Attitudes of wealthy men towards women. Why you shouldn't start a relationship with a rich man

“To be rich, beautiful and loved!” - the limit of the request of many girls. If I give you a piece of paper and a pen, will you also write that on the ideal man checklist?

And if not everyone is interested in the characteristic “beautiful”, everyone needs love and money - there is nothing to argue about.

What kind of women do rich men prefer? First, I will explain what a woman looks for in a rich man.

You will be surprised, but this, first of all, is not money, but a fortune. Absolute female inner confidence that in a relationship with this man she is protected, secured and will not be lost.

After all, if he managed to earn a lot of money, then he is able to solve many problems: from starting a business to finding the best doctor in the city.

1. Light mood

No, we are not talking about prostitutes. Every day a man faces a huge number of tasks. And within the elementary framework, one of them is responsibility for his family, for his woman and children (if any).

Men are tired of women who know everything better than anyone and better than him. All can do themselves and do not need support.

Translating the instructions for the microwave - herself, planning the journey from A to Z - herself, even if she really needs help.

Often such women are simple, therefore, first of all, you need to start by working on yourself.

And that is what attracts self-sufficient and wealthy men. This one needs a woman who gives energy, not takes it away.

And he will pass by every sullen face, but he will keep his eyes on your smile.

A simple example: one of the students of the course The Way of a Woman met a wealthy Norwegian. Women there have built a harsh line of behavior, because brutal Scandinavians come into contact with our girls.

And from him she heard about the main thing: "Don't be so hard"("Don't be so heavy"). You yourself understand - it's not about kilograms.

2. Calm state

The world, where everyone is in a hurry somewhere, running and solving a lot of problems, lacks peace. And this is what a man is looking for in a relationship with a woman and she is with him.

The advantage of any woman is that she has a basic calmness. Remember how you thought when you were a little girl.

The little girl has no worries, except to braid her favorite doll, rock the baby doll and count the candies in the gift. It was at this moment that carelessness manifested itself.

When you create this field around you, you yourself do not lose balance from stress and worries.

And if you let your man into him, you will accept his masculinity and responsibility for you, he will gladly give you everything.

Any necessary resources: money, help, yourself. Such a man will strive not only to give you more, but also to spend his free time with you.

3. Financial intelligence

Anyone knows: income grows as long as money moves. For this to happen, they need to be invested.

A man who built his business on his own, without famous grandmothers and influential uncles, is not wasteful and never squanders money.

He needs a woman who can wisely manage the finances entrusted to her.

And, believe me, with a much greater probability, he will be with a woman who invests them in her development, in her condition, in her favorite business and home comfort.

But not with the one that squanders them on fifty shots and coke in the club every other day. If there are other arguments - share in the comments.

A self-sufficient woman always knows how to get money.

She knows what kind of energy her man needs to succeed in business, and what she needs to do in order to give this energy.

4. Education

In a relationship with a rich man, you should always correspond to his status and position.

There are situations in business when the most important negotiations can be decided by the presence of a woman nearby.

Just like it happens with fishing or business lunches - you know what I mean.

Or maybe he just wants to spend an evening with you in his favorite restaurant in the company of his friends or a romantic one-on-one...

Your education is a plus not only for you, but also for your man. For him, this is a guarantee - his woman can impress, can keep up the conversation, knows how to look appropriate, knows when to laugh.

She subtly intuitively feels the situation and the moment. This is all called female wisdom. And it helps, in principle, not only in relationships, but also in life.

Do not wait! act

Postponing life until later and the right moment is definitely not a strategy for the behavior of rich men.

A wealthy man succeeded because he acted in the moment, because he took risks, and did not stop at the result.

I'm not saying that you need to plow too. You need to deal with your dreams, desires and “want”. You need to know what kind of man to look for in order to find him. Start with this.

With love,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

In short: because they do not have the obligation to be rich, unlike men, and because of gender inequality. Plus, because such a union is perhaps the easiest social lift for a woman if she herself is not the daughter of a deputy, magnate, high-ranking official or general.

So far, even in the Western world, where feminism seems to have won long ago and achieved its main goals, there are very few countries where feminism has really won - having revolutionized the minds of women, allowing them to be proud of their own rights and freedoms, their self-sufficiency and independence, encouraging their scientific, political or economic self-realization.

In other words, in order for a woman not to want to marry a rich man, she must have either an alternative or fear.

And I must say that Western feminism is slowly giving women both options, not limiting ladies to searching for moneybags and showing that it’s not at all healthy to be in the position of an initially weak and vulnerable element against the background of such a man.

However, even in the West, different versions of the conservative story about Cinderella are filmed - both “Pretty Woman” and modern “50 Shades ...”.

If we cross out feminism and recall the classic works of culture of the centuries until the 19-20th, it turns out that the main capital of a woman was fertility (the ability to bear children), her reproductive function, there was usually no talk of any wealth, especially since property and money was often inherited through the male line. It is also worth mentioning that women did not have the right to vote until the last century - the political (representative) function was performed by men, who supposedly expressed the “opinion of the family”.

In Russia, feminism never happened, but there was an unsuccessful Soviet experience of equality (when men were actually turned off from family life, but society zealously watched how a woman plays the role of mother and housewife), coupled with the 20th century, which was destructive for the male gene pool ( World War I, then civil war, dispossession, the first wave of Stalinist repressions, the Gulag, the Great Patriotic War, the second wave of repressions, the artificial creation of a homophobic environment in the criminal world, Afghanistan, perestroika, the 90s with bandits, Chechnya, “shock therapy” and chaotic market economy...).

Already in the 1970s, Soviet women began to “beg” back, to the kitchen, renouncing political and other ambitions outside the family. In the mass works of those years, attitudes towards female happiness are broadcast (“Office Romance”, “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”).

At the same time, the first phenomenon emerged in Soviet society - same-sex families from mothers and grandmothers, along with single mothers, who are forced to combine both gender roles due to the absence of a spouse and father. And the second phenomenon is the atmosphere of manlessness, multiplied by the fact that the social role of men was in many ways even more archaic against the backdrop of equal Soviet women. And male beauty and well-groomedness, not only did not cost a penny, but was aggravated by worker-peasant homophobia and the humiliating label “like a woman” (sweet, pretty, pomaded).

An adequate attitude towards male domestic work was not laid down, for men it was not considered prestigious to cook food, wash dishes, manage children, do laundry, and so on - but they were popular folk wisdom like "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

In the 80s and perestroika, the iron curtain falls - and women begin to dream even more often about a bourgeois family of supposedly Western style, in which both spouses work, but the man has a higher income, gives the woman flowers, drives her by car, but what! - after all, in the USSR, even "Zhiguli" were in short supply - and opens doors for her and kisses her hands.

The Italian macho Adriano Celentano, who seduced and tamed the obstinate beauty Ornella Muti on the movie screen, becomes a truly people's artist of the entire Union.

Plus, do not forget about the growing economic stratification: the USSR is approaching the end of its existence with the emerging class of the proto-bourgeoisie from among the cooperative businessmen: the country has not only declared publicity, but also adopted the famous law on cooperation.

In mass culture and everyday life, the collapse of Soviet equality is actually affirmed. In favor of a retreat to conservative values, when masculine attributes (power, money, strength, fame and influence) are rigidly attributed to men, and feminine qualities (beauty; family and parenting; tenderness, emotions and empathy) are no less rigidly attached to women.

Moreover, the Soviet Union was a militaristic state with a draft army as an institution of discrimination against men, on the one hand, but at the same time as a powerful social lift for natives of the countryside, and the country either prepared for a big war, or healed wounds after one of them, then participated in local military conflicts in Asia and Africa.

Then the 90s happened as an era of hypermasculinity in the face of brothers, nomenklatura “red jackets” and a few real businessmen who joined the market stream. The 90s finally sentenced the Soviet model of gender equality. People who were not ready for a capitalist economy (however, together with the country as a whole) blocked railways, received funerals from Chechnya, and exported factories for scrap metal. Plus the phenomenon of same-sex families and the fear of being without a man. After all, a husband, father or brother either sits, or is killed, or drinks from grief.

Liberals pissed off such a country, you bastards! Fuck me your freedom of speech when there is nothing to feed the children!

Then we had a young and assertive leader of the nation, criminal structures were legalized, and oil prices skyrocketed, flooding the country with money. The proto-bourgeoisie of the 80s took shape in businessmen and the oligarchy.

A society that longed for a “strong hand” has finally found a legitimate bearer of hegemonic masculinity.

Naturally, women have practically no socially approved alternative to successful marriage.

Be a "big lady"- energetic, strong-willed and decisive - suddenly, but predictably, she became ashamed, because this means that such a woman, it seems, simply does not have a normal man who would solve political and economic issues.

TV shows and the same popular culture depict a happy woman as a housewife in a wealthy man's boarding house. Rublyovka - the center of Moscow - the Maldives.

And less and less - as an independent and emancipated mistress of her own destiny. As, after all, a professional or an intellectual. Like an athlete or a winner.

“I will be alone again. A strong woman is crying at the window, ”Alla Pugacheva sings to us in 1995. “Remember, you promised me a fairy tale? And flowers, and wear on your hands, ”the Brilliant group continues in 2002. “I love my husband,” says a certain Veronika Andreeva from 2017.

It is clear that choosing between
- “I follow him like a stone wall, he is a reliable and generous man”,
- “I got in touch with a loser who has everyone around to blame for his worthlessness”,
- “so what if he cooks himself, it would be better if he found a second job for himself, a new iPhone is coming out soon”
and misconceptions about feminism and women's autonomy (“all by myself”, “like a man”), a woman is more likely to choose the first, opportunistic option in the person of that very rich man.

It is also clear that thanks to feminism, women begin to appreciate in men completely different traits and qualities, and not just one level of income. After all, the number of women who need self-realization outside the family is still increasing, who believe in their own strength and who believe that partnership and equality, when the opinions of a man and a woman weigh plus or minus the same, is a more honest scheme than female manipulation based on on women's tricks and mythical "weaknesses".

The States and Europe have passed the stage of accumulation of initial capital and the assimilation of women's emancipation in the second half of the 20th century, we can say that now, in the 21st century, there is a protracted final phase. The result of which will be a generation of free and self-sufficient women who have a real alternative to “love the rich without love”.

In this sense, Russia is somewhere between the stages of bargaining and depression, if not an earlier stage of anger. (Yes, Western women once considered feminists crazy too, giggled at caricatures of suffragettes, and were satisfied with the traditional female role in society.) Today's Russian women (and Russians) are just beginning to realize why feminism is still good.

Of course, a rich man is always a darling of fate, who is used to getting the best out of life. Let's not dissemble: there are more chances to get a wealthy groom as a chosen one from an attractive and well-groomed girl who you immediately distinguish from the crowd. If you want to swim in diamonds, watch yourself. It is clear that there is no dispute about tastes, since they are different for everyone. Someone loves slender and athletic girls, others, on the contrary, dream of puffy ladies with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, and for some, the ideal is a gentle and modest Turgenev young lady. But even if your appearance won him over at first sight, you should not relax. To finally get a billionaire into your networks, you need to take possession of his soul. And not every girl can do this. What women are led down the aisle by wealthy men? Most of them have their own image of the bride. Moreover, some girls do not even have to play a role, they were born that way.


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Rich men are hunters who love to conquer. Easily accessible and vulgar young ladies are not interested in them. They are used to the fact that there is only one falsehood around. If you have money, then there are women. Girls, like moths, strive for a beautiful life, not noticing anything around. Each believes that the way to a man's heart is a stunning appearance. Short skirt, bright lipstick, eyelash extensions, silicone breasts - the brides look alike, like twins. “You come to the restaurant as if you were on the bride,” says Igor, 45, an entrepreneur. - Girls have the same everything: phones, hairstyles, figures, manners. Sometimes it gets scary. For example, I'm looking for one that will stand out from cloned Barbie dolls. Yes, I am a middle-aged man, but I want romance, I want to take care of my beloved, give her bouquets of flowers, and me for love. There are more chances to win a rich groom from one who will stand out from the crowd and on the first evening will only allow herself to be taken home. Forbidden fruit is always sweet. Give a man hope that he has a chance, but not now. Know how to refuse tactfully, with a slight flirtation. And most importantly, remember that everything comes to those who know how to wait. Let that same fabulous Cinderella, who managed to subdue the prince, serve as a good example for you.


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American writer Sherry Argov has released an excellent guide for all women who dream of becoming independent, strong and attractive. The book is called “Men love bitches. A guide for all too good women." Interestingly, Sherry is convinced that a man never falls in love of his own accord. They like to be free. Choosing a bitch, they think about a small affair, but in fact they fall into love networks, skillfully placed by a partner. By the way, Sherry warns that a bitch is not a lady embittered by the whole world, plotting intrigues. On the contrary, she is a very nice girl. “She is sweet as a peach,” writes Argov. “But inside every sweet peach lies a hard pit.”

Fatal Beauty

It is not necessary to have the appearance of Marilyn Monroe to conquer the rich. A fatal beauty is usually called a girl with a twist. We decipher: the one that considers herself attractive. Believe in your own irresistibility, and the opinion of others will definitely change. Think of the character Amy Schumer from the comedy Pretty Woman, who begins to like men after she gains confidence in her own irresistibility. Remember that millionaires will never pay attention to girls who do not love themselves. The motto of all rich people: "Want to be happy - you will be." Notorious persons have no chance with a thick wallet.


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Valery Meladze once sang that "it is difficult for girls from high society to avoid loneliness." According to statistics, educated, intelligent and educated women become the wives of billionaires. For example, Bill Gates drew attention to his future wife Melinda, because she constantly walked around the office on a flat sole. The founder of Microsoft believed in a sign: the lower the heel, the smarter the woman. Google founder Larry Page also admitted that he was proud of his wife Lucinda, who is engaged in research in the field of biomedical informatics. By the way, the couple has been together for 12 years and has two children. The CEO of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, Bernard Arnault, whose fortune is estimated at 81 billion euros, has chosen the pianist Helene Mercier as his wife. Moreover, the billionaire conquered the woman not with wealth, but with a virtuoso piano playing. Who knows what skills will bring happiness to you? In any case, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to interest the oligarch. Next to a rich man should be a smart and well-mannered lady. A real lady of blue blood.

In order to find out which women rich men prefer, one must first understand the psychology of such men. For men, the process itself is interesting, to win a girl. We all know that they are ready to “turn mountains” for the sake of their beloved. A rich man is a well-to-do man:

  1. highly paid job;
  2. Expensive car;
  3. Unlimited bank account;
  4. Nice apartment or country house.

We are all used to the popular saying: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"! But in relationships with rich men, this proverb is inappropriate. First of all, they are aesthetes and love everything beautiful.

As a rule, rich men do not want to part with their freedom for a very long time. They pay too much attention to their work. And reaching a more mature age, they begin to search for their wife. In order to still win the favor of such a man, the girl needs to try hard.

What kind of women do rich men like?

Rules to help women

Many men are very careful about the issue of marriage. Doubts about the fidelity and disinterestedness of women's intentions give rise to reflection. In order for a rich man not to have such doubts and be sure that you are really the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, a woman needs to know a few rules:

1. The most beautiful woman.

Rich men spend a lot of time on their appearance. They believe that appearance is the hallmark of successful people. The appearance of his woman plays a very big role. She must look irresistible, even without makeup. And he could always brag about her to his friends and say that he has the best woman.

It is important to remember that a rich man is an owner and he does not intend to share with someone else what belongs only to him!

The most beautiful woman

2. Intelligence.

Such men achieve success thanks to their intellect. They are very literate and well-read, always tactful and well-mannered. Therefore, a woman should be able to maintain a conversation on any topic. Her statements should be well stated, and her judgments should be balanced.

Note! A group of psychologists from Peking University conducted an experiment and found that poor men are more loyal to the choice of their woman.

They do not have the same demands as, for example, rich men, and in general they are satisfied with their choice. Therefore, seriously consider the question: “Are you really ready to become the wife of a rich man”?

Are you ready to become the wife of a rich man?

3. There is no room for scandals.

Rich men do not like scandals and therefore look for women with a complaisant character and balanced. They are the leaders in the family. And if a woman starts to fight with them for this title, then such a relationship will quickly crack. A woman should be wise, and treat his opinion with understanding. Men can look on the side for what they lack in marriage. The wife who puts up with this will find a successful and happy marriage.

Remember, men should always be praised, pointed out to their merits, said that he is the best, smartest and kindest! They love it and believe me, harmony will always reign in your relationship.

No room for scandals

4. Procreation.

We all know perfectly well that the main duty in life for women is the birth of children. They dream of a "successor" of the family. If in the plans of a woman there is no place for a child, then such a relationship will not last long.

They themselves pay little attention to the upbringing of children. It is enough for them to know that there are children, and as a rule, their wives or specially trained nannies are engaged in their upbringing. In any case, surrounded by their friends, they do not forget to brag about the successes and achievements of their children.

The idea of ​​procreation for rich men is another way for self-affirmation, as well as a profitable investment for the funds that he has been earning for so long.


5. A bird in a cage.

Wives of rich men should forget about career growth. Wealthy men themselves can provide for their beloved and therefore do not see the point in having her work. The wife should take care of the upbringing of the children and sometimes do something around the house.

Also, she should always be next to him at secular receptions. Good mood and impeccable appearance - this is what should accompany the wife at such events. Not all women will be able to withstand life in a "golden cage".

bird in a cage

But if you still want to be close to a strong, independent, self-confident and independent man:

  1. Do not fight for leadership;
  2. Don't develop a scandal for no reason;
  3. Don't dispute his opinion.

Never forget that every woman is beautiful in her own way. If you devote more time to yourself, then rich men will pay attention to you! There are three golden rules:

  1. Love yourself regardless of external factors;
  2. Pamper yourself as often as possible;
  3. Develop as a person.