Tale bag of apples summary. Knitting for hamsters

A Hare walked with a bag through the forest, looking for mushrooms and berries for his rabbit, but, as luck would have it, he couldn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.

And suddenly in the middle of a green meadow he saw a wild apple tree. And apples rosy on it and under it - apparently invisible! Without thinking twice, the Hare opened his sack and began to collect apples in it.

Then the Crow flew in, sat on a stump and croaks:

Carr! Carr! Disgrace! Everyone will come here, not a single apple will remain!

In vain you croak, - says the Hare, - there are enough apples for the whole forest. And I have a rabbit at home hungry sit.

Hare scooped a full bag of apples. The bag is heavy - do not pick it up. With difficulty dragged him the Hare dragged along a forest path ...

And suddenly his head buried in something soft. The Hare raised his head and froze - the Bear is standing in front of him!

What's in your bag? - asked the Bear. The hare came to his senses, opened the bag and said:

Here ... Apples ... Help yourself, Uncle Misha!

Bear tried one apple.

Nothing bullshit! Refresh! he roared, picked up a large handful of apples and went his way.

And the Hare - to his home.

There is a Hare in the woods, and from all sides little squirrels run to him, squealing in chorus:

Uncle Hare! Give the apples!

There is nothing to be done, I had to open the bag again.

On the way home, the Hare met his old friend Hedgehog.

Where are you going, Prickly Head? asked the Hare.

Yes, I’ve gathered for mushrooms, but nowhere to see mushrooms. I go with an empty basket.

You better take apples from me. Take it, do not be shy, I have a lot of them! - said the Hare and poured a hedgehog a full basket of apples.

The Hare came out to the meadow, and there the Goat walked with his kids. Their Hare also endowed apples.

He walked, the Hare walked and was tired.

I sat down on some hillock, when suddenly ...

Thank you buddy! said the Mole and disappeared underground with apples.

In a hare house, Papa Hare has long been waiting. To pass the time, Mom Hare tells a fairy tale to her hungry hares.

And then someone knocked on the door ...

The door swung open and squirrels appeared on the threshold with a large basket full of nuts.

Here! Mom asked you to convey this! - squirrels squeaked and ran away.

Miracles ... - whispered Hare.

Hedgehog came with a basket full of mushrooms.

Master of the house? he asked Zaychikhu.

Well no. As he went in the morning, he never returned.

The Hedgehog said goodbye, left, and Zaychikhe left a basket with mushrooms.

Neighbor Goat brought cabbage and a krynka of milk.

This is for your children, ”she said to Zaychikha.

Miracles continued ...

With a knock, the lid of the floor fell back and Mole's head appeared.

Is this the hare house? - he asked.

Yes, we live here, ”said Zaychikha.

So, I did the right digging! - Mole was delighted, and all sorts of vegetables flew from the underground: carrots, potatoes, parsley, beets. - Hello, Hare! - Mole shouted and disappeared underground.

And the crow is croaking:

Carr! Carr! He handed out apples to everyone, but he treated me to at least one apple!

The Hare embarrassed, shook the last apple out of the bag:

Here ... The best! Peck on health!

I really need your apple, I can’t stand them! Carr! Carr! What is being done! To empty hungry kids they carry an empty bag!

And I ... And now I’ll go back to the forest and bring a full bag again!

Where are you going, stupid! Look, what a cloud is going!

And the Hare ran back to the forest.

And when he ran to his treasured apple tree, then there ... A wolf sits.

I saw the Wolf of the Hare, licked it and asked:

What do you need here?

I ... I wanted to collect the apples ... Hare ...

So you love apples?

Liu ... I love ...

And I really love hares! - Wolf growled and rushed to the Hare.

It was then that the empty sack came in handy to the hare! Threw him a Hare to the Wolf on his head and set off on a run.

Late at night, the Hare pulled himself to his house.

And at home, well-fed rabbits slept soundly for a long time. Only one Hare did not sleep: she cried quietly in her corner.

Suddenly the door creaked.

Bunnies jumped in.

Hooray! Dad has come!

A hare ran to the door: on the threshold stood the Hare, all wet.

I haven’t brought you anything at all, ”he whispered.

Bunny my poor! - exclaimed Bunny.

And suddenly a terrible blow shook the house.

It is he! Wolf! Lock the door! Hide everything! shouted the Hare.

The windows rang, the window opened, and the big head of the Bear appeared.

Here! Keep a present from me, ”the Bear growled. - Real honey, linden ...

In the morning the whole rabbit family gathered at the table. And on the table, why not! Mushrooms and nuts, beets and cabbage, honey and turnips, carrots and potatoes.

And the evil crow is surprised:

I can’t imagine: how could so much good come from an empty bag?

The protagonist of the tale of V.G. Suteev “Bag of apples” is the Hare, who is trying to find food for his family in the forest. He searches for mushrooms and berries for a long time, but cannot find anything. At the last moment, the hare comes across an apple tree and he picks up a full bag of apples. At the same time, Raven scolds him, allegedly for greed. To this, the Hare replies that there are a lot of apples and enough for everyone.

Pleased to have found food, the Hare goes home. On the way, he treats with apples all the forest inhabitants who come across to meet: Bear, squirrels, Hedgehog, Goat, Mole. The hare approached the house with just one apple. Yes, and the Raven lured this apple from him. The Hare sighed and went back to the apple tree. And at the apple tree he came upon the Wolf and barely carried off his legs. Yes, and lost the bag at the same time.

Late at night, the Hare returned home and only wanted to tell Zaychikha that he had brought nothing from the forest, as he saw that the house was full of different kinds of food. It turned out that all the animals he treated with apples brought their gifts in gratitude for the treat. Belchata brought nuts, Hedgehog - a basket of mushrooms. The goat treated the rabbit family with cabbage and milk. And Mole pleased with a large number of different vegetables. Bear came last, he brought linden honey.

But Crow could not understand how so much food came from an empty bag?

This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the tale of V.G. Suteev “Bag of apples” is that you have to be responsive and generous and good deeds will definitely come back to you a hundredfold.

The tale of VG Suteev “Bag of apples” teaches us to share with others what we have. The hare was not greedy and shared his apples with all the animals. And in the end, his family received a return gift - a lot of varied and delicious forest food.

What proverbs apply to the tale "Bag of apples"?

The generosity of the hand shows what a heart is.
  As it comes around, it will respond.
  They pay for good.

A Hare walked with a bag through the forest, looking for mushrooms and berries for his rabbit, but, as luck would have it, he couldn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.

And suddenly in the middle of a green meadow he saw a wild apple tree. And apples rosy on it and under it - apparently invisible! Without thinking twice, the Hare opened his sack and began to collect apples in it.

Then the Crow flew in, sat on a stump and croaks:

Carr! Carr! Disgrace! Everyone will come here, not a single apple will remain!

In vain you croak, - says the Hare, - there are enough apples for the whole forest. And I have a rabbit at home hungry sit.

Hare scooped a full bag of apples. The bag is heavy - do not pick it up. With difficulty dragged him the Hare dragged along a forest path ...

And suddenly his head buried in something soft. The Hare raised his head and froze - the Bear is standing in front of him!

What's in your bag? - asked the Bear. The hare came to his senses, opened the bag and said:

Here ... Apples ... Help yourself, Uncle Misha!

Bear tried one apple.

Nothing bullshit! Refresh! he roared, picked up a large handful of apples and went his way.

And the Hare - to his home.

There is a Hare in the woods, and from all sides little squirrels run to him, squealing in chorus:

Uncle Hare! Give the apples!

There is nothing to be done, I had to open the bag again.

On the way home, the Hare met his old friend Hedgehog.

Where are you going, Prickly Head? asked the Hare.

Yes, I’ve gathered for mushrooms, but nowhere to see mushrooms. I go with an empty basket.

You better take apples from me. Take it, do not be shy, I have a lot of them! - said the Hare and poured a hedgehog a full basket of apples.

The Hare came out to the meadow, and there the Goat walked with his kids. Their Hare also endowed apples.

He walked, the Hare walked and was tired.

I sat down on some hillock, when suddenly ...

Thank you buddy! said the Mole and disappeared underground with apples.

In a hare house, Papa Hare has long been waiting. To pass the time, Mom Hare tells a fairy tale to her hungry hares.

And then someone knocked on the door ...

The door swung open and squirrels appeared on the threshold with a large basket full of nuts.

Here! Mom asked you to convey this! - squirrels squeaked and ran away.

Miracles ... - whispered Hare.

Hedgehog came with a basket full of mushrooms.

Master of the house? he asked Zaychikhu.

Well no. As he went in the morning, he never returned.

Hedgehog said goodbye, left, and left the basket with mushrooms to Zaychikha.

Neighbor Goat brought cabbage and a krynka of milk.

This is for your children, ”she said to Zaychikha.

Miracles continued ...

With a knock, the lid of the floor fell back and Mole's head appeared.

Is this the hare house? - he asked.

Yes, we live here, ”said Zaychikha.

So, I did the right digging! - Mole was delighted, and all sorts of vegetables flew from the underground: carrots, potatoes, parsley, beets. - Hello, Hare! - Mole shouted and disappeared underground.

And the crow is croaking:

Carr! Carr! He handed out apples to everyone, but he treated me to at least one apple!

The Hare embarrassed, shook the last apple out of the bag:

Here ... The best! Peck on health!

I really need your apple, I can’t stand them! Carr! Carr! What is being done! To empty hungry kids they carry an empty bag!

And I ... And now I’ll go back to the forest and bring a full bag again!

Where are you going, stupid! Look, what a cloud is going!

And the Hare ran back to the forest.

And when he ran to his treasured apple tree, there ...

I saw the Wolf of the Hare, licked it and asked:

What do you need here?

I ... I wanted to collect the apples ... Hare ...

So you love apples?

Liu ... I love ...

And I really love hares! - Wolf growled and rushed to the Hare.

It was then that the empty sack came in handy to the hare!

It is he! Wolf! Lock the door! Hide everything! shouted the Hare.

The windows rang, the window opened, and the big head of the Bear appeared.

Here! Keep a present from me, ”the Bear growled. - Real honey, linden ...

In the morning the whole rabbit family gathered at the table. And on the table, why not! Mushrooms and nuts, beets and cabbage, honey and turnips, carrots and potatoes.

And the evil crow is surprised:

I can’t imagine: how could so much good come from an empty bag?

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Summary: The protagonist of a fascinating and interesting fairy tale Bag of apples, authored by Suteev went into a dense and dense forest, in order to be able to find something to eat for their little children will be bunnies. On his way he will see a large apple tree, on which hung a lot of ripe and juicy apples. The hare was very happy, because now there will be something to feed his kids. He picked apples and was already heading back to his house. Along the way, he meets a big bear, a hedgehog, a small mole and a goat. Also, on his way, he sees cheerful squirrels and gives them all to feast on ripe apples. So the hare came to his native home, where his children were looking forward to it with great impatience. But then a nuisance happened, a bag of apples turned out to be completely empty. There is not a single one left, not even the smallest apple. Good bunny distributed all his apples to friends, who he met on his way. How could a hare return home with an empty bag, he did not enter his house. He decided to return to this fertile apple tree again. When he came running, near the apple tree he saw a large and vicious gray wolf. So the poor bunny had to return home again to his hares, hungry and not fed. The whole wet, frozen hare, he pulled himself home and this is what kind of picture he saw. He did not believe his eyes. There were a lot of different kinds of food in his house. It contained honey and mushrooms, a lot of big cabbage, ripe and juicy carrots, lots of nuts, a house full of sundries. The faithful and devoted friends of the good hare did not leave their friend in trouble. To all those whom he will not regret giving apples, in return, bring gifts for them. Read the tale Bag of apples online for free on this site. You can listen to it in audio recordings or watch a cartoon. Write your feedback and comments.

The text of the tale Bag Apple

A Hare walked with a bag through the forest, looking for mushrooms and berries for his rabbit, but, as luck would have it, he couldn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.

And suddenly in the middle of a green meadow he saw a wild apple tree. And apples rosy on it and under it - apparently invisible! Without thinking twice, the Hare opened his sack and began to collect apples in it.

Then the Crow flew in, sat on a stump and croaks:

Carr! Carr! Disgrace! Everyone will come here, not a single apple will remain!

In vain you croak, - says the Hare, - there are enough apples for the whole forest. And I have a rabbit at home hungry sit.

Hare scooped a full bag of apples. The bag is heavy - do not pick it up. With difficulty dragged him the Hare dragged along a forest path ...

And suddenly his head buried in something soft. The Hare raised his head and froze - the Bear is standing in front of him!

What's in your bag? - asked the Bear. The hare came to his senses, opened the bag and said:

Here ... Apples ... Help yourself, Uncle Misha!

Bear tried one apple.

Nothing bullshit! Refresh! he roared, picked up a large handful of apples and went his way.

And the Hare - to his home.

There is a Hare in the woods, and from all sides little squirrels run to him, squealing in chorus:

Uncle Hare! Give the apples!

There is nothing to be done, I had to open the bag again.

On the way home, the Hare met his old friend Hedgehog.

Where are you going, Prickly Head? asked the Hare.

Yes, I’ve gathered for mushrooms, but nowhere to see mushrooms. I go with an empty basket.

You better take apples from me. Take it, do not be shy, I have a lot of them! - said the Hare and poured a hedgehog a full basket of apples.

The Hare came out to the meadow, and there the Goat walked with his kids. Their Hare also endowed apples.

He walked, the Hare walked and was tired.

I sat down on some hillock, when suddenly ...

Thank you buddy! said the Mole and disappeared underground with apples.

In a hare house, Papa Hare has long been waiting. To pass the time, Mom Hare tells a fairy tale to her hungry hares.

And then someone knocked on the door ...

The door swung open and squirrels appeared on the threshold with a large basket full of nuts.

Here! Mom asked you to convey this! - squirrels squeaked and ran away.

Miracles ... - whispered Hare.

Hedgehog came with a basket full of mushrooms.

Master of the house? he asked Zaychikhu.

Well no. As he went in the morning, he never returned.

The Hedgehog said goodbye, left, and Zaychikhe left a basket with mushrooms.

Neighbor Goat brought cabbage and a krynka of milk.

This is for your children, ”she said to Zaychikha.

Miracles continued ...

With a knock, the lid of the floor fell back and Mole's head appeared.

Is this the hare house? - he asked.

Yes, we live here, ”said Zaychikha.

So, I did the right digging! - Mole was delighted, and all sorts of vegetables flew from the underground: carrots, potatoes, parsley, beets. - Hello, Hare! - Mole shouted and disappeared underground.

And the crow is croaking:

Carr! Carr! He handed out apples to everyone, but he treated me to at least one apple!

The Hare embarrassed, shook the last apple out of the bag:

Here ... The best! Peck on health!

I really need your apple, I can’t stand them! Carr! Carr! What is being done! To empty hungry kids they carry an empty bag!

And I ... And now I’ll go back to the forest and bring a full bag again!

Where are you going, stupid! Look, what a cloud is going!

And the Hare ran back to the forest.

And when he ran to his treasured apple tree, then there ... A wolf sits.

I saw the Wolf of the Hare, licked it and asked:

What do you need here?

I ... I wanted to collect the apples ... Hare ...

So you love apples?

Liu ... I love ...

And I really love hares! - Wolf growled and rushed to the Hare.

It was then that the empty sack came in handy to the hare! Threw him a Hare to the Wolf on his head and set off on a run.

Late at night, the Hare pulled himself to his house.

And at home, well-fed rabbits slept soundly for a long time. Only one Hare did not sleep: she cried quietly in her corner.

Suddenly the door creaked.

Bunnies jumped in.

Hooray! Dad has come!

A hare ran to the door: on the threshold stood the Hare, all wet.

I haven’t brought you anything at all, ”he whispered.

Bunny my poor! - exclaimed Bunny.

And suddenly a terrible blow shook the house.

It is he! Wolf! Lock the door! Hide everything! shouted the Hare.

The windows rang, the window opened, and the big head of the Bear appeared.

Here! Keep a present from me, ”the Bear growled. - Real honey, linden ...

In the morning the whole rabbit family gathered at the table. And on the table, why not! Mushrooms and nuts, beets and cabbage, honey and turnips, carrots and potatoes.

And the evil crow is surprised:

I can’t imagine: how could so much good come from an empty bag?

Listen to the tale Apple Bag online

Watch the tale Apple Bag online

A Hare walked with a bag through the forest, looking for mushrooms and berries for his rabbit, but, as luck would have it, he couldn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.

And suddenly in the middle of a green meadow he saw a wild apple tree. And apples rosy on it and under it - apparently invisible! Without thinking twice, the Hare opened his sack and began to collect apples in it.

Then the Crow flew in, sat on a stump and croaks:

Carr! Carr! Disgrace! Everyone will come here, not a single apple will remain!

In vain you croak, - says the Hare, - there are enough apples for the whole forest. And I have a rabbit at home hungry sit.

Hare scooped a full bag of apples. The bag is heavy - do not pick it up. With difficulty dragged him the Hare dragged along a forest path ...

And suddenly his head buried in something soft. The Hare raised his head and froze - the Bear is standing in front of him!

What's in your bag? - asked the Bear. The hare came to his senses, opened the bag and said:

Here ... Apples ... Help yourself, Uncle Misha!

Bear tried one apple.

Nothing bullshit! Refresh! he roared, picked up a large handful of apples and went his way.

And the Hare - to his home.

There is a Hare in the woods, and from all sides little squirrels run to him, squealing in chorus:

Uncle Hare! Give the apples!

There is nothing to be done, I had to open the bag again.

On the way home, the Hare met his old friend Hedgehog.

Where are you going, Prickly Head? asked the Hare.

Yes, I’ve gathered for mushrooms, but nowhere to see mushrooms. I go with an empty basket.

You better take apples from me. Take it, do not be shy, I have a lot of them! - said the Hare and poured a hedgehog full basket of apples.

The Hare came out to the meadow, and there the Goat walked with his kids. Their Hare also endowed apples.

He walked, the Hare walked and was tired.

I sat down on some hillock, when suddenly ...

Thank you buddy! said the Mole and disappeared underground with apples.

In a hare house, Papa Hare has long been waiting. To pass the time, Mom Hare tells a fairy tale to her hungry hares.

And then someone knocked on the door ...

The door swung open and squirrels appeared on the threshold with a large basket full of nuts.

Here! Mom asked you to convey this! - squirrels squeaked and ran away.

Miracles ... - whispered Hare.

Hedgehog came with a basket full of mushrooms.