Landscape style. Landscape design: Modern directions

The person is closely connected with nature, which is why when he appears a cottage or a house with a small plot of land, it wakes up the desire to create a garden of his dreams: it can be a simple garden with a garden, intricate weave lawns and tracks or a simple manor in Russian style. To realize your ideas, it is very important to choose the right style for the future garden, on the scientific style of landscape design. The word word itself is a combination of creative techniques and ideas due to the unity of artistic content and theme. It is necessary not only to competently apply the planing, but also to decide on the color scheme, pick up plants, small architectural forms, type of decorative pavement, gardening equipment.

It is known that garden styles existed even in time immemorial: enough to recall the legendary miracle of the world - the Gardens of Semiramides, the description of which came to the present day. In ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome also existed gardening and park art, which became the basis for the formation of classic styles. Over time, the principles were transformed, and the fashion for decorative elements is changing tirelessly. Recently, the interest of people towards traditional styles is growing - for example, the classic noble estate is here and, and a small pond, and a pair of snow-white beauties-birch, and lawns planted with field flowers. Interesting and Mediterranean, and oriental motives.

The decorative details of the garden also attract attention - unusual porridge, sculptures, vases, bridges, actively in the gardens used feeders for birds and birdhouses. Returns fashion for sundial - the trend of Europe, however, now they play not so much a practical role as decorative. The new-fashioned element is both green sculptures - and this can be both intricate essay figures and ordinary shrubs, and weaving plants grown on a metal frame. In any case, existing trends should not put you in a rigid framework, it's time to show fantasy and decide on bold experiments.

Conditionally, all landscape design styles are divided into 2 groups: regular and landscape. If for regular styles is characterized by the presence of some regularity and strict geometry, the landscape emphasizes the proximity of the person to the mother-nature and allows you to realize all the ideas. Let's stop at each of the styles in more detail.

Regular landscape design styles

French landscape design style

This style cannot not admire, because this is the embodiment of luxury and elegance. It requires a strict geometry, so that the guide of the created garden intentionally emphasized, and there was not a single hint of the naturalness of the composition. Wide alleys, elegant figures, partare lawns, beautiful flower beds - these are the main elements of this style. In the layout, it is necessary to observe strict symmetry: it is preferable to endure shrubs in the form of geometric shapes or straight lines. True, leaving such a garden will require considerable.

photo: French landscape design style

The obligatory element in the French garden is a reservoir in the center of the composition framed, cascades and sculptures. Lawns and flower beds are low, with them sharply contrast buses - so called trees and shrubs that are trimmed in the form of green walls. Very beautiful will look at the tracks laid out by paving tiles with a green framing from low shrubs.

First, form your garden idea on paper: All items should be placed in strict order and be geometrically correct - bends to build with a circulation. Remember that in such a garden there should be two points - the top, where the house is located, from there should be a view of the entire area, and the lower, where the main entrance is located. If you have a significant difference in heights on the site, you can form a cascade of smooth terraces and combine their stairs. An interesting decision will be the creation of labyrinths from the honeysuckle, juniper or hazel. The fence for such a garden can be an elegant wrought lattice.

Italian or Mediterranean Landscape Design Style

Initially, such a style assumed the presence of strict geometric forms and perpendicular paths. The center of the composition serves as a reservoir around which there is a paved platform and rare flower beds. The garden is applied with a stredized alive hedge or elegant fence. Special solemnity can be given the garden with the help of alleys and fountains, and spherical and cuboid shrubs and trees will become a harmonious framed for tracks.

photo: Italian landscape design style

Also a characteristic feature of such a style is a patio - this is a platform on a hill located near the house. Here you can place garden furniture, decorate patio with sculptures and vegetation vases, and relevant both coniferous and deciduous species of trees and shrubs.

Moorish or Muslim Garden

A characteristic feature of this style is the use of several squares, the center of the composition is a fountain or a reservoir, and plants are planted around it in the geometric sequence and the tracks are broken. Pools and fountains are often lined with marble or decorative glass, it is worth remembering that water in Islam is sacred, this cleansing and life, without it a paradise garden is simply impossible to imagine.

photo: Moorish Landscape Design Style

The framing of such a garden serve galleries that are losing roses or wild grapes. A characteristic feature of such a garden is a corner of flavors, where spicy herbs are planted - such a paradise will definitely have to taste the owners who adore spices and unusual flavors. In the yard, tiled or mosaic power is spread - it is simultaneously simple and exquisite.

Landscape landscape design styles

This style is based on naturalness, this is a harmonious combination of human works with gifts of nature. There is no place of symmetry, geometric lines and forms, most often the main role is played by the house, namely the garden, the building is hidden behind thick pigs or marked wild grapes. Picturesque reservoirs, winding lanes planted with tiers of plants - all this landscape style. If you have an uneven plot, do not worry, because this style implies an alternation of hills, slopes and flat sites.

photo: English Landscape Design Style

For water bodies it is worth creating a natural framing - to plant round-water plants, sprinkle with the soil with sand or pebbles, the tracks are to choose a wild stone or spikes of trees. Along the paths planted low shrubs, but there are few colors in the English garden - most often these wildflowers and unobtrusive garden - chamomile, calendula, Astra, bell, and they are not planted by flumbies, but chaotic bandages.

Chinese style landscape design

This species of garden-park art originated many centuries ago, his characteristic features - naturalness, spontaneity, in fact, this world in miniature, giving his owner a feeling of harmony and peace.

photo: Chinese style landscape design

In the foreground in such a garden - water and stones, and then the architecture. Flowers play only a fleeting role, coniferous trees will fit, bamboo, low shrubs, but the lawn may be absent at all. Be sure to build a wooden island gazebo for tea ceremonies in the open air, through the reservoir, stretch the bridge, on the perimeter of the plot you can hang Chinese lanterns

Japanese garden

Most often, the garden in such a style takes a small area, its beauty is in symbolism. Here will be appropriate stone sculptures and figures, framing with water, lightweight gazebo, natural vegetation.

photo: Japanese style landscape design

A special place in the Japanese garden occupies a blooming Sakura - the embodiment of beauty and resistance. Perfectly sees in our climate and bonsai - a dwarf tree, coniferous plants and low shrubs. Do not forget about stones - chaotic jet and intricate compositions will complement the Japanese garden.

Modern landscape design styles

One of the modern styles dictated by the trend of fashion trends. It implies the presence of simple lines and open space.

photo: Modern style in landscape design

There is no place to be fed to decorations and more details, a minimum of accessories is sufficient. The tracks are laying out with plates, in the courtyard create a platform where you can put simple modern furniture, plants in the garden can be planted in a container. The layout may be asymmetric, but at the same time the flowerbams are inherent in strict geometric lines.

Cozy rustic style: Actually, it is in search of this unique coziness many people buy cottages. The characteristic feature of this style is the use of simple and uncomplicated forms and natural materials. The texture and color of the decorative elements should be like a material from which the house was built - it can be a stone, wood or brick. The garden is filled with different colors - here are appropriate flower beds with bright colors - Malva, peonies, flocks, calendula velvets, dahlias and other.

photo: Country style in landscape design

There are no visual restrictions in such compositions. It is advisable to make furniture yourself - as a last resort, the chairs can be made of hemp, and a table of several boards. It is possible to clay pots, shoulders, old painted buckets or barrels - the main thing is not to be afraid to show fantasy and then your country site will be really unusual and very cozy.

Each owner of the land plot wants to arrange him so that he looks not just beautiful, but also was unique. To do this, there are different directions of landscape design that have their own features and characteristic features.

Competently thought-out planning of the territory, as well as the selected color gamut, plants, decor, furniture and equipment allow you to create a unique landscape composition even on the most primitive object.


Currently, special attention is paid to landscape design. After all, a beautifully designed garden is either a household plot creates a favorable atmosphere and a feeling of comfort. Only the rightly planned landscape looks really stylish and presentable.

For the design of the territory, such elements of landscape design are used as:

  • planting materials in the form of trees, shrubs and lawns;
  • architectural elements that include tracks, gazebos, sculptures, bridges and canopies;
  • constituent mountaineering in the form of flower beds, flower beds and retaining structures;
  • elements of water bodies from cascades, streams and ponds.

Any direction of landscape design is a whole philosophy that is based on a certain form of art and creativity. Using this or that style, you can create a comfortable environment not only for yourself, but also around.

The main thing is that the entire area be the form of a single composition, only then it will emit aesthetic beauty and will look finished.

Main groups

All landscape design styles have their own characteristics and characteristic features that must be paid due attention. It must be remembered that each direction in the landscape is intended for a specific area, so before making the final choice is recommended to familiarize yourself with the description of the option of interest.

Conditionally all landscape directions are divided into two main groups:

  • Regular. Characterized by strict geometric shapes and patterns.
  • Landscape. Are as close as possible to nature and its natural beauty.

Each of these groups includes certain styles that differ in individual characteristics.


This regular style is based on strict symmetry and clear geometric shapes. This direction is intended for bulk areas, where there is an opportunity to embody all creative ideas into reality.

The components of such a landscape are straight alleys, neat flowerbeds, round-shaped gazebos, wrought benches, pergolas, as well as decorative decorations in the form of arches, columns, antique sculptures and stone balls. In the heart of the site, beautiful fountains and reservoirs are defined.

From the trees, Tui, maples, limes, jasmine and lilac are planted here, and the flowers are represented as roses, begonia, salvium and phlox.


Exquisite landscape design style, which are characteristic of such features as elegance and high cost. Special attention is paid to the architecture and accessories here, but vegetation goes to the background. The central element in the design always performs the house, which is smoothly and very harmoniously complement the remaining items.

Preference is given to materials of natural origin, which gives the setting nobility.

Plants with an acute form of leaves, such as hops or maiden grapes, are beautifully planted with groups to create an atmosphere of coziness and pacification.

The color scheme consists of black, white, chocolate, beige, silver, blue and purple shades. The use of red and yellow colors is allowed as a contrast. An excellent decoration is the presence of a fountain or a stream, which attach to the territory of special freshness.

Beautiful arbors, benches and fences are necessarily complemented by wrought elements on plant topics. In addition, the shapes of birds and animals in the bronze colors are used as decor.


It is characterized by a wide variety of plants, as well as used architectural forms. The basis of this style is at the same time several directions:

  • Chinese. When designing, each element is located according to Feng Shui rules. Particular attention is focused on plants that are presented in the form of fruit and evergreen trees, shrubs, medicinal herbs and colors. The function of the decor is performed by bronze sculptures, wooden statuettes, as well as architectural forms. A favorable atmosphere for the pastime creates cozy arbors and small houses.
  • Japanese. It is characterized by such features as minimalism and conciseness. Each component detail here carries a certain meaning, and is also a symbol of Japan. An obligatory element is the Alpine Gorka and Sakura.

  • Asian.It is intended for large sites, where it is possible to create a real comfort and harmony. During the design, tender tones and clear contours are used, so that each composition looks very stylish and aesthetically beautiful. Stones of different form are an integral part of this direction, so they complement almost every component of the landscape.

Eastern style is characteristic of clear planning of zones, as well as the correct geometric location of trees, bushes and colors, which colaws the feeling of serene calm.


Landscape design style, which is characterized by sophistication and grace. It is characterized by simple geometric shapes and linear structures. In the process of adjusting the site, materials such as natural wood, metal and concrete are used. Modern sculptures, improvised fireplaces and garden furniture perform as decor. From plants here are appropriate cacti, non-blooming plants, drazes, yucca, succulents and grass.

The most sought-after directions of modern style include:

  • Minimalism.Created with the help of concise forms and the minimum number of components of the elements. Great is suitable for both large and smallest sites. The main rule here is dividing the territory into individual zones. The color scheme consists of white, silver, cream and light terracotta shades. For landscaping, trees such as birch, Thuja, Pine, Maple, Iva, as well as different fruit plantings are used.

  • High tech.Style that does not require compliance with clear lines and a certain decor, due to which is suitable for the embodiment of the most extraordinary ideas. For the design of the site, materials such as glass, stone, metal, plastic and polycarbonate are used. Good lighting is important, which most often has the type of LEDs, neatly arranged in modern lighting devices.

  • Loft. It is considered the most budget version of the landscape. The brick and stone masonry are appropriate here, and ordinary pallets, drawers, pots and decorative lamps are often used as decor. The color scheme is quite restrained and is represented in bright, cold shades.

The design in this style looks simple enough, but at the same time is functionally and beautiful.

  • Avangard.Amazing and extraordinary style, which is characterized by the most bold experiments and unusual lines. In such a design, not only a cottage plot will look original, but any park or an alley. It is harmoniously combined bright flowering plants and a calm atmosphere, which have a favorable affect the surrounding. This free style is distinguished by the author's idea, which with the help of fantasy and creativity is successfully embodied on the facility.

  • Bionics.A fairly new design direction, where preference is given to environmental materials of natural origin. As decorations are used interesting lamps with imitation of waterfalls, colors, trees or marine inhabitants. Such a feature attaches a situation of some romance and comfort.

Special beauty plot give mirror or glossy surfaces in the form of paths or other elements of the landscape.

Each of these areas is a real fashion trend that is able to do even from the most primitive plot of a chic designer composition.


This direction of landscape design is characterized by creating a comfortable for recreation and aesthetically attractive plot, in accordance with all proper rules. It is important here to properly arrange accents using plants, furniture and decorative elements.

The most popular styles of the ethnic direction are:

  • Alpine.Its main features are the durability and simplicity of creation. It is actively used by a stone, from which various kinds of slides, tracks and boulders are created. All compositions are drawn up in bright color schemes using appropriate alpine plants. It is well suited for both large and very small sites.

  • Landscape.With this style, beautiful imitation of meadows, fields, forests or other natural landscape are created. Harmoniously complement the landscape composition of decorative elements made of natural materials in the form of wooden arbors, hemp and logs. A good decoration will be a small lake or a pond, whose shores will be lined with sand and pebbles, and water lilies and pita will float in the water. Forest and wildflowers are attached to the special beauty of the territory.

  • Rustic. It does not require strict planning, and for its creation will be suitable for any infringement materials. Such a rural landscape design provides for a minimum of costs, but it is very picturesque, cozy and comfortable. It looks original handmade furniture, as well as decorative decorations in the form of wicker baskets, wooden carts and vintage bicycles. The flower beds are located in an arbitrary order and fulfill the role of peculiar bright accents.
  • CountryDemocratic style, which is characteristic of simplicity, thoroughness and proximity to nature. The paths are made of bricks, wood, or plates, along which grass grows, lilac, jasmine and wildflowers. A beautiful gazebo from a log house, a reservoir or a stream, through which the garden bridge is thrown into, create a favorable atmosphere for fully rest and peace.

An excellent decoration is weaving from the vine, swing, wells, as well as wooden benches, buckets and cans.

  • Provence.Exquisite and gentle landscape style, with which you can easily create a beautiful area for relaxation. In addition to the flower, it is appropriate to plant flowers in drawers and baskets, combining different variants among themselves. The Provence style is characterized by a tender color scheme in beige, white, pink, blue and purple tones.

  • English.The ideal solution for large areas where there is an opportunity to realize the designer fantasy into reality. There are no strict shapes and straight lines here, so each component of the landscape element is characterized by irregularities, tortuousness and natural shape. Preference is given to natural materials, such as wood, stone, sandstone or gravel.

Objective objects are considered gazebos, swings, mangals and bridges with forging elements.

  • Mediterranean.A style with a pronounced Greek accent, whose color gamma is represented in white, blue, yellow and terracotta tones. Plots are decorated with a huge number of colors located in ceramic pots. Inalienable attributes of this landscape direction are open arbors and fountains, around which the tracks from the stone or ceramic tiles are neatly laid.

Comfortable rattan furniture or forged benches, supplemented with soft pillows give the setting of a special coziness.

  • Scandinavian.It feels functionality, simplicity, restraint and orderliness. The color scheme is withstanding in natural shades, such as green, blue, brown, red, yellow and gray. A tree and stone is used as the main materials. For this style, furniture from the vine or rattan, complemented by such decorative elements, as sculptures, as well as the vintage items in the form of a cart, spindle, wheels, barrels and ceramic sharpets are perfectly suitable.

  • Italian.In this style, you can observe a clear separation of the site into separate zones using direct or diagonal lines. The center must be located a small reservoir, a fountain or a beautiful statue. This designer direction is characteristic of a plurality of stones that are decorated almost every element of the landscape. From plants you can land a miniature rose, Japanese quince, Italian pines, cypresses, jasmine, almonds and amur grapes.

  • French.It implies the design of the territory in the form of unique compositions with clear lines and smooth geometric shapes. Neat tracks, as well as alleys from Oshness and juniper, canceled all the beauty of this style. The central element is the pond, fountain, pool or statue. Beautiful lawns, decorated at the edges of the pebbles, look like a special aristocratic.

  • Mauritanian.It is distinguished by an abundance of lush flower beds and tropical plants. Presentations on the water bodies have a rectangular or square form, the bottom of which is laid out with colored tiles or stones in the form of a bright ornament. The arbors are also characterized by a square or rectangular shape and can be decorated with decor in the form of blooming lian.

  • Indian. For sections decorated in this style, strict geometry is characteristic, so the landscape territory here has the form of a single whole. The presence of different aquatic elements in the form of channels, pools, fountains and lakes creates a sense of complete harmony with nature. Arbors are decorated with alive flowers and carved lattices. All tracks are laid out of color gravel, along which figurines and lights are located.

Such direction of landscape design allows the maximum use of trees, shrubs and colors.

  • Chalet. Amazing style, where different mountain landscapes in the form of an alpine slide, beautiful slopes and rockery are located in the main part of the site. Characteristic features of this area is the zoning of the territory, the presence of alpine slides, water bodies, beautiful tracks and lawns, as well as bright flower beds. The color scheme is represented in bright and calm colors, but sometimes absorbed in the form of red and orange shades.

From the vegetation here is appropriate to use coniferous, evergreen trees, such as pine, spruce, thuja and cypress.

On the country site there is a special freedom of creativity - the owner can realize any idea, build a space around the house in its own way. Sometimes there are such possessions where the slides, fountains, sculptures, gazebos are collected, but there is no holistic picture that makes a dacha ensemble memorable. To create a really interesting image of your garden, able to please and amaze, before drawing up design project, construction and land work, the acquisition of plants and garden accessories, it is necessary to study the landscape design styles and stay on one.

Historical excursion: Go deep into the centuries

The landscape design was manifested immediately as soon as primitive people decided on the concept of their own dwelling: the ceiling of the pebble platform before the cave can be compared with the modern arresting of the accession to the country mansion. Gardeners and major architects in the palaces of the ancient rulers (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt), who have delayed the presenters of their work with the results of their work, did not even imagine that they were landscape designers, but laid the foundations of science on the harmonious change in the world. Hanging gardens of semi-amides - the creation of a brilliant landscape architect was recognized as ancient one of the seven wonders of the world, Versal Park - no less grandiose and magnificent brainchild, Andre Lenotra, closer time, is considered a textbook example, the vertex of gardening art, and the Japanese "Garden of Stones »Röan-dza in Kyoto, whose atmosphere is painted with religious philosophical notes, has become one of the mentiones of the style of minimalism in design and architecture.

Vertical, horizontal, volume and four elements

All components of the landscape design successfully fit into the rule "Combine, bottom and shape", as well as symbolically support 4 natural elements (wood, water, stone, air) when filling the landscape. An additional component that gives the ability to draw any geometric forms, emphasize the accent objects, is light.

AirWaterA rockWoodShine
HorizontalPanoramic viewPondsGarden tracks

Driving alleys

Parking sites

Decorative shrubs

Sling plants

Illuminated tracks

Artificial lighting of water bodies

Vertical"Light at the end of the tunnel" - inviting to walk the light window at the end of the alleysCascades of waterfallsRetaining walls

Stone arches

Full-sized trees

Vertical gardening

Separately facing lights
VolumeOpen spaces (lawn, paved platform)Volumetric fountainsGarden furnaces

Sculpture Kostrichchet


Mafies (gazebo, pergola, lattice canopies)

Light Figures Light Design of Green Sandings

Working out the project of the landscape, it is necessary to link the vertical and horizontal planes among themselves, emphasize the necessary volume, create a single space, where nothing will dissemble with a shared style solution.

Which defines each style: compare the features

The point of reference when creating a landscape of its own phasenda can be any trifle. The main thing is to classify it correctly, define belonging to style. Love for sandy shades of travertine is able to push the design of the Garden "A la Italy", the opinion that "Rose is the most beautiful of flowers" will tell the use of English classics, the mandatory presence of lavender fragrance is a direct reference to the saturated Sun Provence. The basic characteristics of the garden layout and filling items will help to narrow the framework.

The rigor, the use of rectangular forms when breaking the garden differ:

  1. Regular (French);
  2. Japanese;
  3. Mauritanian.

Smoothness, roundness of lines inherent:

  1. English style;
  2. Country;
  3. Russian modern;
  4. Chinese;
  5. Ecosil.

The magnificity of blooming vegetation, the riot of paints inside the geometrically tough layout is characteristic of the Moorish garden space, the classic English garden, on the contrary, implies the ideal-verified range of colors of cold shades, a large amount of greenery, common color restraint.

Historic styles - Epoche

Any historical style landscape design is a reflection of the appropriate time painted by the national flavor. Thorough copying of the palace gardens today is not relevant, it requires the scope of possessions, the state of gardeners and tireless concerns, but the use of typical techniques, the arrangement of the necessary accents, selection of suitable plants (originals or local analogs) allows you to create a small scale object, inscribed in the style framework. The use of characteristic types of paving, layouts of the site, hacklets, the arrangement of mandatory zones draws a spectacular style image.

English Style: Cold Saforption in Landscape Anatory

The classic sample of the landscape in English style was watching the heroine of Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice" in the richest estate of Mr. Darcy. The garden was regular and luxurious at the same time. The smoothness of the outlines of the man-made elements (platforms, tracks, marking of the boundaries of plantations, indices of water bodies), restraint in the selection of plants, their color gamut is inherent in the smoothness of the outlines of the arms of the design elements. Cold shades of inflorescences, a combination of pink and blue, no screaming accents are preferred. Special attention is paid to green plantings and lawn: besides thorough year-round care (haircut, hanging, replacing extinct specimens) is a thorough screening of types by type and color of foliage. As a result, the English garden looks very well-kept and harmonious.

When drawing up typical English compositions from perennials, the color and dimensional rhythm is important, a proportional combination of plants among themselves, the molding of the landing, flowering time.

Dutch comfort: Channels, Mills, Tulips

The image of the Dutch garden directly correlates with the nature of the inhabitants of this country and its natural conditions. Forced to disintegrate at the upcoming sea, the space for life, the Dutch is very much appreciated by the land, their kindergartes have very small sizes. The main features of the Dutch Nrava, who were reflected in the landscape:

  • Practicality - the area is used to the maximum, conventional trees are replaced by dwarf form;
  • Rationality - each element of its place (carefully calculated zoning);
  • Accuracy - the garden is perfect;
  • Vitality - bulk spots of bright colors, the use of garden figures and mini-objects;
  • Pride - the most spectacular part of the garden is a parquet in front of the house to cause admiration of passersby.

Rustic life arranged with taste

The rustic style (country) landscape design is characterized by some negligence, ancient chain, lack of perfectly verified proportions. It seems that the artist with light smears sketched a picturesque sketch, which suddenly came to life. Tree, Stone, Shopping Vine, Cameca, Clay - All natural materials will find here applying. In Country style, construction of wooden arbors is welcomed, the creation of man-made ponds and streams, free from the rules of flower beds, where a variety of plants are adjacent. Decor elements involved in the creation of a garden, full of rural glamor - these are wicker fences, clay pots, chubs with flowers, bright garden sculptures, wheels and vintage carts, curly plants, neat framed beds, - all that is so cute to the heart of the tortured city inhabitant And instantly forms an idyllic picture.

Chinese Garden - Incrucled Casket With Secret

Special features of the Chinese style in the landscape design were the grace of lines, the richness of paints, the desire to make from simple complex, without violating natural harmony. The space is artificially stretched due to the high length of the winding pedestrian trail, inclusion in the landscape of water compositions (peaceful calm reservoirs are replaced by cascading steps), separation of the garden with light walls with cutting holes ("lunar gates"), intriguing a visitor inviting him to further journey.

The landscape orientation of the garden emphasizes:

  1. Curved lines of bridges, echoing with roofs-pagoda, decorative gates;
  2. A skillful combination of two opposite energies: water and stone;
  3. Centrality of the garden composition;
  4. The use of plants with natural rounded forms or the use of topiary.

Colonial style: organic, accuracy, dignity

The colonial style combines two different cultures - brought from the outside and aboriginal. This is a sample of mutually enriching synthesis when the European multinationality of colonizers, the limited choice of building materials, a variety of exotic local flora poured into an amazing symbiotic style, which is characterized by heat, light carelessness, soft cozy. Pushing the gate of the housebed site designed in the colonial style, I want to exclaim: "Home, Sweet Home!". Smooth lines of bright flower beds, rounded outlines of wood compositions are repeated in the routes of garden tracks from bricks, slab stone, impregnated wood. Exculsion of practical use by the first settlers of land plots is zoning: a fruit garden and a garden part be distinguished, which is often drawn up as a decorative garden in regular style. The garden with terraces, covered the sun, is behind the house, protected by sidelines. It is saturated with paints, but a low wooden fence "like a grandmother", painted by simple herbal, is considered a business card of the colonial design.

Moorish style: Mystery for seven seals

Closed from extraneous gardens in the Mauritan style fully correspond to the definition of the "Prosta for the eyes and a rest of the heart." Surrounded by desert and high walls oasis are filled with bright colors with a strong smell, sparkling water of fountains and canals, saturated with grain foliage. Eastern luxury has to Nege, enjoying life, continuous pleasures. Moorish style implies the unity of opposites: everything that created a person's hand is straightforwardly, strictly, has clear boundaries, everything that is donated by nature, raging in its primordial beauty. In artificially divided by 4 square, the track garden is laid out with a tile, creating complex ornaments, and green plantings of different heights are used as shirms that hide the private life of the hosts. Ornament of the garden are fruit trees, and the queen is a rose. Most preferred varieties with magnificent multi-treatment inflorescence and thick aroma penetrating in all corners of the garden.

Lavender Provence: Starfish raid is required

Under the word "Provence", pictures are remembered with endlessly leaving in the distance by rows of purple flowers, but the olive garden is a small, cozy, cute space near the house.
Typical features of French rustic design:

  • Aged, shabby tree for garden furniture;
  • The weathered stone of the retaining walls and the framing of the flower;
  • Potted tracks on which the bitted plants are passing out;
  • Mandatory figured bed with spicy herbs;
  • Abundance of lavender on the flower beds, in terracotta pots separating the platform for relaxing with a wrought bench from other gardens zones;
  • Curly plants, powered arches and pergolas, as a method of shading from the hot sun;
  • A number of fruit trees with flat crowns, molded by a special type of trimming, along the wall of the house.

Planning Planning: French Regular Style

The mirror image of the garden parts along the central axis, the clarity of the boundaries, the condensed hedges of different heights, extended neat alleys, curly floral curbs - this is what distinguishes French park ensembles, the creation of which is elevated to the rank of art. The classic elements of the regular palace style are:

  1. Fountains with sculptural groups;
  2. Parter in front;
  3. Reservoirs of curved symmetric forms in a stone framing;
  4. Rows of cutting exotic trees in massive ads, which are cleaned about the winter in the oranges;
  5. Ideal extensive lawns as a binder of the entire space;
  6. Flowers forming a complex geometric pattern;
  7. "Green" secret rooms, labyrinths, amphitheats.

Romantic trip to Italy

Warm wind, sun, saturated flavors - distinctive features of the Mediterranean climate, which were reflected in the Italian design of the gardens. The classic Palace Garden Park is a symmetry of planning, trimmed trees in vases, living hedges, clearly distinguishing space, straight tracks, raised by reservoir, fountains and marble sculptures. Picturesque nature, the richness of flowering plants is equalized by a strict composition of man-made changes in the landscape. In contrast to him, a small garden with a note of romance to design is easier - its characteristic features add a cheerful flavor:

  • Stone patio with furniture, combining wood and forging, is intended for noisy family trapez;
  • Bench under pergola, served roses or grapes, is perfect for the afternoon rest;
  • An open terrace, stitched with flower pots, late in the evening will give the opportunity to admire the stars.

Japanese Garden: Restrained Style Clean

The main features of the Japanese style landscape is ascetic, composite defects, restraint. Nothing should distract from the contemplation of natural harmony or immersing their own thoughts. Mandatory combination of water, stone, living plants creates a special, miniature world, where time flows very slowly, where the person is given infinity to observe the willow branches tendered over the lake or flying flower petals. When developing the design of the Japanese garden, the faithful stylistic decision will be:

  • Asymmetry of the planning of the site;
  • Opportion of viewpoint: Any movement along the zones of the Japanese kindergarten must represent the viewer an ideal picture;
  • Lighting the recreation zone by stone lanterns;
  • Placement of beautiful groups of stones, paving the tracks with separate flat stones framed by lawn or painting pebbles;
  • The use of plants, suspended in Japanese poetry: maples, cherries and plums, chrysanthemums, Yves, pines, peonies.

Garden of our time: from a difficult thing

Modern landscape designer provided a large palette of stylistic tools. New directions possess individuality, but do not require compliance with strict standards. The absence of hard restrictions allows mixing options among themselves, supplement them with each other, to implement interesting ideas. For example, today one of the popular styles becomes fantasy. Under the influence of "traveling there and back", "Witcher", Romanov about barbarians, sorcerers, treasures of the gnomes Customers dream of seeing in their own hobbiting or a dense forest. Yes, sometimes adults also want to live in a fairy tale. The task of a specialist is to realize this desire by filling the ambient space with mysterious corners under the canopy of woven branches, unknown tracks leading to a quiet creek, the buildings "under the old". The cellar from Shira, a children's house - Baba Yaga's hut, a gazebo with a stove, like a tavern of trolls with success, denote the ownership of the ownership to the "kingdom for thirty lands."

Landscape style is A combination of artistic techniques, a system of stable and uniform interpretations of forms that determine the general view of your garden, a certain combination and use of elements of vegetation, types of decor.

Landscape styles - full list

Navigation 16 styles:

The styles of garden-park art, as well as, can be divided into historically established and relatively new, modern. Let's start with the first.

English or landscape landscape design

As it can be judged by the name, this method of design of the garden plot in England, at the beginning of the XVIII century, has developed.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bstyle is love and careful attitude towards natural flora, human and nature community.
English handwriting is a balance between easy negligence, even running and home-based garden.
Harmony is achieved at the expense of such criteria:

  • smooth contours and lines, lack of straight and sharp corners;
  • the unity of the garden and at home;
  • vertical gardening;
  • paved by stone, winding paths, imitating trails;
  • tidy lawns as a place for passive rest;
  • the use of plants of various heights to create relief and picturesque corridors;
  • abundance of perennial plants;
  • natural externally reservoir or stream;
  • flower beds in the form of floral "carpets" and holmikov;
  • a riot of paints, color contrasts.

The landscape garden, stylized under the "wild" corner of nature, begins immediately outside the door of the house, on the facade and wickets, seized with ivy, grapes and ramblers - plenty, famous in the world of English roses.

English Garden - Flower Festival. Among the most popular can be allocated: roses, begonias, lobels, poppies, scarlet sage, multicolored dolphinium.

The attributes of the True English landscape are wooden or stone benches located at the end of the tracks, flowerpots with flowers, ceramic plates, mounted in alleys, romantic gazebo, small bridges, wrought lights.
A characteristic feature is the presence of one or two vintage items: statue, shop.
Coloring - greens with splashes of silver, white, punch, lilac shades.

Dutch style in landscape design

The idea of \u200b\u200bit can be obtained by examining the paintings of the masters of the Dutch school. It is inherent in pastorality, bright flowery, exemplary, refrigerated look. Dutch style dominants:

  • parter's lawn, garden center and owner pride;
  • hedge;
  • small number of trees (preference is given to colors and shrubs);
  • mixborists along the gardens;
  • rustic decor, fun figurines;
  • flowers in carts.

Before the facade of the house, hidden by Lianov, is a very elegant lawn, surrounded by flower beds and decorative shrubs - the heart of the garden. It is suitable for its creation, custy, with narrow leaves of cereals, forming thick, silky cover. The lawn focus on the strambed tree, a topier, a small fountain or tiny flowerbed with flowers - Kamassia, hyacinths, crocuses. Surrounding the parter lawn is a lively cutting hedge or mixborror, a mixed flower garden with scrupulously selected cultures.
Lukovichnye: tulips, lilies, daffodils are very popular. Among the favorites is also a dolphinium, Mordovnik, internshot.

The indispensable condition for the Dutch Garden is openness so that they can admire passersby. Therefore, continuous fences are not installed, but they can be satisfied with a hedge from juniper, Samsit, Dogwood or a fence from rare wrought-iron rods.
The tracks fall asleep or pebbles, equip the platforms on which pavilions, decor elements. But benches often "embarrass" directly into the mixtore, in a living fence.

Dutch garden is unthinkable without decorations Hand-Maid: first, these are carts, "loaded" with flowers. Second, decorative mills and wells, as well as wheels, wooden buckets and barrels, even chest and suitcases adapted under mini-flower beds. Sculptures are more commonly funny, awakening smile: stone frogs, gnomes, crows, mermaids.
Dutch garden palette - juicy greens with bright flares of scarlet, blue, white.

Country in Landscape Design (Rustic Style)

Simple naturalness - the base of the rustic garden. He does not declare the idea of \u200b\u200bunity with nature, he is Nature itself.
Free design of the rustic style does not mean, however, the complete absence of rules. They are:

  • easy and easy chaoticness;
  • tracks, sprinkled with gravel or paved by stones with gaps covered with grass;
  • the presence of fruit trees and garden beds;
  • flowers growing not only at the flower beds;
  • creeping, curly plants at the fences;
  • decor from the "Rustic" items - fragments of a wicker tyr, carts and wheels, clay pots and jugs, barrels;
  • fruits as colors - pumpkins, phizalis, grapes and rowan brushes;
  • combining garden and wild crops in some groups.

The view of the village plot is a golden mean between natural running and household care, beauty and benefit.
Fruit trees and bushes, beds are mandatory, in this, you can say, the identity of the style. Apple trees or plums are better to position not dormitory and strictly, but in different parts of the site. Forming a full-fledged garden from the beds is also not worth it, you can restrict ourselves to spicy, useful herbs.

Dear, exotic flowers will not fit into the landscape, grooming rural bearer. But such a garden will not cost without sunflowers and Malv, cosmei, chamomile, calendula and velvetsev.
Where dusk, you can plant the teothelubile hosts, the textured species of ferns.
Flowers on a similar area are not growing on the flowers, but simply on loose lawns, near fruit trees and between vegetable beds.

The attributes of the rustic country garden - wooden or vine furniture of the idleness, birdhouses, swing, coarse, handmade isgery, rosy gorgeous scarecrow.
The variety of country decor is almost limitless: you can use rustic dishes and utensils, all kinds of risks, drawn and rocker, making them colors.

Chinese style in landscape design

The world's first park appeared in Suzhou County - Chinese landscape art thousands of years. It is based on Fenzui provisions. The movement of water and wind, the main elements in Tao world, gives rise to Qi's energy, which should peel and the house and the garden. If the layout does not take into account these wisdom, does not regulate the flows of qi, the garden cannot be called Chinese, how much pagodas will put it.

The Chinese are confident: the energy of qi freely circulates only by natural, non-manual lines and contours. Therefore, in the garden there can be no symmetry, parallels, straight corners.
In addition, the Chinese garden obeys the following rules:

  • all items should be uniform, completed compositions;
  • the garden is obliged to heal, be the "hall" for the occupation of qigong and meditation;
  • from any place should be seen a new landscape, creating the impression infinity landscape;
  • water is present in the amazing of peace and movement;
  • the presence of tea gazebos in a secludedail is also necessary;
  • finally, the variety of plants - one more credo taoist parka.

The garden in the subnet - model of the world, which means it looks like pine, bamboo, bamunas and streams appeared, many years ago.
Such a garden is obliged to create an impression of infinity, as well as completeness and saturation. Wherever you rotate, a new face of beauty should be opened from everywhere.
Creek with water-running water and a waterproof pond - indispensable satellites of the Chinese Park. Thoughtfully selected stones are located in one, selected according to the rules of Fenzui plot. Especially valued stones of unusual color and forms.
The completion of the composition involves a garden fence, which, however, repeats all the emitting relief and seeks to merge with bushes and trees. Wooden gates are conducted in the Chinese garden, crowned with wise aphorism.

A tea house rounded shapes put on an elevation, from where they were well visible to give.
Flora in the Chinese garden is a solid symbolism. Each tree means something: pine - the strength of the Spirit, Peach - happiness, juniper - health, fir - longevity ... Love in China Jasmine, Chrysanthemums and Peonies, Tea Roses, Georgina, Iris.

Colonial style in landscape design

Colonial garden art combined the tradition of old light with the practice of the natives, the inhabitants of the colonies. Signals of the Colonial Garden:

  • simple, utilitarian materials;
  • a veranda or terrace as a starting point of the garden;
  • plants and Topiir in large cadkeys;
  • white wooden fence;
  • several sentimental sculptures;
  • liberty, easy cutting, jamming in the manner of design.

The garden in the colonial style begins on the veranda, the spindle and hop. Garden paths on the Dutch manner sprinkle chopped or covered with wooden flooring, tilgear.
They decorate a plot with small sculptures of stone, alabasra, ceramics or wood - these are rabbits and ducks, puffy angels, cherubs and amurids.

IN set The colonial garden may include a fountain - a small, stylized for a colorhouse, located near the walls of the veranda.
Arches and pergolas, if there is a place for them, preferably forged, garden furniture - from stranded boards, rattan, vines or bamboo.
Do not forget about the rocking chair and hammock.

Plants in the garden of the colonial type are made by a multi-diversity. In personmeals, vases, containers, urns bloom, replacing each other: hyacinths, daffodils, peonies, lilies, phlox, begonia, fragrant tobacco and peas, carnations, hydrangea. The dishes in which they grow can be moved, enter during cold weather on the veranda or to the house.

A certain place is dismisted with edible and medicinal plants - sage, echinacea, lemongrass, mayorun. Among the trees prevail the fruit, because at first, colonial gardens were not so much a place of rest, how much source of fruits and vegetables.

Moorish landscape design

Moorish garden is an embodied fairy tale, an oasis, full of paints, sounds and aromas. Pumbness and luxury - its main parameters.
The distinctive properties of such a landscape include:

  • chopping, closeness;
  • the principle of Chor-Tank is based on planning;
  • classic norms, symmetry;
  • flowerbeds in the shape of squares, sometimes circles;
  • pools and fountains lined with Arab mosaic;
  • mandatory presence of fruit, sweet smelling trees;
    fragrant flowers and herbs;
  • lena, benches in the shade.

Oriental garden is hidden from prying views behind a stone fence. This is a square, divided into four equal parts (Chor-tank rule). With the role of the borders between the squares, paths, bushes, less often channels are coping.
Inside each "puzzle" - reservoir, fountain or even pool. Peach, quince, apricots and pears are crowded next to Jasmine and roses, hinting at the paradise bush. What is missing?
- That's right, birds. Peacocks are enveloped in the Moorish garden, and cells with canary and parrots hang on the trees.

In addition to roses for the eastern gardens, tulips, hyacinths, lilies growing in oblong flower beds are characteristic.

The murmur of water, birds trill, fragrance of flowers and fruits should be tangible anywhere in the Moorish Arboretum.

Details of the Moorish landscape are comfortable, wide bed with a lot of pillows, gazebos in the shape of tents, canopies from thin, air fabrics and glass beads, mosaic.
Palette - juicy greenery, purple, yellow, purple colors.

Provence style in landscape design

In essence, this style of French villages is cute, soulful, rude and exquisite at the same time.
Conceptual features french Garden:

  • fruit trees with palmette silhouettes formed;
  • stone terraces, subheads from old, rough tuff, sandstone or shelling;
  • many colors of pastel shades;
  • beds with rsovers;
  • arbors "Under the Starina" with the same furniture;
  • pergolas and trellis;
  • stone Well and (or) Fountain;
  • narrow paved trails laid additionally to wide main tracks.

Basically, French vineyards are located on the slopes, therefore gardens are usually strengthened by terraces and retaining, stone, structures. Actually, there is enough pair of wide steps to remind about this tradition.

Clawed-covered spoiling stone masonry - branded sign of olive style, in which every object is enveloped with a light veil of archaic.

Plants are chosen with foliage various, but soft shades - apple trees, olives, linden, apricots, planenes, Dubrovnik, grapes.
The main tracks are covered with ceramic tiles, rectangular or square, additional sprinkled with white sand.
The shadow in the French garden creates pergolas serving support for wisterium and clematis.
Water in the south is true value, so a small fountain of wild stone is obliged to "register" in the plot.
"Raisin" of French gardens - sources mounted in the laying of retaining walls. The well was also present, but today it is replaced by a pool, the sides of which decorated with ceramic vases with flowers.

Colors Many: Hydrangea, Dolphinium, Lavaters, Cosmeya, Lupine ... Not in Smaller Honor Spicy Grass: Lavender, Issop, Rosemary, Chabret, Anise, Oilsman, Mint, Thyme.
For coloring, pumpkins and decorative cabbage are added to the bed.

Creating a corner of the French village is a delicate matter, because many plants will have to look for an adequate replacement. The main difficulty is to arrange fruit and decorative trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs with the right tiers so that the garden remains a whole, colorful picture all year round.

The gazebo and garden furniture most often wooden, with patina and cracks. For consumer comfort, pillows are folded on chairs and benches, and the entrance to Altank is covered with a bride.
Shades of olive garden - gentle green, white, pink, sky blue and, of course, lavender.

Regular (classic, formal) style

Beautiful standards of such a landscape - Peterhof, Versailles, San Susti, Tuileries, Hyde Park and other complexes.
Regular style, sometimes called it landscape Baroque, arose in France, the rod of his concept - "Man - Architect of Nature."

Classicism, in the lamp of which this garden design was formed, preached rationalism and ratified for the logic, clarity of proportions. No wonder that regular style, in particular, peculiar to:

  • mirror symmetry, straight alleys, flawless geometry of flower beds and lawns;
  • the main partner is a rectangular lawn, designed by an antique statue, exquisite flower bed, vases, color sand and gravel;
  • fountains, sculptures and flowerbeds as the centers of compositions;
  • boss - Green "Rooms", surrounded by walls from exactly trimmed trees and bushes;
  • the abundance of breakfasts along the tracks - elongated flower beds forming a complex pattern;
  • artificial pond perfectly correct, geometric shape;
  • classical arbors and belveders at the intersection of Alley, performing the role of viewing sites, from where you can admire the garden;
  • strict silhouettes of topiara, vases with flowers;
  • antique statues or sculptural compositions.

All small architectural forms in the garden are from fountains and sculptures to garden benches - put in carefully selected points, at the crossroads of the tracks to emphasize the symmetry of the territory. In addition to the listed items, columns and stone balls, forged pergolas and arches, well-defined, live curbs are widely used in classic gardens.

A special role in the regular landscape belongs to low trees and shrubs with dense crowns, which perfectly hold the shape given to the gardeners, these are: cypresses, teu, beans, limes, spiries, maples. From color preferences are given to tulips and lilies, cyclamen.
Shades of the classic garden, except natural greenery - white, blue, pale yellow.

Landscape in the style of "Russian manor"

Peel into the spirit of this style, reading Russian classics. It is a pity that the Russian scope, peculiar to the old gardens, is not embodied in a small area. In addition to the scale, the manor style allocate such accents:

  • streamlined forms and smooth lines;
  • old limes, oaks with large trunks and splashing crowns;
  • shady, secluded corners;
  • antique sculptures;
  • artificial pond;
  • lawns with wild vegetation;
  • pavilion or Rotonda;
  • live hedges, raised flower beds;
  • worn lanterns.

The atmosphere of the Russian garden is calm and thoughtfully, it is well to retire with a book, dream of love.

Highlighting a garden - should be avoided too correct forms and an unusual Russian mentality of pedanticity.

Shop, swing and arbors - inhabitual color, most often white.
It is not necessary to get involved in exotic flowers, and the lawns are better preferred to prefer the lawn, covered with clover and dandelions. There must be several coniferous trees, among which, of course, EL - the Emblem of the Russian Forest.

Among the accessories, in addition to those mentioned, also vases, old, suede statues, forged lattices.
The gamma of the Russian garden is watercolor, without shocking components, in it white, heavenly, pink, purple and cream shades prevail.

Mediterranean (Italian) Garden Design Style

This is the southern version of the landscape, the resort at the house.
Expressive strokes:

  • light and shadow game;
  • patio as center composition;
  • tropical plants in ceramic ads;
  • pergolas and umbrellas;
  • wide, painted white paint bench;
  • paved by mosaic path and platform;
  • stone terraces or wide steps.

Mediterranean garden - synthesis of stones, terracotta, plants surrounding the water in the pool. Planning strict, because the birthplace of classic canons is Mediterranean, Ellade and Rome.
Patio is covered with ceramic tiles; For awning use white, blue, yellow sail.
Place the territory of palm trees in Kadushka, cypresses, magnolias, acacia, silver olives, almonds and pistachios. Topic craftsmanship, cutting crowns in the form of balls and pyramids. Cultivat crocuses, hyacinths, curly roses, lion zev and levko, lilies, primroses. And also drieds - immortelle, kermek, decorative bows and cereals.

They will fit into the concept of the Italian garden Pergola, seized by ivy and hang over the alleys, grottoes.

Accessories and decor - Vases in the form of amphorous, floral porridge against the background of white walls and staven, Corinthic columns and portico, imitation of ancient ruins.
Garden colors - shades of sand and sea.

Japanese landscape design

The traditional garden in Japan is part of the worldview, the territory is not for fun, but for random and contemplation. There are no accidents, aesthetics for aesthetics: all components symbolize certain elements, express yin and yang.
Japanese gardens alien to western rationalism with its straightness, unnatural symmetry and geometry.
In fact, it is a cast, a toy copy of a large-scale landscape, in which rivers and mountains, high trees and low shrubs are present.

Signs of the Japanese Garden:

  • asymmetry as a basis of planning;
  • many stones from quite large boulders to small gravel, groups of them (gardens of stones);
  • crowns of trees formed in the form of hills;
  • variety of reservoirs: stream, pond, stone bowl with water;
  • paved, step-by-step trails;
  • "Dry" streams;
  • moss, fern;
  • hedges from bamboo, gate;
  • gazebo - tea house.

The Japanese garden is distinguished by prime - most often he is hidden behind the walls, so, as well as boulders and grottoes, associated with a refuge.

All water bodies in the Japanese garden have a natural look - that is, it is not fountains and non-pools.

One of the important characteristics of the Japanese garden is its extraction, it is planned to be able to reflect and contemplation at any time of the year. The garden should please the eyes and early spring, and late in the fall, and even in winter. For this, not only evergreen plants, but also Japanese lanterns in branches, trees with winding trunks, bizarre roots and squiggles.

Japanese-style garden attributes - benches from a roughly sawn tree or stone, elegant, curved bridges over the streams, ropes.
The tracks in such a park are not simple, they symbolize the life path and covered with flat, each one step, stones.
Typical flora - pine and maple, cherry, bamboo. It should certainly include plants whose leaves are acquired by scarlet, punch, crimped color.
Gamma of the Japanese Garden - gray-green, white, brown, red-brown, carmine; Transitions from color to color are blurred, blurred.

Despite the fact that the direction implies conciseness and limiting simplicity, to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bminimalism in the garden is quite difficult. After all, it has to be realized by applying the minimum number of tools.
Principles of such a garden:

  • use of relief drops for separation into zones;
  • space, outdoor items;
  • steps, stairs;
  • straight like arrows tracks;
  • geometric proper reservoir.

Garden accessories and a minimalistic garden decor are echoing with high-tek, but less diverse. This is, in particular, polished metal balls, stone or concrete, strict, but spectacular diodes, painted gravel, necromotive outdoor furniture from plastic or aluminum.

Smelling gravel and rubble can be replaced by lawns at all. Trees and shrubs are characterized by graphism of forms - these are planes, spruce and thuly, colonous juniper.

For vertical landscaping, hop, actinidia, wild grapes are used. For the coating of the soil, sources and ferns, mosses and cereals are suitable.
- Without them, even minimalism will no longer be, but bright plants should be a little, two are three cultures. Qinnia, Petunia, Astra, Chrysanthemums are planted into wooden or plastic boxes, which emphasizes the urban style of the style.
Minimalism paints are gray, silver, white, beige, light brown.

  • emphasis on the structure of the garden, on small architectural forms;
  • smooth, arcuate, wavy lines;
  • the use of modern materials;
  • abundance of accents;
  • the contrast of color and textures, alternation of well-lit plots and darkened;
  • asymmetric flower beds and flower beds.

Modern closer to the landscape style with its denial of the right, unspokey nature of the outlines. But freedom of style is not limitless, rather even - well dosed.

The central point of the garden modern is. The vegetation is planted with groups, in the middle of which something unusual, exotic shrub, for example, or a village with original color Leaves, bright berries, bizarre trunk.
To create contrasts combines high oak and squat IVI, ordinary breeds with dwarf. Cleaning plants like wild grapes, ivy and clematis are widely used.

Reprehension, mysteriousness, which requires style, add irises, lilies, nastures, poppies, valley, daffodils, motley succulents and sputtering ferns.

Details of the garden-modern - clear abbey floral containers, large, concrete or terracotta plates, flat garden parquet, bird figures, beetles and butterflies. And also forged lattices with a vegetable pattern, mounted in arbors, shops, lights and fences.

Garden coloring - beige, chocolate, silver, pink, burgundy, blue tone.

High-tech in landscape design

Yes, the fashionable style of this style also got into nature, subordinating it to the latest technologies. Such a landscape is distinguished by:

  • expressive, chopped forms, clear boundaries, straight angles;
  • polished stone and tree;
  • large parts made of glass, metal, composite finishing;
  • straight or zigzag alleys;
  • very well-kept, smooth lawn;
  • supports for vertical landscaping;
  • chased shape with water in concrete edging;
  • straight, as if the key keys;
  • modern lamps as decor means and landscape lighting;
  • fencing in the form of cubes, rectangles, balls.

High-tech does not provide bright flower beds, urging to abandon lush flower beds, abundance of paints.
For landscaping, not very high trees and shrubs with rigid, dense crowns - Samshat, ate, juniper, planenes are chosen.
The living elevation is formed from Barbaris, hawthorn, a kizilnik. On lawns, small, peculiar flower beds from ferns, hosts, succulents are broken.

The straight tracks are neat and tightly covered with concrete tiles, wooden dies or sprinkled with white, painted gravel.

Artificial ponds can be several, autonomous or connected between them, be sure to correct forms, with concrete "shores".

However, the High-Tech-style garden is not completely deprived of the decor. It is decorated with balls and sick-like vases from polished stone and mirror metal, abstract monuments, LED lamps.
Smooth, "cosmic" backlit equipped containers for plants, basin and steps to it, futuristic sculptures.
And also among the accessories are spherical arbors of metal or wood, artificial stones, CDs on branches.

Common color is a mixture of gray, chocolate, silver, blue, purple. Dilute the restrained palette with strokes of red, red, black.

Ecosail in Landscape Design (Naturharden)

Landscape design in Eco-style - fashionable passion today. The essence of the venture is minimal invasion into the natural environment for the sake of preserving the maximum nature of the landscape.
Naturgarden is a local, self-sufficient ecosystem, in which all elements are connected and support each other. His signs:

  • materials of natural origin typical of this locality;
  • authenticity, non-suitable relief;
  • a combination of garden colors with wild, plants and stones;
  • natural lawns covered with non-lawn grass, but wild, field;
  • uneven, intermittent walkways, carelessly, with gaps laid by stones;
  • forest trees and shrubs.

The basis of the Eco-Garden - Flora, characteristic of the terrain. And not only because it meets the criterion of maximum naturalness. But because such plants are resistant to pests and do not require chemical protection.

The tracks are covered with stone, turf or pebbles - they should not be straight, but not too winding, so as not to stand out from the medium.

Environmental design attributes - primitive wood furniture, vines or rattan, stone hearth or fire, salas or canopy. Stumps and snags, cut trees in the eco-garden replace benches and statues, and a small swamp, bammed by reed, is a fountain.

Garden Decor Agency: Lanterns, for example, from bottles hanging to trees, bird feeders, crafts from a vine or hemp. Decorate the eco-plot and house for beetles, hive.

The vegetation is chosen in such a way that she benefit fauna, laid with bugs and birds. This, for example, beef flowers, attracting bees, bushes, where hedgehogs will be headed, the berries that feathers will be fed.
The ecological garden palette is non-lass, natural tones.

The garden is a continuation of the house, and the choice of his style you do not carry out when you buy seeds of flowers and seedlings of trees. And much earlier, when we decide what will happen, its situation. You will agree, it is difficult to imagine a regular-style garden, adjacent to the house in the style of Hi-tech. Or East, Islamic Landscape with English Cottage ...
However, it is absolutely not necessary to try to realize one or another landscape attendance, using everything, from A to Z style resources. Sometimes quite a few or just a few stylistic elements so that the garden acquires a spectacular, memorable appearance.