Death on rails. The granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev died under the wheels of the train

Not all wives and descendants of the famous Soviet political leader are lucky in life

Practically in all modern sources of the date of appearance Nikita Khrushchev Specified on April 15th. This day is in the book of the civil status records in his native village. However, Nikita SERGEEVICH himself celebrated his birthday on April 17. He was one of the few Soviet party leaders who can be called a large father. He had three marriage and five children ..

Wives Khrushchev

The first time Khrushchev married when he was 20 years old. His chosen was the red-haired beauty Efrosinia. In two years of living together she gave him daughter Julia, and another year - son l eonida. But Efrosyne itself, Fros, as her mother Khrushchev called, could not see how her children grow up. Young mother three years after the birth of the son of Leonid died of typhus.

With the first wife. Source:

Two years after the death of the first wife, I came up with a single mother by name Marusia. Their relationship did not last long, even the name of this woman is unknown. But the household later recalled that the reason for the gap of Nikita Sergeevich with Marusi became largely the mother of Khrushchev.

Ksenia Ivanovna, powerful and decisive woman, essentially survived Marus from home. True, after the separation of Nikita, Sergeevich continued to mainly support his Word's Word.

In 1924, four years after the death of the first wife, Nikita played a wedding with a 24-year-old Nina Kukharchuk. Nina also did not like Xenia Ivanovna, she said that she had no comparison with her beloved Frosya. But, nevertheless, it was Nina who entered the history of the country as the first "first lady". It was she who became the first of the wives of the USSR leaders who accompanied the spouse at official receptions, leaving him abroad and met with the heads of foreign countries.

with Nina Kukharchuk. Source:

The third wife gave birth to Khrushchev of four children (one of the daughters had been still a baby), brought his children from the first marriage, shared care of the big family with the mother-in-law Ksenia Ivanovna, lived with the leader of the USSR all his life and spent it on the last path.

Julia Khrushchev

Almost nothing about the eldest daughter of Khrushchev is unknown. The girl who lost his mother at a four-year-old age, first brought up her grandmother, and after the third wife of Nikita Sergeyevich joined this process. It is known that Julia was married for Viktor Gontaremwho was older than her for more than 10 years.

Khrushchev in 1954 made his son-in-law by the director of the Kiev opera. Yulia Nikitichna died at the age of 65, in 1981, 10 years after the death of the Father and three years before the death of Mathemia Nina.

Leonid Khrushchev

About the younger brother of Yulia - Leonid Khrushchev- It is known much more than about the sister. At the same time, his death is still enveloped by secrets and speculation.

Leonid Khrushchev. Source:

During the years, Leonid delivered a lot of trouble to his father. There were many rumors about his drunken trunks and rudeness, that the son of the party "cones" was all allowed.

During one of the parties of the Moscow golden youth, Leonid met the artist Esphyr Etinger, daughter of the famous aircraft designer. Their novel was as stormy, how many will be speedy. But it did not work easily - Esphyrus became pregnant. Leonid decided that it was not obliged to the news, and soon twisted a new novel - with actress Rosa Travas, niece of a political figure, shot with the direct participation of Khrushchev. Moreover, Leonid has almost immediately led to the crown.

According to the memoirs of a rose, when Nikita Sergeevich found newlyweds at home with a fresh evidence of marriage in his hands, he immediately broke the document and drove the daughter-in-law. Khrushchev forbade his son to meet the daughter of the enemy of the people and made the Son from Esphyre Etinger. When the boy was born, Leonid Khrushchev was 17 years old. Relations with Esphyrius did not work out.

Four years later, Leonid married the flyer by name Love. At this time, he himself had already ended the aviation school, preparing for the service in the army. Soon the daughter appeared in the family, the girl was called Julia. And a year later, the Great Patriotic War began.

In the next few years, the son of Khrushchev committed many combat departures, was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. At the front, he showed courage and courage, but outside the battlefield remained all the same walk.

In the autumn of 1942, at one of the drunken, Leonid with comrades decided to compete in the accuracy. The military in turns set themselves on the head of the bottle and other targets and shot them. Everything ended in that a drunken Khrushchev junior by negligence shot the sailor. But the time of the military - then the front will not be sprinkled. Therefore, Leonid then simply turned out to be on the battlefield.

On March 11, 1943, the 25-year-old Leonid Khrushchev did not return from combat departure. Comrades saw that his plane was bent and collapsed to the ground. But the terrain in the crash area was covered with forests and swamps, so neither a collapsed plane, nor the body of the son of Khrushchev never found.

Because of this, many rumors appeared that, in fact, Leonid did not die, and escaped to the Germans. According to one such conspiramic theory, the son of Khrushchev returned from captivity and shot on a personal order Stalin. But all these theories appeared only after the resignation of Nikita of Sergeevich himself and therefore, hardly have any attitude to reality. Julia Khrushchev's grandfather launched, since the girl's mother accused of espionage and exiled. Julia subsequently graduated from the faculty of MSU journalism. Tragically died in 2017.

Rada Ajubey

Rada was the first joint child of Nikita Sergeevich and his third wife Nina. To her, Nina gave birth to Khrushchev daughter, but she died in infancy. Virtually all his life was glad in the shadows first, the father first, and then also her husband - Alexey Ajubay.

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Biography, the history of the life of Khrushcheva Yulia Leonidovna

Julia Leonidovna Khrushchev - Granddaughter, first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU.


Julia was born in 1940 in Moscow in the family of the Military pilot Leonid Nikitovich Khrushchev, the eldest son, and his wife's love of Illarionna Size. When Yule was only 2 years old, her father was missing after a combat task under an eagle. Immediately after that, love was arrested on suspicion of espionage, convicted and sent to the camps. After 5 years, the love of SIZY was released, but immediately, together with other former prisoners, were exiled to Kazakhstan. The girl has fallen without parents. Until the 16th age, Julia thought she was her father, and Nina Petrovna, his third wife, - her native mother. True, it was found only when Julia filled out documents for joining Komsomol. With the love of SIZY Yulia, I saw only in 1957 - a year after the woman was finally released.

Since 1944, Julia lived in Kiev. In 1949, together with his family, again moved to Moscow. The memories of Moscow life at Julia was not left by that time, she considered Kiev with his hometown. For a while, the girl scared for a house, but she soon mastered.

Education. Labor activity

After graduating from High School Julia Khrushchev, he entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. Having received a diploma of higher education, Julia Leonidovna got a job as a profession in the news agency "News". A few years later, Khrushchev, disappointed in journalism, left the "news" and became the head of the literary part in the Moscow Drama Theater named after M.N. Yermolova. Later, Julia entered the same position in the name of the name, where she worked until retirement age.

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A family

Julia and her husband brought up a daughter Nina. Nina graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow State University, then studied at Princeton University. It remained to live in the United States. Located a teacher of international relations at the University of New School in New York.

In the 2000s, Yulia Leonidovna was actively fought with the falsification of the history of the Khrushchev family as a whole and the biography of her father in particular, he was tried with the leadership of the "First Channel", the state and politician Dmitry Yazov and writer Vladimir Karpov for slander.


On the morning of June 8, 2017 at the station "Sunny" Kiev destination of the Moscow Railway on the Platform "Michurinets" 77-year-old woman fell under the train. The body was discovered in a day. After identification, it was stated that the deceased - Julia Leonidovna Khrushchev. According to the first version, Julia Leonidovna passed the rails in the wrong place during the movement of the train and did not respond to the driver signals. The second version states that Khrushchev randomly stupid on the platform and fell on the rails.

Farewell to Julia Leonidovna and her funeral was decided to hold on June 13 of the same year on the Trocerovsk cemetery.

In Moscow, the train shot down his granddaughter and adoptive daughter of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev. This was reported by the sources of RIA Novosti in the police.

It is known that the tragedy occurred at the station "Sunny" Kiev directions of the Moscow Railway. 77-year-old Julia Khrushchev He fell under the train Vnukovo - Moscow.

The body of Khrushcheva was discovered after a day after the train knocked down.

The fact of death of a 1940 woman was confirmed in the press service of the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the transport on the Central Federal District, but did not specify details. But in the help desk, the metropolitan ambulance reported the death of a woman with such a name and age.

"Yulia Leonidovna Khrushchev at the age of 77 died today," said there.

According to a number of media, the investigation is currently considering several versions of what happened.

"According to one of the versions, the cause of death became careless behavior on the railway platform," the report says.

However, the version of suicide is not excluded. In particular, that the investigators work out the version that the granddaughter of Khrushchev could reduce Ren-TV journalists with life indicated.

Julia Khrushchev - Daughter Leonid Khrushchev, Son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev from the first marriage. Yulia Khrushcheva's mother - Leonid Sergeevich's second wife Love Size.

Yulia Khrushchev was born in 1940 in Moscow. When the war began, her grandmother, Nina Petrovna Khrushchev, evacuated with three children in Kuibyshev (now Samara - approx. Fan), took with him and the daughter-in-law of anyone with her granddaughter. In 1943, Leonid Khrushchev, a former fighter, did not return from a combat task. Shortly thereafter, on suspicion of espionage arrested his wife to any, the mother of Julia. A four-year-old girl remained in Kuibyshev with Nina Petrovna. After that, Nikita Khrushchev has fallen a girl.

As Julia's herself recalled, that her father died at the front, and her real mother lives and works in Kazakhstan, she found out only before entering Moscow State University.

"Nina Petrovna told me about this so that I correctly filled out an applicant's questionnaire. A year later, when I turned 17, I met with my mother, "- quotes her edition" Facts and Comments ".

According to Women, Nikita Khrushchev, Nina Petrovna was a strict, restrained, very correct.

"It was all: the farm, children, school. I think that she was consulted with her husband only on global issues and did not pull him on the trifles. The wife of his wife and mother Nina Petrovna belonged very responsibly. I prepared, cleaned, well embarrassed and taught me a lot, even darling, which no one does now. Mom (as the Khrushchev family adopted her granddaughter, Julia called her so - approx. Fan) was always assembled, energetic. When she lived alone in Zhukovka - and Nina Petrovna died in 84 years old, - supported the ideal order in the house, "the granddaughter remembered the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

"By sending a daughter to Nina Petrovna, I knew that it would be all right with her," she said.

Julia Khrushchev always added that he was insanely grateful to Nikita Sergeyevich and Nina Petrovna for everything, "including for the rigor that reigned in our house."

In August 2016, a native daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev was died - Rada Ajubay. She died in a hospital at the age of 87.

The daughter of Nikita Khrushchev from the second marriage was born in 1929 in Kiev. In 1952, she graduated from Moscow State University, after which he worked as a journalist. While still a student, she married his classmate Alexei Agubey, who was then the editor-in-chief of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and Izvestia. For more than 50 years, Rada Ajubay worked in the magazine "Science and Life".

In 2007, the grandson Nikita Khrushchev died - Journalist of the Moscow News newspaper Nikita Khrushchev. He died from a stroke in the Moscow hospital named after Burdenko. As noted in the obituary, since January 2007, the grandson of Khrushchev worked in the newspaper "Union Veche" - the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Nikita Khrushchev consisted of two marriages. In the first he was born the son of Leonid and daughter Julia, in the second - Rada daughter and Elena, Son Sergey.

Yulia Khrushchev was born in 1940 in the family of Leonid Khrushchev, the son of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Her father is a fighter pilot. During the Finnish campaign, he bombed Mannerheim's line. In the summer of 1941, Leonid plane was shot down, and he himself was wounded. The pilot was treated for a long time in the rear, alternating procedures with merry couments. And once in a drunken spore, he tried to shoot down a bottle from the head of the comrade, but missed and got him right in his forehead. For the murder of Leonid, they convicted for eight years of camps "with serving part of the term on the front." And in March 1943, Senior Lieutenant Khrushchev did not return from a combat departure. This version confirms his combat comrade, the flyer of the walker: "After the armor-piercing strike, the Khrushchev plane literally crumbled in my eyes."


According to another version, Leonid Khrushchev was shot down, he captured and agreed to cooperate with the Germans. After that, allegedly at the personal disposal of Joseph Stalin, SMERS officers found a traitor and delivered to Moscow. About what happened in the Kremlin was testified by General KGB Mikhail Dokuchaev: "Khrushchev was crying, and then began to cry. They say, the son is to blame, let him be sternly, just do not shoot. Stalin said:" In the current position I can not help Nikita fell on his knees. Begging, he began to crawl to the legs of Stalin, crying and asking for a condescension for his son. When the security officers and doctors brought Nikita Sergeevich to feel, he told all the time: "Split the Son, do not shoot ..."

Khrushchev, until the very death, could not forgive Stalin of such humiliation: "Lenin at one time dismissed the royal family for his brother, and I would Omit Stalin, let the dead, for his son."

And even despite this information, there are no accurate data on how Leonid died. Since there are no documentary evidence - some memories of contemporaries. At the same time, the death of the Son was the cause of the indictments, which later will sound from the mouth of Nikita Khrushchev to Joseph Stalin.

Yulia's mother, Lyubov Khrushchev arrested immediately after the disappearance of Leonid - as a family member of the Motherland. It was released only in the 1950s. However, Khrushchev was absolutely not interested in the fate of daughter-in-law. They accidentally met at the end of the 60s at some family evening. Nikita Sergeevich sugely told her: "Hello, Lyuba!" - And on this, all their communication ended.

The fact that she has a mother, Julia has learned only at 16, when he graduated from school. It was necessary to submit documents to the university, and they all told her. The girl was shocked - she considered her parents with her grandparents.

Khrushchev dreamed of becoming Julia to become a teacher or agronomist. It believed that these were the most useful professions. But she was not interested, and she worked for a long time in the news agency "News", and then was the crew of one of the Moscow theaters.

In the personal life of "granddaughter-daughters", too, everything was not easy. Nikolay Shmelev, a well-known economist, academician wounds became the first husband of Julia Khrushcheva. He is one of the few who in the years of restructuring was not afraid to act with the criticism of the state economic policy. The offer to the beloved man Julia did herself. "At six o'clock in the morning, the door of my room opened, where I then lived my owner myself, was put on the threshold of a sports bag, and the little man said:" From here I will no longer leave! "- I remembered the shmelers more than once.

Khrushchev, son-in-law perceived ambiguously, because the young married not on the canons, without the official proposal of their hands and hearts. A couple of times with the son-in-law, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU talked at elevated colors. Excrete young shmelev, comparing with Dorokhov from "War and Peace".

Julia and Nikolay lived in a communal service for about two years. And it was the happiest time of their marriage. After five years, Nikolay threw his wife. Khrushchev demanded an explanation for Julia. She said that her husband had another. When Nikita Sergeevich asked "And you gave for this reason?" - replied: "Dala".

Four months after the divorce, she gave birth to a daughter. And at the insistence of his father married his new friend - Lion Petrov, a journalist, who simultaneously served in GRU. God bore two daughters, Nina and Ksenia. In 1970, Petrov died.

Julia 18 years has hid its origin, becoming Petrova. And the last name of the grandfather took after the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev arrived.

Her daughter Nina in the late 80s went to study in America, Princeton. Since then, lives and works in the USA. It is considered a large analytical specialist in Russia. Divorced.

Another daughter of Julia - Ksenia - lives in Russia. Her son, the Rights of Khrushchev on this line, is Nikita.