Sofia short meaning of the name. The meaning of each letter of the name

The meaning of the name Sofia: this name for a girl means "wisdom", "science", "reasonable".

The origin of the name Sofia: ancient greek.

The diminutive form of the name: Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sonyusha.

What does the name Sofia mean: Kindness and compassion. At the same time, other people's problems do not violate the harmony of her soul. This girl is insightful and sincerely wants to help people, often chooses the work of a psychologist or teacher. A woman named Sofia is actively involved in charity work and loves to do needlework. She gives herself to her beloved without a trace, she loves affection and compliments.

Angel day and patron saints named after Sofia: the name celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • June 4 (May 22) - The Holy Martyr Sophia, the doctor's hospital, died from the sword.
  • September 30 (17) - The Holy Martyr Sophia died of grief at the grave of her daughters, the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Lyubov, on the third day after their execution for the faith of Christ.

Signs named after Sofia: On this day, on Sofia, Vera, Nadezhda and Love - all-world woman's name day. Women strive to arrange small holidays - get-togethers, get-togethers.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - dark blue
  • Auspicious tree - linden
  • The cherished plant of the name is lovage
  • Patron saint of the name - praying mantis
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli

Characteristics of the name Sofia

Positive features: The meaning of the name Sofia from the point of view of psychology. Conscientious, accommodating, able to show sympathy and help people, delicate. As a child, she rarely cries or asks for help. Among her peers, the owner of the name is quiet, but at home she can be active, like all children. Special diligence endows Sopha with the analytical mindset necessary for comprehending the highest wisdom. She is often accused of being too materialistic, but Sonya is able to defend ideals and feelings. A girl with this name is capable of selfless deeds. Her life can be long, leaving a mark in the memory of people.

Negative traits: The name gives shyness, hidden sensuality, momentary impulses and unexpected reckless actions. The girl has a warm heart, but she is ashamed of the manifestation of feelings, hides them behind affairs and caring for other people. A girl named Sofa is too serious, subjects her world to microscopic analysis and has a craving for learning the secrets of the Universe. The girl is attached to her mother and can completely obey her will, contrary to common sense.

The character of the name Sofia: What character traits does the meaning of the name Sofia determine? She is both active and phlegmatic, but does not like anything that lasts a long time. Able to solve any problem in a few minutes. She wants to experience everything in life, does not like to remain in the shadows. Sometimes she is very frank, but she will listen carefully to someone else's confession. Good advice is especially important to her. A woman named Sofia loves to surround herself with a cheerful company of friends, failures cannot unsettle her, and even if so, Sonya will never show this, because she loves to be at her best. She is intelligent and attaches more importance to her analytical skills than intuition.

The sofa is a charming curly-haired creature, very beloved and pampered. She knows this and understands which string to play in order to insist on her own. The girl with this name is very observant and resourceful. It is impossible to force her to do something if she does not want to, it should only be persuaded.

At school, the girl is friends with everyone, knows girls from other classes, participates in sports, various competitions and disputes. She patronizes the lower grades, helps the laggards. Everyone knows that you can rely on her.

She herself learns easily, she has a sharp mind, a wonderful memory, a child with this name is diligent, without having done his homework, he will not go anywhere. Loves music, plays the piano.

Sonechka likes funny companies, she loves to be in the spotlight, to know everything and about everyone. She can understand other people's weaknesses, she will forgive everything except betrayal. A woman who bears this name often plays the role of a lightning rod in other people's problems, copes with her own. A girl named Sonya knows how to manage, arrange life, organize it, in a word, she just knows how to live.

Sofa was especially deeply researched by P.A. Florensky:

“The name Sophia is the feminine aspect of the masculine - Vasily, but not in the sense of the manifestation of the masculine name in the female personality, but as a phenomenon parallel to this latter and independent of it ...

The sofa is more divine than Basil. However, this is understandable that women's activity, as more intuitive, coming from the depths, less conscious and less dismembered, is an activity that by nature can be closer to the creation of spiritual power in nature ... Sonya is imperious and believes that power is nature, according to the make-up of her personality, of course, should belong to her. The meaning of the name Sophia takes power as its own, and does it with an unblemished conscience, because her hand will never tremble from doubt whether this is right. And she cannot waver, since Sofa takes power, and others do not hinder her, as long as this is done for the sake of truth and good, - the only truth and only good known to the girl. Sonya has an innate sense of herself as being superior to those around her by nature - not by her personal merits, but by her birth itself, this can probably be compared with the self-awareness of crowned persons who can think very modestly of themselves, be aware of their shortcomings, be easy to handle and helpful and yet feel separated from other people by a special kind, natural power. This self-awareness of herself as power is so vivid and vivid in her that any non-recognition of her power by those around her causes internal protest, but not because of hurt pride or dissatisfied vanity, but as some untruth, as a distortion of the proper order. Hence - the impression of pride, which often produces on insufficiently thoughtful Sonya, although this is not pride, but something else, much deeper ... "

Sofia and her personal life

Male Name Compatibility: The meaning of the name Sofia is combined in an alliance with Alexei, Athanasius, Bazan, Vladimir, Vsevolod, Vysheslav, Denis, Ilya, Konstantin. The name is also combined with Paul, Roman. Difficult relationships are likely with Adam, Vissarion, Herman, Dmitry, Dobrynya, Lawrence, Miron.

Love and marriage: Does happiness in love promise the meaning of the name Sofia? The sofa hides her passion in love, which means a lot in her life. She can shock others, breaking a prosperous family life for the sake of a new strong love feeling.

The girl really needs love and, above all, constant love confessions. She is very hospitable, devoted to her family, obsessed with her love for children and husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She firmly knows what she needs, and purposefully strives for it. She can be gifted with many abilities, but at the same time she knows how to distinguish the main from the little things. The name was and is carried by prominent scientists, constructive critics, excellent publishers, and creative personalities.

Business and career: The sofa achieves everything in life itself, helping loved ones. She knows the value of money and does not waste it.

Active since childhood, Sonechka does a lot in her adult life. She is always in sight, fast, talkative, able to solve any problem in a few minutes. A girl named Sofia is an excellent reporter, traveler, and performer. She takes her profession very seriously, constantly studies, achieves everything in life herself. Failures can haunt her, but the Sofa does not even show it, it is always energetic, always at its best.

Health and energy

Health and Talents named after Sofia: The young owner of this name is born a calm girl, almost does not cry. Her health depends on the time at which she was born. If she was born in the afternoon, she needs to be tempered from the cradle, since she is prone to various diseases: both viral and colds.

"Maiskaya" is very restless at an early age, does not sleep well, is capricious, does not want to be alone for a minute. Afraid of strangers, very shy, unsociable. She has a weak immune system and is often sick.

It is very difficult for Sofia to endure the period of the appearance of milk teeth, her temperature rises, she whines, is very restless, does not sleep well. There may be an upset stomach.

The girl who was born in June - this Sophia does not know the measure in food, she is often obese, which affects the heart. Such a Sophia from childhood needs to be taught to eat in moderation. Sometimes she has a disposition to metabolic disorders, which leads to obesity. Such Sonya is also prone to tonsillitis, she has weak bronchi.

She has a weak nervous system, which is already noticed in childhood. The meaning of the name Sofia is capriciousness. This girl is persistent, intractable. Begins to walk late. She has an unstable gait, often falls, is prone to injury. Some develop flat feet and may have scoliosis.

Most often, Sofia is born the last in the family; her umbilical cord may not heal for a long time. Sophia cannot be left unattended, she pulls everything into her mouth from the floor, often suffers from stomatitis. In adulthood, Sonya is prone to depression, there may be gynecological diseases, varicose veins, arthritis, thyroid dysfunction. Some get fat after giving birth.

Sofia's fate in history

What does the name Sofia mean for female destiny?

  1. Sophia Palaeologus is the second wife of Grand Duke John III, who played a significant role in the history of the Moscow state. Daughter of Thomas, brother of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine. On November 12, 1472, Sophia Palaeologus arrived in Moscow, and on the same day she was married to John. The cardinal proceeded to fulfill the mission entrusted to him, but the Metropolitan assigned the scribe Nikita to conduct disputes with him, who so frightened Anthony with his eloquence that he quickly stopped the dispute, saying: "There are no books with me!" Thus, the hopes of the Pope and Vissarion, placed on the marriage of Sophia Palaeologus, collapsed. This marriage had an important influence on the form of the Moscow state and on the entire external situation of power. He accelerated the process of "gathering Rus" by introducing the traditions of the empire into Moscow. The attitude of the Grand Duke to the princes of other estates changed, his attitude to the squad also changed. In all this, the influence of Sophia Palaeologus was reflected.
  2. Sofia Rostopchina (1799 - 1874) married - Countess de Segur; French children's writer of Russian origin.
  3. Sofia Bluestein (1846 - 1902) nee - Solomoniak); the legendary Russian criminal adventurer of Jewish origin, known by the nickname "Sonya the Golden Hand".
  4. Sofia Giatsintova (1895 - 1982) - Soviet actress and theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1955). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1947).
  5. Sofia Khvoshchinskaya (1828 - 1865) - pseudonym Ivan Vesenyev; writer-novelist, translator, published in Otechestvennye zapiski.
  6. Sofia Zaklikovskaya (1889 - 1975) - Russian Soviet painter, graphic artist and applied artist, member of the Leningrad Union of Artists.
  7. Sofia Ochigava (born 1987) is a Russian boxer in the 60 kg category. Two-time European champion, three-time world champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  8. Sofia Polotskaya, (about 1140 - 1198) - Princess of Minsk, Queen of Denmark. Sofia married (October 23, 1157) to the Danish king Valdemar I; the marriage record contains the 12th century chronicle "Slavic Chronicle" by Arnold of Lubeck and Saxon Grammar.
  9. Sofia Taykh (born 1983) - real name - Anna Baeva; Russian singer, soloist of the Russian women's popular group "Lyceum".
  10. Sofia Shpunt is a Soviet chemist. Laureate of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods of the third degree (1941) for the development of a method for obtaining ammonium sulfate and soda from mirabilite (together with other scientists).
  11. Sophia Ginsburg (1863 - 1891) - Russian revolutionary - populist.
  12. Sofia Margarita Knorring (1797 - 1848) - Swedish novelist, daughter of the Swedish knight marshal Tselov, wife of Colonel Sebastian von Knorring. In 1834, she anonymously published Kusinerna, a sensational novel. It was followed by: "V? Nnerna" (1835), "Axel" (1836) and many others. Belonging to high society herself, she most often portrayed his life, easily and vitally, with a subtle gift of observation, being able, however, to grasp and the characteristic features of folk life.
  13. Sofia Pevtsova (1768 - 1857) - nee - Moderah; daughter of the Perm Governor-General Karl Fedorovich Moderakh and wife of Aggei Stepanovich Pevtsov, chief of the Yekaterinburg Musketeer Regiment. She was considered one of the most enlightened women of her time. From 1826 to 1852, Sofia Karlovna headed the Moscow School of the Order of St. Catherine.
  14. Sofia Nartova-Bochaver (born 1961) is a Russian psychologist. Author of over 160 publications, including books on child and family psychology, as well as differential psychology.
  15. Sofia Vishnevetskaya (1899 - 1962) - Soviet theater artist and screenwriter, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1951).
  16. Sofia Bogatyreva (born 1932) - nee - Bernstein; literary historian, publisher, memoirist)

Sofia in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

The translation of the name Sofia in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a similar sound. In English translates as English: Sofia, in Spanish: Sofia, in Italian: Sofia, in Latin: Sophia, Sofia, in German: Sophia.

What's in a name? In fact, the name of a person contains a huge amount of information: what is the history of its origin, what does it mean, who are his patron saints, what are the days of the angel, auspicious numbers, talisman stones, patronizing animals, plants and much more.

In addition, the name also affects the character of a person, how his fate will develop. Today the name Sofia is at the center of our attention. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main points of the upcoming conversation:

  • The origin, as well as the meaning of the name Sofia.
  • Patron saints of the name, days of the angel.
  • The meaning of the name Sonya from the point of view of astrology (ruling planet, elements, favorable numbers, days of the week, etc.).
  • Applicable forms of the name (full, abbreviated, affectionate).
  • The character of the person named by this euphonious name, his fate.


First of all, let us turn to such moments as the origin, as well as the meaning of the name Sonya. This beautiful, gentle female name is of Greek origin and means "wisdom", "rationality". What does the name Sonya mean in other cultures? For example, translated from Latin - "prudence", "philosophy". In the gypsy environment, it is associated with the name Sonakai and is translated as "golden".

Having originated in Byzantium, the name Sophia came to our land with the adoption of Christianity. In it, it is associated with the legend of St. Sophia, to whom the Lord gave three magnificent daughters: Faith, Hope, Love. For their devotion to the Almighty, the preaching of Christianity among the people, the girls died at a very early age. On the third day, Sofia, unable to bear the longing for her daughters, died on their graves. Their Memorial Day falls on September 30th.

Later, the name Sofia was used exclusively in aristocratic circles; daughters and wives of princes, maids of honor of the imperial court, proudly bore it. In the Soviet period, he was practically forgotten. The name Sonya reached its peak of popularity today, in the 2000s (in 2011, it became the most common among newborn Muscovites, in 2013 - the third in the world).

A few words about the forms of the name. Complete - Sophia; complete old - Sofia; short - Sonya; diminutive - Sofyushka, Sonechka. Derivative forms of the name: Sofa, Sonyusha, Sophie, Sofka. Surprisingly - one name, and what different pronunciation options!

Very often you can hear the opinion that the name Sofia and the name Safia are one and the same. Despite the similar sound, they are completely different names. Safiya is a Muslim name that means "pure", "immaculate". In some sources, this Muslim name is translated as "best friend".

Sofia celebrate the day of the angel (name day) on the following days:

  • Spring - 01 April.
  • Summer - June 04, June 17, August 14.
  • Autumn - September 30, October 01.
  • Winter - December 29, December 31, February 28.

Marble is perfect as a talisman for women bearing this euphonic name. This pebble is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In addition, it will help maintain harmony in relationships, nullify disagreements in the family. Agate and lapis lazuli are also perfect as a talisman. They will help you achieve success, keep you healthy, and fill Sophia with energy.

Among the animal kingdom, pay attention to the swallow and praying mantis. In the vegetable world, Sofia is protected by cedar, linden and white lily.

If we talk about colors, then it is better to opt for green and purple shades. By the way, white is also great.

The lucky number is one. The patronizing planets are Saturn, Venus and Pluto. The element is water. Zodiac signs - and. The day of the week is Friday. The season is autumn.

Character traits, fate

What can you say about the character of the little girl, how will the fate of the child bearing the name Sonya develop?

Little Sonya grows up as a very mobile child, sometimes it seems that her legs simply do not know fatigue and are able to be in several places at the same time. It's not that there isn't a child more energetic than Sonechka, but finding him is quite difficult.

A kind heart is another wonderful quality that this girl's character possesses. She is ready to lend a helping hand to anyone. Sonya also does not deprive animals of her attention. All of them, very different, be it a cat, a dog or a hamster, come under her care.

As for relationships with loved ones, the girl named Sonya is characterized by a close relationship with her parents. They understand each other perfectly, Sofia always listens to the opinion of mom and dad.

Sonya is smart and has an excellent memory. She studies well at school. If some object is not given to her, the girl does not leave the distance, does not give up, but works hard. And in the end he achieves the desired result.

Sonya's energetic nature simply cannot be limited only by the framework of the educational process. She is fond of music, dancing, takes part in concerts and performances with pleasure. The girl is also interested in sports. She defends the honor of the school, speaking not only at regional, but also at regional competitions.

What can you say about the character of an adult woman who bears this beautiful name? Sofia is cheerful and energetic. She can solve the difficulties encountered in no time. It is worth saying that she doesn't like it when something lasts too long.

Sonya is very sociable, she is rarely out of the company. She is very sincere in conversation. As an interlocutor, Sofia is very pleasant. She, without interrupting, will listen to the speaker to the end, will delve into the essence of what is happening and will definitely give good advice.

If it suddenly falls out so that Sonya suffers a fiasco in something, you will hardly see her wilted and confused. Her strong character will not let her fall into despair, she is one of those people who, after a failure, raise their heads and move on!

Appearance - how important is it? Sofia always looks gorgeous, moreover, she is one of those women who become more and more attractive over the years. Well-groomed skin and hair, makeup and manicure are also great. Sonia is dressed tastefully, in step with fashion trends, always corresponds to the situation.

As for hobbies, Sonya just loves to travel. It can be both mini-trips to beautiful places of the native land, and trips to different cities and countries. Sophia also has a craving for needlework - embroidery, knitting.

Career, love, family

Let's start with a career. Does it matter? Sophia is responsible, purposeful, has an analytical mindset. She easily finds the main thing among the secondary, easily builds logical chains. Not surprisingly, intuition is rarely used.

In the profession he achieves success. It is extremely important for her that the work is interesting to her and always opens up new horizons. Monotony is absolutely not for her.

Sonya can become a great journalist, writer. She will also find herself as an artist, designer, actress. In addition, Sophia will be interested in scientific activities. Here such traits of her character as calmness and prudence play into her hands.

If Sonya sets off on a free voyage and decides to take up her own business, then there is no doubt that she will be successful there too. She easily finds a common language with partners, is respected by her wards. Sofia does not count on outside help, relying only on her own strength.

Love. Of course, Sonya attracts the attention of men. She likes it. She is in love, temperamental. If the chosen one does not accept her for who she is, this relationship cannot have a bright future.

A wonderful union can work out with men named Alexei, Vsevolod, as well as Denis and. Difficulties may arise in a relationship with, Stanislav,.

Sonia chooses a man who is strong, reliable and patient. Having met her man, she becomes a good spouse. Easily find a common language with relatives and friends of her husband. As a mother, she is simply excellent: she loves children, but brings up in due rigor.

Sofia loves to receive guests in her house. Cooking is simply amazing. True, she doesn't really like to put things in order, but, despite this, her house is always clean.

It's time to draw the bottom line. Sofia is an energetic, responsible, purposeful, intelligent, sensible woman with a kind heart. Likes to spend time with friends, loves to travel. Perfectly copes with the role of wife and mother. Sometimes she is too shy and sensitive, and one more - she is in love. But this is not even a spoon, but a drop of ointment in a huge barrel of honey. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

In childhood, the meaning of the name Sofia, characterizes the girl as an active, mobile child, able to come to the aid of any person. Often under the care of a little lady, there are many stray cats and dogs.

Has a good memory, studies diligently. Not all subjects are given to the baby easily, however, thanks to her perseverance, she tries to get to the point even in the most difficult topics.

He is fond of music and theater, feels a great need to realize himself and pays great attention to this. She is very athletic, willingly performs at school, district and regional sports days.

Relatives and friends are of considerable importance for the girl. Throughout her life, the girl tries to maintain close relationships with her relatives. He takes care of and protects parents, usually takes them to him as soon as he feels that he is “standing on his feet”.

In adolescence, the meaning of the name Sophia for a child becomes more extensive and acquires new character traits. The girl is non-conflicting, tries to listen to the voice of reason, thinks objectively, clearly presenting the picture.

The young lady does not like bad humor, disdain for herself and loved ones, laxity and tactlessness. Despite her flexibility and sociability, the young lady is very vulnerable and tends to be very worried about the insults or failures caused to her. However, it departs as soon as the culprit sincerely apologizes for the insults caused.

She has excellent taste, dresses stylishly, trying to fit the situation. Strives to look perfect, looks after himself.

The origin of the name Sofia is directly related to the history of Ancient Rome. During the reign of the Roman emperor Hadrian, who worshiped the goddess Artemis, Sophia, together with her three daughters (Faith, Hope and Love), openly preached the Christian faith.

For their unswerving faith, the woman's daughters were subjected to the most severe tortures, but remained faithful to Christ. Three days after the funeral of her daughters, Sophia was found dead next to their graves.

Sophia, whose name theologians have endowed with three virtues that her daughters Nadezhda, Vera and Love possessed, in the etymological translation from Greek sounds like "wisdom". Given the place where this naming came from, the secret of the name has a rather subtle decoding, indicating the versatile identity of its owner.

Sophia's character

She is tactful and delicate, trying not to offend anyone. Its useful advice is useful to use. It is in her nature to feel sorry for a lonely unfortunate man, to adopt an orphan. Sophia's life is calm and measured, but she has something of a smoldering coal in her. A sudden outburst of passion can take possession of her, and she rushes, contrary to the rules of decency, into the pool ...

"Winter" Sophia is strict and serious. Becomes an investigator of the prosecutor's office, economist, teacher of mathematics, director of a perfume factory, cutter.

"Autumn" - concrete, calculating, quickly counts in the mind. Better for her to become an accountant, tax inspector, pharmacist, biologist, defectologist, flight attendant, trade worker.

"Spring" - scrupulous in business, obligatory. Can work as a passport officer, salesman, notary, make-up artist, draftswoman, cashier.

“Summer” is very impressionable, able to empathize. Achieves success, working as a gynecologist, a teacher in a boarding school, an insurance agent, a graphic designer in a theater, an art critic, head of an orphanage.

The interpretation of a female name in love has its own characteristics. This is a very sensual nature, for which sensation is of great importance. In sex, she is selective, free from shyness and chooses a partner who will accept her for who she is.

Often they enter into their first marriage because of a feeling of loneliness. Does not tolerate self-neglect on the part of a partner, this means a tendency to break off relations with any feeling of uselessness. Often in a state of love.

A family

In marriage, he tries not to take a leading position, preferring that the husband dominates. In a family, the meaning of the name Sofia for a girl has its own nuances. A woman seeks to create comfort and coziness in her own home.

She loves children, protects them, and from childhood follows their successes and achievements. He prefers to follow the internal routine in the house, without much pettiness. Knows how to save. This means that it does not allow pointless waste.

Business and career

In her career, a woman tries to realize her innate talents and goals, which she attaches great importance to. Can be an excellent teacher, counselor, lawyer, financier, prosecutor, musician. He easily copes with managerial positions, which means he can easily become a director.

Sexuality named Sofia

Sophia is temperamental, excitable, craves voluptuousness in sex, ready to indulge in love games for an infinitely long time. She demands full surrender from her partner, painfully endures even a minute physical separation, during intimacy she wants to merge with a partner, dissolve in him, prolong bodily contact.

Sophia needs admiration, an outpouring of love, she literally bathes in the hot words of her partner. For her, they are an integral part of erotic caresses.

She also needs final caresses no less, Sophia takes it almost as an insult if, after intimacy, her partner quickly falls asleep. She wants to be in the arms of her beloved for some more time, until the excitement from the experienced feelings subsides.

Unfortunately, not all men are capable of such exceptional sensitivity and patience. The same partner who is able to give her all this, she will give unforgettable moments of bliss.

Sophia is good in love and knows how to reward her lover with affection, warmth and tenderness. She is ideal in sex, gives herself entirely to her partner, for her there are no forbidden caresses or positions that cause a negative reaction. Sophia experiences happiness, feeling like a woman who is desired and enjoyed.

With her sexual behavior, if she wants, she can tie any man to her. Falling in love with Sophia is easy, but leaving her is not at all easy.

She does not burden her with excessive exactingness, does not arrange scenes of jealousy, does not pray for eternal love, but perhaps that is why she is so attracted to men? Sophia is generous in everything - this is one of her most amazing qualities.

Sofia is the female aspect of the male name Vasily. Deeply intuitive, Sophia has her intellect as a service organ of the spirit and therefore does not experience sharp collisions between intuition and reason. It has a will for orderliness and centripetalness, due to which it tends to orient itself on the nearest organized and arranged by it.

Sophia is domineering and believes that power by nature, by the make-up of her personality, of course, should belong to her. Sophia is managerial, organizing, has the ability to live and organize life, in such an ordering of life she brings both art and science, which she is busy with and of which she is capable.

The honesty inherent in Sophia is manifested by the certainty of expressions and their completeness. This directness can turn into sharpness, if it were not softened by circumambulation.

Characteristics of Sophia according to P. Rouge

Character: 90%

Radiation: 90%

Vibration: 100,000 vibrations / s

Colour: green.

Main features: sexuality - receptivity - sociability - activity.

A type: women named Sofia (Sophia) from childhood set an extraordinary pace of life for the family. They are both active and phlegmatic at the same time, their main feature is the ability to solve any problem in a few minutes. They are very mobile, they cannot sit still. They love the sun and adore travel.

Psyche: they want to know everything and experience everything, do not like to be in the shadows. They are inclined to a spiritual striptease, and if you refuse to listen to their confession, you will strike in the very heart.

Will: is it their ambition, the desire to simply assert themselves? Only they can answer this question.

Excitability: often artificially caused, in other words, they know how to act out emotions and they themselves believe in them.

Speed \u200b\u200breaction: they do not like when something is done without their knowledge and participation, they need to play an important, and even the main role in a comedy called life. Such women like to surround themselves with a cheerful company of friends, failures do not unsettle them.

Activity: these women have tremendous opportunities.

Intuition: more often use their own conclusions than intuition.

Intelligence: smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do everything, at least so they themselves claim.

Susceptibility: these women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

Moral: firm, capable of heroic deeds, understand other people's weaknesses, but intolerant of their own mistakes.

Health: gourmands, and hence all their problems. From childhood, you need to follow the diet.

Sexuality: they do not deny anything to those they love, they have a loving heart.

Field of work: you cannot say that they enjoy learning, they learn as they go. They make up reporters, travelers, their profession should be associated with travel.

Sociability: they like to receive guests, they love their family, they are often simply obsessed with their love for children, but the role of the wife is understood somewhat unusual. Their husbands need a lot of stoicism.

Additionally: these are charming hotties that will angelically lead you to marriage.

Translated from Greek - "wise". Synonym Sophia.
Sofia is a gentle, sophisticated girl. Not a crybaby, not a rogue. Good, in her house you can often find a dog or cat in trouble. With strangers he is shy, distrustful.

Although she is also not very frank with family and friends, they know that you can always rely on Sofia, if necessary, she will share the latter. She is persevering and meticulous, which contributes to her academic success.

She is principled, always ready to stand up for her ideas. She appreciates good relationships with relatives, who always occupy an important place in her life. A needlewoman, loves painstaking small work, is often endowed with musical abilities, is fond of theater.

Wherever Sofia works, she is always noticed and appreciated for her conscientiousness and easygoingness. Promotes fast in his specialty. Life arranges itself, not looking back at anyone, not trying to keep up with someone or surpass someone.

This woman is delicate. Even knowing that her husband is about to call her, she can not always interrupt the telephone monologue of her friend's offended life. Those in need of her help will never be denied. She is able to shelter someone else's child or a lonely old woman in her house and will take care of them.

Sofia's spouse will be able to make sure that she is a great cook and loves to receive guests. Her life goes on calmly and measuredly, and yet Sophia is far from a nun - she can be likened to a smoldering coal: true love can easily make her ruin a well-established life.

Sofia is generous in everything. Great for her husband's parents. Follows fashion, but does not like extravagance. In old age, Sophia is often left alone. Complain about their legs, endure operations steadily.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • Name days - February 7, April 1, June 4.17, August 14, September 30, October 1, December 29.31.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Libra, Taurus.
  • The patron planet is Saturn.
  • Favorable plant - linden, thistle.
  • Color - blue, blue, green.
  • The totem animal is a lark.

Famous people

  • Sofia Rotaru (1947) - Honored People's Artist of Ukraine (Moldova, and the former USSR). The singer's repertoire includes over 500 songs.
  • Sophie Marceau (1966) - French theater and film actress, singer, film director. Became famous after the release of the French romantic comedy "Boom" (La Boum). Lives in a civil marriage with Christopher Lambert.
  • Sophie Michelle Ellis-Bextor (1979) is a British singer-songwriter. She has collaborated with renowned DJs such as Cristiano Spiller and Armin Van Burren. She is married to Richard Jones (bass-guitarist of the English band "The Feeling"), has three sons. Read more:

Name forms

  • Full name is Sofia.
  • Variants of the name - Sophia, Sonya, male form - Sophronius, Sophus.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) - Sonya, Sofa, Sofiya, Sofushka, Sofiyechka, Sofiyushka, Sonya, Sonya, Sofochka, Sofyushka, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.
  • The declination of the name is Sophia-Sophie-Sophia.
  • The church (Orthodox) name is Sofia.

Sophia is inherent in seriousness and sensuality, she is reasonable and reasonable.

The name Sophia is similar to the name "Sophia" and translated from Greek means "wisdom". There is also speculation that this name is associated with marble and agate.

The origin of the name Sofia:

The name Sophia comes from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom". The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Russia along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Sofia:

Sophies are non-conflicting and appreciate the arguments of reason. Both scientific and analytical work and communication with people are equally good for them. They are born psychologists, reasonable and fair, in a dispute they can play the role of a lightning rod, a peacemaker. Sofia love to share knowledge, they make talented and passionate teachers. They always think globally, build a general picture of events. They are pedantic and attentive, absent-mindedness in the little things testifies that they are not interested in the matter. Sophias are stable and rational, deep inner spirituality makes them harmonious and balanced personalities.

Caring for others, Sofia sometimes forget about herself. They tend to forgive their friends a lot, but they are intolerant of themselves to the point of sharpness, demanding and critical. They do not like unexpected visits, bad humor, laxity. They are always ready to come to the rescue, able to work disinterestedly for the sake of a higher goal. Deeply upset Sophia can "fall out of the world", turn away from what is happening and deeply experience resentment and failure in themselves. A sincere apology is very important to Sofia. For troubles, she tends to blame herself first of all and only then - other people.

Sophia's personal life reflects their rational, sensitive nature. Many Sofia are fragile, weak-looking women, very graceful. They always have an exquisite taste, they choose their wardrobe carefully, dress exclusively in accordance with the situation. In bed, they can be frivolous, painfully sensitive. They need both physical and spiritual love, and are often in a state of love. They select a partner who is able to accept them as they are. Sophia is in great need of attention, often marry for fear of loneliness. Coldness responds to coldness.

In Sofia's house, they prefer to control the internal routine, but they do not pay too close attention to trifles. The main thing for them is the big picture. Sophia's children are always neat and study well, the mother carefully monitors their progress. Sofia is rarely greedy, but she does not allow slackness in finances, does not strive for money, but her lack of money humiliates her.

Sophia, born in the summer months, are ambitious, and in the autumn, they are disinterested and prone to self-sacrifice. “Spring” Sophia is especially sensitive, catch cold easily, they have good visual memory. The "winter" ones have a difficult and harsh character, but they are kind and from birth are highly moral.

Successful partners for them are Ignat, Sergey, Boris and Alexey, relationships with men named Dmitry, Andrey and Stanislav can become problematic.

Sophia was the name of the mother of the Christian great martyrs Faith, Nadezhda and Lyubov.

Recently, a very popular name for a girl is Sophia. Still - it is not only beautiful, but also ancient. So many princesses were called, and how many literary heroines with such a name - you can't count! By the way, the names Sophia and Sophia are exactly the same in meaning and different only in sound. Many newly minted parents are very surprised when they are asked exactly how to record the baby. Following this, the puzzled mom and dad ask a completely natural question: "Are Sofia and Sophia different names or not?"

In fact, Sofia and Sofia are the same name, except that the first option is Church Slavonic sounding, and the second is colloquial. Therefore, if you are asked the question: "Are Sofia and Sophia different names or not?", You can safely answer: "The same!"

Legacy of Byzantium

This name appeared in Russia in the 13th century along with the Orthodox faith, which came to our land from Byzantium. Ever since the Moscow prince named his only daughter a new name, it has become firmly entrenched in aristocratic families. Sofia is the name given to one of the daughters of the first king of the Romanov dynasty. The daughter of the second tsar, also Sophia, ruled Russia at the end of the 17th century.

A century later, this name was one of the most common among the nobility. In those days, in addition to the Russian language, it was fashionable to speak French. Accordingly, this was reflected in the names, which became bilingual. So, Sophia for a while turned into Sophie. By the way, you can read about this in the famous novel by Tolstoy "War and Peace".

In the Soviet Union, the popularity of the name has dropped to almost a minimum, but nowadays every third newborn is called Sophia.

Personal file

So Sophia and Sophia ... Different names or not? How best to write this name in Decide, of course, for parents. Sophia sounds more aristocratic and intelligent, and Sophia - more melodious and gentle. In fact, the difference between the names Sophia and Sophia lies in just one letter.

Sacred meaning

Sophia is a name that is translated from ancient Greek as "possessing wisdom." It perfectly reflects such a zodiac sign as Libra, and is also endowed with all the properties. Most esotericists associate this name with a dark blue color. An unusually beautiful talisman for Sophia can become a healing plant - linden. The lucky day for the owners of this name is Friday, and the season is autumn.

Kids with kind hearts

Little Sofiyki grow up to be kind and compassionate girls. They don't cry in vain and rarely get offended. In the house of a baby with this name, you can often find a street animal, which, by coincidence, got into trouble. Little Sophie has a big and kind heart, eager to help everyone who needs it.

Among strangers Sonechki behave somewhat constrained, shy. They do not trust all secrets even to their friends and often only confess with relatives. By the way, family and good relations with relatives for girls with such a name always come first.

Sonechki are inventive and easily find an approach to each relative. They know what to play to get a coveted toy or a handful of chocolates.

As a schoolgirl, Sofia will study hard, meticulously completing all her homework and speaking brilliantly at the blackboard. The bearers of this name have a sharp mind and a wonderful memory. The material they have learned literally bounces off their teeth.

Girls with this name are activists who are directly involved in school life, from Olympiads in Russian literature to the "Merry Starts" competition.

Despite the soft nature and non-conflict, they have their own opinion on everything and are ready to defend it to the last argument, which will always be behind them.

Sonechki love to work with beads, embroider and make various handicrafts, and also enjoy performances and music.

Delicate young ladies

Sofia grows from tender babies into sophisticated girls. They are hardworking, which makes them highly valued in any field. Natural liveliness helps Sonya make friends with all members of the team. Thanks to such qualities as pedantry, diligence and perfectionism, Sofia easily move up the career ladder and often occupy leadership positions.

Young Sofia is not deprived of delicacy and sensitivity. She will never offend a loved one, she will always sympathize with the deprived and regret the unfortunate.

The ideal of femininity

A woman named Sofia is a treasure for any man. They are ideal wives who always keep the house clean and the relationships of all family members in harmony. Sonya love to cook - and they do it perfectly!

The house of such women seems to have a special, warm aura. It will probably contain many books and old films. Sophia cannot imagine their existence without domestic animals, be they cats, dogs or guinea pigs.

Despite the seeming softness, Sophia is a tough nut to crack! It is unlikely that anyone will succeed in offending her and driving her into a corner. The owner of this name knows how to stand up for herself and for others. Truth is above all for her.

Sophia are born with a generous soul. They are not greedy and are ready to give the last piece of bread if something happens. Such women will warm up a homeless baby and buy food for a lonely grandmother from the next doorway.

In love, tender Sophia is distinguished by a stormy temperament: she loves sex and knows how to do it. However, she will never enter into a relationship with someone she does not love. Sex for her is a fusion, first of all, of souls, and only then - of bodies.

Sofia love to be admired for their beauty, intelligence and other qualities of character. They crave to bathe in compliments and love and will not tolerate neglect of their own person.

It is very easy to fall in love with Sofia: she charms with beauty, warmth, tenderness and radiance emanating from her. It is very difficult to forget such a woman - one might say, almost impossible.

So, now the reader knows the answer to the question: "Are Sofia and Sophia different names or not?" Parents who decide to name their little girl Sonya will be very lucky with an agreeable and obedient child. A man who married a woman named Sophia will be doubly lucky.