Interior of the children's room for babies. Design and nuances of the newborn room - nice trouble

Huge happiness, big care. So you can describe the appearance of a baby in every loving and strong family. At this point, together with the joy that the birth of the heir or the heir is brought, the newly minted parents comes to understanding that now it is precisely from their actions and desire to largely depend on the life of their baby. A particularly important period for any child is the very first years of life, when his dependence on opinions and acts of surrounding adults are almost absolute. At this time, the children's room of a newborn is almost the entire familiar world, and on the quality of its situation depends, whether the baby will be comfortable and safe to grow and develop.

Understanding this, many parents try to acquire the best furniture items for children, the benefit of everything you need can be purchased separately. However, such a choice is far from always so convenient, especially if you consider that the children's room for a boy or a girl can be furnished with one fell swoop by just gaining furniture kit.

What can enter this kit?

The concepts "Standard Furniture Set" simply does not exist. Each parent sees an ideal room for his offsk, preferences and needs of children vary depending on age and gender, and manufacturers have their own views on the right equipment of the children's room for a girl, a boy or a newborn. However, there are objects of the situation found in most "ready-made" sets:

  • Crib. This is the most important part of any furniture set, especially those designed for newborns or very little children. In the first year of life, the bed is almost the whole world for babies, and it is she who affects health, a calm dream and a good mood of the child, so it is paid to the maximum attention of manufacturers. Depending on the set, this piece of furniture can only be calculated on newborn children or transform as a child grows. Different models are also equipped with a rocking device, wheels, special protective linings on the edges that do not give the baby gnawing the crib, adjusting the height of the mattress installation, spacious boxes.
  • Children's chest and wardrobe. It is difficult to imagine that some children's room for a newborn can do without accommodating fixtures for storing a plurality of things - clothing, native and bed linen, diapers, toys and much more, without which you can not do in everyday life. Especially if you consider that these roomy storage facilities are constructed taking into account the future placement location. So, and cabinets, and changing chests are produced only from the best and environmentally-clean materials, painted with absolutely safe paints, the accessories installed on them reliably attached, and all the angles curly. In addition, cabinets may have a unique design (for example, finishing with rhinestones in a children's room for a girl), and some checked models are equipped with changing boards or baths.
  • Stool and table. Even if your baby does not know how to sit, the time when he needs these devices, not outside the corner. Therefore, manufacturers of children's furniture often add them to kits for children of various ages - for the convenience of feeding, educational games, creativity, and even study. However, the characteristics of tables and chairs remain similar, regardless of the settlement age. Manufacturers equally take care of the stability and convenience of kids, ensure their safety due to natural materials and high-quality paints, and also implement original design ideas, acceptable and in the children's room for a boy and in a maiden.

Note that the exact characteristics of all listed furniture items can vary depending on the characteristics of individual sets and manufacturers, as well as specific customer wishes.

Where to buy a set of furniture for children?

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If you are pregnant, you probably have already thought about buying for a newborn.

Plans are so many: get clothes, furniture, care products, stroller ... ah, and even toys and diapers!

In the store of children's goods disassembled eyes.

Future parents are confusedly consider the range, and the sellers are trying to sell more than those who do not need things.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of purchases for the future child? How to rationally distribute funds to have enough not only for the necessary things, but also remained on cute trifles in the form of rattles and beautiful booties?

Sleep or furniture in a nursery.

For a comfortable sleep, the baby needs its cot.

It may be small cradle Which is useful to the child up to 4-5 months.

It is impractical, because they will soon have to buy a bed more, but it looks very comfortable and beautifully in the interior of the children's room.

You can also buy bed classic.

Such a sleeping place will serve about 3 years, because it is a rather large bed, fenced from all sides: and therefore, it will not be scary in the crib and a newborn, and a three-year-old child.


This furniture saves and place in the apartment, and the budget: at a relatively low price you get and a changing table, and a chest of drawers for things and a crib.

However, the sleeping place will last long, because the child will quickly grow up, and the chest of a priori is small for the amount of clothes and diapers, which usually goes to the list of purchases for a newborn.

Bed transformer.

Very comfortable and also economical furniture, which can be useful for a child from birth and up to 5 years.

The nearly classic bed is transformed into a regular bed (the lattice is removed from one or both of the sides, the bottom is lowered) - and the cradle grows along with the child.

There are options for a cot, which can become a sofa, but such a design is already more expensive.

What to buy a crib - to solve only the parent, however, the book requirements should be observed strictly:

  1. material for furniture should be natural
  2. no toxic paints coverage
  3. bed must be safe
  4. comfortable
  5. and preferably - beautiful

It is also necessary to buy a quality orthopedic mattress.

If you can buy the bed the most simple, then you can not save on the mattress.

What to buy in the crib?

  • Frames in a crib or small soft pillows - they will protect the baby from drafts and shocks when it learn to turn over and crawl, and will also decorate a sleeping place.
  • 3-4 bed linen sets preferably inappropriate colors and with a minimum of drawings on it. The material should be natural (more often is 100% cotton).
  • Blankets: 1 woolen or down, 1 fine bike, which can be replaced with high-quality children's blanket. The blanket filler should not be from the synthet board - it is toxic for the baby. The pillow until the year will not need - if you wish, under the baby's head, you can put a rolled diaper.
  • Cleaned or waterproof mattress cover.
  • Overlay in order not to include the central light to see how the child sleeps.

Mobile on the crib.

Beautiful musical design with toys rotating on it.

This device will be exactly interesting to the baby, but in the first month he is still hardly appreciated by him - rather, it will be afraid or just will not pay attention.

Therefore, you can buy a mobile one later.

Changing table and chest.

You can purchase these things separately, and you can buy a changing chest.

Very convenient design of the chest with a folding top, which can be removed when the changing place will not need and turn it into a regular chest of drawers.

It is necessary to buy a faded mattress with soft sabers and a glued washing surface.

In addition to these obligations, it is possible to purchase:

  • Lulle bounser or electric shock
  • Feeding chair
  • Rack or cabinet for children's accessories.

Necessary things for feeding.

If you are planning a natural feeding, you will not need anything.

From the minimum set - bottle with nipples, imitating women's breasts (such is AVENT, for example) and spoonin case you have to give a medicine.

Milkotesos It should only be purchased if you plan to continuously leave home and entrust the child feeding to relatives or nan. Or if you plan to grind the milk and feed the baby from the bottle.

With proper breastfeeding and established lactation, you just do not need.

Also, if you are worried about the problem of drawn nipples - you need to buy lining on the nipples.

At first, the boosters may be needed. But it is not worth buying them too much: when lactation is settled, the milk will come only at the request of the baby and there will be no leaking.

If for some reasons you will not be able to provide baby breastfeeding, you will need to purchase more of various feeding devices:

  • 2-3 bottles
  • ershik for their washing
  • preheater bottle
  • sterilizer
  • set of children's dishes (for the future)
  • the thermosum (if you often leave the house with a newborn - to preserve the temperature of the mixture).


For the first months of the child's life, you need to buy a special bathing bath. But some parents prefer to wash the child immediately in a large bath.

It is also worth buying a water thermometer to determine which water temperature for bathing a newborn.

It is not necessary, but it is possible to hide for swimming (it will allow you to conveniently post a child in the bath and free at least one of your hand) and the circle of inflatable for swimming (however, it does not like to many children).

You will also need terry towels with Corner and Soft Natural Sponge for Body kid.

Over the first time, only a soft soap without sulfates, fragrances and parabens, which is suitable for children from birth, is needed from cosmetics for bathing, and can also be used for the body. They will be able to wash the child, and wash the hair.

A large amount of oils, shampoos, gels simply nothing - it is rather a marketing move and the desire to sell more products than the need.

Toys for swimming will be needed after 4-5 months, when the kid can already sit in the water, and before they are simply not needed.


Choosing clothes for a child - the occupation is pleasant and fascinating not only for mom, but also for dad. Still: Tiny blouses and sliders are so cute and beautiful ...

However, it should be remembered that the newborn is growing rapidly, and the initial 56 children's size quickly turns into 62, then in 68 and further on increasing.

Therefore, in order to not waste money that can come in handy on more necessary things, it is worth limking to the following.

Baby Clothing.

The list form depending on the time of the year that the child was born.

  • Envelope on an extract. This is definitely a beautiful thing, but not the most necessary.
  • The prices of envelopes are high, and it will be useful only once. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the envelope-blanket that you can then use to cover the baby on a walk, or you can immediately buy a beautiful walking envelope.
  • Dispensers or blouses (warm and thin 3-4 pieces)
  • Sliders 3-4
  • Body with short and long sleeves (one each)
  • Slipik or a native jumpsuit (1-2 pieces)
  • Thin and warm hat
  • Socks 1-2 pairs (the stop at the kid will grow very quickly, so you can get the size and to grow)
  • Anticrafts (2 pairs per shift)
  • Warm nights or booties for a walk
  • Suit or jumpsuit for walking. You can use a pleasure envelope.


In the first month, the newborn almost does not pay attention to the rattles and other toys. But after 3-4 weeks, the baby will be interested in looking at different beautiful items.

What toys buy a child?

  • The very first are the ratios-suspension. While the child can hold the items in the hand, you can hang their crib.
  • Then after a few months, the rattles of rings, teethers and lunches will be needed.
  • For the development of coordination, you can buy a child toys-bracelets or socks with bubboards.

There are different for the price and configuration of Mobile. There are mechanical, and there is an electronic. The choice depends only on you.

But it should be remembered that you should hang a mobile one at a distance of at least 30 cm from the eye of the baby and not over his head, but ahead, so as not to provoke the development of the squint.

Game mat.

The thing is quite controversial. It is needed for 1-2 months, and buy a cheap gaming pad is unlikely to succeed (if only buy a toy from the hands - but why do you need to use used children's goods?).

An analogue of the game rug - a crib over which you can hang on the ropes of various soft, rustling toys: and simple, and safely.


They are different in price and device: from low-cost simple challenging to supergads for 20-30 thousand rubles.

Electrocacher serve as an excellent assistant to parents, occupying a child for a while, but buy a swing or not - to solve only you.

They will be useful only until the child is learned to turn over and crawl - then it will come out of them, and this device will become dangerous for the baby.

Other gadgets for the newborn.

These are optional products, but they are often offered to parents, assuring they are indispensable!

Videononym and radionia.

These are devices helping to follow the kid if you are not with it in the room. But in fact, such gadgets are needed if you live in a big house, especially a two-story. In the usual apartment, even if you are big, you will always hear the cry of the child. And leave for a long time the baby is not even with the videos.


Fashion cradle for newborns. However, buy cheap Cocoonababy will not work. And he will be useful to a child for a maximum of 1 month. Therefore, think good about the acquisition, because its price is within 10-12 thousand rubles. But as a gift, this gadget can be asked.

ITHERM. Fashionable smart thermometer.

Allows you to measure the temperature of the child in real time. It puts on the toddler's shoulder as a bracelet and synchronized with a smartphone. It costs about 5,000 rubles, so also a controversial point in the list of necessary purchases for the newborn.

At first glance, the above list for a child is huge! However, everything can be purchased gradually, as necessary and possibilities.

Remember that first of all the child needs love and parents' care - it is paramount to him.

To the emergence of a child, parents begin to prepare in advance. Particular attention is paid to the future holiday location. You can combine the room of adults and kids. You need to think over everything carefully. It has certain features. Given them, it will turn out to create a warm atmosphere.

The third is not superfluous in the bedroom, if this is a newborn family member.

Interior bedroom with a crib Ensures compliance with a number of requirements. It is important to ensure the complete safety of the child. Do not have a crib near the window. Unsuccessful place due to a possible draft, curtains collecting dust, cornice. Plot near the door is not suitable. Permanent noise does not contribute to a comfortable sleep.

It is necessary to create comfortable conditions by crumb, without forgetting and about the convenience of those who will care for him.

There are the following arrangement tips.

  1. If the door is on the edge of the wall, you can set the design in the opposite corner. This will help avoid constant noise.
  2. If you do not plan to buy new furniture, be sure to use special archers for the corners so that the baby does not hurt.
  3. Lockers at the opening should not strike the doors about the bed of the newborn.
  4. Racks with objects and things must be located on from the spot to sleep.
  5. It will take several lamps. If you wish to hang a big chandelier to take care of the possibility of adjusting its brightness.
  6. Be sure to buy a night light. He does not prevent strong sleep, but if the child wakes up, it will help him not be afraid of darkness.
  7. The outlet in the room should be safe.

A small child requires round-the-clock attention, and the parents, as before, are needed by rest and sleep.

How to zonail the bedroom with a crib

Bedroom design with baby cot it implies the separation of the premises to different zones for the comfortable existence of parents and crumbs. Among the cardinal zoning methods are celebrated.

  1. With the help of color or material used for walls.
  2. Installation of the partition, with the ability to fold it. A transparent lightweight curtain is suitable, fixed on the ceiling.

For the first couple of years, the baby is usually selenged in the parent bedroom.

There are other ways to separate the segments of the room. Such techniques are suitable for small spaces.

  1. Lighting. Page of Parents Compleces Floor or Desktop Lamps. Near the baby's bed dot light on the ceiling or wall, additionally set the night light.
  2. Corner kid decorate photos.
  3. Complete all painting using the stencil.

It must be remembered that the baby bed in the bedroom is a temporary phenomenon.

Shared bedroom - temporarily or constantly?

The recommendations described suggest a temporary habit of a child in the parents' room. But if there is no opportunity to have grown up to move to another room, it is important to think everything so that in a few years you make some changes.Bedroom interior with baby bed oh subsequently will be divided into zones, which will allow everyone to feel comfortable. For the allocation of each segment, the podium, furniture and palette items are suitable.

This will help create several different premises in one space.

How to choose a place for a children's cradle:

On the territory of adults, their bed will be the central detail. Other elements become a supplement.

  1. Make a room drawing.
  2. Give already available items.
  3. Decide the necessary elements for the baby and draw them, trying to choose the most optimal place for every part.

It is advisable to plan the design of the bedroom so that the bed of the newborn is not a central element.

Remember that it is important to leave enough freedom for a comfortable and convenient approach to the beds of the crumb. There are the following location options.

  1. In the corner. The solution is popular, standard. No noise, it is convenient to limit the flow of light.
  2. Opposite the parent bed. This will allow adults to watch the baby;
  3. Near the sleeping place of adults. Thanks to this, it will be as close as possible to the chad. It is more convenient to feed at night.

Bedroom design with a crib: how to choose the desired furniture

Bedroom design with baby cot assumes the presence of various piece of furniture. It is recommended to choose only the necessary. They are listed in the table.

The atmosphere of the room should contribute to the comprehensive development of the child and stimulate its creative inclinations.

Furniture details Description
Cot The style will fit similar to the sleeping place of adults. The material is only a natural, fully responsible security indicators. Ponds must be at a minimum distance so that the newborn does not glance head. Inside the fabric should be made.
Chest of drawers It helps conveniently arrange all things crumbs. In the boxes there will be clothes, and the tabletop will allow you to put toys and cosmetics to care for a crumb.
Baby changing table Allows you to facilitate care of the baby. Many designs are equipped with a special niche for convenient storage of things.
Armchair You can refuse such a detail, but my mother will be more convenient to spend time with the crumb that is so.
Game Zone This refers to the playpen, subsequently replaced by the game rug. Be sure to antistatic coating. Take care of the warmth of the floor.
Textile Use it at a minimum. Curtains, rugs attract and store dust. Even the perfect cleaning will not completely eliminate it. Therefore, it is reasonable to use the details that collect dust. Curtains are preferable to dense, protecting from morning light inwards.

First of all, the design and placement of furniture in the room depends on its size.

Bedroom with a cots: how to equip the interior

It is recommended to comply with the unity of the style. There should be no strong contrast between the details of the color or texture. If the structures in the adult section are light, then the products on the child should be similar. If the bed acts as an accent, it is worth completing all the decor in the identical gamma. Cad segment should be securely protected from draft, cold, bright light, artificial or natural.

Do not have a number of items that may fall.

Bedroom design with baby cot

Design of a married bedroom with children's it is necessary to organize so that everyone felt comfortable and relaxed. Sleep place crumbs should not be made by the central element. This space primarily belongs to adults.

For children, a separate area is given.

Organization of bedroom spouses

The married bed becomes the central part of the space. Therefore, you first need to determine the location. The cradle is easier thanks to its compact sizes. By organizing a marital bed, it is important to make sure that all subjects can be free to approach.

Nothing should prevent movement.

The optimal option for the parent bed will be the center. He is headboard be resting in one of the walls. For convenience of choosing a location, it is worth drawing a plan of the room and consider various installation options.

Corner of a newborn in the bedroom

For a newborn, an angle is perfect. This will allow the crumb to see mom and have real borders. Remove any things that may fall in this area, limit free access to them. Exclude the hinged shelves, the doors of the cabinets should not get to the cradle.

Make sure that the corner of the crumbs is not visible of the TV screen, laptop.

In the corner, in addition to the cradle, it is worth installing a chest of chest of storage, a changing table and a soft chair for convenient mom's arrangement. The key parameters of the arrangement of the corner is to organize a free approach to it, safety and comfort of crumbs.

When the large size room, all the necessary items for the baby can easily fit in it.

What design to choose for a bedroom with a crib?

  1. Comfort;
  2. Convenience;
  3. Safety.

It is necessary to choose a special design that allows you to comfortably exist to all the inhabitants of the room.

Decoration and decoration of bedrooms with a crib

Staining in different shades allows you to divide the room into several sections. It is important that the selected tones are combined with each other. Choose wallpaper characterized by the use of natural materials, environmental safety, versatility.

It is necessary to create comfort for the baby and mom.

To highlight the children's segment, use the pictures with pictures of the characters from fairy tales, a photo in a beautiful framework, the walls placed around the perimeter of the wall. Furniture structures must match the color of the material.

Preference should be given to a neutral palette, which is not able to influence the emotional background of the newborn.

Textiles in the bedroom interior with a crib

Use minimum textiles. He accumulates the dust, completely get rid of which is difficult. Therefore, you should not fill the space of carpets. Limit one, small.

Remove it regularly to reduce the accumulated dust level.

Sunlight is able to awaken the child, interfere with his daily sleep. Therefore, choose dense curtains that allow you to prevent natural lighting inside. You can choose bed linen and covered in tone curtains.

Modern baby beds with retractable sleeping place

The bed with extension mechanism saves square meters. The model for families with several children is relevant. Choosing a product, it is worthpalled to the following parameters.

  1. The quality of the material used. Preferred wood patterns.
  2. Supplement in the form of small sideboards. Safety is important and such a detail will help children not fall.
  3. The strength of the product. It must withstand the weight of children.

Next to the bed should not be power out and incident items.

If there is no place to establish a bed for each of the kids, the design with a roll-out mechanism will solve this problem. At night, the model will turn into several beds, and during the day you can free the site for games. There are structures mounted in a closet, suitable families with one child.

The most common situation, when a baby bed in the bedroom of parents takes place next to the married bed, which creates convenience for supervision of the baby.

Exquisite baby bedrooms with bunk beds

Another method to effectively use the available meters is to install a design with several tiers. It is necessary that it is equipped with sideboards. There is a wide range of products, thanks to which you can choose the original model that will enjoy the kids.

The choice affects the age of the child.

Remember that children grow rapidly, which is important to take into account when determining the dimensions of the product. The kids who have not yet turned 3 years, this option is not suitable. There are products equipped with additional drawers for organizing a convenient storage system.

This will reduce the number of lockers, shelves.

Take into account future changes

The cradle in the married room is a temporary phenomenon. Even if the baby does not change the room, it will move to another bed, more appropriate. Therefore, it is important to organize the design so that, by removing the things of Chad, the view did not lose the integrity. If it is planned to continue to live with a crumb on one territory, it is recommended to consider the future zoning in advance. This will help quickly and conveniently make a permutation when children become an adult.

Baby in the house - a new, long-awaited person. Therefore, parents seek to make the space more gentle, "fluffy", to fit in it many toys. But is it important? How to decorate a newborn room? What must necessarily have a children's design for the baby? We will analyze in the article.

The room for the newborn should be located near the bedroom of parents

Children's room for a newborn boy

Psychologists and pediatricians recommend the first months to settle the baby together with their parents. This is useful at night when the baby wakes up to eat. Such tactics is rarely "convenient" for parents. The baby sleeps around 20 hours, which is significantly different from the day of the parents' day. In such cases, the additional space will be helped specifically for the baby - children's.

For finishing, it is advisable to use natural materials

So how to decorate the room for the boy? It is necessary to know the basic rules:

  1. According to standards, the decor for the boy is performed in the following colors: blue, blue, white, gray. However, modern design solutions suggest in the room of a newborn boy the presence of brown, beige, which makes it more cozy.
  2. On the walls typically draw images of ships, cars. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is important that all items depicted on the walls have real, and not distorted "cartoon" outlines. Otherwise, he may have an improper representation of things, their real forms. Therefore, the design of the children's room for the kid is a complex process.

In the color scheme, a room for a boy is dominated by calm restrained tones

Best flooring - plug, floor or parquet board

Children's room for a newborn girl

The design for a newborn girl is performed by pleasant colors. You should not use for the decor of the walls "full-fledged" colors - mix them with white. Then they will not pay a lot of attention to the walls, however create a tender atmosphere. This rule is valid for all masters creating a design for a newborn.

Little princess room is traditionally drawn up in pastel shades.

Most often, pink is used for the decor, however, instead of familiar shades, you can use turquoise, lilac or chocolate colors.

It is desirable that the interior, furniture materials contained white or milk - it will visually make the space wider, lighter.

For decorating room Girls suitable floral patterns, beautiful ornaments, rushes and drapery

Sometimes, as a piece of decor, placing indoor potted flowers. Of course, the plant filters the air, dismisses a pleasant aroma, makes the interior gentle. There is the possibility of manifestation of an allergic reaction of the baby. If such symptoms appeared, then it is necessary to immediately remove the plant.

It is not necessary to clutter the space toys, otherwise the child has the "novelty" effect in the child, it will require more. 1-2 toys are enough for the first 5-6 months of life.

Please note that all toys are soft, without sharp, elongated parts. The baby learns to hold the items tightly, so the risk of injury.

The baby's bedroom should have as little "dust collectors" - soft toys, carpets, books and unnecessary accessories

How to decorate a newborn room with your own hands

The question of decoration most often stands before discarding from the maternity hospital. So what kind of children's design for a newborn choose? Material options mass.

The room design must be comfortable and safe for the baby.

The design of a baby cot for a newborn with their own hands is an economical way, but you need to know the basic principles.

Remember! The first months of life will not notice the beautiful scenery of the walls, so the entire decor will be more for adults.

But in the course of growing up the child will be an interesting environment in which he lives. He will be interested in the objects that surround it, so ensure complete safety. Buying toys with elongated details, sharp, small parts - the wrong choice. The interior of the room will be the first place that he will have an impression. Further psychological development depends on the "first room", so it is still worth paying special attention to the decor.

The sleeping place for the newborn should be such that the kid can calmly fall asleep and woke up with pleasure, feeling parental care

  • Ribbons. The familiar posters, the tape "Thank you for your daughter / son" for the design of the walls will not damage the external situation, but will make a nice mom. In addition, the tapes will be reminded of joyful, bright emotions tested after the birth of a new family member.
  • Colors. Wall painting involves the use of pastel tones. Quiet shades will be pacified by the psyche of the baby. Make so that your mother was nice to be in the room.
  • Ecology. All materials that are used in the manufacture of furniture, wallpaper, paints, toys, etc., environmentally friendly. Otherwise, it will cause irreparable harm to the growing body of the baby.
  • Fabrics and curtains. Fabrics made of tight fiber - bad for a newborn, as they quickly accumulate dust. Tulle serves as the best textile option. He will not spoil the general view of the interior. And on top you can hang curtains made of light natural fabrics so that they are a little protected from the sun, attached to the room.

Curtains should not only decorate the interior, but also easy to remove and wear

The room will need to control the temperature and humidity, so acquire the thermometer

Furniture for a newborn room

For the first months of life, the furniture needs more parents than the child.

We will analyze the options for attributes that should include the design of children's furniture for the newborn.

  1. Cot. The design of a baby cot should not contain sharp angles, not polished surfaces. Check the stability of the skeleton frame of the bed. There should be no smell of paint or varnish. It will be useful to purchase a bed with a lowered bottom. Over time, the child will grow, learn to become, soon he will want to get out of bed. Then parents just loose bottom. This will prolong the use of the bed for another 1-2 months, and then you will need to buy a new, greater furniture.

    Well, if the bed is adjusted to flights and bottom

  2. Baby changing table. Some moms declare that they may well do without a changing table, and change underwear on the bed. If there is no desire to buy a full-fledged table, that is, another option - buy a lining. It can be put on the washing machine of the bathroom. After bathing, you immediately, not overcooking the baby, carrying to the room, will change in heat than to reduce the possibility of a cold.

    The height of the changing table is chosen so as not to be tilted by the child

  3. Dresser for children's things. It is desirable that the crumbs from childhood have their chest of drawers, despite the previous time. It is not desirable that clean clothes of the child comes into contact with clothes in which parents walk down the street. This can be infected into an unstable organism. A small dresser can be used as a place of storage of clothing, but also diapers, packaging with diapers, which will make a general view of the room more neat.

    Chest especially needed if there are no storage sites in the changing table

  4. Lamp-night light. The lamp is a necessary device that simplifies the procedure of night feeding. The inclusion of the ceiling chandelier can even greasy the crumb. Much is more pleasant to act a night light with a soft white light that works either on batteries or from the battery.

    Such an original night light can be made with your own hands.

  5. Mat. The carpet is obligatory for the nursery. The main thing is that he had a short pile. Long quickly accumulates dust, harder is cleaned. There may be minor details, which will soon find a child, which is very dangerous. On the carpet, he can play, develop. A soft surface creates a pleasant feeling that is a necessary attribute of high-quality training.

    Developing rug for a newborn with arcs

How to pick up a baby room for baby

As already mentioned above, the boys are characterized by the "cold" shades of blue and gray flowers, and the girls are "warm" powdered shades. You can move away from standard colors using turquoise, green, orange colors. The main thing is that they all be bright, otherwise the room will be gloomy.

In the interior of the room are welcome neutral tones for walls, curtains and furniture

Bright colors are also needed, but as accents

Sometimes parents do not know the sex of the child, the issue of the main color is especially acute. In this case, the room can be painted with flowers belonging to the "Unisex" category, i.e. suitable to any floor. These include: green, brown, yellow-orange, white. The main thing is that they were calm.

Decorating the crib with their own hands

The first room where the baby will live, you can safely name the non-children's room, but a sleeping place. After all, the first weeks of life, the kid most often sees the ceiling and the inner space of the bed, except for walking down the street and house. Because of this, the baby's baby decoration is an important point of the life of parents.


In the baby's room, a sleeping place must be present. It is desirable that the bed is made of wood. It saves warmth well, it looks cozy, reduces the risks of damage to the baby.

Choose a cot from a natural material and muted coloring

If the color does not fit into the overall interior, it can be painted, but only an ecological, not smelling paint, since the first time the newborn body responds particularly sharner to the factors of the external environment.


Mobile is a subtle "blanket" or "mattresses", which are fixed on the inside of the bed. His goal is to prevent injury, protection against accidental light, extraneous sounds, as well as the calling of interest in the kid. The last factor is possible if bright figures, animals, patterns are depicted on mobile fabrics.

The drawing of the bed must be completely safe for the newborn

Mobile can be bought or sew themselves, having previously measured the bed parameters.


Ballochin use the baby's newborn room decoration. He protects against the light, dust falling, outsiders.

Usually Baldahin sew from Tulle

Usually it is made from mesh tissues to ensure permanent air flow. Especially it is suitable for labeling a girl.

Children's Safari Style

The bright style of the design "Safari" will go to girls and boys, as it is preferred by active adventure lovers who like to include the imagination of playing.

Safari refers to the African ethno-style and is distinguished by a dynamic combination of bright colors and ethnic parts

The main color of the walls are:

  • orange;
  • ocher;
  • brown;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • salad.

If you wish, you can add some black, but the main thing is not to overdo it, and then the room will become gloomy. For the image of the swamps, animal inhabitants of safaris, you can use special wall stickers. On the floor you can lay a yellow-green carpet. He will see the imitation of herb, give the interior feeling of unity with nature. Furniture is also used special, bright. For Safari style are unsuitable smooth angles, neat painting. An excellent solution will be the use of benches with uneven angles, two-story beds with ropes, "Swedish walls", a dark brown table.

Safari can be called a very extraordinary style and attractive for children.

Dark furniture made of natural wood is best suited to safaris

Elegance in the interior of the room is inappropriate. Toys should also pay attention. They should be soft, embodying animals of African savanna. Be sure that the child will be delighted with such a gift, and together with friends they will have fun, active games. Happy child always delivers pleasant emotions to mom and dad.


The interior of the newborn room is a difficult thing. It is important to take into account all accents, furniture, because all this affects both physical and mental health. The main thing is environmental friendliness, time of action. Cheap materials are very often toxic for a tiny body, so the savings are incorrect decision. Remember that the child's health should always stand in the first place!

The arrangement of the room for a newborn - the case is responsible, but very exciting

Video: Registration of a room for a newborn with their own hands

50 bedroom interior options for baby

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The interior of the newborn room should not be expensive and have a complex design like from the picture of the magazine. The main thing is that everything in it is convenient and safe for the baby. And yet ... because this is the first child room, moreover, for a while it is a room for mom and a place for memorable photos. We decided to make not only a step-by-step guide for the preparation of a children's bedroom, but also a selection of photo ideas for your designer inspiration.

Step 1. Choose a room and plan repairs

If you have the opportunity to choose a room, then preference should be given the one that is located closer to the bedroom of the parents, it is well ventilated and illuminated.

All repair and finishing work should be finished long before the appearance of the baby so that you have a reserve of time for possible improvements and alterations.

As for the choice of finishing materials,, of course, it is desirable that they be mainly natural. Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Best flooring:, Sex or parquet board covered with varnish. Less: (as it is cold, slippery and collects dust), Linoleum from PVC (although its harm is not proven) and carpet (collects dust. But it is highly dependent on the type of carpet, read about it).
  • For wall decoration, water-based paints with labeling "for children's rooms" or "Kid" are best suitable. The worst choice will be vinyl wallpapers.
  • The ceiling is better to chase and additionally treat antiseptic primer. From tension and drywall structures it is better to refuse.

Wallpaper in the newborn room should have neutral tones and unobtrusive pattern

Step 2. Descend the color scheme of the interior

In the interior of the children's room for a newborn, the use of pastel shades for walls, curtains and furniture is welcomed. It is necessary so that the child can easily fall asleep, without distracting. Bright paints in the children's bedroom are also needed, but they should only be present point, for example, in the form of rattles.

  • By the way, the first colors, with whom your baby will get to know, will be red and yellow. And to 1.5-2 months, he will see the world ... in black and white light.

What pastel shades can be chosen?

  • If you still do not know the sex of the child or want to arrange the room gender neutrally, then the following tones are suitable: white, creamy, pale yellow, beige ,.
  • The interior of the room of a newborn girl (other than those listed) can decorate, cream, coral shades. Boy room interior -, light gray, light green.

In addition to personal preferences, be sure to take into account the orientation of the room on the sides of the world:

  • For dark "northern" children's better choosing warm shades.
  • For a room overlooking the windows to the south, you can pick up any colors, but cold shades will be especially successful.

Examples of the design of the nursery of the newborn, we present in the next selection of photos.

Step 3. Determine the interior style

Think what direction is closer to you? Strictly adhere to the selected style is not necessary, but still this decision will facilitate the choice of furniture, bed linen and other attributes for children.

  • All styles can be divided into two groups: classic (ampir, etc.) and modern (, minimalism,).
  • There is also the third way - you can issue interior thematically. For example, a girl room to arrange in the subject of princesses, ballerina, butterflies, etc., and a boy's room - in or a circus style, in the subject of cars and airplanes, etc.

Do not forget that the style solutions should not contradict the most important thing - the comfort and security of the child. Examples of the design of children's rooms decorated in different styles and subjects, see below.

Step 4. Choose and put furniture

  • Cot;
  • Changing table (or ordinary chest of drawers with a changing mattress);
  • Chair or rocking chair for feeding baby;
  • Dresser or locker (if the changing table does not have storage boxes).

Additionally you can buy:

  • Mom's Foot Puff;
  • The shelf you can hang over a changing table for convenience;
  • A couch to relax, rest and sleep next to the baby if necessary;
  • A bedside table that can be placed near a feeding chair or couch;
  • Small storage cabinet.

So, of the most important furniture items listed in the most important objects are a cot and a changing table. It is for them that we will stop in more detail. Let's start with the bed. It is clear that it should be safe, eco-friendly and comfortable. How to find such?

  • It must be made of wood;
  • Recommended size - 120x60 cm;
  • The frame must stand firmly. Well, if the sides and the bottom of the bed will be adjusted;
  • Removable or folding side wall will allow you to swaded the baby right in the crib;
  • Legs can have wheels with stoppers;
  • If you want to buy a rocking bed, then select the model that can be fixed in a fixed state;
  • There should be no more than 6 cm between the slaves;
  • Often, under the bottom of the bed, the storage box is built in. If in the room, the subcreational box is a great addition.
  • The mattress of the crib should be hard and have a hypoallergenic filler. Best for this is suitable coconut chips, felt, seaweed or buckwheat husk.

The changing table is the thing is not the esteem, but it is desirable to have it.

  • His height should be such a guarantee for the child, you did not lean.
  • Place the first-aid kit, nipple, powder, cotton wands, butter and other need for the top drawer of the dresser or on the shelf above it.
  • Instead of a changing table you can buy a changing clock.
  • The swaded child can be on the bed, and on the sofa, and on the table, covered with the bedspread.

Examples of arrangement and decoration of the changing table are present in the next photo slider.

And where to put the bed and a changing table? By the way, the room layout must be thought out from the arrangement of these strategically important items.

  • The bed should stand in a bright part of the room, but not opposite the window, not near the radiator and not too far from the entrance.
  • The changing table must stand near the crib.

Step 5. We buy everything else

We will continue the list of purchases of what is needed to arrange a nursery:

  1. Curtains - from dense natural or blended fabric, which not only adorns the interior, but also easily erased, removed and hanging.
  2. Luminaires - In addition to the ceiling chandelier, you need to put a flooring or with soft muted light, for example, near the changing table and / or chairs.
  3. Pillow - the need for her presence for babies up to 5 months is very dubious and disputes. Pediatricians recommend using flat pillows or pillowcases folded fourly.
  4. Blanket - it should be two (not counting the pleasure). One light, for example, fleece - for the summer, the second woolen, synthetic or bike - for the winter.
  5. Linens - Cotton or knitted. It will be necessary to prepare 2-3 sets.
  6. Mobile - there is an opinion that the mobile child is not needed, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with this question separately.
  7. Video and Radiona - If desired.
  8. Trash can for diapers used napkins, etc.

Latest strokes

  1. In the bedroom of the newborn should be as little "dust collectors" - unnecessary things, accessories, books, toys (especially soft) and carpets. On the eve of the settling of the new tenant, the room needs to make general cleaning.
  2. It is also necessary to hang the thermometer to control the temperature - it should be 20-22 degrees.
  3. Electrical sockets are better to close with special plugs.