The Kuban army in peacetime put up to the service. How did the Kuban Cossacks appear and where to go Zaporizhzhya

Brief chronicle of the Kuban Cossack troops

The seniority of the troops has been established since 1696, since the participation of the Cossacks of Khopersky in the campaign on the Azov. In 1861, the Khopersky Caucasus linear troops (was formed in 1767) entered the Kuban Cossack troops and became the oldest troops.

The Kuban Cossack army was part of the Caucasus Cossack troops.

The headquarters of the Nakaznaya Ataman was located in Ekaterinodar.

The basis of the Kuban Cossack troops were coming from Zaporizhzhya Schash. In 1556, from the Malorossiysk Cossacks who did not want to submit to Poland, the settlements of the Cossacks were formed on the Islands of the Dnieper, which were called Zaporizhia. Cossacks with varying success conducted fighting against Polish and Turkish troops. In 1654, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks together with the Malorosiysk Cossacks Bogdan Khmelnitsky took on loyalty to Russia, but after 4 years Ataman Zaporizhzhya Sich, Ivan Võgovaya changed the oath and supported Poland in the war with Russia. From January 30, 1667, under the conditions of the truce, the Zaporizhia army began to be considered simultaneously in Russian and Polish citizenship.

July 28, 1670. The treason of Zaporozhtsev was predicted by oblivion, and that of their part, which was on the Russian side of the Dnieper, was called the name of Zaporizhia, troops. At the head of this troop, Demyan was stolen.

April 26, 1686. According to a peaceful agreement with Poland, all Zaporizhia Schi again was transferred to Russian citizenship.

May 26, 1709. After the next betrayal of the Cossacks, who switched to the side of Mazepa, the strengthening of the Zaporizhia Snish were broken, artillery guns were taken away. Many Cossacks headed by Ataman Gordienko fled to the Crimea under the protection of Turkish Sultan and organized there the so-called "New Sich".

1725 year. Caporozhtsy petitioned about returning to Russia.

June 27, 1892. The number of plastic battalions was increased: for the first stage - on the 5th and 6th, the battalions of the second and third queue, they have changed accordingly to the 7th - 10th and 11th - 14th.

November 9, 1896. The number of reservoir battalions of the second stage was increased by two - 11th and 12th, and the third-line battalions remained the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. To them in 1900, the 17th and 18th were added.

The Kuban army in peacetime put to the service:

Two guards squadrons in their own majesty convoy,

10 equestrians (6 hundred) regiments (1st Taman, 2nd Poltava, 3rd Ekaterinodar, 4th Umansky, 5th Urubsky, 6th Labinsky, 7th Hawp, 8th Kuban, 9th Caucasian, 10th Yeysky),

2 hiking (at 5 hundred.) Plastuna battalion (No. 1 and No. 2),

5 equestrian artillery (4 or.) Batteries (No. 1 - No. 5),

Equestrian division in Warsaw and

Training Division.

In the same parts consist of a service of not more than 1/3 of the total number of service Cossacks, the rest were on benefits, having crafted horses and being in complete readiness for the field service.

The lower ranks, as the timing of the deadlines, are replaced by the distribution, consisting on benefits. The term of the Cossacks in the service and on benefit, and that all the Cossacks suddenly suddenly suddenly be replaced by the next or only known parts, determined: the Caucasian army, when these parts are within the Caucasian District, and the Military Minister - when Outside this district.

In wartime or on a special highest command, the number of regiments or battalions increases the appeal of preferential Cossacks, and the batteries are given in 8 or. structure.


In peacetime, buildings, the portions of the Kuban troops are used to keep the advanced lines in the Kuban region, the Transcaucasian region and in the Sukhumsky department.

Cossacks. History of Free Rus Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

25. First Cossacks in Kuban

25. First Cossacks in Kuban

The Great Tragedy for Russia became a church split. In principle, the reforms were needed - church books for a long time were handwritten, during the correspondence was accumulated by discrepancies. And rites in different places were distinguished: so, in Russia, he was backed by two fingers, and in Ukraine and the Balkans - three (in the early church, both types of obstacles were allowed). The work on unification began still by Philaret, but it was led gradually, without shake and breaking. However, Patriarch Nikon decided to bring church practice to Greek samples. Moreover, even the Constantinople Patriarch Paisius and the Cathedral of the Greek clergy warned that it could bring to trouble. They indicated that the church requires uniformity only in the main thing, and in the trifles of discrepancy is completely acceptable. Nikon did not suit it, he announced the old rite of heresy, and those who dared to object, began to plant and refer.

But soon the Patriarch generally listed, tried to put his power above the royal, which led to a conflict with Alexey Mikhailovich. The sovereign was an amnestied those who suffered under the persecution, expressed readiness for concessions and a compromise search. But a group of irreconcilable heads with Avvakum was revealed, which in their inclination to extreme solutions quite cost Nikon. They held their "Cathedral", where they declared the whole Church "Dane", and those who visited temples with Nikona and became heretic, requiring them to cross them. And in 1666, two church cathedral held a decision on the deployment of Nikon, but at the same time approved by his reforms, and the irreconcilable were convicted, cursed and exiled.

At first, the split was not at all nationwide. Let me remind you, Razin led the name of the "offended" nicon. And the support of the Old Believers was only a small part of the clergy and the opposition nobility - boyaring Morozova, Princess Urusova, Khovansky. And the persecution was first not old-pricedness, but only specific crimes committed on this basis. However, it is necessary to distinguish the terms "Old Believers" and "Solving". Old Believement is the form of Orthodoxy. To remote corners of Russia, church reform did not reach at all, people prayed in the old world, and it did not prevent anyone. The splitting was political, anti-state traffic. It was called "Removal and Beatnaya", not to pay for grants, eliminate itself from the "Antichristov" state. In prayers did not remember the king, they erected "Hula" on it. Spiritual breakdown gradually spread all wider. Different sects began to occur right up to self-help. Agree, it has nothing to do with the old rite, not a single Christian denomination accepts suicide. And the self-removal was not caused by the persecution of the authorities. On the contrary, the Gary began first, and they made the government more seriously take over the splitters.

And in 1676 Fedor Alekseevich rose on the throne. And it is he (and not Peter) with the participation of Sofia sisters began reforms on "Europeanization" of Russia. Polish fashion, customs, luxury have been introduced, all this hit the peasants, taxes grew, increased their operation by landlords. The king, following the example of the West, led the fight with the beggars, the commandments "determine the work". He canceled the decree of his father about the uncomfortable runaway, who discovered in the root service. Then the splitting took a massive character. In the scets rushed beggars, deserters, peasants. Their influx and don intensified. Cossacks are, in general, it was beneficial. Burlaki hired them to workers, with their help the army began to develop their own salt deposits at Bakhmuta, arranged fish crafts. But the splitters began to come. So, appeared "pop and two Chernets". Soon the Chernittsi reported that "pop for the great sovereign God does not pray and do not think to pray." Ataman Samarinov ordered him to take it on a circle, after the trial, he was executed. Then the deserts arose on r. Chir, where the pop jobs settled with a group of 50 Chernetsov and fugitives, who do not win the images of God, the Cossacks sentenced to themselves and sacrifice another time. " Fedor Alekseevich Done's self-government recognized, and after correspondence with the king of the army, the deserts spawned himself.

In 1682, Fyodor Alekseevich died. And there was a shooting riot, caused by the abuse of nobility. At the same time, the head of the Streetsky Order Khovansky tried to turn the rebellion in the "split revolution". Most of the Sagittarius did not support him, but Sophia Alekseevna, who came to power, launched a cruel struggle with old-handedness. Decrees demanded to interrogate those who do not go to church, on suspicion of "heresy" to use torture. The law of April 7, 1685 introduced the death penalty: "Koi will persist ... Burn in Siruba." For the sheltering of the Old Believers, the confiscation of property and reference was relied.

But the "European" reforms of Sophia continued and deepened. Chancellor became her favorite of Vasily Golitsyn, blindly adopted in front of the West. Catholic worship was allowed in Russia, the entry of Jesuits was permitted. The confessor of Sofia Sylvester Medvedev led secret negotiations about Unia. Finally, in the hodge of the West, Golitsyn agreed to join the "Sacred League" - the Union of Austria, Poland, Venice and Rome, who wage war against Turkey. Most of the boyars and Patriarch Joachim were against the violation of a profitable world with Ottomans. About this prayal and hetman Samoilovich - Ukraine only 5 years rested from Tatar raids! However, Golitsyn has achieved his own. Union was concluded. Russia entered into an unnecessary war and paid 1.5 million zlotys only for the fact that the Poles (far from immediately) agreed instead of Andrussovsky truce to conclude "Eternal" world - recognized the loss of Smolensk region, Kiev and Left Bank of Ukraine, which still stubbornly numbered " His. "

In 1687, a Crimean campaign took place. The Russian army of 113 thousand should be gathered on the list (of which 15 thousand Don, Yaitsky and Terek Cossacks). And Samoilovich exhibited 50 thousand Ukrainians. However, it turned out that "restructuring" managed to ruin the army. Of 113, only 60 thousand gathered and successfully passed only distracting operations. Ataman Minaev with the Donets went under Perekop, beat the Tatars under sheep waters, and in Zaporizhia, Kasogov was sent with soldiers, together with the Cossacks, the enemies in the lower reapers of the Dnieper. The main army crawled in heat through anhydrous steppe. And when 100 miles left before the perk, Tatars set fire to the steppe. And I had to turn back. Without fighting, the army lost 24 thousand dead.

The failure of Golitsyn dumped at Samoilovich. Accused of treason and exiled to Siberia (Japnow at the same time in his own pocket of the Ukrainian military treasury). And hetman was happy to put Ivan Mazepu. He was a Pole, small gentle. At one time he was led by excessive female. Welject caught him with his wife, ordered to spread the doggings, smeared with a resin, pull out in the feathers, tie a horse back to the horse and put on the road. After such a shame, Mazepa went to Zaporizhia. Pretty Doroshenko, became the general writer. He was sent to Istanbul. But it was intercepted by Cossacks Sirko and issued Moscow. There he was transferred, Mazepa began to work on Russians. Samoilovich was General Essule and helped Golitsyn, comprehended by the hetman denunciation. In a word, the traitor was inborn, "with experience."

Emplications on the war and the occurrence of the catastrophe caused a ropot in the people. In addition, Sophia, to earn popularity, distributed approximate awards in hundreds and thousands of peasant yards. Yesterday's free turned into serfs. As a result, the number of runaway and splitters grew. On Don, they settled along the outskirts of the rivers - Ilovle, Kagalnik, Medveditz. The main center was Ust-Medreeditsky Skit, where Drove Kuzma oblique. From here, relations with steppes were tied, "charming letters" were sent around the country: "Which OPAL will be from Moscow, then go to us. For us, many hordes and Kalmyks will not leave us and Chagan's Gogitat, and Nogai Murza, as we will go to Moscow, we will put everyone ... "As you can see, it was the same contingent as Razin, the main thing - to" stir ", and" intact Faith "became only a banner, by no means preventing the Union with Basurmans.

In 1688, the government planned to build a new boroditic fortress on the influx of Dnieper Samara - the rear mind of Golitsyn realized that the intermediate base was needed to go to the Crimea. Donets were prescribed to distract the Tatars from construction. But they received and order to ruin the beds. Ataman Minaev allocated part of the forces for this, and he made a raid at the surroundings of Azov. But the Cossacks sent to the Maunditz did not achieve success. See, not very, and sought to risk in civil engine. "Thieves" fought off. Only when Ataman returned, the Skit was taken, the split towns were destroyed. 500 people with oblique gone to Tambovshchina. And Ataman Murzenko He took away the batch of Cossacks-Raskolnikov and stuck to them the sirrassment for Kuban. Crimean Khan, who belonged to Kuban, accepted them and allocated places for the settlement.

In 1689, the second campaign of Golitsyn took place. According to the lists, the army reached 118 thousand. Plus 40 thousand Cossacks Mazepa (as far as they gathered in reality - unknown). To catch up to heat, Chancellor ordered to speak on February 1. But we were thrown into the spring dishthelce, tormented with crossings through the spilled rivers. Withstand a few battles with Tatars. And to the step came on May 20. They found that the experienses were strongly fortified, which one could learn before - if Golitsyn would bother to read the renovation of intelligence. Will the siege of fortifications without water, forage and bread meant to die. And on May 21, the army spoke back. Lost 20 thousand killed and dead, 15 thousand disappeared, threw 90 guns during the retreat.

Cossacks again applied auxiliary strikes. 3 thousand Donets came out into the sea, together with the Zaporozhkov captured several ships, ruined Taman. But when Ataman Minaev returned to Don, he was waiting for the order from Moscow - again go against the splitters. The community of obliquely on Tambovschina again overtook people. True, nests beyond the limits of the troops, but after the failed campaign, the government was afraid to send regular parts - suddenly draw up. The order orders performed. The splitters were defended, but they were quickly defeated, the leaders were "planted into the water." Sophia demanded a number of Cossacks who were associated with splitters, among them the former military ataman Lavrentiev. She was answered that "there is no don issue." However, the government insisted on its own. Lavrents and a few more people were sent to Moscow and executed. As a result of these events in 1689-1691. Two more large batch of Cossacks and Burlakov went to Kuban. Thus, the first Cossacks in the Kuban became the Don Raskolniki.

Well, Sofye The second Crimean catastrophe cost the throne. The Patriotic Party, led by Patriarch Joakim, who was grouping around the Army and the population who had supported the army and population and lowered the government. Jesuits were sent, bible trade agreements concluded by Golitsyn were terminated. Queen Mother Natalia Kirillovna, who became the reserve with his son, stopped persecution on the Old Believers. But soon she moved into the world of others, the independent rule of Peter began. The first problem with which the young king was faced was the unfinished war with Turkey. Tatars have made raids, and Poland turned out to be the allied "still that," demanded to intensify actions, threatening to conclude a separate world with Sultan, to break the contract with Moscow and leave it with Ottomans one on one.

And in 1695 the Azov campaign took place. He was conceived smartly. The big army of Sheremetyev with the Cossacks Mazepa was moving along the Dnieper, as if repeating the actions of Golitsyn and distracting the enemy. And the second army out of 31 thousand selected warriors will suddenly attack Azov and capture it. But the plan failed not only because of the lack of the fleet among Russia. Secrecy did not provide, the tunic of the king chatted about the campaign on every corner. Turks reinforced garrison and made to defense. There was no single command, Peter instructed the management of "Consil" from Lefort, Golovin and Gordon. The siege was carried out a stupid. Gordon wrote: "Judging by our actions, it sometimes seemed as if we started all this nonsense." The successes were limited to the fact that the Don Cossacks took two calans, overlapping the course of Don. And the siege was removed too late, in October, when the frosts hit. Soon the "Great Snow" fell. Thousands of soldiers stayed in the steppes forever. Sheremetev acted not as an example better. Blowing up a mine, took the fortress of Kyza-Kermen. After that, they were thrown by garrisons and captured by the subway fortresses Aslan-Kermen, Tanwan, Mustist-Kermen, Mubarek-Kermen.

Peter made due conclusions from the tragedy. In Voronezh, a fleet was built, 2 large ship, 23 galleys, 1300 stops, 300 chelny. In the second trip, the commander-in-chief was appointed an experienced warrior Alexey Shein, who received the title of Generalissimus. In May 1696, the king arrived in Cherkask. Soon came the campaign ataman Leontius Pozdeev, I went with the 250 Cossacks for intelligence to the mouth of the Don, and reported that they saw 2 Turkish ships in the sea, attacked them, but could not take due to high sides. Peter with 9 galleries and 40 Cossack boats went to the lower husband. The North Wind driven water and did not allow the Galem to go out into the sea. Rerev on the dontov boat, the king examined the Don Girla. On May 18, they found that 13 enemy ships stand in the sea and armaments and supplies on 13 flat-bottomed tunbasov and 11 boats overload in the azov. Peter ordered the Cossacks to arrange an ambush behind the islands. And when the cargo flotilla moved to Azov, the Donents attacked her (contrary to legends, the king did not participate in battle). 10 tunbasov were captured. Sea ships, seeing it, began to fall. Cossacks chased after them, one took the board, the other was thrown by the crew and burned.

In June, the army arrived to Azov, 30 soldiers' regiments, 13 Streetsky, 5 thousand Don Cossacks under the command of Frol Minaev, 15 thousand Ukrainian punctual ataman Yakova Lizoguba, 500 Yaitskiy Ataman Andrei Golovanya, Kalmyki - only 75 thousand Shein led the siege competently. Even before the arrival of a foreign foreign engineers hired by Peter ordered to pour a high shaft, which began to move to the fortress. On the shaft installed guns started bombing. Tatar caonon 6 times attacked on the departing from the outside, it reflected the Cossacks and Kalmyks. And the Turkish squadron, who came to the revenue, saw the Russian fleet, erected on the shore of the battery and retired away. Sheremetev and Mazepa at that time did a raid under Ochakov. And the Cossacks came out into the sea, capturing 19 Turkish ships. Under the azov, the shaft gradually reached the walls close to the walls, so "it was possible with the enemies, except for weapons, to torment uniform hands." On July 17, 2 thousand Ukrainian and Don Cossacks moved from the tree to the tower and drove out of her Yanychar. Shein did not want to bloody street fighting, he was probably. Therefore, the attack did not support, sent only the Grenader to cover the waste of the Cossacks. And it turned out to be right. The ease of the invasion convinced the Turks that the fortress was doomed. The next day, they were capitulated on the conditions of free care.

The war lasted for another 4 years. And although the allies on the "sacred league" deceived Russia, concluding peace with Turkey without it, the fighting ended with a complete victory. A harbor was built in Taganrog, the Trinity Fortress and Fort Pavlovsky on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, Alekseevsky and Petrovsky Forts in the lower reaches of Don. Large successes won Russian troops on the Dnieper. Established the mouth of the river, the captured fortresses of Kyza Kermen and Tanwan, built another one - Stone Zaton. All the attacks of the Turks and the Crimeans on the attached territories were repulsed. And the Kuban Tatars brought oath about the transition to the royal citizenship. In 1700, the world was imprisoned in Istanbul, which preserved all acquisitions for Russia.

This war happened another fact noted in the history of the Cossacks. In 1696, during the siege of Azov, the Khopersky Cossacks took the brutal fortress. And this date is adopted for the seniority of the Kuban troops. Because the hopers subsequently joined the Kuban.Here we once again see that the seniority of the troops was established very arbitrarily. For example, for Semirechensky, it was established from 1582, according to Siberian, from which Semirechensky bounced in the XIX century. The Trans-Baikal army also separated from Siberian, but for him was adopted by 1655. Amur stationed in the XIX century. from Zabaikalsky, and Ussuriyskaya from Amur, and for them adopted the same 1655, according to Zabaykalsky. For the Kuban troops, it would be possible to count on Zaporizhia, which was served by Russia with Ivan Grozny, served Alexey Mikhailovich, Fedor Alekseevich. However, the Zaporizhia army was subjected to opalas under Peter and Catherine II, and it was preferred to "forget". The seniority of the Kuban troops could be taken over to the Don, then a lot of Donets felt in it. Yes, because the hopers served the kings long until 1696 - as part of the troops of the Donsky. And in the instructions of the take of Azov, they were simply mentioned separately. And officials who determined the seniority, on their own reasons hooked for this information. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that the dates of official seniority should be treated quite carefully. It is permissible to use, for example, when noting anniversaries, military holidays. But rely on them in the "local" disputes - "We are older, and you, younger, it would be a deepest mistake.

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19. 1. Mameluki is Circassians Circassians. Scaliger history recognizes that the Cossacks won Egypt. Mameluki is considered Cherkesov, p.745. Together with them, other Caucasian mountaineers arrive in Egypt, P.745. Note that Mamiluki captures power in Egypt in 1250

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13.1. Mameluki is Circassians Capaccians Scaligerian story admits that it is the Cossacks who won Egypt Mameluchi considered Circassians, with. 745. Together with them, other Caucasian mountaineers arrive in Egypt, with. 745. Note that Mameluchi captures power in Egypt in 1250,

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Over the fields of Kuban - Well, tell me how the flies? - asked the commander of the regiment, barely holding his feet from fatigue. - Fairly, "Lion of the Toppugs reported. - Before your arrival had to take command of the regiment on myself. Ten one and a half aircraft will have to patch.

In 1775, the free Cossacks of Zaporizhia SECHI decided to obey the Russian Empire. So the Kuban Cossack appeared, which today remains the right one in the late XVIII century oath.

At the same time, at the order of Empress Catherine II, all settlements of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks were destroyed, and the word "Schish" itself was forbidden to pronounce.

Some of the free Cossacks went to Turkey, where "New Sich" was created. But not all the Cossacks went to the "Stranching Bank", many decided to serve Russia officially, receiving salary and land for this.

Malorussias needed people who guarded the empty border of the Black Sea. One of the first to be for the creation of a new Cossack troops was the prince of Potemkin-Tavrichesky.

The favorite of the State Dummy called on the service of the Zaporozhtsev. From their number, the Black Sea Cossack army was formed. Soon the Cossacks led by Sidor White, Zharya Chespagoye and Anton, the head distinguished themselves in the war with Turkey: they took Izmail and Ochakov.

For courage and devotion to the Black Sea Cossacks were given new lands on Tamani. In the rescript of the sovereign Catherine II said: "The troop of the faithful Cossacks of the Black Sea was granted the island of Fanagoria with the lands between Kuban and the Azov Sea." The award was also an argument banner with the inscription "for faith and loyalty" and the right to trade in wine and goods.

Since that time, Cossacks were forever said goodbye to Ukraine. More than 20,000 thousand Cossacks arrived at the Kuban, which took up colonization. Dozens of villages were built, which the Chernomorets were called curses. The newborn capital was observed in honor of the Empress - Ekaterinodar.

On the territory of the Black Sea Cossacks there were still Hawa and Cossacks-lines. They, like the Cossacks, were directed here to populate the empty lands and the protection of the border.

The Black Sea troops had its own flotilla, consisting of frigates, barcases, yachts and boats. Fame came to them in 1811, when the Guards Sota became famous for his feat near Leipzig.

Chernomorstess in wars against Turkey were involved, the Polish uprising was suppressed, a lot had to be done in the Caucasian War. The long and bloody war with the mountaineers required the establishment of control over the conquered territories. Already by the end of the war, a decision was made to divide the Caucasian Cossack line and creating two troops - Teres and Kuban.

In 1860, began its history Kuban Cossack army, to which Black Sea. The first Ataman was appointed Major General Nikolay Ivanov. The seniority of the troops was considered since 1896. It was then that the Hawa Regiment was formed from the Don Cossacks, subsequently entered into the Kuban troops.

From the Zaporizhia and linear Cossacks, a new Cossack army was formed, which was located on the territory of the modern Krasnodar region, parts of the Stavropol Territory, Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia.

Kuban Cossacks participated in all wars of the end of the 19th - early twentieth centuries. For their military merit, they have repeatedly received rewards from the hands of the emperors themselves. But Cossack Means spread not only to military service, but also on the repair of roads, the content of postal stations and bed buildings, and much more. As a reward for all these troubles, land was given from 7 to 9 tents.

But the Kubans were proud of silver and gold with richness, silver and gold. Cossacks were famous for valor and courage, and their army - centuries-old traditions and culture. "It didn't drink the water of Kuban - did not eat Kashi Cossack," they said, recalling that the Cossacks are a way of life where honor and loyalty were above all.

By the beginning of the civil war, the Kuban Cossack army was about 1.5 million people. In the revolutionary time, Kuban performed on the side of the White Movement.

In 1920, tens of thousands of Cossacks led by Ataman Naumenko were forced to go to emigration. But the descendants of the Cossacks live in the Krasnodar Territory and now, trying to revive the glory of the Kuban troops. The people devoted to their region, and to this day they sing a song dedicated to Kuban:

I remember about you here,
For you and not stand
For your glory old
Do not give life?
We, how to tribute our submissive,
From glorified signs
Come to you, Kuban Rima,
To crude land bow.

In 1960, the Kuban army celebrates the century of its existence. However, for the first time the Cossacks appeared in Kuban in Kon-Tse on the 17th and early 18th centuries., Forming there later, together with Nekrasov who came from Don after the suppression of the Bulavinsky movement, the great army of the Kuban, who existed in Kuban to the end of the Russian Turkish War 1736-39

Causes of the appearance there. Emigrations were a political and religious character - dried down.

The generally accepted simplified interpretation of the church split is: at the insistence of Patriarch Nikon, the clergy made the correction of church rites and books, and the masses took him for the change of dogmas. Meeting serious resistance, the church applied for help to the state power, which collapsed by terrible persecutions on the Raskolnikov, which would cause their flight to where Moscow's vocations was difficult to get to Don, Yaik,

Caucasus and far north.

The beginning of the split on the Don refers to 1672, when Timofeev's ruthless monk founded on the river. Chir male and female old-chitty sketes. At the same time, the splitters appeared on Hopre, White Kalitva, Medve-Dice. The strict life of the Old Believers, the lone suffering for faith caused the sympathy and support for most local Cossacks. The primitiveness of beliefs of residents of Don, who did not go into religious details, their wide vermorpability, if only a person believed in God, contributed to the peaceful cohabitation of antiquities and the serials of the Nikonov reform.

The decision of the Church Cathedral of 1681 on the search for Raskolniki naturally had an increase in their number on Don. Especially many of them are settled in the riding city.

The intervention of public authorities gave the persecution of the older political character, since Moscow. The government considered Don Raskolnikov not only as religious opponents, but also as hostile to the group to regime. Indeed, the Old Believers will be widely supported mainly among the rigorous Cossacks, which are opposed to Moscow and in general displeased increase in Moscow. influence.

Starting from the middle of the 17th century, the Don Ka-Obreda, which still represents a single mass, begins to settle for three inequal parts: Starin, Domorny Cossacks and "Golituba".

Elders (former military, hiking, rant attacks, military devices, etc.) were the heads of the Cossacks, co-keeping their meaning and the weight and after the absence of themselves with themselves, which they had a circle at one time. To their opinion, donated, taking into account their knowledge and experience. Strengthening their values \u200b\u200bof the ability - Valo and the fact that in their hands in powerively focused and material means. A significant number of elders was conscripts of Mosk politics. authorities. This is understandable: their socio-economic interests are beginning to acquire another ha-rakter than the interests of ordinary Cossacks. A larger from hunting for cattle breeding, and later to agriculture, the opportunity to use on-age work, focusing in their hands of trading and industrial enterprises, the presence of significant funds, finally their value and weight - all this is the fact that the elders They tried to divide from the total mass of the Cossacks and become independent from it. In turn, the Moscow authorities strongly tried to strengthen their influence on the elders; Upon their arrival in Mos-Kv, they cared for them, they did rich gifts.

However, not all the elders were supported and carried out mosk. Policy. Heading them will lie. The opponents - the Gulf Cantle Cossacks were such prominent persons like the army-howhan Ataman Samo Lavrentyev, the elders of Churnos, Murzenkov, Ilya Zrachkov, who later, after the death of Bulavin, Ataman troops.

Goleutba consisted of significant ceases from the new proletarian Cossacks, which had not yet reached the economic well-being-racing, it was continuously replenished with the "buttons" - people who fled from the MOS-Kovsky state from serfdom, from the arbitrariness of Mosk. officials, from severe taxes and duties and from religious proclaims. Come on the Don, these people fell into a difficult economic situation. Zemstrodée was prohibited by army, hunting and fisheries could not immediately contact everyone, the Tsar-Skrug barely had enough and the old Cossacks. War could give funds to essentially, but established relations with Mosk. The government did not allow to fulfill it on the right scale. Naturally, Goleutba was very harmful to mosk. authorities and stood for the Cossack liberty, for the independence of the Don. The concepts of this group of the population received the name of the splitting party on the circle, for its interests largely coincided with the interests of the Old Believers, as opposed to Par-Tii of Starinsky or Moscow, which conducted Mosk. Policy.

Between these extreme groups was the old domic height of the Cossacks, which possessed the economy and some mother-in-law and the middle position in relation to Moscow. It stranded to the independence of Don, but at the same time wanted to keep good relations with Mosk. authorities.

The struggle in the military circle between the two extreme directions is especially acute in the early 80s. Representatives of the splitting party are defenders not only one religious freedom, but mainly by Don independence and identity. They are against the intervention of the Moscow rule to the life of the troops. Their opponents, led by Frol Minaev *), were conducted in the circle and in the army of Moscow politics. Religious question went to the background.

It was even the course in favor of the full separation from Moscow. Peter Murzenkov, Ataman of one of the ridiculous towns, said: "It is better to be at the cortie than in Mos-Kve." Churnosov was less frank: "You can go on the Krymsky to the Crimean, it's necessary to clean the first, better than the Crimean than our kings in Moscow." His closest assistant Kuzma obliquely called for a campaign to Moscow, and Cheurnos himself got ready for a serious defense in the event of a mosk attack. Forces, trying to organize an alliance with terns and eggs and the Cossacks: "... And their letters on the Yik and Terek, so as not to listen

*) Frol Minaev Kumshatssky, a participant in the Razinka campaign to Persia, who has repeatedly embarked in Atamans, was a guide of Moscow. politicians. He especially loved Peter the Great. He died by Mon-Hom, under the name of Filaret. His sons were species of their time. Maxim Frolovich Kumshatsky has repeatedly been a hiking ataman, and from 1715 to 1717 he was a troop.

kings, nor Patriarchs, but tightly kept for faith old. In the same way, it will come to us what opal from Moscow, you then go to us ... Many hordes and Kalmyks for us are about us ... "

How much was the meaning of Ras Ringings, it is seen from the fact that in 1681 the military Ataman S. Lavranev was allowed to carry out church services in the old books, which was confirmed by the circle. Their political opponents - the elders wrote about their shaky of position in Moscow and even asked Voronezh the voyage to deal with the splitters on the Major. But the governor, fearing the armed conflict with the entire Don army, for the bear was considered the "Cossack skewer", replied: "... I can't teach the fishery, because it would not argue the whole don from this business ..."

Mosk. The government, still not you, who was a certain relationship to the split on the Don, but carefully followed what was happening, decided that the situation was more important, when during the usual total meal after the circle of Cossacks ceased "about the state health Shi drink, about the state of health ancient customs retalled, for three years (1684-87) at the church service did not remember the sovereign ... ". In 1687, Moscow demanded the issuance of split leaders, including S. Lavrent Bez, who replaced at this time at the Atamic post of Frol Minaev's arrogant.

Minaev, who returned from the campaign, hardly managed to insist on sending only Kuzma oblique, and Lavrentiev had to be "torn."

Order Mosk. The authorities did not have the army. Even more than one: in Moscow, Ataman Zimnosov was from-rightly Churnos himself, the main leader of the splitting party. Atamana Lavren-Teeva army did not give out: it simply did not fulfill the first certificate, on the second - Sloka of Samoile, on the 3rd replied that "Ataman Self-Posted of the troops to Ras Cole is not involved in the same sick and in Mos -We can not go. " The compilation of the post-her posts proceeded especially rapidly: a circle was going five times, the military Ataman Minaev, fearing for his life, passing the Ataman-Stem, left the circle. Later, he was persuaded to take a pen.

Moscow adherents wrote to Moscow, that in any case it is not necessary to let Churnosov need to be released on the Don, for about the form and moods such that can happen the same "rebellion" as when it is possible. On March 5, 1688, Churnos and the whole winter village in Moscow were arrested.

On April 7, 1688, Tolmach Nikitin arrived from Mos-Kvava again presented the requirement to issue Lavrentyev. On the circle of the Velief Cossack - the new arrive persuaded not to do this, for when the Cossacks are eaten from the rigorous towns, "the senders will be so good that the name does not remember." His words were not an empty threat: one of the previous mosk. Lettering about the extradition of Love-Rentiev 7 of the rigorous towns sent their sentences to the circle not to issue an ataman. The speech of the appearance on the circle was a meeting-on very sympathetic and supported by many Cossacks. For the Moscow Party, a very tense position was created. F. Mi-Osev "From Comrades", realizing that the case is at-nimatting for them the turnover and that and that, and their lives threaten danger, beat the Ohra Tora "to death", and the body was thrown away from the circle. The splitting party, who did not expect such a strong reaction, trembled and, after a long persuasion, a circle, and then the congress of the whole troops, decided to send Lavrentyeva to Mos-Kvu.

In this case, the struggle in the circle had a pronounced political character. The circle fought against the intervention of Mos Kua in his internal affairs, against the limitation of the independence of the troops. But if part of the Cossacks, especially the rigorous towns, got into an open military collision with Moscow, then the other understood that now the army could not struggle with the Moscow state, and that, on the contrary, conflicts with the capital can accelerate the restriction of ka-whine identity.

For Don Troops, the CO-existences had three consequences:

1. The army lost the right of religious asylum, as in 1671, after the Razinkle movement, lost asylum asylum rights.

2. The role and knowledge of the elders, which, relying on the under-support of Moscow, began to manage Don in their own way.

In May 1688, Lavrentiev and Churnos "from Thorarishi" were executed in Moscow, one-time from there came to the Don grades, with an indication of defeating the split-s). In August, the county of the Cossacks Ataman Mi-Khailova, sent along with Kalmyks in the rover Don, destroyed the split-whose scebs there, as well as their main town on the Major. About two thousand Cossacks - Raskolnikov with Peter Murzenk, headed from the territory of Don to Kuma in Vlad Shakhimal Tarkovsky. The local population met by a friendly, A shaft, on the land of which they settled, declared them with their "tags" (guests under folk patronage). Having learned about the intention of the Cossacks to build boats and sit "Prey of Zipunov" at sea, the chess set them between R. Sulak and her Rou-Kava Agrachama, where the Cossacks with the new energetic bone of Bonfire Ivanov (the formerly at the bottom of the town of the town), put the town, for the defense of which they pon wooden cannons with iron-mi hoops (N. P. Krasnov. "Eastor . Done essays "1884). They retained their military unit, a circle and military ataman, but they should have been taken by Sultan, the owner of the Caucasian lands, in relation to which the argument for Agrachani was in vassal addiction. In religious relations on the part of the Turks, complete guidance was manifested. The co-seams of the Agrahans were the Teress and Ring Cossacks, belonged to them with full sympathy, and Caucasian mountaineers, relations with whom, thanks to the agitation of Moscow agents, after a while they began to deteriorate. The agent for the existence of the Agrahans was mined fishing, hunting, and mainly raids on Moscow and Persian villages, royal studies, vessels of Moscow and Persian merchants. Prey they were divided with a checker.

Agrahans did not lose touch with Don, where they had a lot of uninterests. We sent there "Bottles" and "Pre-Forest" letters, restoring the row-born Cossacks against foreman, and most importantly against Moscow, had a well-known success on Don. Dissatisfied Donets were called to Sea-Be on Agrahan.

At the same time, the Agrahan Cossacks were non-completely to go to more active acts. P. Murzenkov, who played among them a prominent role, threatened to return to the Don and the "ears of the head to cut, with the beards to hang and hang around the anchors." Often split-nicknames took part or were pro-vodkers in the raids of the mountains on the Moscow lands and Cossack towns.

It seemed to be a dual, the point to the Don Army was explained by the fact that the Agraracians in the foreman saw only the faithful servants of Moscow, to which they treated Luta with hatred. To the Great Carekish, they treated Muhara to more tolerant.

The Moscow government is trying to force the Cossacks by all measures - split-nikov return to Don. In his insistence, the Don Army sends grams to the agrahan grams with calls to return, promising full amnesty. They wrote to the emigrants and royal governors, but everything was imperative. The Moscow ambassadors beat the Agrahans on the circle "Olopami", "planted into the water", the Lazute Chikov and agitators were killed, and the Don Ka-Zaksham passed that they would not appeal to them with such proposals, otherwise the military envoys would comprehend the same fate.

At the same time, the Moscow authorities have repeatedly appealed to the Kabardian princes, Tatar-Sky Khanam and Murzam, Kalmyk Tisham with a call to destroy the settlements of the Cossacks - Raskolnikov on Agrahani. Moscow wrote about this and to the voivods in Astrakhan and on those rivers, demanded more active military measures from the Don troops, but all this remained without consequences. Neither the natives nor the governors have taken serious steps, because the Agrahaans were under the patronage of Shakhmed, very tse-nivissed them for maritime "abilities," and the Don-Skoy army naturally did not show much desire to destroy their fellows, which many of the Cossacks who were On Don, very sympathetic. The same foreman, fearing apart from this strengthening of the troops on Agrana, repeatedly indicated - la that if the persecution of the splitters on the Don will continue, then they will have a lot of mothers and fools and there they will go to the destruction to the scholars. "

But the persecution continued, following what in 1692 more than a thousand Cossacks - Raskolnikov again leave don to Agra-Han. Their parish pushed the Agrahan Cossacks on an active performance against Don Troops. In 1693, the big equestrian squad of the Agraracians ruined Cossack towns by middle the course of Don, and especially the elderly and the prosperous Cossacks. This raid caused serious repression by Moscow. Numerous tsarist troops were sent to destroy the agrahan troops. Under their pressure, it was completely moved deep into the mountains, but started friction among the Cossacks themselves and damage to the natives with the natives entailed his disintegration. Part of the Agrahantians moved to the Grebensky Cossacks, and the other, more significant, went to Kuban, where it was settled by its flow, from the mouth of the Laba to the very moth. Subsequently, the Cossacks of the Agrahans, the axis in the Kuban, became part of the great troops of the Kuban, who was arranged on Ku-Bani after the suppression of the Bulavinsky Movement.

Military art has always been a significant part of the lives of many nations and states. After all, as soon as a person picked up a stick, he began to use his power to subordinate to himself like. This negative love for violence pursued humanity throughout his history. This fact led to the fact that in each nationality there was a separate class of warriors, distinguished by professionalism and merciless.

It should be noted that there were also similar warlike castes on the territory of Slavic states. The history of their formation is quite interesting, given the fact that in the territory of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries conducted permanent wars for the territorial domination between different states. Thus, permanent military conflicts have significantly hardened the population living in the countries presented.

If we speak specifically about the Russian Federation, then the Kuban Cossacks are the most famous military community. The creation of this troops was carried out by years, and their activities were alive to this day.

The article will consider the most vivid stages of the development of the Kuban Cossacks, as well as the specifics of this military formation.

Who are the Kuban Cossacks?

The history of the Kuban Cossack troops dates back to very distant times. Today, it is quite difficult to present the entire chronology of the existence of this military formation, as it is still valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, which will be discussed later in the article. Nevertheless, if you consider historical facts, then the Kuban Cossack army is part of the entire Cossacks in the Russian Empire, which was based in the North Caucasus. In other words, this formation played the role of modern border guards.

From historical sources, it is known that the military headquarters of the Kuban Cossacks was based in Ekaterinodar (the modern name of the city - Krasnodar). Despite the fact that the Kuban Cossack army was a typical military group, one of the elements of the army of the Russian Empire, his ethnos was formed at its base. This fact today makes it possible to talk about the Cossacks not just as warriors, but as a separate nationality, along with Russians, Chechens, Kazakhs, etc.

History of creation

The Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack troops were originally not a homogeneous ethnic mass of patriots of their state. After all, as already mentioned earlier, the history of this formation is quite complex. The Kuban Cossack army was formed from several groups of Cossacks, which by the middle of the XVIII century there was quite a lot in the territory of the Russian Empire.

Of course, the progenitors of the Cossack regiments of the Kuban need to consider the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, which appeared in the XVI century. As we know, they were originally based on the territory of modern Ukraine, which is located near the modern city of Zaporizhia. Subsequently, they became a threat to imperial power, because of the organized military formation turned into ordinary robber groups. Therefore, by the end of the XVIII century, the Cossacks as such received the status of "out of law". However, this fact was not the final point in the development of such formations.

Black Sea Cossacks

In 1774, the Russian Empire gets access to the Black Sea. At this stage, Turkey ceased to pose a threat, and the relationship of compassion, one of the strongest states in the West, was on the verge of full collapse. Therefore, the need for the retention of Cossacks in their historical place is no longer required. In addition, these formations by the end of the XVIII century began to turn into gangster structures. The confirmation of this fact is to maintain the Cossacks of Pugachev uprising. Thus, in 1775, it was decided to complete the destruction of all its inhabitants. In this slaughter, only 12 thousand Cossacks were able to survive, which subsequently fled at the mouth of the Danube.

The army of faithful Zaporozhetsev

It should be noted that the appearance of a condescene juicy was a weighty argument for Turkey, which got additional forces in the composition of 12 thousand soldiers. In turn, the Russian Empire, seeing the threat to its territorial interest in the south of the Power, stops the process of liquidation of the Cossacks. Moreover, in 1787, he creates the army of faithful Cossacks from among the previously persecuted participants of the eponymous regiments. With their help, the Russian empire is not only strengthened in the south, but also wins the Russian-Turkish campaign of 1787-1792.

Creation of Kuban Cossacks

The Kuban Cossack army, whose photo is presented in the article, was formed in 1792. After the Russian-Turkish campaign, the delegation is sent to the capital of the Russian Empire, at the head of which the judge of the Black Sea troops was put by Anton Golovaty. The delegation was collected in order to ask for the "enlightened monarchy" of land for the settlement of the Black Sea Cossacks. Negotiations took place from March to May 1792. The "management" of the empire did not want to allocate the Cossacks of the neighborhood of Taman and the Earth on the right bank of the Kuban. In this case, the position of the imperial power was clear - the unwillingness to create the formation of such a Cossacks that can be betrayed at any time. However, the consent was still achieved. Thus, since 1792, the regiments of the Kuban Cossack troops began to be located in Tamani and Kuban. These land were transferred to them "in eternal and hereditary possession", which is generally confirmed by the existence of the Kuban Cossacks today.

The history of linear Cossacks

It should be noted that the Kuban Cossack army was formed not only exclusively from the Black Sea Cossacks. The Kuban regiments also included the so-called "linear Cossacks", which became part of a large military formation in 1860. However, the history of the Caucasian linear Cossack troops begins with the middle of the XV century. The progenitor of linear regiments were the Hawk Cossacks.


Khopersky Cossacks lived in the territory and a bear since 1444. But in the XVIII century, the shelves made an uprising against the power of Peter I. The monarch reaction was immediate and cruel.

In the period from 1708 to 1716, in the territories between the specified rivers, no one lived. However, since 1716, the Cossack shelves were returned here, which were the participants of the Northern War. For the military valor during the war with Sweden, the Hawa Cossacks were allowed to build their fortress in a historic homeland. Subsequently, the army has evolved so much that part of it was translated into the North Caucasus to protect the borders of the Russian Empire. And in 1860, as already mentioned earlier, this part of the Cossack troops was translated into the Kuban military formation.

Modern stage of development of the Kuban Cossacks

The Kuban Cossack army exists to this day in the territories, which were highlighted in the late XVIII century. This military formation performs the role of unplaced border guards. It should be noted the fact that the Kuban Cossacks were participants in the First World War and Great Patriotic Wars. The last historical period, which began from 1945, significantly abolished the role of the Cossacks in the field of public administration and service. Nevertheless, no one has disbanded this formation, even taking into account the political doctrine of the Soviet Union.

Atamans of the Kuban Cossack troops throughout the history of its existence, all their forces defended the rights of their people, which by 1945 could already be called a completely separate ethnic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cossack communities were united in the Russian Federation in order to increase the identity and glorification of ethnic minorities of the state. Since then, there is such an organization as the Kuban Cossack Cossack Society (KVCO).


KVCO starts its history since 1990. Vladimir Gromov became the first Ataman of this military organization. It should be noted that the combat capability of the KVCO divisions is at a sufficiently high level. This is confirmed by this is the participation of a mentioned organization in the Abkhaz War. In 1993, the KCCO divisions were first entered into the city of Sukhum. Later, the Kuban Cossack army was included in the "State Register of Cossack Societies of the Russian Federation". This means that the activity of KCCO has become legal. In addition, there are regalia of the Kuban Cossack troops and a peculiar structure of society. To date, the organization plays the role more law enforcement, rather than the military authority.

Territorial structure of KVCO

The Kuban military Cossack society has its own territorial structure, which allows us to talk about significant development not only the organization as a whole, but also its activities. To date, the structure of KVCO consists of the following territorial units:

  1. Its Cossack Department.
  2. Caucasian Cossack Department.
  3. Taman Cossack Department.
  4. Ekaterinodar Cossack Division.
  5. Maykop Cossack Division.
  6. Batalpashinsky Cossack Department.
  7. Chernomorsk Cossack District.
  8. Sukhumi special Cossack department.

This structure allows KVCC to exercise its law enforcement functions much more efficiently and maximally.

Culture of Kuban Cossacks

In addition to a significant role in the military sector of the Russian Federation, Kuban Cossacks are quite interesting ethnic social education. His cultural traditions go to the Zaporizhia Cossacks. Kuban warriors are quite close in the cultural matter with indigenous Ukrainians. There is also a Cossack form of the Kuban Cossack troops, the design of which was also formed historically.

The article featured the Kuban Cossack Army. The origins of the formation and structure of this organization will rise to the time of the existence of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, which, in fact, became the progenitors of the Kuban military. This ethnic formation is still valid on the territory of modern Russia. Let's hope that this island of Slavic culture is not lost in the bunch of centuries!