PurvoMulsion paintwork materials. Types and features of water-emulsion paints Technical characteristics of paint water-emulsion

At all times, the paint was used as a universal means for finishing the premises. However, when working with oil compositions, the coating will dry for a long time, and the mixture itself highlights an unpleasant odor. What can not be said about water-based solutions. In this article we describe, which is a water-emulsion paint (technical characteristics, advantages and method of production of composition).

Method for the production of waterfront paint

The whole process can be divided into several stages. The first is the compound of a solution of aqueous polymer dispersion with a pigment and filler. The second - the resulting mixture passes dispersion (grinding of solid and liquid bodies). The third is the addition of additives that are needed in accordance with that. Fourth - packing of finished material on banks.

Dispersing ingredients is carried out in special dispersants (mills). These devices have several cameras, and in them - shaft with disks. It is with the help of it and the grinding occurs. The resulting mixture is placed in the container of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area (mixers). There is a thorough mixing, components are added according to that.

The mixing time of all ingredients depend on the properties of each component, the total volume of the mixture, as well as the technical power of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area and the dispersant. As a rule, there is enough 30 minutes for each operation. In this case, all work should be carried out at a temperature of +5 ° C.

At the last stage, packaging and mesh filters are preparing. It is through them that the finished paint will join.

Benefits and disadvantages of waterfront paint

The water-making paint for walls and ceilings has a number of advantages compared to oil coloring compositions. First, she faster dries. Sometimes, just just a couple of hours so that the coating is dried. Secondly, absolutely safe and harmless to humans and the environment. This means that during painting works, it is not necessary to urgently leave the premises.

Thirdly, paint does not have a sharp smell, which is usually saved several weeks after the completion of the work. Fourthly a painting composition can be given almost any shade, adding special pigments. For this, there is even a special colorless composition. In building stores, as a rule, a catalog of colors and pigments suitable for them are offered.

Fifth the process of applying paint is quite simple, and all tools are easily cleaned by conventional water.. No need to use any solvents. From disadvantages you can allocate only a few: works can only be performed at a temperature of +5 ° C, it is not suiced. For external work, you need to choose the most expensive paint, as conditions on the street differ significantly from the conditions indoors.

Water-emulsion paint: specifications

The water-making paint for the ceiling and walls has appropriate specifications. These include: composition, consumption, specific weight, viscosity, storage conditions and shelf life. The composition of the water-emulsion paint: Latex, thickener, fillers, antiseptic. Consumption On one layer of about 150-200 ml / m 2. The number of layers depends on the absorbency of the base.

Viscosity The water-level paint is determined by the viscometer and should be equal to an average of 40-45 ° C (with a brush application), 20-25 (when using the sprayer). In fact, the viscosity is an indicator that determines the dilution of paint water. That is, water is added to a certain level, and then measure the viscometer.

Specific gravity Water-emulsion paint is about 1.35 kg / l. Adhesion On average, 2.0 mp is equal. Drying time is from 2 to 24 hours. It all depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. The desired temperature is about + 20 ° C, and humidity is 65%. Keep paint needed in a dark place (away from sunlight).

Water-level paint: specifications and production method
Water-level paint, specifications - how do they affect the process of work? What are the material parameters important to know? About this in the video tutorial.

High-quality coloring is not only the result of the proper use of the coloring composition, but also a combination of certain characteristics of the material that determine solutions in this direction. With paintwork works, the key to success becomes the selection of such an indicator as the viscosity of paint in DIN. The table of optimal values \u200b\u200bpresented in this article will help in this matter.

What depends on viscosity?

The very concept of viscosity is unlikely to require additional clarification. But, here's the case viscosity itself can affect what other characteristics:

  • If the dye is too viscous, it is difficult to evenly distribute over the entire surface. Excessive layer thickness will lead to the fact that too much time will go drying. The final strength of the coating, on the contrary, decreases.

The solution is thick on the consistency will not fill out irregularities on the surface. So, grip worsen.

  • The large thickness of the layer is the reason for the formation of herds and other similar defects.
  • Inexpensive paintopult, finally, simply does not cope with materials with too high viscosity. The main principle of operation for pneumatic sprayers is low pressure in the air stream, the sawmaker of the paint from the tank. They help those who are interested in how to determine the viscosity of paint.

If the pressure drop is not enough, then the devices will have to be disassembled, and then rinse thoroughly. It is harmful and paint, diluted with additional efforts. The number of layers required for high-quality processing increases. Time costs are growing on one job, including the paintopult involved.

Features measurement

What units?

For domestic manufacturers, the specification of this parameter in seconds is characteristic. But imported materials suggest the use of another designation - DIN. What value lies in these combinations? And how is the characteristic measured?

They are only needed to designate time (in seconds), which composition passes through the holes of a certain diameter, which is previously known. If the paint is more liquid, then it leaves the capacity faster. In the case of thick composition, this is longer. This does not affect how to use the viscometer.

About techniques and tools

The viscometer is a special tool used during fluid measurement, a small funnel, strictly having a capacity of 100 milliliters. There is also a hole with a diameter of up to 4 millimeters. Instruments with sufficient accuracy for efficient use in terms of life are from 200 to 500 rubles. With the help of them, the usual viscosity measurement is performed. Much more expensive, devices applied under conditions of laboratories. Sometimes the cost comes to hundreds of thousand rubles.

The instruction on the use of this device is characterized by maximum simplicity:

  1. First you need to fill the funnel by shutting your finger the inlet.
  2. The stopwatch starts immediately as soon as the hole opens.
  3. It will only be left to record the time passed to the moment of complete devastation of the container. Separate drops are not taken into account for the viscosity of paint in DIN, the table confirms that.

The temperature of both the paint and the surrounding air should not exceed 18-22 degrees. Any formulations will be thick at lower temperatures. And with an increased indicator, on the contrary, decreases. Because of this, the experiment about the viscosity for paint will not be so effective.

What values \u200b\u200bare considered optimal?

The manufacturer usually writes on the package about which indicator is considered optimal in certain conditions. But the information is easy to find on the official website, including - for viscous liquids.

Determination of paint viscosity in DIN and table of recommended values
The viscosity of the paintwork in the DIN, which is demonstrated in the table - the key parameter during repair. What values \u200b\u200bare considered optimal?

Water-level paints are currently very popular, high-quality, affordable and promising repair material. They are easily applied to peeled surfaces (concrete, gypsum concrete, wooden and pre-plastered) are environmentally friendly and very practical. And in combination with the kel, you can always choose the color gamut needed for the interior.

Advantages of waterfront paint

The water-making paint is in demand due to the following characteristics:

  • not peeling over a long period of operation,
  • lack of cracks and unpleasant odor,
  • ease of application
  • fast drying process
  • acceptable cost.

Besides, paint Water-Emulsion VD Allows you to get almost any shade, by adding special pigments. Often, construction stores provide a colors directory and appropriate pigments suitable.

The main disadvantages of water-emulsion paints

There are practically no shortcomings in such colors. At the same time, it should be noted that it is extremely undesirable to apply on metal and glossy surfaces, due to the presence of large water paints.

Today, the market has increasingly become obvious fakes of "water-immulsion", which disappoint consumers. They very badly fall into the painted surface, differ in the overrun, are dirty in the process of drying and washed away in the case of water entering.

Specifications of waterfront paint

The water-making paint has the following composition: latex, thickener, a variety of fillers and an antiseptic. The average flow rate of the water-level paint is 250 grams per square meter. The number of applied layers will be directly dependent on the absorption abilities of the painted surface. Paints are determined by a special device - a viscometer. This indicator must be located within 45 s. (When using a brush), and 25 s. (Applying the sprawl). By definition, viscosity is an indicator that characterizes the degree of dilution of paint water. The proportion of paint is approximately 1.35 kg / l. Adhesion is 2.0 MPa, the time of final drying ranges from 2 to 20 hours (depending on the temperature conditions). Store paint is needed in a dark and cool place (away from sunlight).

Main varieties of Krasok

Depending on the polymer paint present in the composition, four main types of water-emulsion are distinguished ( water-dispersion, latex or emulsion) Colors:

Even among such a small diversity, the potential consumer involuntaries the question: "So what is the best water paint?". Let's consider in more detail the characteristics of each of them.

Acrylic water-free paints - quality first

This kind of paint is most popular both among professional masters, and among ordinary consumers trying to master the repair on their own.

Based on the name, it becomes clear in the composition of the paint of acrylic resins as the main component. Such paints are applied on the surface of bricks, wood, glass, concrete and plaster. The most common representative is the VEAK water-level paint 1180.

The main disadvantage of such paints is the expensive cost. Therefore, analog paints with acrylic copolymers were distributed. Their price is significantly cheaper than real acrylic, and quality is not much inferior to the original. Sometimes, to increase the elasticity of the acrylic coating, latex add in the paint, due to which the effective confrontation of moisture occurs.

Painted coatings can be safely washed with water, without fearing to spoil the applied paint. Manufacturers in the technical characteristics of waterfront paint indicate that it is able to withstand up to 5,000 water washing cycles. When applied double-layer acrylic-latex paint, you can mask cracks on the surface (up to 1 mm thick). And they dry in room temperature in just a few hours.

Silicone waterfront paints - perfect for rooms with high humidity

Silicone resins predominate in silicone colors. They are a universal coloring and masking agent for all surfaces, hiding from prying eyes two-millimeter gaps. Silicone paint is also characterized by a high cost, but it has a steamproof property, ideally suitable for raw houses of the house, which is characterized by moisture formation. Thus, the paint also will actively fight the fungus that appears, warning his re-appearance.

Silicate water-level paint - durability indicator

Silicate water emulsion paint It is a mixture of liquid glass, water with possible addition of color pigments. It is characterized by atmospheric resistance and long service life (up to 20 years). But for excessively wet surfaces it is better to use another kind of paint.

Mineral wedge-emulsion paints

In the process of manufacturing mineral water-emulsion colors, they are added to the composition of hazed lime or cement. They are used for any surfaces in the process of painting walls and ceilings. The main purpose of them is paintwork with brick and concrete surfaces, which are subject to significant hydrotructures. A distinctive feature of mineral paints is a short service life, so they gradually cease to be in demand.

Types of water-free paints: advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of water paint. The main disadvantages of water-emulsion paints. The main varieties of paints. Specifications of waterfront paint

Such a coloring substance is very quickly applied to the surface, only if an enamelled paint was not applied to the surface. In addition, this type of composition can be applied absolutely any paint. The composition of the water-emulsion paint implies that it is not recommended to be applied to the metal surface, since water can provoke the beginning of the corrosion process.

Paint VD characteristics.

Before purchasing such paint, it is worth paying attention to it: specific weight, viscosity, composition, shelf life, storage conditions and drying time. In the composition of the water-making paint, you can meet latex, filler, antiseptic and thickener.

Viscosity is an indicator that indicates the degree of dilution of the coloring agent with water. The viscosity of such paint is equal to 40 to 45 s, in the case of use when it is applied, the brush and from 20 to 25 s. When using paintopult.

Depending on the manufacturer, the composition of the water-emulsion paint may differ. The smallest particles of polymers that are in the composition of this substance are in suspended state in the aquatic environment. These particles producers add different substances that determine the brand of coloring composition.

Depending on the state of the components added to the paint, it may vary. To obtain a white saturated color in the coloring agent add a white pigment. In the case of inexpensive compositions, chalk is used to obtain this color. To this end, different manufacturers can also use other fillers: mica, calcite, talc, and so on.

The composition of the in paint.

The water-making paint, as well as B, includes a thickener, which is necessary to create the desired consistency. Depending on the brand of coloring agents, the proportions of some components are changed, which are included in its composition.

But ideally, the general picture looks like this:

  • Plasticizers - from 5 to 10 percent;
  • Film former - from 40 to 60 percent;
  • Fillers and pigments - from 30 to 40 percent;
  • Other supplements - from 5 to 10 percent.
As for the properties of water-level paint, then we can say the following:
  • This coloring substance is characterized by good permeability for moisture and steam, in connection with this, it can be used both for external and internal works, for applying to an electric and inadequate surface;
  • The composition of the water-emulsion paint does not make it peeling. It is an environmentally friendly and non-hazardous type of paint;
  • Very often, the composition of this type of substance can be seen latex, which gives the painted surface a strong water repellent effect. And at the same time the fact that this effect does not interfere with parium permeability is important;
  • Water-emulsion formulations have a rich color gamut. To obtain the desired color you can easily use a special.
And in conclusion, I would like to note that the type of coloring matter in this article has a high percentage of wear resistance, it is not a fuel, racks to atmospheric phenomena and ultraviolet. In addition, such a substance has the ability to repaint cracks with a width to one mm.

People have long used paint with a water-emulsion for walls when interior designs and outdoor work. The water-emulsion was rapidly gaining popularity. This paint consists of water, small polymer particles, fillers, additives and pigments.

Features of the coating

Water-emulsion acrylic paint can be called universal: it can be used to design any surface. It is applied to the following materials:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • plasterboard;
  • concrete;
  • wallpapers for painting.

Each type of paint has its advantages and disadvantages.

Types of material

Water based solutions are divided into several categories.

Acrylic composition

The most popular view of the coating, which is used very often. Such a water-free paint for walls and ceilings is resistant to different influences due to the presence of acrylic resins. When contaminated, the surface is easily clean, so this composition will be the perfect option for offices and residential premises.

Features of the coating:

Silicone resins-based material is suitable for applying for any mineral coating. TO

the main advantage can be attributed to the elasticity of the composition. Painted cracks up to 2 mm. Silicone composition is characterized by its vapor permeability.

Such paints can be used indoors where large humidity: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, shower, basement. Due to the filling of irregularities and roughness, the material is resistant to mechanical and temperature effects, humidity. It can be applied even on plaster, pre-not ground wall.

Silicate view

This water-making paint for internal work consists of an aqueous solution, color pigments and liquid glass. The film on the surface is absent, instead of it is strong chemical and physical connections. They are resistant to atmospheric and mechanical effects.

Manufacturers guarantee a long service life - up to 20 years. Suitable for finishing open terraces.

Attractive price and quality ratio. It is made on the basis of PVA, choose it to finish interior.

Benefits are a lot of advantages:

  • it lies well on plaster, cardboard, wood and other porous materials;
  • can be used in a room in need of an elevated fire safety level;
  • does not contain harmful components;
  • the speed of drying.

She does not have a very rich color palette, but it is easy to compensate for special thanks, which will give the composition of any shade. The use of additives will help get a glossy or matte surface..

Mineral and latex

Mineral painting composition has in its composition harated lime and cement, suitable for

staining brick and concrete surfaces. The service life is not very long, so recently does not use special demand.

If you need to create a surface that is not affected by moisture, it is worth choosing detergents, which contains Latex. The coating will withstand a large amount of wet cleaning, suitable for painting walls and ceiling in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Price average.

Latex compounds are well repulsed moisture and blocked large cracks well, there will be no particularly thorough preparation of the surface before they are applied.

Degree of gloss

Water-based paint is separated by another indicator - according to the degree of gloss. Manufacturers offer:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • deeply matte;
  • semiamatic (silky-matte);
  • semi-man;
  • high glossy.

Semi-conventional and glossy compositions are distinguished by resistance to abrasion, if compared with matte options. You can wash them much more often, because the surface of such a material is smooth and absolutely smooth. Cleaning with a wet cloth does not change the texture, but the matte surface can be lost, and because of this will appear the plumbing unsightly spots that need to be painted.

Before buying a material, it is required to study its main characteristics - consumption, composition, drying time, storage conditions, specific weight, shelf life. Each item needs to pay special attention..

  1. Viscosity. This indicator must be quite high. It is he who determines the degree of dilution of the composition with water (when applied with a brush, hesitates within + 40 ... + 45 ° C, and when using collapse + 20 ... + 25 ° C.
  2. Consumption. Usually 1 m² accounts for 150 g of products, 250 g, if the coating is two-layer. Manufacturers may unintentionally enter buyers in error, pointing out on their product that it has a consumption of 110-140 g. But these indicators usually correspond to the ideal conditions: the walls must be plastered and completely smooth. But directly depends on the surface roughness, material, the method of painting and absorbing ability. For example, roller apply more economically than brush.
  3. Shelf life - since the manufacture of 2 years. It is necessary to comply with storage conditions: the place must be cool and dark, the composition cannot be frozen.
  4. Drying. Depends on air and humidity temperature. The optimal temperature is + 20 °, air humidity - 65%. Drying time ranges from 2 to 24 hours.

Quality and manufacturers

High price is a clear sign of water-based quality. It is worth understanding that 90% of the materials and components for the material are taken from Europe, so the price of 1 liter cannot be below 70 rubles. A significant reduction in cost may indicate low product quality.

Paint weight is also a quality indicator. Its average density ranges in the range of 1.35-1.5 kg per 1 liter, therefore, a bucket of 10 liters can not weigh less than 15 kg. It is better not to buy the composition in the winter in the open construction market: when freezing, the paint loses its properties.

You need to choose a proven manufacturer. The leader can be called DULUX, but ticcurila has good technical characteristics along with the highest quality. The compositions of the German Dufa also have proven themselves from the best party. And Johnstone's from the UK is a high price explained by excellent quality. From domestic products, Eurolux and Admiral choose more often. The price of such compositions is quite affordable, and quality at the proper level.

Technology coloring surfaces

Usually, there are no significant problems from the painting walls, and the ceiling decoration can be attributed to a more complex process in technical terms. Before work, it is required to prepare the surface: remove all the old coating, stabilize, align. Then the flow of the coloring composition will significantly reduce.

As a primer, a water-emulsion composition is often served, which is diluted by 40% water, although experts advise to use primer under a certain type of surface.

Color material first need to be tested to determine what color will actually be. To do this, it is enough to apply it with a thin layer on the wall and wait until it dries. Usually the color is obtained by 1-2 tones lighter than in the bucket. The difference is usually insignificant.

Painting the ceiling and walls start from the far corner of the room from the window, then the remaining corners are already missing, joints. On the perimeter of the ceiling, a strip of 5 cm wide is applied, then you need to move to the paintopult or roller. To obtain uniform staining, it is required to apply 2-3 thin layers - it is better than to apply 1 fat layer.

Paints layers impose perpendicular to each other. The subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one. The latter layer is applied parallel to the light rays: due to such tricks, small irregularities and errors are almost invisible. You can use textured glassy to eliminate possible problems. Woven texture surface masters errors when staining.

There is nothing complicated in the staining of the walls and the ceiling of water-level paint. Work does not take away a lot of time, a beginner master can cope with her, if approaching the case with full responsibility. With the help of a watering coating, you can update the home interior in a short time.

Today, the waterproof paint for walls and ceilings is widely popular when carrying out repair work. It has many advantages, functional and at the same time is very available at the price. If you decide to use this material, it will be very useful to learn about the peculiarities and technical characteristics of water-based paint.

The water-level paint is a water-based material forming a film with an emulsion of polymer components - polyvinyl acetate, polyacrylate, styrene butadiene, etc. differs in excellent operational properties, fire safety, ecology.

When choosing a water-mounted composition, the following factors, characteristics and features should be considered:

  • Components of paint.The composition of the aqueous solution may include different fillers, thickeners, antiseptic substances. It is the composition of paint that affects its purpose and the scope of application - it may be placed rooms with high humidity, external or internal surfaces.
  • Sphere of use. Different compounds can be intended for staining of various types of surface, such as wood or concrete, and can be universal. These characteristics of water-level paint affect the composition.
  • Consumption of paint and varnish. Calculate the number of paint in milliliters, based on how much it is required for 1 kV coating. m in one layer. The average is 180 ml per square meter. It is important to consider such factors as the condition of the surface and its appearance.
  • Specific gravity. High-quality water-dispersion paint has a density that is approximately 1.5 kg per 1 liter of composition.
  • Viscosity. This characteristic of the water-level composition indicates the degree of breeding by liquid. For working with a roller or tassel, viscosity should be 40-45 tbsp. If the composition is applied by painting, then not more than 25 tbsp.
  • Environmental humidity. It should be considered when applying and subsequent operation of the coating.
  • Drying timewater-emulsion composition. Ranges from 2 hours to days. The difference depends on humidity in rooms and ventilation, which affect the evaporation of water. The recommended operating temperature is 20 degrees of heat, and air humidity is 70%.
  • Storage conditions. Shelf life. The service life of the coating.The shelf life of water-emulsion paints is limited to 24 months from the date of production. After paint should be stored in a dark cool place and not to allow its freezing.

Good to know!

The water-level paint always has a white color, and various shades give it, adding special pigments and dyes.

Water-based paints are water based material with polymer components. The composition has an emulsion of such polymers as styrene-butadiene, polyvinyl acetate, polyacrylate. Specified for technical properties, safety, ease of use.

Description and Features of waterfront paint

(The variety of water-dispersion) is used mainly to finish indoors. These are emulsions obtained from particles of polymers, pigments and liquids.

The operational characteristics of such compositions allow them to apply them in public premises with high attendance, when the finish wear occurs quickly. Can be used for pools, gyms, residential buildings.

Components in such materials are:

  • film consumers;
  • fillers;
  • coloring substances;
  • various additives for improving operational characteristics are defoamers, stabilizers, plasticizers.

Dispersions can be obtained from any polymers, but for the manufacture of paints, polyvinyl acetate, acrylic and styrene-butadiene copolymers are more often used.

Pros and cons

Allocate such advantages:

  • the solution can be given the desired shade by adding the necessary pigment;
  • can be applied in several layers;
  • understandable instructions for use;
  • paint without a specific smell, working with it comfortable;
  • the application process does not cause difficulties, the tools are easily cleaned of paint;
  • drying occurs in 1.5-3 hours, which depends on environmental conditions;
  • small flowing emulsion flow.

The minus will be at what temperature you can paint. Working with paint is permissible provided from + 5 ° C. Low frost resistance limits its use in the cold season. Some representatives of the water maker require long drying - up to 24 hours that the manufacturer indicates the instructions.


Water-emulsion formulations the following features and properties are distinguished:

  • flow - 1 layer is consumed 150-200 ml / m², the second layer is required depending on the absorbent properties and density of the stainable material;
  • viscosity - determines the degree of breeding of the composition, should be 40-45 s, when using a special sprayer - 20-25;
  • specific weight - 1.3 kg / l;
  • drying time - up to day, depending on the humidity in the room and temperature, most brands are characterized by a high drying rate;
  • shelf life - 12 months in tightly closed container at a temperature of + 5 ° C;
  • fire hazard class - km0-km1.

Optimal conditions for drying - humidity 65%, temperature + 20 ° C.

Types of water-level paints and their scope

Types of paints and varnishes are distinguished by the composition of the polymers.

Types of waterfront paint.

Water-emulsion materials are the following varieties:

  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • silicone.

In terms of use, they are divided into soils, facade and finishing indoors.

Soils are used to increase the adhesion of the stained base, strengthen the substrate, eliminate small defects.

Facade should be resistant to unfavorable external factors and abrasion, are not afraid of UV and microorganisms. The compositions for internal works have special requirements, but water resistance can be low.

Polyvivinila acetate

They were the first to begin to apply for the manufacture of paints. At room temperature, this polymer is solid, and plasticizers provide flexibility. In addition, there are stabilizers and pigments. Sold in the form of a ready-to-apply one-component composition, which before starting work does not need to be prepared by mixing.

The water-emulsion is used more often for staining indoors. In its composition there are no solvents. It solucts well in water, forms an elastic coating, it is distinguished by good adhesion and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Paint is a water-level polyvinila acetate.

Properties of polyvinila acetate compositions:

  • increased resistance to wear factors;
  • not harmful;
  • fire safety;
  • the durability of the shade;
  • you can hide defects up to 1 mm;
  • long operational period;
  • prevention of fungus and mold formation.


Mineral compounds contain cement or lime. Their advantage is the possibility of using on any surfaces. They will fit well for the walls and the ceiling in the apartment. Can be applied on the street. The lack of such a composition is a short service period.

The pluses also highlight high strength, moisture resistance, resistance to mineral oils, fats. Such paint is not afraid of solar color, do not flake over time.


Silicate aqueous emulsion is made of liquid glass with adding pigments. Different with excellent air and countertile properties and long service life - up to 20 years. Well suited for buildings with unstable groundwater.

The consumption of the composition is small - up to 300 ml / m². The density depends on the method of applying, for a painting brush it is lower than for the sprayer. Used for facades and interior decoration. Minus is considered how much such paint dries. It goes about a day.


Acrylic water-making paint.

Acrylic composition is the most common. The basis contains acrylic resins. Additionally, Latex can be applied. May be glossy, matte for staining of walls, ceiling.

Key benefits:

  • soon drying, with the exception of the most budgetary species;
  • resistance to ultraviolet, mechanical factors of impact;
  • moisture resistance;
  • non-toxicity.

The product is characterized by good adhesion to a variety of grounds. It can be applied to the old paint, if it is not possible to remove it without prejudice to the characteristics.

Acrylic emulsion - an alternative to anhydrous enamel. It is available at a price, quickly dries, has a wide scope of application.


Latex water paints and varnishes were widespread due to the maintenance of the microclimate in the room. They comply with GOST standards, have a good price, safe for use inside the building.

Latex composition can be painted concrete, brick surfaces, wallpapers, plaster. Suitable for finishing the ceiling. The paint creates a moisture-resistant coating that can be washed with water. Enters the class of safe non-combustible materials.

The disadvantages will be bad resistance to ultraviolet, lack of protection against fungus, intolerance to minus temperatures. In adverse conditions, peeling.


The use of water-emulsion silicone paint.

Water-emulsion silicone paint - a mixture of persistent silicate and acrylic emulsions. It has improved characteristics due to the content of an emulsified resin.

It is used for cement bases, bricks, plastered surfaces, stone, drywall. Distinguish between interior and facade views.

Silicone waterproof emulsions, do not miss steam, prevent the formation of mold and fungus.

During operation, they do not need to be treated with antiseptics. The disadvantage is a relatively big value.

Which is better

To finish the ceiling and walls of the wizard, it is more likely to prefer acrylic emulsion. This is due to its durability, durability, fast drying, resistance to ultraviolet rays. Another advantage - you can wash the surface with water, which is necessary for the kitchen and bathroom.

Acrylic emulsion fits well on popular surfaces - glass, brick, wood, concrete, metal, plaster. The paint over time is not washed away, the components of the water-level paint are qualitatively opposed to the effects of the liquid. The double layer of painting can provide a disguise of small defects.

Water emulsions can be selected for the coating inside and outside the room with the preservation of ecology. Water-level paints and varnishes can be applied under high humidity. It does not tolerate cold.

The most popular water producers are considered to be the compositions of German manufacturers. Released with Caparol, Dulux, Dufa. In Russia, a popular overseas brand - Tikkurila.

When choosing paint, you need to focus on the type of work carried out, environmental conditions. The instructions for each composition indicates the scope of application and the rules of application.