Merino yarn (wool): reviews, characteristics. Merino wool: what is it, properties, what is it made of? The beneficial effects of merino wool on human health

Merino wool is a natural fine fiber obtained from merino sheep. The popularity of wool from this particular animal is explained by the fact that it is thin and durable. Accordingly, all products made of merino wool are wear-resistant, while they have good heat-regulating properties.

Merino wool - properties

Any sheep's wool has medicinal properties, since it is a natural material that absorbs and neutralizes all toxic substances released with sweat. As for merino wool, this yarn, in addition to toxins, absorbs moisture and heats well. Merino wool is extremely dirt-resistant as its springy fiber structure repels dirt, so it can be cleaned with a simple shake.

The natural properties of merino wool provide a comfortable feeling in both winter cold and summer heat. This material is actively used as a filler for blankets, under which it is so pleasant to sleep at any time of the year.

In conditions of high humidity, wool heats up due to exothermic processes taking place inside its fibers. And also merino wool perfectly repels unpleasant odors, thanks to which it is widely used for sewing - with it in bed there are no unnecessary odors left due to the vital activity of bacteria on human skin.

Another beneficial property of sheep wool is its calming effect. Agree - it is very pleasant after a difficult and stressful day to return home and wrap yourself in a soft merino wool blanket.

Also, this material creates simply unacceptable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria due to the creatine content in the wool. And the water repellent, which forms on the surface of the fibers, repels any insects.

Merino wool products

First of all, merino wool is especially preferred over any other materials for the manufacture of various products for children. It is very soft, hypoallergenic, independently regulates the heat exchange process, so that a child who still cannot complain of cold or overheating feels comfortable.

In second place in popularity are blankets and blankets made of merino wool. They envelop a person with their warmth and softness, making them forget all the troubles and indulge in a healthy deep sleep.

Merino wool sleepwear is also very popular. The reasons are hypoallergenicity, repulsive properties in relation to harmful microbes and bacteria, the content of lanolin in the material, which softens and soothes the skin, helps the body to recover well during sleep.

Merino wool products made in Italy are quite well-known: these are mainly blankets, blankets, and which make the rest in the country, in the apartment incredibly comfortable. They are not treated with any additional dyes, so they remain environmentally friendly.

How to wash merino wool?

Merino wool should be washed according to the instructions on the label. In general, things made from this fiber are not particularly susceptible to dirt due to their good dirt-repellent properties, as well as the ability to self-cleaning. This is possible thanks to the special structure of the merino wool. So frequent washing of wool items is not necessary. They just need to be periodically ventilated in humid air.

We hope that our article helped you to better know the properties of merino wool and understand what it is. Feel free to purchase products from this wonderful material and enjoy the process of using them.

The material from which our clothes are made can be not only comfortable and beautiful, the hero of our article, for example, knows how to heal. Merino is a unique wool of sheep of the same name; no raw material in the world has similar properties.


Merino wool - what is it? The material has a rich and very interesting history. The breed of sheep "Merino" was bred in Spain in the 13th century, and the Spaniards for five centuries did not allow the breeding of such sheep in other places, and this rule was so strict that its violation was punishable by death.

But, unfortunately for the Spaniards and fortunately for the rest of the world, after this country lost the war to Britain in the 18th century, several animals were still taken out. The British began to massively breed merino in Australia and New Zealand (these countries then had the status of British colonies).

However, even now it is New Zealand and Australia that are the main suppliers of merino wool in the world. The material is considered elite and many people know the answer to the question "100% merino - which animal's wool?"

Read more about this fiber from another animal.


What is merino wool and why is it so good? Sheep of this breed are distinguished by an incredibly thin fleece. For comparison, human hair is several times thicker. The result is a material that is incredibly thin, delicate and smooth. It is several times softer than natural silk and five times more elastic than cotton.

You can see what it is - merino - in our selection of photos.


It is unlikely that you will find negative qualities in this natural sheep wool, but it has a lot of advantages.


Depending on the place on the animal from which the fleece was taken, on the age of the sheep and other important factors, several types of material are distinguished:

  • Extrafine
  • Virginia
  • Geelong and Super Geelong
  • Luster
  • Cashwall

Merino Extrafine, what it is, as well as a description of other species:

Extrafine merino wool, what is it? In this case, we are talking about premium material, by no means cheap, but very high quality. Fleece for this fabric is sheared only from Australian sheep, but this is far from the most important condition. The wool is sheared only from the withers of the lambs, which is why it is so delicate, soft and snow-white. In addition, woolen yarn undergoes an additional SUPERWASH processing, which makes knitting and subsequent care of the finished product easier.

What is “extrafine” merino in translation? The name, if translated into Russian, sounds like "very thin". And this is so, because the thickness of the rune for this type of matter cannot exceed 15 microns.


This variety got its name, since the weaving fleece is sheared only from lambs raised in the Australian city of Geelong. A distinctive feature of this fiber is its softness and lack of gloss


Fiber that undergoes a special treatment, as a result of which it does not split or collapse when worn

Healthy sleepguarantee of quality rest, vigorous awakening and excellent health throughout the day. But in order for a person to sleep well, several factors must "converge": the comfort of the mattress, the most comfortable height and softness of the pillow and, of course, a well-chosen blanket that warms in cold weather and refreshes in heat. Do you think that the combination of these properties in one product is impossible? However, there are such versatile blankets. They are made from merino wool.

Who are the "merino"?

Merino sheep are a very special, elite breed of sheep. It is believed that it was bred in Spain in the XII century, however, after they were brought to Australia in the XVIII century, sheep were raised almost exclusively there. The reason was the special Australian climate, favorable for these animals. Merino sheep differ from ordinary sheep in their small size, they are not kept for the sake of eating. The trump card of these cute creatures is chic wool, from which things that are delicious in their qualities are obtained.

This is due to the fact that the filaments of merino wool are very light, weightless, thin, but at the same time they are strong and have a high density.

Features and benefits of products

Merino wool contains a unique component - lanolin. When a blanket is heated under the influence of body temperature, microscopic particles of this substance penetrate into the skin and then into the human blood and contribute to the health of the body. That is why blankets made of such material are recommended for people suffering from joint diseases, with a tendency to edema, problems with the circulatory system. They are also good for athletes, as they help to cope with excessive muscle tension and relieve pain. One of the great things women will love about this blanket is the fight against orange peel and skin rejuvenation.

However, merino wool is famous not only for its medicinal qualities. Blankets made from it have a number of advantages:

  • Temperature stabilization. Due to the fact that woolen fibers perfectly allow air to pass through and do not interfere with its circulation, exactly the temperature that is required at a given time is created under the blanket: comfortable coolness in summer and warmth in winter.
  • Merino wool is a highly hygroscopic material. A blanket made of it is able to absorb and evaporate moisture (up to 30% of its own weight), while remaining dry and comfortable.
  • These products "breathe". Air circulates easily among the fibers. This property, as well as the ability of lanolin to neutralize harmful substances, allows the woolen blanket to retain its original freshness and not absorb foreign aromas.
  • Fire safety. The fact is that wool fibers store a small amount of moisture inside. In addition, each hair has an outer stratum corneum. Therefore, to ignite a product made of such a material, a higher temperature is needed than for other natural fibers.
  • Merino wool garments are not susceptible to static electricity and are not "dust collectors", do not cause allergic reactions, which is why they are recommended even for newborn babies.
  • Self-cleaning ability. Free circulation of oxygen helps these blankets to be always clean. Dead particles of the epidermis and other "pollutants" do not settle on them.


Blankets made of merino wool are divided in two ways:

  • By the mass and density of the plexus of the fibersthey are subdivided into light ones, in which this very density does not exceed 150 grams per m2 - they are intended for use in the warm season; lightweight, with a weaving density of up to 300 grams per m2, recommended for all seasons and especially good heating in ventilated rooms with high air humidity; and, finally, standard ones, which have the densest knitting (up to 400 grams per m2) and perfectly warm in the fiercest cold.
  • By appearance woolen blankets are divided into blankets with filler, when the wool is inside a cover made of cotton or satin fabric - this is the most common variety, they fit perfectly into any interior solutions, serve for a long time and have a relatively low cost; products with one open woolen side, when the other can be satin or synthetic; and completely woolen, the most expensive, beautiful and comfortable.

How to choose the right one?

A blanket made of merino wool is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, his choice must be approached responsibly, with knowledge of the matter. What factors should be considered when buying it:

  • Fluctuations in the indoor temperature background depending on the season and weather.
  • Features of your own body: whether you are "frozen" or like when it is cooler.
  • Whether you like thick or thin blankets.
  • You sleep alone or together.
  • Do you prefer the product in a case or not.

You should also pay attention to the following product features:

  • Like a blanket sewn... There are 3 types of sewing: quilted in parallel, stitched with "squares" or the so-called karostep - patterned stitching. It is preferable to choose the 2nd or 3rd type.
  • What is the cover made of (if any). It is recommended to opt for coarse calico, satin or jacquard fabric. They are natural, breathable well, quite durable, last a very long time, pleasant to the body.
  • Information on the label. The following should be indicated: the manufacturer, in which country it was produced, recommendations for care, materials of manufacture of the cover and filler. The all-natural filling is accompanied by the NOMITE mark.
  • The presence or absence of odor. It is worth paying attention to whether there is an admixture of "chemistry" in the scent. It shouldn't be.
  • Workmanship. Good manufacturing firms carefully monitor the performance of their products and exclude defective goods with protruding threads and crooked stitching.
  • Intelligenceon all product labels and tags must be completely identical.

How to care?

So, you have chosen the matching merino wool blanket. However, like all products made from natural materials, it needs special care. Let's take a look at the basic rules:

  • How best to deal with pollution: wash or clean. In principle, blankets made of merino wool can be washed, unless otherwise indicated on the information label. The presence or absence of the cover does not matter. There are a number of manufacturing companies that do not allow their products to be washed. If you purchased a blanket with a non-washing label on the label, take it to the dry cleaner and be sure to notify employees about the presence of merino wool in the natural wool.

If the speck is small, try removing it yourself. Moisten it slightly with soap and water, rub gently, remove the remaining detergent and dry it well flat. Shake the blanket several times.

Wool blankets can only be washed by hand, in water with temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius. Use a detergent specially formulated for wool. The blanket is rinsed in the same water, not cold or hot. You cannot twist and squeeze.

  • How to dry properly... Drying a merino blanket should be done on a horizontal surface. It is carefully straightened and placed on cotton fabric, for example, on a large towel or sheet. When you dry the blanket, turn it over from time to time, shake it. Do not place it near heating elements or in direct sunlight.

Any blankets and blankets made of wool, not only from sheep, should be hung out a couple of times a year for ventilation. The best option is to take the product out into the street, hang it in a shaded place and shake it a little, for the best fluffing of the fibers and saturating them with oxygen.

  • How to store it correctly. The storage of a blanket made of merino wool should be carried out by folding it into a canvas or cotton bag and then cleaning it in a closet or bedding box. It is recommended to put a moth repellent near the product.

When the blanket is pulled out again for use, it needs to be straightened, spread out and left for a day or two so that it straightens out, fluffs up and again delights you with comfortable warmth. The folds can be ironed through slightly damp gauze.

Merino wool - what is it?

This is a natural wool of a merino sheep breed, distinguished by a special fineness of fibers. Despite their thinness, the fibers have significant strength. It is these properties, fineness and strength at the same time, that ensured such popularity of merino wool. Products knitted from it are soft, pleasant to the body, wear-resistant, retain an attractive appearance for a long time and have excellent thermal insulation properties.

A little about the history of merino

The merino breed of sheep originates from sheep imported by the Phoenicians from Asia Minor and North Africa. A notable spread of merino in Spain occurred towards the end of the 12th century. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Spanish breeders introduced English breeds, which they crossed with local breeds to develop merino breeds, a fusion that was publicly documented by Spanish writers of the time. Spain became known for its fine wool and monopolized its supply to Flanders and England from the 12th to the 16th century.

In the late Middle Ages, the wool trade became one of the main sources of income for Castile. Most of the flocks belonged to the nobility or the church, sheep grazing in the southern plains of Spain in winter and in the northern highlands in summer. Until the 18th century, exporting merino from Spain was a crime punishable by death. In the 18th century, a small export of merino from Spain and crossing them with local sheep breeds formed the basis for the development of the merino breed in other countries. The most widespread breed of merino was received in Australia, which today is the world leader in the production of merino wool, its share is about 80% of the entire market.

What is merino wool?

Australia is known for its very harsh winters and hot summers. Thanks to the sheep's adaptation toin such difficult conditions of survival, the world got a wool with unique properties - merino wool. Merino wool has a microscopic diameter - from one third to one tenth the thickness of a human hair. The smaller the fiber diameter, the softer and more pleasant to the body, and therefore more valuable. Merino wool is classified into:

    Ultrafine Wool is the finest wool fiber in the world. Extra Ultrafine is in the micron range of 16.0 and finer. Ultrafine is in the 16.1-17.5 micron range. Breeders concentrating on ultrafine microns can produce fibers as small as 13.5 microns and even slightly thinner. Ultra-fine merino wool in the 12.5-17.5 range is perfect for blending with other exclusive fibers such as silk and cashmere to produce high quality fabrics in the exclusive fashion market for both men and women.

    Superfine wool - fiber diameter 17.6-18.5 microns.

    Fine wool - fiber diameter 18.6-19.5 microns.

    Fine-Medium Wool - fiber diameter 19.6-20.5 microns. Merino sheep are most common in this range of fiber thicknesses. Their wool is ideal for use in medium to heavy knitwear, has a soft feel, yet retains its strength and durability when used in outerwear.

    Medium Wool - fiber diameter 20.6-22.5 microns. Used mainly for light suits, knitwear, in the commercial sector. More durable.

    Thick wool (Strong Wool) - fiber diameter 22.6 microns and above. Even more durable, used primarily for blending with polyester and acrylic fibers to produce inexpensive fabrics and knitted wool. Also used in seat and upholstery fabrics in the automotive and aviation sectors. Fabrics with thick merino wool are also used by designers as wall coverings for interior decoration.

Merino wool properties

Centuries of evolution and selective breeding have led to the emergence of a special breed of sheep - the merino, capable of producing ultra-fine wool fiber. Products made from fine grades of merino wool are much thinner, more elegant than traditional wool, they do not scratch the skin, do not cause irritation, but on the contrary, only pleasant tactile sensations.

Compared to other fibers in the fabric, merino wool has smaller air pockets and better blocks body heat, making the fabric a super insulator. Merino wool is highly breathable. Its fibers can absorb moisture up to 30% of its own weight. By absorbing moisture from the body, clothes remain dry and comfortable, regardless of temperature. It helps regulate body temperature, keeping you warm in cold weather and comfortably cooling in hot weather. Merino wool warms naturally. The unique qualities of the soft merino wool make it the best material for children's underwear. A child who moves a lot and is subject to increased sweating will feel comfortable in merino wool, the body breathes freely through the wool, does not freeze, and there is no feeling of dampness. Thanks to its warmth, merino wool is also ideal for a child playing in peace.

Being the softest of all wool types, merino wool is quite often suitable for allergic skin as it usually does not cause allergic reactions. The extremely fine, soft and resilient fiber of the merino wool has excellent elasticity, enhancing the high performance qualities of the merino wool. The natural antimicrobial properties of merino wool make it odor resistant, another great advantage over synthetic fabrics. Also, merino fiber is extremely durable, anti-static and flame retardant, making it an ideal raw material for a variety of products.

It is difficult to list all the spheres of application of merino wool, because it has so many unique properties. Popular are blankets made of merino, blankets, in which it is so comfortable to wrap yourself in bad weather or after a hard day at work. Merino for children is very widely used. They produce thermal underwear from merino, again especially popular for children, in which it is always dry and comfortable in any weather.

For your convenience, we have highlighted the yarn with merino wool in a separate section on our website.

Happy shopping!

Merino wool - what is it? This is the finest natural wool of a certain type of sheep, merino. In addition to the fineness of the fibers, it is quite strong in quality. Garments knitted from this wool do not lose their presentation for a very long time with prolonged wear and at the same time keep warm well.

History of origin

This type of sheep, like merino sheep, was first bred in Spain. Initially, it was an elite type of material that was worn exclusively by monarchs. For the average commoner, wearing things made of merino wool was strictly prohibited. And if someone tried to take the merino out of the country, he was severely punished. All this continued until the 18th century. But already at the time of the conquests by the British, they accidentally grabbed a couple of representatives of this species of sheep with them on board and brought them to Australia. And it was here that the climate turned out to be ideal for breeding them. Today Australia is the main exporter worldwide.

Merino wool: what is it and what are its properties

Due to the difficult climatic conditions of survival, merino wool acquired the following properties. Indeed, Australia has a very harsh winter and an incredibly hot summer. And thanks to the properties of thermoregulation, the animals managed to adapt to the harsh climate. The fibers are very thin - 5 of them can be equated in thickness to one human hair. This is exactly the secret of thermal insulation of this type of wool. And at the same time, you can wear merino wool products for several days without even a drop of sweat smell. If you try to use any other wool for this, then the clothes will need to be washed every day.

It is no secret that any sheep's wool can not only warm, but also heal. After all, wool is a natural product that easily absorbs everything toxic that is released with sweat during wearing. But in addition to absorbing toxic substances, it perfectly absorbs moisture and warms. The fiber structure is springy, which prevents dirt and dust from sticking to it. In order to clean a thing, you just need to shake it vigorously. It is perfect both in the cold season as a heating pad and on a hot summer day. Therefore, it is very convenient to fill blankets with such fiber for different seasons. This wool fights unpleasant odors well and is therefore very often used in the textile industry.

An added bonus - it serves as an excellent sedative. It is so comfortable to wrap yourself in a blanket of soft wool after a hard day's work.

What is made from

So, merino wool - what is it and what is made from it? The most common type of items made from this type of wool are items for children. Indeed, at a young age, children do not always complain to their parents about whether they are hot or cold. And in clothes made of this material, they are never hot or chilly - they will not sweat or freeze. Children's thermal underwear made of merino wool is very popular. But do not forget that this is only a layer of underwear worn by a child in the cold season.

How to choose children's thermal underwear?

When choosing children's thermal underwear made of merino wool, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material. The main argument for parents is its practicality, useful qualities and price. The thickness of the fabric is not so important as its ability to absorb sweat and keep out cold.

Merino wool blankets

Products in the form of rugs and blankets are very popular, which give people only comfort and peace. Interestingly, the fame of blankets made from wool of this type of sheep first arose long before the appearance of the textile industry.

Bedding is mass-produced from this type of wool due to its hypoallergenic nature.

Merino wool products are washed like any other wool. Be sure to look at the care label on the label. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and the item cannot be wrung out after washing.

Main advantages

We continue to consider merino wool. We have learned what it is. Now let's look at its advantages:

  1. The wool is hydroscopic.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation due to the unusual fiber structure.
  3. Wool breathes well.
  4. Will never cause allergies.
  5. Elastic enough.
  6. Does not require special care.

But most importantly: the merino wool blanket is a daily micro-massage of the whole body. Thanks to the dry heat and lanolin fat on the surface of the fibers, it is an excellent treatment for diseases such as arthritis, sciatica, back pain, and is good for colds. This is the only wool of all that is harmless and safe even for babies and people with bronchial asthma.

So it is safe to say that merino wool is truly an elite wool!