Connection of polypropylene pipes: methods and features. Ways to connect polypropylene pipes How to properly connect polypropylene pipes

Metal pipes have become obsolete for some time. They are being replaced by plastic counterparts. In terms of their operational characteristics, they are not inferior to metal ones, and sometimes even surpass it.

The correct connection of a metal pipe with a polypropylene pipe becomes a guarantee that the system will work without interruptions, with maximum reliability.

How to connect polypropylene pipes with metal pipes?

Situations when necessary are not so rare .

To understand how to properly connect polyethylene pipes with polypropylene or metal watch video tutorialsposted in this article.

There are several ways to correctly make a connection.

  • With the presence of a thread. Assumes that you are using fittings that look like couplings. One end is threaded for metal, and the other with a cut, with perfect smoothness.
  • Flanged type. When bolts with studs tighten the flange structures themselves. They will help you understand how to connect polypropylene pipes, videos will make the process more visual.

We mount threaded fittings

These types of connections are relevant if pipes of medium, small diameter are taken together. Their size should not exceed 40 millimeters.

The thread on the fittings is present not only inside, but also outside. It is needed to secure the metal sides and ends to parts. The smooth cut of the sleeve is located on the opposite side. It involves soldering plastic.

Fittings are mounted using a simple technology.

  • The workpiece is cut at a right angle, in the place where the joint is supposed to be. For processing the edge, use solid oil. Then they take a thread cutter and finish processing.
  • After that, they must be cleaned so that there are no metal shavings. For a future joint, one cannot do without sealing, which implies the use of FUM tapes or tow.
  • The fitting structure is screwed onto the cut part with preliminary preparation. It doesn't take too much effort. The part can crack if you press too hard with the tools.
  • The smooth cut is screwed onto the plastic pipe. It is easy to understand how to connect a polyethylene pipe to a polypropylene pipe.

The material for sealing is laid out along the thread so that at least 1-2 turns are covered with it.

Video: how to connect a pipeline

Installing flanges

This option is more suitable for those who work with large diameters. Thanks to him, during operation, there are fewer problems with access when cleaning is necessary.

The flanges look like flat discs supported by straight brushes.

The installation of pipes in the system consists of several stages.

  1. It all starts with creating an even cut at the ends of the blanks. The main thing is that there should be no dust and shavings inside.
  2. Then they move on to putting on the flanges on the sections prepared in advance. We place rubber gaskets between the places with the discs.
  3. Bolts are used to connect the flanges to each other. It is important that the tightening is uniform, without applying much force.

Polypropylene pipes and their connection

The ends of pipes made of this material are exposed to high temperatures in order to connect products, to do the joining. You can also use gluing or special fittings.

Video: how to solder correctly

How to solder the structures?

Polypropylene workpieces cannot be joined without a special welding machine called "iron". It works when connected to a regular electrical network.

It is better to purchase the materials themselves with a small margin, in case of possible errors.

The process consists of several stages. This will allow you to understand how to solder a polypropylene pipe.

  • Several cuts are made where joints will be located in the future. Thorough cleaning is also required for the ends. Special marks are made on their surface with a marker. They indicate how deep the parts should be inside the heating apparatus. The soldering iron temperature must be at least 270 degrees.
  • Strictly perpendicular connection of nozzles with a hot soldering iron. The same is done with the ends of the other joints.
  • Wait 10-15 seconds until melting is complete. Then they get rid of the nozzles, and the parts are again connected together. They are lightly applied to each other, but turning is unacceptable.
  • The parts for docking must be left in one position for a while until they cool down.

Video: learning how to solder

Socket brazing is an option that is used for pipes with 40 mm and larger diameter. But such work is recommended to be trusted by specialists, only they know about all the features.

It is better to heat the connecting elements from the inside and pipes from the outside. Then it will be easier to create knots with high strength. Otherwise, small bumps form inside, due to which the permeability decreases. Purge the structure will allow you to forget about such problems.

Features of the "cold" method

Compression fittings are assumed in this case. From the tools, a regular crimp wrench is enough.

The installation process looks like this.

  1. As usual, work begins with the cuts at the ends. After that, you need to check whether the edge is in a perpendicular position. Cleaning the ends from burrs is carried out with a wire washcloth, or with a fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. The coupling nut is put on one end of the pipe. The thread must go to the fitting. Then they switch to the operation of rings with compression. They also go to the fitting side, but with long bevels.
  3. The fitting is strung on the surface of the end face prepared in advance. The part is inserted into the inner surface until it stops.
  4. The compression nut is then fully tightened. The system is checked for leaks.


What points should you pay attention to when welding?

Professional soldering irons are quite expensive. Better to get inexpensive "hobbyist" options if the job is fickle. These usually have several running attachments at once. You can rent tools. This will not affect the quality of the final connections.

A stable stand has become a must for almost all soldering irons. Even professionals only make connections if the instrument is stable. It takes no more than 10-15 minutes to heat the working surfaces.

There are only 2 parts in the connecting nozzles - a drone on which the coupling is heated, as well as a sleeve, inside which there is a pipe with a drone.

The parts of the nozzle are installed on the soldering iron when it is still cold. And only after that the device is connected to the network. Work should be started only when the indicators go out.


This occurs during the second heating cycle. But the warm-up time is determined by several factors:

  1. Pipe type.
  2. The thickness of the walls.
  3. The diameter of the structure.

All these values \u200b\u200bare usually indicated in the table that comes with soldering iron sets.

Sewer systems and features of their connection

Many people connect plastic pipes not only with metal ones, but also with cast iron ones.

Such joints are structurally different from others. You will need to purchase special components:

  • Seals.
  • Corrugation.
  • Cuffs.

The selection and purchase of suitable components should not cause any special problems. But you can also use materials at hand if you can't find a suitable option.

For example, a seal is cut from the microporous rubber. A long, narrow tape must be placed in the gap between the elements to be connected. A dull wide screwdriver will help seal this material.


Coinage is unacceptable for several reasons. It can deform plastic pipes, interfere with the creation of sealed joints. But even after the work is done, the likelihood of leaks will remain high.

Cement mortar also does not have a high service life. Different materials have different coefficients of thermal expansion, and this difference has a negative impact on the design.

Cracks appear too quickly in cemented joints, such structures simply lose their integrity.

Plastic pipe rolls are sometimes combined with copper ones, but this option is extremely rare. The connection of a metal pipe with a polypropylene pipe is more common.


With polypropylene, it is important to know that high quality during such work can be achieved only when the wall thickness of the products is taken into account. Modern technologies make it possible to create rather durable and reliable communications from such pipes. They do not undergo corrosion processes, which is why they are so widespread. Such manipulations can be carried out in one of several ways, however, the work can be classified into two categories:

  • soldering method;
  • use of fittings.

Connection methods

If you decide to find out how to connect a polypropylene pipe to a polypropylene pipe, you need to figure out the methods. For example, thin-walled pipes can be threaded. If you need to equip a cold water supply system, the temperature of the environment in which does not exceed +20 ° C, then products with the PN 10 marking should be used. The same applies to laying underfloor heating, in which the temperature does not exceed +45 ° C.

If it is necessary to equip a cold water supply system that will be transported at elevated pressure, pipes with PN 16 marking should be used. This recommendation is relevant for pipelines with reduced pressure. The best quality connection option is welding, it can be used for PN 20 pipes, which are able to withstand temperatures up to +80 ° C. Their walls are thicker than the previous ones.

The same connection method is also suitable for PN 25 - pipes reinforced with aluminum foil for central heating and hot water systems. Pipes with this marking will be able to withstand temperatures up to +95 ° C. Connections can be permanent when welding is used; and also detachable, in this case a thread is used.

Threaded connection

Before connecting a polypropylene pipe to a polypropylene pipe, you need to figure out which method is best to use. For example, for a threaded connection, you need to prepare threaded fittings, because you cannot cut threads on polypropylene products. The connection is carried out using a special tape, which will make the joint strong and reliable.

Fittings used

If you decide to use a threaded connection, then you will need:

  • solder couplings;
  • triple square;
  • combined crosses;
  • couplings;
  • squares at 90 °;
  • combined squares;
  • ball valves;
  • solder squares at 45 °;
  • stubs;
  • external thread adapter;
  • water outlet;
  • pP fittings with factory thread.

Welded connection

If you are thinking about how to connect a polypropylene pipe with a polypropylene pipe, then you can use the welded method. However, it is important to consider that the connection will be permanent. When melting, the molecules of one part move to another, diffusion occurs. From heating by an electric welding machine, the parts are organically interconnected, because they have the same chemical composition.

To carry out the work, you should prepare:

  • soldering iron;
  • welding machine;
  • polypropylene fittings and pipes;

In addition to the listed tools and materials, you should prepare a hacksaw or scissors for metal, a tape measure, couplings like faucets, corners and pipes. It is important to stock up on fum tape. As for the welding machine, it will consist of a heating element and welding nozzles, the diameter of which varies from 16 to 40 mm.

As soon as the indicator goes out, you can start work, because this will be a signal that the desired temperature of 260 ° C has been reached. This will take approximately 15 minutes. If the ambient temperature is below zero, then welding should be abandoned. If it is necessary to weld pipes with a diameter of 60 mm, use the socket welding method. For a more impressive diameter, butt welding is suitable, which does not involve the use of additional parts.

For pipes with diameters ranging from 16 to 50 millimeters, a hand-held soldering iron should be used. More impressive diameters will be connected with a mechanical welding machine. The ends of the pipes should be well heated with removable sleeves, then it remains only to press the elements together, applying little effort. This effect should last for a few seconds.

Welding with an electric coupling acts as a more successful option compared to the previous method, because the process is controlled by the program. The quality of the joint will be higher, and the need for fixation will disappear. Devices with electrodes are used to supply voltage to the heater inside the sleeve.

Before connecting two polypropylene pipes with the socket method, it is necessary to cut the products at right angles.

Next, the master should apply a mark to the depth of the socket, to which 2 mm should be added. Joining products begins with warming up using a special device. After the parts are connected to each other. And if the polypropylene has an aluminum layer, then the connection can be made through the perforated holes. This significantly increases the strength of the PN 25 pipe.

Using butt welding

Before connecting polypropylene pipes to each other, you should think about which method is best to use. Perhaps butt welding is suitable, which will allow you to connect pipes for external sewage together. This approach is relevant if the pipe wall thickness exceeds 4 mm.

At the first stage, weld spots should be trimmed to parallelism. Then it is necessary to carry out heating and ensure accuracy with a centering device. Welding should be accompanied by airing the room, because polypropylene emits carbon dioxide and water vapor, as well as smoke.

Solderless connection

Quite often, novice home craftsmen wonder how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering. This is usually done using fittings made of the same material as the pipes. If the heating system includes fiberglass-reinforced lines, then other types of products will not work.

You should stock up on polypropylene fittings that are reinforced with fiberglass. An exception is the case when there is a need to combine polypropylene with another material. In this case, threaded elements are used, for example "American". Before connecting polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron, you should ask what fittings can be found on sale for arranging water supply and heating systems, among them:

  • Y-shaped;
  • straight;
  • T-shaped.

The use of these elements is necessary taking into account the mode of application and the situation. According to the type of connection, several types of shaped products are distinguished, namely:

  • compression (crimp);
  • welded.

Compression polypropylene fittings are supplied ready-made, there is no need for additional assembly. Compression fittings have advantages over welded fittings. They consist in:

  • ease and simplicity of installation;
  • no need to use welding equipment;
  • the ability to install polypropylene fittings in any weather conditions, because they are not afraid of negative temperatures;
  • no need for the master to have special skills for installing crimp fittings.

If you are thinking about the question of how to connect polypropylene pipes at home using fittings, then you should familiarize yourself with the technology. At the first stage, construction tools are prepared, namely:

  • gas and adjustable wrenches;
  • screwdrivers;
  • carob keys;
  • sealant;
  • special scissors;
  • pipe cutter;
  • bevelling machine;
  • caliber.

You can think about the location of pipes that can be in the wall or on top of it. There should be no hard corners in the circuit. The flexibility of the products is achieved with a building hair dryer. If you decide to use polypropylene pipes for heating, you should know how to connect them.

The connection point must be sealed in any way convenient for you. This can be done using fum tape. Then the system is assembled according to the principle of the designer, at the corners and in the places where the flow is distributed into several parts, special elements such as corners and tees should be used.


Now you know how to connect polypropylene pipes with fittings. However, as practice shows, the welded method is more reliable, because diffusion occurs in the process, which ensures the reliability and strength of the system.

Every year, more and more often, the design of plumbing and heating systems in apartments and private houses is carried out using polypropylene pipes. Modern technologies for their manufacture allow you to create durable communications that do not corrode. At the same time, the main task facing the builder is to create a high-quality connection of pipes to each other, since the reliability of communication systems will depend on this. Therefore, further we will consider the main methods of joining polypropylene products.

Figure 1. Special fittings have a threaded thread on one side and a solder socket on the other.

Methods for joining polypropylene pipes

Installation of plastic pipes is easy and quick enough, so that even a person without special training can handle this work. Connections can be detachable (threaded) and one-piece. In the first case, special threaded fittings are used, and you will not be able to cut the threads yourself. Therefore, a sealant or Teflon tape is used to create a secure fit.

Figure 2. Installation of polypropylene pipes using compression fittings.

Welding joints are stronger and more reliable, however, to create them, special equipment is required - an apparatus for welding polypropylene. In turn, welding can be socket or butt welding. Each method has its positive and negative sides.

In most cases, thin-walled products are connected in a collapsible way. PN 10 pipes are widely used for the construction of underfloor heating, as well as for the supply of cold water. In a heating system with reduced and increased pressure, PN 16 products are used to supply water. Pipes with a diameter of PN 20 and PN 25 are recommended to be joined by welding.

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Dismountable connection of polypropylene products

For joining plastic products with metal elements (mixers, meters, etc.), special fittings are used, on one side of which there is a threaded thread, and on the other - a socket for soldering (Fig. 1). In this case, the thread can be both external and internal.

Installation of polypropylene pipes with steel using fittings is carried out as follows:

Figure 3. Flange connection diagram.

  1. The end of a metal product is lubricated with oil or grease, after which the thread (internal or external) is cut. If the fitting has an internal thread, then the pipe must have an external thread, and vice versa.
  2. Tow is wound on the thread and treated with silicone.
  3. The fitting is screwed on and clamped with a wrench, but without applying excessive force, as otherwise it may crack.
  4. A polypropylene pipe is inserted into the other end of the fitting, after which it is soldered.

With the help of such fittings, it is very convenient to create various bends and turns of communication systems. If it is necessary to slightly change the configuration of the fitting, it should be warmed up to a temperature of about 135 ° C.

Another type of collapsible installation of polypropylene pipes is their joining using compression fittings. They are easy to use and can be used to construct both cold and hot water supply. There is no need to use welding equipment. It is enough to have on hand pruning shears and a set of wrenches.

Installation of polypropylene pipes using compression fittings is carried out as follows (Fig. 2):

  • a crimp nut is installed at the end of the pipe;
  • a split-type ring is installed over the nut so that its edge is at a distance of 1 mm relative to the pipe cut;
  • the plastic pipe is pushed on until it stops and fixed on the fitting;
  • using wrenches, the crimp nut is installed.

Figure 4. The welding machine has sleeve-shaped nozzles for heating the outer surface of the pipe and a mandrel for heating the inner surface.

Flange connection is used for polypropylene products with a large cross-section. Such a connection allows, if necessary, to easily disassemble any section of the pipeline and eliminate the arisen malfunctions (Fig. 3). Also, quite often the flange joint is also used for the installation of plastic products with metal ones.

Installation of flanges is quick and easy. First, the end of the pipe is cut straight, after which a flange and a rubber gasket are put on it. The same operation is performed with the other end of the pipe. After that, both flanges are bolted together.

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Welding connection of polypropylene pipes

For welding products with a cross-section of up to 6.3 cm, the predominant type is socket or socket welding. In this case, the pipes are joined using the third part - the coupling.

To connect polypropylene pipes with a diameter of more than 6.3 cm, it is recommended to use butt welding.

Modern technologies make it possible to create reliable and durable communications using polypropylene pipes. They do not corrode. Therefore, they are widely used. But in this case, the important point is to connect polypropylene pipes with your own hands. This can be done by soldering or using a method without welding. Therefore, it is not necessary to use a specialist. Let's understand each in more detail.

And for this process you will need a welding machine, which experts often call an “iron”. This device is a simple device that operates from the mains. In the kit, it often has nozzles of different diameters with instructions.

The connection of such products occurs when high temperature is applied to their ends. But there is one subtlety here. The pipes are heated from the outside, and the connecting elements from the inside. This is the only way to get strong knots.

Phased process:

  1. First, the soldering iron is turned on, it must be heated to 270 degrees. The products are cut into desired pieces and cleaned. You can make convenient notes to understand how deep to immerse them in the apparatus for heating.
  2. Smoothly insert pipes and connection elements onto the device nozzles. This is also important for good soldering.
  3. After the element and pipe have melted, they are removed from the device and connected to each other. The evenness of the soldering is also important here. You need to press down slightly, but not scroll around the axis. Pressure also affects the quality of the solder.
  4. After joining the elements, they need to be held for several minutes in a stationary state.

When performing manipulations, you should pay attention to another important nuance. The inner surface of the seams should not lose permeability. Indeed, when melted, a small tubercle appears, which is dangerous if the products are of small diameter.

Strong build-up of material caused by excessive heating should also be avoided. To check the permeability of the pipe, you can blow it through and let water through it.

It should be recommended that if you have no experience in soldering, you can practice first before proceeding with the basic manipulations. And therefore, it is recommended to purchase materials with a margin, because in addition to training, for sure, a marriage can occur during the main work. And it is highly undesirable to run or go back to the store during the soldering process. For more information on DIY soldering, you can also watch a video on the topic.

As for the device itself, it is not necessary to buy it. The device can be rented from someone.

However, this method without welding has one significant drawback. The time required to complete the procedures is significantly longer in comparison with welding. And this must be taken into account when choosing a method for connecting pipes.

To the content


In a word, there is nothing terrible or very difficult in connecting polypropylene pipes with your own hands. As with most technologies, a clear and correct implementation of established technological standards is required. To do this, you can additionally familiarize yourself with the video materials. Then the process will be performed not only quickly, but also efficiently. And this is already a guarantee of the durability and reliability of the resulting water supply or heating system.

In this case, it is not necessary to use welding. After all, you can do it in an alternative way. However, the disadvantage of this solution will be the increase in the time of all work. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a method taking this moment into account. Then everything will go smoothly, and the system being built will acquire the required strength and reliability.

How to connect polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are much more convenient and practical than their metal counterparts. Their main advantages:

  1. easy installation;
  2. not a lot of weight;
  3. not subject to corrosion;
  4. not expensive.

Due to their advantages, they are becoming more and more popular.

Another important advantage of this material is that you don't need to hire anyone for installation, you can do everything yourself. Therefore, if you need to replace the old leaking water supply system, you can safely start working. You can connect polypropylene using soldering or using the cold method.

Method 1 - soldering

This method implies the presence of a special welding machine, which specialists call "iron". The iron is a kind of soldering iron powered by electricity. It comes with nozzles of different diameters.

If you are not going to professionally install a water supply system, you do not need to buy such a device. It can be rented, usually all sellers provide this service. The process of soldering polypropylene pipes is not complicated.

Video: How to properly solder pipes with your own hands

Soldering technology

Polypropylene products are joined under the influence of high temperature. The pipe itself must be heated from the outside, and all connecting elements from the inside. Thus, a strong connection is obtained.

Soldering stages

  • We turn on the soldering iron, it should warm up to 270 degrees C. While heating occurs, you can cut the necessary workpieces and clean them. For convenience, you can make notes that show the depth to immerse them in the welding machine. Cut them off with a special pipe cutter or an ordinary metal hacksaw. If cutting is done with a hacksaw, attention should be paid to burrs and if they remain, they must be cut with a knife.
  • After the soldering iron has heated up to the required temperature, insert the pipe and connecting elements onto its nozzles. For high-quality soldering, all elements must be inserted exactly. Movements should be quick and confident. Parts that are exposed to heat must not be moved or twisted.
  • When all the elements are well heated, they are removed from the soldering iron and connected to each other. This is also done with quick and confident movements. The parts are connected with light pressure (no rotation) and fixation for 10-15 seconds.
  • After this procedure, you can proceed to soldering the next node and so on until the bitter end, when the water supply is completely welded.

See also: Condensation on pipes

Heated polypropylene cools quickly, forming a strong and reliable connection. In literally an hour, water can be supplied to the system.

Method 2 - no soldering

This is a connection method that does not require soldering equipment. With this method, there are two options: connection with compression fittings and the so-called "cold welding".

For the version with compression fittings, you only need a special crimp wrench. This wrench is usually sold with fittings.

If you stop at the option - "cold welding", then you need a special "aggressive" glue. It is applied to the parts, after which they are connected and pressed, fixing in this position for a few seconds.

The connection of polypropylene pipes with glue is only suitable for plumbing with cold water. The connection of polypropylene pipes without soldering has a big drawback, namely, compared to soldering, the time for installing the pipeline is significantly longer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is nothing difficult in the independent connection of polypropylene pipes. As in most other construction work, you will be required to comply with all technological standards in good faith and accurately.

Then the process of joining polypropylene pipes will be completed quickly and most importantly with high quality. And the quality of the work performed is the key to durable and reliable operation of water supply and heating systems.

Watch the video: How to properly solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

How to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering?

The owners of private houses and apartments often face the problem of pipeline rehabilitation. Many of them decide to replace old products with polypropylene pipes. Even a person without special skills can mount such a water supply system. However, first you need to figure out how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering.

Cold connection of polypropylene pipes

General information

During the construction of private houses, polypropylene water pipes were increasingly installed. The popularity of such products is justified by their low cost, long operating period, ease of installation and the absence of rust. They are used to create water supply and heating systems. Three types of products are produced from polypropylene:

  • copolymer;
  • block copolymer;
  • homopolymer.

The above products can be connected in various ways. Many people use the connection of polypropylene pipes without soldering.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solderless Connection

This method has several serious advantages, due to which some refuse to solder pipeline elements. These include:

  • Small financial costs. During soldering, you have to use expensive equipment that is not available to everyone.
  • Ease of installation. It is much easier to mount pipeline elements without soldering, since you do not have to use a soldering machine and monitor such parameters as the pressure and temperature of soldering polypropylene pipes.
  • Water supply recovery rate. If the products were soldered together and there was a serious breakthrough, then the recovery can be greatly delayed. It will take time to wait for a specialist with the right equipment. This problem will disappear if you make connections in other ways.

However, the connection of plastic pipes without soldering has one serious drawback - the installation of the pipeline can take much longer.

Connection methods

Placing in a polypropylene pipe without soldering is carried out by different methods. The choice of method directly depends on the purpose of the pipeline, the size and type of elements used. The most common connection methods include:

  • Use of flanges. This type of connection is quite reliable. The products are connected with bolts that are screwed into special holes in the flanges.
  • Use of fittings. These products are made from cast iron or steel. They are used when working with small diameter pipes. The advantage of fittings is that they allow you to make transitions between parts of the pipeline and connect them at different angles.
  • Use of couplings. For their use, threads are made on pipes and wrapped with tow to make the connection more tight.
  • Gluing. This method cannot be used with hot water. During installation, glue is used, which is applied to the parts.


If the technology of soldering polypropylene pipes is not used, then they are connected using fittings. They are connecting elements that are most often installed at bends and pipe branches. Fittings consist of a body, a cover, a sleeve and a clamping ring, which is located in a special socket. They also have a seam ring with which the polypropylene pipe is fixed.

When installing the water supply system, it is necessary to use pipes that comply with all standards. "

The ovality of the cross-section of the products should be within 1% -1.5% of the diameter. If during operation fittings with a diameter of less than 50 mm are used, then the installation is carried out manually.

Before connecting plastic pipes without soldering with fittings, you must follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Cutting pipes. They must be cut at right angles.
  2. Burr removal. The surface of the products that will be placed in the fittings must be perfectly flat.
  3. Installing the nut. It is removed from the fitting and installed on the pipe, after which the clamping ring is put on it.
  4. Pipe installation. It enters the fitting until it stops and is fixed with a nut and a clamping ring.


Flanges are used when it is necessary to make a connection of plastic pipes without soldering. Such a connection is very reliable, as it can withstand temperatures up to 650 degrees Celsius and cope with pressures up to 20-30 MPa. The flange diameter reaches 3000 millimeters. When choosing the optimal size, the pressure of the pipeline and the material of the products from which it will consist are taken into account.

Flanged PP pipe

The flanges are available in cast iron or steel. They may be:

  • Cast. Are part of a fitting or pipe design.
  • Welded. It is made in the form of a washer, which will have to be attached to the structure yourself.

During their use, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • At the place where the pipeline elements will be connected, you need to make a special cut. Moreover, it must be made so that burrs do not appear.
  • A gasket is installed on the cut, which should protrude 15 cm.
  • The flange is attached to the gasket and connected to the flange that is mounted on the second pipe.

Also, while performing such work, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • it is impossible to install two or more gaskets on one flange, as due to this connection it will become less tight;
  • during the installation of the water supply system, it is recommended to use rag cardboard gaskets;
  • the bolts should not protrude much above the nuts;
  • gaskets must be installed in such a way that their external cross-section does not touch the bolts.


They are used during the creation of a pressure head and free-flow pipeline. It is quite simple to connect plastic pipes without soldering using couplings with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to adhere to these rules:

  • the edges of the elements to be connected are cut in such a way that the cut is perfectly even;
  • the place where the coupling will be installed is indicated by a marker;
  • the coupling is covered with special grease;
  • the sleeve is put on the pipe using a marker marked.

Connection of PP pipes with a coupling


The connection of plastic pipes without soldering fittings can be done using glue. Before this, the surface of the products must be prepared. First, you need to cut the product with special scissors and clean it from burrs with sandpaper. All fitting and gluing locations are marked with a marker. After that, you can start gluing, which consists of the following stages:

  1. Degreasing. Before using the glue, you must use a cleaner and degrease all areas where it will be applied.
  2. Glue application. The adhesive should be applied in a thin layer to the places where the fittings will be installed.
  3. Pipe installation. They are installed all the way into the fittings. This must be done very carefully so that the parts do not sway too much.
  4. Drying. The glue will dry completely within 15-20 minutes. However, it is only necessary to fill the pipeline no earlier than in a day.

Bonding PP PVC pipes


Polypropylene pipes are connected in various ways. Having figured out how to connect polypropylene pipes with each other and with metal pipes, you can independently mount the pipeline.

How to connect polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are used for the installation of water supply systems, for the installation of irrigation systems and for heating. The popularity of the material and various areas of use are due to its characteristics: strength, durability, ease of connection. An important argument in favor of polypropylene pipes was their price, which is significantly lower than that of metal-plastic or metal counterparts.

The service life of a plastic pipe with cold water is 50 years, such an impressive figure makes it necessary to replace outdated lines with just this type of pipelines. The tightness of the joints is the most important factor for any pipeline, therefore the viability of the system depends on the quality of the installation. In the article we will talk about how to connect polypropylene pipes with metal, polyethylene, steel, and also consider various welding options.

Materials and tools

Soldering iron for welding

If you decide to save on installation services and perform it yourself, then you need to buy or rent a special soldering iron with nozzles. In addition to him you will need:

  • tape measure and marker for marking;
  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • stripping for pipes.

There are several types of polypropylene pipes that differ in the area of \u200b\u200buse:

  1. PN 10, 16 - used for laying cold water pipes;
  2. PN 20 - universal pipes with thick walls, they are able to withstand hot water up to 80ºC, therefore they are suitable for heating installation;
  3. PN 25 is a composite pipe with a metal or nylon interlayer, which is peeled off when brazed. It is used for heating systems, the final heating temperature is 95 ° C.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

A distinctive feature of the connection of polypropylene pipes is the absence of joints directly between the pipes. If their diameter is less than 50 mm, all parts can be connected with fittings for various purposes:

  • couplings - connect sections of the same diameter;
  • crosses - used to create branches;
  • plugs - seal the end of the pipe;
  • adapters - are used to connect pipes of various diameters;
  • choke fittings - connect to flexible hoses.

How to work with a welding machine

Welding polypropylene

The principle of connecting the pipeline is to heat the elements and quickly connect them. Household pipe welding machines have a power of up to 1 kW. It is enough to quickly and efficiently heat the material, but more powerful and expensive devices are used for industrial purposes. The soldering iron comes with nozzles that match the diameter of various pipes. The pipe is heated from the outside, and the fitting from the inside.

The work of the soldering iron begins with turning on the network and setting the required heating temperature, depending on the diameter of the plastic pipes being welded. The average value is 250–270 ° C. Such a high temperature requires caution, touching a hot part will cause a burn, for safety reasons it is worth wearing gloves.

Soldering process

A hacksaw or sharp scissors are used to cut pipes, which do not deform the plastic. The incision is made at a right angle. If burrs appear on the end, they are carefully cleaned off. After cutting, the soldering depth is marked. You need to measure the section of the pipe that will enter the tee or coupling, and put a line with a marker. The value of this section depends on the diameter of the pipes; the larger it is, the greater the immersion in the connecting element.

Pipe stripper

If you have to work with reinforced pipes, the procedure changes. Before soldering, it is necessary to clean the top layer of the pipe, consisting of aluminum foil, basalt or nylon fiber. A special tool is designed to remove the desired layer size.

Thorough removal of the foil is very important, a small amount of material on the pipe will spoil the tightness of the soldering.

Reinforced pipe

The soldering iron with nozzles matched to the diameter of the pipes is installed on a flat and solid surface. From both sides, a pipe and a fitting are simultaneously put on the heated nozzle, deepening to the intended line. The heating time of the plastic depends on the size of the pipes: 6 seconds are enough for 20 mm, and 8 seconds for 32 mm. Having withstood the set period of time, the elements are removed and firmly fixed into each other, while rotational movements cannot be made. For a strong adhesion of the joint, it will take from 4 to 10 seconds, during which time the polypropylene will harden and form a permanent connection.

Temperature and heating time

Failure to comply with the recommended heating time leads to the formation of leaks - in case of insufficient heating or sealing of the internal space - in case of excessive overheating. You should not try to remove the sag that has appeared immediately, the molten plastic is more deformed in this case. It is necessary to wait until it cools down and cut off the excess.

Try to solder less by weight

Without experience, in order to understand how to properly solder pipes, several training joints can be made. It is convenient to work with short connections by placing the welding machine on a table, in this position you can do all possible work, and connecting to a partially laid line is more difficult. The soldering iron nozzle is put on a fixed polypropylene pipe, and a tee is inserted into the second part, while the apparatus is kept on weight. When executing the trunk, you need to monitor the order of the connections. Try to avoid docking in hard-to-reach places where it will be difficult to use the soldering iron.

It is important to keep the material clean and dry because dirt and moisture will reduce the quality of the pipe connection. Even a small amount of moisture deforms the material when heated. The chemical composition of pipes from different manufacturers may not coincide, this will lead to a leaky joint. All material - pipes and fittings - must be purchased from a single source.

The temperature in the room where polypropylene is installed must not fall below + 5 ° C.

Crimp connection method

Connection diagram using a collet fitting

The docking of the pipeline by the soldering method is reliable and durable, it is impossible to disassemble it, and sometimes this is what is required for repair. In addition, it is not always possible to purchase or lend a welding machine; in such cases, they use the method of connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering. For this, fittings with a thread and a pressure ring are used. They are called collet or crimp, such a connection is able to withstand a pressure of sixteen atmospheres.

For a mechanical connection, it is necessary to purchase several additional parts: elbows designed for joining of various diameters, tee, solder and combined couplings with external and internal threads, plugs, adapters with external threads, elbows and tees with union nut, ball valves, various fittings with factory carving.

Clamping fitting structure

To ensure tightness, the joints and seals are generously lubricated with silicone.

To work, you need a crimp wrench, which can be purchased at the same time as the fittings. After cutting off the desired part of the pipe, firmly insert it into the fitting, wrap the thread of the element with a thread for sealing and tighten the ferrule and nut, fully tightening with a wrench. This method of connection takes much more time than welding, but it is convenient for them to connect polypropylene pipes to radiators.

Compression fittings

Docking steel pipe with polypropylene

When installing heating or water supply, there are areas where metal and plastic joining is required. The connection of a polypropylene pipe and a metal one takes place using special adapters. This fitting has a smooth plastic hole on one side and a threaded metal insert on the other. The polypropylene pipe is connected by welding, and the metal pipe is screwed on with a key. The resulting joint does not have the strength of a welded joint, but it will serve for a long time.

Metal pipe connection

After complete installation of the system, it is necessary to conduct a test run of water to check the tightness of all points of connection of pipes and other elements. If threaded connections are leaking, tighten them.

Self-installation of water supply or heating from polypropylene pipes is quite a feasible task. To implement it, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the plastic welding machine and the installation technology. To better understand all the nuances of the process, it is worth watching a video in which experienced installers share their experience.

How to connect a polyethylene pipe with a polypropylene

To connect such pipes, you need to use special fittings. Such a connection is necessary in cases where water was introduced into the house with HDPE pipes, and further distribution of water inside the house is carried out with polypropylene pipes. So, there are 2 types of connections:

  1. In the first case, attach a threaded sleeve to the HDPE pipe, where there will be a clamping connection on one side, and a similar sleeve on the polypropylene pipe, respectively. But there will be a solder joint on one side, and a threaded joint on the other. In both cases, FUM tape or tow is used for the thread to seal the joint and to avoid leaks.
  2. Otherwise, a flange connection is used. A rubber seal is installed between the flanges. The flanges are bolted together.

Polypropylene pipes in the cold water supply system will last 50 years, and in hot water pipelines - at least 25 years. How to connect polypropylene pipes to each other or to a metal pipeline? You will find the answer to these questions in our article. Do not forget that if you are going to replace the water pipes of hot or cold supply yourself, you must not only choose a docking method, but stock up on the right tool.

Connection methods

  1. Butt welding.
  2. Socket connection.
  3. With fittings.

When choosing a connection method, remember that welded pipelines cannot be dismantled.

Butt welding

To connect pipes with a diameter of more than 50 mm, the butt welding method is used. In this case, a professional welding machine is used.

How to properly connect polypropylene pipes with a diameter of less than 50 mm? A tool is used - a soldering iron for connecting pipes made of plastic (the so-called "iron").

Technological process for "ironing":

  • Preparation of pipes - cutting "to size", cleaning the ends, marking the immersion depth using a marker.
  • Heating the soldering iron to the soldering temperature - 260-270 o C.
  • Pipes and connecting parts are put on the soldering iron nozzles strictly perpendicularly.
  • Time delay for melting.

Warming up parts on a soldering iron

  • Elements and pipes are removed from the attachments and connected to each other with slight squeezing, without twisting. It must be borne in mind that the size of the seam depends on the squeezing force. When brazing small diameter pipes, it is important that the bead does not block the inner pipe passage. Excessive heating should also be avoided, which significantly degrades the quality of the seam.

To "catch" the holding time and the squeezing force, it is necessary to practice on cutting pipes, this will avoid rejects during the main work.

  • Time delay for cooling.

Socket connection

For joining pipes with a diameter of less than 40 mm, socket soldering is used. For connection, a welding machine with special nozzles and a centering device is used.

Stages of work:

  • cutting the pipe using special scissors;
  • cleaning the ends;
  • heating the device to the desired temperature;
  • welding (the operation must be performed quickly to avoid deformation);
  • fixing elements, eliminating mechanical stress.

The quality of each compound should be checked immediately after the exposure to cool.

The socket connection can also be made cold using glue. With this type of connection, it is necessary to make a preliminary "fitting" - check how the pipe enters the fitting. If the entry is too free, the joint will not be airtight, and if it is too tight, the pipe will move the adhesive layer when entering. When pre-fitting, you need to mark the parts to be connected with a single line.

Performing work step by step:

  • cut;
  • stripping;
  • degreasing with a cleaner;
  • applying glue (abundantly on the outside of the pipe, on the inside of the connecting element with a thin layer);
  • connection (the pipe, when inserted into the fitting, turns to distribute the glue evenly);
  • removal of excess glue;
  • exposure time for glue hardening.

With fittings

Another "cold" method of joining is using fittings. The tool is a crimp wrench that comes with the fittings.

Joining of plastic and metal pipes

You can connect polypropylene pipes to metal pipes using fittings. This type of connection allows you to connect heating devices, water-folding equipment, switch to pipes of other diameters or from other materials.

Fittings types:

  • press fittings;
  • crimp;
  • push fittings.

When working with pipes with a diameter of more than 40 mm, the threaded connection is placed on the metal part of the pipeline.

The connection of polypropylene pipes with metal ones using special adapters greatly simplifies the work.

You can connect a metal-plastic pipe with a polypropylene pipe with a compression fitting.

After work on the connection of pipes and fittings, it is necessary to check the pipeline for leaks. Water is fed into the system and each connection is checked for leaks. If necessary, the joints are sealed or threaded connections are tightened. In the case of hot water supply, check the system by supplying hot water.