What a fertilizer is better for cucumbers when landing. Proper fertilizer for cucumbers when landing

Cucumber is a culture demanding to the fertility of the soil mixture. At the same time, the plant poorly tolerates a large concentration of nutrient elements, and therefore, they will have to be subordinated throughout the growing season. The pre-sowing preparation of the site and the application of fertilizers during landing is important. Let's find out which fertilizers are needed when landing, and in what quantities they should be made.

Plan article

Nutrients for cucumbers

For a good crop, it is necessary to ensure the balance of nutrients in the feeding.

Choosing that they should be taken under the cucumbers, the phase of the growing vegetation and the requirements of the plant at this stage of development should be considered.

In the open ground, the average consumption of one plant is:

  • nitrogen - up to 25 g;
  • potassium - up to 58 g;
  • phosphorus - up to 15 g;
  • magnesium - up to 5 g;
  • calcium - up to 20 g.

Nitrogen subcorders

Nitrogen cucumbers, in contrast to tomatoes, are necessary almost at all stages of vegetation.

Especially important is the receipt of this element at the stage of extension of the vegetative mass at the very beginning of the growing season.

Accordingly, to make nitrogen feeders are best in the starting resistance in the spring and when landing.

The nitrogen fertilizers are applied or.

When choosing a mineral supplement, consider that urea does not work in cold soil, so making it in the cold soil in early spring is ineffective, it is better to use an ammonary nitrate.

But for spraying during the extension of the vegetative mass of the urea is suitable. In addition, this fertilizer in certain doses plays the role of fungicide and will be the prevention of certain cucumbers.

Nitrogen in large quantities is in the fresh. The organo satizes the soil by Gumus, which is so loved by cucumbers. In the autumn people, you can close fresh manure, it is better to use humus to spring.

Phosphorian feeding

Phosphorus is an important element, the cucumbers are needed in small dosages, but the arrival of this element should be regular.

Phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system, which is significantly less in cucumbers compared to the above-ground part.

In addition, phosphorus participates in photosynthesis processes and is also responsible for the growth of green mass.

Phosphorus is especially needed during the formation of the strings and at the stage of technical ripeness of fruits. To replenish this element, all types of superphosphates are used:

  • monophosphate

The first two fertilizers are entered into the soil in the fall. Ammophos is better to use in the spring resistance, since this agrochemistry contains nitrogen.

Note! Phosphorus passes into the cucumbers digestible in the form only in a year. Partial decomposition begins six months later. Therefore, in a dry form, superphosphates close in the soil from autumn. In the spring and during vegetation, a solution is prepared and plants watered them.

Fill the lack of phosphorus and organic agent, for example, bone flour, which can be used directly when landing, or manure, close in the soil along the autumn.

Potasy feeding

Potassium is the most necessary for the normal fruction of cucumbers an element.

Its receipt during the vegetation should be uniform, since this element is responsible for the movement of the other nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant in the above-day part.

At the stage of fruiting, the number of potassium increases, and nitrogen additives, on the contrary, are reduced.

If potassium is not enough during the ripening period of fruits, their deformation occurs, the taste becomes bitterly, products are reduced.

The cucumbers react negatively to chlorine, so it is used to replenish potassium in the spring:

  • potassium sulphate,

Calibian chloride fertilize the ground under the cucumbers in the fall.

Chlorine refers to moving elements, and in the spring it will be completely flushed out of the soil with precipitation. From organic fertilizers will fill the lack of potassium ash.

Autumn and spring preparation of a plot for cucumbers

There is a universal recipe for autumn and spring resistance of a plot rely on cucumbers:

  • 5 kg - 10 kg of overwhelmed manure / 3 cup of ash / 80 g - 100 g nitroposki / m².

They will improve the structure of the soil and be saturated with its nutrients.

The first feeding when landing seeds is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the first seedlings. In the future, feeding the cucumbers are also held every ten days with alternating on the root and spraying on the sheet.

Fertilizers when planting cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seedlings poorly tolerate transplant. Therefore, many agrarians use peat pots for seedlings, which simply bury up in advance prepared landing pits.

In this case, damage to the roots does not occur, and seedlings are better leaving in a new place.

From conventional plastic cups, seedlings are taken carefully, before conveying ground under the seedle, it is necessary to moisturize.

The landing fumes are also pre-shed, an ammonic teaspoon or dining-bone flour contributes before irrigating. Since the cucumbers needed calcium in large quantities, it is possible to pinch the egg shell into the fossa.

Fertilizers for cucumbers during the growing season

For the first time, feeding is carried out after a complete rooting of seedlings, but only if it looks weakened.

Using only nitrogen agrochemicals are used: dung alive under root or urea for spraying an overhead part.

If the seedlings before disembarking were fed and after rooting it looks quite healthy, then the first fertilizer is postponed before the start of flowering and the same nitrogen fertilizers use.

The second feeding is performed at the start stage of fruiting and stimulates its duration.

During this period, the plants actively consume nutrients, potassium is especially necessary. Phosphoric and nitrogen fertilizers are entered into fewer.

Conduct the second introduction in stages. When forming the first fruits, the cucumbers are watered:

  • 15 g (art. Spoon) / 10 liters.

After a week, plants fertilize under the root with the addition of potash salt:

  • cowboy 500 ml / potash salt 5 g (spoon) / 10 l.

In the future, all fertilizers are brought with an interval of one week. Folk recipes can be used: yeast solution, nettical infusion. It will be relevant to the humats and stimulants of growth.

How to determine the shortage of nutrients in cucumbers

Determine the lack of nutrients can be visually visually in appearance of cucumbers:

Despite the need for regular feeding, cucumbers are very responsive to care. Observe the rules for planting and making fertilizers, and the plants will thank you with abundant fruiting.

The cucumbers are one of the most popular crops grown in household plots and farms. Each gardener has its own methods for planting cucumbers in an open soil or greenhouse, thanks to which they manage to get high yields. But the main secret is to comply with the general rules of agrotechnology, which will be discussed in this article.

We will look at the varieties that can be planted in the Urals or in the Moscow region, we will tell on which right depth to plant seed than to fertilize the seedlings and what to feed the land in a greenhouse from polycarbonate.

Seed falling or seedlings start from the second half of May and until June 15. At this time, there is still a danger of night frosts or a decrease in temperature below 12 degrees, so protection requires protection.

Construct it with polyethylene film or agrovolokna. In daytime clock, the plants are revealed to enrich oxygen and lighting with solar rays, which are very important for normal vegetation.

In a seaside method of growing Zelentsov, the deadlines for the transfer of seedlings to open beds are taken into account.

As a rule, from the moment of planting in the spring, it takes 3-4 weeks to transplant. The young shoots in greenhouse conditions should not be disturbed, it violates the rhythm of the development of the plant, reduces the formation of barriers.

The most popular varieties

For planting in the Urals

Hybrid partrenokarpic type with a growing season 40-45 days. Fruits Long up to 12 cm and weight up to 110 grams Have excellent taste and high product qualities. The plant shows resistance to colaporiosa, false mildew, cucumber mosaic.

Beefallioned early hybrid forcing fruit weighing up to 118 grams, Lena up to 15 cm. Universal application and excellent taste made culture popular to apply and trigger in regions with complex climatic conditions.

Features of Amur: self-regulatory branches, intensive formation of fruits, long shelf life.

Cold-resistant plant with fruits long up to 17 cm. The hybrid shows a resistance to a false mildew and a cucumber mosaic. The type of flowering is predominantly female.

The hybrid is characterized by a good development of lateral shoots even if they plant in conditions of insufficient illumination.

To land in the suburbs

Early hybrid forcing fruit weight up to 200 grams. The length of the Zelentsy reaches 15-25 cm, flew gentle without the taste of bitterness. The feature of the variety is the absence of yellowness on the chime vegetable. There is a tolerance to fungal diseases and a web box.

Vegetation period lasts about 55 days. Zelentsa at the stage of maturity reaches length 8-10 cm, weight - 100g. The whip grows up to 1.8 m, is distinguished by great branchiness. Culture is characterized by resistance to bacteriosis, false mildew.

The perfect cucumber for salt, the length of the fruit reaches 12-14 cm, weight - 100-120 grams. Harvesting can be planned 35-45 days after germinating sprouts above the surface of the soil.

Strong immunity manifests itself in the resistance of the plant in front of fungal infections and pests.

The hybrid of universal use with a period of vegetation is 46-50 days. Fruits are formed on one vacuum 120-125 grams. The composition of the Zelets is rich in ascorbic acid and sugar, which gives taste interesting notch. The vegetable is suitable for use in fresh and recycled.

To plant in Ukraine

The plant persistently tolerates heat, so the hybrid is incredibly popular in the southern part of Ukraine. Culture requires pollination, aging deadlines allow you to begin harvesting 40 days after the appearance of germs. Fetal weight 90-110 gram.

Zelentsy are sleeping quickly, their size is small, but with a bush for the season you can remove average 1.8 kg. A variety of beefall, resistant to diseases and pests. Young shoots quickly adapt when transplanting to a new environment.

- The mid-air representative of cucumbers, giving generous crops. Nezhinsky hybrid is tolerant to various diseases, manifests resistance to temperature differences.

Fruits retain taste quality even in pickled form. Greenheads are made at 47-60 days after the appearance of sprouts above the surface of the soil. With one vacation removal up to 1.2 kg of cucumbers.

The spreading should not need to pieces, but the plant is quite demanding to moisturizing. For proper care, the owners gave a generous harvest, and the main one is early. The growing period lasts only 35 days. Glue weight reaches 120 g at length 12-13 cm.

The feature of the hybrid is the absence of yellowness even in a marvelous state.

Rules of planting cucumbers in open soil and greenhouse greenhouse

Cucumber landing on open beds is carried out after setting the night temperature not lower than 10 degrees. If you sew seeds in a greenhouse or greenhouse - then the temperature conditions are softer.

Selection seedlings for sowing in spring

If seedlings are grown independently, then the seeding time should be taken into account. Early varieties are planted in late March - early April. The average and late Zepets sow on seedlings, starting from April 15..

When choosing seedlings on the market it is worth considering the following factors:

  • seeding age should not be over 30-35 days;
  • the height of the stem reaches 25-30 cm;
  • the length of the heating knee does not exceed 5 cm, thickness from 0.6 to 1 cm;
  • on the stepper knee can be seen white vulnets (root roots);
  • the number of formed sheets is 5-6, the diameter of the lower reaches 16-20 cm.

The root cucumber system is poorly developed, therefore the likelihood of its damage during transplantation is high. In order not to injure the plant, many gardeners use to sow and grow seedlings peat or paper potsFrom which the escape does not need to be removed when transferring to a bed.

Preparation of beds before growing

The cucumbers love light and fertile soil, so you need to start preparation from choosing a place.

It is preferable to place the beds from the north to south, then there will be no problems with lighting. As nutrition for soil is more suitable cow manure, the plant reacts very positively on it. In the fall on the site, a korovyan in the rimming form (5-6 kg per 1 m2) is introduced.

It is also possible to enrich the soil directly before landing, watering it with a tincture of manure (1 part of the organic on 5 parts of water).

A good alternative to the cowboy is chicken litter. It is used for the preparation of tincture even less (1 part of the litter on 20 parts of water). Comprehensive mineral fertilizers are also suitable.

The most effective way to grow cucumbers in the open soil is arrangement of warm beds With a height of at least 25 cm. The body cushion will create a favorable temperature for germination of shoots and the development of young shoots. You can shoot a harvest by 7-10 days before the usual time.

Warm beds - the most efficient way to grow cucumbers


Planting execute under cloudy weather either in the eveningSo that the sun's rays do not dried transplanted shoots. A few days before the transplant, the seedlings should be abundantly pouring and filing fertilizers. This will help her to adapt to new conditions faster.

The wells on the site are planned at such a distance from each other so that the plants are comfortable to develop, form the screens. Each variety has certain stem sizes, and take into account when drawing up the circuit. The bush cucumbers are planted 5-6 plants per 1 m2, tall culture - 3-4 escapes on 1 m2.

To the prepared moisture hole to make a seedlove together with land com. It is not necessary to plunge the grazing knee. The surface of the soil is not pressed much so as not to damage the sensitive processes of the roots.

The desired goaling

Watering a garden needed regularly in the evening clock (and better about one time).

The water temperature should not fall below 18 degrees. It is necessary to direct the jet to the ground in the aisle, it is not worth spraying the leaves. Before the start of flowering, irrigation is carried out in moderate quantity (1-2 times a week). The norms of the liquid used are increased during the period of fruiting (1 l to 3-l).

Season several times it is recommended to conduct hilling. This procedure will allow you to better form the root system, increase additional roots, which will make the plant more resistant to fungal diseases.

Loosening and weeping Usually combined. During the season, not less than 3-4 procedures. Swimming enriches the soil with oxygen, prevents moisture stagnation. Webling eliminates landing, weeds attract insects, create a shadow, thanks to which the disputes and harmful microorganisms that affect cucumbers are activated.

Proper formation of cucumber's scourge is one of the important conditions of care.

Care for cucumber beds includes formation of the Pli.. This procedure is aimed at the development of lateral shoots, on which a large number of female colors are formed. To do this, make a central stem above 5-6 sheet.

In the formation of bushes need mediterranean and late varieties Zelentsov. Plants with an early aging period can not be segged.

What mineral and organic feeding can be used

A fertilized breakeer with nutrients at the preparatory stage does not provide all the necessary trace elements of a developing escape.

After the appearance of germs spend root (1 time in 3 weeks) and extrannevy (weekly) feeding. A nutrition and mineral fertilizers are used as a nutrition.

For extractive treatments used solution based on manure or avian litter. Root feeders provide for the use of the following tools:

  • "Agrikola 5 for cucumbers" - 1 tbsp. l. on water bucket (3-4 l per 1 m2);
  • "Energy" - 2 capsules on the water bucket (3 l per 1 m2);
  • "Effectton-O" - 2 tbsp. l. on the water bucket (4 l per 1 m2);
  • "Agricola Vegeta" - 2 tbsp. l. + Nitroposka 1 tbsp. l. on the water bucket (5 l per 1 m2).

Agricola - for root


Some gardeners admit errors when growing green, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Among the main:

  • using low-quality seeds (there is a bad germination of the sowing material, the absence of uncess);
  • good tillage before planting fertilizers, which does not provide for further dust (this is a misconception, because the root cucumber system is better perceived nutrition from solutions of weak concentration, and excess of trace elements negatively affects the growing season);
  • cultivation of large-sized seedlings (it is necessary to navigate, but on the deadlines, they should not exceed 35 days);
  • out of soil nitrogen fertilizers (this leads to a rapid growth of the tops and reduces the formation of uncess);
  • use for irrigation cold water (the plant develops slowly, practically does not bloom);
  • the lack of adhesions of the formation of a vacuum (the selection and removal of side shoots are aimed at increasing the strings and ensuring sufficient nutrition for the entire plant).

Diseases, pests and good ways of struggle

Even with proper care, cucumber beds are not protected from the invasion of pests and diseases. Of course, the risk of lesion of healthy well-groomed plants is small, but the danger exists. Therefore, important instant reaction From the side of the gardeners when the first signs of the problem are found.

Dangerous for the crop are considered the following diseases.

  • I am striking primarily foliage, spreading further on stems and stiffs. Recognized according to characteristic white spots. Treatment methods: removal from bed and disposal of amazed bushes, treatment of cucumbers with sulfur ground powder (3 g per 1 m2), spraying with a sulfur solution of colloidal (25 gr. 0.3% sulfur on water bucket).
  • (false mildew) is manifested in the form of yellow-green spots with light bent on the top of the bush. The disease spreads rapidly, is able to destroy a whole bed over a short period of time. Treatment methods: spraying with milk solution (on the water bucket of 1 l of milk and 10 drops of iodine), the culture treatment of the bordeaux mixture.
  • I am striking all parts of the plant, forming mucus and bright raid. It is formed as a result of the convergence, population thickening and temperature drops. Transferred through the soil and seeds. Methods of struggle: regulation of the regimen of irrigation, disinfection of a garden with a solution of water (10 l), copper sipop (2 gr.) And urea (10 grams). Affected bushes need to be disposed of and replaced.
  • Root rot Recognized on the weak development of the plant and its fading, which comes as a result of the root. Causes can be held in high humidity, temperature drops, soil infection or seeds. Methods of struggle: regulation of watering, trimming of the affected areas of the plant, dubbing the soil with chopped lime (up to 200 gr. Per 1 m2).

Not less danger to cucumbers are harmful insects:

  • bahch wane (when it is detected to spray as a solution of ash from the calculation of 200 g per 10 liters of water + 50 g of a satellite economic soap, apply the drug "Inta-Vir");
  • cobed tick (will help periodic spraying with informy husks or garlic);
  • ants (dismount the soil of lime, move the nest beyond the beds);
  • slug (device for traps for collecting pests, processing of metaldehyde);
  • bellenka (Processing with the drug "Inta-Vir").

Agrotechnology cucumbers Though has some features, but quite sought for any owner. If there is a desire to experiment, then the sample should be done on several bushes, and not on all beds. Then the future harvest will definitely be safe.

As they grow, any garden culture must be picked up with nutrients. This is especially true of cucumbers cultivated on open beds. Regular nutrition will help plants to resist diseases and weather popsicles. In the article, we will look at how the fertilizer of cucumbers in the open ground, which there are ways of food and stages.

With the appropriate nutrition, the cucumbers feel well in open cart

Stages of making fertilizers under the cucumbers in the country

Fertilizers under the cucumbers grown on an open garden are introduced into several stages.

Types of feeding for cucumbers

Apart from the preliminary fertilization of the soil, the cucumbers can be divided into the root and extraxnealing.

The roasting feeding of cucumbers, as follows from the name, is made by introducing nutritional mixtures directly to the root system. This does not mean that it is necessary to pour fertilizers right on the roots, roll up the wells. It is enough to shed the soil around the plant, trying not to hurt the green mass in order to avoid the chemical braid burns and leaves.

Extra-corner feeding, on the contrary, implies the application of nutrients directly on the BOTS, and, if necessary, on the ovary and even fruit. Conduct such feeding by irrigation or spraying. A nutrient solution for it should be less concentrated than for roasting watering.

Feeding cucumbers mineral fertilizers

Determine which fertilizers are needed by cucumbers, it will help periodic inspection of plants.If the leaves are faded, the cucumber shoulder drops down, then the plants urgently need food. Characteristic features pointing to the need for feeding:

  • Termination of growth, a bluish shade of young leavesvifests about the lack of phosphorus.
  • Pale color of fruits and leaves, shortened and thickened fruits - symptoms of nitrogen shortage.
  • Slowing growth, pear-shaped cucumbers, bright border on the edge of the leaves speaks of potassium deficiency.
  • Powerful Green Mass and Slow Development Basins - a sign of nitrogen overaffect.

Tip №1: The feeding solution should be warm, because the cucumbers are very sensitive to the cold. For having fertilizers, it is better to take hot water. In the process of preparation, the liquid cools up to a comfortable temperature.

Making organic fertilizers

The most efficient organic fertilizer for open cucumber beds is a cow manure.The nutrients contained in it provide a full-fledged feeder, eliminating the need for additional fertilizers. The manure contributes in a rift at the rate of 3-4 buckets on m² or used for watering in the form of water infusion. For the preparation of a cowboy takes 1 part of fresh manure on 10 parts of water. Feed the cucumbers at the rate of 1 l of the finished means on one plant.

Chicken litter Sale in a dry form in all stores for gardeners

Cow manure can be replaced by chicken litter. The concentration of the active ingredients in it is much higher, so before watering the chicken litter is diluted with water in proportions of 1:20. The dose of application is the same - 1 l. on 1 plant.

Non-standard ways of feeding cucumbers

Highly popular among gardeners use old proven ways of feeding cucumbers using natural fertilizers and the use of submitted means.

  1. Irrigation of dairy serum. This is not only an effective fertilizer for fruits, but also a completely safe means of combating mildew. Local bacteria suppress the growth of "competitors", without harming the plant. The serum obtained in the preparation of cottage cheese is poured into the pulverizer and spray the above-ground part of the plants. With the same success, the diluted kefir, skyshest milk or yard (2 liters per bucket of water), use the same success.
  2. Processing of the onion husk. Take a glass of raw materials on 8 liters of water, bring to a boil, after which they insist for 3 hours. Irrigate the leaves of plants with the purpose of extractive feeding and prevention of diseases.
  3. Feeding with an aqueous solution of ash. On the water bucket, it is enough to take a glass of ash. The resulting composition is watered on the root. Such processing is allowed to be carried out weekly throughout the entire growing season of cucumbers.
  4. Pre-sowing treatment of soda seeds. Landing the cucumber seeds are soaked in a single-percent solution of soda per day, washed with flowing water and dried. This simple procedure increases the germination of seeds by 10% and significantly increases yield.
  5. Spraying tops in the infusion of the heavy hay. Such feeding prolongs the period of vegetation of cucumbers and protects the scourge from the damage to mildew. The hay is soaked in the proportion of 1: 1 and leave for two-three days. The resulting means spray plants 3 times with an interval of 7-8 days.

The ash under the cucumbers can be made in dry, and as a water solution

Yeasts as fertilizers for open-air cucumbers are used by gardens not so long ago. This method is often perceived as something exotic, nevertheless, the results of yeast feeding are impressive. The cucumbers are sick, grow faster, the period of fruiting occurs 2 weeks earlier, the plants have a well tolerate heat and cold precipitation. The composition of the yeast includes vitamins of groups B, proteins, amino acids, organic iron, microelements. Correct with yeast:

  • increases the stability of plants to disease and weather anomalies;
  • activates the rooting of seedlings;
  • stimulates the development of the root system, increasing the number of lateral roots 10 times;
  • increases soil fertility enriching it with phosphorus and nitrogen;
  • creates a prerequisite for active breeding in the soil of microorganisms, decomposing the organic and improving the composition of the soil.

Another plus is a significant savings on fertilizers.

For feeding take briquetted or dry (necessarily unclean) yeast. Methods of cooking infusion are shown in the table:

Recipe Nos.

Ingredients Period of insteading

Method of application

200 g dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of a slightly heated water 2 hours Diluted with water up to 10 liters and water the plants under root
600 g of alive briquetted yeast on the bucket of warm water 24 hours Diluted with water 1: 5, use for roasting feeding when transplanting seedlings
500 g of fresh yeast, 500 g of chopped nettle on the bucket of warm water. 48 hours Diluted in 50 liters of water, used for watering and extractive feeding

Effective complex fertilizer is obtained from strawberry

Tip # 2: The yeast enriches the ground with nitrogen, but the fermentation process depletes potassium and calcium reserves. In this regard, yeast feeding applies no more than three times, accompanying it with ash, mineral fertilizers or an eggs from the egg shell.

Basic mistakes of Ogorodnikov

  1. Excessive feeding of urea cucumbers.

Urea is a powerful fertilizer for any garden crops, the concentration of active substances in it is very high. Therefore, it should be accurately observed to respect the recommended dosage - no more than 50 g on the bucket of the outstanding water. If you cut the cucumbers with urea solution, then you can completely lose your crop. It is impossible to water the cucumber bed of urea in hot weather with a bright sun. It is better to do it in the evening, preferably before the rain. If the weather is arid, before the ground, the Earth needs to be plentifully.

  1. Horse manure as fertilizer.

Fresh horse manure under the cucumbers can not be made! It contains a lot of ammonia, which in the soil is converted to nitrates. Cucumbers who have grown on such a garden are becoming dangerous to health.

  1. Frequent spraying of cucumberssoda solution.

For the proper use of food soda on the garden, you need to know the proportions of dilution, dosage, observe plant processing intervals. Soda abuse leads to sodium bicarbonate concentration. This negatively affects the freight form of cucumbers and the intensity of fruiting. Saturated soda solution can be fully ruined.

  1. Fertilizer cucumbers with potassium chloride during the growing season.

Potash fertilizers are necessary for the normal development of plants. However, the cucumbers do not tolerate chlorine contained in many nutrient mixtures. To minimize the risk of damage to plants, potassium chloride contributes during the autumn stroke peroxide. By the spring, all chlorine is neutralized under the influence of snow and rain, only potassium plants remain in the soil.

Potassian fertilizers help plants withdistrate cold

The optimal source of caliper of unprotected cucumber bed is potassium sulfate, otherwise - sulfate potassium. This is a well-soluble crystalline powder of grayish color. The main thing is that there is no chlorine in it, so it can be made independently of the growing season.

Answers to current issues of gardeners

Question number 1: With sufficient watering, the cucumber shoulders are withering, the leaves lose the tour and blame. Additional soil moisturizing does not help. What is the reason?

There are signs of potassium deficiency. With the strengthening of potash hunger on the leaves, light green spots will appear, which will soon acquire a brown tint, similar to the burn from the burn. It is recommended to feed cucumbers with potassium sulfate, potash societary, Kalimagnesia, Calimag. It is permissible to use any complex fertilizer, which contains potassium - nitroposk, nitroammophos, carboammophos. The method of making and dosage is indicated on the packaging.

Question # 2: What type of feeding (root or extraxorno) is more effective in the open method of growing cucumbers?

Root feeders are good with hot weather. If the summer is warm, the root plant system is sufficiently developed to respond to the root receipt of fertilizers. In cold and cloudy weather, plants are fed by spraying leaves with nutritional solutions.

Question # 3: What is Sideral Fertilizers? Is it possible to use them for cucumbers?

Siderats are predecessor plants, the green mass of which is used as an organic fertilizer to the subsequent culture. A white mustard, oats, rye, oilseed radiation can be used as sidewall fertilizers for cucumbers. These cultures are sown in beds, freed after harvesting. In the fall or in the spring they are drunk together with the green.

Question # 4: Despite the observance of all the deadlines, the cucumbers stopped in development. What is the reason?

So it is plagued for a lack of boron. The engines stops the growth point. It is recommended for the first feeding to add to each bucket with a solution of 2 g of boric acid.

Question number 5: Why make fertilizers does not give the desired effect?

It depends on the composition of the soil. So that the plants can maximize the nutritional elements, the soil must be neutral. Before making fertilizers, acidic soils are treated with lime, ash, dolomite flour, chalk.

Cucumber is one of the most sought-after vegetables, and in fresh form, and in canned. Marinated and salty cucumbers are the first festive appetizer on our tables. To grow cucumbers, you should try and give vegetable all the necessary items to get a good crop.

A bit of theory: basic rules of cucumbers feeding

The cucumber is considered the most capricious garden culture. For good development and fruiting, the cucumber needs nutritious soil, but at the same time the plant does not make a strong concentration of useful elements in the ground. To balance the amount of nutrition and balance it with the nutrition of the soil, you need to know than to feed the cucumbers after disembarking into the ground.

Did you know? The first in the history of the greenhouses were built in ancient Rome. They were grown by cucumbers - favorite vegetables Emperor Tiberius.

Types of fertilizers

The cucumbers are equally well reacting to organic and mineral fertilizers, you only need to figure out, the better fertilize cucumbers. Of organic compositions culture best takes nasty Korovyaka - He is rich in nitrogen, copper, gray, gland and potassium. In addition to food, infusion provides a plant protection against infections.

Chicken litter Contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, increasing also resistance to diseases and activating the growth of the plant. An excellent source of nitrogen will serve in the infusion of overwhelming herbs, besides, such a fertilizer when heatsing is faster than an organic animal, loses ammonia, harmful to plants.

Important! Horse manure for cucumbers is categorically unacceptable: it is too large in ammonia, which, breaking in the ground, highlights nitrates absorbed by cucumbers. The fruits of such a plant are dangerous to health.

Mineral fertilizers For cucumbers in open ground are also important because in organic feeding, some elements are in a meager quantity. The most important in all life processes of cucumbers are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Potassium cucumbers can provide a natural mineral agent - wood ash - the best nitrogen source for cucumbers, and phosphorus will provide them superphosphate.

Forms of feeding according to the method of making

There are two main forms of making fertilizers for cucumbers.

Tornpodkord Cucumbers in the open soil - a way to make fertilizers under the bush, as close as possible to the roots. In this case, caution is observed, since it is undesirable that the fertilizer falls on the deciduous mass. Such feeders can burn the leaves and stalks.

Extra cornering subcortex Cucumbers are a spraying, directed to the overhead of the cucumbers: leaves and shoots. This method is safe for foliage, because the feeders are made not so concentrated as roasting.

How to make a calendar of cucumber cakes after disembarking in open ground

In addition to having to fertilize, you need to know how often feeding the cucumbers in the open soil. In order to control the process and not mistaken with the deadlines and type of feeding, give the cucumbers the elements necessary into a specific life period and prevent the lack or excess of any substance, you need to make a calendar of the feeder. Make it in the form of a table with grafes of dates, types of feeding (organic or mineral fertilizer), the method of introduction (roasting and extraxorno) and the graph in which the suppressed nutrient element (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) is taken into account, its quantity.

Than when and how to feed the cucumbers after disembarking in the ground, consider further.

First subordinatecultures after disembarking in the ground is carried out when two or three strong leaves appear. For better growth, nitrogen is necessary. This may be mineral fertilizer - urea. Method of application - roasting, quantity - 1 tablespoon of powder on 10 liters of water. You can also use an organic korotkin - to dilute 500 g per 10 liters of water, to help the root method.

Second subcord for cucumbers in the open ground is carried out in two weeks.The same types of fertilizer and methods of making are used. You can also use chicken lighting or rideward grass. Grass introduce a spraying method.

Third subordinateit is necessary during flowering.Cucumbers for the formation of full-fledged barriers need potassium. It will suit the extraordinary feeding of wood ash: two glasses at ten liters of water.

Than to feed the cucumbers in the open soil in fourth time? This feeding is carried out already in the period of fruitingThe plant needs nitrogen and potassium.

First feeding - after the appearance of fruits. Apply a solution of nitroposki (1 tablespoon of 10 liters of water), the method of introducing extraxorna. A week later, the second feeding is carried out by the roasting method, a cowbling solution with the addition of potassium sulfate (10 liters of water, 500 g of a cowboat, 5 g of potassium).

Better to feed the cucumbers after landing in the ground

The cucumber feeding is a necessity at all stages of the life of the plant. Compliance with fertilizer dosages, alternations of mineral and organic compositions, timely introduction of elements necessary for each period will provide you with a delicious and abundant harvest.

Did you know? The first mention of cucumbers in Russia made the German ambassador in Russia Herberstein. In 1528, he described this vegetable in his road diaries about a trip to Muscovy.

Than fertilize cucumbers immediately after picking seedlings

Nitrogen stimulates the plant for further development. When picking into an open ground in a yammer for seedlings often add ammophosca teaspoon.
Feed the cucumbers and organic fertilizers containing nitrogen - infusable cowboat, chicken litter and herbal.

Between the beds sprinkled wood ash, which absorbs into the soil after watering. The ash is rich in calcium, which speeds up the growth of plants. In addition, since the ash is a natural agent, it can be consumed several times over the growing period.

Fertilizer cucumbers during flowering

Before the start of blossoms are made stimulatingfertilizer for cucumbers in the open soil - Infusion of cowboy with the addition of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. At the same time, the proportions are observed: 200 g of a cowboat, 5 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate by 8 -10 liters of water.

A week later, in the flowering phase, the feeder repeat, replacing the additives to the cowboy to the nitroposk (1st art. L.) And reducing the dose of the cowboy to 100 g.

Than to feed the cucumbers during fruiting

Let's deal with how to water the cucumbers for a good crop. Effective during fruiting has proven fertilizer chicken litter. The content in it zinc, copper and nitrogen saturates the cucumbers necessary for the growth and taste of fruit substances. Chicken litter applied mainly in liquid form.

Pretty cucumbers during the fruiting period should also contain magnesium and potassium.

In the period of active fruction use potash Selitra (25 g of Selitras on 15 liters of water), make a typical way.

Important!During frequent precipitation, the cucumbers are severely subject to the paste. Potassium nitrate when making appears not only as fertilizer, but also as protection against diseases.

How to correct the cucumbers after disembarking in the ground, councils of gardens

Before fertilizing the cucumbers in the open soil, it is advisable to find out which items they need, in what quantities and what consequences will be due to the lack of certain substances.

For the growth of cucumbers, nitrogen is needed, but before you feed the nitrogen-containing compositions, think about how long the cucumbers of the irrigation. With a lack of moisture, the root system will not be able to absorb the desired number of item. With a lack of substances, the stems and side shoots of cucumbers stop growing, yellowing the leaves, the fruits change the color to the pale green and lose taste.

Fertilizer cucumbers in open soil should include phosphorus. Phosphorus participates in all processes: growth, flowering and fruiting. This element strengthens the root system of cucumbers, stimulates the growth of deciduous mass, increases resistance to disease and weather conditions. The lack of an element leads to diseases, slow motion development and empty barring. A sign of phosphoric starvation is a purple shade of foliage.

No less necessary for cucumbers is potassium. It is enough to feed the cucumbers twice, and the growing season will pass without complications. With a lack of potassium, the cucumbers will be charged, since it was Potassy that he is responsible for the content of sugars in the fruits.

What are the cucumbers like to feed the plant, except the main listed elements? For cucumbers are also important: calcium, boron, magnesium, manganese, iron, sulfur, zinc. Therefore, to grow a good and tasty harvest, it is necessary to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

The advantage of ready mineral fertilizers is that all the necessary minerals and substances are added to them in different proportions. These compositions are integrated and balanced, choose from abundance on store shelves and under culture, and for a certain life cycle.

Do not be lazy to learn more about the cultures you grown. Knowledge of the peculiarities of their cultivation and care will provide you with delicious, useful and, most pleasant, self-grown products.

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Next, seedlings, as careful as possible, removed from the pot so that the plant is damaged, and is located in the prepared hole. Then the hole is sprinkled on top of the earth. It is very important to remember that after the cucumbers were planted into the ground, they must be able to pour them, not missing a single busta.

First of all, small cups should be taken and then fill them with a cooked either purchased by a mixture. Seeds need to be poured with water, the temperature of which will be approximately 60-70 degrees, just a few minutes before sowing.

Feeding cucumbers when growing in open ground

With this method, the period of fruiting is extended.

Cooking soil personally: the soil will consist of humus, peat and overworked sawdust. The mixture will be combined with this ratio of 2: 2: 1. Then you can also add some amount of compost and turf.

Feeding cucumber seedlings in greenhouse

The risk of collecting seeds from hybrid cucumbers, which relate to the group F1 as in this case, the likelihood of obtaining a final result with identical properties is sufficiently small.

There is nothing complicated in the fertilizer of cucumbers. The most important thing is to know that, in what quantity and at what time are plants need. And then the cucumbers will surely please you with their rich harvest!


  1. Each novice dachnik should know about the features of the fertilizer of cucumbers in the greenhouse. This will increase the amount and improve the quality of the harvest.
  2. About 20% of minerals enters the vegetables during the flowering period until the formation of the first strings. The remaining 80% falls on the fruitful period. Therefore, even after the arrival of the first colds, the cucumbers need to be watering and feeding through the leaves.
  3. After each fertilizer application, seedlings should be well pouring.

If you decide to grow seedlings of cucumbers, then you should take care of her feeding. After all, it is very important for the future harvest.


How and how to fertilize cucumbers in the greenhouse?

Demonstration of an example of growing seedlings at home. An experienced person shares its developments from germinating seeds to sowing and planting cucumber into the ground

Next, it is necessary to sow so that every glass was rich only one seed. Sowing will be a depth of about 1.5-2Cm. Then the cups are put in place with air temperature of about 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees. There is also a possibility that the pest may appear (Roshovaya Fly). To avoid this problem, the cups should be smeared with any ointment, which has a sharp smell.

Assortment of modern fertilizers for cucumbers in greenhouse

The quality of the plant plays a huge role during the cultivation of seedlings. That is why seedlings who are ready for landing must be selected according to certain criteria:

Only 1 tablespoon of nitroposki and 3 tablespoons of ash are added to one bucket of this mixture. The optimal time of the year to prepare this mixture will be autumn. This condition must be carried out due to the fact that if you decide to prepare the soil under the cucumbers before the start of the landing, the risk that seedlings can have grown, increases.

To determine the quality of seeds, it is necessary, first of all, to carry out one operation: you need to place the seeds in the dishes, and then pour them with water; Some seeds are drown (these are the strongest, it is they will be used further), others - climb upstairs (these seeds should be thrown out because they are weak).

Features of cucumber seedlings

Vegetable growing is a fairly simple occupation, but requiring more forces and attention. The majority in our time is engaged in this activity at home and there is nothing surprising in this, because even at home you have to adapt maximum effort to obtain the desired result. Each vegetable has some useful qualities and cucumber - no exception. This vegetable is quite demanding in care and cultivation, so it is necessary to create special conditions for it, in other matters, as in the cultivation of any other vegetable or fruit at home. It is very important to know the future vegetable, what kind of fertilizer do you need? Where is best growing? And of course, how to get a good harvest? To obtain a good crop, it is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the yield of plants, and assimilate information on how the cucumbers seedlings are completely grown correctly.

The most important thing is that the first feeding after the room in the greenhouse has been completed before the start of flowering plants. Periodicity of feeding should be about 2 weeks, but fertilizers after landing should be made only taking into account the requirements of the plant itself. If the cucumbers need it, feeding can be enlarged. It is not recommended to conduct experiments using various funds if you do not have such experience.

Putting vegetables in a greenhouse, any gardener seeks to increase the yield of culture, which, of course, is very good and commendable. At the same time, at the beginning of May it will be possible to enjoy homemade low-headed cucumbers. Knowing what and when to fertilize vegetables in a greenhouse, yield can be enhanced by 40% or more, unlike cultural landing on the open soil. The most important thing is that you cannot forget - organic fertilizers should be added in parts, because With incorrect making feeding, the vegetable may not start fruit and even die.

Conduct feeding better early in the morning or in the evening.

It is held several times, therefore, to get a positive result from its use, you need to know what fertilizer is better for cucumbers to apply at each stage. How to do it, and most importantly - what we will tell in this article.

Than fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse

As a feeder for cucumbers, you can use a solution of a cowboy or bird litter. You can make fertilizers at the rate of one square meter: 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, 1 teaspoon of urea and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate. Some contribute to Kemir according to the instructions. It has already balanced azot-phosphorus-potassium. I am not a supporter of chemical fertilizers, because it is important to comply with the doses. But, so as not to be afraid of planted seedlings to the ground from the compost heap, or added humus - this is, in my opinion, the best natural fertilizer.

Immediately after the moment of the appearance of shoots, the cups with a seedl of cucumbers must be put on the clarified windowsill. Previously, it was necessary to isolate all the slots in the windows in order to avoid drafts. The air temperature fluctuations are very seriously affected by the growth of seedlings, so the daily temperature should be 20-22 degrees, and at night, the thermometer mark should not fall below 15 degrees.

Stems should be strong enough;


To reduce the risk of infection of seedlings of diseases, seeds can be displaced by a variety of methods. For example, in any store for the garden and the garden, special gelatinists are sold ("Prestige", "Phytosporin").

The long-term storage of cucumber seeds can be carried out by following some conditions:

During the period of fruiting, the nature of the feeding is changing somewhat. During this period, the fruits require even greater amount of mineral substances. Among fertilizers need to pay special attention to magnesium, nitrogen and potassium. As soon as the plants begin to bloom, prepare feeding from ammonia nitrate, potassium salt and phosphate. Such fertilizer needs to be made a couple of times during the flowering period. At the same time, do not forget about the parallel contribution to the soil of minerals. To achieve more intensive flowering and high yield, you can spray cucumbers at the beginning of flowering and after its completion. For this, a water mixture with boric acid is prepared (a quarter of a teaspoon of this acid is divorced in a bucket of water).

The roots in these vegetables are quite weak, deeper than 20 cm they usually do not penetrate, so the properties of the soil have a special impact on them. As a fertilizer, you can add to the soil overloading trash, manure, straw, sawdust or peat. If possible, it is necessary to enrich these additives by manure. Mineral fertilizers also contribute to the growth of cucumbers in the greenhouse.

The life of any vegetable culture, including cucumbers, begins with growing seedlings. It involves sowing seed into the soil, which is located in a small container. The feeding of cucumbers in the seedling stage is performed for the first time, and it is advisable to do it in a timely manner.

It is undesirable that the solution gets into leaves and stem.

First of all, it is worth clarifying, then there is a distinction in feeding plants grown in different places.

Fertilizers in the period of fruiting

It is necessary to feed the seedlings, but not exceeding the dosage, otherwise the seedlings can simply burn.

High-quality seedlings - a guarantee of a good crop. To achieve a better quality, seedlings should also additionally use daylight lamps or energy-saving lamps. They are located mainly above the plants. The distance between the plant and the lamp should be 5 cm. Then, during the development and growth of the lamp plant, rises above and higher. It is necessary to start highlighting the plants at 8 am and continue in the next 6-8 hours. At night, the backlight must be turned off.

Their height should be not more than 30 cm;

Cucumbers can be grown on the ground from the garden. To do this, it is necessary to consider first of all that the land on which cucumbers have already been grown is not suitable for creating a mixture. This is due to the fact that loose land is necessary for the preparation of the soil.

If there is a desire to properly prepare a provers, then you can make a non-molding solution (strong solution is contraindicated, because damage to the seeds is possible. Then the seeds need to withstand in this solution about 10-15 minutes. It is also allowed to pour the seeds with immunostimulating solution in order to strengthen the growth of seedlings. After the procedures have done, the seeds must be carefully flushed with warm water.

The air temperature should not exceed the mark of + 15 ° C;



Grow seedlings cucumbers at home

Preparation of seeds

As a rule, feeding the cucumbers at the stage of seedlings are beginning only after the first leaflet appears on the cucumber sprout.

  • It is impossible to say exactly what feeding is the best for cucumbers, the main thing is to comply with the sequence: the first is organic fertilizer, and the second is mineral.
  • The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of 2 present leaves (approximately 2 weeks from the growing sprouts). For it, you can breed a korovyan (1: 8), chicken litter (1:10) or make a solution of fertility preparations, "cormalets" or "ideal" (1 tbsp. By 10 l). Fertilizer consumption is 100-130 ml per sprout.

Upborm is an important component of a healthy and strong seedlings. In today's abundance in stores for gardens it is not difficult to acquire fertilizers for seedlings of cucumbers. They can be both dry and in liquid form. The main thing is that fertilizer should be specialized, that is, intended for seedlings. Very good fertilizer fertility-luxury - watering seedlings with a solution of this Finnish fertilizer works wonders. Such fertilizers as agricola or agricola-aqua, as well as various complex fertilizers based on humate, are perfectly suitable with the content of trace elements.

Watering seedlings should be moderate. In case the seedlings are highlighted, it must be water only 2 times a day, in the opposite - once a day. In order to avoid accumulating water in cups, openings are made in the bottom specially made. It is possible to water seedlings only with antenna water, the temperature of which will be ranging from 23 to 25 degrees.

  1. Intezium - short;
  2. Such is the land, which was previously grown legumes, onions or garlic. Then you should mix it with a complex fertilizer. Already the cooked mixture then need to spill a hot heatman mortar in order to disinfect it.

It is important! If you purchased seeds in the store, which were previously processed, you do not need to process them again.

The humidity level should be from 50 to 60%.

Urea feeding is also considered to be very effective fertilizer during the growth of fruits. When making this element in the soil, caution must be taken, because The urea is a very strong acid reagent and can harm fruits and leaves. It is necessary to prepare a solution of this concentrate with water: 50 g of urea is taken on 10 liters of purified and expanded water. The solution is entered into the soil closer in the late afternoon or immediately before the rain. If the rain is not foreseen, then we need abundant irrigation. The urea solution is combined in an increase in mineral nutrition for plants.

It is not recommended to feed vegetables for more than 5 times. The first feeding is performed with the beginning of flowering, another 4 times fertilizer are made during the period of fruiting. Corobyan and litter chickens are well suited for these tasks. Instead, you can use ready-made factory feeding, after purchasing them in a specialized store.

Creating optimal conditions

It is necessary to consider the basic principles of feeding at various stages of grinding cucumbers. Thus, the cucumbers who still do not bloom and are not fruiting, the codes based on calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen are needed to the greatest extent.

  • The cucumber feeding cucumbers is one of the most important moments, without which it is impossible to get a high and high-quality harvest. Fertilizing the cucumbers start from the very beginning of the germination of seeds for seedlings and continue this operation until the completion of abundant fruiting. Feelable cucumbers need to saturate vegetables by trace elements with organic composition. It makes the fruit with delicious, useful and large. It is important to know the features of choosing fertilizers for cucumbers in the greenhouse and the rules of feeding.
  • Next time it will be necessary to feed it in front of landed in the ground. To do this, we will divorce a teaspoon of nitroposki and "Kemira-suite" in the bucket of water. After a few days (7-10), it is recommended to feed the urea solution or ammonium nitrate by spraying plants.

Taking advantage of fertilizers for seedlings, always clearly follow the supplied instructions.

The period of cultivation of seedlings at home is within 20 to 25 days. During this period, seedlings are fed twice. The first feeding is carried out 14 days after the appearance of germs. For cooking, you need to mix 3l water with 1 teaspoon of urea.

Leaves must have the necessary density; A seaside method of growing cucumbers has some advantages:

If you use the ground for seedlings, which we bought in a specialized store, then you need to know the following properties of this substrate:


If you comply with these requirements, then plant seeds will be quite suitable for use in 10 years. But the most optimal option is the seeds that were on storage from 3 to 4 years, since in the end this age seeds give the best harvest.

  1. Various organic feeders are quite well aware of the active growth of cucumbers, among which can be especially allocated to the fertilizer with a cow. It provides for the introduction into the soil in which vegetables are grown, a solution of cow's litter, which is pre-divorced with water (1 part of the litter of 5 parts of water). The solution must be given to stand for 2 weeks.
  2. If the cucumbers are grown in sandy soil, then you need to use nitrogen fertilizers. If the soil is flooded, the potash fertilizers are best suited. In case, after a long cooling, warming has come, it is necessary to add an ammonium salter to the soil. Initially, it is added to the groove, and then abundantly watering with water.
  3. But the cucumbers with fruits already need an absolutely different composition of the feeding. Its contains more potassium, nitrogen and magnesium. At the same time, cucumbers need the necessary number of trace elements during the entire period of development and growth. And therefore, the fertilizers based on the organic need to be properly combined with fertilizers from trace elements. For seedlings, feeders are used from water solutions with superphosphate, a small amount of ammonium nitrate and cow's litter.
  • Starting to make fertilizers worth 10 days after seed germination. To do this, make a solution of an organic preparation ("effecton" or "sodium humat"), collecting 1 tablespoon in 10 liters of water. Or you can dilute in the proportion of 1:10 korovyak or bird litter.
  • When I worked in a greenhouse, we wrapped the water with a diluted chicken litter with a thin teen under the root, she grew quickly until the little urea watered so that the leaves would not damage, now the humate is very good fertilizer, it can also be used, fertilizer twice a week
  • One glass of this feeding is spent on one plant. The second feeding takes place 28 days from the moment of the appearance of germs, that is, 14 days after the first feeding was performed. The composition of the prepared mixture will include 3 liters and 1 teaspoon of nitroposki, and also add 1 tablespoon of wood ash. On one plant is spent one glass of feeding.
  • The color of the leaves is dark green;
  • Thanks to this method, the final result (cucumbers) can be obtained much earlier;
  • Typically, such soils are made of peat, adding fertilizers;

If you are lit by the desire to take advantage of the seeds that were collected on your personal bed, then you should consider the following nuances:

Another good version of fertilizer and feeding cucumbers are yeast. This method is not entirely common and is almost not common among dachensons. However, its use gives very good results in the form of a high harvest. 100 g of yeast takes, divorced in a bucket of water and insisted for 24 hours. This composition is used for watering cucumbers (best under the root).

Care for seedy

With a decrease in air temperature root life, it is impaired, so it is important to help the plant during this period. Use extraxnealing fertilizers, the ammonium nitrate will be quite use. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves will yellow and fall, if there is not enough potassium, the edges of the leaves will become pale green, and with a lack of phosphorus, on the contrary, they will get a dark green tint.

The first feeder was already mentioned. The next feeding is carried out after the second sheet will be processed on the sprout. Last - 2 weeks after first feeding. A distinctive feature of the second and third fertilizer of seedlings is to use the double dose of mineral components.

In stores for summer residents and gardeners are a huge amount of diverse fertilizers for cucumbers in the greenhouse. But will they be the result declared on the package? Preparching the reaction of the plant on feeding and fertilizer is quite difficult. But any plant needs appropriate care and care, and cucumbers are no exception.