Digitalis krupnotsvetkovaya application. The use of digitalis in medicine. Variants of the names of plants and legends about digitalis

Despite the fact that it is easy to recognize digitalis (Digitalis), this genus of the Norichnik family is quite diverse. Currently, there are about 35 species and subspecies of this plant. Four of them grow only in the Caucasus, and two - in Western Siberia. Other types of digitalis are found in Europe, East Asia, and North Africa. There are types of foxglove represented by perennials, only biennial plants are part of the others. And those and others bloom in June and bloom until early September.

Foxglove leaf powder

Each of them will produce four haploid cells in meiosis, grouped into tetrad microspores. Each of these cells thickens the membrane, forming a double envelope, extinum and intine. It is then divided into mitosis into two cells, a larger one - a tubular cell or a vegetative cell - and a smaller one - a reproductive cell or a germ cell; pollen grains are formed, ready for pollination.

The formation of the fetus produced in the female reproductive organs. But for this it is necessary that the pollination, that is, the passage of pollen grains from the male organs to the female organs, be carried out. There are essentially two types of pollination. Direct pollination - when the transfer of pollen occurs from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or from the anther to the stigma of another flower, but from the same plant. Cross-pollination - when the pollen grains are transferred from the flowering anthers of the plant to the flowering stigma of another plant.

According to the International Genetic Resources Network, there are 12 types of digitalis:
1. Nyperyanka rusty (D. ferruginea);
2.Napristum grandiflora (D. grandiflora);
3.Neapolla woolly (D. lanata);
4. Nappetis smooth (D. laevigata);
5.Na pry yellow (D. lutea);
6. Nepristous veins (D. nervosa);
7.Napristina unclear (D. obscura);
8.Naprestyanka small-flowered (D. parviflora);
9.Napristine purpurea (D. purpurea); photo\u003e
10.Napristwort flowers (D. viridiflora);
11. Spanish peasant (D. thapsi);
12.Nepechenian mariana (D. Mariana).

When a flower does not have self-pollinating mechanisms, pollination can be done by insects or wind. The first is called entomophilic, and the second is anemophilic. The structures of many colors are closely adapted to these two types of pollination. Table 1 lists the main differences between the colors, each of these types of pollination.

The use of digitalis in medicine, the treatment of digitalis

Table 1 - Characteristics of colors. The flower is the organ responsible for the reproduction of plants. It comes from a flowering yolk, which may be in the axillary region of the leaf or the top of the stem. It consists of modified leaves called anthrophils.

For decorative floriculture, digitalis purpurea with a wide variety of varieties and hybrids is of the greatest interest. A separate page of our site is devoted to the story about it (). And now get to know other significant types of digitalis.

Plants of this species are perennials. They are distributed almost throughout southern Europe, the Caucasus, Iran and Turkey. The rusty foxglove in nature occupies several belts - from the lower ones, where there are forests and forest-steppe, to alpine meadows located at an altitude of 1600-1800 meters above sea level. The root of her horizontal, which must be considered when landing. Stems erect, with a height of 40 centimeters to one and a half meters. The pubescence of the stems is weak or completely absent. The size of the flower brushes depends on the height of the plant. A half meter brush reaches 60-70 centimeters. They are formed by yellow-brown or red with purple stripes, dots and veins, flowers a little more than 2 centimeters long. They have a lighter bell-shaped top and a darker shovel-like bottom. As a rule, the “spatula” is densely pubescent. It is a kind of landing site for insects, before they crawl into a flower. The foxglove rusty is considered not as aesthetically beautiful flower as foxglove purple, and is valued more than a medicinal plant. But if she takes the right place in the flower arrangement, it will look very impressive. This is best done if the rusty foxglove is planted in the center of the flowerbed, and not singly, but in a group, so that there are many floral “candles”. You can plant sredneroslye and low flowers around. Especially beautiful redheads of reddish rusty look on a blue and white background.

The perianth is characterized by the premature appearance of the sepals and petals. They are covered with epidermis and strongly vascularized by small vessels. Petals feed on a single vascular bundle, just like stamens. This reinforces the hypothesis that they arose from the fact that we have become fruitless.

The vacuoles of petal cells are filled with secondary metabolites, which give a characteristic color. The stamens begin with small protrusions covered with epidermis and receiving only the vascular bundle. At the end of the initial rudiment, the formation of small protrusions begins. These protrusions are separated by a layer of highly vacuolated cells, and each metadata gives a tick. Inside each tick, sporogenous tissue is produced. By engaging this fabric, there is a fabric called carpet.

Digitalis large-flowered

This spectacular flower grows in East Asia and in almost all of Europe, with the exception of the most northern regions. Prefers foxglove large-flowered forest edges and felling. Sometimes it can be seen on stony slopes among shrubs. The root of this species is fibrous, strongly branched. Stem height of one and a half meters or a little more, and below, and pubescent above. It is straight in configuration, only slightly branched at the bottom. The leaves of the large-flowered foxglove are lanceolate, at the bottom are large, have fine teeth on the edge and hairs on the underside. The middle leaves are more oval, mostly without denticles, “sitting” on the stem without petioles. The upper leaves are small, also sessile, located near the pedicels. The foxglove large-flowered got its name due to its large beautiful flowers. They look like bells and are somewhat larger in magnitude than all the other foxgloves. So, the length of the petals of its corolla is about 4 centimeters, and the diameter is about 2. Their color ranges from pale yellow to deep yellow with dark dots inside. But the brush inflorescences in this type of digitalis is not very large, only about 25 centimeters. The foxglove grandiflora blooms in the second year after planting. In the first year, it forms only a lush rosette of leaves. This gorgeous flower invariably attracts rave eyes. It looks great in the center of the flower beds, surrounded by more stunted flowers. Also the foxglove large-flowered can decorate the facade of the house, if you plant it near the wall or near the porch. The famous late-flowering hybrid of digitalis, large-flowered and woolly - “John Innes Tetra” 60 cm high with flowers of yellow-orange color, as well as a new sterile hybrid "Goldcrest" of the same external characteristics.

Two parts of the carpet can be recognized: the parietal carpet and the inner carpet. The carpet performs the function of feeding sporogenous tissue and producing sporopolen. In addition, sporophytic self-incompatibility arises from the presence of incompatible genes in the carpet and the stigma of the recipient flower.

After microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis, the pollen grain is ready for release. This prevents the gametophyte from drying out. The inner part of the sporoderm is called the intine and the outer part of exine. A flower is a part of phanerogamy plants that contains either stamens, or only fruit, or more often, both of them, either accompanied by a perianth, or devoid of it.

The name of the species received for the dense pubescence of the stem, upper leaflets and sepals. Digitalis woolly grows in Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. This species is considered endangered and is listed in the Red Book. In many countries, woolly foxglove is grown in specialized farms as a valuable medicinal raw material. In terms of its chemical composition, it practically does not differ from other foxgloves, however, preparations from it are better absorbed and have a less pronounced cumulative (accumulating poisons in the body) effect. Digitalis woolly is a medium high perennial. She grows up to 70-80 sentiments. Its stem and leaves have a dark green or dark purple color. The lower leaves are up to 20 centimeters long, the average is 10-12 centimeters, the upper leaves are up to 4, and the uppermost ones are very small, like all foxgloves, bracts. The foxglove is woolly, just like the foxglove is rusty, it does not have a special aesthetic beauty. The flowers of these two species are slightly similar, both have a “spatula” - a pair of long, fused petals in the lower part of the corolla. Only if the rusty fossil spatula is dark, then woolly is light, much lighter than the other petals. There are individuals with quite white spatula. Dots and stripes on it are rare, mostly they densely cover the inner surface of the bell-shaped corolla. Its color varies from pink to light yellow or green-yellow. The lower flowers are 3 cm long and the upper ones are about one. The floral brush of the woolly foxglove is not very large, pyramid-shaped, the flowers on it are planted rather thickly. The foxglove woolly blooms in June, July and August.

A full flower consists of support, protection and reproduction organs. Support organs: parts that support the flower. Protective organs: protect parts of reproduction. Pedicle: the part is more or less elongated, where the flower is attached to the stem. Capacity: this is the final, extended part of the axis of the flower where the flower pieces are attached. Bowl: a set of outer floral leaves, more or less attached, usually green. Corolla: a set of petals, free or uniform. It has different colors.

The stamen is the organ of the flower where the pollen is produced. The stamen consists of fillet and anther. Pollen is a collection of microscopic granules, usually yellow in color, formed in the anthers and which contains the beginning of the male reproductive cell. Sirloin: part of the stamen, usually thin, that supports the anther. Carpelo: carp leaf, which produces eggs. Karpal consists of the following parts: ovary, stylet and stigma.

This view is appreciated for its beauty. It is rarely mentioned in medical reference books. You can meet the plant in the forests and forest-steppes of Central Europe. Digitalis yellow looks very impressive. Its upright stems - candles are decorated with pyramidal racemes inflorescences with pale yellow or rich yellow flowers, like bells. In some varieties, the corolla has a small pointed tongue in its lower part, and some do not. The leaves of yellow foxglove are smooth, the stem grows up to 1 meter, and the flower brush is up to 50 centimeters long. Currently, breeders bred low-growing varieties of yellow foxglove. They are grown in pots. Low-growing varieties bloom in the first year after planting. Digitalis yellow has been used by gardeners since the late 16th century. In the landscape design with the right selection of a number of growing crops, it looks like a king. This species blooms from early July to late August. The most popular variety is Gelb Janus, which some people call Telb Janus. A wonderful hybrid “Glory of Roundway” with small narrow-bell-shaped flowers of pale pink color was created on the basis of yellow foxglove. Flowers are collected in a dense brush, plant height up to 120 cm.

Ovary: The lower part of the pistil, where eggs are formed. Stigma: the final and glandular part of the pistil on which pollen is fixed and germinates. Stiletto: narrow and thin part of the pistil, between the ovary and stigma. The function of the flower is to provide reproduction. A flower is considered incomplete when it lacks at least one organ.

This is an angiosperm reproduction apparatus. Flower stalk? the axis connecting the flower with the stem. Jokes are modified leaves that serve to protect the flower or inflorescence. Leaf carp or carpel? Karparnogo sheet takes the form of a bottle in which you can recognize three parts: stigma, stylet and ovary.

Digitalis ciliated (Digitalis ciliata)

This kind of foxglove is not as popular as the others. You can meet him in the lowlands, and at a height of two and a half kilometers above sea level. The stalks of the ciliate foxglove are low, only up to 60 sentiments, but several of them grow from one root, all of about the same height. The leaves of the plant have sharp tips, and at the edges of the notch. The flower brush is small (up to 10 centimeters), the flowers are whitish-pinkish, resembling bells, not large. It is used digitalis ciliated mainly as a honey plant and a medicinal plant. In decorative compositions is very rare.

Eggs form inside the ovary. The taxonomy of angiosperms is largely based on these characteristics. By definition, we have that a flower is an organ that collects the reproductive structures of angiosperms. Schematic drawing of a real flower. Carpelo, stamen, petal, sepal, flower rosette, pedicle.

In most cases, flowers are fertile structures protected by special sterile leaves, the set of which is called a flower. The flower is supported by a peduncle or pedicel, the upper part of which is enlarged and is a vessel that carries sterile appendages and fertile appendages of the flower.

Important!   Digitalis grandiflora, rusty, woolly, yellow, ciliary and all other types of digitalis are poisonous. This should be taken into account when contacting the plant.

“Fox gloves”, “fairy house”, “music” and even “bloody fingers” and “dead man's bells” - which only the names for digitalis didn’t tell ordinary people the imagination, supported by ancient folk tales and beliefs.

They are formed by concentric rows of elements. Externally sepals that make up the bowl. Then the petals forming the corolla. Stamens that make up androids; In the center - the ovary, which forms the ginecium. The main structure of this flower: anther, fillet, stigma, stylet, ovary, pistil, petal, calyx, jar.

To the set of sepals and petals we call the perianth. The flower is the reproductive organ of the angiosperms. From meristematic cells located under the outer layers of the top of the gemstone. The flower is supported by a pedicel. If the bowl is different from the corolla, the set of these structures is called the perianth. If the bowl looks like a whisk, this set is called the perizonum.

Perhaps a certain amount of superstition crept into the minds of the scientists who gave the plant the scientific name. The Latin name Digitalis comes from the word digitus - “finger”, and the Russian name comes from the word “thimble”, denoting an item that no one had done in the old days when there were no sewing machines. The foxglove flowers are really the shape and size ideal for so that they can put a finger.

The same thing happens with the corolla, which is gameptal or dialipela. The rim may be absent, and the flower in this case is called monoclamide; if the calyx and corolla are missing, the flower is aclalidic, and if both exist, diclamide. Androtia is formed by a set of stamens that are phylogenetic in the leaves. Each stamen is formed by a fillet, which is connected to the anther through a joint; anthers are divided into teas, usually two in quantity. Inside the anthers is a pollen pouch containing diploid cells, which, when they are exposed to the restorative divisions, lead to the formation of pollen grains.


“Fairy house” is a name that, obviously, was given to the plant by children. Many of them like to play with these unusual colors. In addition, it was common belief that if you disrupt or damage a foxglove flower in which the fairy hides, left without a house, she can get angry and send misfortunes to the destroyer. In the Middle Ages, the popular rumor assigned another nickname to the plant - “Fox Gloves”. It was believed that the foxglove lends its flowers to foxes - on its paws so that they can sneak up silently on the hen-houses.

Stamens can be free if they are attached only to the vessel and the epiplates, if they are attached to the petals. Flowers can be isosteones when the number of stamens is equal to one of the petals; when the number of stamens is less than the number of petals and polis, when the number of stamens is greater than the number of petals.

This is a set of salads and berries; fruits are divided into ovary, stylet and stigma; the ovary carries an egg cell, which can be placed in lokules formed from the folds of the fruit fields. Ginatsisteum can be formed by one or several fruits that can be combined, which characterizes gynecological syncope or freely, making up an apocapico-gynecoid. When the carpenters join together to form a multi-circular ginekum, and the eggs are located in the central part, we have axial placentation; if the eggs are attached to the wall of the ovary or its decomposition, we have a parietal placenta, but if the guinea is apocarpic, this type of placentation is called laminar.


In the first year of life, the plant forms a rosette of long basal leaves and only in the second year it accumulates enough strength for the development of the leafy stem and flowering. In the foxglove of the large-flowered flowers, as in all members of this botanical group, horizontally deflected, drooping, are collected in the inflorescence brush; corolla - fused, bell-shaped, slightly irregular in shape. The color of the foxglove flowers varies greatly - from various purple and purple appendages to light gray and pure white. The inner side of the lower lip of the corolla is often decorated with spots and stains of contrasting colors. For the flowers of foxglove large-flowered flowers, lemon-yellow tones and brownish-brown netting of the pharynx are characterized by varying degrees of intensity. The size of flowers of foxglove large-flowered - 3-4 cm in length and 1.5-2 cm in width. The plant blooms in June, numerous small, up to 1 mm in length, prismatic tetrahedral seeds in fruit-boxes are formed in August-September. The foxglove large-flowered mainly reproduces by seeds. It grows singly, does not form thickets. Prefers to settle on acidic soils, under the canopy of deciduous and coniferous-deciduous forests. Included in the regional Red Books of the Altai Territory, Kursk, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Smolensk, Sverdlovsk, Tver, Tyumen regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurtia.

In addition to these types, there is a central free placentation, excluding one-eyed ovaries, where the placenta is found in the central tissue column; basal placentation when the egg is fixed at the base of the ovary; the apical placenta when the egg is fixed on the top of the ovary and marginal placenta when the placenta is located along the edge of the carp of the one-eyed ovary. You can only figure out the origin of the hipanto by making anatomical incisions; appendicular hypanto will have ribbed cuts, and the recipe will have a typical stem structure.


Digitalis refers to poisonous plants, because it contains cardiac glycosides - digitoxin, digitalin, digitonin, and others. They significantly affect the work of the heart, slowing the rhythm of its contractions. The impact of these substances on the human body can lead to dramatic consequences. For this, in Scotland, for example, the plant is called "dead man's bells." However, it is known and especially vividly supported by research in recent years that even toxins of deadly snakes are useful in treating cancer and other diseases, that any poison can be a medicine, and any medicine can become a poison. Everything depends on the quantity and the situation in which these substances are used. The foxglove extract has been known in scientific medicine since the end of the 18th century. It is used in the treatment of severe conditions such as congestive heart failure. This ancient folk remedy received official recognition thanks to the English doctor U. Visinging, who found out: in small doses, the foxglove extract is curative, and only in large doses it is poisonous. In 1896, digitaloxin was isolated from the leaves of digitalis, and in 1930 - digoxin. Subsequently, based on them were created drugs for the treatment of arrhythmias.

The ovary can be either super or fruitless. If the ovary is super, the flower may be. If the ovary is barren, it is said that the flower is an epigenome, and, as already mentioned, the ovary is attached to the hypotone. Flowers can be monoclinic when they contain both androside and gani or diclin when they contain only one of these structures.

Most colors are monoclinic. Plants with Diclin flowers can be mono - or dioecious. Flowers can be represented by floral formulas or floral patterns. Flower formulas indicate the number of pieces of each flower whorber. As for symmetry, the flowers can be.


The botanical genus Digitalis is not so great: taxonomists have about 20 species, native to Western and South-Western Europe, Western and Central Asia, and North-West Africa. Until recently, the foxglove was attributed to the family of norichnikovyh, and only scrupulous phylogenetic studies conducted ten years ago made adjustments to the definition of the belonging of this plant to this taxonomic rank. Now they are all considered representatives of the plantain family.

Note. There are asymmetrical flowers, that is, flowers that do not allow for the plane of symmetry; however, this condition is rare. These are modified branches with flowers. The inflorescences of cymosis or determined: where each axis ends on a flower. A thorn flower develops in front of the side; the growth of this type of inflorescence occurs through the lateral buds characterizing sympodial growth.

Assistance to the victim in case of poisoning with cardiac glycosides

The top of the main yolk becomes a flower, and soon the development of this meristem ceases: two buds in the armpits of two main bracts continue to grow in the inflorescence, and each becomes a flower, again the same sympodial process can continue branching the inflorescence.


Kingdom: plants
Department: angiosperms
Class: dicotyledonous
Order: Clear Flowers
Family: plantain
Genus: foxglove
Kind: foxglove large-flowered
Latin name: Digitalis grandiflora
Size: height - 40 - 120 cm
Life form: herbaceous perennial
Lifespan: 3 - 5 years

Special types of inflorescence

After the formation of the terminal shaft flower, only the colored yolk develops in bloom and so on. This can occur on alternate sides or always on the same side. The aforementioned types may appear combined, common to Kolymbov heads, racemies of heads, etc. Flowers are an important way to study the taxonomy, origin and history of plants. In their characters, they are based on the most used classification systems, such as Kronkvist and Dalgren. In addition, fossil seeds, fruits and pollen are excellent indicators of plant origin and dates of origin.