Budget boat homemade. Homemade plywood boats

You can find anything in fishing and hunting shops, and boats are no exception.

But many people want to make a swimming device on their own, because it is interesting and inexpensive.

Do-it-yourself boats have a number of advantages over factory options:

  • Ease of construction. Such a plywood fixture will be much lighter than wooden or metal structures;
  • Stability on water. For such a boat, solid sheets of plywood are used, and its shapes are ideal for launching;
  • Low cost. You will only need to spend money on pieces of plywood, glue, varnish and boards;

To ensure the safety of the structure, only high-quality materials should be used. The plywood must be solid and free from damage. The price of the first varieties is slightly higher, but reliability is also important.

For people who have a skill in carpentry, the job will not be difficult. It will take a week and a half, if you do the boat in your free time, then a couple of full days.

But only a professional can do the design with his own hands, because you need to accurately calculate the carrying capacity, roominess, nose shape and other nuances.

Assembling the structure

When there are materials and drawings, then you need to start work. The first step is to cut out the plywood parts. The best way to do this is to use a jigsaw. It is important to cut exactly to size, otherwise the structure will not converge.

Then the frames are glued to the tailgate, these parts will be very heavy. If a motor is needed for a watercraft, then the tailgate is strengthened.

The next step is to attach the transom to the sides and bottom. Cladding parts must be fixed with glue.

After assembling the structure, you need to prepare aerosil and epoxy resin. These substances are mixed 1 to 1. The resulting substance is used to seal the seams. Also for this purpose, inside the boat, the seams are sealed with strips of fiberglass.

Important: during such work, very toxic substances are used, therefore, you need to work on the street, or in a ventilated room, and using special protective equipment.

When the glue dries, you need to put the frames. Then you need to install seats, luggage compartments and other items. After the vessel is dry, it is necessary to proceed to the final stage, this is grinding and sealing with fiberglass and epoxy mortar.

This is followed by the process of painting the structure, this will help to additionally protect the vessel from the influence of water and give a good appearance.

Painting consists of:

  • Degreasing of all parts of the vessel;
  • Processing of wooden elements by impregnation;
  • Surface fillers. This will mask all defects;
  • Primers. For this, you can use boiled linseed oil;
  • Application of paints and varnishes. To do this, you can buy any paint, but special waterproof materials for plywood will help to increase the life of the boat;


Building such a craft with your own hands is an interesting and creative activity for people who like to do things on their own. The main thing is to adhere to the dimensions indicated by the drawings.

Perhaps during this process, there will be errors that need to be redone. But the result is a great and inexpensive boat. It is best to store such a product on land. This boat is perfect for use on calm lakes and rivers.

It is forbidden to go out to sea or raft along mountain rivers on it. You also need to carefully monitor the seams and the integrity of the structure, if there are problem areas, then they need to be sealed.

With a thrifty attitude and proper storage, such a watercraft will last a long time, and will help you have a great time fishing, or just while walking in the reservoir.

Homemade fishing boats can be built by almost every master. You just need to choose the right material and connect it according to the scheme. Such a device can be used not only for fishing, but also for walking in the reservoir. It is also possible to buy a product in a store, but it is not sold everywhere, and the cost is not at all happy. During the manufacture of the product, it is necessary to fix all the parts securely and firmly. No joint should allow water to pass through. You should also calculate the maximum weight of people who will be transported by the boat for fishing.

Most often, users are interested in how to make a boat themselves from classic wood materials. To do this, you first need to select the appropriate drawing. You will also need plywood sheets 0.5 cm thick.

You can make a boat with your own hands using the following technology:
  1. First, you should draw paper templates according to the selected drawing, draw outlines on the plywood.
  2. You can cut out fragments with an electric jigsaw or a fine-toothed saw. In this case, special attention should be paid to the corners with which the parts will join at the ends.
  3. Fastening of frames and transoms. To do this, you can use glue or galvanized screws.
  4. Fixing sides, bottoms. Here, too, you will need a special strong waterproof glue. Additionally, the bottom from the inside of the boat is reinforced with a deck made of rails. Absolutely all parts must match each other in size. The chamfers of those parts that will be in contact must be removed so that there is no gap between the surfaces.
  5. Bonding seams, strengthening corners. In order for the joints to not allow moisture to pass through, they must be well sealed. Here you need aerosil, epoxy resin.
  6. Fastening oarlocks and seats.
  7. Grinding the outer surface. This is done as soon as the product is completely dry.
  8. Impregnation of homemade products for fishing with a protective compound, painting it. It is better to use a special paint that is intended for a wooden boat.

To increase the strength of the product, it is necessary to make the tailgate and frames from several layers of material. If the boat is equipped with a motor, then the side on which it will be installed must be reinforced with wooden plates made of hard rocks, and also additionally glued with fiberglass.

It is not necessary to use wood or plywood to build a home boat. You can even build a fixture from plastic bottles. At the same time, the made device will not be worse to stay on the water and is quite suitable for fishing (in addition, the master will spend less time and energy on it, as well as money).

For work, you will need the following materials and tools:
  • bottles (a small container will not work here, it is better to take products designed for 2 liters);
  • glue and tape (they must be resistant to moisture);
  • wire;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • plywood;
  • wooden or metal crossbars.

The container is pre-cleaned from labels. Further, it needs to be made more rigid. To do this, the bottles are placed in the freezer, tightly twisted, and then placed in a warm place. The covers must be additionally secured with water-resistant glue.

From the container you need to form "logs". You can connect the elements with an improvised coupling, which is cut from the center of an empty bottle. The elements are fixed with the bottom. In this case, the projections of the other should go into the recesses of one container. Next, the workpiece is fixed with glue and tape. Now you need to cut off the tops of two bottles and put them on the necks of the finished design. In this way, the rest of the logs are made.

From these products, assembled in 8 pieces, floats are made. You can connect the fragments with a strong wire. The floats are fixed between themselves with wooden blocks. After the cross sections are ready, you can attach the plywood bottom to them.

This ensures the reliability and waterproofness of the joints.

To give a beautiful appearance to the product, you can sheathe it with plywood or metal sheets.

Among all the fishing gear, the boat is the fisherman's greatest dream. Moreover, the vessel may be quite small. For example, folding models can be taken with you on a fishing trip with the least chance of not fitting them into a car. Most often, such structures are made of duralumin.

Additionally, you will need rubberized fabric, linings and rivets, wood, primer, wood, paint.

Installation of such products involves several stages:
  1. Selection of material. You need 4 fragments for the sides and 2 for the bottom. You will also need 3 cross members: 2 struts, ensuring structural reliability, and 1 seat.
  2. Cutting out fragments, adjusting and hemming them.
  3. Making holes for rivets. The distance between them should not exceed 2 cm. All places where the rivets were installed must be thickly smeared with paint to seal them.
  4. Galvanized fasteners are used to secure the seat.
  5. Appliance priming and painting.

It is better to fish from a boat of this type. It is hardly suitable for a romantic walk. In order not to spoil the duralumin, it is better to first make fragments of cardboard and adjust them.

By equipping the attachment with outboard motors, a real boat can be built. But it is not always needed.

Most often, fishermen prefer oars, because they are much quieter.

The boat greatly expands the possibilities of the angler! This is a generally recognized fact, and here we will not arrange long disputes. Another question, ? It is clear that, depending on the conditions, boats of different designs will be relevant. Also, you can buy a boat, or you can do it yourself. About what are homemade boats, about their advantages and disadvantages, about the advisability of self-manufacturing a fishing boat - in this post.

Industrial boats are: inflatable (rubber, PVC) and rigid, as a rule, awkward (plastic, wood, duralumin). And what about homemade boats?

Make the boat yourself - it's not easy. They are engaged in independent boat building, if there is persistently no money; if it is a distant land and there is nowhere to buy; if your hands are itching to do something, well, for example, a boat ... In all other situations, it's easier to just buy a suitable boat. Small inflatable - for small ponds and lakes; medium inflatable for medium lakes and rivers; a rigid plastic or a whole boat, if there is something to carry and catch, it is planned to take place in large expanses of a river, reservoir or sea.

I saw several designs of homemade boats, and I'll tell you about them.

1. Rigid homemade boat made of plywood and wood... These are small boats, usually for fishing in small ponds and lakes. One and a half-seater (if you do more, it will be too heavy). The contours are fairly straight. Such a boat is carried on the "crown", the upper trunk of a car.

The frame and skin of the boat is assembled on self-tapping screws. The outer surface, sides and bottom are varnished, primed, painted.

The plywood boat can be made in a wide variety of shapes. Clumsy rectangular shapes can, if you have skills, be made smoother, boat-like.

The non-folding wooden boat shown in the drawing can also be made folding, with a bottom made of rubberized fabric. The sides are hard, soft bottom. Make all cross braces removable. It will look something like this.

It is clear that such a boat will be more compact, and if necessary, it can be folded.

2. Homemade duralumin boat... In principle, the same thing, only the boat's hull is made of sheet duralumin. The joints are welded with argon welding.

3. The most interesting, in my opinion - folding duralumin boat... This is used by one who lives in the neighborhood, a spinning player.

There are 6 duralumin parts in total: bottom - 2 parts; each side - 2 parts. The elements are fastened with an elastic, durable rubberized fabric. The fabric is attached to the duralumin with a number of rivets through the overlay.

1 - side detail (bottom); 2 - a strip of rubberized fabric; 3 - duralumin strip; 4 - rivets.

My neighbor does not completely disassemble the boat. He only removes the spacers and folds the sides inward. If desired, you can also bend the structure across. And so, he puts the boat on the upper trunk of the car and tightens it with rubber bands. It comes out pretty compact.

The transverse struts of such a boat are: a rigid seat with a cushion and two wooden struts, the ends of which are protected by pieces of aluminum tubes that are inserted into special holes on the inner sides of the sides. Before fishing, the struts and the seat are inserted into place, ensuring the rigidity of the structure.

Such homemade boat comfortable, because the bottom is hard - sit well. The boards are not afraid of hooks and snags ... Of the shortcomings, only some instability can be called. Those. It is extremely difficult to turn an inflatable boat over, and even if you scoop it up, it will remain afloat. In such a duralumin, one must behave carefully, avoid sudden maneuvers. Among other things, my neighbor has been spinning from such a boat for many years and claims that it is more comfortable than any inflatable. I agree with him in many ways.

In addition, such a boat is going faster than an inflatable one. You don't need to download anything here.

Probably every fishing lover at least once thought about how to make a homemade boat. This is not an easy matter, but it is still possible to make such a craft.

And you don't have to be an engineer, all that is required of you is a few hours of free time. And you will learn about how homemade boats are made from plywood from our today's article.

Manufacturing difficulties

Is it really difficult to make such a design with a minimal set of tools? As practice shows, even with such equipment, a homemade inflatable boat (or plywood) is made easily in 3-4 hours. Due to the fact that it takes a minimum of time to complete all these works, you can make a boat even in the open air. Well, in case of a change in the weather, you can always cover it with a tarpaulin or a piece of plastic wrap.

What are good

First, plywood is lightweight, durable and warm enough. It is almost impossible to kill such a boat, and it does not weigh too much. Secondly, unlike rubber analogs, the space in a plywood boat is enough for several people (while inside, between the seats, you can fit all the necessary fishing tackle). In store options, there is a sorely lack of free space.

Thirdly, being in a wooden boat does not feel any discomfort at all.

Preparation of materials

The main material from which homemade boats are made is plywood. There are no difficulties in finding it on the market. Plywood is perhaps the most affordable and cheapest material for such works. And it is very convenient to work with her.

Let's get down to business

First of all, I would like to note that any work related to the independent manufacture of any tool (whether it be a tractor or something else, it does not matter) must be carried out clearly according to a given scheme. In this case, you should have drawings of homemade boats in your hands. In some cases, drawings can be replaced with a sketch drawing.

So, how is it done? To assemble the body, you will need to prepare dry boards 2.5 centimeters thick and a 6-millimeter sheet of plywood. The width of the stern and side boards must be 30.5 centimeters. This is the most optimal size for a fishing boat. All other elements that are inside the structure (seats and spacers) are made of 2.5 cm wide boards. In this case, the length of these parts is 86.4 centimeters. It must be borne in mind that the dimensions of all these elements must be exactly maintained, since they are all attached to the boat hull only with self-tapping screws.

Manufacturing of all parts and elements of this design does not cause any difficulties and difficulties at all. This is due to their simple geometric shape.

In the course of work, pay special attention to the fit of the abutting surfaces and the fringe of the boat. All abutting edges must be carefully fitted and have minimum gaps along the entire length. Either tinned or galvanized self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. As for the dimensions of these fasteners, depending on the place of application, they can be as follows:

The bottom of the boat is made of a 6 mm thick plywood sheet. But, since this part of the boat will be constantly exposed to water, for the boat's water resistance, additionally treat the hull and bottom joints with VIAM-B / 3 type glue and fasten with screws along the entire perimeter. If there is no such agent ("VIAM-B / 3"), oil paint is quite suitable as an alternative. Although it does not have good adhesive properties and characteristics, it gives a durable and waterproof coating. It should be noted that the distance between the screws should be about 4 centimeters. The outer seams should be carefully glued with a cloth or percale using AK-20. In order not to collapse the bottom of the boat, a rack grid is installed between the spacers (the cross section of the rails is 5x2 centimeters).

The resulting liquid should be diluted with pure drying oil. In this case, the calculation is made so that the boat can be painted 2-3 more times. According to its properties, liquid paint is better, it spreads more easily, and therefore gives a more durable and even coating. When applying this product to the boat, use wide, soft brushes.

Some enthusiasts use nitro paints based on their high quality finish. However, we do not recommend using them for such boats, since they do not provide the necessary durability to the wood (accordingly, the structure becomes less durable and unusable every year).

Important points

If home-made motor boats are made, then an additional drawing of special mounts for an electric or gasoline engine is made. However, a simpler and cheaper option would be to use regular oars. They are often made from 35mm birch planks. In this case, a spindle with a handle is installed at the end of the spindle, and brass linings are applied to the edge of the blade. Then the paddle is primed and painted.

And finally, some statistics. As practice shows, the average service life of plywood boats is about 15-20 years. Neither plastic nor even rubber competitors can boast of such vitality.

All photos from the article

The modern market provides a fairly large selection of various tourist and fishing boats. But for our man, a homemade plywood boat is much closer. And it's not even about saving money, a boat made with your own hands is a source of pride, plus the whole process of independent production, it's not so much a job as an interesting hobby. In this article, we will look at the main stages of assembling such products.

A few words about preparation

Homemade boats made of plywood and fiberglass are considered, albeit small, but full-fledged floating crafts. Therefore, the process of preparation and assembly must be approached responsibly, After all, by and large, mistakes here can not only lead to damage to the vessel, but in some cases endanger the life and health of the owner.

What materials are needed

  • As the name implies, the main material here is definitely plywood.... For the hull of a small boat, sheets of no lower than the first or second grade, about 5-7 mm thick, are well suited. For the keel, frames and other auxiliary structural parts, you need to take a thicker sheet, from 12 mm and higher;

  • Not the least important is the grade of the material... The choice of plywood is now quite large, but in this case the material will be in long-term direct contact with fresh or even sea water, naturally, plywood should be taken with increased moisture resistance. Ideally, it is better to take the FB brand, it was originally made for shipboard needs. If the price for "FB" does not suit you, then you can stop at "FSF";

Advice: the now widespread brand "FK", in some sources may be listed as waterproof.
But in our case, it is not suitable, here we need a material with increased moisture resistance, plus one that can withstand prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment.

  • Pure wood will be used for struts, seats and other elements... As a rule, a planed board with a thickness of 25 mm is taken here. In this case, preference should be given to soft, porous varieties. Larch is used in professional shipbuilding, but spruce or pine is enough for a small boat;
  • For intermediate stitching of sheets, copper wire with a thickness of about 2 mm is well suited;
  • Fiberglass and polymer glue are used to arrange sealed joints... It is not difficult to choose the type of adhesive composition now, there is a fairly large selection on the market, the main thing is that the composition is waterproof.

Tool selection

Homemade plywood fishing boats do not require an overly large set of tools.

Here you can get by with the traditional kit, which is available in the workshop of almost any owner:

  • In addition to pliers, screwdrivers and scissors, you will naturally need a hacksaw for wood;
  • Cutting plywood with an ordinary hand saw is quite difficult, so it is better to purchase it with a set of blades. Moreover, you should select a model with as many turns as possible, since at low speeds the veneer will break off along the edge;

  • For such work, you definitely need a sander. With ordinary emery, by hand, you cannot achieve a good quality of processing;
  • To fix the sheets during gluing, clamps are used, there should be at least 3 - 4 pieces;
  • A set of brushes is needed for applying glue and paints.

Boat building

In this case, it is not so important which type of boat you choose. Flat boats, kayaks, sailing boats or motor boats, the building instructions for all these models are about the same.

We start with drawings

Now it's not a problem to find drawings of a self-made plywood boat. There is enough information in the network or specialized literature. You only need to decide on the dimensions of the vessel, because the thickness of the sheets depends on this. If there is still no proper experience in such work, it is better to dwell on simple, non-separable models.

Experienced craftsmen do not recommend designing a boat yourself. But if you nevertheless decide on such a labor feat, you need to start with a careful calculation of the ship's displacement and carrying capacity. So that after you launch into the water and try to swim, your product does not immediately go to the bottom together with the owner.

Important: drawings of home-made plywood boats for a motor are not much different from purely oared counterparts.
As a rule, in these vessels the transom (tailgate) is slightly modified.
Therefore, regardless of whether you have a motor at the moment, it is better to immediately give preference to just such boats.

So, when you have found a model suitable for you, before proceeding to the direct manufacture of parts and assemblies, you need to make paper patterns according to the drawings. And only after checking all sizes, transfer the pattern to plywood or wood.

Body assembly

The maximum length of a standard sheet is about 3 m. Therefore, in most cases, you will need to splicate two or more small sheets into a single sheet. This is a simple, but rather painstaking process that requires precision and accuracy. Such a connection among professionals is called mustache gluing.

To do this, take 2 sheets and cut them at an angle along the edge, the width of such a bevel should be at least 7 times the sheet thickness. The larger the contact area, the stronger the connection. The main mass is removed with a file, and then with a machine to an ideal state. Further, the bevels are lubricated with glue, connected and pressed with something heavy, until completely dry.

Advice: it is extremely inconvenient to assemble and glue such structures on the floor, so it is advisable to immediately build the goats from a wooden block of 50x50 mm.
Note that you will have to handle both sides of the boat, so the gantry must be adapted for this.