Fairy tale school life. Humorous stories about school

Our fairy tale about school is cognitive. Magic is a miracle, and we love miracles. Everyday magic is done with a magic wand, and scientific magic - with the help of a completely different device ...

Fairy tale "School and Magic"

Once upon a time there was a school. And what was not in it! Desks and blackboards, globes and textbooks, computers and pointers. The school had children-pupils and adult-teachers.

And there was magic at school. No one saw him in the eye, but the facts said that it was. What was this magic?

And next. For example, Anya Formochkina stands at the blackboard and cannot solve an example. And suddenly - as if a miracle is happening - she picks up the chalk and begins to quickly write the solution. As if someone prompted her.

Or, for example, Misha Pesochkin cannot remember a proverb. Another moment - and like lightning flashed - Misha grabs a pen and writes the necessary proverb.

All the students thought that magic would not bypass them, and would save them in a hopeless situation.

It was interesting for the children to study at this unusual school. They knew that they were not alone at school, that magic lived somewhere.

And only one student, an excellent student, Vitya Sovochkin, did not believe in the existence of magic.

“These are all grandmother's tales,” he said. - There is no magic.

But once in Vitin's class there was a test. Vitya could not solve the problem in any way. Excellent students sometimes also experience difficulties. And suddenly, as if someone whispered something in his ear, and Vitino's face beamed:

“Eureka,” he said.

The solution was found. Vitya quickly wrote it down in a notebook for tests, and then thought:

- It turns out the guys are right. There is some magic. We need to figure it out, - he decided and first of all decided to consult with his parents.

Vitin's dad said that there really is magic, and it lies in the peculiarities of our brain. In moments of difficulty, the hidden reserves of the brain come to the rescue, an insight arises. And the solution comes!

Vitya was delighted. He put everything on the shelves. It became clear to him. But he didn't tell the guys anything. Let them believe that magic lives in the school, lurking somewhere behind the closet, or hiding at the end of the school hallway. It's so cool to believe in magic!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What was the magic in school?

What events happened with Anya Formochkina and Misha Pesochkin?

What marks did Vitya Sovochkin study for?

What, according to Vitin's dad, was the magic?

Why didn't Vitya tell his classmates about the secrets of magic?

Is there magic in your school? Do you think where it lurked?

What proverbs fit a fairy tale?

Anyone who does not believe in magic will never know it.
Your mind is king in your head.
Each business has its own place.

The main point of the tale is that when necessary, magic can help. This magic is our brain, which turns on its hidden reserves during difficult periods. Illumination is an invaluable gift. It plays an important role in any business. Illumination is magic, and magic is happiness!


Little Buhl dreamed of school from early childhood. Many of his friends were older than the hedgehog, so he often had to be bored alone, waiting for them from class. At such moments, he really wanted to grow up faster and also go to study. School seemed to him an exciting adventure, especially since friends often told funny stories that happened to them during classes. Buhl the Hedgehog loved to listen to these funny stories about the school, and was looking forward to the day when he would pick up a portfolio and meet his first teacher.

Story about school: why the hedgehog was scared

And such a day was not long in coming. Once the mother of the hedgehog said that tomorrow he will go to school. Boulle was in seventh heaven. The next morning he took a large bouquet for the teacher and hurried to school. Everything for him there was new and unusual, but Buhl was not at all afraid, he froze in anticipation of interesting adventures and funny stories. But when he entered the classroom, he saw guys completely unfamiliar to him, who were quietly sitting at their desks. This embarrassed him a little, but nevertheless the Hedgehog was waiting for the teacher to come in and the fun began.

Imagine his surprise when the teacher, instead of funny stories, began to explain to them that at school you need to be quiet and calm. Children must listen carefully to her assignments, read, write and draw, and they are prohibited from running and shouting. Bule did not like this, and when they began to write off the task from the board, he was completely at a loss. The little hedgehog did not do well, and he was very afraid that the teacher would scold him. In addition, Buhl did not fully understand the task, and he was embarrassed to ask someone.
After school, the hedgehog returned home frustrated and frightened. The school was not at all what it seemed. He hardly spoke at dinner and went to bed very early. He had nightmares all night. He dreamed that his mother forgot to pick him up from school, that there was a monster hiding in the closet, and that he forgot to learn his homework.
In the morning Boole woke up in tears.
- I do not want to go to school! I am still quite small. - the hedgehog cried, surprising mom. It was completely incomprehensible to her why the attitude of the kid, who had just yesterday happily ran to classes, had changed so quickly.
- Why, Boole? Aren't you interested in gaining new knowledge and meeting new friends?
- No, it’s not interesting at all, but scary. Don't let me go to school, please, I want to stay at home, play and read funny stories about school for children. - at these words the hedgehog faltered. Indeed, such stories were his favorite. He dreamed of school so much, and now he is afraid of it. This discrepancy made him very bitter. The kid stuck his nose into the pillow and sobbed.
But the smart mother understood everything without words: her hedgehog was afraid not of school, but of a new way of life.
- Baby, you don't need to cry. It is quite natural to be afraid of the new and the unknown. Even adults feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar conditions.
Hearing this Buhl calmed down a little:
- So they won't scold me for not succeeding in everything?
- Of course not. Anyone can be wrong. That's why you went to school - to study. Do not be afraid to ask about everything that you do not understand, and you will definitely succeed!
- And if I bring a bad mark, you will not stop loving me?
- What nonsense! After all, dad and I love you not for any merits, but simply for being our baby. In addition, some know mathematics better, while others are good at writing essays. The main thing at school is not grades, but new knowledge!

Buhl was already happy and wanted to go to school again, but just in case he decided to clarify one more question:
- And running and playing is absolutely, completely impossible, right?
Mom smiled:
- You can, but only during breaks. And in the classroom, you need to listen carefully to the teacher so as not to miss anything interesting. After all, you want to know why the seasons change?
- Want Want!
Today the hedgehog ran to school even faster than yesterday. He was no longer afraid and understood how important it is to speak frankly with his parents about his experiences. And also a funny and funny story awaited him, and not even one. Do you like going to school?

Do you want to make a hedgehog with your own hands? Here are some ideas for a fun night out. Crafts "Hedgehog".

Fairy tale "In the school kingdom-state"

A fairy tale about school, teachers and students. What better way to celebrate Teacher's Day or any other school event!
Fairy tale for teacher's day can also be successfully applied at the graduation party at school, New Year's concert, congratulations to teachers on March 8 and for many other occasions. A short, funny scene about school. Or a miniature play - the point is not in the genre, but in the fact that sketches on a school theme and performances for teachers, staged by students, are always successful and popular. Characters:

Tsar Diary;

Minister of education;



1st Col;

2nd Col;


1st Trojak;

2nd Trojak;


1st Five;

2nd Five.

In the center of the stage there is a throne for the king, near which there is a guard; there is a geographic map on the wall.

In a certain school state
Tsar Diary sat on the kingdom.
And early one morning
Visit other countries
The king conceived. And the decree
He scribbled this very hour.
(Opens the scroll, reads the decree.)
"To complete a visit
I need such a retinue
To the far side
I would not disgrace myself.
To have visitors
Not fools, not boozebirds,
Not lazy, not flatterers,
Well done - well done!
I tell everyone to come to me,
So that everyone can distinguish themselves,
Show your wits and stuff.
All to appear before the royal eyes! "

The reader leaves. The king enters, sits on the throne. The Minister of Education appears after him.

Minister (to the king).
I, the Minister of Education,
I report with glee:
At your apartment
The first two applicants.
The first two? Well, great!
I will talk to them personally.
Come in, gentlemen!

Enter two Colas.

1st Col.
We came here
To bow at your feet
And ask the embassy.

Bow to the king.
How to dignify you, eagles?
2nd Col.
We are after Father Cola.
We are Colas Colas.
1st Col.
We are both healthy
Both are not hunchbacks
Noble and rich.
2nd Col.
And we want, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
Together with the priest-king
Behind an unknown hill.
Well, are you friendly with the diploma?
1st Col.
We don't need science.
Not by status Colam
Bend the ridge in half
Study the reader, the primer.
2nd Col.
Why do we need this, king?
What?! How are you not ashamed,
Rough Colam,
Come to my room
And ask abroad ?!
Let's go! What a disgrace!
Sentinel, lead the Kolov into the yard,
Give a kick without delay
To give them acceleration!

The guard takes Kolov by the collar and takes them out.

King, some damsel
He also asks to the light room,
So that you appreciate her
And he invited me to the embassy.
Let's see what a girl she is.
Maybe the retinue will do.
I will conduct an exam -
If I don’t find flaws,
That will go abroad.
Invite the girl here.

The minister leaves and returns with the Deuce.

I bow low to the king
And at the same time I say
I'm ready, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
In the overseas side -
This mission is for me.
Well, what is your name?
Everyone calls two, loving.
As I walk down the street -
Everyone admires me.
All handkerchiefs get out
And tears are shed from happiness.
And I am friendly with grammar,
Reading, math?
Why is the beauty maiden
Learn math?
After all, the servants are next to me -
They will count, if necessary.
I don't even know the letters.
I am a column noblewoman
And not the letters of a slave!
It's just a shame!
You, my dear, you know-it-all
And inveterate lazy.
Not being able to read is a shame!
All! The conversation is over!
You're not good for anything.
The suite is also not needed!
I tell you, girl,
Leave the chambers.

The king turns away. Deuce leaves with a shrug.

King, to your apartment
Two contenders are torn.
It seems that they are not idlers,
In Ishpans, they sharpen the fronts:
"Oh boyfriend, monsieur, bonjour,
Guten morgen, lampshade! "
Invite them to a reception
Let's see how much is here.

The Minister leaves and returns with two Trojaks.

1st Trojak.
Guten morgen, hand hoh!
Every friend of us is good!

2nd Trojak.
We wish nah cordon,
Nah Paris and nah London.
Well, what is your name, friends, what?
1st Trojak.
I am Trojak and he is Trojak!
We are in terms of languages \u200b\u200b-
Guten morgen, bless you!
2nd Trojak.
In general, a complete fantasy!

The king rises from the throne, approaches the map.

Where are London and Paris?

Trojans point their fingers at the card at random.

1st Trojak.
London is here, Paris is over there.
2nd Trojak.
Near Panama City.
In geography, we are gut!
You are not a gut, but a kaput!
I'll ask both of them out!
Goodbye, sorry!
(To the guard)
Bring them to the gate
Point out where the turn is.
(To the Minister)
You are the Minister of Education!
What kind of gift is this ?!
All kinds of oaks
Rude, rude!
Answer, yeshkin cat,
Where are our educated people?
Is it really in a great kingdom,
Our school state
Is there anyone smarter?
King, let me answer.
There are the smartest girls
Three good sisters
I sent messengers to them.
Where are they, after all?

Three girls enter with briefcases, bow to the king.

Hello our wise king,
Our learned sovereign!
Come on, come on, what kind of birds,
What smart girls?
How beautiful and neat
Pleasant to the royal eyes!
I could have taken everyone to the embassy.
What, beauties, should I call you?
1st Five.
I am the Five.
2nd Five.
I am the Five.
And I am the youngest Four.
Are they friendly with the sciences?
1st Five.
All items are important to us!
2nd Five.
There are no secondary sciences!
You must know them without fail.
And the subject notebooks?
Are they all right, I hope?

The girls take notebooks out of their portfolios and serve them to the king.

Look for yourself, sir.
And take mine, king.

The king with a contented look examines the notebooks.

No mistakes, no blemishes
I will take you to the retinue of all!
Tomorrow to distant shores
The brig will rush us over the waves.
The first point is Germany.
(To the audience) Thank you for your attention!

General bow, curtain.

Scene "Mommy's Son" (mother, son, storyteller)

Mom, I won't go to school today, Something has a headache, and the weather is unimportant. Cold!.

What are you, son, you have a test today, you must not miss!

And you write a note that I felt bad, I will give the head teacher to Irina Viktorovna.

Cheating is not good son. Get ready, get ready quickly.

Well ... I don't want to.

You took all the notebooks, but the books? Check in the briefcase. Faster, faster, Otherwise you will be late, Gleb. Why don't you want to go, because it's so interesting in the lessons ...

Yes, you're good to talk. And these lessons always give me a headache. You know how they shout in class, you can't hear anything!

And you do not pay attention, work for yourself, and that's all!

Yes, don't pay. Koltsov teases, calls them a pancake, while Petrenko and Ivanenko recently put buttons on a chair and hid their notebooks. And Buyanov….! Oh, and I don’t want to talk!

Tell their homeroom teacher.

Yes, I said. Even parents are afraid of this Koltsov!

Well, okay, I'll go to school myself, I'll talk to the director, to the head teacher. And you, Glebushka, get ready soon. Soon the end of the quarter is already, and your salary is today. Go to work, buddy.

Zinoviev, a young teacher of a foreign language, took a briefcase with notebooks and plans, put on glasses, a hat, and sadly trudged off to work. The only thing that comforted him was the close end of the school year and today's salary.

Poems about mom .

March 8 is a special day,

Favorite holiday of our mothers.

He is the most gentle, the kindest

And therefore he is dear to us.

No one like a mother will regret

In sorrow like her, no one will understand us

Everywhere and everywhere - and in joy and sorrow -

We are always missing mom.

And in our mothers earthly attraction

Family home and home.

In them our lives are eternal

Dear mother - you are the basis of all foundations.

This word is wonderful - mom.

Everything on earth from mother's hands.

She is not obedient and stubborn us,

She taught good - the highest of the sciences.

Mom answered me: “To be in tune with the truth,

Do not let the small and the old be in trouble.

Lead by example in every case

Take an accurate eye when storming a target.

I asked my mother: "What is happiness?"

Mom answered me: “Build day and day,

To stay long in human memory.

Live peacefully with a neighbor, despise a scandal,

Will feed those who are tired on the way with lunch.

I asked my mother: "What is happiness?"

Mom answered me: “With a young mind

Comprehend science on your way.

Believe in humanity if trouble comes.

Always show sensitivity and cordiality.

I love you mom, why I don’t know

Probably because I live and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun, and every day.

For this I love you dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around

I love you mom

You're the best friend!


We are funny friends

We dance and sing

And now we will tell you

How our mothers and I live.

Olya washed the floors, Katya helped

It's just a pity - mom again

I washed everything.

Dad solved the problem for me

Helped in mathematics,

Then we decided with my mother

What he could not solve.

A sooty saucepan

Lena cleaned with sand

Two hours in Lenu's trough

Mom washed afterwards.

To mom in the morning our Mila

I gave two sweets

I barely had time to give

She ate them herself.

We sang to you as best we could,

We are only children

But we know our mothers -

The best in the world.

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers,

We are for everything, for everything, relatives,

We say: "Thank you!"

Poems about grandmother.

I am with my grandmother

I have been friends for a long time.

She is at the same time with me in all undertakings.

I don't know boredom with her,

Everything is pleasant to me in her,

And grandma's hands

I love most of all.

Our grandmothers are funny

Well, if need be,

And dance "Gypsy".

Cakes, bagels, cheesecakes

We all love with all our hearts.

If you like pies

Ask grandma to cook up.

Who came to me in the morning?

Who said: "It's time to get up"?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who managed to water the flowers?

Who set the table for dinner?

Who poured tea into the cup?

Who braided my braids?

Whole house swept up alone?

Who told me a story?

Who kissed me?

Who is the granddaughter who likes to laugh?

Who is the best in the world?


On your holiday so welcome

What else can we say?

Let the grandmothers

Wish you health.

Do not be ill! Don't get old!

Never grumble!

Stay so young forever.

Scene "Scientist grandmother ».

Two old women meet.

1. Hello my dear! Let's sit and chat!

2. What are you, I haven't done my homework yet….

3. Which lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You graduated from school for a hundred years!

4. Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do lessons for grandchildren! Who will help them besides us?

5. True? You spoil them!

6. I AM?! I do not spoil! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, and they always rewrite them cleanly.

7. Yes! This is really strict.

8. So if anything, ask me, I have a great experience! Check it out - I have a poem ... “By the side of the sea, a green oak; a golden chain on that oak ... "

9. Okay, good!

10. "... And day and night the wolf is a scientist ..."

11. Stop! What wolf? "

12. Well, I don't know, either steppe, or forest, or some other….

13. Yes, not a wolf, but a scientist cat! Are you crazy, can a wolf be smart? As far as I remember Pushkin had a CAT !!

14. Ah, I got it, I got it. Then I’ll start all over again: “By the seashore there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak, and day and night the scientist cat howls at the stars with a rooster!

15. What? What cock? What stars? Where did you read that?

16. Oh, what a bore you are! Well, I messed up a little! I have so many lessons! My head is spinning! Mathematics, Russian, geography, history ... You can't remember it right away!

17. Listen, assistant! And what do grandchildren do? What do they do?

18. They study smart games! Computer! I don't understand computers yet! What do you think, if I continue to study so hard, maybe a monument will be erected in my honor?

19. It has already been installed!

20. How? Where? When?

21. Look in your grandson's diary. A wonderful monument ... KOL is called. Monument to grandmothers who do lessons for their grandchildren.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a magic school. Although, why was it? She is ... She is only 15 years old, she is very young.

It seems like a school is like a school. And children seem to be like children. But this is at first glance. Children study there are quite unusual. Small and older. Various. All red girls and good fellows. Good and wise fairies and wizards teach them all sorts of wisdom. And the director is the most important professor of magic. There are also sisters of mercy in the school who treat children with all sorts of magic potions, if suddenly one of the kids gets sick, a little. In the dining room, children are fed fabulously delicious breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks. And self-assembled tablecloths help cooks with this. The school is always clean. For this, thanks to the Cinderellas with magic wand mops. Every morning, the children are brought to school by a school magic bus, which is also controlled, of course, by a real magician. And with the efforts of all these wizards, wonderful children are obtained. All school employees are proud of their graduates because they continue to perform miracles in life.

This is such a school! I was there, I saw everything myself and did not embellish anything. This is my school! Nizhnevartovsk special (correctional) general education school 1, 2 types! This year she has a magical anniversary - 15 years! I wish the school to flourish for many, many years, to live in harmony, in love and harmony! This is the end of my fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

A fairy tale about school, teachers and students. What better way to celebrate Teacher's Day or any other school event!
Fairy tale for teacher's day can also be successfully applied at a graduation party at school, a New Year's concert, congratulating teachers on March 8 and for many other occasions. A short, funny scene about school. Or a miniature play - the point is not in the genre, but in the fact that sketches on a school theme and performances for teachers, staged by students, are always successful and popular.Characters:

- Tsar Diary;

- Minister of education;

- guard;

- the reader;

- 1st Col;

- 2nd Col;

- Two;

- 1st Trojak;

- 2nd Trojak;

- Foursome;

- 1st Five;

- 2nd Five .

In the center of the stage there is a throne for the king, near which there is a guard; there is a geographic map on the wall.

In a certain school state
Tsar Diary sat on the kingdom.
And early one morning
Visit other countries
The king conceived. And the decree
He scribbled this very hour.
(Opens the scroll, reads the decree.)
"To complete a visit
I need such a retinue
To the far side
I would not disgrace myself.
To have visitors
Not fools, not boozebirds,
Not lazy, not flatterers,
Well done - well done!
I tell everyone to come to me,
So that everyone can distinguish themselves,
Show your wits and stuff.
All to appear before the royal eyes! "

The reader leaves. The king enters, sits on the throne. The Minister of Education appears after him.

Minister (to the king).
I, the Minister of Education,
I report with glee:
At your apartment
The first two applicants.
The first two? Well, great!
I will talk to them personally.
Come in, gentlemen!

Enter two Colas.

1st Col.
We came here
To bow at your feet
And ask the embassy.

Bow to the king.
How to dignify you, eagles?
2nd Col.
We are after Father Cola.
We are Colas Colas.
1st Col.
We are both healthy
Both are not hunchbacks
Noble and rich.
2nd Col.
And we want, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
Together with the priest-king
Behind an unknown hill.
Well, are you friendly with the diploma?
1st Col.
We don't need science.
Not by status Colam
Bend the ridge in half
Study the reader, the primer.
2nd Col.
Why do we need this, king?
What?! How are you not ashamed,
Rough Colam,
Come to my room
And ask abroad ?!
Let's go! What a disgrace!
Sentinel, lead the Kolov into the yard,
Give a kick without delay
To give them acceleration!

The guard takes Kolov by the collar and takes them out.

King, some damsel
He also asks to the light room,
So that you appreciate her
And he invited me to the embassy.
Let's see what a girl she is.
Maybe the retinue will do.
I will conduct an exam -
If I don’t find flaws,
That will go abroad.
Invite the girl here.

The minister leaves and returns with the Deuce.

I bow low to the king
And at the same time I say
I'm ready, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
In the overseas side -
This mission is for me.
Well, what is your name?
Everyone calls two, loving.
As I walk down the street -
Everyone admires me.
All handkerchiefs get out
And tears are shed from happiness.
And I am friendly with grammar,
Reading, math?
Why is the beauty maiden
Learn math?
After all, the servants are next to me -
They will count, if necessary.
I don't even know the letters.
I am a column noblewoman
And not the letters of a slave!
It's just a shame!
You, my dear, you know-it-all
And inveterate lazy.
Not being able to read is a shame!
All! The conversation is over!
You're not good for anything.
The suite is also not needed!
I tell you, girl,
Leave the chambers.

The king turns away. Deuce leaves with a shrug.

King, to your apartment
Two contenders are torn.
It seems that they are not idlers,
In Ishpans, they sharpen the fronts:
"Oh boyfriend, monsieur, bonjour,
Guten morgen, lampshade! "
Invite them to a reception
Let's see how much is here.

The Minister leaves and returns with two Trojaks.

1st Trojak.
Guten morgen, hand hoh!
Every friend of us is good!

2nd Trojak.
We wish nah cordon,
Nah Paris and nah London.
Well, what is your name, friends, what?
1st Trojak.
I am Trojak and he is Trojak!
We are in terms of languages \u200b\u200b-
Guten morgen, bless you!
2nd Trojak.
In general, a complete fantasy!

The king rises from the throne, approaches the map.

Where are London and Paris?

Trojans point their fingers at the card at random.

1st Trojak.
London is here, Paris is over there.
2nd Trojak.
Near Panama City.
In geography, we are gut!
You are not a gut, but a kaput!
I'll ask both of them out!
Goodbye, sorry!
(To the guard)
Bring them to the gate
Point out where the turn is.
(To the Minister)
You are the Minister of Education!
What kind of gift is this ?!
All kinds of oaks
Rude, rude!
Answer, yeshkin cat,
Where are our educated people?
Is it really in a great kingdom,
Our school state
Is there anyone smarter?
King, let me answer.
There are the smartest girls
Three good sisters
I sent messengers to them.
Where are they, after all?

Three girls enter with briefcases, bow to the king.

Hello our wise king,
Our learned sovereign!
Come on, come on, what kind of birds,
What smart girls?
How beautiful and neat
Pleasant to the royal eyes!
I could have taken everyone to the embassy.
What, beauties, should I call you?
1st Five.
I am the Five.
2nd Five.
I am the Five.
And I am the youngest Four.
Are they friendly with the sciences?
1st Five.
All items are important to us!
2nd Five.
There are no secondary sciences!
You must know them without fail.
And the subject notebooks?
Are they all right, I hope?

The girls take notebooks out of their portfolios and serve them to the king.

Look for yourself, sir.
And take mine, king.

The king with a contented look examines the notebooks.

No mistakes, no blemishes
I will take you to the retinue of all!
Tomorrow to distant shores
The brig will rush us over the waves.
The first point is Germany.
(To the audience) Thank you for your attention!

General bow, curtain.

Scene "Mommy's Son" (mother, son, storyteller) _-Mom, I will not go to school today, Something has a headache, and the weather is unimportant. Cold!.- What are you, son, you have the same test today, you must not miss!- And you write a note that I felt bad, I will give the head teacher Irina Viktorovna.- Cheating is not good son. Get ready, get ready quickly.- Well ... I don't want to.- You took all the notebooks, and the books? Check in the briefcase. Faster, faster, Otherwise you'll be late, Gleb. Why don't you want to go, because it's so interesting in the lessons ...- Yes, you are good to speak. And these lessons always give me a headache. You know how they shout in class, you can't hear anything!-And you do not pay attention, work for yourself, and that's all!-Yes, don't pay. Koltsov teases, calls them a pancake, while Petrenko and Ivanenko recently put buttons on a chair and hid their notebooks. And Buyanov….! Oh, and I don’t want to talk!- And you tell their homeroom teacher.- Yes, I said. Even parents are afraid of this Koltsov!- Well, okay, I'll go to school myself, I'll talk to the director, the head teacher. And you, Glebushka, get ready soon. Soon the end of the quarter is already, and your salary is today. Go to work, buddy.Gleb Yegorovich Zinoviev, a young teacher of a foreign language, sighed, took a briefcase with notebooks and plans, put on glasses, a hat and sadly trudged off to work. The only thing that comforted him was the close end of the school year and today's salary.
Poems about mom .
    March 8 is a special day,
Favorite holiday of our mothers. He is the most gentle, the kindest And therefore he is dear to us.
    No one like a mother will regret
In sorrow like her, no one will understand us Everywhere and everywhere - and in joy and sorrow - We are always missing mom.
    And in our mothers earthly attraction
Family home and home. In them our lives are eternal Dear mother - you are the basis of all foundations.
    This word is wonderful - mom.
Everything on earth from mother's hands. She is not obedient and stubborn us, She taught good - the highest of the sciences.Mom answered me: “To be in tune with the truth, Do not let the small and the old be in trouble. Lead by example in every case Take an accurate eye when storming a target.
    I asked my mother: "What is happiness?"
Mom answered me: “Build day and day, To stay long in human memory. Live peacefully with a neighbor, despise a scandal, Will feed those who are tired on the way with lunch.
    I asked my mother: "What is happiness?"
Mom answered me: “With a young mind Comprehend science on your way. Believe in humanity if trouble comes. Always show sensitivity and cordiality.
    I love you mom, why I don’t know
Probably because I live and dream, And I rejoice in the sun, and every day. For this I love you dear. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around I love you mom You're the best friend!


    We are funny friends
We dance and sing And now we will tell you How our mothers and I live.
    Olya washed the floors, Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again I washed everything.
    Dad solved the problem for me
Helped in mathematics, Then we decided with my mother What he could not solve.
    A sooty saucepan
Lena cleaned with sand Two hours in Lenu's trough Mom washed afterwards.
    To mom in the morning our Mila
I gave two sweets I barely had time to give She ate them herself.
    We sang to you as best we could,
We are only children But we know our mothers - The best in the world.
    Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers, We are for everything, for everything, relatives, We say: "Thank you!"

Poems about grandmother.

    I am with my grandmother
I have been friends for a long time. She is at the same time with me in all undertakings. I don't know boredom with her, Everything is pleasant to me in her, And grandma's hands I love most of all.
    Our grandmothers are funny
They can sing, read poems, Well, if need be, And dance "Gypsy".
    Cakes, bagels, cheesecakes
We all love with all our hearts. If you like pies Ask grandma to cook up.
    Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"? Who managed to cook the porridge? Who managed to water the flowers? Who set the table for dinner? Who poured tea into the cup?
    Who braided my braids?
Whole house swept up alone? Who told me a story? Who kissed me? Who is the granddaughter who likes to laugh? Who is the best in the world? GRANDMOTHER!
    On your holiday so welcome
What else can we say? Let the grandmothers Wish you health. Do not be ill! Don't get old! Never grumble! Stay so young forever. Scene "Scientist grandmother ».
Two old women meet.
    Hello my dear! Let's sit and chat! What are you, I haven't done my homework yet…. Which lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You graduated from school for a hundred years! Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do lessons for grandchildren! Who will help them besides us? True? You spoil them! I AM?! I do not spoil! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, and they always rewrite them cleanly. Yes! This is really strict. So if anything, ask me, I have a great experience! Check it out - I have a poem ... “By the side of the sea, a green oak; a golden chain on that oak ... " So good! "... And day and night the wolf is a scientist ..." Stop! What wolf? " Well, I don't know, either steppe, or forest, or some other…. Yes, not a wolf, but a scientist cat! Are you crazy, can a wolf be smart? As far as I remember Pushkin had a CAT !! Ah, I got it, I got it. Then I’ll start all over again: “By the seashore there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak, and day and night the scientist cat howls at the stars with a rooster! What? What cock? What stars? Where did you read that? Oh, what a bore you are! Well, I messed up a little! I have so many lessons! My head is spinning! Mathematics, Russian, geography, history ... You can't remember it right away! Listen, assistant! And what do grandchildren do? What do they do? They study smart games! Computer! I don't understand computers yet! What do you think, if I continue to study so hard, maybe a monument will be erected in my honor? It has already been installed! How? Where? When? Look in your grandson's diary. A wonderful monument ... KOL is called. Monument to grandmothers who do lessons for their grandchildren.