Than to feed the celery stalk. Growing celery and caring for it - share experiences. Secrets of growing celery.

Celery has been known since ancient times to the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans. In the burial of one of the Egyptian pharaohs, dated 1200 BC, a wreath of celery leaves was preserved at the head of the mummy. The ancient Greeks depicted him on coins, and the poet Homer sang in his works The Iliad and Odyssey. Beauties made celery anti-aging masks, and doctors prescribed drugs from it for many diseases. In ancient India, Tibet, China, they were even treated with oncology.

In medieval Europe, the first cultural forms of celery appeared in the XV-XVI centuries. First cultivated leaf and petiolous varieties, and in the XVII century. root crops were bred.

According to legend, celery juice was part of the magic drink of love of Tristan and Isolde.

Celery was brought to Russia as an ornamental spicy-flavoring plant. At the beginning of the XVIII century. it was grown in the German Quarter, in the gardens of the nobility estates, and near canneries even more often than cucumbers. However, it was leaf celery; both then and now only amateur enthusiasts grow up stalked in small quantities here, whereas in the USA, India, China, Korea and Japan they cultivate it everywhere.

Celery: and feed and heal

Useful properties of celery can not be calculated. It is used in cooking, pharmacology, traditional medicine, cosmetology, food and canning industry.

  Celery in cooking

Petioles are boiled, stewed, pickled, pickled and even frozen. The cellulose of celery stalks is digested slowly, accumulating a lot of water, as a result of its absorption it creates a feeling of satiety and puffiness decreases. Nine-component essential oil, the basis of which is sedanolid, gives a steady pleasant aroma and has a stimulating effect on the digestion and activity of the kidneys.

Salmon, first and second courses, side dishes and seasonings for fish or meat are made from the petioles

IN MEDICINE. Celery has antiseptic, blood-purifying, wound healing, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative and good diuretic action. In traditional medicine, seeds are prepared for the treatment of arthritis, gout, edema, and cystitis. Broths, infusions, oil, juices from different parts of celery are used for malaria, urticaria, liver disease, and neurosis.

The favorable ratio of mineral salts and vitamins of group B has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increases brain activity, concentrates attention, speeds up thinking, improves memory. Petioles contain up to 7 mg% of carotene, necessary for the normalization of vision and the prevention of night blindness. Vitamin C (100-150 mg%) supports the human immune system, protects the body's cells from damage by free radicals and premature aging.

Celery essential oil protects the integuments of nerve endings, reduces inflammation, relieves pain in gastritis, polyarthritis.

Celery's ability to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients is unique. This is due to the high content of potassium and magnesium, relaxing smooth muscles; flavonoids that strengthen blood vessels; and fiber, removing from the body about 10% of cholesterol.

Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and iron - on the processes of blood formation. Biologically active organic sodium maintains calcium in a dissolved state and together with phosphorus strengthens bones and teeth.

Celery coumarins increase the activity of leukocytes, enhance immunity, relieve headaches. Due to the accumulation of polyacetylene and phthalides, celery has the ability to excrete oncology-causing carcinogens from the body, preventing dangerous diseases.

Tea made from brewed leaves is useful for older people suffering from constipation, decoction of the roots and leaves eliminates bloating, relieves cramping pain. Celery juice enhances the excretion of toxins from the body, helps purify the blood. It is useful for people who are prone to excessive consumption of sweets and smoking.

To reduce the activity of hydrochloric acid, a mixture of celery juice and carrot juice is recommended for patients with increased acidity of gastric juice in a 5: 6 ratio.

The stalked celery soup is included in the menu for people suffering from diabetes, obesity, diseases of the thyroid gland and the urogenital system. The use of the petioles has a positive effect on the body during shortness of breath, scurvy, salt deposition. They are recommended for sleep disturbance, neurasthenia, insomnia, excessive excitability.

It has this useful plant and contraindications. It is not recommended to use celery for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, babies, with caution - sick hepatitis, as well as at the time of exacerbation of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and colitis. It is necessary to limit its use to people suffering from epileptic seizures and urolithiasis, in order not to provoke exacerbation and active movement of stones.

  Celery in cosmetics

Celery is a part of moisturizing and nourishing creams, masks, vitiligo treatment products, anti-edema serums for the skin around the eyes, therapeutic shampoos. They prevent dehydration, refresh and restore the barrier function of the epidermis. For their preparation using dry extracts (1-5%) or fresh juice. Zinc contained in celery juice makes skin and hair beautiful and healthy, strengthens nails. Cosmetic masks rejuvenate the skin. When urticaria and allergies rub sore spots, after which the skin softens, becomes saturated with moisture, becomes elastic and healthy, puffiness and redness disappears.

There is evidence that celery cures alcoholism, for which half a glass of juice is mixed with water 1: 1, drunk once a day for a month.

The systematic use of celery, mashed with apple and seasoned with sour cream, tones and enhances sexual potency in men, emancipates and eliminates the sexual complexes on the mental level

  From the celery family

In addition to celery, this family includes many spicy herbs, and also root vegetables, parsnips and carrots. It is therefore not surprising that the cultivation of stalked celery has much in common with its orange sister.

In the first year, stalked celery forms dense, without voids, stems, in the second year - seeds. Its leaves are noticeably larger than those of leaf varieties. The thickness of the petioles is 8-9 mm, width 2-3 cm, length 22-50 cm. They can be green, pale green, pink and red, needing to be whitened or self-withdrawing. The latter are more thermophilic. From the appearance of shoots to cutting the stalks 80-180 days, depending on the variety. The root system is located at a depth of 20-25 cm.

In the second year of life after the landing of uterine plants, flower stalks are formed. They bloom in about 2 months. Within 3 weeks, the flowers are pollinated by insects, giving life to the fruit - small seeds. At first it is greenish-crimson, then, when ripe, gray or brownish-brown, decaying into 2 parts. The seeds are very small, in 1 g to 800 pieces. Germination save 2-4 years.

The stalked celery is a cold-resistant plant of a long day (13-17 hours), pulled out by sowing it in the ground or through seedlings. Seeds can germinate at 3-4 degrees, but this process will be long, as the optimum temperature for germination is 20-25 degrees. Young plants with no losses endure frost 4 degrees, adults - up to 8 degrees. With a prolonged chill below plus 10 celery arrows. For normal growth and development, the most favorable temperature is 12-20 degrees.

Large and juicy petioles form on sandy and loamy soils rich in humus and nutrients on cultivated peatlands. It does not make acidic land.

Celery moisture-loving, but suffers from flooding. In the seedling period, responsive to soil moisture and air. Mature plants need abundant watering only during dry periods. For normal development, they need a lot of potassium and nitrogen. The roots need oxygen and, accordingly, frequent soil loosening.

All types of celery are easily pereopilyatsya among themselves, while their quality deteriorates. For example, the stalk stems become hollow and narrow.

  The best varieties of stalked celery

The varieties of petiolate celery are divided into green, which need bleaching, and self-bleaching is also an intermediate form. The choice of method of cultivation (through seedlings or sowing directly into the ground) depends largely on the duration of the formation of petioles, so be careful when purchasing seeds.


From shoots to harvesting takes 150-170 days. Petioles 40-45 cm long, rosette weight 300-340 g. Productivity up to 3.3 kg / m2. The grade needs bleaching.


From shoots to harvest passes 150-160 days. Petioles slightly curved, light green, low ridge, medium length, rosette weight 830 g, yield up to 5 Kg / m2. The variety is self-bleaching.


From germination to harvest passes 80-90 days. Petioles are thick, meaty, light green, slightly curved with a slightly ribbed surface, length 30-35 cm, outlet weight 1.2 kg. The yield of 2.8-4 kg / m2. Self-bleaching grade.

Male prowess

Promising variety, ready to harvest in 150-165 days after germination. Petioles are large, thick, light green, slightly ribbed, slightly curved, length 45-55 cm, rosette weight 560-650 g. Productivity up to 3.3 kg / m2. The grade needs bleaching.


From germination to harvest takes 100 days. Petioles are light green, slightly curved, length 25-30 cm, outlet weight up to 450 g. Productivity up to 3.9 kg / m2. The grade needs bleaching.


One of the best varieties, ready for harvest in 160-180 days. Petiole up to 50 cm long, bluish-green, strongly curved on the inside, without coarse fibers, outlet weight up to 1 kg. The value of the variety is high aromaticity, long preservation of the presentation, good taste. The yield of 1.9-3.7 kg / m2. The grade is steady against a tsvetukha and a rust.


Ready for cleaning in 100-120 days after germination. Petioles of dark green color, fragrant, juicy, medium length. The yield of 2.9-3.2 kg / m2. The grade is cold-resistant, demands bleaching.

Ready for harvesting 160-180 days after germination. Scapes are powerful, dark green with a violet tinge, curved on the inside, without fibers, weighing 350 g, 25 cm long. Very fragrant, long lasting juiciness. The yield of 3.7 kg / m2. The grade needs bleaching.

  Stalked celery - from sowing to harvest

Autumn troubles

A place for stalked celery is necessary to be sunny, provided with water, with fertile soil, neutral acidity (pH 6.5-7.5). On dry and poor lands, petioles grow thin.

I will tell you about the cultivation of petioles by my own example. Our land is heavy, so we form a bed in autumn. Under the digging we make fertilizers: a bucket of humus or compost, a glass of ash, 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate per 1 m2. Acidity is high, so we are liming the soil. It is advisable to make lime under the predecessors, that is, vegetables grown on this place before celery.

Those with light soil can grow stalks in a 40-cm-wide trench 30 cm deep. They fall asleep gradually as the plant grows for bleaching. This is an old technology, the lack of it - too slow development of plants. But it can be accelerated if you put compost or manure on the bottom of the trench, and pour fertile soil on top, not reaching the edge of the trench of 8 cm. The bed or trench prepared in autumn is loosened in spring.

Growing celery seedlings

Celery celery with a long period of development is best grown through seedlings. We grow it on the windowsill, planting is carried out in the 3rd decade of February - the 1st decade of March in the seating box.

Without preparation, seeds germinate for a long time (more than 20 days). Therefore, in order to accelerate germination, we keep them for 24 hours in an immunocytophyte solution (1 tablet per 20 ml of water).

The box is filled with a light nutrient mixture composed of garden soil and humus in equal parts with the addition of a small amount of sand. We moisten the substrate, the next day we pour snow 1.5-2 cm thick over the damp earth, slightly condensing it. We close the seeds shallowly; they germinate better in the light. Cover the top of the box with glass. The snow is melting, the seeds are being pulled into the soil.

Before emergence we keep the box at room temperature. Sprouts are shown in 7-10 days. Then we remove the glass and transfer the crops to a bright, cool place (10-12 degrees) for a week to prevent seedlings from being pulled out.

As needed, water with settled warm water, trying not to wet the cotyledon leaves. Watering with cold water can cause black leg disease. If there are signs of it, we use a biopreparation of triachermin, which inhibits the development of infection.

When two or three leaves are formed, approximately 40 days after emergence, we transplant the seedlings into cassettes or pots with a diameter of 6 cm. We do not pinch the main root, unlike root celery, only reject the plants with weak roots and deformed leaves. When transplanting the growth point does not fall asleep. After the seedlings we water and weep with a damp paper for a day.

After two weeks we feed with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer (1.5 g / l of water). If celery leaves turn pale, fertilize with urea (0.5 g / l of water). Feed repeated after 10-12 days, gradually increasing the dose of fertilizer to 2 g / l. In order to avoid leaf burns after fertilization, we wash the nutrient solution from the plants with clean water from a hand sprayer. Periodically, the soil is carefully loosened, watered as it dries.

Plants with a height of 12-15 cm with four to five leaves and a root system, well braided earthen room, ready for transplanting into open ground

A week before disembarking, we temper the seedlings, bringing them to the loggia. First, at 15 degrees for 2 hours, gradually increase the residence time.

With a small amount of cultivation, celery celery can not be transplanted into pots, but only thin out, leaving an interval of 6 cm between seedlings and cutting off excess scissors. Or, immediately sow the seeds in the pots nakluvshisya, placing in each 5-7 pieces and remove excess as they grow.

  Sowing celery in the garden

After the snow melts, we dig up our heavy, loamy, wet soil again, after sprinkling 30-40 g / m2 of any complex mineral fertilizer. From the carrot fly we feed a bed of dry mustard or tobacco dust (1 tbsp / m2). On peaty soils, you must also make trace elements, preferably in liquid form.

Green varieties of stalked celery, except for less cold-resistant self-whitening, can be sown immediately into the ground, which we do. Since the essential oil contained in the seeds inhibits the emergence of seedlings, we sow after germination. Wet the seeds wrapped in a damp cloth and put on a saucer. On the sixth day, white borings appear in 5-6%. After that, put the saucer with seeds in the fridge and hold it there for several days at a temperature of 1 degree.

We sow in April - May in the grooves with a depth of 0.5 cm, made across the beds in 30-40 cm or 3 rows along it. Sprinkle the seeds with damp earth, and close the garden bed with non-woven fabric and film. Shoots appear on the seventh day after sowing. Then remove the film, and leave the non-woven fabric to sustained warming.

Some celery lovers sow dry seeds, mixing with sand to reduce seedling during thinning.

Celery is returned to the former bed no earlier than after 3 years

Small stalk celery can be planted among cabbage, beets, potatoes, along the edge of a bed with cucumbers. The benefit will be double: saving space and protecting neighbors, as celery scares many pests from laying eggs.

Celery seedlings planting

Celery seedlings are planted at the beginning of May, which prevents premature plant marks. By this time, the soil is well warmed and rooting occurs quickly. Overexposed and weak seedlings do not give high quality petioles.

When planting seedlings growth point can not fall asleep

When planting, we pour sand into each well, since our soil is heavy, we add ash and a handful of organo-mineral fertilizer to the giant. Better yet, add 3-4 g of AVA fertilizer with prolonged action, due to which there is no need for further feeding.

Petiolous varieties form powerful bushes, so we place the seedlings according to the scheme 50 × 40 cm. However, we plant the self-bleaching plants closer (50 × 25 cm) to enhance natural whitening. Seedlings are placed so that the bases of the leaves are at the level of the soil, and the point of growth above the ground. This contributes to the continuous growth and good quality of the petioles. In the heat we plant the plants in the evening.

After planting, we water the seedlings, sprinkle the soil around with sawdust, peat, or mowed grass to keep the moisture longer.

Feed, protect, protect

Celery crops free from non-woven material, thin out rows, removing weeds, loosen the soil. Do not forget that any growth delay provokes premature rifle action.

The first time we thin out at the appearance of 4-6 leaves, leaving 15-20 cm between the bushes. The second time after 10 days, increasing the distance between the plants by half.

Without allowing strong consolidation of the soil, constantly loosen it. First, at a depth of 5-6 cm, and after heavy rain or watering at 12-15 cm, combined with fertilization.

Stalked celery responds well to supplements with humus, manure, ash, and mineral fertilizers. We feed the first time 2 weeks after transplanting or one month after germination, using a mullein infusion (1:10) with the addition of potassium sulphate (10 g for every 10 l of solution). After feeding plants pour water with clean water to prevent burns.

We spend the second top-dressing 3 weeks after the first, using 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2. Fertilizer weed up the soil with a hoe at a shallow depth.

We water the celery weekly, spending 20 l / m2. When it rains a little in August and September, we increase the irrigation rate to 25 l / m2. We still try to prevent water from falling on the leaves. Moisture on them provokes the appearance of fungal diseases that affect the leaves first, and then the petioles.

To give the green petioles a pleasant taste, they must be isolated from sunlight. Then they acquire a light green or almost white color, the content of essential oils decreases, the taste improves. The easiest way to whiten is hilling with earth. In this case, you can not fall asleep "heart" - the growth point and the bulk of the leaves.

Petioles plants spud, sprinkling the ground gradually. First, so that they do not fall apart, then plants fall asleep half the length, and at the end almost to the top. Spud should only be wet ground.

This method has one drawback - often the stalks acquire earthy flavor. This happened with our celery. Then we stopped bleaching the petioles during the growth period, and after cleaning we began to drop in drops along with the leaves in the basement or greenhouse, where they are perfectly bleached. However, the yield at the same time decreased.

Gradually mastered whitening in another way. When the celery plants are fully formed and reach a height of 30 cm, which usually occurs in the first half of September, carefully collect the leaves and tie them up with a soft cloth. Then we shift the soil near the base of the plants, tightly wrap the stalks with wrapping paper, we tie it up with a string. There should be no clearance between the edge of the wrapper and the soil surface. On top of the wrapper should end near the leaves, not closing them.

The bleaching process begins 20 days before harvest. Someone uses several layers of newspapers as a wrapper, others collect leaves in a bundle, putting a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom and throat on them, and fill the space from the base to the leaves with sawdust and fallen leaves. In general, there are many ways of bleaching, the main thing is that the light should not fall on the stalks!


Chereshki clean in September and October. We first dig out self-bleaching varieties first, as soon as a large rosette is formed that needs bleaching - 3 weeks after the start of bleaching. In any case, the entire crop must be harvested before frost - from frost, the petioles become unsuitable for food.

In an unlit basement wrap with stalks can be removed. They are well whitened in the dark and become tender.

With a scoop or small forks, carefully remove plants from the soil with roots and leave them in a cool, damp place. Sometimes we drift in the basement, placing, without removing the wrapper, in wet sand. And immediately open the vents and the doors for airing, so that the wrapped petioles do not rot. Before the frosts, we finish airing the basement and so keep celery until spring.

If the collected plants a little, store in the refrigerator. Bleached petioles cut the roots and leaves, cleaned from the ground, washed under running cold water, slightly dry. We put them in film bags or wrap them in aluminum foil and put them in the fridge. In this form, the petioles are perfectly preserved at a temperature of 0-2 degrees a month or even longer.

If on the threshold of freezing, and celery did not have time to completely form the stalks (most often this happens when sowing directly to the garden bed), they can be grown. As a rule, non-bleaching varieties grow better. They tolerate transplantation well, give small waste and retain green color for a long time. Celery can be grown in a greenhouse or basement at a temperature of 4-6 degrees, relative air humidity of 85-90% and moderate watering. During rearing (60-80 days), young leaves appear, stalks grow.

  Celery stalk - fighting pests and diseases

Pests and diseases have not bypassed celery. We will tell how to cope with them and preserve the high quality of the harvest.

The celery fly (borschevaya) takes off at the end of May, often flies over from the Hogweed. Lays eggs under the skin of the leaves, they appear small lumpy spots. The formed larvae eat away tissue, leaving long brown passages. Petioles become bitter, yield decreases. In the middle lane gives one generation, in the south - two, winters in the soil.

Ways of struggle. Observe crop rotation, preliminate lime sour soil, timely thin out seedlings, destroy hogweed and weeds of the family of the same name, deeply dig a bed in the fall.

Carrot fly winters in the soil. Flies out in the spring, laying small white eggs under the plant during the formation of the first true leaf. The larvae damage the roots and other parts of the celery. Carrot fly in the middle lane gives two generations: in June - July and in August - September.

Ways of struggle. Timely weeding, feeding and loosening the soil. In early June and early August, sprinkle the soil between the rows with a mixture of equal parts of tobacco dust and sand or dry mustard (1 tbsp / m2) with an interval of 7 to 8 days.

The carrot leaflet poses a danger to the northwestern region. The pest winters on conifers, eats in spring and early summer on pine needles. Then flies over to the celery and sucks the juice from the leaves. They are deformed, scapes are shortened, plants look depressed.

Ways of struggle. The same as against carrot flies.

Bean aphids are the largest of all types of aphids. Each generation develops in just two weeks.

Ways of struggle. At the first signs of the appearance of a pest, spray celery with broths or infusions of tomato, potato, dandelion, and yarrow tops. A good result gives a water infusion of orange, mandarin or lemon peels (1:10), which is kept for 3-5 days.

Cercosporosis, or early burns, often manifests itself in wet cold weather with sharp temperature changes. Leaves form numerous round spots of 5 mm each with a light center and a red-brown border, visible on both sides of the leaf. On the petioles appear oblong spots. With increased humidity, the spots become covered with violet bloom. Diseased leaves and petioles dry up. The pathogen is stored in the soil and plant residues.

Prevention and treatment. Disinfect seeds at a temperature of 48 degrees for 30 minutes, observe crop rotation, destroy weeds and plant debris. With a strong spread, spray the plants with 0.1% foundation or Topsin-M, the application rate of the solution is 1 l per 10 m2. Last treatment 20 days before harvest.

Reproduction of aphids is impeded by nasturtium or savory sown near celery.

Septoria, or late burn, affects at the end of summer. Small, numerous yellow spots appear on the leaves; they are oblong, depressed, brown-brown on the petioles. The causative agent of the disease is stored on plant debris, in seeds and soil for up to three years. The disease spreads in cold rainy weather.

A decoction of the tops of tomatoes will destroy the aphids - the raznoschitsu viruses

Prevention and treatment. The same as with chalcosporosis.

Mealy dew infects all above-ground parts of the plant, covering it with white or grayish cobwebby patina. Then it turns into felted with black dots, moving u from the top side of the sheet to the bottom. The disease progresses strongly with sharp fluctuations in air temperature and humidity. Cold dews contribute to the spread. The pathogen overwinters on plant debris and weeds.

Prevention and treatment. Dig deeply the soil, destroy diseased plant debris and weeds, observe the alternation of plants. With a strong spread of infection, spray the plants with infusion of field osoma (300 g per 5 l of water, leave for 8 hours).

Cucumber mosaic appears depending on the virus strains and weather conditions. In one case, it is a yellow mosaic and growth retardation, in the second - large rings on the tops of the plants, causing their deformation, in the third - small ringlets. The causative agent of the disease is preserved on wild plants, from which it is carried by aphids.

Prevention and treatment. In areas of mosaic distribution, it is necessary to sow or plant seedlings early, timely remove weeds, spray plants against aphids with a decoction of tomato tops (2 kg of dry leaves to 10 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat, strain after settling and dilute 2-3 liters of broth in 10 liters of water).

Rust strikes in early summer. Red-brown pads appear on the underside of the leaf and petioles, which eventually turn into light brown powdered spots, and by the fall form a dark-brown sporulation often merging into one line. Sick plants turn yellow and dry up, stalks lose commercial quality.

Prevention and treatment. Sowing or planting seedlings at the optimum time, spray plants with biological means of protection: phytosporin-M (4-5 ml / l of water), baktofit (7 g / l of water). This amount is enough for processing 10 m2.

A deficiency of boron causes the death of the growing point in the center of the rosette together with the adjacent leaves. The base of the petioles cracks longitudinally. In the upper part of the roots cracks are formed, which gradually expand and are populated by secondary microorganisms. The disease often affects plants on light sandy soils and in dry years.

Prevention and treatment. Follow the rules of agrotechnology, timely water the plants, carry out spraying of brown in a concentration of 0.04% throughout the season.

  Celery Celery - recipes

Celery is a wonderful gift of nature. Judge for yourself - dishes from it have a refreshing delicate taste, are distinguished by high nutritional value, juice, tincture and decoction are curative, the flesh of petioles returns skin to youth.


Products: 2 celery stalks, 1 sweet pepper and medium cucumber, 2 tomatoes, 5-4 radishes, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp. a spoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, to taste green onions and parsley, black ground pepper and salt.

Petioles clear of the upper skin, wash, cut into half rings. Pepper and tomatoes cut into slices, radishes - slices, cucumber - diced, finely chop greens. Combine everything and put in a salad bowl, salt and mix, season with vegetable oil with lemon juice, garnish with a boiled egg, cut into petals with yolks, and put a radish rosette in the middle. Place for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Sprinkle with black pepper before serving.


Products: 2 celery stalks, 200 g of salted salmon, 150 g of crab meat, 75 g of boiled rice and green peas, 50 g of grated cheese, mayonnaise to taste. Celery stalks cut into half rings, salmon - in small pieces, crab meat -cubes. Add boiled rice, green peas, grated cheese. All mix, season with mayonnaise. Top salad can be decorated with strips of crab meat. From ceramics celery to make flowers, in the middle of which put on a pea.


Products for 4 servings: 400 g of stalked celery, 1 onion and carrot, 1 clove of garlic, 100 g of zucchini, 75 g of white canned beans, several broccoli inflorescences, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and curly noodles, 1 tsp of tomato paste, 50 g of green peas, 100 g of potatoes, 1.5 l of water or vegetable broth, parsley and basil to taste, salt, ground black pepper, parmesan cheese.

Onions cut into half rings, chop the garlic. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan, put onion and garlic, fry over low heat for 5 minutes. Add chopped cubes of stalked celery, carrots, zucchini and broccoli inflorescences. After 5 minutes, add peeled tomatoes and tomato paste. Simmer another 5 minutes and add beans. Then pour broth or water, bring to a boil, simmer for 20-30 minutes. Add green peas, noodles and potatoes, diced, cook for 10-15 minutes. Salt, pepper, add fresh chopped greens of basil and parsley, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the finished soup into plates, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese before serving.


Products: 3 celery stalks, 1 tbsp. spoonful of butter, grated cheese and flour, 1 medium onion, 1.5 cups of chicken broth, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Wash petioles, clean from coarse fibers, cut into 1 cm pieces. Fry onions slightly in a deep frying pan, not allowing them to change color. Add celery, simmer for 5 minutes. Pour the flour and mix, salt and pepper, gradually pour in the broth, without ceasing to interfere. Continue to simmer on low heat until cooked, about 30 minutes. 2 minutes before removing from the heat, pour the grated cheese so that it can warm up and dissolve. Serve with boiled chicken.

Stuffed celery

Products: 2 celery stalks, 100 g of cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil, 1 bunch of dill, to taste ground black pepper.

Cut petioles into 20 cm pieces. Split them lengthwise, not reaching the end and put in cold water for 10 minutes. Drain the water, slightly dry the celery pieces. Prepare the filling of finely chopped dill, ground black pepper, hard cheese, cut into slices, and olive oil. All grind to a pasty state. Spread every stalk of celery on this J mixture. Fold them in a bundle, wrap tightly in aluminum foil, place in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Before serving, cut into 1 cm slices and beautifully put on a large platter.


Products: 100 g celery stalks, 500 g carrots, 100 g parsley root, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 2 teaspoons of butter, to taste with salt, dill or parsley.

Celery stalks and parsley root cut into small pieces, grate carrots. Pour the vegetables with a small amount of water, salt and simmer until tender. Put the tomato paste, add pieces of butter. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill or parsley. This stew is useful for diabetes, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, overweight, after surgery.


Products for 4 servings: 80 g celery stalks, 1 liter of kvass, 8 radishes, 2 cucumbers, 4 medium-sized tomatoes, 80 g of doctor's sausage, 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, to taste the greens of onion, dill, parsley and salt.

Wash and finely chop the celery stalks into half rings. Cut the egg into slices, radish - plates, chop cucumbers, tomatoes and doctor sausage, chop the greens of onion, parsley and dill. All spread out in plates, pour kvass. Before serving, add salt and sour cream.

  Celery - useful recipes


2 teaspoons of celery seeds pour 2 cups boiled water at room temperature, to insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Infusion removes puffiness, reduces pain and swelling around the joints, removing uric acid crystals. It is recommended for urolithiasis, pains in the joints, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, obesity, diabetes.

Herb Broth

1 teaspoon of dry celery greens or 1/2 teaspoon of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse, wrapped, 8-10 hours, drain. Take 4 times a day and 1 tbsp. spoon with menopause, difficult and painful menstruation, frigidity. The course of treatment is 21-30 days, 4 courses per year are recommended.


15-20 g of crushed petioles or leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 4 hours, drain. Take 2-3 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day with diabetes.


Wash and chop 400-500 g of celery stalks. Fill them a three-liter jar. Add 50 g of sliced ​​ginger root, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 pod of bitter pepper. Pour brandy or vodka. Hold for 3 days, first in a warm place, then in the refrigerator. Filter in another dish, get 1.5 liters. All that remains, you can insist another 2-3 times. Take 30 ml at night as a stimulating sexual activity, as well as anti-inflammatory, tonic, diuretic and anti-scorpio.


Petioles wash, chop through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. Take 2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals, when the deposition of salts, spikes. The organic sodium contained in the juice removes slags, thins the blood and lymph, preventing them from thickening. You can make compresses from the spin. Pre-lubricate sore spot with vegetable oil. Then put gruel, on top of a thick fabric, warm with wool material. Hold for 2 hours.

  Celery - recipes for beauty


Ingredients: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped celery and oatmeal, 1 teaspoon cream, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 5 tbsp. spoons of milk.

Chop celery grind in a blender. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with celery, add cream, vegetable oil, slightly warmed milk. Mix everything and apply on face with a rich layer for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water. Recommended for normal and dry skin.


Ingredients: 100 g celery stalks, 1 cup boiling water.

Petioles chop, pour boiling water, insist 4 hours. Strain and wipe face in the morning and evening.

  Growing and caring for celery - sharing experience

How to recalculate celery

Whatever you may say, a rich gardening experience is a force that can save from many misfortunes. But if you use it without looking back, you can be trapped. However, serious people treat their mistakes with humor: they will still achieve their own. And the other - science.

Down and Out trouble started

Four years ago, after reading how useful celery root is for health (and supposedly messing with it a little in the garden), I decided to grow it. In the first year, he didn’t even go up to me, since I didn’t believe that you just need to pour the seeds over the ground and leave them. It seemed to me strangely strange, because in my practice I have never met this way.

Hoped on their rich experience, in short. The following year she planted in February as it should: mixed the humus with garden soil and added some sand and ash. Spread the seeds on the surface and only slightly with her fingers pressed to the ground, poured out of a spray bottle and put the box with the crops in the bag.

And put on the light. Two weeks later, I saw that the roots had sprung — she also poured (by the way, during that time I took the boxes out of the bag in a day and aired it — if the earth was dry, I sprinkled water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate).

So, just seeing the white roots, I was a little sprinkled on top of them with sand. And when I saw that little leaves appeared, there was no limit to my joy. It turned out, rose! So I squirted all the time with manganese to protect the seedlings from the black leg. When the second leaves appeared, the sprouts lay under their weight on the ground, because they were very weak, like strings. Then I took the sand and began to pour again (it has a shallow structure, so it passes well through the thin veins of the leaf and does not crease them). Carefully picked up the shoots with a toothpick and sprinkled sand until they stood upright.

I didn’t water it, because the ground was damp enough, and the added sand kept moisture even more.

Then she watered directly from the spoon between the bushes, but did it very carefully, because an excess of water would necessarily lead to the appearance of a black leg (and again, each time added weak potassium permanganate).

Looking ahead, I will say that such care was not in vain: the plants were well rooted and there were no diseases. When I saw that all the sprouts together were stubbornly growing, I thinned them a little - I left 20 of them. So they grew in this tank before transplanting into the ground (they rose 8 cm in height).

She planted in early May. I dug up a garden bed with a length of 1 m and a width of 60 cm, landed in rows, bury the roots to green leaves. All started. But then it turned out that they were planted very often, because when I placed the small roots, I had no idea how big the plants would be. But their value also depends on the care of them - well, how can you figure it out? Moreover, it is a new thing.

Okay. Laughing, watering - the leaves have already grown in height to 40 cm and closed. In the fall, she began to dig and pulled out roots with a diameter of 5-6 cm with huge roots that grew over their beards. I cut off all this "hairiness", there were 3-4 cm long stubs. I tasted something incomprehensible, they reminded me of white roots, which we mined in the forest as a child and nibbled.

Only later I found out that both the leaves and any small roots must be removed in advance - only then a good tasty root will grow.


I decided to continue the experiment. The following year, I bought seeds of the Gribovsky variety (it was written on a bag that 900 g). Planted the same in February. All went up. When they grew up so much that they could take it with their hands (that is, three sheets), she would pick out two for insurance: what if one did not survive? If both were taken, the extra one just cut it off. By May, all the plants looked great. And I planted them already in a row on the edge of a strawberry bed in 30 cm. Kopal had a hole, poured humus, added a little ash, watered and, without waiting for the water to be completely absorbed, passed celery seedlings from the cup into the dirt.

When the plants finally got stronger and started to gain strength, I otgrebala ground from the roots and cut off the regrown root beards with a small knife. And at the same time cut off the leaves from below, leaving in the center three or four things. And she did it almost until September. As a result, the main roots have developed so much that they crawled out of the ground and right here, at the top, they also expanded in breadth. Of course, she often loosened up, watered with pigeon droppings (insisted three or four days and diluted 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water). By the way, I also fertilize this solution with all the other plantings in the garden. I have a lot of this good, because Nikolai (husband) keeps pigeons.

So, as a result of my long efforts, I finally had good roots — up to 800. I dug, cut, dried it in the sun, put it in a box and put it in the cellar in the cold. She took out the whole winter, and put the rest in the spring in the refrigerator, and they were enough for the new harvest.

Now I'm every year with celery. I love to add it to the soup and in all dishes with meat. I'm not going to part with it. The leaves, which I tear off, are also dry and poured into a jar and also used in cooking all year round.

I wish everyone who has not yet learned how to grow celery, success and patience in achieving the cherished goal. Never give up after the first failure! It’s not for nothing that they say that everything in life depends on us. And I have no doubt that readers really have golden hands, and if not yet, then soon, thanks to the advice, they will be. I wish everyone health and good luck in experiments, because it is not interesting to live without them!

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  • Recently, on the beds of our gardeners, you can see an increasing number of different crops, which for our region can be considered quite exotic, well, or, at least, unconventional. can certainly be attributed to such vegetables. Its long stems, with excellent taste, fry or stew. If you want to get an unusual crop, we will tell you how to grow stalked celery from seeds.

    How to prepare celery seed for sowing?

    Since the seeds of culture germinate for quite a long time, they need preparation for planting, which includes the following procedures:

    • 45-minute soaking in 1% solution of potassium permanganate;
    • 30-minute soaking in water temperature 50-55 degrees;
    • soak daily in warm water.

    Sometimes gardeners wonder why the seeds of stalked celery do not hatch even after all the operations mentioned above. Most likely, you just caught substandard seeds.

    How to plant celery seed seeds for seedlings?

    In normal climatic conditions of the middle band, the celery celery is grown by seedling. Planting celery stalk seeds is already in March in a container filled with moist loose soil. Seeds scatter on the surface and cover with a layer of soil no more than 5 mm. Before emergence of shoots, the container is covered with a film or glass and is periodically ventilated. Watering is carried out by spraying. The first shoots, by the way, can be seen in two weeks, not earlier. When the first two true leaves appear, the stalked celery can be dived into separate pots.

    Growing celery celery

    There is no difficulty in how to grow celery stalk. Planting seedlings produced in May after hardening it on the open balcony or terrace. A suitable site is open, sunny, windless with loose soil with excellent drainage properties. A suitable planting scheme is approximately 25x25 cm. Trenches about 30 cm deep are prepared for planting.

    Caring for stalked celery involves mandatory feeding. The vegetable needs nitrogen, which is enough to humus. Systematic watering is an indispensable part of the care, without sufficient moisture, the taste of the vegetable becomes unpleasant and bitter. To bleached stem, it is necessary to spud up the bottom leaves.

    You can cut the crop within 12-14 weeks after planting in open ground.

    Many housewives in the preparation of dishes like to use celery, it can be leaf, stalked or root. It would be nice to grow celery in the garden, wouldn’t it?

    Celery is a biennial moisture-loving, cold-resistant plant, a representative of umbrella. In the cultivation of any type of celery has its own characteristics:

    Leaf celery - early, grown seedling or sowing method (up to 105 days).

    Celery celery - the most promising way of growing is considered to be seedling (up to 125 days).

    Celery root - a seedling method of cultivation (170-230 days).

    Soil for growing celery

    The plant loves light, water and nitrogen nutrients. Does not tolerate soil fertilized with fresh manure (root crops are affected by spotting)! In the spring you can, if there was no autumn digging. The best harvest can be obtained on the soil with the autumn making a large amount of humus (4-5 kg ​​/ sq. M) and deep digging. At the same time it is necessary to use compost together with mineral fertilizers 30-50 g of phosphate and 15-20 g of nitrogen and potash each (potash fertilizers can be replaced by ash). Optimal. Liming of the soil is carried out under the previous culture.

    If the soil is heavy clay, then good drainage is needed. The plant does not tolerate soaking and acidic soils.

    Growing Celery Root

      Varieties - "Friggo", "Yudinka", "Bejo Zaden", "Prague Giant" ("Apple" - lost varietal characteristics).

    Growing seedlings

    Seeds are disinfected with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and 0.2% boric acid, soaked (for 15-20 minutes in water with a temperature of 50 ° C or at room temperature for 1-2 days, changing water every 2-3 hours) , dried in air and sown in the first weeks of March, without digging into the substrate. The soil substrate should consist of equal parts of sod land and humus, or sod land, humus and sand (in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5).
      Smooth the surface of the earth, in the evening gently pour and sow the seeds in rows in the morning, observing the 5 cm aisle. Sprinkle with a mixture (0.2-0.3 cm) a little above and put in a warm place. The first shoots appear after 7-10 days. For irrigation it is better to use a spray. The box with the seedlings covered with glass. When the first real leaf appears, they start picking, deepening to the base of the leaves and not falling asleep the central kidney (using peat containers or a pinkberry).

    Landing in the ground
    For 60 days should appear 5 leaves. We select quality seedlings and begin planting.   2 weeks before transplanting seedlings  in the open ground, swipe liquid feedingso that the mixture does not fall on the leaves. You can use such combinations:

    - for 1 bucket of water, 30 g of nitrogen, 30 g of phosphate and 20 g of potash fertilizer;

    - 1 part of mullein per 10 parts of water and 20 g of double superphosphate and potassium salt;

    - 1 part of slurry to 3 parts of water and 20 g of double superphosphate and potassium salt.

    If, however, the fertilizer gets on the leaves, then it should be washed off with clean water from a watering can with a strainer.

    In the second half of May, we plant seedlings of root celery at a permanent place so that there are no frosts anymore, since the plant can go to the arrow and give an inedible root crop.

    Seedlings do not bury, so that the roots do not get shallow with additional side roots, which will reduce the taste.

    The aisle is 65 cm, between plants - 20 cm. The landing pattern for early 40 × 40 cm, for middle-ripening - 50 × 20 cm or 60 × 30 cm.

    Top dressing for weakened celery seedlings: a solution of ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate in 25 g per 10 l of water. Fertilize 2-3 times during the vegetative period.

    Water the root celery should be at the root, and in the last month of growth it should be done more intensively.

    Hilling root celery is not required, only at the end of September, when the roots are already developed and poured. Loosen until the foliage closes between the rows.

    Remove side shoots, and since July, remove old leaves. If leaves appear on the leaves, they need to be cut off - this is a sign of a fungal disease.

    When to remove the root celery

    Plants are removed before the onset of frost. Carefully dig and trim the roots. Small root vegetables are also dug, leaving 3-4 young leaves, and used for forcing greens. Spun leaves can be dried and used in cooking.


    For storage will require drawers with wet sand or peat. Lay tight, leaving the top of the neck and leaves.

    Growing leaf and stalked celery

    "Pinnacles" are also demanding to the soil and fertilizers as are the "roots" (light sandy or loamy). Seedlings of stalked celery are grown according to the root principle.

    Aisle 40-45 cm, between plants 15-20 cm.

    So that the celery from the celery was bleached, in the first days of September the plants should be mined.
      In order not to pile up, regardless of the type of celery, you can use soft cardboard, kraft paper, straw, and even a newspaper. Squeeze the stems tightly and wrap in light-shielding material, the leaves should remain loose.


    For storage will require drawers with wet sand. Placed tightly without removing the paper.

    Growing celery according to Mietlider method

    Celery root can not be thickened, unlike leaf, but do not go too far with leaf, as it will be shallow. The development of seedlings is 60 days, during this time there will be 5-6 leaves. Planted seedlings on the 20th of May, immediately feeding a mixture of fertilizers, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the ratio of 1.8: 1: 1.8 (2 tsp. Per 10 liters of water).

    Choose a site for landing

    With a full sunny day - on narrow rows in 2 rows after 17 cm.

    When shading about 3 hours - the interval of 25 cm.

    When shading for about 5 hours - in a checkerboard pattern, 35 cm apart.

    Drink plenty of water, especially at the end of the growing season. Do not loosen. For the entire vegetative period, feed 2-3 times.

    A quick way to germinate root and stalked celery seeds

    The day before the intended sowing, fill the box with the substrate and pour it heavily. Prepare the snow and on the day of sowing lay a layer of 1.5-2.0 cm, compact and sow the seeds in rows. Cover with glass and place in a warm place, the temperature should be 20-25 ° C. When the first shoots appear, sprinkle with a 0.2-0.3 cm layer of moistened soil with the mixture, transfer the box to the light and remove the glass. When practically all shoots have risen, transfer the box to a cool (10-12 ° C), but bright place for 6 days, so that the plants do not begin to stretch in length, then move the box to a warm place (15-17 ° C). After watering the seedlings requires loosening. When the first leaf appears, pick it up according to the 5 × 5 cm scheme.

    Seedlings are planted, not thickening, from mid-April according to the scheme: early 40 × 40 cm, late-ripening 50 × 50 cm.

    Cotyledons should be 0.3-0.5 cm above the ground surface.

    Growing celery seeds without picking and without pots

    You can do without picking plants, but then thinning is required and often not one. When planting seedlings in open ground, pay attention to their length, if more than 7 cm, the roots are pinched a third length.

    Growing celery seedlings in a bouquet way

    When the seeds are nested, take 5-7 pieces and sow in pots (5 × 5 cm), evenly distributing on the surface of the substrate. With thickening make thinning. Do not dive.

    Growing celery seedlings, regardless of the method, observe the relative humidity of the air - 70%.

    Growing celery in the greenhouse (seedlings and from seeds)

    On the Internet you can find a lot of delicious recipes that use leaf celery or stalked celery, growing it does not cause much difficulty and is suitable for our climate, so there is no reason to refuse such a useful vegetable plant!

    What determines the success in the cultivation of celery?

    If you like to season the dishes with fresh greens, and you can’t imagine your site without green onions, dill and various types of lettuce, be sure to pay attention to such plants as leaf celery and celery. Do not be afraid of the specific aroma and spicy taste of greens, so great that you should definitely include it in your diet as a seasoning or as a side dish for main dishes.

    Another question is how to grow stalked celery or leaf correctly to get plants with a rich aroma, lush foliage, resilient stems and excellent taste properties? For this you need to take into account some of the nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

    Celery Planting Video

    It is recommended to place the beds with celery in places open to the sun, but in a light shade this plant feels good, and its foliage becomes more fragrant in such conditions. The most suitable temperature for leaf celery and stalked celery is about +20 degrees, in temperate climates it grows best and can even tolerate light frosts. The varieties with reddish petioles are particularly frost resistant.

    For the cultivation of celery fertile soil is preferred, quite loose, drained and at the same time able to retain moisture. Acidity should be neutral, if the soil is acidic, before planting it is necessary to make lime.

    Celery Seeds

    Do not plant celery near the parsnip, otherwise both plants may suffer from one pest - the celery fly.

    Seed purchase:

    • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of variety. The proven varieties include: celery leaf Gentle, Zakhar, Kartuli, Cheerfulness, and perennial varieties - White Feather, Golden, Malachite. You can read more about it in the corresponding article on our website.
    • When buying planting material, be sure to check the expiration date, because celery is already growing with difficulty, and if the seeds are more than two years old, their germination rate drops significantly.
    • Purchase varieties with different ripening periods so that you can cut the greens and petioles throughout the season.

    If you plan to grow celery at home, the choice of variety can be a decisive factor, which will determine the yield of the plant, its appearance and taste.

    How to grow celery seedlings method

    Just like when you need to first wash and soak the seeds for three days, and then grow from them seedlings. You can immediately plant leaf and stalked celery seeds directly in open ground, but in the initial period the plants germinate too slowly and grow, therefore it is safer to spend time growing seedlings.

    Rassadny method of growing celery

    Prepared seeds are usually sown on seedlings in March, using for planting boxes filled with loose soil mixture, which may include leaf soil, sand, peat and humus. Try to evenly distribute small seeds on the soil surface and sprinkle with a thin layer of peat on top. Maintain seedlings should be at a temperature of +20 degrees, gently pouring through a fine sieve. If the seeds were fresh, and before planting you soaked them, they should come up about the fifth day after sowing. From this point on, the temperature should be lowered to +15 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch.

    Keeping the soil moist, sufficient lighting during the day and airing are the main components of the proper cultivation of leaf and stem celery seedlings.

    With the advent of the first true leaves of the seedlings, the plants need to be transplanted into separate cups, trying not to cover the outlet from which the leaves appear. Put dive seedlings on a sunny window sill for the best development of new leaves.

    With the advent of the first true leaves of the seedlings, plants need to be seated in separate cups.

    Planting celery seedlings on the garden can be done at the end of April or in May, when frost is not expected. Pre-harden the plants, putting them in a box on the street or on the balcony for a few hours, then transplant them to the garden bed according to the scheme of 20x30 cm.

    Stem and leaf celery - cultivated according to the rules

    Prepare beds for stalked celery in autumn: dig wide furrows (40 cm each), about 30 cm deep, fill them with manure or compost and cover them with soil. Digging trenches for planting and hilling plants in the second half of summer is necessary for all traditional stem varieties so that the celery stalks are “bleached” - they acquire a white tint and a delicate flavor without bitterness. There are also self-bleaching varieties that are not necessarily planted in trenches and spud, but they are not frost resistant, and their petioles are not so tasty and crunchy.

    Self-bleaching varieties can be grown on ordinary beds, they do not need to be tied up and spud

    Instructions on how to grow stalked celery in open ground:

    • In the spring, before transplanting seedlings into the soil, they apply complex fertilizer with a rake. Keep in mind that the stalked celery will need a lot of nitrogen for normal growth, so a month after planting the plants will need to be supplemented with additional nitrogen.
    • When replanting young plants, make sure that the rosette with leaves remains above the ground, slightly soil the soil around the plants. As the stems grow, you will need to pour the soil into the furrows.
    • During the summer, make sure that the earth does not dry out, periodically add fertilizer and loosen the soil.
    • As soon as celery stalks grow to 30 cm, collect them in a bundle and tie them with string, trying not to damage the stems. Wrap the entire base with dark colored paper, while the celery leaves should look out from above, as if from a vase. This technique is necessary in order for the petioles to acquire a white shade and fill with juice.
    • For the winter, trench stem celery is covered with straw.

    Self-bleaching varieties can be grown on ordinary beds, they do not need to be tied up and spud. To get sweeter petioles, lay a layer of straw up to 20 cm around the plants.

    Video about cultivation of stalked celery

    A minimum of hassle requires celery leaf - growing it comes down to weeding, loosening between rows and regular watering. It is important only when planting not to forget to locate a point of growth above the ground and to constantly make sure that there is no crust on the garden (to avoid this, mulching the soil will help).

    Cut trench petiolous varieties can be at the end of autumn or dig them up as needed. Self-bleaching varieties are ready for harvest 12-15 weeks after planting. A leaf celery begin to cut into greens since July, as soon as it becomes clear that removing a few stems will not harm the main plant.

    The usefulness of celery is unlikely anyone will dispute. This is the main product of a healthy diet, an inexhaustible storehouse of beneficial trace elements and vitamins, a nutritious product and a complete replacement of greens on the table. In order to get a good healthy harvest in your garden, it is recommended to practice the cultivation of celery seedlings from seeds.

    A seedless way simply does not exist, since a long growing season - 3-5 months - eliminates the possibility of sowing in open ground even in the south. How to grow stalked celery, how to properly sow, care, dive and plant in the beds - in our article.

      Celery varieties

    So far in our country, the cultivation of stalked celery has not reached a large-scale level. This is connected with the complexity of the agrotechnical plant, and with the characteristics of planting and care, and bleaching of rhizomes for further consumption.

    Difficulties arise even at the stage of selecting seeds. It is not enough to simply buy the first available package, but carefully choose among different varieties, sizes, ripening periods and even flavors.

    Table seedling stalked celery through seedlings:


    Vegetation period, days

    Variety description

    Non self-bleaching

    Petioles of medium thickness, height 42-45 cm

    Short to 25 cm scapes, thick fleshy

    Male prowess

    Thick fleshy petioles up to 50 cm long. Very juicy

    Medium height (30-38 cm), resistant to short-term frosts

    Medium height, curved, well stored


    Thin curved half-meter stalks

    The earliest variety with short but very stiff petioles

    Belong to the most appetizing and meaty species. The stem is tall, fleshy, tight, well tolerated storage

    Non-self-cleaning varieties require certain bleaching manipulations, otherwise the stalks will be very hard, fibrous and practically unsuitable for food. But at the same time, the bleached core is surprisingly tasty, moderately crispy, tender and very nutritious.

    Self-cleaning varieties are more convenient to grow, but they are worse stored, more susceptible to diseases, should be eaten as they are harvested.

      Features of germination

    1. This leafy culture belongs to the most difficult, due to the high concentration of essential oils in the seed. In agriculture, on an industrial scale, they are corroded with a solution of hydrochloric acid, and at home to obtain seedlings of stalked celery in hot water (up to 60 ° C), seeds are soaked in advance until the water cools down, then washed with warm water and dried to crumbly state.
    2. Dry grains can never be sown, it postpones the emergence of seedlings by more than a month. Before sowing, they are washed, checked for germination (see below), wrapped in toilet paper, moistened abundantly, wrapped in a bag and sent to a warm place, preferably on the battery, but away from solar or artificial light.

    Seeds should be completely in water, not lightly moistened.

    You can use another, simpler way of growing celery seedling - stumping sawdust into a jar, sprinkle it heavily with water, cover it with a piece of gauze and lay out the seeds. Sawdust should just get stuck in the water, then each seed will swell well. This container is also exposed to a battery or other warm place, but so that the sun's rays can reach the banks.

    VIDEO: Preparing planting material for crops

      What should be the soil

    It is advisable to use independently prepared soil, for which the following components are mixed:

    • peat - 3 parts;
    • sod land - 3 parts;
    • humus - 1 part;
    • sand - 0.5 parts;
    • wood ash - 0.5 parts.

    All this is mixed, calcined in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 180-200 ° C, stirring occasionally. You can pour boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Disinfection of land is carried out without fail before planting seeds to grow seedlings.

    After the soil has been disinfected, it is left for one and a half to two weeks for the revival of favorable microflora. This is a necessary condition for further growth of seedlings.

    If it is not possible to prepare the soil by yourself, you can buy universal soil in any agricultural store, which no longer needs preparatory activities.

    It is advisable to choose one that is designed for growing cabbage.


    Sowing seeds for celery seedling celery begin in the second decade of February and end in mid-March, depending on the growing season of each variety.

    There are 2 basic methods of sowing seeds:

    • in containers - a box, pots, cassettes, peat cups or tablets, etc .;
    • in a tank with snow;
    • in diapers - in polyethylene or substrate, rolled into a roll.

    To tara

    Pour into the prepared containers a layer of earth 5-10 cm and lightly pour it with water. Make small paths with a pencil and spread the seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, between the grooves - 5 cm. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds, just sprinkle them with earth and again sprinkle them abundantly with a spray bottle.

    In a tank with snow

    They do everything the same way as in the first case, but they put a layer of snow on top and seeds on it. Taya, the snow will “lead” them behind him, at the same time sucking in moisture.

    In diapers

    A very convenient way in which the intact roots of plants remain. With such an organization, it is convenient to carry out a pick-up and replant in beds or open ground.

    For this you will need:

    • meter strips of the substrate for laminate 40 cm wide;
    • soil - prepared or purchased;
    • seed material;
    • gum;
    • deep plastic containers or buckets.

    Work order:

    1. Spread the substrate on the table and lay on it a layer of earth 3-4 cm thick.
    2. Spread, retreating from the edge of 3 cm, the first seed, make the first turn of the roll, spread the second - the second turn, etc. Should get a roll out of the ground with seeds.
    3. Secure it from three sides with an elastic band so that the structure does not fall apart.
    4. Install vertically in containers (do not confuse where the top, where the bottom).
    5. At the bottom of the container, water is poured, and sprayed from above with a spray bottle.

    This method allows you to save space, facilitates care and allows you to cross the plants without the risk of injury to the root antennae.

      Care for seedlings at home

    Basic care is timely watering and lighting.

    1. It is necessary to water from the pallet or spraying. The second method is preferable.
    2. When the first loops of sprouts appear (usually after 30 days), the seedlings are rearranged under plant lights or daylight.
    3. In the third week, seedlings should be fed with liquid organic matter.
    4. After the appearance of the 3rd full leaf, it is allowed to pick into separate cups.

    1. For 2 weeks before transferring to the beds or greenhouse, seedlings are hardened, bringing to the street first for half an hour, and increasing every day by another quarter of an hour.
    2. Before transplanting it is plentifully watered and the next day it is already possible to start the process itself.

      Transfer to open beds

    The recommended time for transplanting grown stalked celery seedlings is the second decade of May, when the soil is already fully warmed. Chop make small furrows at a distance of 50 cm from each other, spread sprouts and sprinkle them with earth.

    Be sure to water carefully, so as not to blur the roots, and mulch with hay, straw or mulch. The main thing is that the composition should retain moisture well.

    A plant that has received less water during the growing season is not suitable for food.

    In the future, the shoots are also taken care of, like other crops - timely watering, feeding with ready fertilizers, loosening and weeding from weeds.

    Making feedings is a prerequisite for the harmonious growth of celery seedlings of petiolate. The first fertilizer is applied 15 days after planting, the second - with an abundance of green mass, the third - 40 days later, when the root begins to develop.

    Non-self-cleaning varieties are planted in deeper trenches into which land is constantly sprinkled while culture grows. At this time, the process of cleansing the roots takes place, as a result of which an unusually juicy and tender core is obtained.

    Be sure to in the process of growth is carried out 2-4 times pinching lateral root shoots. This will form a root crop and get a good harvest.

    The ground should always be wet, for which it is necessary to mulch the soil. It is not necessary to rake it to water, just pour water on top so that it penetrates into the root zone.

    If frost is approaching, the seedlings are necessarily covered with acrylic, spunbond or cellophane. In the fall, when the temperature drops to -5 ° C at night, bushes are also covered.

      Harvesting and storage

    The first time harvested in mid-August in an attempt to determine the level of maturity. Immediately the entire crop is not necessary to shoot, if we are talking about personal economy. Self-cleaning varieties are eaten immediately, and unpeeled can be stored for up to a month.

    To freeze, you can clean the roots or cut the foliage, rinse, dry and fold into dry bags, then send everything in the freezer.

    VIDEO: Growing root and stalked celery seedlings