Why blows from plastic windows? What to do? Possible causes and ways to eliminate them. What to do if blowing out of plastic windows blows from windows what to do

Each person understands how important it is to maintain heat in its housing with the onset of cold weather. Heating is currently expensive, therefore it is extremely unreasonable to spend the heat of the right and left. As you know, the main heat loss houses occur through windows and doors. So far, we are only interested in windows. To completely avoid heat loss, of course, it will not work, but you can cut them. In addition, if the window also blows, by eliminating this problem, you can save significantly on heating.

And why at all blows the windows? The popularity of this problem is growing in geometric progression with the onset of winter. We are often treated with this kind of trouble. But we know that you need to do with all this. Do you want to be aware too? In this case, proceed to the study of this issue right now. However, we still recommend first to contact the company's specialist warm at home.

Blinds plastic windows: causes

Before hitting the alarm, it is necessary to figure it out. Does the PVC windows blow up? Maybe just on the street is too cold, and the frame and glass pack are too thin? If everything is so, there is little good here. The installers were mistaken and installed inappropriate plastic windows in the temperature regime. This is why it is always better to immediately contact the proven and reliable companies.

If it really blows through plastic windows, then these are the main reasons:

  • Marriage window design. The window should be returned to the manufacturer, of course, if it is warranty.
  • Montage errors. Unfair installers quite often make mistakes during the installation of plastic windows. Subsequently, these errors are poured by the owner in a penny. If blowing out of slopes or from under the windows, then these are accurate installation errors. You should contact the company that performed work and ask everyone to remake.
  • Wrong adjustment. If you blow up the window from the loop side, then it is most likely incorrect or late adjustment. Window sash must be adjusted 2 times a year. If this is not done, then over time it will be closed loosely. As a result, questions arise why plastic windows blow. Also, the windows may be initially incorrectly adjusted. In this case, the window blows from the first day of installation, that's just noticeably it becomes with the onset of cold weather.
  • Violation of the geometry of the window. This refers more to the wrong installation.
  • Furnitura. In order to do not blow out the window, the window design should be regularly maintained: adjustment, lubrication. If the fittings are embedded, the window cannot be closed tightly, as a result, the hosts face the problem of blowing.
  • Seal. If the plastic windows of the loop are blocked, the wine can be a poor-quality seal. Also, the sealing gum may be unreasonable over time. If this element has lost its properties, it should be replaced, otherwise the purge cannot be avoided.
  • Disturbance of the integrity of Ram.. Window frames of modern windows, as a rule, are made of plastic. However, this is not always the highest quality plastic. Plastic can break away from the scorching summer sun, and then become extremely fragile with the first frosts. If the frame goes on the frame, then from the window will definitely begin blowing.

In fact, the reasons could be told yet. There is a mass, sometimes even extremely ridiculous situations in which the owners are due to their gullibility of unscrupulous masters.

It is necessary to order the installation and repair of plastic windows only in a reliable company that is tested not only by time, but also by people.

Blinds the window: What to do?

So, you encountered the problem of blowing. What's next? The easiest way to call us. This is really the best option. We will send a specialist who will appreciate the situation and quickly fix it. Why do you need unnecessary troubles?

Do you feel firmly believe that we will cope with your own? In this case, you will have to first determine the cause of blowing, and then eliminate it.

The most harmless case is when the windows blows, because they are not translated into. Probably, you never heard that plastic windows have winter and summer modes. So, if all the troughs on the end of the sash turn into the right position, the window will begin to press the frame much more dense. As a result, the draft will disappear.

If you blow up the window below, then it is worth a closer look at the windowsill, or rather to how it is installed. According to the correct cavity, the windowsill must be filled with the mounting foam, and the plaster is applied on top. A draft from under the window can be tried to eliminate with the help of sealant. If it does not work, the windowsill will have to reinstall.

If it blows the plastic window from the loop side, then it will be necessary, as already mentioned, good adjustment.

Blind windows in a new building in the joints of the frame and the impost, it is most likely the marriage of the manufacturer. The company should be called, which made the installation, and ask to replace the windows.

If the cause of purging was the sealing seal, it should be lubricated by artificial vaseline. Did not help? .

The blowing between the windowsill and the adjacent frame will be more complicated. In most cases, dismantling the design.

When the blowing was discovered between the wall and the frame, then the wines of this is again poor installation. How to eliminate? You can try to close the seams, but it will be possible to achieve the best result only in the case of reinstalling the window structure.

Specialists of our company removed for you excellent material - "Plastic windows blows: what to do, video." After viewing this video, you will definitely know why blows out of the window.

Among the main factors causing the appearance of drafts are distinguished:

  1. The presence of a production marriage in products. Most often, the use of low-quality raw materials in the production of a plastic system can provoke the deformation of the entire structure, and with sharp drops of temperatures - and completely burst. In addition, the improper storage of finished windows can also have a negative impact on the goods. For instance, If metal and plastic profiles are for a long time in unprotected areas, in the cold, it will also provoke deformation. In the end, the quality of the installation will worsen, and with it a tightness of the structure will be disturbed.
  2. Low-quality fittings and plastic. Given the importance of accessories for the entire plastic block (responsible for the dense fit of the sash at the closure), it clearly makes no sense on this. When choosing such mechanisms, preference is recommended to give more expensive, high-quality products. It is also worth paying attention to the correctness of adjustment, as one of the reasons for the appearance of drafts. As for, with its low quality or strong contamination, the design tightness can be forgotten: minor gaps that pass the cold air flow appear.
  3. Installation without compliance with the main standards. Even if the window is made of high-quality material, and the accessories from the best manufacturers, with the wrong installation, the plastic design will not be able to ensure proper comfort in the room. Work should conduct experienced masters. Another factor for the occurrence of drafts is the wrong finish of the window from the inside: Mounting work with disorders, unscrupulous insulation of slopes, improper installation of the window sill. As a result - gaps passing cold air.

How to determine the place of blowing

Before proceeding to eliminate cold air from the window opening, it is more expedient to find a problem space, as well as to understand the actual reason for its appearance.
With the external temperature of -20 degrees, the plastic design with a low heat transfer is characterized by the property is very cooling, therefore, and the air from this window will also be cold. When circulating such air indoors, there is a sense of draft.

To certainly determine the place of purge, you can use the following way:

  1. Slash the candle or use the lighter.
  2. Conduct it throughout the perimeter of the window.
  3. In those places where the flame of the candle will fluctuate and is a problem area.

Minor flame fluctuations indicate normal air circulation along the glass.

It is recommended that the plastic system of the plastic system with internal slopes is recommended, since it can blow from the gaps in the slopes or from the bottom from the window sill. If there is an existing warranty on the plastic product and its maintenance must be applied to a specific company.

Eliminate the problem:

1. blows from loops

  1. Cause: Incomplete filling of fastening holes. Decision: Conduring careful inspection of sash and tight closure.
  2. Cause: Technological gaps for fixing mosquito nets, outdoor holes. Decision: In winter, there is no need to use additional holes, it is advisable to close them for a while.
  3. Cause: Bad fittings or low quality. Decision: Fully replace or adjust correctly.

2. blows from the handle

Cause: The handle of the plastic window failed, as a result of which the sash is loosely pressed against the surface (at least a little, but the clearance) is formed.
Decision: Either adjust, or clamp all the fasteners, or replace the new one.

For this:

  1. Remove the decorative bar, hiding the place of fixing the handle to the window design (the bar check 90 degrees and unscrew the fastening screws under it).
  2. Disconnect the old handle and install a new one by using these same fasteners. Close the decorative plate.
  3. Make sure the performance of the handle (if necessary - to adjust).

3. blows from the shock

  1. Cause: The sealer does not meet the requirements. Decision: Replacing the silicone seal, its performance has high rates in the insulation matters. For this:
    • Remove the previous rubber gasket;
    • Well clean the profile from pollution;
    • Stick the desired seal.
  2. Cause: The presence of factory defects on the strokes or loose pressed to the window block. Decision: Replace to better, additionally seal the gaps between the plastic design and the double-glazed glass with silicone.

4. Blowing between the windowsill and the window

Cause: Installation of the window block with obvious disorders, in particular, the insufficient number of mounting foam.


  1. Remove the window tide from the outside (from the street).
  2. Clear from the old mounting foam if there is.
  3. The space is completely filled with mounting foam.
  4. Put in place with a sampling.

If there is a slight blowing in this area, it is possible to seam to sealed with silicone sealant.

5. blows from the windowsill

  1. Cause: Incorrect installation of the window block. Decision: Calling a specialist from the company that installed a plastic block.
  2. Cause: The sealer came into disrepair, errors when installing the windowsill. Decision: The resulting clearance must be sealing with a sealant, mounting foam (at large sizes of the gap) and reinstall the windowsill. Seal failed to replace the new with a special glue.

If the situation has not changed after all the listed actions, the window must be reinstalled.

6. blows from slopes

Cause: The validity of the mounting foam has expired, it completely collapsed and passes the cold air.


  1. Disassembly disassembly.
  2. On the entire perimeter of the block to simulate the available seams.
  3. Install slopes.

The most common reason for the appearance of drafts indoors is considered incorrectly adjusted mechanisms of plastic design.

Settings Rules:

  1. Clim. Its setting is carried out with the end part of the window, where three eccentric are located, the so-called pin. Applying the hexagon, the moderate movements of the trough are turning depending on the situation: for the density of the clamp - left, and for its relaxation - right.
  2. Furnitura. Here, all attention is focused on the window constipation, if there is an inscription AUBI, then the sash is mounted in a vertical position. So, the metal bar with the spring is needed to press and turn the handle to the correct position.

When you inscribe GO and ROTO, the metal tag setting is performed under the handle. To do this, put pressure on the tongue and send to the seal parallel.

  1. Do not neglect the preparatory work on the insulation of windows in the winter.
  2. First of all, the entire plastic block should be carefully cleaned from dirt and clean drainage channels.
  3. Periodically inspection of loops, mechanisms, remedy planks.
  4. When the slots are detected, it is recommended to use high-quality silicone, and the moving accessories must be lubricated with solidol, so you can extend its service life.
  5. Special attention should be paid to seals, in the case of moisture accumulation on rubber elements - replace.
  6. To enhance thermal insulation, you can use the heat saving film. To secure it on the inside of the frame, you will need bilateral scotch.
  7. With timely discovery and troubleshooting, the comfort in the room is guaranteed.

By installing new plastic windows in the premises, their owners expect once and permanently to solve questions regarding the preservation within the optimal temperature and the desired microclimate. However, their hopes are rarely justified completely, because modern PVC designs can also be presented to unpleasant surprises. More often than others meet the next trouble - from the plastic window blows. Moreover, the disadvantage is found not only in freshly established structures, but manifests itself in proven windows operated not the first year.

What are the causes of this trouble and how difficult to get rid of it? Answers to these questions we will try to give in this article.

Where does the heat loss sources

All manufacturers of modern PVC windows promise to buyers perfect designs and excellent thermal insulation properties. But when the plastic window begins to blow, there are big doubts about the truthfulness of all assurances and only one wants one - eliminate this lack as quickly as possible.

First of all, you need to identify the "weak link" - to determine from which part of the plastic window it sits. The main ways of outdoor air intake are:

  • Places of top, side or lower fitting sash to the window;
  • Zones with defects in the seal;
  • Shoes of slopes;
  • The bottom of the windowsill.

If there is no thermal imager in the house, and it is impossible to find a problematic place to find a problem - you can take a conventional candle (or lighter) and in the burning condition to take it near the window. In the place where the plastic window blows, the flame frozen or go out.

After detecting the source, do not hurry to blame the windows manufacturer in deception and concing all the power of your anger on his head. Perhaps the plant here and nothing, but the cause of trouble in improper installation or unfulfilled structure adjustment.

Quite often for drafts are taken convection movement of air masses. It occurs with a strong temperature difference outside and inside when the cold air is lowered down and spreads around the room, creating an illusion of blowing from the window.
If you feel the draft from the new window, the period for which has not yet expired, call the wizard and achieve the elimination of a negative phenomenon. If the defect manifested itself at the window, which is not operated by the first year, then the solution to the problem will require financial costs or time for self-elimination.

Why does the windows blow?

Threatening modern windows may arise in three reasons:
  1. Due to the marriage in the manufacture.
  2. Due to the use of low quality materials.
  3. Due to improper installation.
The deepening to each cause allows you to more accurately identify the problems that cause a negative phenomenon. Most often, the owners of the windows have to deal with the following of them:
  • The window is installed uneven, and the skew allows the cold air to penetrate inside;
  • The fittings of the product is not adjusted, and therefore the sash is easily adjacent to the frame;
  • The design is equipped with low-quality constipation, which is not able to tightly press the parts of the window to each other;
  • In the sash profile or frame has a defect. Plastic of poor quality often cracks from cold temperature or overheating in the sun;
  • Pollution, damage or partial destruction of the seal - without care and regular replacement, the seal begins to pass the cold air. Cheap material fails very quickly;
  • Wrong installation and. Thermal insulation, made not according to the standards, is one of the common causes of drafts;
  • If a plastic window blows from under the windowsill, it means that the element is installed incorrectly, and there are slots between it and the monolithic base.
Consider in more detail the basic points of purge and factors caused their appearance.

Causes of blurring plastic windows

However, in practice, this operation is not always produced, and therefore, it is necessary to deal with the problem of people. Each window can be translated into a winter mode, which enhances the pressing of the frame to the sash and minimizes the likelihood of the occurrence. If you want to perform this operation yourself - check the procedure for action from the manufacturer. If you do not trust your forces, then contact the service centers for maintenance of windows.

Blowing out of the plastic window - what to do?

If you recently installed a new plastic window and noticed that it is blown up - contact manufacturers and installers, until the warranty period has passed on the product and its installation (note that the time of operation of the warranty on work and on the design itself may be different). Experts will be faster in the causes of the occurrence of drafts and offer variants of its elimination.

If you blow the beginning of the window that is not operated by the first year, - find the place of blowing and try to determine its causes. Small drafts caused by insufficient thermal insulation, you can delete yourself. In more serious cases, you will have to refer to the windows repair and maintenance masters.

In order to minimize the likelihood that the plastic window will blow through the following tips:

  1. Buy high-quality products from manufacturers with good reputation. So you will receive a guarantee for long design work and all its elements.

  2. Do not trust the installation of windows by random people - installation work must be performed. They have the necessary experience and knowledge, and therefore give a guarantee for their work. Specialists from service companies will translate windows to the right mode, will explain the rules for the care of them and eliminate the malfunction if they arise.

  3. If there is no desire to bother with the setting of window modes - take modern models with automatic adjustment. The change in the degree of clamp is performed using a round lever placed on the sash. Turning it in one direction strengthens the force of pressed, to another - weakens.

  4. Observe the manufacturer's recommendations and regularly take care of the fittings and seal. Timely cleaning, lubrication and sealer liner will get rid of its destruction at the most inappropriate time. In front of the winter season it is worth checking and the state of the docking seams: maybe they need warming, sealing or updating.

Why can still blow from the plastic window

If the blowing occurred not immediately, but a few years after the purchase of the window, the reasons may be as follows:

The listed factors more often than others become reasons of blowing modern windows, but there are other. The source of the problem may become the inconsistency of the location of the shut-off elements with response planks on the frame, poor clamp of the handles to the base, as well as many other points. If you feel that from your plastic window blows, but you can not find the cause - do not waste time in vain, but call specialists from the proven company. They will quickly appreciate the structure of the structure and offer the optimal way to eliminate the fault.

A fairly common problem that appears in a huge number of people who live in private homes and apartments is blowing out of the plastic window.

Very often have "sin" modern plastic windows. But the manufacturer assures that they are all sealed and have high quality. The question appears, why is it? And also because of what a draft of plastic window is formed?

The reasons

Experts identify several reasons that are capable of blowing.

These include:

  1. Production marriages;
  2. The use of poor-quality plastic, which is deformed with time and can even burst at different temperatures.
  3. . If it is low quality or heat is polluted, the tightness decreases, microscoles appear through which air is capable of passing.

The bad effect on the quality of windows is due to improper storage of metal and plastic things in the open air or indoors where there is no heating. According to the result, the quality of the installation is deployed, which then contributes to the occurrence of purge.

One of the most common reasons for the appearance of a problem with plastic windows is low-quality fittings.

Therefore, never do not save buying and installing windows. Also blows from PVC windows due to incorrect improper adjustment, which does not allow the flaps to fit well to the surface.


Blowing on the loop

Thinking in this place occurs due to incomplete filling of the mounting hole. To get rid of this problem, look good for the sash and close them tightly.

In addition, the cause of the draft can be burned in a technological gap for fastening mosquito nets or other additional holes, which are located on the outside of the window.

If there is a draft of plastic windows from under the handle, it says that they lost their functions in full strength.

The sash does not completely begin to cuddle to the base, as a result, a small slot is formed, through which the air is capable of passing.

Blowing between the windowsill and plastic window

The most basic reason in this case is a poorly installed window.

During the installation of the master used little mounting foam, Corota "answers" for reliable and correct fixation in the work.

Elimination of purge

To correctly eliminate malfunctions, it is important to clearly understand the cause of blowing.

If the air passes throughout the perimeter of the sash, the window did not transfer to winter time, that is, the accessories are not sufficiently adjacent to the frame. The system needs to be adjusted.

For this, the pinows that are located around the perimeter of the sash must simultaneously translate to the maximum position (moving clockwise). From the tools you will need dug or pliers.

This kind of surgery must be carried out with the window open. The main thing is to detect and turn all the trops, because the design may break.

Some manufacturers of windows, this process is made automatically - accessories are equipped with a roller with special rings. It spins itself and easily changes the mode from the winter to summer.

Other reasons that provoke purging it can be eliminated:

  • If the siphonite is from below from under the windowsill - the reason in the installation (not hermetically).
  • The space under it is required to change, and then attach.
  • To do not blow out the window, use the sealant. You may have to reinstall the windowsill.

Briefly about the mounting of the window sill when drafts:

  1. It is necessary to warm and seal the windowsill mounting foam.
  2. If the slopes are swaying, this means that the mounting seam is destroyed. Mounting foam in slopes functions 5-10 years. To resolve the problem, you need to disassemble the slopes, and on the new one to make a frame of foam.
  3. If the frame and an imposite of the window design from the junction also testifies to the marriage of the product. The gap must be sealing sealant.
  4. If blowing out of the loops, you need to watch the sash and close it tightly.
  5. If the seal is shred and became inelastic, then purge also appears. You can solve this problem by replacing the seal. This operation can be easily done on your own. The main thing is to choose the compactor correctly.

Than sticking plastic windows so as not to blow

There are situations where all the ways to correct the problems with blowing are not effective and do not give any results.

This means that it is necessary to eliminate this problem in other ways. One of them is the insulation of the plastic window at winter.

First you need to improve the slopes. This is really done using:

  • Foam;
  • Polystyrene foam;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • Fiberglass.

Choose the material, pushing out the size of the gaps. Material to glue with mounting glue, then undercut and paint.

There is also an option to stick the slots in the plastic window. For this, the usual tape or self-adhesive seal from rubber or foam rubber is suitable.

But it is necessary to do it when a strong drafts remained after the listed criteria have been fixed. Plastic windows are practical and easy to use, but also with them there are problems that lead to certain troubles. A special moment when the windows were incorrectly installed and not adjusted correctly.

So that you have no such problems, plastic windows order only from proven manufacturers, and trust the installation only by specialists of your business.

How to choose plastic windows is written.