How to cook frozen spinach: basic recipes. Dishes from frozen spinach. What to combine and how to cook?

Eating fresh spinach is the best way to get all the beneficial substances found in spinach leaves. Although iron and folic acid in spinach are better absorbed in heat-treated spinach. How to find that golden mean, at which the maximum of nutrients of spinach is preserved, how to cook spinach correctly, I will tell in this article.

How to cook spinach

Most know that spinach is very. But how to cook it do not know. Let us examine the different methods of cooking spinach.

Cooking spinach can be steamed, stewed, fried. Boil and stew spinach in a small amount of water on the stove, microwave. When stewing in a slow cooker, spinach is placed at the very end of cooking.

A few minutes of steaming spinach or stewing is enough to make it tender. Usually cooked or stewed for 5-7 minutes.

Longer cooking spinach destroys oxalic acid contained in spinach. And, as you know, oxalic acid prevents the better absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, when eating spinach in people with low hemoglobin levels, it is necessary to cook spinach a little longer.

When cooked, vitamin C is reduced or completely destroyed. Fresh spinach contains 28.1 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. When stewing spinach, the content of vitamin C is reduced to 9.8 mg.

Vitamin C refers to water-soluble vitamins. When cooking spinach in large amounts of water, some of the vitamin C is lost in water. Other spinach vitamins are also dissolved in water: folic acid, group B vitamins.

To increase the content of vitamin C in the ready dish with spinach, add a little lemon juice.

How to Roast Spinach

Roasted spinach - nutritious and healthy food. When spinach is roasted, fat-soluble vitamins A and K are better absorbed.

Although during frying, some nutrients are also lost, but it is easier to eat spinach in fresh form than fresh to get the same amount of vitamins and minerals.

Roasted spinach has a higher iron content. 1.5 cups of fried spinach contains 9.64 mg of iron. When as in 300 grams of fresh spinach, only about 8 mg.

Fried iron is absorbed much better than fresh. This is explained by the destruction of oxalic acid, which prevents the absorption of iron.

How to cook spinach

Sort out the fresh spinach leaves. Throw away all faded and spoiled leaves. Place the leaves in a colander and rinse them in cold running water, gently shaking the colander to rinse the leaves well and rinse off all the garbage.

Take the amount of spinach that you want to get cooked. From one cup of fresh spinach, about 1/3 cup of boiled or fried spinach is obtained.

Put the spinach leaves in a saucepan. Add a little olive oil (this will allow better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins) or a little water if you extinguish. You can also add a little water when frying spinach. This will not stick and burn spinach.

When cooking spinach need to constantly stir the leaves. Spinach is ready if the leaves change their color to dark green.

When cooking spinach soup or meat with spinach, it should be added at the very end of cooking.

How to store spinach

Fresh spinach leaves have more nutrients. Over time, nutrients are lost. After 8 days of storage, spinach loses about half of the folic acid and carotenoids found in spinach.

Spinach shelf life is no more than two weeks.

The leaves of spinach grown in the greenhouse are much less nutrients than grown in the garden.

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Spinach is a spring leafy vegetable, and dishes made from it can be not only very healthy, but also incredibly tasty.

Today, the women's site “Beautiful and Successful” will tell you about how it is useful, how to choose it correctly, to store it, what to prepare from fresh spinach or frozen.

Spinach came to Europe in the Middle Ages, and it was originally brought from Persia. Despite the different climate, it has got accustomed perfectly in European countries and today it is no longer considered exotic.

Spinach leaves have a lot of useful properties, and more - thin and delicate flavor. But, of course, you need to cook it properly.

What is useful spinach?

Before you tell what can be cooked from spinach, it is worth mentioning why it is so useful and why it must be included in your diet.

  • French cooks call this vegetable a “brush” for the stomach. Indeed, it has the effect of cleansing the walls of the stomach and intestines from slags and removing toxins in a natural way.
  • There are many vitamins in it - in particular, provitamin A, useful for sight, vitamins of group B, and also C, PP, D and some others.
  • In addition to vitamins, there is a lot of iron in the leaves - that is why they have a dark saturated color, as well as mineral salts.
  • Surprisingly, this one is a real champion in calcium content - 100 grams of leaves contain about 150 mg of calcium (more than a glass of yogurt!).
  • The leaves also contain iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, adds energy and prevents premature aging of the body.
  • An important component of spinach - protein, which is why the leaves are nourishing and nutritious. The squirrel here is almost the same as in the beans and peas.

Young leaves are good to eat raw, and larger and darker ones - stew, fry, boil, make a side dish, prepare other recipes.

When choosing this healthy vegetable, pay attention to the stem - it should be light in color, elastic and juicy - this means that the vegetable is cut recently. By the way, frozen leaves are no worse than fresh ones, and you can stock up on them for the winter.

What can be cooked from fresh spinach?

How to cook spinach ?.

It is believed that all the beneficial substances of these green leaves are well absorbed with fat and a small amount of acid.

Therefore, sour cream, kefir and some vegetable oil are what should be present in any dish.

Breakfast: green pancakes

  • Spinach - 200 g;
  • kefir - 200 g;
  • flour - about 150 g (you can add more or less, depending on the consistency of the mixture);
  • eggs - 1 or 2 pieces;
  • spices to taste.

Crush the leaves in a blender, mix them with kefir, eggs, flour and spices, and thoroughly whisk the whole mass. It should be thick as sour cream. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, add more flour, or from it you can safely fry not thick pancakes, but thinner pancakes!

Do not forget to grease the pan with any vegetable oil.

Spring Cream Soup

  • Spinach - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs .;
  • broth (chicken or vegetable) - 300 ml;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 2 slices;
  • spices to taste.

Pour directly into the saucepan, where the soup will boil, some vegetable oil and heat. Finely chop the onion and garlic, peel and finely chop the potatoes. Pass the onions and garlic in a saucepan, and then add the same potatoes. Pour all this broth and let cook until ready. Add the spinach leaves and cook for another 5 minutes, then pour in the cream and grind everything into mashed potatoes using an immersion blender.

Garnish in the pan

Many are wondering how to cook fresh spinach to garnish. We offer the simplest and very fast recipe, in which the leaves retain all their beneficial properties. So, we will need:

  • spinach - 500 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 slices;
  •   - 200 g;
  • spices to taste.

In a pan, fry finely chopped garlic in vegetable oil. My leaves, remove the roots and cut, add to the pan. When the leaves are slightly extinguished, cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes, no more. At the end sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

How to cook frozen spinach?

Fresh leaves should be kept unwashed by wrapping them in a damp cloth. It is best to keep them in the refrigerator for no more than two or three days.

Now we will tell you how to cook frozen spinach. Leaves must be bruised, removed withered and damaged, removed roots and long stems, and rinsed well under running water. Cut the leaves into thin strips and flush (lower into boiling water) for a minute. Let the water flow in a colander, put the leaves in containers or bags, freeze. You can cook any kind of food from frozen spinach by analogy with fresh.

These are simple recipes you can cook from this vitamin leaf vegetable. In addition to useful properties, the dishes will be very tender and tasty!

  Author - Tatiana Maltseva, website - Beautiful and Successful
  Copying this article is prohibited!

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The first spinach crop grew in the garden. I collected it yesterday full tank. I usually do not keep him long on the bed. He quickly goes into the arrow, and his leaves in this case are no longer so juicy. Therefore, I immediately collect the entire crop. And on the vacant space immediately sow new spinach seeds. It grows quickly, and over the summer in this way you can collect 3-4 harvests.

Since there is a lot of harvested spinach, I cook it for 2-3 days to the maximum. And soups, and salads, and pies. I freeze the remains in order not to feel need in it in the winter. And in the winter, everyone is happy with various “snacks”, in the form of a Greek pie, or the usual

Today I decided to cook a tasty and quick three-course dinner out of spinach. Cream soup, salad and dessert. I plan to manage in an hour or a little less. Yes, yes, all three dishes, it is during this time. Everything that can be cooked from spinach is cooked very, very quickly. And this is his huge plus!

And so proceed to cooking. We will cook everything in parallel. It is necessary to keep within the allotted time. I advise you to first carefully read all three recipes, and while it is fried, one is boiled, you can wash something, clean it, cut it from the other. Then just have time. Let's start with the soup, make it the longest.

Step-by-step recipe for fresh spinach puree soup

We need (for 4 servings):

  • spinach -3 handfuls
  • onion - 1 pc
  • potato -2 pieces
  • carrots -1 pc
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • salt -0.5 st. spoons
  • boiled egg -2-3 pc. - for submission
  • sour cream - to serve


1. Go through and thoroughly wash the spinach. Remove all faded leaves and leaves with brown dots. Trim the roots, if any. Rinse it thoroughly under running water in a colander. Put on a towel to glass all the water.

3. Put on the gas pot with water. Water for a given amount of ingredients will need 1, 250 liters.

2. Peel and cut the potatoes into small blocks. Potatoes take two large tubers.

3. Peel the medium carrots and cut them into small cubes.

4. Put the potatoes and carrots in the water. Bring to a boil, add 0.5 tbsp. spoons of salt. Try the broth. If salt is not enough, then salt to your taste.

5. Cook until cooked. Ready-made potatoes and carrots should not be tough and should not get too hot. “Golden mean” is what is needed.

6. When the vegetables are set to boil, let's go onions. Cut it into cubes and then fry in vegetable oil until slightly golden. Then add 1/3 of a glass of boiled water so that the onions are slightly extinguished and become transparent.

7. Then put the spinach in the pan, reduce the fire to the minimum, and slightly “sprinkle” it with the lid closed. 1 minute is enough. Then open the lid, stir. Turn off the gas and leave the spinach with onions until the vegetables are cooked.

8. When the vegetables are cooked, pour the broth into a separate pan. Place vegetables in a blender and sprinkle them in parts. If the blender is struggling, add a little broth.

9. Put the finished puree in a separate pan. In this way, not only vegetables are sputtered, but also spinach with onions.

10. Stir mashed potatoes and add broth as much as you would like to get your soup. I completely gone all the broth. The soup turned out to be of medium consistency, not thick — not liquid. In my opinion, just what is necessary.

11. Put the pot back on the gas and bring the water to a boil. As the boil, immediately turn off. In order for spinach to preserve all its nutrients and vitamins, heat treatment should be minimized.

12. Serve hot with sour cream, you can not regret it, and with pre-cooked and chopped, as you like egg. That turned out to be a “spinach smile”. Not very funny, but delicious!

The cream soup prepared in this way is obtained in a hearty, nutritious, slightly sour taste, with a taste and aroma of freshness and a warm summer day. Feel free to recommend to everyone! The result is 100%! And if you do not like it, then, as they say in the advertisement “We will return your money,” well, or give it to spinach!

This recipe is good because it is as simple as possible and surprisingly tasty, given its simplicity. Although in addition to this recipe, there are various cooking options. Suddenly you want to cook another soup out of spinach, here are the recommendations.

Variants and features of cooking spinach soup

  • of course, any soup-puree can be cooked with cream. If you decide to cook with them, then add them at the last stage, when the ready soup is brought to a boil. Cream, as well as spinach boil is not worth it. How to prepare cream mashed potatoes can be viewed

  • the next cooking option is cream soup with melted cheese. If you cook with it, do not combine vegetable mash with spinach in advance. After the vegetables have been spayed, add the broth and bring to a boil. Cheese, slightly frosting, grate and add in mashed potatoes. How to do it correctly, described in detail. When the cheese completely disperses, add the spinach sauce and as soon as it boils, immediately turn off the gas.

  • very tasty in soups, add a little any ground nuts. It turns out very tasty and juicy! If there are no nuts, then you can add a little chopped nutmeg. Exquisite flavor of this soup is provided!
  • cooked soups, mashed potatoes with spinach, adding other herbs, such as sorrel and nettles. This soup is just a storehouse of vitamins!
  • you can cook spinach soup in a pre-cooked vegetable broth. First, boil the vegetable broth, then additionally added to the already prepared base. Honestly, I do not see much point in this. In our case, we also use vegetable broth. And it is enough for the taste.
  • to enhance the taste and aroma, you can add 50 grams of butter to the soup
  • and of course the puree soup can be cooked not only from fresh spinach, but also from frozen.
  • i remind you that usually soups - mashed potatoes are prepared at once. This is a recommendation. But not always everything is eaten immediately, sometimes it remains a little. So I can safely say that the second time the soup does not lose its taste, its appearance also does not suffer. Maybe vitamins of course are destroyed during storage, I can not check this. In general, if there is some soup left, do not pour it out. It is tasty and can be eaten!
  • for soups - mashed potatoes are often prepared toast. You can cook them for this soup. If you follow the links provided above, there is a recipe for how to make garlic croutons - delicious!

And so the soup is ready. While it was boiling, I had a lot of free time for cooking salad. Therefore, both the soup and the salad are ready. It took only 40-45 minutes from the allotted time.

Spinach and Canned Fish Salad

I usually like to do this salad with tuna. I always have it in stock. But yesterday she missed, and the tuna is over! Rather, it remained special for salads, but there it is very small, and for this salad you need bigger pieces. From such a tuna is good to do, or other similar.

Well, okay! But there is saury. By the way, such a salad has not yet tried cooking with her, and at the same time we will try. Well, if you are a staunch vegetarian and don't eat fish either, then just exclude it from the composition of the products, and this option is as tasty as with fish.

We will need:

  • spinach - 1.5 - 2 handfuls
  • tomato -1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • bulgarian pepper - 1/2 pcs.
  • canned fish - 1 can (saury or tuna)
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste


1. The washed, peeled and dried spinach we assort on leaflets. We spread the leaves of the same size around the perimeter of the salad bowl.

2. Then lay out the remaining spinach. As much as you need salad by volume. 1.5 handfuls of spinach are about 4-5 medium servings.

3. Cut the cucumber into halves. I have small cucumbers, so I will cut 2 of them. And lay them out in the next layer. Slightly salt.

4. The next layer lay out sliced ​​tomato. There are no special rules for cutting, you can cut as you like. The only pieces should not be very small. Tomatoes also salt.

5. Pour the liquid from the canned fish into a separate bowl. With the help of a fork or knife, we divide whole pieces into pieces of approximately the same size. And lay them on top of the tomatoes.

6. Sprinkle the entire surface of the salad with lemon juice. I squeeze the juice of half a lemon right above the salad.

7. Then, also pour the salad evenly with the drained juice from the fish.

8. We spread the Bulgarian pepper, cut into strips and decorate with small leaves of spinach.

9. We do not mix the salad, but leave it for 10 minutes so that all the layers have time to soak in lemon juice and fish juice.

10. Put the finished salad in layers in a serving plate in random order, trying to get all the ingredients along with the juice in the plate. It is better not to mix the salad at all, so as not to damage the spinach leaves.

Salad turned out no worse than tuna. A little olive oil is added to the tuna salad, since the tuna itself doesn’t have that much satiety, like the same saury. Lemon juice combines vegetables, spinach and fish in the best way possible. Nothing seems superfluous in this salad. The taste is completely balanced.

Since spinach is used fresh in a salad, it retains all its beneficial properties and vitamins. Useful vitamins from cucumbers and tomatoes, healthy fish fats and a complex of vitamins with vitamin C, led by lemon juice! That is, the salad we have turned out not just delicious, but also very useful. Be sure to try! The taste is just super!

Well, what about lunch without dessert? Especially since we have spinach. And from it, and fruit, you can cook just a divine dessert, consisting only of some useful vitamins! I don’t know if there are more of them somewhere else. And so, prepare a dessert! We will need only 5 minutes to prepare it!

Spinach and Fruit Smoothies - A Storehouse of Vitamins

We will need:

  • spinach -1 handful
  • bananas - 2 pcs.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • ice cream (optional)


1. Put spinach leaves in the blender bowl, cut banana and pear into slices. Spur half.

2. The place in the bowl is free and you can add an apple to the same place. If his skin is rough, then it can be cleaned in advance. Spray all ingredients until smooth.

3. Wash the orange, dry with a paper towel and cut into two halves. In order not to wash the juicer afterwards, directly with hands, squeeze the juice out of it into separate dishes.

4. Mashed potatoes turned out to be very thick, so we add orange juice to it. And once again break through all the blender.

5. Pour all the glasses. From this number of products, 3 large glasses are obtained. Drink or eat with spoons, and enjoy!

6. Optionally, you can add ice cream on top! This is for sweet tooth. The smoothie itself is not very sweet, it has different notes of taste and a pleasant aroma and texture. Sometimes they add some more milk. But not at this time!

Well, let's summarize! We have prepared a delicious soup - puree, and a vitamin salad with dessert. All had time, and we still have a little time to lay the table. We set up, invite everyone to the table, and delight with their delicious, delicious dishes of their own people, for whom they cooked!

Enjoy your meal!

Useful properties of spinach

And if you like it, then after eating you can ask why spinach is so useful. Why is it called the "royal product". How to properly store and how to use it?

And of course it's better to see once than to hear 100 times. Therefore, especially for you I place a video where experts will tell about all this.

Really impressive ?! How do you feel about spinach? Do you like dishes from it? Share your comments and how to use it. All this will be very interesting!

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Spinach is called the king of vegetables - because of its usefulness and ability to enrich even the most flavors. Both frozen and fresh greens look great in tart filling, ravioli, and cream sauce is just the perfect complement to traditional pasta.

So, today on our table frozen spinach and recipe for cooking stewed greens with cream with step by step photos. And at once the good news: I just adore light nutritious meals that can be made from everything in the fridge. Our pasta in a creamy spinach sauce will be just that.

  Frozen Spinach - Garnish Recipe

Let's start with the ingredients:

  1. 1 pack of frozen spinach (400 g)
  2. 3 small bulbs
  3. 200 g cream of any fat content
  4. 30 g butter
  5. 250 g of pasta (enough for a full meal of three people)
  6. Salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste

Step 1:

  Step 1. Prepare the necessary ingredients

Spinach is not specifically thawed. Just lay out on the plate and deal with other components.

Step 2:

  Step 2. We are waiting for the onions to become translucent and acquire a pleasant creamy aroma.

In the pan melt the butter. Chop the onion in half rings and fry until golden.

Step 3:

  Step 3. Cooking spinach until it is completely soft.

There also send pieces of spinach. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

Step 4:

  Step 4. Lastly add the cream.

A thin stream pour cream. Give a little stew. Salt, pepper, pour spices. I chose nutmeg, but basil, dill, fennel, parsley and citrus zest combine perfectly with spinach greens. As an extra dressing, so that the taste is more sour, you can use a couple of tablespoons of lime or lemon juice.

Step 5:

After another five minutes, turn off the finished dish. It looks like the finished spinach in a creamy sauce:

  Step 5. Delicious and healthy spinach is almost ready.

Step 6:

  Step 6. Mix the prepared sauce with boiled pasta

Now it remains to put pasta on a plate and decorate the dish beautifully, because the food should lead not only to our taste buds to ecstasy, but also to bring up aesthetic beauty. If you wish, you can diversify the flow of soft cream cheese balls - it will give a few more flavors.

Tip: if you do not want the pasta deposited on the sides, choose only the product of durum wheat. This paste is cooked for ten or more minutes. The bigger, the better.

Enjoy your meal! And traditionally a few words about what is so cool spinach and why it needs to eat in large quantities at any time of the year.

  Spinach is deservedly considered the king of vegetables

  5+ useful properties of spinach

  1. It is four times more than the prescribed rate of vitamin K (and also in it you will find vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, beta-carotene, the list goes on and on)
  2. For the ability to cleanse the body and have a good effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the French nicknamed him “a broom for the stomach”
  3. Imagine, in spite of 20 calories per 100 grams, it is nutritious, stimulates the saturation process and fights cholesterol
  4. Interferes with the formation of cancer cells
  5. Most of the greens are grown in China, and in the USA they even make cartoons about him and put up monuments - the pirate Popeye, having had enough spinach, literally acquired a powerful force
  6. It consists of 90% water and is ideal for vitamin vegetable smoothies.
  7. Persia is considered the motherland of the vegetable (from the Persian word “spinach” literally translates as “green hand”)

  Spinach is literally made for smoothies.

  Frozen Spinach - 5+ Recipes with Photos


Those who have been to Georgia know that phali, light with spices, is cooked there from literally everything. Cabbage, eggplants, nettle, grape leaves, broccoli, are used. Due to proper processing, almost all useful substances are stored in the dish, and a small list of ingredients makes it also cheap. You can put on the phali and frozen spinach.


For the recipe we take:

  1. 500 g frozen vegetable
  2. 50 g of walnuts
  3. 2 cloves of garlic
  4. Half a teaspoon of wine vinegar
  5. Dry adjika at the tip of the knife
  6. Two stalks of green onions
  7. Half a bunch of basil, dill and cilantro
  8. A piece of chili for spicy

We cook the spinach for five minutes in salted water, discard it in a colander, let it drain and squeeze.

Greens and garlic finely chopped.

Walnuts are chopped in a blender or crushed with a rolling pin.

Combine the ingredients in a deep bowl, season with adjika and vinegar, salt. Next, form balls of the same size and decorate with pomegranate seeds. We send the snack in the fridge to cool and taste.

Tip: by the way, in ancient times, spinach juice was used as ink. So any dish in which you add it will automatically get a green tint.

Among the various vegetables that can be seen on the shelves of stores, some we choose more often, some - sometimes, and some do get around. Spinach belongs to the category of such vegetables, with the preparation of which not every Russian mistress is familiar with, therefore we are in a hurry to acquaint you with this wonderful product and tasty dishes that can be cooked with it.

You can cook a wide variety of dishes from spinach - pies, casseroles, omelets, soups, salads, pancakes, snacks and even blanks. Among the famous dishes that can be cooked with spinach - soup, green borscht, chorba, risotto, cabbage rolls and much more, so buying this vegetable in the store does not “condemn” you to cooking unusual, intricate dishes - you can use it and cook the most traditional, familiar and favorite foods. And it will be not only tasty, but also very useful, because spinach is rich in nutrients and vitamins.

The homeland of spinach is Persia, it was brought to Europe in the 11th century, and in our country it appeared quite recently in comparison with Western European countries.

Among the nutrients contained in spinach are potassium, magnesium, carotenoids (very rarely found in other products, and a lot of them in spinach), vitamins of group B, and also vitamin A, C, K, beta-carotene, fiber. Nutritionists call spinach one of the 5 most healthy foods in the world. Regularly eating spinach is recommended for anyone who wants to be healthy, look good and maintain weight in good condition. Diseases for eating spinach - cardiovascular, macular dystrophy, osteoporosis. It helps prevent the occurrence of these diseases in old age, normalizes blood pressure, protects against strokes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents deterioration of vision, softening and destruction of bone tissue, inhibits the development of cancer tumors and is their effective prevention, contributes to the normal breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats . In general, it is very necessary for everyone to eat spinach, who wants to feel well now and in old age.

What can be made from spinach

As already noted, the number of dishes that can be prepared from spinach is huge, including the most traditional and familiar foods for the average citizen of our country.

From fresh leaves of this vegetable wonderful salads turn out. However, most often in our country you can buy really useful spinach only in frozen form. Best of all, both fresh and frozen spinach is combined with potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, meat, eggs, mushrooms, nuts, cottage cheese, cheese.

Among the spices that decorate the taste of spinach are nutmeg and ground pepper, but you can use other seasonings to your taste.

To begin with, we give a recipe for a rather familiar dish with spinach - pancakes.

Spinach Pancake Recipe

It will take: 500 g of fresh spinach, 400 g of Adygei cheese, 400 ml of milk, 250 ml of cream, 250 g of flour, 60 g of butter, 4 eggs, 1 tomato, onion, garlic clove, and grated cheese.

How to make pancakes with spinach. Combine flour, eggs, milk, add salt and mix, knead the dough, leave it for 20 minutes. Cook the pancakes in melted butter. Finely chop the garlic and onions, peel and dice the tomatoes. Stew garlic and onions in butter, put spinach on it, stew again, remove from heat. Stir the spinach mass with the Adyghe cheese and tomatoes, pepper, salt and season with nutmeg and cinnamon. Sideways in pancakes make cuts, stuff them with spinach mass. Put pancakes in a greased form. Stir cream with grated cheese, pepper and salt, pour over pancakes, bake them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Such a delicious and unusual dish can be cooked just by stuffing them with ordinary pancakes. If you want to cook spinach, but spend less time on a dish with it, then this salad will do.

Salad with oyster mushrooms and spinach

It will take: spinach, onions, oyster mushrooms, vegetable oil, wine, lemon juice, nutmeg, sage, pepper, salt.

How to cook a salad with spinach and. Finely chop the mushrooms with onions, fry in vegetable oil, pour in the wine, cover with a lid and stew until ready. Finely chop the spinach, add to the mushrooms. Prepare the sauce from lemon juice and vegetable oil, seasoned with nutmeg, sage, pepper and salt. Pour over the salad with the cooked sauce and serve.

This salad is not only very tasty, but also very useful. And you can submit it to both everyday and holiday table. If you want something else simpler, you can cook spinach with rice.

Spinach Rice Recipe

You will need: 250 g of spinach and natural yogurt / kefir, 150 g of rice, 2 eggs, 1 onion, hard cheese, 2-3 slices of lemon, ground pepper.

How to cook rice with spinach. Rice until cooked cook in the usual way - it should turn out crumbly. Finely chop the onion, fry in butter until soft, pepper, put lemon slices, stew for 3 minutes, cool, get lemon, while stirring, pour in yogurt or kefir. Rinse the spinach, dip in boiling water for 3 minutes, then drain the water. Put rice at the bottom of the pan, chopped boiled eggs as a next layer, then spinach, all poured with cooked sauce, and sprinkled with grated cheese, baked for 20 minutes over medium heat until fully heated.

Using the simplest products, you can make such an interesting and very tasty dish with spinach.

It goes well with spinach and fish.

Spinach and Fish Casserole Recipe

It will take: 500 g of spinach and fish fillet, 2 cups boiled rice, 1 glass of milk, 4 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour, vegetable oil, grated cheese, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, salt.

How to cook a casserole with spinach. Chop the spinach, stew with butter and a little water. Pass the flour, pour in the heated milk, boil until thick, salted. Add egg yolks to the sauce, mix. Grease a baking dish, lay boiled rice, put fish pieces, stewed spinach on top, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with cheese, put sliced ​​butter, bake for 10 minutes in the temperature warmed to 200 degrees.

In addition to main dishes, you can cook various soups with spinach, for example, such vegetarian shchi.

Spinach soup recipe

You will need: 100 g of onions and spinach, 2.5 liters of water, 150 g of cabbage, 1 bell pepper and carrots, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. Tomato paste, 1 tsp. ground paprika, ½ tsp cumin, allspice-peas, salt.

How to cook soup with spinach. Pour water into the pot, put on the fire. Vegetables peeled. Dice potatoes, put in boiling water, add salt, put allspice, cover with a lid. Grate carrots, chop onions and tomatoes finely, chop cabbage into strips. In vegetable oil, fry onion for 2 minutes, put carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, sprinkle with cumin and paprika, mix, stew for 5 minutes under the lid. Dice sweet pepper, put together with chopped spinach in a saucepan, add vegetable mixture from a frying pan, cover and cook the soup for another 10-15 minutes, serve hot.

Spinach is one of those vegetables that, despite their strangeness, definitely should be added to the diet, try to cook various dishes with this wonderful product, and you will certainly like some of the options.

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