Curtains for the cottage: bright accessory to build a country house. Curtains for giving: textiles in harmony with nature how to make a window at the cottage

In anticipation of warm days and vacations, more and more urban residents are moved to their country sites and country houses to be closer to nature. And many of them are a lot of time spend not only for the establishment of life at the cottage, but also the interior. Today we will tell about the curtains for the cottage, what they are and how they can be made with their own hands in a particular style for the kitchen and other premises.

Naturally, the curtains at the cottage should look beautiful and look at the room. But there are a number of additional requirements for the country curtains:

Creating a rural atmosphere

Now in textiles stores, you can buy summer curtains in any color range, style and from different fabrics. But many hostesses want to be original and prefer to sew them with their own hands. The most popular style of window textiles around the world is a rustic. But even he has several types.

Russian rustic

To embody a Russian rustic style, you need to take a simple natural fabric, for example:

  • cotton;
  • cite.

You can take both a characteristic Russian pattern and a single-dimensional fabric with small ornament. Option - curtains made by patchwork sewing.

To sew cottage curtains from the flap with your own hands, you must first measure the windows, determine the parameters of the curtain crafts and make patterns. It is best to choose large elements so that the curtains are not very heavy due to the large number of seams. Patchwork sewing involves the use of geometric shapes - squares or triangles, light and dark details are perfectly combined.

From dense cardboard, it is necessary to carve out the parts without suture and numb them so that when the connection is not confused. To the involve of the fabric, attach patterns and circuit through the contour with a chalk or marker. Cut every part It is necessary, taking into account the suture of the order of 0.5 cm. And so that the seam was with an inside, the parts are connected, applying the face to each other. Suts do manually or on a typewriter, and then definitely stroke. To hide the offline curtains, the gasket will be required. The edges can be decorated with ribbons, braids or lace.

The curtains in the Russian style are suitable for windows and doors in the kitchen and even in the bedroom.

French (Provence)

A rustic style in French is also called Provencalian named one of the provinces. To create it in the country with the help of a curtain, you can take a custom, a batter or flax.

In addition to the sewing machine and textiles, you will need:

  • threads and satin tapes in tone tissue;
  • paper for patterns;
  • santimeter tape;
  • chalk;
  • sharp scissors;
  • pins.

In order to take into account possible errors, textiles should be purchased with a reserve up to 15 percent. The minimum width of the tissue should be 3 meters. Before work, the window should be measured and adjust the dimensions taking into account measurements.

If there is a desire with your own hands for giving in Provencal style, you will need two parts with a transverse strip. Each half in width must have a length of 80 cm, and along the transverse strip - up to 20 cm.

Work should be started from the pattern:

To maintain the curtain in the spreading form, it is necessary to provide pickups, they can be made of pieces of the remaining tissue in the form of flowers, ribbons or cords.

American (country)

The American Rustic Country Style is also very popular worldwide. For sewing curtains for the kitchen in this style you need to choose natural textiles of such shades:

  • with a cell;
  • with floral patterns;
  • neury.

But the use of synthetic tissues imitating natural ones is allowed. They are good at the cottage by the fact that they do not burn out, do not dull, do not impair and do not give shrinkage.

For miscalculation of the material to do all measurements. To determine the length of the curtains, you need to measure the distance from the cornice and to the windowsill or the bottom of the battery. To the resulting digit add 6 cm from below for the pent and 3 cm on top for the sovereign. To determine the width, increase the length of the eaves twice.

The simplest pattern is in the form of rectangular canvases. You should cut the fabric, and so as not to use pins, you can set the mode of a long lines to take the mode for the type of bending. To the adjustable edge, you need to sew a braid, then process the sutures on the sides. The edges of the braid are removed in the seam, and the ends of the cords leave. If you pull them, you can adjust the degree of drapery of the product. Now handle the bottom of them on the cornice. This will be an excellent solution for cottages.

Mediterranean style curtains

In addition to the village, a suitable style for country houses can be called Mediterranean. His distinguishing features:

To embody this style in the sewing curtains for a country house, you need to prepare:

  • the cloth;
  • scissors;
  • roulette or centimeter tape;
  • needles and pins;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

In order to sew curtains in such a style for cottage kitchen, you need to make preliminary measurements. The basis is the model based on two cloths with pickups.

Enter fabric to the window, check the location of the picture and evaluate the appearance against the interior background. Then measure the window in width, and add as much cloth. If the windows width is 2 meters, then the material will require 4 meters.

Determine the length by measuring from the point of attachment of the top edge of the curtains to the level of the desired length. When calculating the tissue parameters, add about 20 cm for seams, bending, and that part of the canvas that will be attached to the eaves. Cut the cloth better on the floor or big table. If the curtains are made of two canvases, the fabric is twice as much more widely and gently divides two.

On all parties (with the exception of the upper edge), make the podgiba and fix the pins. All the backstage stamps so that the canvas had a neat look. The upper edge bend to the offline, fix and stir also, and from the outside of the seams can be closed with a braid. From above, the bending is used for fastening. Then make pick-up pickups.

Other interior solutions for giving

With the help of the arch-curtains, you can decorate the window opening in the kitchen and in other rooms at home. It will have a very attractive look. You can make such an arch from a solid piece of fabric. It should be large enough to hang his ends to the windowsill or lower.

You can create an arc shape in two ways:

  • Cut the arc at the bottom of the canvas. The edge of the arch is treated with oblique baking and can be decorated with Ryusha. At the top of the arch laid into counter folds;
  • Cut up two arcs at once. It will stretch one by slice, to sew a ribbon to fastening to the eaves. And the fabric that will be carved by oblique, will hang out in the form of soft folds. The edge of the arch will pass along the arc below, it should be seen and you can also decorate Ryush.

If in the country except the kitchen there is a bedroom, living room or other rooms, then you can hang long curtains with rustic style pickups. An additional decor can be:

  • cords;
  • beads;
  • buttons;
  • satin ribbons;
  • fabric or lace ruffles.

There is nothing complicated in the sewing curtains for a country house. It is only necessary to choose the right fabric, taking into account all the features of the room and its style, and then it will turn it out even more cozy and attractive.

Tearing from dust, noise and fuss, the townspeople go to the cottage. Someone puts cucumbers and potatoes, someone grows flowers and contemplates the peaceful landscapes, others love just fry the kebab and breathe air.

In the photo of the curtains for the cottage in the spirit of Provence, which emphasizes the atmosphere of the fence house.

In any case, the desire for comfort and the change of the situation is quite substantiated. Therefore, when decorating a country house, it is important to emphasize its rustic flavor, simplicity and environmental friendliness. Curtains for it is better to choose bright, practical and functional.

What style is suitable for giving?

Magnificent folds and claims of light classic lambrequins, curtains, or ultra-modern shine minimalistic curtains better leave for decorating urban interiors.

On the photo of the curtains for the cottage in the rustic country style.

The design of the rooms in any of the directions will emphasize the natural beauty and harmony, will lay down to rest and filling the vitality.

What key points should be considered?

If you have determined with the style of textile design, and ready to buy or sew country curtains, do not forget to take into account several important factors:

  • the windows overlooking the south better to drill a dense dark material, which will slow down the coolness in the house, if you still want to hang something bright, remember that white color flashes and acquires characteristic yellowness;
  • at the spring-autumn season you may need not one set of curtains, especially this is true if the family comes often to rest and in winter, so it is worth choosing a couple of sets that will approach the interior and differ slightly in color and a storm;
  • for a gazebo or veranda, there is no longer a common fabric, but a waterproof, which will serve as reliable protection during the rain;
  • complicated chrome-plated or plastic eaves will not be completely appropriate in combination with simple rural curtains, but wooden or forged - just right, especially if they are equipped with comfortable ringlets or rigs for fastening.

The premises will be very cute and comfortable if you can choose the right textiles. One of the village interior styles will very successfully emphasize their originality, and the windows hanging out with small curtains overlooking the picturesque landscape will look just magically. A little to your fantasy will turn the usual cottage to the place where I want to return.

If you are the lucky owner of the country house, then you probably faced the problem of choosing a curtain. Of course, you can always go and acquire this subject of the interior, but much more pleasant to enjoy your own creation. Moreover, sew curtains for giving with their own hands for everyone. The main thing is a desire and a little amplitude.

Why start?

Before starting to sewing, you should choose the style of future curtains. There is a huge variety of them, they are all diverse and attractive in their own way, however, for country houses, the style of "Provence" is often chosen - a variety of "Country" style.

Provence style

Curtains made in this style instantly fill the room with coolest and warm. The fabric must necessarily be natural. You can use cotton, flax, batter or sitherium. Also, for the style of "Provence" is very important for the presence of ribbons, ruffles and other elements.

Consider several curtain options: classic medium length curtains, curtains in the floor and "Roman" curtains.



Following the law of Provence, despite the heavy tissue, the curtains should be air and simple. Since these curtains, most likely, will hang in the kitchen of our house, they must be as practical as possible.

The only requirement for fabric is it should be natural. All sorts of floral patterns - are welcome.

We will sew curtains of two halves and simple lambrene.

Before buying a fabric, the width and length of the windows should be measured, also should decide whether the curtains will be taken to the windowsill or not.

As mentioned earlier, the cloth should be natural, the choice of color depends on your taste.


Already the finished fabric fabric, fully closing our window, cut in half vertically, since we need two identical curtains. The top edge should be processed, taking into account the thickness of your eaves, that is, there are no certain parameters, you yourself choose how to attach future curtains. Then, we add and spend our curtains. If you have a bright and interesting fabric, then sewing lambrequen is completely optional. You can simply link the bows or tie our curtains with a bright ribbon. Pay attention to the photo shown below, there is no lambrequin, but thanks to interesting fabric, the curtains look attractive.

However, the lambrequen is not a problem. Just make careful assemblies on the canvas, wide with your curtains. Other photo curtain with lambrequin.

Long curtains in the floor

If medium length curtains are perfectly suitable for cottage cuisine, then long curtains in the floor are suitable for other rooms.

Sew such curtains are not more difficult than to sew curtains, however, we will need more fabric.


Again, we measure our window, but this time from the eaves to the floor and a little with a margin. We choose any beautiful natural fabric.


We will analyze the easiest and most popular storm-curtains consisting of two equal cloths. We do the same as with curtains. Also, you can add white or lace tulle. Ribbons and lambrequin will only decorate our new subject of the interior.

Photo with examples

Roman Curtains with Simple Pattern

The peculiarity of these curtains is that they add up in horizontal folds on the principle of modern blinds. Make such curtains are also quite easy. The only difficult moment is the structure on which the fabric is holding. You can independently make a difficult system with the help of rail, but I advise you to facilitate the task. I propose to use old blinds.


Consider the option with the alteration of old blinds. For this option, we will need:

  • Old Blinds themselves;
  • Fabric measured exactly through the window;
  • Thermoclete tape "Pautinka";
  • Glue for fabric;
  • Bruster for glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Line.


To begin with, you need to measure the window. When we learned how much the fabrics need, add a stock for bending (approximately 5 cm.)

Second step - blinds. Carefully consider the mechanism. Examine how two thin cords work. We need to remove the cord, rotating the lamellas.

Third step - folding folds. The number of folds depends on the length of your curtains. They look best when the distance between the lamellas is about 30 centimeters. Spread the fabric on a flat surface and on top. Put our mechanism. Remove unnecessary lamellas.

The fourth step is put in order to our canvas. We make pybs with the help of the tape "Pautinka".

Fifth step - glue glue. We do it very carefully. To glue the lamella smoothly, it is better to mark their place with a pencil.

The sixth step - we give adhesion a little silent and hang our Roman curtains. Since we left our design, it's easy to do

You can enjoy the result.

We looked at three options for future curtains for your country house.

All shown options are very practical and comfortable, in order to sew curtains, do not need special efforts. And the result will exceed all the expectations, you will not only decorate your country area, but also get valuable experience and pleasure from the process. Good luck in creativity.

Modern cottages are cozy, comfortable country houses, where you come to spend your vacation or weekend with the whole family. County houses have long ceased to be similar to small sarays for storing the economic inventory. Today, the owners of the suburban real estate think over the interior design, carefully pick up furniture and accessories. Therefore, in more and more often, many think about what curtains to acquire to the country to create a cozy situation there?

The main parameters of the selection of country curtains

  • Practical curtains.
  • The degree of density of the material.
  • Functionality and simplicity.
  • Easy fastening.

Curtains in the country should be sewn from a natural material that does not accumulate dust and easily clean. Plus, the curtains should pass the air, which is relevant during the period of hot summer weeks. The best option will be cotton, linen or sorts.

Depending on whether the windows come out on the solar or shaded side, pick up a dense or light material. If a large amount of sunlight penetrates into the room, then to save the coolness on a hot summer afternoon, it is recommended to drown windows with dense curtains. For rooms that are in the shade, the windows are walked by tulle curtains, allowing to skip warm air from the street.

Cottage is not the place where it is worth using curtains with lambrequins and other decorative elements. In this case, the simplicity of design is valued. It is important that the curtains protect the room from mosquitoes, excess sun and draft.

Often summer houses are equipped with a veranda or gazebo. For such premises it is necessary to choose curtains from a fabric that does not miss moisture. This will protect yourself from sudden rain.

In a rustic house, you should not use complex curtains for curtains. Ideal for rings or clothespins, from which the curtain is easily removed.

Choose the style of the curtain

The ideal solution for giving, will be the purchase of curtains in a rustic style with a motley print, as represented in the photo. A bright drawing of flowers, vegetables and fruits will organically fit into the country design. As a decorative finish, you can use a tape that gives care of the curtain on both sides.

For the dacha interior, you can purchase curtains in a checkered or striped pattern. Such a design will be perfectly combined with wicker chairs and homemade hails. For the interior with a fireplace, linen curtains will be the best option.

Of course, not all country houses are drawn up in a rustic style. For interiors in the style of High-tech, black and white variants of the curtain with a shiny surface are suitable, as represented in the photo. You can also use shiny fabrics in other color combinations that are suitable for the general design of the house.

If the cottage is framed in a luxurious, pompous style, then the curtains can be decorated with tassels, velvet suspensions.

Fashion options

Each hostess wants not only an apartment, but also a cottage looked stylish. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to fashionable new items that are offered this season. Some of them are quite possible to pick up a country house.

An excellent option for a country house will become blinds. Today they are made from various materials, in different colors and prints. For the cottage it is recommended to purchase bamboo models that are easily clean, passed air and fit perfectly into the interior of the country design.

Curtains in rolls are perfectly protected from the sun, do not accumulate dust and beautifully decorate the room. In this we can make sure if we look at the photo.

For those who prefer minimalist style, it is recommended to pay attention to the Japanese models of the curtains. They create a calm, laconic situation, which allows you to fully relax from urban problems.

Each hostess knows: the house will play new paints if you change textile design for windows. Curtains in a country house are capable not only to hide from prying eyes the life of households, but also raise the mood, emphasize the style of the interior. The article describes various options for window decor.

The cottage is distinguished by a warmth and family atmosphere, which, including the curtains in a wooden house.

With the help of textiles, you can change the interior at least.

Curtains for the cottage and country house: features of choice, solution options in different styles

When choosing curtains in the cottage, you need to remember the conditions in which they will be. For example, in summer, windows are often open. So, drafts arise, and the curtains will poison the wind. To avoid this, you need to choose short curtains or make a pickup fixing the curtain in a certain position.

Curtains in the country house save from the heat and contribute to creating comfort.

The window decor should not interfere with opening and closing the window, that is, cut the curtains must match the glass pack. If the house is on the sunny side, the rays of the sun will interfere with the owners. In this case, the protection or double curtains will cope with the protection function (light veil plus tight fabric). If, on the contrary, sunlight overlaps a tree growing nearby, the fabric should not prevent the flow of light.

A wooden house outside the city is a pleasant place for a town-dweller, where you want to go back and spend all weekends.

As a summer option for giving, short curtains from Citz are suitable. If we are talking about the winter dacha, the curtains should be dense. Next, curtains will be considered in different style solutions.

Wooden walls and natural curtains transmit the feeling of nature and freshness of the forest.

Curtains for garden cottages: description, options, photos

Rustic style, or Provence, reflects the spirit of the French province. It is associated with the Sun, Sea, the paints of nature. Provence curtains are styled with flax, batista, fine satin or sither. Well, if the base of the fabric is white, and it causes prints with natural motifs, for example, fruits, vegetables, large flowers or squeezing of small flowers. Since nature paints on sunny days are very bright, for the style of Provence, fabrics with muted pastel shades are usually chosen.

The design of the house sets up for relaxation, the decor of the window opening also plays the latter role.

It will organically combine the color of the curtain with textiles or upholstery of furniture.

Coloring speed can be decorated with a ruffle or a waist of one-photon fabric suitable for one of the shades of the print. The most common variant is the curtains of two cloth with a width of about 80 cm and a transverse band from above (it will close the upper part of the window by 40-50 cm).

Curtains look good with garters, while the type of fastening with tape or rings is suitable.

Another option is double panels (on top of the colored panel there is a narrower monophonic cloth). Pickages are sewn from the fabric, which is combined with the main material. Pattern for such simple curtains can be built directly on the fabric.

Curtains for country cottage: Description, how to sew yourself, photo

Country is the style of the American province. He is associated with the spirit of Old America: cowboy, gold leaving, loggers. Country interior is rough, simple, of wood and stone. Curtains for the country's style in the style of Country are often sewn from a plaid fabric or from polka dot or strip materials. The overall impression is simple, not deliberate. This, of course, is not a novelty, but the old good classic of the genre.

It is important to choose natural materials for curtains, observe a sense of measure when choosing a decor.

Roman curtains are used independently in the laconic interior.

The length of summer curtains is usually small, because a wide wooden windowsill can be used for functional purposes - like a shelf or the working surface of the kitchen.

Curtains for an elite country house can be rolled, it is very practical. This type of curtains is manufactured in an industrial way, to reproduce it at home. Little to
strength. Curtains-cafes are short curtains covering the top of the window or half a half.

Rolled curtains can be added to the porters to create an interior in any style.

Make such curtains will not work independently. For this, rectangular pieces of fabric are taken. Before starting the window, the windows are measured, and then the desired length of the curtains becomes clear (
It adds to the scores to the bending). And the width is calculated as: the width of the window opening is multiplied by 2. The fabric is sweeping along the edges and below, and from above are treated with the use of a special rolled curtain with loops. On these curtain loops will be attached to the rings of the cornice.

Given the interior design style, you can choose the corresponding curtains that will benefitly emphasize the general view of the room.

IMPORTANT! Since the cotton fabric gives a shrinkage, you need to buy a little more fabric and decorate it (to handle a hot iron, a steamber or wipe it).

Curtains in Russian folk style: Coloring, shape or model Curtain, photo

Blue cornflowers, blooming lavender, bright sunflowers - these are sources of inspiration for design. Russian folk style is associated with bright joyful colors, a fun print. It is often used to finish with ribbons, woven lace, embroidery, as well as patchwork technique.

This style is characterized by special brightness of colors.

The traditional location of the curtain is the upper curtains and curtains covering the lower part of the window. For sewing curtains, a friend is suitable for all inexpensive "cheerful" sitheria.

You can also take flax and cotton.

Excellent option - curtains in patchwork technique. For her, there will be slices of fabrics - monophonic and with different prints.

They must be combined with each other, and in the selection you need to focus on your own taste and feeling of color.

You need to make a template - a square or rhombus with a side of 10-15 cm, and cut through this template all parts with an allowance for seams 1-1.5 cm. The parts are then sequentially connected by machine seams. From the reverse side, the lining is sewn to hide the seams.

INTERESTING! Flax with his gross structure is perfect for the Russian embroidery with a cross.

How to choose curtains or curtains for giving?

Textile window decor should be combined with the rest of the decoration of the house, approach furniture, wall decoration. Well, if the curtains are echoing with a tinge or texture with kitchenware, upholstery of upholstered furniture. If the windows are small, do not climb them with complex curtains, it is worth avoided
lambrequins and ruffles.

Windows elongated vertically, you can visually lead to a more harmonious mind, if you close the top of the window to the transverse curtain.

Well, when curtains for giving correlated with the season. If the year is year-round, in winter you need to hang curtains from dense heavy matter - they will help maintain a comfortable room temperature.

The classics can be made in a wooden house if you choose dense heavy curtains.

Curtains do it yourself: how to sew fast curtains for cottages, to hang curtains

If the country season found surprise, and the cottage is still not ready for living, you need to act quickly. A simple variant - rectangular curtains. How to calculate the amount of fabric was
Tasted above. It is necessary to dwell on the processing of the upper edge and on the selection of the cornice.

It is worth remembering that such material requires frequent care, especially in the conditions of the country house.

The unusual option is wide loops, on which the curtains are suspended on the cornice. Thus, loops, and the cornice will not be closed with curtains. To do this, take a braid or make strips from the same tissue about 10 by 25 cm.

The loops are sewn on the top edge every 20 cm.

You can handle the top edge with a special curtain ribbon, and you can make a scene and turn the cornice right through it. The width of the scene (in fact, normal bending) depends on the cornice diameter.

For interior in the style of Provence, wrought details are characterized, including eaves with beautiful curved tips.

For country, the abundance of wooden elements is characterized, therefore the cornice can be from this material (or plastic, with the imitation of the structure of the tree).

The cornice usually has over the window, but if you want an extraordinary option, you can arrange it just below the top edge of the window frame.

Country style is easy to recreate in a wooden country house due to natural decor materials.

Original ideas for creating a curtain: examples and photos

Many people like retro style, he causes pleasant memories. For example, childhood with his trips for the summer to the village to the grandmother. Interesting curtain ideas are connected with this. Fileery lace is an old technique that is still reproduced in the interior. It is not necessary to look for lace, made manually (moreover, it is very expensive).

You can find the finished lace canvas of the factory production that mimics the manual work.

The spectacular option is the upper curtain, in which the lower two thirds consist of a filleic lace. It shines through the air structure, so it will not be an obstacle for sunlight.

Curtains create the mood of the room.

Another beautiful decorative version: curtains decorated with flowers from the fabric. You can purchase them, but you can make it yourself. Also spectacularly and cute looks snow-white curtains with an ornament, if you decorate them with magnetic pickups on both sides.

Suitable for the window of any form and look good with any kind of fastening.

It is worth spending time to choose, buying or tailoring original curtains to the cottage. After all, the beautiful interior pleases the eyes of the owners, admires guests and creates a harmonious environment in which it is pleasant to relax.

When choosing a curtain for a wooden house, it is important to take into account the style, strength of natural lighting and fabric texture.

Video: Curtains in the interior of the country house.

50 curtains for cottage and country house: