Braga from apple pulp recipe. What apples are needed for mash. Distilling moonshine from apples at home

A good mash of apple cake can be obtained if you properly prepare the wort for it. Even squeezed from the immature scavenger of summer varieties can go into business after all the juice is removed to produce fruit wine. The low sugar content of sour apples is quite successfully leveled by the addition of sugar.

Since the juice from the pulp is almost completely removed, it has an increased density. This means that the extraction of aromatic substances from such raw materials is difficult. Therefore, hopes that moonshine will have a rich bouquet are unjustified.

The final product may have a weak apple flavor only if it is not subjected to purification with a charcoal filter after distillation.

A little trick will help strengthen the smell of apples: after the mash has been fermented and filtered, the pulp should be tied in a gauze bag and hung in the apparatus tank. Vapors of alcohol will heat the oilcake and extract the remaining aromatic oils. With this method of distillation, the apple smell will be much more pronounced.

Before you expel moonshine, you need to put the brew. Its recipe is similar to the method of preparation of alcohol-containing raw materials from squeezed grapes in the production of homemade wine. But there are slight differences:

  • apple pulp contains very few sugars compared to wine grapes;
  • if juice was squeezed out of apples for preservation, then they were washed, which means that wild yeast can be completely destroyed;
  • the skin of apples contains pectins, which, when fermented, emit harmful methyl alcohol.

To cope with these unexpected problems, winemakers artificially add sugar and yeast to the must. It is more difficult to get rid of methyl alcohol, but it is also possible: for this, during distillation, it is necessary to separate the head fractions of moonshine, that is, to pour the first portions of the finished product into a separate container. Due to its greater volatility, methanol begins to evaporate earlier than ethyl alcohol.

In order to put the mash on apple cake, fast-acting or baker's yeast will not work. It is best to buy special wine crops. They have a slight fruity smell and ferment fruit raw materials very well. If there is nowhere to take such yeast, you can use the recipe for making yeast wiring for wine.

How to make a yeast layout?

The meaning of this action is to increase the amount of wild yeast. Even if the apples were not previously washed, then a very small amount of useful fungi remains on the squeezes - all of them fall into the juice prepared for wine or cider. Therefore, it is best to pre-harvest homemade yeast culture.

Dissolve 100-150 g of sugar in 1 liter of boiled hot water. Cool the syrup to + 25 ... + 30 ° C. Wild yeast is found in large quantities on the peel of fruits and berries. To propagate them artificially, you need to take fresh unwashed fruits (apples, grapes, cherries, etc.). It is desirable that the fruits retained as much as possible of a natural bluish wax coating. It is in this thin film that fungi live. Peel the apples, and grapes or berries can be crushed a little. Put the fruits in a jar with chilled syrup, put in heat (about +25 ° C).

Signs of fermentation usually appear on the 2nd – 3rd day: the liquid becomes cloudy, a layer of small bubbles or foam appears on top. If signs of fermentation do not appear, you can speed up the process by adding a small piece (pea-sized) of pressed bread yeast. Withstand the leaven for 1-2 days, so that the fermentation intensifies, and then use the wiring to set up the mash on the apple cake.

A very large amount of wild yeast is found on dried fruits. For wiring, you can use raisins, dried apricots or fruit mix from different fruits with great success. For 1 liter of syrup, it is enough to add 100-150 g of dried fruit.

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Before placing in syrup, they can not be washed.

We put mash from apple cake

When the homegrown yeast culture is ready, you can move on to the main part of the process: staging mash. Considering that the development of fungi requires time, it is necessary to determine in advance the period for the production of juice, because it is undesirable to store the meal for a long time. The maximum allowable period is 1-2 days in the refrigerator. But if there is an opportunity to freeze it, then it’s better to do so: the recipe fully allows the use of frozen raw materials.

For mash will need:

  1. 10 kg of apple cake;
  2. 30–35 L of boiled chilled water;
  3. 5-6 kg of sugar (depending on the acidity of the apples);
  4. 1 liter of yeast or wine yeast according to the instructions for the drug.

Put oilcake and sugar in a bottle. Add water so that the tank remains empty by approximately 15–20% of its volume (Fig. 1). While stirring, achieve sugar dissolution. After this, introduce yeast wiring, having traced the remaining fruit. Stir again and put in heat for fermentation.

It is advisable to choose a place so that when opening windows or doors, the temperature near the bottle does not change. If the liquid cools unexpectedly, fermentation processes may stop. Install a water seal on the neck or make a “signal glove”.

Natural fermentation on a wild yeast culture can last about 14 days or more. When the liquid clarifies, the pieces of pulp will cease to move up and down, and bubbles will stop coming out of the water seal; apple mash can be considered ready. It should be tasted - there should be no tangible sweetness of the drink. Not fully processed sugar in the distillation process will not allow to fully obtain all the amount of alcohol contained in the brew.

Non-fermented raw materials can be slightly corrected by adding a small amount of bread or wine yeast. Fermentation resumes and ends when all the sugar is processed into alcohol.

Ready brew for moonshine must be filtered so that the pieces of pulp do not fall into the tank and do not burn. When distilling, separate the head fractions with a high methanol content. If you wish, you can overtake moonshine again. From the amount of mash according to the recipe, you can get 8-10 liters of finished alcohol with a strength of about 40% vol.

Apple and grape cake mash

If in the near term there is a production of grape wine and juice from apples, then both types of oilcake can be mixed. A certain amount of wild yeast can be stored in the wine raw materials. This effect can be used to ferment raw materials from apple pomace.

The recipe is practically no different from the method of making mash on one apple meal. The only difference will be the lack of yeast wiring or wine yeast. A mixture of oilcake (10-15 kg) should be placed in a bottle, add about 5 kg of sugar. Add 30–40 L of water, completely dissolve the granulated sugar and measure the sugar content of the wort with a sugar meter. It is desirable to achieve a sweet ingredient content in the range of 18-22%. In such a brew, by the end of the process, a strength of about 15% vol.

Due to the lack of a large amount of yeast, the maturation of raw materials lasts about 1 month. Fermentation can occur at room temperature (+20 ° C). Increasing it by 5–7 units will slightly speed up the process. You can drive out alcohol according to general rules on a moonshine of any type.

The double distillation product retains a pleasant, faint aroma of apples. The drink is easy to drink and can be used in its natural form. Flavored fruit moonshine is also used for the manufacture of various tinctures, fruit liqueurs and liquors.

Not only stewed fruit, jam, juice, jam, other winter preparations are prepared from apples, but also excellent alcohol-containing drinks. Apple mash? An excellent base for strong moonshine or homemade calvados.

Moreover, this product by itself, without additional processing, is suitable for use. If the apple mash is filtered and cooled, you get a delicious aromatic drink that can well compete with factory low-alcohol cocktails, energy drinks, and beer. In the heat, it quenches thirst well, plus, it is absolutely natural, environmentally friendly.

Moonshine Apple Mash Recipe

Raw materials for mash can be not only ripe apples, ripped from the tree, but also unripe fruits, carrion, apple prunings, oilcake remaining after squeezing the juice. At the same time, as in all other recipes for the preparation of fruit moonshine, rotted, wormy, spoiled fruits cannot be used for fermentation.

Specialists in the field of home winemaking advise against washing apples if the mash is ripened by wild yeast, without the addition of sugar, starter cultures, or baker's yeast. The taste of the final product is not believed to be affected, and without yeast and sugar the distillate can be made more pure. But this recipe is applicable only to very sweet fruit varieties, which contain a lot of sugars and fructose.

To make apple mash, you can use different technologies. From whole fruits, for example, the wort is prepared as follows:

  1. Prepare 30 kg of ripe fruit, 4 kg of sugar, 100 g of pressed or 20 g of dried yeast, 20 l of water.
  2. The fruits are washed, cut into slices, chopped in any of the convenient ways (grater, blender, meat grinder) to the state of mashed potatoes.
  3. The resulting mass, along with the juice, is poured into a bottle for mash, pour 18 liters of water.
  4. In the remaining 2 liters of water, all sugar is dissolved. Syrup is combined with diluted applesauce. Mixed.
  5. Yeast is bred in a small amount of warm water, combined with the rest of the ingredients in a fermentation tank.
  6. The bottle is closed and transferred to a warm room. Fruit wort for moonshine ripens within 10-12 days.

Does the fermentation process start fast? after a day, the upper layer of mash turns into a dense foamy cap from the pulp. According to the recipe, this cap needs to be destroyed, since it slows down chemical reactions in the wort.

The readiness of the mash for apple moonshine can be judged by the following signs:

  • The mass ceases to foam.
  • The pulp sank to the bottom.
  • The wort has become light.

If all the signs are present, you can start cooking moonshine.

Apple juice mash

This recipe is much simpler than described above. However, the quality of moonshine does not get worse from this. To prepare the mash it is necessary to prepare:

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix all components in one container.
  2. Pour into a glass bottle. Close the cap with a water lock or put on a rubber glove.
  3. Transfer the container to a warm, dark place. Leave the wort to ferment for a month.

When the mash is ready, you need to drain it from the sediment and strain. After this, you can proceed to distillation of moonshine.

How to give moonshine apple flavor at the stage of distillation?

The fruity notes in the distillate will be clearly audible if the mash is distilled along with the pulp. It is best to use a steam generator for this. To make fruit moonshine with a pleasant smell, you can also use the usual moonshine, but you need to make sure that the pulp does not burn.

The best option for distilling thick wort? copper, steel, aluminum can. The vessel with the mash is first put on a small fire, warmed up and only then the flame is increased.

The distillate is necessarily divided into fractions. The heads (first 250-300 ml) are collected in a separate container, since this substance is unsuitable for use. Distillation is completed as soon as the strength of the collected liquid decreases to 40%.

To make the smell of moonshine more pleasant, before the second distillation, it is insisted for 3-4 days on dried and fresh apples (a handful of each component. Before secondary processing, the distillate must be sorted and filtered.

The output is a high-quality alcoholic beverage with a mild flavor and fruity aroma. The fortress of apple moonshine double haul? 65-70 degrees. If alcohol is planned to be diluted to 40? Before use, you need to let it stand for 1-2 weeks. So the aroma of the drink will become even better.

How to make apple cider for homemade calvados?

Noble drinks from home-made moonshine are obtained no worse than those produced at the factory from distillation alcohol. For example, apple brandy or the famous calvados. It’s essentially a drink, obtained by distillation of apple cider, followed by aging in oak barrels.

If desired, calvados can be made at home from high-quality fruit moonshine. Main condition? correctly, make cider from apples, do not deviate from the proportions specified in the recipe, do not violate the process technology.

Apples for cider, which will later be turned into brandy, should be sweet. Ideally, you need to take several varieties. 70% of them should have a sugar content of more than 7%, sour varieties in the total mass should be 20%, bitter? ten%. The fruits prepared for processing are stacked in a warm room, allowing them to ripen.

The recipe for making classic cider for calvados uses apple juice. It is most convenient to make it at home using a centrifugal juicer.

The cake is not thrown away, but diluted with water, allowed to stand for 8-12 hours and squeezed again. For cider, the juice of the first and second extraction is mixed in a proportion of 80% and 20%. Cake is used in the preparation of mash for apple moonshine.

Real cider is made without added sugar and baker's yeast. In order for the wort to ferment, a sourdough is prepared from crushed unwashed apples, sugar and water. Once the yeast has fermented, it can be poured into the wort.

Cider ripening occurs within 1-1.5 months at a temperature of 20? C. If the room temperature is lower, fermentation can last for up to 3 months.

To make calvados, the finished cider is distilled twice. The strength of the distillate should be at least 70-80 degrees.

According to the recipe, fruit moonshine must be infused in oak barrels. But since not every amateur winemaker has a suitable container, to turn the distillate into calvados by insisting it in glass jars filled with oak pegs.

Bars of wood 10-15 cm long and 5-7 mm thick are stacked in cans (bottles). Pour into a tank diluted to a fortress of 40-45? apple distillate. Banks are hermetically sealed and left to mature in a cool place (basement, cellar) for at least six months. The longer the exposure of calvados lasts, the tastier it will turn out.

The finished drink is filtered through gauze, cotton wool. Bottled with tight corks. You can start tasting.

When preparing homemade juice, the end result is a large number of squeezes that must either be thrown away or, if available, given to livestock. However, there are recipes that allow you to get good moonshine from such a cake.


  • 10 kg of fruit squeezed (from apples and grapes);
  • 35 l of water;
  • 5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g dry yeast or 0.5 kg pressed (add as desired).

In most cases, cake-based moonshine is prepared without the addition of yeast. But, nevertheless, this is not always possible, if acidic fruits are used, then fermentation cannot be active, and therefore, will lead to a small amount of ready-made moonshine. It is in such cases that the addition of sugar and yeast is necessary. This step helps preserve the aroma of the fruit and at the same time increase the yield of the alcoholic beverage.

Wild yeasts differ from artificial ones in that the fermentation process is longer. Braga and moonshine from apple and grape meal will be obtained only within one or two months. Then, as artificial yeast can carry out such a process in 7 - 10 days. Most often they use technology that is equally suitable for cases with and without yeast.

Attention! When deciding to cook mash without the addition of yeast and granulated sugar, the meal should not be dry.

Cake Mash Recipe

  1. The cake is placed in a container.
  2. Warm water is poured into the tank, mixed. Up to 15% of free space is required in the tank to provide a place for foam and carbon dioxide to accumulate.
  3. Yeast diluted according to the instructions is added to the container. Those who wish to get mash on natural raw materials skip this step.
  4. A water seal is installed on the tank.
  5. A container with a braga is transferred to a room with a warm temperature without light sources. After a day, the container is opened and stirred, because the cake constantly rises and forms a “cap” that does not allow carbon dioxide to pass. Braga wanders a different number of days (from 7 to 70 days) depending on the amount of sugar, temperature, and yeast.
  6. Due to the fact that the residues of the precipitate can burn during the distillation process, and inevitably lead to a loss of taste, the mash should be filtered before distillation. But at the same time fruity aroma is lost. To partially preserve such an aroma, the mash is filtered through cheesecloth, after which the squeezed cake is tied in cheesecloth and suspended in a distillation cube, if its design allows.
  7. Next, the mash is distilled in the usual way. Be sure to separate the fractions into parts, separating the "head", "body" and "tail". The best results will bring double distillation.

Braga from apples is an excellent low-alcohol drink for drinking, which can be prepared both from whole fruits and from juice. In addition, it can be used to make home-brew. Apples contain a lot of iron and vitamins, so apple mash is also useful.

Different types of apples (Ranetka, Antonovka, Melba and others) that grow on any homestead are suitable for brews, and the sweeter the better. The fruits should be moderately ripe. Greens will not work, because they are still sour, and overripe ones are not juicy enough. Especially tasty and aromatic will be the mash from later varieties, which contain a lot of sugar and tannins.

For the preparation of the drink, it is better to use apples ripped from the tree. You can not wash them, so "wild yeast" will remain on the skin. It is necessary to wash the scorched fruits, and add artificial yeast to the mash later.

There are several proven recipes for making apple mash. Which one is better, everyone chooses for himself.

Recipe with Whole Apples

For the preparation of mash, it is better to use several different varieties, then the taste will be more interesting. Apples need to be sorted out, rotten and spoiled to be removed, and good ones should be put for several days in a dark, dry place to reach.

Composition and proper proportions:

  • 30 kilograms of apples;
  • 300 grams of pressed yeast (optional);
  • 4 kilograms of granulated sugar (optional);
  • 20 liters of water (5 liters per kilogram of sugar).

Step by step sequence of actions.

1. Wash apples, remove ponytails and trim rotten areas. It is desirable to remove the core, since in the future this may affect the taste of the drink not for the better. Cut into small slices and grind with a blender, you can in a meat grinder or grate to a porridge.

2. Place the resulting mashed potatoes in a fermentation tank and dilute with 18 liters of water. Experienced moonshiners are advised to use spring water. Filtered will do. The main thing is not to take tap water, otherwise the taste of pipes will be felt in the drink.

3. Prepare a syrup from 2 liters of water and sugar, add it to the container for apple mass. Add yeast diluted in warm water and mix.

4. Install a water seal and place the container in a dark, warm place for 7–10 days.

5. Already in the first days of fermentation, the mash should be mixed in order to destroy the dense layer of pulp that forms on its surface. When the mash is brightened, the precipitate settles and the bubbling stops, you can proceed to distillation (distillation).

Apple Juice Recipe

Juice is better to use freshly squeezed. From 2–2.5 kilograms of apples, on average, 1 liter of juice is obtained.


  • 5 liters of juice;
  • 30 grams of pressed yeast (optional);
  • 1 kilogram of sugar (200 grams per liter of juice);
  • 1 liter of water.


1. Pour juice and syrup (from sugar and water) into the fermentation tank, add dissolved yeast. Mix everything thoroughly and install a water seal. Instead, you can wear a medical rubber glove with a pierced finger on the neck.

2. Place the container in a warm place for about a week. Shake periodically in the first days of fermentation.
  Water and sugar in Brag are needed to reduce the acidity of apple juice and increase the yield of the finished product with further distillation.

The liquid brightened, a precipitate appeared, hissing stopped, the glove fell - this means that the mash from apple juice is fully ripe. Now it needs to be carefully drained (without sediment) and distilled for moonshine. But you can use mash and as an independent drink. To do this, it must be poured into a glass jar (just below the neck), tightly closed with a lid and put in the refrigerator, cellar or cellar. Under such conditions, the drink can be stored for up to 10 months.

You can make apple mash without yeast and sugar. In this case, apples do not need to be washed, which is why it is better to use relatively clean fruits ripped from the tree. On their surface live single-celled yeast (“wild yeast”), which will participate in the fermentation process. It is better not to buy apples in the store, they can be processed with chemistry, then the mash, in general, will not ferment. Sugar can not be added if sweet varieties of apples are used.

The technology of preparation is the same as in the above recipe, only without the addition of pressed yeast. Instead, apple cake is used (you can add another 150 grams of unwashed raisins), which must be poured with water and kept warm for a day. Then add to the main brew.

It is by fermenting the juice with “wild yeast” that low-alcohol apple cider is prepared (7–10 degrees), and after it is distilled, calvados are obtained. A mash of apples wanders around with wild yeast for 30–45 days.

Cooking apple mash at home is not at all difficult. If you are afraid of souring a yeast-free mash, you can add a little wine yeast (about 5-6 grams) to it. They will not spoil the taste and aroma of the finished drink.

Braga from apples for moonshine is an excellent base that helps to make moonshine at home with a pleasant smell and taste. In fairness, it is worth saying that juice and jam can be made from apples at home. But if there is no point in replenishing stocks, then you can pay attention to the production of distillate. In addition, for the manufacture of moonshine, you can use slightly spoiled fruits, but provided that they undergo some training.

Alcoholic drink from apple mash

Braga for moonshine can be made from almost any product. As for apples, there are at least two recipes that can be used without fear of spoiling the raw materials. In the manufacturing process of the distillate, not only fruit can be used, but also juice.

Pros and Cons of Fruit Based Distillate

Apple mash is a special product, the manufacture of which is worth approaching with all responsibility. The distillate prepared on the basis of fruits has a number of minuses and a number of pluses. You can call these shortcomings insignificant, but you should still have an idea of \u200b\u200ball the nuances before starting to create the basis of apples, suitable for the production of moonshine.

So, what are the disadvantages of:

  1. When using wild yeast, the mash roams for a long time.
  2. When sugar is added, a certain amount of flavor is lost.
  3. It will require patience and perseverance in making wort.
  4. We'll have to sort out the apples and separate them from the seeds and cut the core.

When making a mash based on wild yeast (that is, using only those microorganisms that are present on the surface of fruits, berries and grains), it should be borne in mind that the mash will be ready in about 30–45 days.

The apple base is sugar sensitive. You can supplement the mash with fructose or identify individual proportions that will help maintain the quality of alcohol and at the same time accelerate the fermentation process.

To make mashed potatoes from a large number of fruits, you will have to be patient. Of course, you can use a grater or a blender. But it is better to purchase a special nozzle for a drill - it will help grind the fruits in large quantities.

  • When the apples are processed in mashed potatoes, they should be immersed with the juice in a fermentation tank.
  • After the puree is sent to the container, you must dilute the sugar in warm water. You can make syrup - this will significantly improve the quality of the distillate, but you can just pour sugar into the container and pour it with warm water.
  • Then yeast is used. They will have to be diluted, based on the instructions that are on the package. Yeast should be allowed to lie a little in warm water, and then sent to other components of the future moonshine. If wild yeast is used, then skip this point.
  • After the mash, mix thoroughly to saturate it with oxygen, which is necessary for a complete fermentation process.
  • The final step in the process of making mash is to consider closing the container with a lid equipped with a water seal. If there is no such device, then we use a glove - we make a small hole in the middle finger and put the glove on the container.