Children's fairy tales of Ushinsky. K. Shushinsky stories about animals (read online, download)

Chastushki is the comic work of Russian folklore, which at all times had a special meaning for the people. Although in the years most families were not at all up to fun, all soldiers and rear workers performed perky chastushki, as they helped Soviet people in a difficult moment and contributed to the creation of a positive attitude.

Today, chastushki on the military theme is also very popular. They are used to familiarize children in different ages with the events of past years and are very often included in the program of matinee and other events dedicated to the celebration

In this article we offer you several military chastushki for children who can be performed on a holiday dedicated to May 9th.

Children's chastushki by May 9

Chastushki about war and holiday May 9 for children should be, first of all, funny. Although the Great Patriotic War brought a huge number of grief of the Soviet people, today the Victory Holiday is celebrated with a smile on his face, having remembered the great feat of ordinary people.

Kids can perform both long and short chastushki, however, for the smallest kids it is better to choose comic quatrains so that boys and girls can catch the meaning of this work and not lose the thread of the information being submitted.

To celebrate the Great Victory at school or kindergarten, the following chasts will be perfectly suitable for each other:

Put the ears on the top,

Listen carefully!

About the victory of the chastushki

We sing diligently!

Sad to grandfather on his knees

Quietly comes to him:

- Tell me, cute grandfather

About the victory, about the war!

I want to listen about the war

How did you fought with us

About your military friends

I will listen to your story.

Smiled grandchildren of the grandfather

And he pressed him to his chest.

Spoke about the day of victory,

And about battles nothing.

Our boys play

Often with "pistols".

About war they read

And proud of the grandfather.

Well, why the war of nations?

The enemy will always be broken.

The world on the entire planet is needed

Let our peace sleeps sleep!

Our grandmothers and grandfathers,

Veterans there and here,

Celebrate your Victory Day,

All colors for you bloom!

Our grandmothers and grandfathers!

Sedna you so to face!

Your favorite Victory Day

Changing the war to the end!

Of course, such works are difficult to learn the kids of the very early age. In this case, it is better to give preference to short funny chaccups for children, which can be performed on a holiday dedicated to May 9, for example:

Oh, what are well done,

Yet our pilots!

Asked such pepper

Enemy row.

Oh, girls, oh girlfriend,

I love Military.

But while I am a pilot Masha,

Fritz from the sky I will drop.

He decided Hitler in reality:

"I'll take Moscow to winter!"

He got into the tooth fist,

Like and so!

Nurse! Nurse!

Do not see what Mala.

Under fire on the battlefield

Ten wounded saved!

How to heard fascists

Our loud "Hurray!",

Only heels flashed,

Sober Nechur!

Finally, you should not forget that comic chastushki to any holiday and, including May 9, can be composed independently. Connect your imagination and imagination, and you will definitely get a cheerful children's song with which you can speak at a school or kindergarten.

Once the sun and the angry northern wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. For a long time they argued and, finally, decided to measure the forces over the traveler, who at that time was riding along the big road.

Look, "said the wind," as I fell on him: MiG is a rain with him.

He said - and began to blow that it was urine. But the more tried the wind, the stronger the traveler was soaked into his cloak: he grumbled in bad weather, but drove farther further. The wind was angry, raced, snapped the poor traveler with rain and snow; Scroll wind, the traveler put on his cloak in the sleeve and tied to the belt. Here the wind itself was convinced that he could not pull himself.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of his rival, smiled, looked out because of the clouds, heated, dried up the earth, and at the same time the poor semi-masonry traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he boiled, blessed the sun, he took off his raincoat, turned it and tied to the saddle.

You see, - then she said the meek sun an angry wind, - caressing and kindness can be made much more than anger.


Around our farm, on ravines and wet places, there was a lot of snakes.

I'm not talking about the worst: I used to be accustomed to harmlessly. He has small sharp teeth in his mouth, he catches mice and even birds and, perhaps, can contact the skin; But there is no poison in these teeth, and the bite of the horny is completely harmless.

We had many; Especially in a pile of straw, which lay near the hum: how the sun prigerates, so they will craw out from there; They are hissing when you come up, tongue or sting show, but after all, without staring the snake biting. Even in the kitchen under the floor there were burgers, and how they would become, the children, sitting on the floor, the milk were bread, so it crashes and pulls his head to the cup, and the children with a spoon in the forehead.

But we were found with us and not some dicks: there was a poisonous snake, black, big, without those yellow stripes, which are visible from the horned head. Such a snake is called Wajuk. The viper was often biting cattle, and if they do not have time, it happened, call from the village of Old Grandfather Ohrimim, who knew some medicine against the bite of poisonous snakes, then the cattle would certainly fall - swell her, poor like a mountain.

One boy has so died from Vijuki. She bites him near the shoulder itself, and, before Ohrimim came, the tumor moved from his hands on her neck and chest: the child began to wander, stumbled in two days. As a child, I lived a lot about Vijuk and was afraid of them scary, as if I felt that I would have to meet with dangerous gadine.

We mowed in our garden, in a dry beam, where in the spring every year runs the stream, and in the summer only is damp and grows high thick grass. Every Coswarta was a holiday for me, especially how the hay is raking in the shock. Here, it happened, and you will run around the Senokosu and squeezed in the shock with all my swindle and flounded in the scented hay, until you drive out women, so as not to break the shields.

That's the way and this time I ran and tumbled: Bab was not, the kosari went far, and only our black big dog brought on a shine and bone bone.

I lured into one copy, turned two times in it and suddenly jumped with horror. Something cold and slippery waved my hand. The thought of Viper flashed in my head - and what? A huge viper, which I was disturbed, got out of the hay and, waving onto the tail, was ready to rush at me.

Instead of running, I'm standing like petrified, as if Gadda enchanted me with his borrowed, nonoragging eyes. Still a minute - and I died; But Brovko, as an arrow, flew from the shock, rushed to the snake, and struggled between them a deadly struggle.

The dog rolled the snake teeth, trampled his paws; Snake bit the dog and in the face, and in the chest, and in the stomach. But after a minute, only Gadyuki shreds lay on Earth, and browing rushed and disappeared.

But the stiffest thing is that he got lost from this day and wandered unknown where.

Only in two weeks he was packed home: thin, skinny, but healthy. Father told me that the dogs know the grass, which they are treated from the bite of viper.

Children in grove

Two children, brother and sister, went to school. They had to pass by an excellent shady grove. On the road it was hot and dusty, and in the grove is cool and fun.

Do you know what? Said Brother Sister. - We still have time to school. At school now and stuffy and boring, and in the grove, it must be very fun. Listen to how the birds shout there! And the protein is, the protein is jumping on the branches! Do we do not go there, sister?

The sister liked the offer of the brother. The children threw the alphabets in the grass, took up their arms and disappeared between green bushes, under curly birch trees. In the grove, accurately, it was fun and noisy. The birds pear off incessantly, sang and shouted; squirrels jumped over branches; Insects fussed in the grass.

First of all, the children saw a gold bug.

Play-ka with us, "the children of the beetle said.

I would be happy, "the beetle answered," but I don't have time: I have to get lunch.

Play with us, "the children of the yellow shaggy bee said.

I have once played with you, "the bee answered," I need to collect honey. "

Will you play with us? - asked the children from an ant.

But the ant once had to listen to them: he dragged the straw three of himself and was in a hurry to build his cunning housing.

The children turned to the squirrel, offering her also to play with them; But the squirrel waved a fluffy tail and answered that she had to stock walnut on the winter.

Dove said:

I build a nest for your little children.

A sulfur bunny fled to the stream wash his face. The white flower of strawberries also had once to engage in children. He enjoyed beautiful weather and hurried to prepare his juicy, tasty berry.

Children became boring that everyone is busy with their work and no one wants to play with them. They ran to the stream. Zhurch on the stones, ran a stream through a grove.

You really, right, nothing to do? - the children told him. - Play with us!

How! I have nothing to do? - Brogue angry with a stream. - Oh, you, lazy children! Look at me: I work in the day and night and do not know a minute of peace. Isn't I sing people and animals? Who, besides me, washes underwear, turns mill wheels, wears boats and stew fires? Oh, I have so much work that my head goes around! - added the stream and began to bold on the stones.

Children became even more boring, and they thought that it would be better for them to go first to school, and then, Iduchi from school, go to the grove. But at that time the boy noticed a tiny beautiful robberry on the green branch. She sat, it seemed very calm and from nothing to do looked out the overhaul song.

Hey you, cheerful sainted! - shouted the boy's boy. - You really seem to do exactly; Play with us.

As, - the offended raspberry won, - I have nothing to do? Yes, did I not catch the midge all day to feed my baby? I'm so tired that I can not raise the wings; Yes, and now I am buried the song of my lovely kids. What did you do today, little sloths? I did not go to school, I did not learn anything, run on the grove, and even interfere with another thing to do. Go better where you were sent, and remember that only this is nice to relax and play who worked and did everything that I had to do.

Children became ashamed: they went to school and although they came late, but they studied diligently.

Complaints bunny

I was growing, a sulfur bunny burst, under a bush Sidychi; Crying, sentences:

"There is no one in the light of my share worse than mine, a sulfur bunny! And who only does not sharpen the teeth on me? Hunters, dogs, wolf, fox and a predatory bird; Krivonosy Hawk, Puratelase Owl; Even a stupid crow and that tested by their crooked laps of my cute deubrays - Senters will be engaged. The trouble threatens to me from everywhere; and there is nothing to defend it: to climb on a tree, like a squirrel, I can not dig holes, like a rabbit, I don't know how. True, my teeth are properly lit up the cabbage and the bark is ghaged, but bite your courage is missing . I have been running to the master and jumping thumbs up; but it's good if you have to run along a flat field or mountain, and how under the mountain - then you will go to the knuckle through the head: the front legs did not grow.

Everyone would still live in the world, if it would not be cowardice. Sleep the rustle, - the ears will rise, Corchechko will break, wear the light, pincers out of the bush, - and you can get straight into the shower or hunter under my feet.

Oh, bad to me, the middle bunny! Surrious, hiding on bushes, raised on the roll, you confuse traces; And sooner or later, no misfortunes: and me will drag me the kitchen for the long ears.

I only have a consolation that the tail is short: a dog is not enough for. Whether I have such a tail, like a fox, where would I go with him? Then it would seem to go and drowned. "

The story of one apple tree

The wild apple tree grew in the forest; In the fall fell from her sour apple. Birds embarged an apple, bored and the grains.

One grain only hid in the ground and left.

The winter was launched in the spring under the snow, and in the spring, when the sun harvested the wet ground, the grain began to germinate: he was put down the root, and the two first leafs were kicked up. From the intermediate leaflets ran the stalk with a kidney, and green leaves came out of the kidney. The kidney kidney, a leaf behind the leaves, a twig behind the twig - and years after five, a pretty apple tree stood on the place where the grainbed fell.

He came to the forest a gardener with an intercession, saw an apple tree and says: "Here is a good village, it will be useful for me."

Apple tree trembled, when the gardener began to dig it, and thinks: "I disappeared at all!" But the gardener dug the apple tree carefully, the roots did not damage, moved it to the garden and put in good land.

Apple tree in the garden, I should have been a rare tree, "she thinks," when I was transferred from the forest to the garden, "and having fun looks around on ugly hemps tied with rags; She did not know that he had to go to school.

Another year came a gardener with a curved knife and began to cut apple trees.

Apple tree trembled and thinks: "Well, now I completely disappeared."

Cut off the gardener with all the green top of the tree, left one Prenok, and he was still split from above; In the crack stuck a gardener young escape from a good apple tree; Closed the wound with the smear, knitted with a cloth, furnished a new cluster with spicy and left.

Yak Block kilved; But she was young and strong, soon recovered and merged with someone else's branch.

The twig of the juices of strong apple trees and grows quickly: throws the kidney behind the kidney, the sheet behind the sheet, drives out the escape of the escape, the twig behind the twig, and the year after three bloomed with white-pink fragrant flowers.

Oops white-pink petals, and a green marking appeared in their place, and apples were made from the verse; Yes, no wildcles, but big, ruddy, sweet, crumbly!

And such a pretty successful apple trees, that from other gardens came to take from her shoots for the rail.


Nekrasiva cow, yes milk gives. Her forehead is wide, ears aside; In the mouth of the teeth, it defects the face large; The ridge - the edge, tail - darling, the sides were hung, hooves double. She tears her trickle, chewing chewing, sow drinks, might and roar, the hostess calls: "Come out, the hostess; take it out of the subsidements, pure rubblers! I brought the milk, dense cream."

Fox Patriyevna

In Kumushki-foxes, the teas of the island, a snap is thin, the ears on the top, the tail on the decelet, the fur coat is warm.

Good kuma is knitted: fluffy wool, golden; On the chest vest, and on the neck of white tips.

Lisa Tikhokhonko walks, the land is pronounced, as if it is bouncing; Its fluffy tail wearing gently, looks gentle, smiling, white teeth show.

Roet holes, clever, deep; There are many moves in them and exits, storage rooms, there are also spools, soft tricks are seduced. Everyone would be good to all the hostess, and the robber-fox - the tricky: loves the chickens, loves the claropes, turns the neck of Guseu in greasy, does not raise the rabbit.

Fox and goat

Falshal fled, she was shared on the crows, - and fell into the well. Water in the well was a bit: it is impossible to drown, and even jump out too. Fox sits, flashes. Goat goes, smart head; It goes, the borodes shakes, the face winds; Looked, from nothing to do, in the well, I saw a fox there and asked:

What are you there, Lynonya, do you like?

Rest, darling, - Lisa answers. "It's hot there at the top, so I climbed here." How cool it is cool here! Water colder - how much do you want.

And I want to drink a goat for a long time.

Is it good? - asks the goat.

Great! - Lisa is responsible. - Clean, cold! Jump here, if you want; Here both our place will be.

Jumped the goat fool, almost foxes did not ask, and she him:

Eh, bearded fool! And it was not able to jump something - all sprayed. "

Jumped fox goat on his back, from the back on the horns, and and won from the well.

I almost disappeared the goat with hunger in the well; Nasil, he was found and pulled out for the horns.

Bear and Breedy

There is a bear in the forest and lifting lifting: is it possible to rejuvenate? Face - honey! Raised the bear face up and sees a hive on the pine tree, under the hives a smooth log on the rope hangs, but there is no little Misha to a log. I climbed a bear on a pine, Drain to the log, you can not climb above - the logo interferes. Misha pushed the lapel log; The logs lightly turned back - and the knock of the Bear on the head. Misha pushed his trickle's log - I hit Misha's log in a log. Misha got angry and enough logs in all strength; A log turned out twice by two ago - and so I had enough Misha that I did not fall away from the tree. I cleared the bear, I forgot about the honey, I want to dig a log to him: well, it is not for the power, and without surrendering never stayed. Misha rushed with a log until the whole beaten fell from the tree; Under the tree, there were pegs of Natakans - and the bear paid for the crazy anger with his warm skin.


Mouse gathered at their mink, old and small. They have black eyes, their paws are small, sharp teeth, sulfur coats, ears upstairs sticking, the tail on the ground is dragging. Mouses gathered, underground thiefs, the spirit think, the Council holds: "How would we, mouses, a robe in a mink?" Oh, beware of the mouse! Your buddy, Vasya, not far. He loves you very much, the paw is sick; The tail will come to you, the hubs will bloom.

Rooster yes dog

He lived an old man with an old woman, and they lived in great poverty. They had all the belts only that a rooster and a dog, and those who were poorly fed. Here is a dog and says the rooster:

Come on, Brother Petka, we leave in the forest: here we live bad.

We will leave, "says the rooster, it will not be worse.

So they went where the eyes look. Dried all day; It began to fool - it's time to stick to bed. They came down from the road to the forest and chose a large dumpy tree. The rooster flew to the bitches, the dog climbed into the hollow and fell asleep.

In the morning, it was just loaded to be engaged, rooster and shouted: "Ku-ku-re-ku!" Heard a fox rooster; I wanted to enjoy the rooster meat. Here it approached the tree and began to praise the rooster:

Here is a cock so cock! Such a bird I never understood: and some beautiful feathers, and some kind of red, and what a voice call! Persay me, handsome.

And for what work? - asks the rooster.

Let's go to visit me: I have a housewarming today, and there is a lot of polka dormitory about you.

Well, "says the rooster," only I cannot go alone: \u200b\u200ba friend with me.

"That's what happiness took! - Lisa thought. - Instead of one rooster there will be two."

Where is your comrade? She asks. - I and his visit to visit.

There, in the Dupela night, - the rooster answers.

Lisa rushed in the hollow, and her dog for the face - DAC! .. caught and broke the fox.

Cockerel with family

Petschok walks around the yard: on the head red scallop, under his nose a red beard. Nose in Petit Cholotz, the tail in Petit Koltsa, on the tail patterns, on the legs of the spur. Paws Peter a bunch jumps, chickens with chickens convenes:

Crested chicken! Bottomans-hostess! Mute-ripples, black and white! Going with chickens, with small guys: I give you a grain!

Chicken with chickens gathered, once somewhat; The grains did not share, overtook.

Petya Cockerel disorders does not like - now the family came: Tu for Khokhol, for Vikhor, the grains himself eaten, the wings took off, the wings waved, in all her throat: "Ku-Ka-Re-ku!"

Plushka Kot.

Lived - there were a cat in the same yard, a goat da ram. They lived together: the village of Klok and that in half; And if the forks in the side, so one cat Vaska. He is such a thief and a robber: where that is bad lies, there and looks. Here the Cotishko-Murlyshko, Gray Lobishko; Yes, it goes like a fourthly crying. Ask cat goat yes Baran:

Cattle-Kotok, Serious pubis! What are you crying, jumping on three legs?

Replies to them Vasya:

How I do not cry! Baila Baba, Bila; The ears died, feet broke, and she also slipped on me.

And why did such a misfortune come for you? - Ask goat da ram.

Eh-eh! Because inadvertently, the sour cream linked.

Fake Warmer and Flour, "says the goat," do not fight sour cream!

Here is a cat again crying:

Baila Baba, Bila; Bila - sentenced: will come to me a son-in-law, where will the sour creams take? Imaging the goat da Barana cut.

The goat went here yes Baran:

Oh, you, gray you cat, stupid your forehead! Why did you disbelieve us?

They began to judge yes to rip out, as if their troubles would hang out (avoid. Ed.), - And they cut it right away: all three to run. We settled how the hostess did not bother the gate, and left.

For a long time, the cat, goat and a ram of dolt, in the mountains, on bulk sands; They stuck and cut down to spend the night at the beveled meadow; And on that meadow a stack that cities are standing.

The night was dark, cold: where is the fire to get? And the Cotishka-purred girl took out Beresto, wrapped the goat of the horns and told him with a ram of his foreheads. The goat with a lamb was knocked out, the sparks of the eyes fell out: Bersechochka stuck it.

Okay, - browned gray cat, - now hesitate! - Yes, unwarmly thinking and lit a whole haystack.

They did not have time to warm up, as the uninvited guest, a peasant-sray, Mikhail Potapygin falsify them.

Let them, - says, - brothers, heated and relax; Something I am unlikely.

Welcome, peasant-sledge! - Says cat. - Where are you going from?

I went to the pedely, "says the Bear," the bees to spend, and it came up with the men, because his reel attacked.

Here they began to stumble all together: the goat and a ram from the fire, the purr on a stack of luck, and the bear burned under the stack.

Fell asleep's bear; goat yes Baran dorms; One purr does not sleep and sees everything. And he sees: go seven wolves of gray, one white - and straight to the fire.

Fu-fu! What the people are like! - Says a white wolf goat yes Baran. Let's try strength.

Banned here with fear goat yes Baran; And the cat, gray Loby, led such a speech:

Oh, you, a white wolf, over the wolves prince! Do not anger you are our older: he, hurt God, angry! How to diverge - to nobody. Al do not see him beard: in it and all the power; He blows all the beasts with a beard, only the skin sounds horns. Better go and honor ask: want, de play with your smaller brother, which is sleeping under stack.

Wolves on that goat was bowed; Obli Mishu and well to flirt. Here Misha was attached-attached yes, as enough for each paw on the wolf, they squeezed them with Lazari (complained about fate. - Ed.). Wolves got out from under a stack of barely alive and, pressing tails, - Give God's legs!

The goat is the same ram, while the bear with the wolves crawled, picked up the purr on the back and quickly: "Full, they say, without the way to drag, not such a misfortune."

The old man and the old woman were happy - Radehonki that the goat with a ram home was packed; And the chimney-purr of the Plotier was keen.

Taszy old women winter

An old woman was angry: she conceived every breath from the light to surf. First of all, she began to get to the birds: they were bored with her cry and pisom.

Winter looked cold, sued leaves from forests and oaks and squeezed them on the roads. Nowhere to birds to go; They began to gather flocks, thinking to think. Gathered, shoved and flew over the high mountains, for the blue of the sea, in warm countries. Structured remained, and he burned down under Strekh.

Sees winter that the birds do not catch up with her; Prowing on the beasts. Fielded the snow in the snow, piled up forest bugs, dressed trees with ice bore and sends frost over frost. Frosts are coming by one different evil, jump on the tree on the Christmas tree, crack and sick, frighten the beasts. Never frightened animals; In some fur coats, others in deep holes were sore; Squirrel in the wool nuts nibble; Bear in Berorwood Paws sucks; Zainka, jigshai, heats; And horses, cows, lambs long ago in warm gestures ready hay chew, warmly sank drink.

Winter is angry - it gets to fish; Sends frost over frost, one of the other Lutee. Freezers are fleeing, the hammers are sticking loudly: without wedges, without slipping on lakes, the bridges are built on rivers. Frozen rivers and lakes, but only on top; And the fish all increasingly left: under the ice roof it is still warmer.

"Well, the stay," the winter thinks, "Doim I am people," and shles frost behind the frost, one of the other evil. Castled frosts by windows in the windows; knock and in the walls, and in the door, so the brica is bursting. And people flooded the stoves, bake themselves pancakes hot and laughing over the winter. Some will happen for firewood in the forest - he will put on Tulup, boots, mittens warm yes, how to catch an ax, even the sweat will knock. On the roads, as if winter on laughter, the calls extended; From the horses of pairs of palls, the cabes are singing, the mittens are patted, the shoulders are twisted, the frost praise.

It was an outstantic than the whole winter, that even small children - and those are not afraid! Skating yes on sleds, in snowballs play, women are pose, the mountains are built, water is watered and the frost is cliche: "Come to settle!" Pins the winter with anger of one boy for the ear, the other for the nose, - Even travels; And the boy grab the snow, let's rub - and his face will grow up like fire.

She sees winter that she does not take anything, he cried with anger. With steaks winter tears ran out ... it can be seen, spring is not far!

Bees and flies

In late autumn, a glorious day was issued, what and in the spring for the rarity: lead clouds scattered, the wind was lit up, the sun looked out and looked so gentle, as if she was forgotten with wet plants. Sounded from the hives with light and warm shaggy bees, hassle fun, flew from the grass to the grass, not for honey (there was no place to take it), and so-so to have to have fun and striking their wings.

How are you stupid with your fun! - She told them a fly, who immediately sat on herbal, having grown and lowering his nose. "Don't you know that the sun is only for a minute and that, probably, the wind will begin today, the rain, cold and we will have to disappear.

ZUM-ZUM ZUM! Why disappear? - answered fly funny bees. "We will enjoy while the sun shines, and how the bad weather comes, I hide in your warm hive, where we have a lot of honey for the summer.

Sleeping horse

For a long time, it has long been long, when not only us, but also our grandfather and great-grandfathers were still in the world, stood the rich and shopping Slavic city of Vineta on the seashore; And in this city, a rich merchant was a solder, whose ships, loaded by expensive goods, were swimming for distant seas.

Useda was very rich and lived luxuriously: maybe the very nicking of the Udenman, or Hoom, he received because he had a strong all that could be good and expensive at the time; And the owner himself, his mistress and children ate only on gold and silver, walked only in Soboles yes in Parcery.

In the stable of Uden, there were many excellent horses; But neither in the sugic stable, nor in the entire vein there was no horse faster and more beautifully catching up - so nicknamed her beloved horse horse for the speed of her feet. No one dare to sit on the catch-wind, except the host himself, and the owner never riding on any other horse.

The merchant was happening to one of his travel on shopping affairs, returning to Vintin, pass on his beloved horse through a large and dark forest. The case was in the evening, the forest was terribly dark and dense, the wind smoked the tops of sullen pines; The merchant was driving one-dinner and step, saving his beloved horse, which was tired of a distance trip.

Suddenly, because of the bushes, as if from under the ground, six-shoulded well-walled men with brutal persons, in the shaggy hats, with horns, axes and knives in their hands; Three were on horseback, three on foot, and two robber had already grabbed the horse of the merchant for the ultrasound.

Do not see the rich Winney as a rich waters, if there was another one horse under him, and not catchy wind. Having rejuvented on the Jedis someone else's hand, the horse rushed forward, my own wide, he touched on the ground of two banging villains who kept him in the city, crumpled under the feet of the third, who, Mahaya Hthina, ran ahead and wanted to block him the road, and rushed like a whirlwind . Equestrian robbers were launched; Horses They were also kind, but where do they catch up with a suction horse?

Dogon-wind, despite his fatigue, sickly chase, rushed like an arrow, brushed from tightened onion, and far left angry villains.

After half an hour, the soldier had already entered his darling the bogin on his good horse, from which the foam was poured on the ground.

Peeling from a horse, the sole of the fatigue risen highly, the merchant immediately, the thrill of the dog-wind on the cheerful neck, solemnly promised: that he would have happened to him, never sell and not give anyone her faithful horse, not to drive him, as if He was either aged, and daily, until the very death, let go of a horse for three measures of the best oats.

But, hurrying to his wife and children, I did not look after the horse myself, and the lazy worker did not take the exhausted horse as he should, did not give him completely cool and drove away before.

From the same time the catch-wind and began to sneak, healen, weakened on his feet and, finally, land. The merchant was very burned and from half to the year it was true of his promise: the blind horse stood still on the stable, and he was released daily for three oats measures.

As well, then bought himself another riding horse, and after six months it seemed to him too hard to give blind, no longer a suitable horse in three oats measures, and he ordered two. Half a year has passed; The blind horse was still young, I had to feed it for a long time, and he began to let go of one extent.

Finally, it seemed to be a merchant, and he ordered a Uzda from catching wind and drive him out of the gate so that he did not occupy in vain space in the stable. The blind horse workers spent a stick from the courtyard, as he rested and did not go.

The poor blind dog-wind, not understanding what they do, not knowing and not seeing where to go, it remained standing at the gate, lowering her head and sad ears. The night came, the snow went, sleeping on the stones was rigidly and cold for a poor blind horse. She stood in one place for a few hours, but finally hunger forced her to look for food. Having raised the head, silent in the air, whether somewhere at least a straw snapped with an old, looked roof, I wondered the blind horse and stumbled incessantly on the corner of the house, then on the fence.

We need to know that in the vein, as in all vintage Slavic cities, there was no prince, and the inhabitants of the city were managed by themselves, going to the square when it was necessary to solve any important things. Such a meeting of the people to solve his own affairs, for the court and repristed, was called the veche. In the middle of the Winpets, on the square, where the Big Evening Bell was going on four pillars, on whose ringing was going to the people and in which everyone who considered himself offended and demanded from the people of the court and protection. Nobody, of course, did not dare to call in the evening bell on trifles, knowing that it would be very good for it.

Stone around the square, blind, deaf and hungry horse raced at the pillars on which the bell hung, and, thinking, be able to pull out the beam of straw, grabbed the teeth for the rope tied to the bell tongue, and began to pull: the bell rang so Strong that the people, despite the fact that it was too early, the crowds began to run on the square, wanting to know who so loudly demands his court and protection. Everyone in the vein knew the catch-winds, they knew that he saved his life to his owner, knew the owner's promise - and were surprised to see in the middle of the square of the poor horse - the blind, hungry, trembling from the jacket covered with snow.

Soon explained to what was the matter, and when the people learned that the rich ash was kicked out of the house a blind horse who saved his life, then unanimously decided that the dog-wind had a complete right to call to the eunch bell.

Demanded an ungrateful merchant area; Despite his excuses, they ordered him to keep the horse still and feed it to her very death. A special person was attached to be looking at the execution of the sentence, and the most sentence was carved on the stone set in memory of this event in the evening area ...

Claim to wait

Lived brother and sister, cockerel and chicken. I ran the cockerel into the garden and began to peel the green currant, and the chicken and he tells him: "Do not eat, Petya! Further, while the currant is forgiven." The cockerel did not obey, slander, and slander, and shoved in such a way that there was a nation of home. "Oh! - shouts Cockerel, - My trouble! Hurts, sister, hurt!" He drove the chicken with mint, attached mustard - and passed.

The cockerel recovered and went to the field: ran, jumped, broke out, sweat and ran to the creek to drink cold water; And he screams chicken:

Do not drink, Petya, root, until you stop.

I did not obey the cockerel, got drunk cold water - and here it began to beat the fever: the chicken was bare home. The chicken joined the doctor, prescribed Dr. Pethe Gorky Medication, and Long lay down the cockerel in bed.

The cockerel recovered to winter and sees that the river was covered with a glacier; I wanted a cock on skates to ride; And the chicken and says to him: "Oh, go, Petya! Let the river freeze completely; now there are still ice very thin, drown." Did not obeyed the cockerel sister: rolled over ice; The ice broke out, and the rooster - bunk into the water! Only Cockerel and saw.

Morning rays

Floored the red sun and began to send his golden rays everywhere - to wake the earth.

The first beam flew and got on the lark. The larks were attracted, he spoiled out of the nest, rose highly high and sang his silver song: "Oh, how good in the fresh morning air! How good! How is abolished!"

The second beam hit the bunny. He finished the bunny's ears and merced the rusky meadow: he ran to mine a juicy herb for breakfast.

The third beam hit the chicken coop. Rooster slammed the wings and froze: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" The chickens flew off from the nursing, bored, began to rake the litter and worms to look.

The fourth beam hit the hive. Crawled the bee from wax celi, sat down on the window, plagued the wings and "zo-zo-zoom!" - flew to collect a naked with fragrant colors.

The fifth beam hit the nursery to the bed to a little lazy man: cuts him straight into his eyes, and he turned to another side and fell asleep again.

Four desires

Mitya rolled on Santochie with an ice mountain and ice skating on the frozen river, rushed home, merry and says father:

Just as fun in winter! I would like all winter to.

Write your desire to my pocket book, said Father.

Mitya recorded.

Spring came. The midst of the Mitya was thrown behind the birds of the green meadow, narrowing flowers, came running to his father and says:

What is the beauty of this spring! I would have wanted to be all spring.

Father again took out the book and ordered the Mita to record his desire.

It is summer. Mitya and Father went to Senokos. The whole long day did a boy having fun: I caught fish, scored a berry, tumbling in scented hay, and in the evening I said my father:

That's already today I have fun to enjoy! I would wish that there was no end to the end.

And this desire of Mitya was recorded in the same book.

Autumn has come. Fruits were harvested in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said his father:

Autumn is better than all times of the year!

Then the father took his notebook and showed the boy that he said the same thing about the spring, and about winter, and about the summer.

Alien Egg

Early in the morning, the old woman of Daria got up, chose a dark, a secluded place in the chicken coop, put a basket there, where thirteen eggs were laid out on a soft hay, and put a horschku on them.

Slightly light, and the old woman did not consider that the thirteenth egg was greenish and more others. The chicken sits diligently, heats the testicles, runs away to boke the grains, drink the water, and again in place; Even poured a poor thing. And what kind of angry, huddled, sniffing, even the cock does not give it to approach, and she really wanted to look around that there was in a dark corner. Skipped the chicken of the week from three, and steel from the chickens of the chickens are cut out, one by one: will curtail the shell of the nose, pops up, will quit and will run, the legs will rake, the worms to search.

Later, all the chicken from the greenish eggs crossed. And what strange it came out: Round, fluffy, yellow, with short legs, with a wide nose. "I had a strange chicken," he thinks chicken, "he pecks, and he doesn't have it in our place; the spout is wide, the legs are short, some kind of closure, with legs to the leg exceeded." The chicken was mowed to her chicken, but as much as there is, but all the son. And loves, and protects his chicken, like others, and if the hawk envy, then, having fluffying feathers and spreading round wings wide, hides his chickens to himself, without disassembled what kind of legs.

He became a chicken church learning how to dig out from the ground of the worms, and led the whole family to the pride of the pond: there is more worms more and the ground is softer. As soon as the short-legged chicken, he deemed the water, so straight and rushed into it. Chicken shouts, wings waves, rushes to water; Chickens are also distilled: run, fuss, sing; And one cockerel with fright even jumped on the pebbles, pulled the neck and immediately shouted with a breath voice in his life: "Ku-ku-re-ku!" Help, they say, good people! Brother sink! But the brother did not sink, and would have over and easily, like a bog of cotton paper, swam on the water, raking the water with its wide, webbed paws. On the cry of the chicken ran out of the old Daria from the hut, I saw what was being done, and screamed: "So what's a sin! It can be seen, I put a duck egg under the chicken."

And the chicken was so rushed to the pond: the nation could drive the poor.

Once the sun and the angry northern wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. For a long time they argued and, finally, decided to measure the forces over the traveler, who at that time was riding along the big road.

Look, "said the wind," as I fell on him: MiG is a rain with him.

He said - and began to blow that it was urine. But the more tried the wind, the stronger the traveler was soaked into his cloak: he grumbled in bad weather, but drove farther further. The wind was angry, raced, snapped the poor traveler with rain and snow; Scroll wind, the traveler put on his cloak in the sleeve and tied to the belt. Here the wind itself was convinced that he could not pull himself.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of his rival, smiled, looked out because of the clouds, heated, dried up the earth, and at the same time the poor semi-masonry traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he boiled, blessed the sun, he took off his raincoat, turned it and tied to the saddle.

You see, - then she said the meek sun an angry wind, - caressing and kindness can be made much more than anger.


Around our farm, on ravines and wet places, there was a lot of snakes.

I'm not talking about the worst: I used to be accustomed to harmlessly. He has small sharp teeth in his mouth, he catches mice and even birds and, perhaps, can contact the skin; But there is no poison in these teeth, and the bite of the horny is completely harmless.

We had many; Especially in a pile of straw, which lay near the hum: how the sun prigerates, so they will craw out from there; They are hissing when you come up, tongue or sting show, but after all, without staring the snake biting. Even in the kitchen under the floor there were burgers, and how they would become, the children, sitting on the floor, the milk were bread, so it crashes and pulls his head to the cup, and the children with a spoon in the forehead.

But we were found with us and not some dicks: there was a poisonous snake, black, big, without those yellow stripes, which are visible from the horned head. Such a snake is called Wajuk. The viper was often biting cattle, and if they do not have time, it happened, call from the village of Old Grandfather Ohrimim, who knew some medicine against the bite of poisonous snakes, then the cattle would certainly fall - swell her, poor like a mountain.

One boy has so died from Vijuki. She bites him near the shoulder itself, and, before Ohrimim came, the tumor moved from his hands on her neck and chest: the child began to wander, stumbled in two days. As a child, I lived a lot about Vijuk and was afraid of them scary, as if I felt that I would have to meet with dangerous gadine.

We mowed in our garden, in a dry beam, where in the spring every year runs the stream, and in the summer only is damp and grows high thick grass. Every Coswarta was a holiday for me, especially how the hay is raking in the shock. Here, it happened, and you will run around the Senokosu and squeezed in the shock with all my swindle and flounded in the scented hay, until you drive out women, so as not to break the shields.

That's the way and this time I ran and tumbled: Bab was not, the kosari went far, and only our black big dog brought on a shine and bone bone.

I lured into one copy, turned two times in it and suddenly jumped with horror. Something cold and slippery waved my hand. The thought of Viper flashed in my head - and what? A huge viper, which I was disturbed, got out of the hay and, waving onto the tail, was ready to rush at me.

Instead of running, I'm standing like petrified, as if Gadda enchanted me with his borrowed, nonoragging eyes. Still a minute - and I died; But Brovko, as an arrow, flew from the shock, rushed to the snake, and struggled between them a deadly struggle.

The dog rolled the snake teeth, trampled his paws; Snake bit the dog and in the face, and in the chest, and in the stomach. But after a minute, only Gadyuki shreds lay on Earth, and browing rushed and disappeared.

But the stiffest thing is that he got lost from this day and wandered unknown where.

Only in two weeks he was packed home: thin, skinny, but healthy. Father told me that the dogs know the grass, which they are treated from the bite of viper.

Children in grove

Two children, brother and sister, went to school. They had to pass by an excellent shady grove. On the road it was hot and dusty, and in the grove is cool and fun.

Do you know what? Said Brother Sister. - We still have time to school. At school now and stuffy and boring, and in the grove, it must be very fun. Listen to how the birds shout there! And the protein is, the protein is jumping on the branches! Do we do not go there, sister?

The sister liked the offer of the brother. The children threw the alphabets in the grass, took up their arms and disappeared between green bushes, under curly birch trees. In the grove, accurately, it was fun and noisy. The birds pear off incessantly, sang and shouted; squirrels jumped over branches; Insects fussed in the grass.

First of all, the children saw a gold bug.

Play-ka with us, "the children of the beetle said.

I would be happy, "the beetle answered," but I don't have time: I have to get lunch.

Play with us, "the children of the yellow shaggy bee said.

I have once played with you, "the bee answered," I need to collect honey. "

Will you play with us? - asked the children from an ant.

But the ant once had to listen to them: he dragged the straw three of himself and was in a hurry to build his cunning housing.

The children turned to the squirrel, offering her also to play with them; But the squirrel waved a fluffy tail and answered that she had to stock walnut on the winter.

Dove said:

I build a nest for your little children.

A sulfur bunny fled to the stream wash his face. The white flower of strawberries also had once to engage in children. He enjoyed beautiful weather and hurried to prepare his juicy, tasty berry.

Children became boring that everyone is busy with their work and no one wants to play with them. They ran to the stream. Zhurch on the stones, ran a stream through a grove.

You really, right, nothing to do? - the children told him. - Play with us!

How! I have nothing to do? - Brogue angry with a stream. - Oh, you, lazy children! Look at me: I work in the day and night and do not know a minute of peace. Isn't I sing people and animals? Who, besides me, washes underwear, turns mill wheels, wears boats and stew fires? Oh, I have so much work that my head goes around! - added the stream and began to bold on the stones.

Children became even more boring, and they thought that it would be better for them to go first to school, and then, Iduchi from school, go to the grove. But at that time the boy noticed a tiny beautiful robberry on the green branch. She sat, it seemed very calm and from nothing to do looked out the overhaul song.

Hey you, cheerful sainted! - shouted the boy's boy. - You really seem to do exactly; Play with us.

As, - the offended raspberry won, - I have nothing to do? Yes, did I not catch the midge all day to feed my baby? I'm so tired that I can not raise the wings; Yes, and now I am buried the song of my lovely kids. What did you do today, little sloths? I did not go to school, I did not learn anything, run on the grove, and even interfere with another thing to do. Go better where you were sent, and remember that only this is nice to relax and play who worked and did everything that I had to do.

Children became ashamed: they went to school and although they came late, but they studied diligently.

Complaints bunny

I was growing, a sulfur bunny burst, under a bush Sidychi; Crying, sentences:

"There is no one in the light of my share worse than mine, a sulfur bunny! And who only does not sharpen the teeth on me? Hunters, dogs, wolf, fox and a predatory bird; Krivonosy Hawk, Puratelase Owl; Even a stupid crow and that tested by their crooked laps of my cute deubrays - Senters will be engaged. The trouble threatens to me from everywhere; and there is nothing to defend it: to climb on a tree, like a squirrel, I can not dig holes, like a rabbit, I don't know how. True, my teeth are properly lit up the cabbage and the bark is ghaged, but bite your courage is missing . I have been running to the master and jumping thumbs up; but it's good if you have to run along a flat field or mountain, and how under the mountain - then you will go to the knuckle through the head: the front legs did not grow.

Everyone would still live in the world, if it would not be cowardice. Sleep the rustle, - the ears will rise, Corchechko will break, wear the light, pincers out of the bush, - and you can get straight into the shower or hunter under my feet.

Oh, bad to me, the middle bunny! Surrious, hiding on bushes, raised on the roll, you confuse traces; And sooner or later, no misfortunes: and me will drag me the kitchen for the long ears.

I only have a consolation that the tail is short: a dog is not enough for. Whether I have such a tail, like a fox, where would I go with him? Then it would seem to go and drowned. "

The story of one apple tree

The wild apple tree grew in the forest; In the fall fell from her sour apple. Birds embarged an apple, bored and the grains.

One grain only hid in the ground and left.

The winter was launched in the spring under the snow, and in the spring, when the sun harvested the wet ground, the grain began to germinate: he was put down the root, and the two first leafs were kicked up. From the intermediate leaflets ran the stalk with a kidney, and green leaves came out of the kidney. The kidney kidney, a leaf behind the leaves, a twig behind the twig - and years after five, a pretty apple tree stood on the place where the grainbed fell.

He came to the forest a gardener with an intercession, saw an apple tree and says: "Here is a good village, it will be useful for me."

Apple tree trembled, when the gardener began to dig it, and thinks: "I disappeared at all!" But the gardener dug the apple tree carefully, the roots did not damage, moved it to the garden and put in good land.

Apple tree in the garden, I should have been a rare tree, "she thinks," when I was transferred from the forest to the garden, "and having fun looks around on ugly hemps tied with rags; She did not know that he had to go to school.

Another year came a gardener with a curved knife and began to cut apple trees.

Apple tree trembled and thinks: "Well, now I completely disappeared."

Cut off the gardener with all the green top of the tree, left one Prenok, and he was still split from above; In the crack stuck a gardener young escape from a good apple tree; Closed the wound with the smear, knitted with a cloth, furnished a new cluster with spicy and left.

Yak Block kilved; But she was young and strong, soon recovered and merged with someone else's branch.

The twig of the juices of strong apple trees and grows quickly: throws the kidney behind the kidney, the sheet behind the sheet, drives out the escape of the escape, the twig behind the twig, and the year after three bloomed with white-pink fragrant flowers.

Oops white-pink petals, and a green marking appeared in their place, and apples were made from the verse; Yes, no wildcles, but big, ruddy, sweet, crumbly!

And such a pretty successful apple trees, that from other gardens came to take from her shoots for the rail.


Nekrasiva cow, yes milk gives. Her forehead is wide, ears aside; In the mouth of the teeth, it defects the face large; The ridge - the edge, tail - darling, the sides were hung, hooves double. She tears her trickle, chewing chewing, sow drinks, might and roar, the hostess calls: "Come out, the hostess; take it out of the subsidements, pure rubblers! I brought the milk, dense cream."

Fox Patriyevna

In Kumushki-foxes, the teas of the island, a snap is thin, the ears on the top, the tail on the decelet, the fur coat is warm.

Good kuma is knitted: fluffy wool, golden; On the chest vest, and on the neck of white tips.

Lisa Tikhokhonko walks, the land is pronounced, as if it is bouncing; Its fluffy tail wearing gently, looks gentle, smiling, white teeth show.

Roet holes, clever, deep; There are many moves in them and exits, storage rooms, there are also spools, soft tricks are seduced. Everyone would be good to all the hostess, and the robber-fox - the tricky: loves the chickens, loves the claropes, turns the neck of Guseu in greasy, does not raise the rabbit.

Fox and goat

Falshal fled, she was shared on the crows, - and fell into the well. Water in the well was a bit: it is impossible to drown, and even jump out too. Fox sits, flashes. Goat goes, smart head; It goes, the borodes shakes, the face winds; Looked, from nothing to do, in the well, I saw a fox there and asked:

What are you there, Lynonya, do you like?

Rest, darling, - Lisa answers. "It's hot there at the top, so I climbed here." How cool it is cool here! Water colder - how much do you want.

And I want to drink a goat for a long time.

Is it good? - asks the goat.

Great! - Lisa is responsible. - Clean, cold! Jump here, if you want; Here both our place will be.

Jumped the goat fool, almost foxes did not ask, and she him:

Eh, bearded fool! And it was not able to jump something - all sprayed. "

Jumped fox goat on his back, from the back on the horns, and and won from the well.

I almost disappeared the goat with hunger in the well; Nasil, he was found and pulled out for the horns.

Bear and Breedy

There is a bear in the forest and lifting lifting: is it possible to rejuvenate? Face - honey! Raised the bear face up and sees a hive on the pine tree, under the hives a smooth log on the rope hangs, but there is no little Misha to a log. I climbed a bear on a pine, Drain to the log, you can not climb above - the logo interferes. Misha pushed the lapel log; The logs lightly turned back - and the knock of the Bear on the head. Misha pushed his trickle's log - I hit Misha's log in a log. Misha got angry and enough logs in all strength; A log turned out twice by two ago - and so I had enough Misha that I did not fall away from the tree. I cleared the bear, I forgot about the honey, I want to dig a log to him: well, it is not for the power, and without surrendering never stayed. Misha rushed with a log until the whole beaten fell from the tree; Under the tree, there were pegs of Natakans - and the bear paid for the crazy anger with his warm skin.


Mouse gathered at their mink, old and small. They have black eyes, their paws are small, sharp teeth, sulfur coats, ears upstairs sticking, the tail on the ground is dragging. Mouses gathered, underground thiefs, the spirit think, the Council holds: "How would we, mouses, a robe in a mink?" Oh, beware of the mouse! Your buddy, Vasya, not far. He loves you very much, the paw is sick; The tail will come to you, the hubs will bloom.

Rooster yes dog

He lived an old man with an old woman, and they lived in great poverty. They had all the belts only that a rooster and a dog, and those who were poorly fed. Here is a dog and says the rooster:

Come on, Brother Petka, we leave in the forest: here we live bad.

We will leave, "says the rooster, it will not be worse.

So they went where the eyes look. Dried all day; It began to fool - it's time to stick to bed. They came down from the road to the forest and chose a large dumpy tree. The rooster flew to the bitches, the dog climbed into the hollow and fell asleep.

In the morning, it was just loaded to be engaged, rooster and shouted: "Ku-ku-re-ku!" Heard a fox rooster; I wanted to enjoy the rooster meat. Here it approached the tree and began to praise the rooster:

Here is a cock so cock! Such a bird I never understood: and some beautiful feathers, and some kind of red, and what a voice call! Persay me, handsome.

And for what work? - asks the rooster.

Let's go to visit me: I have a housewarming today, and there is a lot of polka dormitory about you.

Well, "says the rooster," only I cannot go alone: \u200b\u200ba friend with me.

"That's what happiness took! - Lisa thought. - Instead of one rooster there will be two."

Where is your comrade? She asks. - I and his visit to visit.

There, in the Dupela night, - the rooster answers.

Lisa rushed in the hollow, and her dog for the face - DAC! .. caught and broke the fox.

Cockerel with family

Petschok walks around the yard: on the head red scallop, under his nose a red beard. Nose in Petit Cholotz, the tail in Petit Koltsa, on the tail patterns, on the legs of the spur. Paws Peter a bunch jumps, chickens with chickens convenes:

Crested chicken! Bottomans-hostess! Mute-ripples, black and white! Going with chickens, with small guys: I give you a grain!

Chicken with chickens gathered, once somewhat; The grains did not share, overtook.

Petya Cockerel disorders does not like - now the family came: Tu for Khokhol, for Vikhor, the grains himself eaten, the wings took off, the wings waved, in all her throat: "Ku-Ka-Re-ku!"

Plushka Kot.

Lived - there were a cat in the same yard, a goat da ram. They lived together: the village of Klok and that in half; And if the forks in the side, so one cat Vaska. He is such a thief and a robber: where that is bad lies, there and looks. Here the Cotishko-Murlyshko, Gray Lobishko; Yes, it goes like a fourthly crying. Ask cat goat yes Baran:

Cattle-Kotok, Serious pubis! What are you crying, jumping on three legs?

Replies to them Vasya:

How I do not cry! Baila Baba, Bila; The ears died, feet broke, and she also slipped on me.

And why did such a misfortune come for you? - Ask goat da ram.

Eh-eh! Because inadvertently, the sour cream linked.

Fake Warmer and Flour, "says the goat," do not fight sour cream!

Here is a cat again crying:

Baila Baba, Bila; Bila - sentenced: will come to me a son-in-law, where will the sour creams take? Imaging the goat da Barana cut.

The goat went here yes Baran:

Oh, you, gray you cat, stupid your forehead! Why did you disbelieve us?

They began to judge yes to rip out, as if their troubles would hang out (avoid. Ed.), - And they cut it right away: all three to run. We settled how the hostess did not bother the gate, and left.

For a long time, the cat, goat and a ram of dolt, in the mountains, on bulk sands; They stuck and cut down to spend the night at the beveled meadow; And on that meadow a stack that cities are standing.

The night was dark, cold: where is the fire to get? And the Cotishka-purred girl took out Beresto, wrapped the goat of the horns and told him with a ram of his foreheads. The goat with a lamb was knocked out, the sparks of the eyes fell out: Bersechochka stuck it.

Okay, - browned gray cat, - now hesitate! - Yes, unwarmly thinking and lit a whole haystack.

They did not have time to warm up, as the uninvited guest, a peasant-sray, Mikhail Potapygin falsify them.

Let them, - says, - brothers, heated and relax; Something I am unlikely.

Welcome, peasant-sledge! - Says cat. - Where are you going from?

I went to the pedely, "says the Bear," the bees to spend, and it came up with the men, because his reel attacked.

Here they began to stumble all together: the goat and a ram from the fire, the purr on a stack of luck, and the bear burned under the stack.

Fell asleep's bear; goat yes Baran dorms; One purr does not sleep and sees everything. And he sees: go seven wolves of gray, one white - and straight to the fire.

Fu-fu! What the people are like! - Says a white wolf goat yes Baran. Let's try strength.

Banned here with fear goat yes Baran; And the cat, gray Loby, led such a speech:

Oh, you, a white wolf, over the wolves prince! Do not anger you are our older: he, hurt God, angry! How to diverge - to nobody. Al do not see him beard: in it and all the power; He blows all the beasts with a beard, only the skin sounds horns. Better go and honor ask: want, de play with your smaller brother, which is sleeping under stack.

Wolves on that goat was bowed; Obli Mishu and well to flirt. Here Misha was attached-attached yes, as enough for each paw on the wolf, they squeezed them with Lazari (complained about fate. - Ed.). Wolves got out from under a stack of barely alive and, pressing tails, - Give God's legs!

The goat is the same ram, while the bear with the wolves crawled, picked up the purr on the back and quickly: "Full, they say, without the way to drag, not such a misfortune."

The old man and the old woman were happy - Radehonki that the goat with a ram home was packed; And the chimney-purr of the Plotier was keen.

Taszy old women winter

An old woman was angry: she conceived every breath from the light to surf. First of all, she began to get to the birds: they were bored with her cry and pisom.

Winter looked cold, sued leaves from forests and oaks and squeezed them on the roads. Nowhere to birds to go; They began to gather flocks, thinking to think. Gathered, shoved and flew over the high mountains, for the blue of the sea, in warm countries. Structured remained, and he burned down under Strekh.

Sees winter that the birds do not catch up with her; Prowing on the beasts. Fielded the snow in the snow, piled up forest bugs, dressed trees with ice bore and sends frost over frost. Frosts are coming by one different evil, jump on the tree on the Christmas tree, crack and sick, frighten the beasts. Never frightened animals; In some fur coats, others in deep holes were sore; Squirrel in the wool nuts nibble; Bear in Berorwood Paws sucks; Zainka, jigshai, heats; And horses, cows, lambs long ago in warm gestures ready hay chew, warmly sank drink.

Winter is angry - it gets to fish; Sends frost over frost, one of the other Lutee. Freezers are fleeing, the hammers are sticking loudly: without wedges, without slipping on lakes, the bridges are built on rivers. Frozen rivers and lakes, but only on top; And the fish all increasingly left: under the ice roof it is still warmer.

"Well, the stay," the winter thinks, "Doim I am people," and shles frost behind the frost, one of the other evil. Castled frosts by windows in the windows; knock and in the walls, and in the door, so the brica is bursting. And people flooded the stoves, bake themselves pancakes hot and laughing over the winter. Some will happen for firewood in the forest - he will put on Tulup, boots, mittens warm yes, how to catch an ax, even the sweat will knock. On the roads, as if winter on laughter, the calls extended; From the horses of pairs of palls, the cabes are singing, the mittens are patted, the shoulders are twisted, the frost praise.

It was an outstantic than the whole winter, that even small children - and those are not afraid! Skating yes on sleds, in snowballs play, women are pose, the mountains are built, water is watered and the frost is cliche: "Come to settle!" Pins the winter with anger of one boy for the ear, the other for the nose, - Even travels; And the boy grab the snow, let's rub - and his face will grow up like fire.

She sees winter that she does not take anything, he cried with anger. With steaks winter tears ran out ... it can be seen, spring is not far!

Bees and flies

In late autumn, a glorious day was issued, what and in the spring for the rarity: lead clouds scattered, the wind was lit up, the sun looked out and looked so gentle, as if she was forgotten with wet plants. Sounded from the hives with light and warm shaggy bees, hassle fun, flew from the grass to the grass, not for honey (there was no place to take it), and so-so to have to have fun and striking their wings.

How are you stupid with your fun! - She told them a fly, who immediately sat on herbal, having grown and lowering his nose. "Don't you know that the sun is only for a minute and that, probably, the wind will begin today, the rain, cold and we will have to disappear.

ZUM-ZUM ZUM! Why disappear? - answered fly funny bees. "We will enjoy while the sun shines, and how the bad weather comes, I hide in your warm hive, where we have a lot of honey for the summer.

Sleeping horse

For a long time, it has long been long, when not only us, but also our grandfather and great-grandfathers were still in the world, stood the rich and shopping Slavic city of Vineta on the seashore; And in this city, a rich merchant was a solder, whose ships, loaded by expensive goods, were swimming for distant seas.

Useda was very rich and lived luxuriously: maybe the very nicking of the Udenman, or Hoom, he received because he had a strong all that could be good and expensive at the time; And the owner himself, his mistress and children ate only on gold and silver, walked only in Soboles yes in Parcery.

In the stable of Uden, there were many excellent horses; But neither in the sugic stable, nor in the entire vein there was no horse faster and more beautifully catching up - so nicknamed her beloved horse horse for the speed of her feet. No one dare to sit on the catch-wind, except the host himself, and the owner never riding on any other horse.

The merchant was happening to one of his travel on shopping affairs, returning to Vintin, pass on his beloved horse through a large and dark forest. The case was in the evening, the forest was terribly dark and dense, the wind smoked the tops of sullen pines; The merchant was driving one-dinner and step, saving his beloved horse, which was tired of a distance trip.

Suddenly, because of the bushes, as if from under the ground, six-shoulded well-walled men with brutal persons, in the shaggy hats, with horns, axes and knives in their hands; Three were on horseback, three on foot, and two robber had already grabbed the horse of the merchant for the ultrasound.

Do not see the rich Winney as a rich waters, if there was another one horse under him, and not catchy wind. Having rejuvented on the Jedis someone else's hand, the horse rushed forward, my own wide, he touched on the ground of two banging villains who kept him in the city, crumpled under the feet of the third, who, Mahaya Hthina, ran ahead and wanted to block him the road, and rushed like a whirlwind . Equestrian robbers were launched; Horses They were also kind, but where do they catch up with a suction horse?

Dogon-wind, despite his fatigue, sickly chase, rushed like an arrow, brushed from tightened onion, and far left angry villains.

After half an hour, the soldier had already entered his darling the bogin on his good horse, from which the foam was poured on the ground.

Peeling from a horse, the sole of the fatigue risen highly, the merchant immediately, the thrill of the dog-wind on the cheerful neck, solemnly promised: that he would have happened to him, never sell and not give anyone her faithful horse, not to drive him, as if He was either aged, and daily, until the very death, let go of a horse for three measures of the best oats.

But, hurrying to his wife and children, I did not look after the horse myself, and the lazy worker did not take the exhausted horse as he should, did not give him completely cool and drove away before.

From the same time the catch-wind and began to sneak, healen, weakened on his feet and, finally, land. The merchant was very burned and from half to the year it was true of his promise: the blind horse stood still on the stable, and he was released daily for three oats measures.

As well, then bought himself another riding horse, and after six months it seemed to him too hard to give blind, no longer a suitable horse in three oats measures, and he ordered two. Half a year has passed; The blind horse was still young, I had to feed it for a long time, and he began to let go of one extent.

Finally, it seemed to be a merchant, and he ordered a Uzda from catching wind and drive him out of the gate so that he did not occupy in vain space in the stable. The blind horse workers spent a stick from the courtyard, as he rested and did not go.

The poor blind dog-wind, not understanding what they do, not knowing and not seeing where to go, it remained standing at the gate, lowering her head and sad ears. The night came, the snow went, sleeping on the stones was rigidly and cold for a poor blind horse. She stood in one place for a few hours, but finally hunger forced her to look for food. Having raised the head, silent in the air, whether somewhere at least a straw snapped with an old, looked roof, I wondered the blind horse and stumbled incessantly on the corner of the house, then on the fence.

We need to know that in the vein, as in all vintage Slavic cities, there was no prince, and the inhabitants of the city were managed by themselves, going to the square when it was necessary to solve any important things. Such a meeting of the people to solve his own affairs, for the court and repristed, was called the veche. In the middle of the Winpets, on the square, where the Big Evening Bell was going on four pillars, on whose ringing was going to the people and in which everyone who considered himself offended and demanded from the people of the court and protection. Nobody, of course, did not dare to call in the evening bell on trifles, knowing that it would be very good for it.

Stone around the square, blind, deaf and hungry horse raced at the pillars on which the bell hung, and, thinking, be able to pull out the beam of straw, grabbed the teeth for the rope tied to the bell tongue, and began to pull: the bell rang so Strong that the people, despite the fact that it was too early, the crowds began to run on the square, wanting to know who so loudly demands his court and protection. Everyone in the vein knew the catch-winds, they knew that he saved his life to his owner, knew the owner's promise - and were surprised to see in the middle of the square of the poor horse - the blind, hungry, trembling from the jacket covered with snow.

Soon explained to what was the matter, and when the people learned that the rich ash was kicked out of the house a blind horse who saved his life, then unanimously decided that the dog-wind had a complete right to call to the eunch bell.

Demanded an ungrateful merchant area; Despite his excuses, they ordered him to keep the horse still and feed it to her very death. A special person was attached to be looking at the execution of the sentence, and the most sentence was carved on the stone set in memory of this event in the evening area ...

Claim to wait

Lived brother and sister, cockerel and chicken. I ran the cockerel into the garden and began to peel the green currant, and the chicken and he tells him: "Do not eat, Petya! Further, while the currant is forgiven." The cockerel did not obey, slander, and slander, and shoved in such a way that there was a nation of home. "Oh! - shouts Cockerel, - My trouble! Hurts, sister, hurt!" He drove the chicken with mint, attached mustard - and passed.

The cockerel recovered and went to the field: ran, jumped, broke out, sweat and ran to the creek to drink cold water; And he screams chicken:

Do not drink, Petya, root, until you stop.

I did not obey the cockerel, got drunk cold water - and here it began to beat the fever: the chicken was bare home. The chicken joined the doctor, prescribed Dr. Pethe Gorky Medication, and Long lay down the cockerel in bed.

The cockerel recovered to winter and sees that the river was covered with a glacier; I wanted a cock on skates to ride; And the chicken and says to him: "Oh, go, Petya! Let the river freeze completely; now there are still ice very thin, drown." Did not obeyed the cockerel sister: rolled over ice; The ice broke out, and the rooster - bunk into the water! Only Cockerel and saw.

Morning rays

Floored the red sun and began to send his golden rays everywhere - to wake the earth.

The first beam flew and got on the lark. The larks were attracted, he spoiled out of the nest, rose highly high and sang his silver song: "Oh, how good in the fresh morning air! How good! How is abolished!"

The second beam hit the bunny. He finished the bunny's ears and merced the rusky meadow: he ran to mine a juicy herb for breakfast.

The third beam hit the chicken coop. Rooster slammed the wings and froze: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" The chickens flew off from the nursing, bored, began to rake the litter and worms to look.

The fourth beam hit the hive. Crawled the bee from wax celi, sat down on the window, plagued the wings and "zo-zo-zoom!" - flew to collect a naked with fragrant colors.

The fifth beam hit the nursery to the bed to a little lazy man: cuts him straight into his eyes, and he turned to another side and fell asleep again.

Four desires

Mitya rolled on Santochie with an ice mountain and ice skating on the frozen river, rushed home, merry and says father:

Just as fun in winter! I would like all winter to.

Write your desire to my pocket book, said Father.

Mitya recorded.

Spring came. The midst of the Mitya was thrown behind the birds of the green meadow, narrowing flowers, came running to his father and says:

What is the beauty of this spring! I would have wanted to be all spring.

Father again took out the book and ordered the Mita to record his desire.

It is summer. Mitya and Father went to Senokos. The whole long day did a boy having fun: I caught fish, scored a berry, tumbling in scented hay, and in the evening I said my father:

That's already today I have fun to enjoy! I would wish that there was no end to the end.

And this desire of Mitya was recorded in the same book.

Autumn has come. Fruits were harvested in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said his father:

Autumn is better than all times of the year!

Then the father took his notebook and showed the boy that he said the same thing about the spring, and about winter, and about the summer.

Alien Egg

Early in the morning, the old woman of Daria got up, chose a dark, a secluded place in the chicken coop, put a basket there, where thirteen eggs were laid out on a soft hay, and put a horschku on them.

Slightly light, and the old woman did not consider that the thirteenth egg was greenish and more others. The chicken sits diligently, heats the testicles, runs away to boke the grains, drink the water, and again in place; Even poured a poor thing. And what kind of angry, huddled, sniffing, even the cock does not give it to approach, and she really wanted to look around that there was in a dark corner. Skipped the chicken of the week from three, and steel from the chickens of the chickens are cut out, one by one: will curtail the shell of the nose, pops up, will quit and will run, the legs will rake, the worms to search.

Later, all the chicken from the greenish eggs crossed. And what strange it came out: Round, fluffy, yellow, with short legs, with a wide nose. "I had a strange chicken," he thinks chicken, "he pecks, and he doesn't have it in our place; the spout is wide, the legs are short, some kind of closure, with legs to the leg exceeded." The chicken was mowed to her chicken, but as much as there is, but all the son. And loves, and protects his chicken, like others, and if the hawk envy, then, having fluffying feathers and spreading round wings wide, hides his chickens to himself, without disassembled what kind of legs.

He became a chicken church learning how to dig out from the ground of the worms, and led the whole family to the pride of the pond: there is more worms more and the ground is softer. As soon as the short-legged chicken, he deemed the water, so straight and rushed into it. Chicken shouts, wings waves, rushes to water; Chickens are also distilled: run, fuss, sing; And one cockerel with fright even jumped on the pebbles, pulled the neck and immediately shouted with a breath voice in his life: "Ku-ku-re-ku!" Help, they say, good people! Brother sink! But the brother did not sink, and would have over and easily, like a bog of cotton paper, swam on the water, raking the water with its wide, webbed paws. On the cry of the chicken ran out of the old Daria from the hut, I saw what was being done, and screamed: "So what's a sin! It can be seen, I put a duck egg under the chicken."

And the chicken was so rushed to the pond: the nation could drive the poor.