Oneself, but self-control. Absolute freedom - complete permissiveness

Do you want to keep warm - gray!

Life is an exchange of life.

The eternal is always under suspicion of the impermanent.

The one walking the right path, as soon as he embarks on it, will find his historical companions.

The main thing in every person is that you can love in him. And that's what Christ is in him.

Even where one great gives and another small receives, equality of greatness is possible. The grateful taker is equal to the unselfish giver. And the selfish / arrogant giver is less than the grateful taker.
Friendship is equal to greatness.

Sanity is conscience, not intellect. The movement towards sanity is the path of cleansing the conscience.

Everyone is looking for a place for themselves in another, but few are looking for a place for another in themselves, few are preparing themselves for another.

People fall
someone down,
someone deep
someone skyward.

It's good to be a fool - you always seem smart to yourself.

Truth is not fragmented, it is whole. People split themselves when they “split the truth” into many half-truths. Truth alone brings a person together.

Poetry is not only a property of words, language, poetry is a property of being. Through poetry, in the process of poetry, we communicate with Being, or, conversely, Being communicates with us. With us or with me? With me - as with us, but also with me personally. In my limit, I am one with us.
Poetry is a dialogue, like thinking. Poetry belongs to the Word, it is a conversation in the Word.

Everything real is working. Everyone has their own gifts, and people act on the basis of the gifts. And the mummers imitate action in order to hide their fake. The mummers always intend to show off.

Alien wings haunt
to one who is not sick with wings.

Love is not me, not mine. Love is God's and for God: whether in oneself or in another. Love always flows from God to God, it is always in God, and a person becomes a messenger of God when he lets this blessed river into himself, without preventing it from flowing in accordance with the will of the Most High, without imposing his own little selfish will on it.

Life is shorter than me.

By our actions or inaction, we create the reality in which we live. In fact, there are many realities; in the end, the one whose carriers are most active wins.

Another person for us is a window to God, a way out of our own glass isolation. Before finding a window to God, each of us must open up to man, or rather, by God in himself, to open up to God in another person. As God in ourselves, we must recognize God in the other. To be recognized in God is to be loved. This is how Christ works in us - making us gods for each other.

Everything is betrayed, reviled, forgotten ...
Life is banished
Long live the trough!

There are things that are intuitive, but not expressible in any way, or expressible with great difficulty. Our understanding precedes language, it is above language, not in language. The conceptual grid of the language is thrown at what is understood - so that it is possible to operate with the understood (think), and not just for understanding.

Freedom means not to restrain yourself, but it means to control yourself
F.M. Dostoevsky

Human freedom ends where the freedom of another begins. Does this mean that freedom is always a limitation for someone. Why does Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky think that freedom means not to restrain oneself, but to control oneself?
A person sets a framework for himself. That limit, the bar that he cannot cross. His choice, his destiny. A person himself chooses between good and evil, between the categorical "no" and "you can, if you are careful." The prohibitions that a person sets for himself are transparent and light, almost weightless, but very strong silk ropes. In an attempt to tear them apart, a person may be crippled. But even they, smooth and slippery, may one day come loose ...
Everyone's nerves fail. There are situations when "turning off the head" is a natural reaction of the body to extreme sports. There are times when our feelings and emotions call into question all ideals and moral principles. Man has been an animal for many thousands of years, and has recently become a man historically. A person MUST always keep a human face. But does this mean that man is a being from the outset not free? Or does freedom have its limits, which in itself sounds absurd?
Have you noticed that any part of any mechanism, if it is part of it, lasts much longer than glued or nailed, no matter how strong the connection may seem. But sooner or later, the brakes fail in any mechanism. Although ... Skates! Ordinary figure skates ... slow down perfectly for the first, twenty-sixth, and one thousand one hundred and thirty-seventh times. And all because the toothed stopper is a part of the ridge, a single whole with it. Without it, skates lose their meaning and their purpose in the world. Likewise, our inner stopper should be a part of us, live, breathe, cry and, perhaps, change with us.
I will not undertake to judge why Judas betrayed the Savior. But do you really think that this man had no moral principles? It seems to me that they simply refused at a critical moment.
Each of you probably has a person about whom you can confidently say "he never ...". Will not betray, will not offend, will not deceive. And not because they are afraid or ashamed. But because he CAN'T. Because he is NOT THAT.
"Learn to rule yourself" - the great words of the great poet. Learn not to restrain yourself, but to master yourself. Learn not to understand with your mind what you can afford, but with your mind to convey it to your heart. When it is within you, when you do not have to think about it, you will understand what freedom is.
Listen to your heart. Listen to your heart. It already knew what to do when you were still crying, wrapped in endless swaddling clothes. It knew what good was, when you didn’t even know that there was something bad in the world. One mistake you make can stop him, but his single misfire can instantly turn you into a memory. You are one. Remember skates? You live while it beats. And it beats as you breathe. It remembers your every step and every word you say. It will never betray you. Because IT IS NOT THIS. Because IT CANNOT.
Listen to your heart ...

Natalia Arsentieva

(Riga, Latvia)

Freedom and permissiveness: where is the border?
"Freedom is not in not restraining yourself, but in being in control of yourself."

F.M. Dostoevsky

The problem of personal freedom is very relevant not only for the present, but in general for all times. Attempts to solve it were made throughout the development of philosophical thought. Nevertheless, even now, after so much time, the question of what freedom is and how to become free remains open. Each person understands freedom in his own way. I really liked Abraham Lincoln's apt statement that “A sheep and a wolf understand the word“ freedom ”differently, because indeed, for some people freedom is when they can“ eat ”whoever they want and where they want, for others freedom is when they can live their own lives and not be "eaten". But still, what is freedom? Is freedom really permissiveness and arbitrariness? Does freedom really have no boundaries?

Tacitus Publius Cornelius said: "Only fools call willfulness freedom." I think he is absolutely right, freedom and licentiousness are the opposite concepts. It is scary to imagine that each person will create whatever comes into his head, regardless of anyone or anything. "Any freedom that affects other people's rights is despotism." - so said Ramon de Campoamor. Is it really possible to allow despotism and tyranny to rule in society? After all, then the "freedom" of some will fight against the freedom of others, and this will definitely not make any of them happy.

I think my generation is lucky that we live in a world ruled by democracy. Democracy of the state implies exactly that freedom of the individual, which should exist for the good of every person. “Legislation seeks to put the freedom of the individual within those boundaries in which it, obeying general laws, is compatible with the freedom of every other person », that is, in other words, Immanuel Kant said that the freedom of one person must end where the freedom of another begins. Voltaire observed that "Freedom consists in being dependent only on laws." Just what laws does he mention? About the laws of the constitution of the state? Or maybe about moral laws and norms? Or about the laws written in the Bible, about the ten commandments? I think that it is precisely about all of them at once, because each of the laws speaks about the rights and obligations of a person in relation to others, about those obligations that allow everyone to be free, and therefore happy. But some may ask: "Why should we reckon with others, because we want freedom and unlimited?" I think that living in society and being free from society is impossible - such a person is doomed to complete loneliness.

Freedom in my understanding is not only the freedom that is given to us by the state. It is not enough just to have freedom of speech and choice. For me, there is nothing more important than inner freedom. A person is internally free only when he was able to free himself from his "ego", was able to free himself from his attachments and habits, was able to free himself from his desires; when he is internally independent from the opinions and moods of other people, from weather conditions and climate; when he is open to the whole world, to love; when he can imagine himself as a dog who stuck its muzzle out of the window of a car rushing into the wind - long ears hit the nose and eyes, and his tongue stick out in pleasure. This freedom is worth living for. You cannot take away inner freedom from a person - is it possible to take away from a person the right to think and decide, to choose goals and meaning of life for himself? Nevertheless, our external freedom directly depends on other people, on their actions.

Therefore, one should always remember that freedom is not so much a privilege as responsibility, responsibility before other people and the general public as a whole: “Freedom, if its implementation is not associated with responsibility, threatens to degenerate into simple arbitrariness” (V. Frankl). Perhaps it is because of this that many people do not want freedom - they are afraid of the responsibility that will fall on their shoulders. Thus, freedom cannot be absolute - it is relative. Freedom borders on responsibility and is directly proportional to it: the more freedom society gives a person, the greater is his responsibility for the enjoyment of this freedom. Otherwise, anarchy destructive to the social system ensues, transforming the social order into social chaos.

write an essay on Dostoevsky's statement freedom is not in restraining oneself but in controlling oneself according to the criteria: 1 what problem degenerates in the author's loves 2 provide arguments in defense or refutation of the author's position 3 Give examples proving your position (from the field of science) 4 Output

  • 1) The words of the author speak of the problem of a person's ability to control himself and the resulting moral freedom. The author expresses his opinion about the moral freedom that is accumulated from personal experience through long work on oneself.
    2) I believe the author is right. Freedom is the right of expression, which means that a person is free not when he restrains his desires and thoughts, but when he is able to express them correctly, without losing his moral character.
    3) An example is the statements of ancient scientists. For example, when they argued that the Earth has the shape of a circle. Then scientists did not restrain their thoughts, did not consider the effect of presenting information to the people, why it was not accepted by the people. After reasoned proof about the shape of the Earth. , the information was received and approved. All this is due to the correct presentation of information, which is the true freedom of man.
    4) The freedom of a person should be limited, it can be obtained only after the demand and work on oneself.

Human life is never a smooth and cloudless road. Sooner or later, any of us is faced with misfortunes or tragedies in our life. They can be of a different nature: serious illness, catastrophe, war, terrorist attack, loss of loved ones. Until there are fewer tragedies in our world, misfortune can burst into a person's life completely unexpectedly. And when that happens, not everyone is able to handle the blow. This does not at all indicate a person's weakness, he is just vulnerable, and nothing can be done about it.

When trouble strikes, it is very difficult for a person, and sometimes it is impossible to cope with shock and despair alone. However, you need to live on. It is difficult to protect yourself from misfortunes, but this does not mean at all that you cannot fight them. It is very important that friends, relatives, and loved ones come to the rescue in such a difficult moment of life. And, of course, we all need to be empathetic and considerate in order to show our own compassion and support those in need.

“Site” is an opportunity to cope with a difficult life situation, to find the missing support that a person needs, who finds himself face to face with disaster. Yes, the 21st century has not brought safety and security to humanity. Every now and then we hear news about terrorist attacks, natural disasters, man-made disasters, hostilities, cataclysms that claim lives. But the same century gave mankind freedom of communication, technologies that bring strangers closer together, located at a distance of hundreds and thousands of kilometers from each other. Life gives you the opportunity to come to the rescue, provide support and simply express words of sympathy to everyone who needs it. In that frantic rhythm in which we are all forced to exist, sometimes you forget about what is really important. These are the realities of modern life. “Site” is both a reminder and an opportunity to show the most important human qualities: compassion, humanity, mercy, philanthropy.

Look around you. Life is generous to us, it has given us those who are ready to lend a hand in difficult times. These are people who will postpone any business and forget about their little troubles when you need to take care of your loved ones. Parents, children, comrades, colleagues - let's treat them with kindness and consideration. A friendly word, a call, even a simple smile, unseen a person's life with imperceptible but strong bonds. And life is the most important and the only thing that we have. Life will help transform us all into loved ones. People who are not indifferent to the fate of another person.