Connecting a warm floor to heating. How to make a warm floor from heating? Advantages and disadvantages of warm floor from existing heating

In recent years, warm floors are simply unprecedented demand. It is associated with such an increase in demand for technology not only because of the peculiarities of the domestic climate (we have been cold in the country for almost six months), but also due to the unsatisfactory work of utilities (often, heat from batteries is simply not enough for a comfortable stay).

Durable and reliable, productive and inexpensive heating system in the form of a warm floor will help to warm up any room, eliminating the need for additional installation of individual elements and some repair work.

Warm floor and its heating connection

Today, there are extremely many variants of warm sex systems, but those who work on a liquid coolant (most often) are most popular. At the same time, "feed on" such warm floors from heating or a specially created autonomous contour.

Of course, due to some features (availability and simplicity, in particular), the option is most often used when the warm floor is connected to the centralized heating system.

The warm floor in the apartment from central heating allows you to achieve the highest productivity and heat transfer efficiency, reducing the accompanying costs almost an order of magnitude. In addition, if you come to the organization of the process with the mind, then all preparatory and installation work can be performed in the shortest possible time.

What you need to know before starting work

Before organizing a warm water field from central heating, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

Before starting any installation work, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the water heated floor from the central heating creates an additional load on the entire system. Naturally, heat loss is rising, and therefore without coordination with specialized bodies just can not do.

Yes, and utilities can easily force the newly minted owner to establish a special consumption counter of warmth.

Installation of warm water floor: options and main stages

Instructions for warm floors connected to the central heating system implies laying all pipes in several main ways:

  • Spiral (Bifilar);
  • Spiral with a displaced center;
  • Meander (snake);
  • Laying double zigzag.

It should be noted that each existing option has its own positive and negative sides - the choice should be based only on their own preferences, as well as on the basis of some other factors. In particular, in those places where doorways, window openings and walls are located in the room, the coolant must have a higher temperature.

Council. If it is difficult to decide on the laying of a heap pipeline, it is best to choose a snake.
This is a universal version, thanks to which you can provide the most optimal heat transfer, eliminate breakdowns and other troubles.

The process of organizing the work of the modern heating system itself consists of several stages that have features of execution, which should be given considerable attention:

  1. Preparation. Do with your own hands it is necessary to clear the basis for which the pipes will be laid,
    Also, it is necessary to divide the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room on the functional areas - small areas, which will further help increase the efficiency of the process, reduce the cost of time.

At the preparation stage, there is also laying of thermal insulation materials. Due to this layer of isolation, it is possible to reduce the loss of heat, eliminate extra financial costs;

Council. When laying thermal insulation, it is necessary to smoke the edge of the materials using a special elevation ribbon. Thus, it is excluded to shift the materials when they are installed, and work is simplified.

Council. Sandobeton M-300 can be used as a solution.
Such a concrete has the most optimal combination of price and quality, and its thermal conductivity and operational characteristics allow you to obtain a more efficient and productive system of heating.

  1. Laying outdoor coating. Before installation, it is important to wait at least a pair of day - during this time, the concrete will fully acquire its qualities, "matures".
    At the same time, the choice of material for flooring can be the most diverse (and it can be seen in many photos and video of apartments with warm floors), for example, parquet, linoleum, laminate;
  2. First launch and testing of the installed warm floor. Best of all, if representatives of utility services are present on the launch - in case of any faults, it will be possible to quickly overlap the flow of the coolant in the apartment.

Owners of country houses do not always know how to make a warm floor from heating. On your own, install the system and its connection is very simple, if you know several nuances.

Principles of warm-aluminum connection technology to heating system

The installation of a warm floor from the existing heating system is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  • to existing radiators, you need to connect a collector node;
  • the temperature of the coolant must be reduced at least to + 55 ° C;
  • the installed design should differ with regulatory pressure, which does not exceed 8-9 atm.

Also, the list of preparatory work includes the calculation of all operating parameters of warm water floors, which depend on the characteristics of the existing heating system. It can be a single-tube or two-pipe.

The last type is characterized by the presence of two pipelines. One is intended for the supply of hot liquid, and the other - to remove the cooled coolant back to the boiler for heating.

A single-tube heating system is distinguished by the presence of one pipeline, which circulates water. Therefore, the warm floor is connected to it on the principle of another radiator. It is installed after the heating device, which allows without additional devices to reduce the temperature of the coolant.

How to connect a warm floor to the heating system

It is also necessary to take into account - it is impossible to achieve the effective functioning of a warm floor in the presence of a gravitational principle of fluid movement. When moving the coolant from the large diameter pipeline to a smaller, the coolant will not be able to overcome the resulting hydraulic resistance.

Materials for the warm water floor

The warm floor of heating is installed using several important elements, to which high demands are presented.


To ensure the effective functioning of water heating floor, it is recommended to use pipes with a diameter of 2 cm. Preferred material - polyethylene or metal. When using the last variant for pipelines, a multilayer design is used, and the surface of the elements is covered with a special anti-corrosion layer.

Polyethylene as material is more preferable. It is not exposed to electrochemical corrosion that you will not say about the metal. Also, polyethylene pipes are easier to install. They are sold in large bays, which allows the installation of a whole water circuit by one element. The main material for fixing pipelines is plastic ties or special profiles that are installed using a dowel.

Installation of the circuit is made according to the selected scheme. If the material of the pipe is polyethylene, then the radius of the turn should not be less than five of its diameters. If the contour is too much, the elements are formed. In this place, the material is most susceptible to the destruction in the process of long-term operation.

Installation of Water Warm Floors Valtec


The collector is designed to adjust the operation of the warm water floor. When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the presence of the required number of outputs to connect all the elements of the system.

The cheapest collector is equipped with shut-off valves. In such a model, it is not possible to adjust the operating parameters, which makes the warm floor not always effective.

More expensive options are equipped with additional valves. They allow you to adjust the operation of the warm floor when necessary.

There are also models that are equipped with servo drives and pre-mixers. The first additional element provides full automation, and the second - allows you to adjust the temperature of the coolant supplied to the warm floor.

The collector is mounted in a special box (the material is galvanized steel), which corresponds to its size. Its installation is made at a certain height so that all the necessary pipelines can be brought to it.

Heavy floor collector with his own hands

Heat insulating substrate

Laying pipelines occurs on a prepared base, which is formed using special thermal insulation substrates. Use such options:

  • with foil coating. This heat-insulating material is used as a foam. This substrate can be used when there is no need for high-quality overlap warming;

  • polystyrene foam plates. To increase durability, polymer material is used as a coating. They can be equipped with marking or special bolsters. In this case, laying of water heating pipelines will be carried out very easily and quickly;

  • mineral wool insulation. It is applied in cases when a unheated room or soil is placed under construction. This thermal insulation material must be established taking into account the normative requirements for the thickness and resistance to heat transfer.

Water Heat Connection Scheme Depending on the configuration of existing heating

Connecting a warm floor to heating instruments occurs in several ways, depending on the configuration of the existing system:

  • single-tube scheme. Connecting the supply of the circuit with circulating coolant occurs after the circulation pump, and the returns - after. Adjusting the system operation is carried out using the installed manifold or ball valve;

  • two-pipe scheme. When the water heating floor laying is made, it is connected to the feed and reverse pipeline of the existing heating. Management of work is carried out with two ball valves;

  • connection diagram without circulation pump. Installing this system is possible, but there is no guarantee of its normal functioning and efficiency. Given the difficulty of installation, much easier to use the first or second option. For the operation of the heating floor, the feed is connected at the beginning of the room, and the returns are at the end. It is also important to ensure the necessary level of slope when installing pipelines.

Warm floor connection schemes depending on structural features

The system of pipelines with circulating coolant connects to existing heating devices using the following schemes:

Advantages and disadvantages of warm floor from existing heating

The water warm floor device according to this scheme has several advantages:

The disadvantage of this constructive scheme is the impossibility of applying it in multi-storey houses with centralized heating. There may also be some difficulties during the installation of all elements. But if you take into account all the recommendations, it is not so difficult to do it.

Video: Installation of a single-tube heating system with warm floors

Standard heating schemes with the use of traditional radiators for many years were considered the only possible and most convenient source of heat. The appearance on the market of heat-resistant and durable plastic pipes made it possible to create warm water floors in the heating circuits of the housing, which first played the role of an additional source of heat. It is not known who the first one decided to radically modernize the heating system and the created warm floor of water with their own hands make the main heating of the dwelling. But in our time this method of heating is very popular.

To the question - where to start, how to make a water warm floor with your own hands, the answer is unequivocal. You need to start with thermal calculations and creating a detailed laying scheme of pipelines to use the system as the main heating. Initially, the calculations of thermal losses of the premises and the required power of water heating of the floors are carried out. In the absence of experience and knowledge, it is strongly recommended to entrust this difficult work to professionals in order to avoid disappointments and significant material losses in the future.

For thermal calculations, you can apply specialized computer programs or use the calculator calculating the warm water floor.
The practice of using warm floors, the received statistical data and experience allowed to systematize recommendations - how to make warm floors from water heating in the house.

Making thermal calculations, it is necessary to take into account first:

Having baseline data can be easily drawn with a common scheme, which is noted the main highways and the location of the collector node. A special (three-way or two-way) valve is usually set to the collector for warm water floors) for adjusting the temperature of the coolant by mixing. The contours have a significant extent (up to 80 meters), so the system is supplied. For large areas of premises, you should not simplify the system, it is better to make several heating circuits with long pipelines for no more than 100 meters.

Designers and heating specialists provide a number of recommendations, in particular, before making water warm floor itself, you need to comply with certain rules for the installation of the contour as the main method of housing heating.

The essence of these rules is as follows:

These recommendations need to be accurately carried out and take into account when creating a sketch project, which on a sheet of paper will reflect the device of water warm floor with their own hands and prevents possible errors when installing the circuit.

The main elements of the heating system "Warm floors"

The housing heating system in which water warm floors are the basis, works on a simple principle. Under the floor are stacked through which a hot heat carrier moves through the circulator from the distribution manifold. He gives his warm floor, which evenly heats the room. It should be noted that the interior of the room changes beyond recognition, because there are no heating batteries, reversal pipes and filing, which allows you to create unusual design solutions for housing arrangement.

The main elements of the system and what is needed for warm water floors in the house:

Requirements for the main elements of the heating system "Warm floors"

As for any heating scheme, the main element on which the efficiency depends, and the reliability of the heating system is the boiler heating water or another heat carrier in the system. Another element that is necessary for such a heating system is assembled, installed and connected. The third element for the creation of a warm floor - pipes for connecting and laying the heating contours.

Properties of the main elements of this method of heating Read more:

Laying water floors indoors

In the practice of installing warm floors systems, two main methods of laying circuits of heating - concreting and the floor laying method are used. But before starting the laying of the contour, you need to make some preparatory work. The efficiency of heating will largely depend on their correct conduct.

Works requiring increased attention when preparing for installation:

Creating a warm floor with concreting

Before you do, i.e, start laying the pipes and create a heating circuit, you need to install a collector to the place that was defined when creating a project. Then the installation of a damper tape is made to compensate for the temperature fluctuations of the screed. Pipes or to the reinforcement grid or to special heat insulation for warm floors, in which there are grooves and fastenings for the contour pipes.

Laying is made in several ways: snake, loops, spiral or laying type "snail". These are the main mounting schemes of warm water floors in an apartment or in a private house. Stacking step for different regions and external conditions is different, from 10 to 40 centimeters. The distance from the wall of the room to the nearest contour pipe is at least 8 centimeters.

After careful and neat styling, tests are needed during the day of the mounted circuit. A water under pressure is supplied in the circuit 5 - 6 bar and it remains under pressure at least 24 hours. Then everything is carefully and carefully checked for defects or leaks. Only after a successful test of the circuit begins the fill of the warm water floor with their own hands, and with filled with water pipes under working pressure. In no case cannot be dried by a concrete screed heating from the heating boiler due to possible cracking. The screed must harden in vivo in 28 days.

The thickness of the concrete layer above the contour puffed pipes depends on the type of floor coating applied.

If warm water floors are planned under the tile with their own hands, then in this case the thickness of the screed must be from 3 to 5 centimeters, and the distance between the contour pipes from 10 to 40 centimeters. In the same case, if laminate for warm water floor is applied, the screed thickness to a reasonable minimum should be reduced, and for the strength on top of the contour pipes to lay the reinforcing grid. The grid will give rigidity, will strengthen the design and reduce the thermal resistance of the screed.

File laying of pipes

If there is wooden floors in the house, the warm water flooring is produced by the so-called oven. This method involves laying pipes into a specially prepared flooring.

There are many plastic modules with seating plates and fasteners under pipes already prepared in them.

Tree blocks with longitudinal channels and fasteners are available. In this case, the laying method to reduce heat losses on the prepared base is set to a special substrate under a warm water floor, which has high waterproofing and thermal insulation properties.

Soviets and recommendations, even step-by-step instructions for creating warm water floors with their own hands on the Internet. This topic is popular, despite the presence of other warm floors, and the ceilings - infrared and electrical (laying a special cable in the screed). Price per square meter of warm water floor among all existing smallest. But it should be borne in mind that this is a very difficult and responsible work requiring knowledge, skills and skills.

Many experts argue that the warm floor is a self-sufficient heating system, which effectively hesitates the premises of any size and cube, even in the north of Russia. At the same time, the level of comfort increases: the legs are always warm, and at the level of 1.5-1.8 meters there is some decrease in temperature. Such thermal regime according to the statements of doctors is the most optimal for good well-being. In addition, when heating the floor, convection processes affect the entire amount of air indoors, which reduces the cost of maintaining a comfortable microclimate.

When heating the floor, more comfortable conditions are created.

Disadvantages of water floors

The idea of \u200b\u200bheating the floors of warm water is far from Nova, but due to the lack of durable pipes, it has not been implemented long for a long time. There is a large minus at the water floor - the complexity, almost inability, repair. Therefore, until recently, such systems were not very common: Metal pipes are unreasonable in the screed. They quickly destroy, and break the screed for repair - difficult and expensive. With the advent of metal-plastic pipes, warm water floors began to be used more often. Somewhere together with radiators, and somewhere instead of them. And all because the MP tube of a good quality can serve as decades, well bent, sold in bays with a length of up to 200 meters.

A little later began to use pipes made of stitched polyethylene. They also have excellent characteristics and are a little cheaper than MP. Read more about type of pipes that can be laid for water warm floor read here.

How to make warm floors from heating

But the impossibility of repair is not all flaws. There is another significant minus - the entire cake of the warm floor from hot water takes about 10 cm. If the ceilings indoors and so low, it is a lot. In this case, it is better to make an electric warm floor. It is only 1-2 cm.

Another minus is a big inertness of this method of heating. Of course, an array of screed, in which pipes are stubborn with a coolant, gently dispels heat, giving comfort. But there is a lot of heat for heating. And if we consider that for comfortable sensations, the water temperature in the warm floors should not exceed 40 ° C, then it is clear that while the screed is heated, it will take a long time. That is, such heating is optimally for permanent residence and is not suitable for places where you appear periodically: quickly heat the room water can not.

Warm floor from central heating: Legal nuances

If you have an apartment in a multi-storey building, in some cases, a warm floor can be powered by a standing of centralized heating. The installation of this type of heating requires a special permit from the housing and operational organization. If the apartment is located in the house of the new building, most likely the permission will be given to you. In new buildings, a separate riser is usually provided for connecting this type of heating.

Laying pipes of warm floors from heating

There may be problems in solid age houses. Especially if you have a single-pipe layout (this is when there is a separate riser in each room and the battery is connected from it). The fact is that with such a connection system, if you take too much heat from the riser, the neighbors will come to the radiators at all cold water. With a single-tube system, only apartments can get permissions on the first floor. The rest - hardly.

If the desire to warm the floor is, and the permission is unrealistic, you can power the warm floor from the heating boiler. The device of such a system will be more expensive at the installation stage, but the monthly costs will unambiguously be lower. Or another option - to lay the electric warm floor. It can even become an even more attractive option, since when using film technologies, the failure of one segment does not affect the work of the entire floor. Since the segments are very much, you will not even notice that something broke there.

What does "Pie" water heating look like

If the heat-mall device in your house is probably most likely as one of the conditions for obtaining permission, the requirement will be put forward to install heat meter. Agree without thinking - if you do everything as it should (mean insulation), it will be more profitable for you, since you will pay less.

How to do

The first step towards making a warm floor in the apartment (from central heating or from a boiler - no difference) is the project drawing. Transfer the room plan to paper, indicate the size of the rooms and the location of the risers. Near the risers from which it will be powered, you need to find a place to accommodate the collector node. This device to which is connected on one side of the input / output of the centralized heating system, and on the other pipe located in the floor. The collector also contains a coolant temperature control device, and sometimes valves / valves for temperature adjustment in each circuit.

Collector Connection Scheme

The peculiarity of the warm floor from heating is that hot water from the feed must be mixed with the cold, which is closed from the return pipeline. Therefore, such a node is sometimes called mixing. Let not always, but in the feeding of the feed there is a temperature of 95 ° C and even higher. Imagine your feelings if water with such temperature will warm your gender. Africa rests. Here for this, you need a node for controlling the temperature of the coolant, which, if necessary, adds cool water.

The speed of water in the heap system should be within 0.2-1.0 m / s. In order to provide such speed, the circulation pump is required in the diagram (without it is ineffective without it).

Collector assembly

Then you need to decide on the type of pipe that you will use. Until recently, there were only two options: metal-plastic or stitched polyethylene. Today there is a third, which at first glance does not have the shortcomings: corrugated stainless steel. Flexible, reliable, inexpensive (much cheaper than MP), long service life, excellent characteristics, and there are no crafts. Not material, but a fairy tale. Of the disadvantages - only greater resistance to water flow due to the ribbed surface. And that is not proven fact, but an assumption. In general, note that there is also such a material. For more information about the corrugated stainless steel here.

After it was decided on the type of pipes, decide how they would be laid: "snake" or "snail". "Snake" is easier in laying, "snail" does not give the effect of zebra - alternating warm and cold zones. Then you need to select the diameter and find out the length of the pipes. For water floors, there is no sense in the apartment of a special meaning - there is no heat engineering - everyone uses a pipe 16mm. It is unlikely that the calculation you will get something else. It is possible to estimate the length normally: 4-5 meters of pipe on M2 area. Now you can proceed to manufacture.

Scheme laying a warm floor "Snake"

Plan of laying pipes need to be thought out in advance: from the skill if it turns out, only snake, and then in a small room where two or three contours will be located. The length of one contour is not more than 30 meters. Everyone should go out and go to the collector node.

Warm floor laying scheme "Snail"

Laying of warm floors from heating

In old apartments, everything begins with dismantling of all floor coverings. If you can move this procedure in the rooms, then if there is a tile in the bathroom, a toilet or kitchen it can become a headache. However, the coating should be removed.

The next stage is alignment. Smooth floor - condition for normal operation of the water floor system: if there are differences, the zones of stagnation of the coolant are formed, which may even lead to the inoperability of the system. If there are small flaws - align them with a thin layer of solution. If the floor is smooth, you just need to close the existing defects (cracks, pits, etc.). There is another way - to apply a thin layer of coarse sand and disperse it.

Then, on the perimeter of the room glue the damper tape. One part is secure to the wall (if the surface is smooth - glue, if roughing - navigate the mounting dowels), the second turns out to be on the floor. The damper tape prevents cracks at a temperature expansion.

Laying of damper tape

Now an important stage is thermal insulation. More often than others for these purposes are used extruded polystyrene foam in plates or foam foamed polyethylene. There are still special polystyrene plates for warm floors, on the surface of which you already have guides. But with such plates, only metal-plastic pipes are used - they are designed for them, the polyethylene pipes are not recorded in them.

Place the heat insulation tightly, without gaps. Any gap - the bridge of cold, through which heat will go. Therefore, carefully customize the materials one to another. Connection places are sampled with metallized scotch.

Having finished with thermal insulation, put guides - grilles with cells, which are mounted with plastic pipe clamps. For the middle strip of Russia, the distance between two adjacent pipes in the circuit is 15 cm. For regions located south, you can increase the step, but it is not worth making it more than 30cm: then the floor significantly has different temperatures. In general, the pitch laying step may be different. Recommend to do so:

After the pipes are laid, their endings are cutting onto the wall near the collector node, they are fixed there with special clamps and connect to feed / return pipes. The system is powered and withstand several days. It is advisable to create an overpressure and to give a high temperature (45-50 ° C, but not higher) so that all flaws get out at the test stage. In this form (under pressure), leave for a day or two. If there are no damage, you can pour everything with a screed. About crimping and starting water floor read here.

The screed is poured on the filled system. First, the lighthouses are set, so that the pipe layer is 5-6cm. Then the solution is poured and aligned with its rule. Concrete is used with fine-grained filler. Mark 200. Aligning the screed, leave for 3-4 weeks. Only after the expiration of this period you can lay the floor covering and start using the room.

Now how to make a warm floor from heating you know. The technology is not the simplest, but not the most difficult. It is quite possible to cope with your own, without attracting specialists.

Warm floor from heating boiler

Not everyone has the opportunity to connect the warm floor to the stands of central heating. But anyone can make a warm floor from the heating boiler. Yes, the boiler costs money, and sometimes considerable, but it turns out the heating is individual. And this is another level of comfort. In addition, even when using the most expensive fuel, individual heating is cheaper than centralized.

When using the boiler itself, the water floor and its manufacture is no different. All stages and work order are saved. The only difference is the collector node of the warm floor connecting to the boiler, and not to the riser. The choice of a boiler for a warm floor is a separate story. You have to choose from anything, and there are certain features and nuances that you will briefly and you will not tell. You can read about it in the article "The boiler for warm water floor: what better and why"

The scheme of connecting water warm floor to the boiler is not different. A security group is installed on the supply pipeline (if it is not in the boiler), then the pipe from the boiler is started at the collector node. The headlight contours are connected to the collector node. On the return pipeline there is an expansion tank and circulation pump (again, if it is not in the boiler). That's the whole strapping of the boiler for connecting warm water floors. The simplest diagram is shown in the figure there is a table of specifications.

Water warm floor connection diagram to boiler (click to enlarge)


The source of the heat carrier for water underground floor in the apartment can be a riser of centralized heating or boiler. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. First, the warm floor from the central heating can not always be powered by always, and secondly, you still depend on the work of the boiler room, thirdly, pay for this decent money. When using the boiler you get a self-operating warm floor, but spend more money on its device (the boiler is expensive), but save on monthly pay for utilities.

Photo Gallery (12 photos):

The warm-alone device with connecting it to the central heating network is suitable for both an individual house and an apartment. For warm floor devices In apartments connected to a single heating system of the whole house, it is required to comply with the connection with the enterprise operating the heating network.

Warm floor from heating with their own hands save family budget

The main part of the water floor consists of pipes (polypropylene, metal-plastic, copper), which circulates hot water coming from the main heating system. For the pipe wiring device and connecting it to the central network, it is not necessary to attract a highly paid specialist, because it is not ultra-empty work. Performing strictly according to the instructions all stages of the creation of the floor, each owner of the housing can perform it independently.

After laying a polyethylene / polymer film (waterproofing) and bookmarks around the perimeter of the damping tape, the heat insulating material is laid on the base of the floor, and then the reinforcement grid. If the warm floor is performed on the w / w overlap, then the grid is not laid, and immediately proceed to the laying of heat-insulating materials. The heating pipes are stacked or a snake, or a spiral (shell). The pitch depends on the chosen diameter, and their total length should not be more than 90 m. Pipes are attached either to the grid or special clips to the base of the floor. The beginning and end of the pipeline are connected to the stands of central heating. After checking the performance of the heating pipeline, a screed device is performed. After the drying period, proceed to the screed device.

Warm floor diagram through heating circuit

You can connect the pipe wiring of the apartment warm floor directly, that is, embedding "input" and "output" in the standing of inner house heating or using an intermediate device - heat exchanger. With a straight line, a filter-mud is installed. This will protect the outdoor system from dirt and slags present in the coolant. But even the regular filter cleaning cannot serve as a guarantee that the pipeline of the warm floor will not clog the sludge and fails. Therefore, more often resort to the second option of connecting - through the heat exchanger. But this requires acquisition and inclusion in the network of additional equipment and controls and security blocks.

Combined Heating System Radiators and Warm Paul, Cutting Schemes

The connection of floor heating pipelines to the central heating network can be performed according to one of two schemes:

  • Scheme number 1. Reconstruction of the existing heating system. In the existing heat network, one / several heating panels dismantle and the heating pipe wiring in the floor is mounted instead. Moreover, the flow rate of the coolant in this circuit is identical to the consumption of hot water in dismantled devices
  • Scheme number 2. Commercial connection. In this case, it is allowed to connect an outdoor pipeline for the coolant to the central heating network while maintaining all existing heating radiators. This connection scheme includes a mandatory installation of heat consumption counters. And the capacity potential of the main heating circuit should be enough not only for full-fledged home heating, but also to ensure such a thermal regime in an additional cut-off without prejudice to the rest of the houses at home.

It will not cause discomfort to residents of the top apartments. Connecting a warm floor in an apartment on the first floor to the "return" of the heating circuit.

How to make a warm floor from heating. Device technology

The principle of a warm flooring device from heating is no different from the creation of a heated floor when it acts as the main heating. The difference between these floors is only in connection to the heat source. In the first case, the heat source is the heat carrier coming from the central heating system, and in the second case, an individual heat source is used, for example, a boiler. With limited heat supply in an apartment building, a warm floor device in an apartment and connecting its pipe wiring to a centralized heating system allows to significantly improve the quality of the heating of the apartment, and with low-budget costs.

How to make a warm floor from heating video