go out of fashion and the moth does not eat them. Example: simple conspiracies for trade work great on online commerce, even on partner stores "banned" by Yandex (just open your store's website and read conspiracies on it, splash water on the monitor - the result will be in two weeks).

In addition to pronouncing these conspiracies, the prescribed rituals must be observed. Why - I can not explain, but the conspiracy will not work or will not work soon. Example:

A conspiracy from barley.

It is necessary to put the patient in a free corner or to become himself, if you are ill yourself. The patient's hands are at the seams, eyes are closed (you cannot open), you cannot talk and laugh. You BAPTIZE the sore eye with the FIGURE of your right hand continuously until you read the plot 9 times: “Barley, barley, you have a fig. What you want is what you buy for it. Buy yourself a hatchet, cut yourself across. " Read quickly, quietly. When you read it, you need to move the patient out of the corner and really, not symbolically, spit into the corner. The conspiracy, if everything is done correctly, will work the next morning, completely regardless of whether you believe or believe the one who was being treated. If you mix up the words, forget to spit or something else, it will not work at all, or it will work in three days.

Where to get such conspiracies to really work? Now I do not know. But even under the Soviet Union and up to 2000, one could find books on sale indicating the sources used, these are either pre-revolutionary printed publications or handwritten ones.

It seems that both the beginning and the end are like the old ones, there are even key words (like “blood is not can”). But there is no such combination that creates a certain sound vibration that affects the space. Such conspiracies are quite easy to read, they are often in poetic form, the meaning is perfectly captured. Just say the old conspiracy and "fresh" out loud, and you will understand the difference. Here, in order for the conspiracy to work, you need to apply a lot of strength and energy, and sacredly believe in the action of this very conspiracy. It's easier to draw up a conspiracy yourself, you can in any form. It will be yours personally, "under your energy", will work for sure and faster than "someone else's". But this is no longer from “village magic”, but completely from “another opera”. Here, the technicians of the SIMORON school or the like can come to the rescue. It will not hurt to get acquainted.

The site contains both those and other conspiracies (I did not find the original - I printed it in a modern "processing").

Faith is indispensable here. But this is not difficult to do. God is a Father who loves everyone, who helps everyone and forgives everything. And you shouldn't blame God for all your troubles and consider it “God's punishment”. We still have our will and the spark of God, and we ourselves create problems for ourselves, well, or others "help". Prayer is always helpful if you truly believe.

How are prayers and conspiracies linked? Sin or not sin?

Probably no one knows the correct answer. The Bible has been rewritten hundreds of times, every Ecumenical Council. And until the 15th century, it was believed that a woman does not have a soul, although in the initial versions a woman is the progenitor, and slavery is a common thing. What can we say about conspiracies. Many church rituals were transferred from paganism, all holidays are timed to coincide with pagan dates. In 1990, in Kiev in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, I bought the book "The Magic of Kindness: People's Redemption and Whispering" with indication of handwritten sources. Either such books were sold in the church out of ignorance of the priests (then under the Soviet Union), or the rules in the church changed. But I did buy this book at the temple.

And so, why do not conspiracies work, if we do everything right?

There are a lot of options. First, there may be opposition to your action. If everything collapses like a house of cards, there is no question of any luck and love - check if you have damage, the evil eye, etc., but it is better to immediately "pour it on wax" - this will not hurt and will help determine. This is not such a rare occurrence, they can do harm even without the use of magical rituals, but with envy, hatred and curses. In general, damage is widespread in trade. Not to harm competitors, how is that? Especially if they trade on the market, and even have a falling out.

Another option. You want to influence some person, but nothing works for you, be it a love spell or the debtor does not repay the debt, etc. Absolutely any person should NOT be subordinated to their will. The reasons are different: a person has a talisman, he is very strong energetically, he has a strong guardian angel, etc. Maybe the same amulet on you (grandmother prayed) and your strong guardian angel, who protects you from this person. In addition, a love spell is a love spell, but you should not hope that he or she will come up and rush to your neck, especially if you have not previously had a love relationship with this person. Loves and is silent, can you see it in the eyes? You also need to make some kind of body movements to meet this person!

You can not discount FATE. You do not succeed in some business, conspiracies do not help - you may have a completely different purpose in life and a different path, they just tell you, but you will persist - you will only fill up the bumps and get sick. Girls often fail to get married when they feel like it. Are you sure that your fate is not a late marriage? There is nothing wrong. It will be bad if you do get married using love spells and rituals of changing fate - in the end you will get divorced and life will not be sweet, and God forbid that the intended good husband does not go anywhere. How to find out the fate? Yes, just make up a personal detailed horoscope (this is the simplest option), you can find free services on the Internet, but for those who know at least a little about this.

The buzzword is "karma". This is when you pay for the sins of your own or your ancestors. Everything can be prayed for with sincere repentance and not repeating past mistakes. God is merciful. And in this case, it is not the "cleansing of karma" that will help better, but prayer.

All of the above is my personal opinion. You may have the exact opposite. I won't argue. Each person's situation is somewhat unique. Just analyze the current situation "from a different angle" and you will surely find the answer and solution to the problems.

Sincerely. Oksana.

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When the conspiracy comes into play

Many newbies wonder when does a conspiracy start to take place? There are a number of rituals in which the duration of spells is clearly specified, but all others have a vague framework of action. No magician can give an exact date for the validity of some of the rites. And there are objective reasons for this. You need to look for them in the person himself, and not in external circumstances.

The first signs that the conspiracy was successful

As a rule, with the correct performance of a magical rite, several general signs of a successful conspiracy can be distinguished. They are universal and indicate an imminent result:

  • Any valuable find a few days after the ceremony. This is the most obvious sign. By itself, the thing found does not mean anything, then the fact of the find suggests that the conspiracy has begun to work.
  • A sudden meeting with a person whom the performer has not seen for a very long time. The time of separation from this person is more than half of the performer's life. For example, the performer is 30 years old, and he met a classmate whom he had not seen for more than 16 years.
  • If a love conspiracy was carried out, then an unexpected call or meeting with the person being spoken about, from which a pleasant memory will remain.
  • A dream in which a person sees blood on himself - his own or someone else's.
  • Leaving and sludge from the home of a pet. This is rare, but this is due to the fact that animals sense magic and try to escape from it. After the magic ends, the animals usually return.
  • Good news that will affect human well-being. For example, about an inheritance, a bonus, a gift.

The duration of the conspiracy

Some naively believe that magical rites last forever. In fact, the conspiracy usually lasts no more than a year. But there are a number of rituals in which the text has a precise date of action. For example, "Three years", "Five winters", "Before sunrise". In the rite itself, you need to look for the time frame of action. A person should also remember that too long a conspiracy is a threat to the performer.

For example, a conspiracy for money was carried out, it gave the desired result, but money is only increasing every day. If such an action lasts more than a year, then it is necessary to urgently perform a ritual of purification. Because the power of the conspiracy is out of control, it grows and multiplies. If this is not stopped, then sooner or later, she will turn against the performer at one point. And the results of this are capable of destroying everything that a person has acquired in an instant.

The duration of the conspiracy, although a conditional thing, has boundaries. You just need to carefully study and analyze a specific conspiracy, its text. It usually gives the answer when the conspiracy begins. Let us repeat that only the desire and striving of a person for something are the main movable forces of magic. Without personal aspiration, it is harmless and practically ineffective.

Hello Olga, I really ask you to tell me a conspiracy or a specific ritual that can be performed by a person who is not initiated into magic 5 years ago I opened a cleaning services company for 5 years now I have been making ends meet, although competitors have very well bypassed all the magicians in Almaty if you can help the magicians from Almaty, I no longer believe this fruitless siphoning of money Irina

Does a conspiracy for weight loss work for a quick? Or can a simple person create a conspiracy what conspiracies are suitable?

Olga, tell me please, but conspiracies about the chest also give not an eternal result?

Hello! But if, after the conspiracy, things began to appear suddenly, people began to appear, with whom they had no connection for a long time, but there is no result itself? What does it mean? Does not work? Or should I wait?

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Greetings, my dear reader. My name is Olga, I do magic and conspiracies.

My grandmother passed on her skill to me, part of the conspiracies and love spells that you will read here were used by her for magical purposes.

Now, in the turbulent age of the development of the Internet, many types of magic spells, conspiracies and love spells will be available to you. I am happy to share effective ways to attract good luck, wealth, money, love, and more. Thank you for coming to my site!

10 secrets to know when reading conspiracies

Conspiracies are a form of magic spells(more Slavic), who should be slanderous about something or someone.

More precisely, these are such verbal formulas, the structure of the construction and the meaning of which, with the pronunciation, are aimed at achieving some specific goals.

Simply put, it is just a phrase, or a series of phrases, united by one meaning, like in verses or prayers.

This potential can be called an egregor - a kind of energy clot, tuned in to receive and return energy to those who pronounce this egregor words.

These are always words in a strictly defined order and you cannot change them, otherwise the conspiracy will not work.

According to the will of ancient sorcerers and magicians, conspiracies are like monuments of a prophetic magic word that contains a terrible power. This power should not be awakened unless absolutely necessary, so as not to incur disaster.

The same applies to any verbal rituals, including prayers: any prayer is said only when it is needed and only in order to achieve some goal (to ask for something from God).

Don't wake up a dragon that can eat you unnecessarily. In order for the conspiracy to activate and work correctly, it is necessary to observe at least the basic rules common to all conspiracies. Let's take them apart right now.

By thinking about the meaning and purpose of words, you send your energy and conspiracy to the point of destination, to the goal. Once the goal is reached, the words will begin to work. After saying the last word, hold your breath for a couple of seconds. It happens that the conspiracies are very long and there is not enough breath. In this case, you need to inhale-exhale again and continue the plot. This is done until the very end.

By and large, the meaning of rituals with the pronunciation of magic words is to control all processes. In this matter, breath control is needed not least as well as thought control. To control the power of a conspiracy, you must understand and control the entire magical process, every thought and action.

Excessive desire for a result is just as destructive. The latter can cause the action of the balancing forces of nature, which will either reduce all your efforts to nothing, or remove the irritant: they will hit the forehead of the disturber of balance and tranquility. The latter is easier for them and less energy consuming than dissolving your energy surges.

You must infallibly believe that your words will work. You need to feel your strengths, believe in them, feel like a magician. Faith is needed for tuning, plus it increases self-esteem without any tangible arguments that the other person always needs to first get and see. And you are working with the invisible. Faith helps to gather strength "into a fist."

If you do not know how to pump words with energy mentally, read in a voice, confidently and loudly, try to give all the energy of your voice to the spoken word. Ideally, you should feel a little tired after the plot. This means that you have invested enough energy in the conspiracy. The concept of sufficiency in such a matter is, of course, relative, because you are able to do only what you can at a given level of development, how skillful and strong you are today. But the more effort you put in and the more responsible you approach the matter, the more tangible the result you will get in the end.

If you pronounce conspiracies while sitting, their effect will be much lower, because the current of energy is refracted. Plus, in a sitting position, many muscle groups are in a relaxed state, which also weakens the general energy background.

However, excessive stress is also harmful, and from habit, discomfort can completely knock the setting down. To tune in to something, you need to relax a little. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, watch your feelings and try to stick to a certain golden mean. A harmonious state of both internal (mental) and external (physical) sensations is the key to the successful conduct of any magical ritual.

For each individual conspiracy, something can change. It all depends on the situation and the specific task. And this is already learned with experience. Therefore, always learn and learn new things. This is the guarantee of your own well-being, magical literacy and competence in dealing with ancient forces.

Try it, but be alert and careful to use what you don't understand. Good luck!

For the sake of love, people are ready to do anything. It seems that there is enough strength to move mountains and go through the largest deserts in the world. It is real pleasure and happiness when your loved one responds to your feelings, but what if the one you love with all your heart does not want to be with you? This brings unbearable torment. It seems that life is over, and nothing bright and good awaits ahead. Is there a way out of such a difficult situation? Yes, it certainly is, only now, not everyone will have the courage to try to get out of the situation in this way. Now we are talking about a love spell.

Bring back the love of her husband

To regain your husband's love, go out on a clear moonlit night to the fence of your house. Stand facing the moon and lock both hands in front of your chest. Speak the conspiracy quietly, but firmly, without stopping or stumbling in words: Mother my Moon, you live on soft clouds, in stellar heavenly chambers. I will obey you, I will bow to your belt. Take all my melancholy, adjust it to my husband’s temple, let him think about me, suffer, never forget night and day, dry up, yearn for me, for his married wife. My charm, charm, grow, like dough, grow stronger, rise, throw yourself at the servant of God (name). Let him cry and grieve without me, like a dove circling a dove, it would be sweeter than wine, hotter than fire, and he would have been with me all his life. My word is strong, my work is fashionable. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell through dew

Love, created on the dew on the day of Ivan Kupala, will never pass. Collect this dew on July 7th. To do this, you should get up very early and be in the field and in the forest until dawn. They collect dew in a vessel from which no one has ever drank. Collect dew from leaves, bushes and grass directly into a new bowl. Then you will be surprised at how much dew there is at this time. Having collected the dew, stand facing the sunrise, crossing yourself three times, wash your face, chest and knees with dew. Then say loudly, loudly and confidently: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Doseleva was half dry in the water during the reign of King Agryan. Water descends from heaven, and in heaven the Lord God ecu. You, Ivan Kupala, bring dew, tears, longing, dryness for me, for God's servant (name), for God's servant (name). I wash Lanita with dew, I open my passionate love. I, God's servant (name), with God's servant (name) are eternal and endless. And as long as there is dew in God's world, no one will tear our bodies apart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of the bride for a successful marriage

On the eve of the wedding, the bride must read this conspiracy three times. You need to read like this:
Mistress Theotokos, Queen of Heaven, deliver me in my marriage, save and have mercy on me from my husband's beating, from the anger of my mother-in-law, from my sister-in-law's abuse, from illness and poverty, from jealousy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

For love

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the light. More beautiful, better than me anywhere. I will go into an open field, into a wide expanse, there I will find 77 stone ovens. On those stoves there are fiery orgs, hot orgs, oohs, sighs, love flurries: 77 oohs, 77 sighs, ahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love languor and impatience. Get up, go, look for the servant of God (name), drag him, lead him to me, to the servant of God (name). I will fill him, I will lure him, I will take him as my betrothed. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself at his heart and liver. He would have thought about me, would not forget, would not drink or drink, he would miss, yearn, cry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), lament with bitter tears, but when he sees, so that he will not let go of himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Love conspiracy for 12 years

On the Savoy Mountain, at its height, an irontooth oak grows. On that oak there is a hollow, round and large; in that hollow there is an expensive place. There is a bed on that expensive spot. No one should lie on the cramped bed. And there lies longing, the enemy's strength. All who approached her, she dried up all. Oh you, yearning longing, dry dryness, call you, longing, all your kind, you collect, longing, all your fruit, from old to small, from fathers-mothers, from grandfathers, great-grandfathers, from grandchildren-great-grandchildren, from gossip- darlings. All of you, dryness, aches, get up, go, find the servant of God (name), dry him, break him, thrust him into his heart: melancholy, dryness, dryness, suffering, jealousy, attention, love for me, for God's servant (name) ... If he lived, he would grieve, he would walk around - he kept in mind, he slept at night - he saw in a dream, he took me by the hand, he hugged me with his other hand, pressed me to his heart, kissed me on the lips, for 12 God years he wept and suffered for me, no didn’t forget one minute. As I said, I punished. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From girlish loneliness

Go to Pokrov on the balcony or outside, so that you are standing in the open air. Raise both hands to heaven and say: Bride Bride, Queen of Heaven, lead me out of the brides, take off the heavy cross from me, bless me on the crown. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Usually a girl gets married the same year. This ceremony is carried out in secret, all alone.

For loyalty and love

Let your hair down, barefoot and without any belts, stand facing your doorstep, but not outside, but inside the apartment. Bow and read: Father the brownie, call my husband home. Call him on the threshold: in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, on a black moonlit night, on a black moonless night. Send you nine winds, nine vortices after him. Let them find him, at least walking, at least standing or sleeping, or drinking, or after a hedgehog. Meet him in front, shoot him in his heart with anguish. So that he could neither live, nor be, nor daytime, nor spend the night with my rival (name). He would have kept me on his mind, he would have seen me in a short dream. As this threshold always stands in its place, dries and crackles, so my husband (name) would stand in front of me, crackling, squealing, drying. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
To be happy in marriage, they pray to the holy martyr Tryphon: “O holy martyr Tryphon of Christ, an early helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, a hasty representative! Hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory in every place.
You, the servitor of Christ, yourself promised ecu, before your exodus from your life of perishable, pray for us to the Lord and ask for this gift from Him: and whoever, in any need and sorrow by his calls, begins your holy name, let him be delivered evil from every preposition. And as if you sometimes the Tsarev's daughter in Rome with the city of the devil tortured ecu, save us from his fierce intrigues all the days of our belly, especially on the strange day of our last breath, stand before us, when in darkness the ghosts of crafty demons surround and frighten us : wake us then a helper and a quick exorcist of wicked demons, and the leader of the Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now coming from the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that let us be partakers of the everlasting joy of joy, so that with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

From any parting with a loved one

Grab a live fish with your hand right in the water and say: As a fish cannot live without water, as a person cannot live without food, so that my dear, God's servant (name), could not live without me, God's servant (name), could never leave me farther. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Strong love conspiracy

Read on drink and food: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To the icon with the face, to the rival with the ridge, to the husband, the servant of God, with the shoulder. He would love me and not look enough, said that he was with me, not talk enough, sleep with me, but not sleep enough, kiss me, but not kiss me. As a hungry man thinks about food, so my husband would dream about me, about his married wife, God's servant (name). Be you, my words, picky, my speeches, be persuasive. To my words a key and a lock. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong conspiracy for love

God's house. God's threshold. The throne of God. The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable. Go, longing, to every hair, to the servant of God (name), to his crown, to his temple, to the liver and heart, to the blood and to the vein, to all his joints, to all his thoughts, thoughts, to his chest white, ruddy cheeks, for lust and sighs. He would not fall asleep to sleep, he would not eat. Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind. Twist his brains so that he does not eat, does not sit, does not lie, but rushes to me from everywhere and runs. The locks will not hold him, the bolts will not stop him. Lyubushka-darlings will not cajole, aunts will not persuade, uncles are not at once mints. All he would have kept me, the servant of God (name), in my head, would not let go of my mind. Let him hear my voice everywhere, without me he does not breathe clean air. As a fish dies on the shore without water, grass without mother earth dries up, there is no sky without clouds, so let the servant of God (name) never forget me with anyone. And whoever treats him will get tired from the first day. Amen.

Strong love spell

Place three candles on a new white tablecloth. They recite the spell three times and extinguish one candle after each time. When all three candles have been extinguished, tie them together and light them again so that nothing remains of the candles. Chad, let the smoke out the window, let them leave with a spell. O Eternal Lord, I pray to You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impassable fence, an insurmountable longing. The depth is three fathoms of the earth, the height is of immeasurable height, and the anguish of immense depth. Lock up, Lord, and block, so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another friend for himself. Close it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy words for love

They read through the open door of the stove as soon as the wood is on fire: Dym Dymovich, Wind Vetrovich, do not fall either on the water or on the ground. Fall on the servant of God (name), on the zealous heart. As the smoke in the furnace wriggles, so the servant of God (name) about the servant of God (name) wind, wriggle around. My words will be strong and molded. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. Amen. Read three times.

For ardent love (very strong love spell)

Made with salt. They read it holding the salt in a salt shaker in their right hand. They read the nine morning dawns in this way, while the stoves are not yet heated and no one has washed or eaten in the house. On the tenth day, this salt is used to salt food to their sweetheart. Never a single woman after this love spell will interest your husband. Oh my God. I will sigh heavily, shake my violent head. Get out of the cemetery, longing, come, find, attack the servant of God (name), so that without longing for me, for his married, lawful wife, he does not sleep, does not get up, don’t lie, don’t remember his father and mother, but me, servant of God (name), never to forget. As pain does not allow you to forget about yourself in the body, as you can never forget bread and salt, the nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, take away from all widowers and widows, from abandoned orphans and young women, all their hot tears. Turn them into salt, turn them, turn them, fall on my salt in my right hand, enter the body of the servant of God (name) with food. Be there, and live there. Let him be sad without me and toil. It rushes to all four corners. Meet him, winds, at least walking or at least standing. Take the soul out of it, drink the blood from it, push it into the back with a twist. All to me, God's servant (name), see off, drive and send: from oak tables, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread is my friend, salt is my mother. There is no one who can break my conspiracy. And the servant of God (name) is forever, from now on I will finish so that I (name) will not be forgotten. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love conspiracies and spells (a conspiracy that is valid until death)

Three commemorations are served on one day, in three churches at the same time for the repose and for the health of the one who needs to be dried. Then they go to a place where the wind blows, and there they throw the earth, brought in advance from the cemetery, from the three graves of the dead, bearing the same name as the husband. They throw the earth against the wind and say: As the dead servant of God (name) no longer wear hats, so the servant of God (name) living without me, the servant of God (name), will no longer live. As the dead servant of God (name) no longer walks, so the servant of God (name) living without me can not be. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For devoted love

This conspiracy is read until dawn. There is a willow in an open field, on that willow a bird has a nest, dropped an egg with a chick in the sea. Like this bird's heart ached about the egg, so that the servant of God (name) had a heartache and itching about me, God's servant (name). With food so that he would not eat me up, with wine so that he would not drink, with youngsters so that he would not forget, until his gray old age he would not stop loving. I would seem to him at night the Moon, at dawn - the morning star, in thirst - sweet water, with hunger - food. My hands are wings, my eyes are arrows. Love century, never forget me, never change me with anyone. I will close the keys, I will bury the locks in the sands, I will throw the keys into the ice-hole. Whoever gets those keys, only he will become an obstacle to me in my love. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A conspiracy of love for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles on your Angel day. They read a conspiracy on them, and then stand in the church at someone's wedding (be sure to take the candles with you). After the wedding, the candles must burn out to the end. Store the leftovers at home, in a secluded place. They read like this: you are wedding angels, you are wedding rings, you are holy candles, golden images. Just as people trust you, trust you with their fates, pray and hope, so I, God's servant (name), trust you and hope. Bless the heart of God's servant (name) for long love, for twenty years of life for me, God's servant (name). Just as the red Sun cannot be without rays, how hard it is for a person to live without his clear eyes, for a nursing child without milk, for a centenarian old man without a batog, just as a fish cannot be without water, a living person without food, so my husband could not be without me , his wife, God's servants (name). How difficult it is for a person to live without sleep, just as there is no house without doors and windows, a head without thought, so he would have pulled her to the altar to get married from this time, from my order. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Eternal love conspiracy

They tear dry grass in the field, break the dry paws of the spruce (the lowest ones) and make a fire on the full moon on women's days (Wednesday, Friday). With your left hand, throw three freshly laid eggs from a hen that did not know a rooster into the fire. Walking around the fire in a clockwise direction, cast a spell for love. In the name of the Divine Fire! Servant of God (name), listen to me. As unborn chicks are burned, so your heart will burn forever. Your soul, body, blood, you will all turn into love! So that you (name) could not sleep, you could not stand still, neither eat without me, nor drink without me, you could not walk with your feet, ride on horseback, sleep with the women, walk with the girls, you cannot cross the bridge, you cannot cross the river, You won't sit down, you won't make a decision, you won't raise your hands against me, you won't say a word against me. People joyfully greet the red sun, children greet their beloved mother, they cannot live without salt, water, food, they cannot weave linen from the air. I am one for you, God's servant (name). The forest crowns us, fire crowns us, the earth crowns us, God's words crown us. Hour by minute, the age of God for the age, and you and I will finish it. Amen.

Conspiracy for love without betrayal

Read on the wedding ring: The Lord gave land, the Lord gave water. The earth gave birth to gold and silver. And just as everyone buries themselves with gold, they reach out to it, so my husband (name) would burrow into me, admire, he would never part with me. With his lips, hands he reached out to me, to his married wife, the servant of God (name), hugged and had mercy on me. Just as the true Christ did not betray the faith, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not know anyone except me, until the grave he would not betray me. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy of loyalty

I have a seal of fidelity, no one will be able to take this seal: neither with his hands, nor with conspiracy words, not with a dissuasive spell, not with a trilingual curse, not with a gray-haired grandfather, not a cunning ledger, not a sage, not an evil sorceress, not a shaman, not a cunning deception, neither clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts, nor Adam's garden, nor front, nor back. My seal cannot be broken, the servant of God (name) cannot be lured, he cannot change me forever and ever. Age him to admire me, like the fire of treason to be afraid. As a child is crying on the chest, foals are screaming at their mother. No one will stand between us, only one thing can separate: if someone dies of us, he will take the seal with him. Angels, archangels, take the seal, wear it for me. Century after century, from now on and will finish. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Very strong love spell

They get up at the crossroads, look at the moon and read aloud: Clear field, wide expanse, I call my brothers here, 13 devils, drink, take a walk, feast, commemorate the servant of God (name). You drink from (name) blood, sit on a stone board, give him a heavy yearning for me, God's servant (name). So that he fiercely bored, suffered hard, grieved, sobbed blood. As the sister cries for her brother at the commemoration, the grandfather yearns for the grandmother at the funeral service. He does not eat, does not drink, does not take anything into his head, neither labor, nor work, nor joy, nor care, neither in the morning nor during the day, neither water nor fire. With prayer, do not lime, with a broom, do not sweep away the thoughts of the servant of God (name) for me, God's servant (name). I lock it with a lock, I lock it with a key. The pike is in the water, the finish is in me. While I am alive, my business cannot be interrupted, not beaten in prayer, not removed, not washed away. So it will be now and will finish it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for eternal love without betrayal

Get up with their feet in the water. They read it in an undertone nine times. In this water, you will need to rinse your husband's shirt, dry it and let it be worn for a week. There is an entrance on the ground, whoever enters it will find my water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (bow). I will take the servant of God (name) by the right hand, I will bring eternal love and boredom to me on him. Do not wash off him, do not dissuade, do not stop loving me, do not forget (bow). He would eat and not seize, he would drink and not drink, he would be bored in separation, suffer, he wouldn’t know peace and breath. Be I to him like bread, like water, like a clear sky and earth, sweeter than freedom, akin to blood. (Name), give your heart and take my heart. Close, mother earth, help, sister-water (bow). Walk, (name), for me, for God's servant (name). Four stars above (bow), the power of water below (bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy words for men to approach a girl

Before you go where there is a girl in front of whom you are shy, read the conspiracy to approach the girl. You will see, everything will work out for you. My earth, mother, the sun is red, matchmaker, take it and help me, fix my business and strengthen it. The earth sprinkles with sand, the red sun lights up, the Lord blesses us with the servant of God (name). I will approach with a snake, lie down with soft moss, enter the house as an unexpected guest, and go out as a welcome groom. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to add a fellow to yourself

I will stand, blessing, go out, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers, I will go closer to them, I will bow lower. 12 brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island on the blue sea, there is an oak on the island, under this oak there is a slab of slabs, yearning longing, dry dryness. Lift this stove, take this longing, bring it, lay it on the zealous heart of the servant of God (name). Let him grieve-sadness, so that he yearns, grieves, screams in a bad voice for me, the servant of God (name). So that he could neither live, nor be, not day the day, not an hour, not while away a minute. With you, the Sun is red, with mother the dawn of the morning Mary, the evening Marimyana, the midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright moon. I would not walk, I would not sit, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t think about it, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t go out for a walk, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t sleep, I would get up in the morning, I wouldn’t mind. servant of God (name). Lighter than the midday wind, faster than a fire thunderbolt, let another girl seem terrible to him, like a lioness, like fiery ones, like sea ones, scary, like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch. And for him, the servant of God (name), I am a firebird. Amen.

Dry on love

Read 12 dawns in windy weather.
Damn Satan, there are horns on the head, come out of hell, help me, the servant of God (name) to me. With the wind I send dryness, melancholy, love and longing. You go to him, evil, from the violent wind in your face. To take his love-longing, beat, break, did not let him sleep at night, sent to my porch. Feisty evil, gnawing grief, heart sucking, do not give, love, the servant of God (name), neither eat, nor sleep, nor be with others; oppose him, my dear, all people and inhumans, uncles, sons-in-law, mother and father and friends, all young women, like a gelding of a mare, so that he knows me alone, he misses me alone, he grieves and grieves, he doesn’t feast with anyone, bread he didn't eat, he didn't drink water, he wouldn't sit at the oak table without me, he didn't go to bed at midnight, take it, longing, love, and don't let it go at any moment, at any hour. The words of the master are strong, molded, stronger than stone, sharper than damask steel, faster than fiery lightning. Amen.

Severe dryness

To talk about drinking, on food, so that the young man falls in love: Ancient Beelzebub, give me the key ring to open the door where the terrible beast lies. Call him longing. I will let him go and send him to the servant of God (name). Let him follow on his heels, torment him with heavy anguish. Horned Beelzebub, you are the chief Satan, you have been given the power to do evil, I will incline my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of a servant of God (name). Amen.

Love spell on the ring

In the Pokrov, they put the husband's wedding ring in a glass of holy water and put this glass under the bed. At night, when you have mercy, think to yourself and say: The ring has no end, my husband has no other crown forever. I am the first for him, I am the last for him. Amen. Give the ring to your husband in the morning.

Love spell on straw from seven yards

They collect straw from seven yards, put it in a pile, and then the woman should roll on the ground around this pile. The straw is set on fire and read into the smoke: As straw is given for power to this fire, so, my dear husband (name), give me your peace. As smoke submits to fire, rises upward, so you, servant of God (name), obey me forever, never part with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Love spell on a leash

So that the husband does not wander around friends and girlfriends, take a dog's leash, step it back and forth, and then, knocking the leash on the threshold, say: How the dog was accustomed to this leash, tamed to the owner, so that my husband (name) to mine he nailed to the threshold, never fought back from his house for ever and ever. On Monday to hug, on Tuesday to have mercy, on Wednesday to kiss warmly, on Thursday I did not lag behind the hem, on Friday to court, on Saturday I would take more care of me, on Sunday he would die of love for me, cry and suffer, white light without me, God slaves, have not seen. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy words on fishing net

With this strong conspiracy, they caught the guys as suitors even for the ugliest girl. And how they then lived well and well, that everyone only envied them. They did it this way: early, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the river, found nets put by fishermen. Holding the net with their right hand, they read the love spells three times: Lord, help. Lord bless. And you, net, fish for the uncle-fisherman, and for me, the servants of God (name), the groom. Rise you, my fiance, from summer and from winter, from autumn and from spring, from north and from south. I speak to this network of my dear friend. As fish are caught in the net, as they no longer get out of it, they fall asleep without water, do not wake up, so my fiance (name) would come to my house and would not leave me anywhere else. I close for you (name) all the paths, roads, I close the return thresholds for you. Until the network itself untied all the nodes, until then my fiance (name) will not give me up. Be you, my words, molded and strong. I close the aminem. I'm covering up with Amin. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Into the morning dew

To stand with bare feet on the morning dew grass and read the invocation-hex: Dew to dew, tear to tear, dawn to dawn. You are Zoryushka-Zarya, where are you, who are you not happy about. Rejoice my heart. Bring a haze-smoke to the soul of the Christian servant of God
(name). Fall like dew, a salty tear on his zealous heart. As the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos grieves, grieves for Her Son, so the servant of God (name) would grieve and miss me, the servant of God (name). Dawn to dawn, tear to tear, servant of God (name) to me. Amen.

On the first snow (dryness on a woman)

As Christian people are happy with the Protection of the Father, the white snow, the first snow, so the servant of God (name) would rejoice in me always and everywhere, the servant of God (name). Without me, she would have abandoned all business and worries, all the mothers and aunts, grandparents, girlfriends and friends, and she would be looking for me all over the world, everyone would be happy to meet me, how happy little children are at the first snowball. And as the snow melts in a hot hand, so let it melt without me and toil forever. My word is strong and smooth. As the snow sticks behind your feet, so stick, stick to me, the servant of God (name). Amen.
They read it while looking at the first snow.

About the conspiracies presented below, we can say that they act very quickly. Of course, only an experienced master can achieve instant action with their help, but even with independent application, the result will not be long in coming.

The main condition is not to stumble, not to make mistakes and not to swap words while reading the conspiracy. Also important are your thoughts and intentions, which prompted you to read the conspiracy. I will deliberately not talk here about rituals aimed at rigid attachment - emotional or sexual, because they do not cause love, but simply do not allow people to go their own way in life. And if you want to evoke a bright and pure feeling in the heart of your beloved, this is not your method.

And remember that you cannot use loving conspiracies out of a desire to take revenge, offend or hurt someone, otherwise you will bring trouble on yourself. However, I believe in your prudence and understanding of the possible consequences of your actions. So, let's move on to conspiracies and rituals.

An effective ritual for a loved one to call immediately

This ritual cannot be called simple, but if you want your loved one to call you in the near future, then this option is one of the most effective. For it you will need:

· large mirror;

· a red dress or suit, if there is none, a piece of red fabric that you could throw over your shoulders like a cape, but then you need to sit naked;

· 2 red candles;

· a photograph of a loved one;

· telephone.

Place candles on either side of the mirror and light them. Wear red clothes (the underwear should also be red) or throw a cloth over your shoulders. Place your phone next to you so that it is in your field of vision when you look in the mirror. After that, take a photo of your loved one and peer into his face. Try to remember him as clearly as possible, and then transfer his image to the mirror.

For convenience, you can hold your photo flush with the mirror to easily switch between it and the mirror surface. Your task is to achieve the feeling that your beloved is on the other side of the mirror, next to your reflection. After the desired state is achieved, you need to make adjustments to this image - let your foreheads be connected in reflection by a cord, wire or thread. This is to form a meaningful bond between you and your loved one.

After that, you should receive an answer. As a rule, if this is the first time you are doing the ritual, then you will need to listen carefully to yourself in order to correctly recognize it. If it didn't work the first time, try again and again. Usually on the second or third try, you will learn to recognize this sensation. As soon as you feel the "answer" - move your gaze to the tube and redirect the energy to it. If the answer is not obvious, then after sending the sensation, move your gaze to the receiver, then firmly and clearly say - "Call".

If you do everything correctly, your beloved will call within the next 5 minutes, and the nature of the conversation may be associated with the situation you have modeled. The guy isn't calling? It means that something is wrong with its visualization or the simulated situation. Do not be discouraged, practice is important in this ritual, and each time you will get better and better.

Love conspiracy on an apple

A simple and effective ritual can be done with an apple and a simple conspiracy. To do this, you will need a large and beautiful red apple, a piece of paper, a pen and thread.

Face east, write the name of your beloved on paper, then cut the apple in half and put a note inside. Connect the halves back, wrapping the apple with a thread three times, tie three knots, while tying each, saying:

"As this liquid apple will dry, so (the name of the beloved) - for me. May it be so!"

After that, the apple must be hidden in a secluded place to dry. An important clarification: if the apple decays, the ritual can be considered a failure, it must dry out. However, no one forbids repeating the ritual if desired.

Love conspiracy from photography

For this conspiracy, you will need a photograph that shows your loved one alone - no people, animals, or plants. However, if you have a joint photo, it will do too.

Rewrite the text of the conspiracy on the back of the photo in advance, and also memorize it. Read in a whisper at dawn, facing east, looking at the photograph:

"As the sun rises in the morning, so love in the heart of (the name of a loved one) flares up. As the sun shines, so may your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you dry without me yes you yearn. As people are drawn to the red sun, so you reach for me, and you will not have life without me, just like people have no life without the sun. My word is firm and strong. Key. Language. Lock. "

The spoken photograph should be wrapped in a black cloth and placed under a mattress or bed at sunset the same day. Once you see that the conspiracy has worked, hide the photo in a secluded place - no one should find it.

A conspiracy on three nodes

To read this conspiracy, you will need a thick red woolen thread, a red candle and aromatic oils of jasmine, rose and lavender. If you can't get the oils, then you can use your favorite perfume, but in this case the ritual will be less effective.

First, light a candle and relax. Take a thread and tie an ordinary knot on it, while imagining how your desire to find mutual love is concentrated in it. As you tighten the knot, say: "This knot will be filled with the power of my desire."... Soak your fingers in rose oil and saturate the knot with it, imagining how the flame of your hopes and desires flares up in its place.

Tie a second knot on top of the first, saying: "The secret union will shine with the light of my love." Imagine how your feelings, your passion are compressed into this knot. Moisten it with lavender oil.

Now the third knot - it symbolizes your secret thoughts and dreams. Tie it up with the words: "As these knots are strong, so our love will be strong." Saturate the knot with lavender oil.

After that, hide the rope with knots near your lover's house or bury where he usually goes. You need to do this on the night of Thursday to Friday, and soon you will notice the result.

Of course, these are far from all love rituals and conspiracies, the result of which becomes noticeable within a matter of days. But even the options presented above are usually enough to kindle a spark of reciprocal feeling and give two people a pure and bright feeling.

Love and be loved!

Magic is a phenomenon that does not tolerate haste, however, there are cases when there is simply no time to wait. In such situations, help is required instantly, and, oddly enough, it comes from the Higher Powers. It is enough just to know how to address correctly and what words to say in order to be heard. Conspiracies that act instantly do not cause harm and negative consequences, but work "here and now", rescuing a person from trouble or a situation that requires a quick solution.

Conspiracy for sale

Trade in modern life is of great importance, since it allows you to make money by quickly selling a product. However, there are situations when there are no buyers, things are lying, and the "process" stands still. It is even more offensive when competitors sell products like hotcakes, and you are in idle time. To help yourself in solving this problem, you need to use magic words that will help in selling and making a profit.

“Lord, whoever comes will take my goods. My things will attract, buyers will choose them. The money goes into my pocket, and my treasury keeps growing. Amen".

After that, trading will start briskly, and the product will begin to attract buyers. There is another option for prayer, which will also help to get rid of the product and get money for it. You should not tell anyone about this rite, so that luck does not turn away from you. To perform such a ritual, you will need clean water and an instant strong conspiracy.

“Things lie, things beckon the buyer. As people cannot live without water, so they cannot live without my things! "

After that, you need to carefully sprinkle the products on sale with water and you can carry them for sale. Buyers will certainly notice the product and will want to purchase it, since the conspiracy works instantly.

Ritual for winning the lottery

It is difficult to find a person who would not yearn for easy money and would not dream of hitting a jackpot in a gambling game so that there was nowhere to put the banknotes. The lottery is a great way to catch Fortune by the tail and replenish your wallet with a certain amount. Even if it turns out to be insignificant, money will certainly cheer you up. However, it is easier to get a prize if you use a kind of "whisper" - a quick conspiracy that will work at the time of buying a ticket.

Before you buy or fill out a lottery list, you need to quietly say the following words:

“Luck was running, I was looking for the owner, I offered help. He refused, he did not take luck, but I found it and brought it to my house. Now luck is with me, it protects my every step, brings enrichment, salvation from poverty. May it be so!".

After that, you can purchase a lottery ticket and experience Ms. Fortuna.

Such an instant conspiracy can also be used to win the lottery. You need to spend it exclusively on the growing moon and sincerely believe that it will work. You need to take a coin of any denomination and, holding it in your hand, say:

“Money goes to money, but my luck will find me! Let the coin shine and attract luck to me! "

Next, this little talisman needs to be put in a wallet and rubbed before buying a ticket. Every time you are going to play the lottery, you need to rub the charmed money, saying all the same powerful magic words. And, of course, it is impossible to give, show and exchange it in any case.

Instant conspiracy for the student

Student life is always fun and colorful - parties, gatherings in cafes and dates. However, when the session comes, students of universities and colleges have no time for fun: intensive preparation for exams and sleepless nights over notes begin. It happens that, even with knowledge, a student forgets everything he has learned because of nervousness, or pulls out a ticket that turns out to be unlearned. To call on good luck and feel more confident on the exam, there is an instant conspiracy that can help a student cope with the granite of science.

To do this, you will need some favorite thing that you can bring with you to the exam (pen, pencil, pencil case). Before you come to the exam, you need to read in the morning, holding this object in your hands.

“I will get up early, early, go out the gate, and next to me (name the thing) will bring good luck. So that no one interferes, so that he does not offend with a bad word, neither with a look, nor a thought, nor a message. For my business to be argued, so that all things go well. May luck not leave, may it guide me on the right path. I will pray to the Lord, I will bow to the Holy Virgin, and everything will work out for me! Amen, amen, amen! "

After that, you need to take the thing with you to the exam. Imbued with the energy of faith and hope, it will have a positive effect and instill confidence that the student will cope with any task.

Magic words against the evil eye that act instantly

Everyone knows that a word or a glance can pierce the biofield, therefore they try to avoid people with negative energy. But it is not uncommon for a meeting with an "eye" or envious person to take place even against your will. For example, at a friends' party or at work, where you have to go every day. If you are forced to work with a colleague who clearly envies you or has a grudge against you, try to protect yourself from her bad influence with a simple conspiracy that will take effect instantly.

Turning your back to her, spit over your left shoulder three times and say:

“As a witch sharpens a tooth, so you sharpen it at me, as she drills with evil eyes, so you drill me. But your anger does not reach me, your envy melts right in the air. You will take back what you wished for me! Amen!".

“Wherever the wind goes, your malice goes there. Where the sun goes, your envy goes there. You won't take me, you will take away your negative! "

If you are touched and you feel unpleasant sensations after contact with a clearly energetically unsuccessful person, say quietly:

“My energy cannot be taken away, my biofield cannot be broken. Angels will protect me from damage and evil eye! "

It may also be the case that you will have to visit a person who, for some reason, treats you badly. In this case, you will also need a conspiracy that works instantly. Before leaving, say:

“I cover myself with a cap, I protect myself from negativity. I cannot be pierced, not broken, my health, happiness and good luck cannot be taken away! May it be so!".

Sitting at the table, imperceptibly cross your mouth and before starting the feast, you need to use a protective conspiracy:

“Just as you can't break a stone wall, you can't beat off my luck either. Evil words cannot reach me, evil eyes cannot reach me! Amen".

After that, you can not be afraid that negative energy will get to you and bring problems into your life. Remember that instant conspiracies are carried out with strong emotion, so they always act on time.

The most complete description in all the details is an instant love spell with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

Love affection for a person caused by magic is called a love spell. If the love spell is done accurately and without mistakes, then it immediately has certain effects on feelings, thoughts, and physical attraction. Sometimes the effect of a love spell cannot even be distinguished from true love, because the attraction between two people is very similar to natural feelings.

Sometimes a love spell is so powerful that feelings cannot even be distinguished from true love.

There are three types of love spells:

  • white, which is carried out with the help of a call to holy powers or to God, using icons, church candles;
  • black, which can be done by invoking demons or devils. The black love spell will have a good result only if you are vigilant and focused on the rules for its implementation;
  • neutral, which is built on a request for spirits or elements. Such a love spell can be carried out independently even for beginners, because it is the easiest, but also effective form.

There are many different love spells. These are the fastest and most effective ways of a love spell at home for a guy or a girl.

How to quickly bewitch your ex-husband?

Such an instant love spell acts exclusively on the ex-husband, that is, on other men, and especially a married one, it simply will not work. And if he is the father of your child, then the result will please you very much.

There is a love spell that acts instantly

In order to make a love spell, you will need the hair of your loved one and an ordinary candle. The main feature of this love spell is that it must be carried out on the waning moon, otherwise it will not work. After sunset, you should light a candle and set fire to the hair, having uttered this effective conspiracy:

“Darling and beloved, love me again. I conjure with fire and love. "

Then wait for the hair to burn out. This is the fastest love spell, so in the first three days you will see its magical effects on your ex-spouse. But keep in mind that there is no antidote for it, since this is a pretty strong love spell.

Love spell of a guy using his photo

This ceremony should be performed at home. Regardless of how far your beloved is, because such a love spell is so strong that it will work even if it is in another part of the world.

For a love spell, you must have two church candles and his photo. During the full moon, picking up a photo of your loved one, light the candles. Look, without looking up, straight into his eyes right in the photo, and say the following words seven times in a row:

“As I yearn for the servant of God (name) for my beloved servant of God (name), so let him yearn and miss me alone. May it be so forever and ever. Amen!".

Then burn the photo and throw the ash out of the window. This is a very quick love spell for a guy, but after seven days he will feel very great love for you.

After the ceremony, burn the photo and throw the ashes out of the window.

An effective method of love spells for girls

For such a ritual at home, you will need a snapshot of your girlfriend whom you want to bewitch. With her photo on the floor, stand on her face, shown in the photo, with a heel. Read the following actionable conspiracy three times:

“As my heel presses you to the servant of God (name), and your heart is heavy, so let the servant of God (name) pull you strongly towards me. Amen!".

This love spell must be performed for three days.

For the ritual, you need a snapshot of your girlfriend

How to bewitch a girl with salt?

Another effective way to love a girl at home is to use salt. You should pour a pinch of salt into a small bag or pour it on a plate and speak the following conspiracy:

“I will stand in the morning, I will go from door to door without crossing myself, from passage to passage without blessing, into a clear field and onto the devil's sea. On the devil's sea there is an iron hut, in that hut there is a stone bridge, under the bridge there are marble pillars, on the pillars there are twelve devils, three of them are my elder brothers. I’ll go closer to them and bow lower: “You are my older brothers, do me a favor, twist and dry the girl (name) so that she drank - didn’t drink, walked - didn’t come over, eat - didn’t eat, love - don’t forget, so that all twelve veins, thirty veins, forty joints, seventy joints and a shameful place dried up about me. “Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you have made a conspiracy for salt, you need to collect it in a bag

A conspiracy of salt should be made in the morning, after which it should be carried in a bag around the neck all day.

Add charmed salt to the food of the girl to whom you want to attach love to you. This must be done the next day and it is important that she eats everything, otherwise this quick love spell will be wasted.

Effective love spell of a loved one

This quick love spell should be done at home. This is not a black love spell, so you can get by with just a prayer for a photo of your beloved.

For this rite, the actions of the moon or other magical things are absolutely not important. You just need to wash very well. Then, picking up a photograph of the man on whom you want to make a sentence, say the prayer:

“With pure thoughts and bright thoughts, kind words, clean hands, loving eyes, I ask you, angel Gopoya, you know everything, you see everything, look at what is in my beloved's soul, look into his clear eyes, honor his thoughts. Help me, Gopoloya, as you help all lovers, let the beloved fall in love with me, let him be worried about me, let him be jealous of me, let him love me alone and desire me alone. Help me Gopoya, for you alone know how hard it is for me without him. "

You yourself will be able to see an effective and quick result.

For this ceremony, you need to look at the photo of the object of desire.

Love spell of someone else's husband with an amulet

In order to carry out the love spell of a married man, you need to make an amulet. It has the attractive power of love. To make such an amulet at home, cut out two no different circles from the same sheet of paper, and the third from foil.

On the first two, write your name and date of birth and your loved one, and insert a circle of foil between them. It is important that the names face the same direction. Then, carefully pierce with a gypsy needle, forming a small hole. This is necessary in order to slip a red woolen thread, tying three knots at the end. When tying, say these words, which have a very powerful effect on a married man:

“I connect soul and body, fate and life, thoughts and heart (name) with (name)”.

Hide this amulet in a secret place and do not show it to anyone. The amulet will help you find the love of a married man.

For a love spell for a married man, you need to make an amulet

Black love spell on blood

During the waxing moon, do this black love spell at home on your own. To do this, put a red candle on the table, next to the window, and next to you a flower that has been growing in your home for a long time. If the ceremony is performed incorrectly, all the strong negative will fall on the plant, and you will be protected. You need to light a candle, breaking off a leaf from a flower, burn it with a candle, read an effective conspiracy until there is no ash left:

“I give you as a sacrifice, to be slaughtered, to receive retribution for a black love spell. May it be so".

Throw the resulting ash on a plate. Hold the photo of your beloved in your right hand and, looking into his face, direct your love to the desire to induce his feelings for you. It will not take much time, it is better to let it be a strong and fast impulse. At this time, you need to prick the index finger of your left hand and attach your loved one to the picture. Swiping your finger upwards, the black love spell will completely close all the energy of the beloved in your blood.

Throw the resulting ash after the ceremony on a plate

Many girls use this conspiracy to make the result even stronger:

“Blood goes out of my body, My love translates to you (name). As the blood feeds me, So the power of love ignites the passion in you. May you strive for me - You cannot distance yourself from attraction and thoughts. Now you think to think, to suffer with love, To nourish feelings for me, but not to know peace. Only about me you think - you dream, In dreams and in reality you call me to you. And now and forever. May it be so".

After reading the magic words, release your finger from the image and look at your beloved again, but this time with the confidence that the ritual will give a positive result. Then burn his photo with a candle, and pour the resulting ash on a saucer. Stir the ash until smooth with a wooden stick. One part must be buried in the ground of the flower, the other must be poured onto the threshold of a loved one. It is important that at least one particle gets to him.

This is a very effective and easy-to-use black love spell. Very soon, all his loving actions will be directed towards you. And if you can get by with a white conspiracy, do it. Since any black verdict has its consequences.

Even an easy-to-carry black love spell carries consequences in any case.

How to quickly make a love spell for a guy from a distance?

This love spell is well suited for home use. To bewitch a guy from a distance, you need two small mirrors. You need to put them on the windowsill of the house with a window wide open at a parallel distance so that one mirror displays the image of the other. You need to sit in front of the mirrors on a chair barefoot, and the girl's hair should be loose.

Then, picking up a candle, watch its flame, but do not look in the mirrors. After the candle begins to melt, take it in your right hand. Stretch out the palm of your left hand and start dripping with wax. At this time, think about your beloved, imagine his presence next to you. When a sufficient amount of wax has formed in your hand, you need to smear one mirror with it and read an effective conspiracy:

“I wash my disobedient dear (target name), Instead of soap, my tears are clean, Instead of a towel, my hair is long, He does not need another love when mine is so big, There will be four rivals on all sides, I will be alone with you, I will be alone ... As a candle drips inaudibly, so love will flare up in you, As you remember me, you come, as you see, you will stay. Stranger's eyes do not see you, tongues do not speak, lips do not kiss, Only you hear me, only you love me, only with me, dear (name of your beloved), you will be forever. I condemn you to love, I bind you to myself. You will be near soon, you will call me, you will keep in your heart, You will be faithful, you will be honest, You will leave my image forever in blood. May what has been said be done. "

Use mirrors for the ceremony

Then, lean the mirrors against each other and wrap them in your house-worn nightgown. Putting everything on the floor, stand up barefoot, and speak another strong conspiracy:

"I conjure without blood, I order without pain, will come to me and (target name) will remain with me."

Break the bundle of mirrors with a chair and place it on the window sill. Waking up in the morning, you need to carry it yourself at a great distance from you, preferably to the forest. Having buried the bundle under an old large tree, leave and don't look around. This instant love spell has always worked well.

These conspiracies at home will take you some time, but the result will be so powerful that it will be worth it.

Love spells with the fastest action

Life is multifaceted and unpredictable, so in reality problems may arise that can be quickly solved with the help of magic. In many life situations, love spells are in demand. A quick love spell will allow you to return a loved one after a stupid quarrel or to attract the attention of a girl you like when there is no time for courtship. Also, a quick love spell will avoid unwanted divorce.

When they say that you need to use a quick love spell, it means that the result of the magical effect should appear soon. Magic offers a huge number of different rituals, but for the success of any ritual, faith in it and one's own strengths, as well as strict adherence to the prescribed rules of a particular rite, are important. In this case, you should know that any quick love spell has a limited duration, so after it you must definitely try to awaken the natural love feelings in a person.

Simple quick rites

It should be remembered that any quick love spell refers to the means of black magic. And, as you know, seeking help from the dark forces always requires a sacrifice in return from the customer or the performer. In this regard, when deciding to use a quick love spell, it is better to turn to a professional magician who can put the necessary protection.

Love spell on the photo and a candle

A quick love spell involving the use of a photograph of a loved one and an orange candle is one of the most popular. You can use it even if you do not have a picture of your chosen one or darling. You can replace it with a drawing of a person made with your own hand. Moreover, the person on it can be depicted schematically, only in this case, the drawing must be signed from below, indicating the name and surname of the chosen one.

The ceremony involves the following actions in a secluded place:

  • You need to light an orange candle on the table (you can replace it with a red candle);
  • Next to it it is necessary to put a photograph of the bewitched person or a drawing with his image;
  • A glass should be placed on the picture, filled to a quarter with pure spring or well water, three pinches of salt must first be thrown into it;
  • After that, holding outstretched hands over the glass, you must say the following words:

For this ceremony, the tone with which the magic words will be pronounced is very important. They can be pronounced as many times as you like, but at least three, with soft intonations. You need to imagine that you are addressing a nearby person, forgetting that your chosen one or chosen one is at a distance from you.

The result of a fast-acting magic love spell rite will manifest itself immediately, as soon as the water in the glass dries up. After the appearance of a loved one, the used candle should be buried in a deserted place.

Strong ritual on the mirror

Another quick love spell involves the use of a mirror. This ritual is more suitable for a woman who has set a goal to bewitch her beloved man.

In addition to the mirror in the rite, you will need to use:

  • A red candle;
  • Personal thing of the chosen one.

For the effect to be effective, the ritual should be carried out before sunrise. At the same time, before the ceremony, you cannot comb your hair and eat anything.

In a separate room, you need to place items in the following sequence:

  • A candle set in a candlestick;
  • A mirror is installed behind the candle so that you can see the candle flame and your image in it.

For the ceremony, you need to loose your hair and be naked to the waist. You need to take the personal thing of a loved one in your hands and with feeling, carefully peering into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror, say a love spell.

It is pronounced in the following words:

The words need to be repeated many times until there is a feeling that your chosen one heard you. Evidence that the ritual began to take effect is the face of a loved one, seen in the mirror. After that, the candle should be extinguished with your fingers and left intact until evening. This is a very quick love spell. As a rule, the chosen one will come to you the next day after the ceremony.

Fast long-acting love spell

There is a quick love spell, which is distinguished by the stability of the induced impact for a long time. Such a ritual, as a rule, is used by girls who seek to marry their chosen one. The ceremony should be performed on the night from Saturday to Sunday during the waxing moon. For the ritual, you must first prepare a joint photo with your beloved. If there is none, then you need to combine and stitch two separate images. It is important that the photos are fresh.

The ritual is performed in the evening in an unlit room with electric light. A red natural fabric should be spread on the floor and a prepared photograph should be placed in the center of such a floor cover. Three red, orange or pink candles are placed in a circle around the image. You need to choose one color. The candles are lit counterclockwise.

After that, you need to carefully look at the photo and say the following words:

After such words, only one candle should be carefully extinguished. Then again you need to repeat the love spell and extinguish the candle again and so on 3 times. At the end of the ceremony, all ritual attributes are wrapped in cloth, which is fastened with three pins.

For each, when stabbing, the following magic words are pronounced:

  • On the first: "You are my beloved (name of the chosen one), you will yearn for me";
  • On the second: "You are my beloved (name of the chosen one) you will love me";
  • On the third: "You are my beloved (name of the chosen one) will only desire me."

After the ceremony, you must immediately go to bed and not talk to anyone. The result appears in 1-3 days. It is necessary a week after the ceremony to untie the knot, collect all the attributes and bury it in a deserted place where few people walk.

The temptation to use a quick ritual to attract a loved one into your life is certainly very great. But at the same time, it should be remembered that if sincere love lives in your heart, then you can awaken reciprocal feelings in the heart of your chosen one without magic. It should be understood that it is strictly forbidden to carry out a quick love spell out of a sense of curiosity. This will cause an unpredictable backwash and negative consequences, from which it will hardly be possible to recover quickly.

A conspiracy for longing. Strong conspiracy to quickly catch up with love melancholy read it yourself

This is the most powerful and instant love spell conspiracy to quickly catch up on love melancholy on any person. You need to do it yourself so that your beloved is bored and yearned and constantly thinks only of you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the conspiracy that makes your beloved feel melancholy. An old conspiracy that makes a man longing for a loved one is the only and sure way that works and will quickly make a guy or a man yearn and think only about you, forgetting about everything in the world. In order to quickly induce a strong melancholy on your loved one at home on your own, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and upwind) say the text of the conspiracy on love longing for the wind :

On the island of Buyans, a strong wind blows. He sharpens stones by day and night,

Go wind to my beloved, sweep his heart, catching up with melancholy,

Let the heart of the servant of God (name) cry, cry,

Longing for him for me (name), waited and waited for a meeting with me,

The beloved could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat without me.

Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk,

So would he (name of a loved one), without me (own name).

Could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor at dawn,

Not in the evening, not at noon, not with frequent stars, not with violent winds,

Not a day in the sun, not a night in a month.

You can quickly and effectively bewitch a man to yourself by reading a strong conspiracy for a man's love at the window with a lit candle. Immediately after reading, the man you love will begin to experience strong melancholy and a desire to see you as soon as possible - these are all the consequences of a love conspiracy that you read yourself at home for a man's love. The best time to read a love conspiracy is a growing moon or a full moon, but this is not a rule and you can fall in love with a person with this conspiracy at any phase of the moon. In the evening, after 8 o'clock at home, go to the window and light a candle. Looking at the candle fire and freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts seven times say a quick but very

If you read this love spell on Christmas time, then the person on whom the Christmas love spell is made will never stop loving and will not betray you, it is this conspiracy among magicians called an eternal love spell that forever binds two souls together. It is almost impossible to remove a love spell made on Christmas week! If you decide to make this particular Christmas rite for love, once again thoroughly weigh your love feelings for the bewitched guy or man. By the way, this love conspiracy can also be read for the love of a girl or woman you love and want her to love only you all her life, replace male words in the text of the conspiracy with female ones and vice versa. For Christmas

You can independently read conspiracies on Christmastide week from January 7 to January 18 for a variety of reasons, and most often on Christmastide they guess and read conspiracies for love. Conspiracies on. today they will tell the oldest and 100% working Christmas rite for love, which is done at home during the week of Christmastide from January 7 to January 19. With the help of a magic ritual for love on any day of the week, Christmastide will very quickly lure a husband who, during the coming new year, will love you very much and will definitely marry. This love conspiracy also acts on an already existing husband or man who has cooled down with feelings or, even worse, began to walk to the left - if you read the conspiracy on him

This strong conspiracy for the love of her husband should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life, he always wanted only her and never cheated on his wife. After the wife reads the conspiracy for the love and respect of her husband in a glass of water and gives her husband a drink, the beloved man “takes hold of his head” will stop drinking and walking with friends, but will always rush to his wife. As a result of this love spell made on her husband, he will be strongly drawn home to his family, every day more and more respecting and loving only his wife. Pour into a glass of drinking water and say the words of a conspiracy of love and respect over it

A husband's love spell on food is the easiest way to prevent the husband from walking and love only his wife. In order to quickly and strongly bewitch your husband to yourself, you need to read a conspiracy on salt, which later should be salt food for your husband. What is this conspiracy that you need to read on your own about the love of a husband for his wife, read on. It is best if the conspiracy is read on the full moon, in which case the conspiracy will affect the husband in the morning. Arrange a festive dinner and salt the food with the charmed salt, do not be afraid to taste the charmed food yourself, it will only affect your husband. The conspiracy for salt should be read after 6 pm - not a minute earlier, better a little later! Waking up you

Witches very often read the strongest love spell for melancholy in bad weather. If you read a strong witchcraft love spell in the rain and snow or in a strong wind, then with the help of magic you can bring black longing and love to a person. Immediately from the moment the witch's magic ritual is performed, the bewitched will have an obsessive desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together more often. You will see the consequences of the "witch's love spell" right away, the person thus bewitched begins to call more often and express his love feelings more vividly, and being at a distance from you, longing for you greatly. This is a very common among the people and rather quick conspiracy that allows you to let

A love spell and a conspiracy of loyalty and prevention of betrayal, which will be discussed, is a very strong and independent love spell that is done only once on a beloved husband and boyfriend or man so that he does not walk to the left and cannot change. A conspiracy on fidelity "the burden of fidelity" will protect a loved one from the temptation to change and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the safety of your beloved person's fidelity, perform a loyalty rite and live in peace. A love spell read only once on the loyalty of your beloved husband or guy with whom you live in a civil marriage. A quick and strong conspiracy of loyalty and the prevention of treason you need to read

Lovely conspiracy against her husband's betrayal will help to stop and prevent the betrayal of her husband and beloved man and boyfriend who likes with the help of the magic of prayer. If you read the conspiracy prayer on your own from the husband's betrayal for a good life and perform a simple ritual for the poppy, a strong conspiracy will be able to make sure that the husband does not walk on the side, does not drink and does not go out with friends and he is always drawn to the family to his wife. White conspiracy - prayer will stop her husband's betrayal and return peace and love to the family. For a long time, conspiracies and prayers against the betrayal of their beloved husband help wives to keep the family in mutual love and harmony, to save them from betrayal and jealousy, ensuring the family a good life. Poppy in the old days

The conspiracies for today will tell you how to bewitch with the help of a photo and make a love spell on your own from a photograph. To make a magic ritual for love, you need to prepare and collect the attributes necessary for a love spell. To perform the love spell ritual, even a photo taken on a phone is suitable, but the photo must be single (where the man is alone), and the photo from the phone must be printed on paper. In addition to the photo, for a love spell, you will need a church candle, holy water, a new unstitched needle and red thread, a piece of cloth and a coin. A love spell is performed right at home at any time of the day or night, the lunar cycle for a love spell also does not matter.

The magic of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God on August 28, according to the tradition of the ancestors, contributed to the maintenance of fading love between husband and wife or to kindling ardent love among the fellow (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch to herself and forever fall in love with herself. Conspiracies for the Dormition for love continue to read on their own in our time with the aim of creating a strong family that is faithful between the spouses. When the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and the ever-virgin Mary comes this year, you can recall the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read the conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage by performing a simple ceremony in the church on church candles. What a conspiracy -

Having read the spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate your opponent without the name of the rival and without her photograph using magic and conspiracy. To make a magic rite on your own and after reading a conspiracy against a rival for salt, a rival in love or a lover will quarrel with your loved one herself and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet, on the forums, you can read a lot of positive reviews of those who made a conspiracy to cool off their rival. This conspiracy will very quickly allow you to permanently eliminate your rival and return your loved one to yourself. A very simple ceremony, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman and all that is needed for this,

A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make the beloved husband himself apologize and even forgive the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magic rite with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This old conspiracy against her husband after a quarrel should be read by the wife herself and not to tell anyone about the rite of reconciliation with her beloved carried out on her own. Only under this condition, even if you quarreled strongly, a conspiracy to reconcile the hostile, influencing the kindness and love of the husband can force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. Strong conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one

You need to read a strong conspiracy on your saliva on your own if you need to make sure that your loved one loves and misses only you in separation. The magical power of saliva will make the beloved want to be and communicate only with you and all other women and girls were indifferent to him. This very old love spell on saliva was often used by girls in Russia when their beloved boyfriends or husband left to work in another city. A love conspiracy - a love spell on saliva helped to save the marriage and save a loved one from betrayal. Saliva magic helped me more than once to let a strong feeling on my beloved

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