Oil lamp do it yourself. Lamp on sunflower oil - * Survival in little-favorable situations

From a strip of tin width around a centimeter, a tube with a diameter of about 7 mm is folded, a copper wire is brought to it. The tube places a wick from a piece of bandage twisted into a flavor. All this is placed in a glass jar with a screw lid so that the wick, suspended on wire hooks for the edges of the cans, was located in a height of approximately in the middle. The jar is poured with sunflower oil to the level of the middle of the tube. Oil is desirable to take purified, light. Dark crude oil, burning on the wick, clogs its products of incomplete combustion and burning deteriorates.

Washing wick burns inside the can of a flat flame, in brightness roughly as a paraffin candle. The bank protects the flame from the wind well, so the lamp works on the street. It is important to adjust the length of the wick so that the flame does not smoke. The high and bright flame can quickly shrink the glass, so the length of the phytel has to be subscribed. As oil combustion, its level is reduced, and the lamp has to be treated. Tosses not necessarily butter, it is possible and ... water!

Water is heavier than oil, it will settle down under it, and simply raise the oil to the fit. Even when the oil remains a very thin layer, it will burn on the wick, and the water will not wet wick, because it is saturated with oil. In the "hiking" position, the wick with wires lowered to the bottom of the banks, and the bank is tightly closed.
I recently learned from the Internet that Leonardo da Vinci, improving the oil lamp, posted a tin pipe over his flame to strengthen the thrust and burning. I tried this and me. Posted above the flame of a pipe with a diameter of 1.5 cm and about 10 cm long. Effect - zero. He took the tube more: the diameter is about 2 cm, the length is about 20 cm. The effect is the same. Further with the "chimney" did not experiment, I decided that we would go to another way.

The brightness of the lamp decided to increase the reflector. From aluminum beer can cut the rectangle length slightly less height Glass jar. At the bottom, having crashed on the right and left, twisted the tube for the wick. Her so that the flame does not start the reflector, removed from him about the centimeter. The photo shows how it is done.

The rest of the rectangle, keeping the cylindrical form of the beer bank, was the reflector. Placing the reflector in a glass jar so that the phytyl is on optimal height, on the protruding part of the reflector from the sides, I made two nurses and dispersed the resulting "wings" so that they lay on the edges of the cans.

Inserted wick, flooded the oil. Ready!
The brightness of the lamp significantly increased. The picture shows that the light gives not only the flame itself, but also the reflector.

The next step to improve the lamp was: strengthen the brightness due to another wick. This time, before the reflector, I twisted two tubes for wicks. The reflector himself made a little wider, slightly changed its upper part, so that the narrowing of the neck of the bank did not compress the reflector.

A little more about the regulation of the length of the wicks - and here: burns! It became brighter. Compare the photo brightness. (c) Wear

    Incandescent lamp - general purpose (230 V, 60 W, 720 lm, E27 base, overall height ok. 110 mm Incandescent bulb Electric source SV ... Wikipedia

    Lamp of black light - Black light lamp, or Wood lamp, (English Black Light, Wood S Light) Lamp emitting almost eligible ... Wikipedia

    Lamp - Lamp: In WikiSlovar, there is an article "Lamp" lamp (chili) isp. LAMPA) ... Wikipedia

    Woodow lamp

    Woodow lamp - Black light lamp Lamp of the Black Cutle, or Wood Lamp, (BLACK Light, Wood S Light) Lamp, emitting almost exclusively in the most long-wave ("soft" part of the ultraviolet range and practically no visible light. ... ... Wikipedia

    Black light lamp - Black light lamp Lamp of the Black Cutle, or Wood Lamp, (BLACK Light, Wood S Light) Lamp, emitting almost exclusively in the most long-wave ("soft" part of the ultraviolet range and practically no visible light. ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other values, see the lamp. Lamp as light source: content 1 lamp lighting 1.1 OS ... Wikipedia

    Lamp on metals halides - Metal halide lamps relate to gas-discharge lamps and provide high-volume high for their sizes. Metal halogen lamps are compact, powerful and efficient light sources. Invented in the late 60s of the twentieth century ... ... Wikipedia

The oil lamp was created on the Internet spied on the Internet.

What is needed for the manufacture of such an oil lamp:

Step 1: Tools, Spare parts and means of protection

The reason for this product is not on sale or any variations there are light bulbs are very fragile. If you had to put it in production, it will be made from scratch, glass balls should be thicker.

I found a light bulb for work, but safety primarily. Eye protection and thick gloves Or wrap a light bulb into an old towel. Use boxes, cardboard, or plastic to catch glass fragments.

What do you need: Two blown incandescent bulbs, 2 magnets, 1 steel plates, black spray paint, rubber legs with adhesive base, and aluminum wick holders.

Fuel: Liquid paraffin oil for a smokeless lamp. At the end, sunflower oil, but it can smoke when burning.

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It often happens that the electricity is suddenly disconnected, and there is no paraffin candle. In this case, the oil lamp will be optimal decision Problems.

In order to make a lamp on the oil we need:
1. Old blown light bulb (you can buy a new one).
2. A set of tools.
3. Cotton Fitil.
4. Steel wire.
5. Syringe.
6. Olive oil.

First you need to prepare a light bulb for further action. To do this, we need to do in the basement a hole for wiring wicks. It is enough to hook the protruding contact of the lamp pliers and pull for it. After you deleted epoxy resin (Black polymer around the contact) and everything that is inside the light bulb, you should have such a glass dwarf.

Next, measure the desired length of cotton wick. In order to check the wick on the suitability, it is enough just to set fire. If he gives a loose ash, then everything is in order. If he begins to turn into plastic, then such a wick will not fit us. So, I measure the wick so that it is completely immersed on the bottom of the lamp and came out of it about the centimeter.

Now fill with oil our container. For this I used a syringe. And pour oil in the lamp. 10 ml. will be sufficient. If the oil is over, it can always be addressed.

Now we take our wire and make pliers from it such a device. Circular area to attach the wire on the lamp thread, and the top for fixing the wick. As a collected form looks like this.

Water fittings are in every home. Besides what they can be applied by direct destinationWith them you can make a variety of things. There are designers who use water reinforcements to create new masterpieces, decor elements. Such decorative element We will try to create exactly now.

Let's see the process of creating a beautiful and original oil lamp in a video:

So what do we need?
- plumbing fittings;
- tee;
- adapter 3/4 per 1/2;
- adapters 1/2 on the hose;
- Rubber gasket;
- Natural fiber cord;
- Santechnic tape;
- oil intended for lamps (can also be used kerosene);
- a penny in two rubles.

Materials are collected, proceed to work. We take a penny and insert it into an adapter along with the rubber gasket.

Now you need to take care of the holders for phytyl. To do this, we take 1/2 per hose adapters, in which we insert our cord from natural fibers. Such ropes can not be purchased in every store, but you need to look good enough to finally find the cord from natural fibers. The fact is that an identical cord from artificial or synthetic fibers is simply not suitable, because the synthetics melting and burns.

Holders of wick are ready, which means that they can be installed in their places, namely into the tee.

All materials are ready. You can collect our lamp. You can do this as shown in the picture, and it is possible to fantasize, creating your own unique and unique lamp.

That is the entire simple process of manufacturing oil lamps from water reinforcement. The finished lamp can be used so, and you can take a little galvanized acid and give it a little rusty and sweaty look, which will make the lamp more colorful and stylish.

It remains only to fill the oil and ensure that the tips of our wicks perform approximately one or a couple of millimeters. Otherwise, the flame will be very big and can cause serious harm to the lamp and subjects that will be nearby. Separately, it is worth noting that there will be no mechanism on the lamp that will allow you to regulate the flame, therefore it is better not to experiment with a length of wicks.