Fastening mdf panels to corners. DIY wall mounting MDF panels: options for mounting MDF wall panels on glue and frame

MDF is one of the most popular finishing materials today. This is largely due to its relatively low cost, but for many consumers, the installation process looks much more important. If the finish can be installed by hand, this is already a huge plus.

That is why, in this article, we decided to talk about how to fix MDF panels to the wall, and if you are even one hundred percent confident in your abilities, we strongly recommend that you read this material to the end and watch the videos posted in this article.

Any repair, including fixing mdf panels to the wall, begins with careful and thoughtful preparation. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, and first of all, calculate the amount of required materials. Fortunately, today, this is much easier to do than 10 years ago, just use a calculator on one of the construction sites on the Internet.

Important! Calculation of materials using an Internet calculator may have an error, which can be compensated for by simply adding 10 percent to the result. Thus, you will not only guess exactly with the required quantity, but also leave a margin in case of a marriage during the installation process.

It is not difficult to calculate the number of panels on your own, but only if the room in which the renovation is planned has straight walls, without communications and architectural delights. So, everything has been purchased and delivered, in principle, you can get to work, but there is one little trick - before attaching the MDF panels to the wall, they need to lie down at room temperature for at least a day in the open, that is, removed from the package.

This is necessary in order for the material to gain moisture and produce all the deformations that inevitably occur when the temperature regime changes. In the meantime, our panels are getting used to the new room, it's time to prepare the instrument. It is very important that everything you need is at hand, often in search of a hammer or nail, it takes much longer than directly to repair.

To make it easier for you to prepare the instrument, here is a complete list of what you may need during the installation process.

Set of tools


  • Tape measure and pencil for marks... This most important tool should always be in the home craftsman's arsenal, and moreover, be at hand. For the entire repair, you will have to use them more than once, so it is better if they will always be in your pocket.
  • A hacksaw for wood, but with a fine tooth. If possible, this tool can be replaced with a jigsaw, but if your repair is not planned in a huge room, then buying it is simply pointless. MDF panels and lathing material are easy to cut by hand, and this does not require special physical strength.
  • Building level. A simple tool that no repair can do without. In the arsenal of professional builders there are high-tech laser levels, in the everyday life of a home craftsman, you do not often find him. The fact is that the price of this tool can reach 10 thousand rubles or more, so buying it for the sake of one repair is simply not profitable.
  • Thunderstorm of neighbors - puncher. A very loud tool, but without it you are unlikely to be able to drill holes in a stone wall. The hammer drill also needs a drill, and it is better if it is with a diamond tip.
  • Construction stapler. If you are not yet familiar with this tool, then it's time to get acquainted. In many situations, it is able to replace the hammer and nails, and it is much easier and more convenient to work with it. You simply put the gun to the attachment point and press the handle, and the metal bracket itself penetrates into the base and holds the materials together.
  • A hammer. They say that any repair can be done with just a hammer and a strong word. Whether it is true or not, we will not say, but the fact that fixing mdf panels to the wall cannot be done without it is a fact.

So, the whole tool is prepared, and you can take a break before the next step, but for now we suggest you see how to fix the mdf panels to the video wall, so that from the very beginning you understand what to expect in the future.

Foundation preparation

Our panels are still getting used to the new place, and it's time for us to start preparing the walls.

The instructions for fixing panels imply two options:

  1. Fix the panels directly to the wall. Let's make a reservation right away that this option does not suit us, and most often it is offered to their ignorant clients, careless and extremely lazy workers. Over time, such a finish will begin to gain moisture, and for mdf this is a sure death, and sooner or later, you will understand that the repair needs to be completely redone.
  2. On the prepared crate... This is the only way to protect the panels from moisture. MDF is attached at a distance from the wall, so this finish lasts much longer. Next, we will describe this particular option, and if someday, the workers will try to convince you that the crate is not important, just look for other performers, these are clearly trying to cheat you.

The preparation of the walls begins with the removal of the old finish, and the more thoroughly it is removed, the better the base will be. It is unnecessary to expose the wall to the brick itself; it is enough just to remove the old paint or wallpaper (see How to remove wallpaper from the walls correctly and without suffering).

It is very easy to do this with a plastering trowel, and if in some places the paint stubbornly does not want to leave its place, just leave it there, which means that it has become akin to your walls and will not interfere with new repairs.

The next step is priming. It is necessary in order to protect the walls, and subsequently the entire decoration from the appearance of mold, which inevitably forms due to the constant accumulation of condensation. Deep penetration primers and impregnations, in this case, work as antiseptics, that is, they do not allow fungus and mold to spread.

Advice! Do not feel sorry for the primer, from its overabundance, the walls will not get worse, but the drawback can play a bad joke, that is, the coating simply will not work as it should, and enough mold spores appear in one place, and over time they will spread further throughout surface.

So, we have finished with the preparation of the walls, and by this time, the panels have already got used to the new place, but their time has not come yet.

Construction of lathing

So we have come to the most difficult and crucial stage of our repair. Yes, yes, the construction of the crate is a much more time-consuming process, even compared to the fastening of the panels themselves. It is not enough to know how mdf panels are attached to the wall; before that, it is necessary to work hard with a puncher and a hammer.

The lathing can be made from wooden bars, or from metal guides on which drywall is attached (see.Let's consider how to attach a drywall profile to the wall). The use of profiles is considered more preferable, as opposed to wood. The metal has no thermal expansion and does not absorb moisture, which means that it will last much longer and the finish will not lose its original shape.

Important! When using metal guides for the manufacture of battens, choose only a galvanized profile. It costs a little more, but it does not rust over time. The zinc layer reliably protects the metal from corrosion, and the finish will last much longer.


If you have already looked at how to attach mdf panels to the video wall, then you probably noticed the so-called perpendicular fastening rule, that is, if your panels are planned to be fastened vertically, then the crate guides should be vertical, and vice versa.

  • We will talk about a more traditional and familiar way of fastening - vertically, so first, we need to determine the top and bottom points. This is very simple to do, place the level on the floor and run it along the entire length. The water ball itself will show the highest point, and it is on it that we will be guided.
  • From this point, we retreat five centimeters upward, this is not a technological moment, and is only intended to facilitate the process of fixing the panels, therefore the figure is not fundamental, and can fluctuate within reasonable limits.
  • Now, guided by the level readings, draw a horizontal line along the entire perimeter of the room. We do the same under the ceiling, and our starting lines are ready, it remains to find the location of the next guides.
  • It is very simple to do this: based on the fact that the ideal distance between the nearest guides is equal to 50 centimeters, you can make mathematical calculations and find out their location, but there is a much easier way.
  • We simply divide the distance between the top and bottom lines in half, and put a dot at this point. Now, divide the distance between the new point and the extreme lines, and put the mark again. Thus, we perform division until the distance becomes close to the value we need of 50 centimeters.
  • That's all, it remains just to draw lines along the level from the points obtained as a result of dividing, and we get all the places where our guides will stand. But that's not all, now we need to determine the attachment points, and here we repeat the same operation with a division in half, but on each horizontal line.

Fasteners will be installed at these points, but more on that in the next section of the article.

Attaching the guides

  • And before proceeding to the description of the process, we strongly recommend that you choose the right time. You do not need to fix the crate early in the morning or late in the evening, and you should also not do this on weekends and holidays. Do not make your neighbors angry, you still have to live with them.
  • So, we take a puncher in our hands, fix the drill, and at each point marked by us on the horizontal line we drill a hole of the required depth.
  • There may be a lot of points, but there's nothing you can do about it, the more often the fasteners stand, the stronger and more reliable the crate will subsequently turn out, and therefore the entire finish.

Are the holes ready? So, we take a hammer, dowels and metal braces in our hands.

  • Metal braces are special perforated strips that are attached to the base and are needed in order to fix the guide profile. The convenience of braces is that it is much easier to catch one plane with them, because we do not want our finish to turn out to be curved.
  • Guys are fastened with dowels, and bent perpendicular to the wall. Now you can set guides, and the main rule here is that all segments are flush with each other. Here the laser level will no longer help you, even if it is. You will have to check with a water eye, or use the old old-fashioned method - a plumb line.
  • In fact, this is the most difficult and time-consuming stage, and if you successfully coped with it, then you can take a breath - the worst is over. It remains only to fix the panels that have already been waiting for us.

Panel mounting

You can start attaching the panels from either side, there is no fundamental difference, and it all depends on your convenience. In short, start from where it is more convenient and easier.

Advice! Adjust the settings on your stapler before proceeding with the installation. To do this, you need to take a cut of the panel and a piece of the profile and try to connect them. The impact force of the stapler should be sufficient to break through the metal and press the panel to the base. If, after fastening, there is even a slight backlash to the panel, further increase the impact force by twisting the shock spring.

So, the first mdf panel is placed in a corner with a small gap of 3-5 millimeters from the guide fixed on the adjacent wall. The first panel is placed with a groove in the corner and driven directly through the ridge or, if this is not possible, through the body. Subsequently, the trace from the paper clip will be covered with a decorative corner.

Now we punch the groove part. As you might have noticed, one of the photos in this article shows that the grooves in the MDF panels have a special release, it is intended for fastening, and it is into it that you need to drive the staples.

When the first panel is fixed along all the guides, the next comb is inserted into its groove. And the process is repeated. in this way we fix all the segments, and it remains only to glue the decorative corners. PVA glue is best suited for these purposes, which will not harm the coating of the panels and will securely fix all corners.

Well, that's basically all, we figured out in detail how mdf panels are attached to the wall, and now you can safely get to work. If all the rules are followed, then difficulties should not arise, and patience and work are capable of working miracles, and for this it is not necessary to have many years of experience, because even the most skilled specialists, when they started from the very beginning.

As a material for interior wall decoration, MDF panels are now widely used. They have become very popular due to their environmental friendliness, attractive appearance and a number of positive characteristics. Using MDF panels is a simple, relatively inexpensive and quick way to decorate a room. Most often, the material is used to repair storerooms, hallways or loggias.

What are mdf panels

This finishing material is made of medium-density fiberboard by hot pressing of wood fibers. As a result of pressure and high temperature, the lignin, of which the wood is composed, becomes elastic, its fibers adhere to each other. In the production of the material, no toxic components are used, for example, phenol or resins, so mdf panels are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

There are three types of external coating for facing slabs:

  1. A laminated film that repeats the surface of marble, wood or other natural materials.
  2. Thin veneer made of fine wood.
  3. Embossed varnish coating.

When buying mdf panels, you should pay attention to their thickness, moisture resistance and strength.

Pros and cons

Of course, like any building and finishing material, mdf panels have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The obvious benefits include:

  1. Simplicity and ease of installation. They can be attached to a frame that is easy to manufacture, horizontally or vertically, without the need to first apply a layer of plaster.
  2. Good insulation.
  3. Attractive appearance, wide range of colors.
  4. Easy to clean, to keep the walls tidy, just wipe them periodically with a damp cloth.
  5. Affordable price.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. The walls under the panels remain hollow after fastening, if something needs to be hung, it is important to use special dowels.
  2. Instability to external mechanical stress and moisture.
  3. The material is highly flammable and burns.
  4. MDF panels do not form a flat solid surface; grooves are always visible at the joints.
  5. The material is more suitable for interior decoration of corridors, storerooms, loggias.

Preparatory work

Since mdf panels can be attached to uneven surfaces, special preparation of the walls is not required, however, due to their instability to moisture, work is best carried out in a dry room in sunny weather.

The following stages can be distinguished from the preparatory work:

  1. Coating the wall surface with a primer, a special solution for wood preservation or an antiseptic.
  2. Sheathing device for fixing panels (if the adhesive installation method is not used). The frame can be attached directly to the walls, but this will not be the best option, since it will repeat all the unevenness of the wall. It is better to make an independent frame, the elements of which will be located on top of the insulation. The frame is of two types: metal and wood.
    • Metal carcass It is made of a guide profile, with which the plasterboard is installed, with a size of about 50x50 mm. The profiles are vertically fixed to the floor with dowels at a distance of about 60 cm; before installation, it is important to check the correct positioning of the elements using a building level. The lower bar should be placed at a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor, and the upper one at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling. Vertical elements are attached between the vertical elements. It remains only to securely fasten all the elements with the help of corners, which are easy to make from the profile itself. You can use a cutter, a tool that helps you connect elements together.
    • Wooden frame made of elements of the same size, approximately 50x50. The installation technology is the same as in the previous version, the difference is that wooden bars are fastened together using self-tapping screws or furniture corners.
  3. Wall insulation. The cells of the frame can be filled with a layer of insulation, how to do it correctly will be described below.

Required tools

In addition to the standard set of tools that can be found in every home, you need to prepare for the installation of MDF panels:

  1. A tape measure and a pencil, they will be needed to mark the attachment points of the crate elements and indicate the required length of materials.
  2. A plumb line that can be made from a regular line and a nut.
  3. Building level or metal corner, with the help of which the correct arrangement of the elements is checked.
  4. Hammer, nails, construction stapler.
  5. Dowels and screws.
  6. Screwdriver and drill.
  7. Cutter.
  8. Hand saw or jigsaw to cut the MDF panels to the desired length.

How to fix mdf panels to the wall

The material is attached to the wall using frame or adhesive methods. Both of these options are equivalent. If you need to hide the unevenness of the walls, it is better to choose a frame method, if you need to finish a flat surface, an adhesive one is quite suitable.

Preparatory work for the construction of metal or wooden lathing has already been done, you can start installing the mdf panels themselves. It does not matter from what corner of the room to start work.

  1. The first MDF panel is installed in the corner so that its spike is located 2-3 mm from the adjacent wall.
  2. The second is installed on the adjacent wall in the same way, so that its spike is also directed to the corner.
  3. Holding the panels with your hands, you need to install a universal corner between them.
  4. We fix them with special clamps - kleimers. They are fixed to the edge of the panel and then nailed to a metal or wood frame. The cleats are made in such a way that they do not interfere with the insertion of the next element into the groove.
  5. The upper and lower parts are screwed with self-tapping screws at the top and bottom. After the completion of the work, their heads will not be visible, since they will be covered with ceiling and floor skirting boards.
  6. The next panel is inserted with a spike into the groove previously installed as described above. Straight joints should be covered with special slats.
  7. When all work on installing the panels is completed, using ordinary construction glue, the skirting boards and platband are fixed.

Wall insulation

Experts advise to do wall insulation, because under the influence of moisture, the structure of the material can change, which is not very good for the appearance of the walls. The lathing cells are filled with insulation before the direct installation of MDF panels.

Most often, two materials are used for this purpose:

It retains heat well and prevents noise penetration. The foam sheets are attached directly to the brackets for the lathing profiles, and the gaps between the sheets are closed with ordinary foam. It is very convenient to work with this insulation, it is easy to cut, the material is suitable for any density.

Mineral wool. This is a soft insulation, which is placed in the gaps between the frame elements, slightly tucking under them. If you decide to use this insulation, you should definitely take care of treating the walls with an anti-fungal agent.

Installation of panels on glue

It is important to take into account the fact that mdf panels can be glued only on flat walls. This method is simpler in comparison with the wireframe method, since it saves time significantly.

Not every glue is suitable for this type of work, it must:

  1. Be plastic;
  2. Smooth out minor irregularities on the wall;
  3. Have a thick texture;
  4. Lay down in a thin layer.

Work technology:

  1. Before you start gluing mdf panels, you need to clean the walls of dirt and apply a primer or any antibacterial compound. Be sure to wait until the solution is dry.
  2. You need to start the installation from the corner of the room so that minor errors are less noticeable.
  3. Apply glue to the inner surface of the panel pointwise, that is, in a "checkerboard pattern", wait a little to allow the glue to absorb.
  4. Place the canvas against the wall, press lightly and smooth from the center to the edges.
  5. Glue the rest of the panels in the same way. They can be fastened end-to-end or overlapped, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

In order to save time, the glue can be immediately applied to several canvases, while it dries, start attaching the first one. When working with glue, you need to be very careful, since the result of the work depends on it.

The process of installing mdf panels is very simple if you follow the recommendations of specialists and pay attention to some of the nuances:

  1. When installing the first mdf panel, be sure to use a plumb line and a building level.
  2. The material does not bend, therefore, closer to the corners of the walls, the panels just need to be cut, and then close this place with special corners.
  3. Fasten the lower element of the batten closer to the floor in order to securely fix the skirting boards later.

Decorating the walls with natural materials, such as solid wood panels, lends nobility and style to the interior, but it is expensive and impractical. An excellent solution in this case is the choice of a material that combines the decorative look of natural wood and the durability and strength of artificial binders. MDF panels have gained well-deserved popularity among builders, they are used to decorate both living rooms and commercial and public spaces. They are easy to attach to the wall and look neat and stylish.

Advantages and disadvantages of MDF panels for wall decoration

MDF is obtained from wood fibers processed at high pressure and temperature, pressed into a board.

Binders and useful additives give MDF special properties and advantages that are indispensable for wall cladding:

Disadvantages of the material:

  • low elasticity;
  • in conditions of high humidity, dampness penetrates through the untreated ends of the slab, which deforms and destroys the structure of MDF;
  • fire hazard.

How to properly fix MDF to the wall

Several types of MDF are produced, which are suitable for use in various operating conditions:

  • solid-pressed products have a smooth front surface, medium density, furniture is made from these sheets;
  • laminated panels are covered with a protective film on top, they are distinguished by increased strength and decorative effects;
  • moisture resistant boards are more expensive than conventional boards, they are denser and can be used in wet rooms: bathrooms and kitchens.

After evaluating the features of each type, you can make the best choice to create a durable finish. Before starting the repair, you need to make a drawing of the room with the layout of the sheets and calculate the consumption of materials and fasteners.

To make it more convenient to work, make a drawing of the room and calculate the amount of consumables

For a correct calculation, it is necessary to subtract the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and door openings from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. To the result obtained, add 10% for possible trims.

There are several ways of attaching MDF panels to the wall, each of them has its own technological features, having studied which you can choose the most suitable option.

Fastening to a wooden crate

This method has many advantages:

  • the frame hides defects and differences in the height of the base, does not require careful preparation of the walls;
  • a space is formed for laying communications and wiring;
  • insulation can be placed under the panels;
  • it simplifies the replacement of an individual MDF board.

There are also disadvantages:

  • the space of the room decreases, which is especially true for small rooms;
  • fastening hinged decorative elements and furniture will require long anchors and embedded elements.

The surface under the finish in humid rooms can accumulate condensation and become a favorable environment for the development of harmful mold and mildew. To solve this problem, it is necessary to treat the surface of the wall with a fungicidal antifungal impregnation, and to reduce the possibility of fire - with a fire retardant. For the lathing, a bar measuring 30x30 mm is suitable.

MDF panels - modern and environmentally friendly material

In addition to the MDF panels themselves, you will need the following list of tools and materials for work:

  • level, plumb line, ruler and pencil;
  • stepladder, wooden lathing bars;
  • drill, puncher, screwdriver;
  • dowels or self-tapping screws, you can use clamps, studs with a reduced head;
  • fire retardant and fungicidal impregnation;
  • liquid nails for fixing corner trim elements;
  • brush, putty knife, sticks, large-toothed hacksaw or saw.

Preparatory work:

The frame is ready, now you can mount MDF panels:

For thin slabs, you can make a secure attachment to the battens with glue. Liquid nails are perfect for this purpose.

For metal profiles

This method uses a special aluminum or galvanized metal profile. Such a frame is more expensive, but is devoid of wood drawbacks and will last much longer. This method is optimal for finishing rooms with high humidity.

The following materials and tools should be prepared:

  • guide and bearing profile strips, suspensions, small self-tapping screws "seeds" for connecting the profiles to each other;
  • screwdriver and self-tapping screws, perforator and dowels;
  • ruler and level, marker;
  • stairs, skirting boards and corners;
  • chisel drill bit;
  • kleimers, one box of 100 is enough;
  • plaster and putty.

Base preparation:

  1. This method does not require leveling or thoroughly preparing the wall, it is enough to remove the old tile or wallpaper and walk with a fire-retardant composition so that mold and fungus do not grow under conditions of increased dampness under the finish.
  2. Mark the wall, place the planks in 45-50 cm increments. Mark the lines on the floor, walls and ceiling. Before installation, you can glue foil foam foil for thermal insulation.
    Correctly installed crate will allow it to lick for a long time, and MDF panels will not warp over time
  3. Attach straight hangers, which are subsequently bent to strengthen the frame structure and expose the finishing plane at the required distance from the main wall.
    Fix the hangings on the wall
  4. Fix the guide strips to the ceiling, floor and side walls with dowels. Insert the supporting main strips into the suspensions and guides, fasten the structure with small self-tapping screws, called "seeds" by the craftsmen. It is convenient to use a screwdriver with a magnetic attachment for this work. Fastening is carried out in increments of 15-25 cm.
    Fix the guides to the floor, ceiling, walls
  5. Check the level of the correct position of the strips, lay the necessary communications. Put the wiring into the corrugated pipe and fill the gaps with insulation, bend the protruding edges of the suspensions outward.
    Fill the gaps between the profiles with insulation

Stages of installation of MDF panels:

Without frame

If the base is flat and free from defects, then fastening can be carried out without installing the frame.

This method has its advantages:

  • work time is significantly reduced;
  • precious centimeters of the room do not decrease, the wall sticks out by only 10 mm.

For fastening you will need:

  • adhesive liquid nails, assembly gun;
  • hacksaw with a fine tooth, brush;
  • stepladder for work at height;
  • universal corners made of fiberboard, plinth, insulation;
  • fire-retardant impregnation, soil.

Stages of preparatory work:

After the walls are completely dry, we proceed to the installation of MDF boards:

Video: mounting MDF panels on the wall

Competent installation of MDF panels is not difficult at all, they do not require special care, and the walls look like they are finished with natural wood of exotic species or leather, granite. Practical and inexpensive cladding will give the interior a gloss and a neat fresh look.

In the modern world, when you need to quickly complete wall decoration, MDF (medium density fiberboard) panel is especially popular. The advantages of this material are the average cost, as well as high environmental friendliness. For the self-installation of MDF panels, many years of experience are not required, it is enough:

  • know the features of handling the material;
  • understand the principle of this type of finishing;
  • be able to prepare the surface, calculate accurately and make markings.

For information. MDF is a synthetic mixture of wood sawdust mixed with glue and pressed into sheets of standard sizes. The material has the strength of plywood, rigidity and high quality. Products from this material are designed to create a home interior in the form of: panels, pre-finishing, decorative partitions.

Fastening of MDF panels to the wall can be made on a frame structure or on glue. For the second method, an adhesive mixture "Liquid nails" is used. When using it, it should be borne in mind that the finished MDF sheet panels have their own color. Therefore, the sales consultant must show samples of the cured adhesive mixture for selection.

There are various tools used to install MDF panels. They are used depending on the type of fastening of the structure. In addition to the standard tool kit, a level, an electric jigsaw and a drill with attachments are often required.

Important! In the process of interior decoration, the question often arises: "Is it possible to glue wallpaper on MDF products?" This is quite possible, however, before work, the fibreboard must be carefully primed so that during installation they cannot absorb the glue.

Panel mounting methods

Known methods of how to fix MDF panels to the wall are frame and adhesive. The last installation dictates the need for wall evenness. For an unleveled surface, you can first put sheets of gypsum board on self-tapping screws and glue the sheets to them.

The nuances of mounting the panel to the wall

Regardless of the installation method used, preparation almost always begins with cleaning the walls. The more thoroughly they are cleaned, the better the base will be for finishing. However, it is not necessary to clean the walls all the way to the concrete base; it is sufficient to remove the old paint as much as it is removed. This can be easily accomplished using chemical, thermal or mechanical methods, which are nowadays quite affordable. There should be no problem with their choice.

For information. If the paint, when removed from the walls, stubbornly does not want to scrape off, it can be left - this means that it has become akin to the wall.

It is quite possible to fix the wall panels on the adhesive mixture yourself, but the main thing:

  • be able to prepare the surface;
  • know how to glue MDF boards;
  • glue MDF panels tightly against the wall to prevent air from entering under the structure;
  • check the flatness of the attached panel.

If it is decided to mount MDF wall panels on the lathing, then it is recommended to choose a convenient time for the process of hammering the lathing together. You should not engage in fastening the sheathing in the early morning, late evening, on weekends or holidays - since it is very unreasonable to make neighbors angry.

The next step is priming, which protects the walls from mold. It is important to note here that an overabundance of primer for the wall is not scary. But insufficient priming can subsequently affect the quality of the cladding. Fungal spores, appearing in one place, can gradually spread further.

Wireframe method

Fixing panelsMDF is performed by two types of methods based on usage:

  • lathing made of wood;
  • metal profiles.

Step-by-step installation of wooden lathing

The easiest way to mount MDF panels on walls on your own is to prepare 20x40 mm slats to build a frame from them. The slats will need to be fixed to the guide profiles using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

For information. The convenience of modern installation lies in the fact that the joining of parts in one plane is carried out almost without difficulty.

So, with a drill in hand and a fixed drill in the marks horizontally, you need to drill holes of the desired depth. Here the rule is simple: the more often you distribute the fasteners, the more reliable the final finish will look.

As the holes are ready, they begin to hammer the rails with a hammer and fasteners. The placement of the slats is planned perpendicular to the direction of the mounted plates.

Panels are mounted using:

  • clamps,
  • self-tapping screws,
  • carnations with a small cap.

As a rule, preference is given to what is more convenient.

Important! The method using wooden lathing requires protection: the use of antiseptics, staining with special paints.

The fastening of the panels starts from the usual convenient side. The first slab is placed in a corner, and the next ones are installed according to the construction algorithm of the construction lego, the so-called "mom-dad" among the builders. MDF panels are produced with a distinctive elongated tongue, thanks to which it is convenient to fasten.

Important! All sheets should be fairly tightly aligned. Even a laser level cannot achieve alignment if there is no correct joining between them. To achieve the result, the proven old-fashioned method is often used - the plumb line.

This is how MDF panels are installed on the wall. This is not at all difficult, the main thing is to be patient and show diligence.

For information. The algorithm for installing decorative MDF partitions is the same: the installation is carried out based on the initial fixed panel.

Fastening MDF to a metal profile

The strength of the metal profile is its durability and reliability. This is a versatile part used in almost any field of human activity. To install the frame on a metal profile, you need to prepare the profile itself. The lathing structure is fixed to the wall with 4-6 mm self-tapping screws. If the wall is load-bearing, then the diameter of the fasteners can be reduced. The holes in the wall are drilled in accordance with the diameter of the plastic “socket” of the fastener.

Glue method

However, metal crate and wooden frame, with all their advantages, are quite expensive methods. It is possible to fix MDF panels to the wall using an adhesive method, which ensures no less reliable fixing of the structure. The technology for installing MDF wall panels on liquid nails is the most simple, however, you should adhere to the installation recommendations.

For information. Even small finishing fastening nails will be noticeable, but with the help of the glue method, you can get a good result - an ideal appearance.

The minimum layer of adhesive is only 3-5 mm, therefore, defects and deviations in the base are practically not allowed. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the result - the panels will simply repeat all the irregularities of the walls or come off. Therefore, before gluing the MDF panels, the wall must be leveled.

For use as a finish on MDF panels, a couple of layers of insulating primer are used, and then a layer or two of putties are applied. After that, they check that the coating is one hundred percent. This is to prevent swelling and black mold growth. If there are hidden, unpainted surfaces, the joints should be dug to prevent moisture ingress.

Important! It is necessary to glue MDF on the wall so as to ensure a snug fit of the panels to the wall surface. The flawless glue for MDF panels ensures that the panel will stick securely and last for many years.

There is another option, how to attach MDF panels to the wall, which combines both adhesive and frame methods.

Assembling MDF panels is quite simple: the first panel is attached to the guide, the ridge of the second panel is inserted into the groove of the first. And the process is repeated. Thus, the panels are fixed to the very last, it remains only to install decorative corners.

Installing a decorative corner

Decorative corners are used purely for aesthetic purposes. They are attached upon completion of fixing all components of the finish. To install a corner, it is better:

  • first fix with mounting tape;
  • then glue securely.

The best for gluing the corners is the “Liquid nails” adhesive mixture, which will not damage the coating and will securely fix all decorative corners.

MDF panels are starting to gain more and more popularity. Among the advantages of this method of finishing, it is significant that such an installation may well be carried out by one person without anyone's help. Moreover, special experience is not required for this. You just need to first familiarize yourself with how to properly fix MDF panels to the wall.


When traditional natural materials begin to dry out, as happened with wood, there is natural desire to minimize losses and even use production waste.

So there were analogues of wooden boards based on sawdust and shavings - chipboard and fiberboard. From the "Mason's gun" was produced fiberboard, which later received the name - MDF.

Plates launched in the USA in the second half of the 20th century. In our country, it entered the line of building materials only after 30 years. But most of all, China has succeeded in its production.

Reference: For the manufacture of MDF under production conditions, two methods were used: "wet" (similar to the technology of cardboard production) and more modern - "dry".

Features of production

From cleared and sorted by fractions of chips of any wood species, using a special device - defibrator, the process of wood separation into fibers is carried out. This requires high temperature (100 ° C) and humidity (\u003e 80%).

The raw material passes through the defibrator several repetitive cycles, during which hardeners, binders, paraffin and resins are introduced into the resulting mass.

5 seconds of drying in a stream of hot air (up to 240 ° C) - and dry mass goes to molding... The formed layer of fibers is called a "carpet". The board production process is completed under the press.

The resulting canvas is cut, chill for 20 minutes and polished depending on the grade.


Despite existing at different enterprises production features and dimensional standards, the following characteristics remain in common:

  • density - 600-1200 kg / m³;
  • breaking strength on average - 0.55 MPa;
  • flexural strength according to GOST 10635 - 20 MPa (pressure per 1 cm of area 200 kg);
  • formaldehyde emission class in accordance with GOST 27678 - E1, which means the release of a substance in an amount of 10 mg per 100 g of a plate (class E3 is prohibited in our country);
  • leaf moisture rate - up to 10%;
  • all additives to natural wood are 10%;
  • sheet thickness from 6 to 40 mm.

The side of the MDF sheet can range from 1650 mm to 3660 mm. The standard of basic and additional sizes is established by each enterprise independently.

Do you know how you can decorate the walls in the kitchen in a modern and beautiful way? Read this article.

Types of material

By the density of the face layer fibreboards are differentiated by marking:

  • LDF from 200 to 600kg / m³;
  • HDF - over 800 kg / m³.

According to the regulations of the standard:

  • general purpose (MDF);
  • moisture resistant (MDF.H);
  • constructional (MDF.LA).

By the type of front surface, plates are distinguished:

By covering possibilities:

  • rack (type-setting) - from 150 mm wide, up to 3700 mm long;
  • tiled (type-setting) - within: 30x30 and 98x98 cm;
  • sheet - 122x244 cm.

By finishing method:

  • laminated - pasted over with a polyvinyl chloride film (plain, with a pattern, glossy, matte, imitating natural materials);
  • veneered - with a top layer of valuable wood veneer;
  • painted - covered with paints and enamels (pouring method), creating an elastic layer, using the printing method.

In addition to synthetic film, paper-based films and paper laminates are used for finishing the boards.

Film coating not afraid of cleaning agents, resistant to mechanical stress, shows resistance to direct sunlight, but raises the cost of the material.

Advantages and disadvantages

The raw material used for the production of MDF panels sets them properties of natural wood, and even superior in mechanical properties.

MDF panels, like any material, have their pros and cons.

The obvious advantages of MDF:

  1. Strength.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Frost resistance.
  4. Uniformity of the structure.
  5. Large selection of decorative finishes.
  6. Imitation of expensive natural materials.
  7. Long-term preservation of product geometry.
  8. Ease of installation.
  9. Partial repairs available.
  10. Profitability.
  11. Convenience of transportation.
  12. Relatively long service life.
  13. Sound insulation properties.
  14. Environmental Safety.


  1. The value of its own weight.
  2. Unsuitable for fastening with nails.
  3. Waste from processing in the form of dust.
  4. Vulnerable to open fire.
  5. Swelling in high humidity.
  6. Susceptibility to deformation due to mechanical stress (impact, fall).

How to choose?

Accounting for technical characteristics material and the right choice of tools - the key to success in working with this type of facing board.

Selection of panels for interior wall decoration depends on many conditions:

  1. What material resources do you have.
  2. What tasks are solved by the covering possibilities of the material.
  3. What decorative load will the cladding bear within the framework of the design project?
  4. How important are the additional properties of the slab for a given room: moisture resistance, fire resistance.
  5. Does the protective (decorative) coating of the slab matter for compliance with hygiene standards?

The optimal choice is wall panel (780 kg / m³), in appearance and assortment, meeting the tastes and capabilities of the owner.

Scope of application

In rooms with constant humidity - bathrooms, indoor pools - the material exhibits increased fragility.

MDF panels found their application in various fields, in construction, for the manufacture of cabinet furniture, in the design of premises, the manufacture of arches, partitions and much more.

Application of mdf panels:

Perhaps you want to know how to make an interior arch with your own hands? Read here.

Do-it-yourself methods for attaching wall MDF panels

The most common technique aligning and simultaneously decorating walls - sheathe them with MDF plates.

Wall slabs can fix on the wall in two ways:

  • by frame technology (to a metal profile or to a wooden lathing);
  • mounting on glue (liquid nails).

On a wooden crate

On a wooden crate made of slats with a section of 20x40 mm, the panels are fastened on horizontal joists using tongue-and-groove locks... Why hammer small nails into the corner of the lock groove. For the accuracy of the work, a metal firing pin is used, which allows you to drive a carnation to the very head.

On a metal profile

In order to install the panel on a metal profile, you will need the following consumable:

  • SD profile (3m) for racks;
  • UD profile (3mm), guide;
  • straight suspension;
  • additional strips and corners for joints;
  • corrugation (self-extinguishing) for electrical wiring.

Walls under MDF do not require special preparation, unless, if necessary, they are additionally insulated.

The position of sheets (type-setting plates, rails) on the wall is determined.

Implemented marking the wall with a level, self-tapping screws and nylon thread for UD guiding profiles. Areas of open wiring are removed into the corrugation.

A frame is being built from a metal profile under MDF:

  • UD profile is fixed with dowels to the ceiling and floor (wide side to the surface);
  • suspensions for SD profiles are fixed on the walls with a “quick installation” fastener;
  • SD profiles are attached to the ends of the UD profile of the floor and ceiling; fixed in suspensions with a step of 60 cm; the vertical of the position is verified with a plumb line;
  • additional horizontal profiles are installed using crab joints on vertical posts in places of probable impacts: 60-70 cm from the floor, and between them.

Installation of MDF panels on the frame using clamps and small screws, in the sequence: panel, groove at the end, fastening with screws to the profile. Places of corner joints closed with additional details made of PVC.

First panel additionally fastened with self-tapping screws in places that will be hidden at the end of the work: to the floor (under the plinth), and to the ceiling (under the decorative cover).

This video is a good example of how you can decorate a wall with mdf panels with your own hands.

Without frame

It is even easier to mount panels without a frame on "liquid nails". The consistency of the glue should ensure elasticity of adhesion and filling the unevenness of the wall. To successfully follow the technology, the instructions on the tube are enough.

Primer - process prerequisite... The glue is applied to the panel pointwise and staggered.

It is necessary to glue in two stages, after the initial pressing to the wall, the panel is torn off (for weathering the glue), and again (after five minutes) it is necessary to glue the panel completely... The whole process is controlled by the building level.

The panels must be cut evenly and accurately to ensure an aesthetic joint at the joints.

To prevent damage the front surface when cutting the board, it should be placed on the work table with the glossy side up.

For joining in wall corners use an additional elementcommercially available - special corner for external or internal corners.

Decorating the walls with MDF panels is not difficult for someone who has had experience working with a tool and is not afraid to acquire new skills. The result will delight you and your household.

How to fix MDF panels to the wall: step-by-step instructions + video

Greetings to you experienced and novice DIYers! This article is devoted to the features of MDF wall decoration - panels. Competent installation, taking into account all the intricacies of technology, is the key to a result that will delight you for many years.

We estimate the premises

MDF wall panels can be fixed in two ways: on the lathing or directly on the wall using glue. Before choosing an installation technology, I recommend assessing the condition of the walls in the room, taking into account two factors:

  • MDF is made from wood fibers, so it is recommended to protect the material from contact with moisture and surfaces damaged by fungus.
  • The panels must be mounted on a flat surface.

If the walls, freed from the old finish, are almost perfectly flat and dry, you can mount MDF panels without lathing, using glue. It will take a minimum of time, but excludes the possibility of wall insulation and replacement of individual panels in case of mechanical damage.

Uneven walls require a lathing made of wooden battens or metal profiles. In a house with brick walls or in damp rooms, you should not use a wooden crate - there is a high risk of fungus, which will damage the finish over time.

Tools and materials

For trimming panels, as well as marking and installing the battens, we need:

  • plumb line (easy to make from a strong thread and a compact load like a nut);
  • tape measure (at least 3 meters), building level and pencil or marker;
  • electric drill + drills for wood and concrete, a screwdriver (you can use an electric drill with adjustable speeds + a nozzle for self-tapping screws);
  • metal square, hand saw or jigsaw, hammer or staple gun.

To fasten rails, panels and decorative corners, you need to stock up on:

  • wooden or plastic mounting wedges;
  • self-tapping screws with plastic sockets or dowel-nails (for lathing);
  • self-tapping screws for fastening the outer sheathing panels;
  • clamps (special clamps for fixing panels to the crate);
  • small nails or staples;
  • You will also need "liquid nails" for MDF panels or glue for a thick wood.

Preparatory work

Attention - we carry out this stage only if we want to "put" the panels on glue directly to the wall, if you have chosen the option of attaching the panels to the crate, then the stage of preparing the walls can be ignored. To begin with, the walls must be cleaned of old finishes, make sure that there is no mold and moisture, if necessary, carry out an antifungal treatment and dry the surfaces well. If the unevenness of the wall is too large, then you will have to plaster the surface and prime it, read how to do it here.

Installation of battens

The first thing to know is that wall insulation can be done in two ways:

  • after fixing the crate, fill the cells with foam or other heat-insulating material;
  • before installing the lathing, glue foil foam foam with a thickness of 3 mm

Depending on how you will mount the panels vertically or horizontally, we mount the lathing either horizontally or vertically.

For wooden battens, I recommend using 20x40 mm slats. It is advisable to pre-treat them with an antiseptic. The wooden frame can be mounted using dowel-nails or self-tapping screws, but the metal frame is best fixed only with self-tapping screws, otherwise the profile can be accidentally bent.

The length of the fastener is selected based on the thickness of the battens and the thickness of the plaster layer. It is important that the fasteners go 30-40 mm into the base of the wall. The lathing is fixed to the wall with a pitch of 500 - 600 mm.

Vertical elements of the battens are installed in the corners - end-to-end, strictly at 90 degrees to each other, as well as framing door and window openings, columns and ledges.

It is important to constantly check the plane of the frame and the "evenness" of the strips relative to each other using a level.

For alignment, wedges made of wood or plastic can be placed under the planks. Inaccurate joints of wooden slats should be leveled with a plane.

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The lower and upper horizontal rail on each of the walls should be attached with a small offset from the floor and ceiling, respectively - skirting boards will subsequently be mounted to them. Then a horizontal framing of window and door openings is performed. The rest of the horizontal elements are installed at a distance of no more than 500 mm from each other. Ultimately, it should look like this:

A frame made of a metal profile is mounted according to the same principle and looks like this:

Installation of MDF panels on the frame

Panel fastening can be started from any angle. At the first panel, it is necessary to cut off the ridge using a jigsaw or a hand saw, having previously marked the part along the entire length. I want to draw your attention to one important point: before installing the panels on the wall, carefully calculate what gap will remain after the penultimate panel - if the gap is very narrow, it is better to cut a strip wider from the first panel so that the finish looks beautiful.

The first panel must be pressed with the cut side to the crate of the adjoining wall and, using self-tapping screws, must be attached to the horizontal slats of the frame with an indent of 1 cm from the edge.

From the side of the groove, the panel is attached to each rail with clamps, which can be nailed with a clip or a small nail into the central hole. In order not to accidentally damage the edge of the panel with a hammer, attach pliers to the head of a half-hammered nail and nail through them.

Each subsequent panel is inserted with a comb into the groove of the previous one and secured with clamps. The last element is trimmed in width, and its edge is attached with self-tapping screws to the vertical rail of the batten.

Mounting MDF panels on glue

Everything is simple here - the previously prepared wall is pre-primed. "Liquid nails" for MDF or wood glue are applied to the back of the panel in large dots. Then the panel should be pressed against the wall and tapped for a snug fit, and then torn from the wall. The glue smeared over the surfaces should be slightly weathered in order to better set later. After 3-5 minutes, the panel is pressed against the wall again. It must be tapped carefully to ensure a snug fit against the wall.

Important: the first panel on each wall is fixed along a vertical mark made with a plumb line. Subsequent panels are inserted into the groove of the previous element only after the adhesive has gained sufficient strength (this point should be indicated on the package).

The final stage

After all the walls are sheathed with MDF panels, the ceiling and floor skirting boards are attached. Then the inner and outer corners are closed with a special decorative element - a cut corner for MDF, matched exactly to the finish. The cut corner is attached with glue, which is most conveniently applied with a thin snake along the entire length of the element.

The end result should look like this:


Even a beginner in the field of self-repair can qualitatively perform wall cladding with MDF panels. If an installation with a lathing is chosen, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of material and fasteners required. I advise you to first draw a detailed diagram, putting down all the dimensions.

Video on the topic "how to fix MDF panels to the wall with your own hands":

How to properly fix MDF panels to the wall

When decorating the interior of a house or apartment, a natural question often arises: how to fix MDF panels to the wall? It seems to many that only professionals can perform this procedure. This is a misconception. After all, all the work can be done by hand. Naturally, you will have to make some effort, as well as follow a number of rules that will make the end result impressive.

What you need to know about the material

MDF wall panels are an excellent decorative material that can transform any interior. The material is produced by hot pressing of fine wood fractions, which are previously cleaned of all dirt.

The production technology is very simple. The prepared substance is mixed with a small amount of natural resins. The mixture is spread in the right amount and pressed. The result is a fibreboard or board (depending on the thickness). Such a product is distinguished by good density and complete environmental friendliness.

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