Diagram of a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands. DIY hexagonal gazebo - drawings and dimensions, step-by-step instructions with step-by-step photos

A gazebo in the country is a necessary construction, because in its shade you can relax after a hard day or protect yourself from the scorching sun. In such a building it is pleasant to get together with a company or to sit with relatives.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made structure and pay builders to install it, but all this is very expensive and not everyone can afford it. A thrifty owner will always find a way out, because making a gazebo on your own will be cheaper. In this article, we will show you how to build a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands.

Choosing a place

The ideal option is a place under a large and sloping tree, which would cast a shadow on the structure, preventing it from heating up under the scorching sun. If it is not possible to put the gazebo like that, then place it near small trees, but the best option is near any body of water.

There are many types of arbors, differing in shape, appearance and other parameters, but the hexagonal one will stand out for its uniqueness, so we will choose it.

  • Compactness.
  • Large capacity.
  • Stable.
  • Ample space for several benches.
  • Appearance.


To reduce construction time and enjoy the process, it is recommended to stock up on tools. You will need:

  • Saw for metal.
  • Electric planer.
  • Hammer.
  • Nails.
  • An electric jigsaw, but a simple one is also possible.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Circular machine.
  • Plumb line.

We will build a hexagonal gazebo from wood. The best choice is spruce or pine, the wood of these trees pleases with its high strength and low cost. To speed up construction, you first need to make a design drawing and navigate through it. Use a circular saw to cut the wood into planks of suitable sizes, and use a planer to make them perfectly smooth.

The marking of the site is very important, since the correct form of our structure and its stability depend on it.

Draw a circle and mark six corners, which will be the faces of our structure.

The railing for a hexagonal gazebo can also be made manually, for which we remove the chamfer from the selected material and cut them out. In the first vertical pillar, carefully cut out a groove and, adjusting in size, insert the railing there. The resulting structure is sheathed with slats.

The hexagonal gazebo will delight you for a long time if you treat the wooden elements with a special solution that protects it.

After covering the tree with varnish, you can paint it at your discretion. If you have children, you can colorfully paint a hexagonal gazebo or decorate with flowers and cartoon characters.


The best place to relax in a country house is a gazebo. The classic version of the gazebo is the hexagonal shape. The hexagonal gazebo will harmoniously fit into any yard, even if its dimensions leave much to be desired.

Whether the gazebo has a hexagonal drawing or not, it is up to the owners to decide. However, without correctly drawn up drawings, it is difficult to build a hexagonal gazebo with high quality and accuracy. This is due to the design features of the building.

Is a drawing really necessary?

If you plan to build not just a seasonal canopy from the sun and precipitation, then making a drawing of a hexagonal gazebo is simply necessary. A carefully planned project ensures durability and compliance with all geometric dimensions.

Benefits of using blueprints:

  • the ability to plan in advance an exclusive style of construction;
  • according to the drawing, it is easier to calculate the amount of materials required for construction;
  • it is easier to find a site for placing a building;
  • simplification of the optimal choice of the arrangement of windows, doors and decorative elements;
  • the ability to find out in advance what construction tools will be needed;
  • you can choose the optimal dimensions of the building and its elements.

You can preview photos and drawings of hexagonal arbors from various materials.


Even a well-made gazebo cannot last several years without a foundation. Seasonal expansion of the soil, rain, snow, as well as uneven subsidence of the soil can adversely affect a suburban building.

There are several basic types of foundations:

  • solid;
  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • support-columnar.

Whatever type of foundation is chosen, exact dimensions are required for its construction, which cannot be obtained without a drawing. A drawing of a hexagonal gazebo with dimensions will allow you to transfer the markings of the future gazebo to a pre-selected plot of land. It is especially important to have drawings when using columnar or strip types of foundations. After all, all load-bearing walls or beams must be located on the foundation.

The photo shows some versions of the foundation for country arbors. Logs are laid on the foundation, on which the uniform load of the entire structure will be located.

Structure frame

The design can be very different in execution:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • brick;
  • concrete.

The most popular gazebos are made of wood or metal. It is easier to make from wood, but the metal version will be much stronger. If a hexagonal gazebo made of metal has drawings, then it is easier to bring it to life. Currently, gazebos made of metal forged to obtain original patterns and structural elements are popular. For example, these can be elements that repeat the growing grapes, the shadow of which hides the interior from the hot sunlight.

A drawing of a hexagonal arbor made of wood is no less necessary than for the manufacture of a metal building, because, knowing the dimensions, you can prepare in advance yourself or order from a cabinetmaker figured details made of wood carving. Such an original design will give the hexagonal gazebo a unique style. The photo shows an example of such a case.

Whatever material is chosen for the construction, the degree of closure of the internal space depends on the amount of penetrating rays of the sun inside and the individual preferences of the owners. You can build the most open gazebo, or you can close it on all sides, for example, glaze. This is where the blueprint project comes in handy again. Having the drawings, you get the opportunity to order glass of specified dimensions at the nearest glass cutting company, without waiting for the completion of construction work.


The most difficult element of the hexagonal structure is the roof. In order for the roof to have clear geometric dimensions, it is necessary to make a project.

The gazebo roof can be made of various roofing materials:

  • metal tiles;
  • asbestos-cement slate;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • polycarbonate;
  • straw or reeds;
  • metal profile.

The roof of a wooden hexagonal gazebo basically has the form of six identical triangles, in the case of using an equilateral hexagon at the base of the building, or six unequal triangles, when using a versatile one. The edges of the roof converge at a single point in the center, resembling in their appearance the classical oriental structures of antiquity.

This is where the difficulty lies. Many self-taught builders struggle with the construction of a roof that rests on only six pillars-ribs without a central pillar. The slightest deviation in dimensions, and the roof will turn out with gaps or irregular shape, which will be blown away by the slightest breath of wind or flooded with any light rain.

Making the construction of a hexagonal gazebo made of wood, metal or other material according to the draft drawings, you can greatly simplify the work.

Having the drawings, you get the opportunity to optimally supply electrical wiring, glazing, decorating the structure with carved or forged decorative elements, furniture and other things.


A gazebo in a suburban area is a necessary attribute of a good rest with comfort. The best structure for this building is hexagonal. Let's figure out how to build such a gazebo yourself.

Arbor - why is a hexagon better and where to start building it?

The best shape for a gazebo is a hexagon. This shape is optimal in terms of ergonomics, strength and stability. From a practical point of view, a hexagonal arbor is easier to make, and its design is stiffer and more reliable than that of the latter or of a square (rectangular) one. In addition, quadrangular options will take up more space on the site with equal roominess. From the aesthetic point of view, a hexagonal structure is also more advantageous than its counterparts of another form. It looks very elegant, original and will decorate the landscape of any suburban area, as you can see in the photo.

They begin the construction of a gazebo by choosing a place. It is best to place it next to trees or on the shore of a reservoir. Natural vegetation will not only protect the building from heating in the sun, but also provide additional coolness on a hot day, as well as protection from wind and precipitation in bad weather.

Then the dimensions should be determined. They will depend not only on the free space at the place of construction and the desired functionality, but also on your financial capabilities. The minimum dimensions are determined by what is supposed to be placed inside. It is quite obvious that for a good rest in the gazebo, it is simply necessary to provide for the presence of benches and a table. Perhaps someone will also want to install a tandoor or barbecue there (as in the gazebo in the presented photo), and maybe some other items or equipment. The placement of all these objects must be foreseen in advance so that after mounting the racks it does not turn out that the gazebo turns out to be cramped.

Determination of the size of the gazebo and the method of its construction

A simple and accurate way to determine the size of the gazebo is as follows:

  • on graph paper, we mark the boundaries of the space available for construction on the ground (we choose any convenient scale) - this will be a plan for future construction;
  • from the graph paper we cut out the figures of the objects necessary for placing in the gazebo (the contours and sizes in the selected scale must correspond to real objects);
  • place the figures on the construction plan so that they fit into the hexagon;
  • draw a circle around the hexagon;
  • we measure the radius of the circle and the dimensions of the hexagon, and then translate them into a real scale - these are the dimensions of the future gazebo.

By the way, the hexagon does not have to be strictly symmetrical - its two parallel sides can be longer than the others (for example, the input and the opposite). The design will turn out to be elongated, but in some cases it will allow you to fit into the boundaries of free space, it will be more convenient and original.

Now you need to decide whether to build a gazebo yourself or order its production from those who are professionally involved in this. If the construction of a complex and solid structure is planned as in the photo, then the second option is more reasonable. The architectural form created by the masters will be much better and better made than a structure built with their own hands. By the way, they will also offer ways to implement what was conceived and materials for the manufacture of a future gazebo.

A simple hexagonal gazebo can be built independently. The main thing is to take into account that such a building has a fairly simple structure: a base, 6 supports and a roof. If the building is not elongated, then each side of it is repeated in shape and size, and therefore in the elements used. This greatly facilitates the preparation of materials, the construction itself and the decoration of the walls.

Basic principles of self-construction

The next stage in self-made construction is the choice of materials. You can use a bar, a log, brick, metal, plastic and their combination. Power and solidity can be given to the structure using concrete and brick, and lightness, delicacy and decorativeness - using carved wood or plastic. Buildings decorated with forged steel ornaments look luxurious - a photo of such a gazebo stands out from the rest of the options. But such complex design elements, like those made of wood, will have to be ordered in the workshops.

A hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, made from the first "pile" to the last hammered nail on your own, can be made of coniferous wood (pine or spruce). Without the use of complex decorative elements in the design that require contacting specialists, its cost will be relatively low, and its strength will be sufficient.

In any case, before the start of construction and the purchase of materials, it is required to develop a detailed drawing or sketch of the future gazebo with an indication of the dimensions of all its elements and parts, as well as the methods of their mutual coordination and fastening.

The sketch should be drawn up in accordance with the calculated dimensions and the desired structural and decorative solutions, and also take into account the use of the selected materials. One of the options is shown in the photo.

The degree of wall closure may vary. In the openings there can be only railings or ornamental plants or openwork lattices. You can also completely close the walls by inserting glass and making insulation. Then, even in autumn and winter, rest in the gazebo (as in the photo) will proceed with special coziness and comfort. The roof is also installed in any shape. But, as a rule, it consists of exactly the same six triangles, converging at the top in one place.

After preparing all the elements of the future gazebo, it is necessary to make the correct marking at the installation site - draw a hexagon of the required dimensions on the ground. To do this, using two pegs and a rope, draw a circle of the calculated radius. Then, on the drawn circle with the same radius, mark 6 corners of the future structure. The resulting hexagon will be the base and the future floor of the gazebo, and supports should be installed in its corners. Further, in accordance with the developed drawing.

There is no need to argue that a gazebo at a summer cottage is necessary. She not only decorates the landscape, but also serves as a favorite resting place for households and guests. Next to it, you can place a playground, a decorative pond, barbecue and other summer buildings.

Having approved the decision on construction at the family council, the owner of the site remains to choose the form of construction and materials for work. We will try to help in this matter and offer you a photo review of the most popular options and tips for self-assembly.

This philosophical thought applies not only to the universe, but also to the creation of human hands. From an aesthetic point of view, as well as for reasons of maximum strength and capacity, a hexagonal gazebo for summer cottages is the best option.

Hexagonal gazebo - laconic, beautiful and roomy

A rectangular structure is easier to build, but loses in all respects to an equilateral hexagon. Confirmation of this fact can be found in nature: bees build hexagonal honeycombs, and no one will force them to make a square cell from wax.

Types of designs and design options

The most popular materials for building a gazebo are wood and metal. A hexagonal arbor made of wood is cheaper than a steel one. It is easier to assemble it, since in this case you do not need a welding machine and skills to work with it.

There are countless ways to decorate with wood. But there are only two constructive options for using it:

  • chopped arbor;
  • frame construction.

Log house at the base of the hexagonal arbor - solid and solid

Cutting crowns by hand is not an easy task. Therefore, a home craftsman needs to contact a company that will make a "constructor" suitable in size for assembly. On the site, all that remains is to fold the crowns according to the attached diagram and build a roof.

The frame version is more democratic, since it does not require special processing of round timber. Two dozen planed beams, floorboards, OSB boards, roofing material, a screwdriver and a hacksaw - that's all you need for independent work.

Frame gazebo - the favorite brainchild of a home craftsman

Having decided on the design, it's time to think about the design. A win-win option is filling the frame with wooden gratings and lining the sidewalls with clapboard. Openwork trellises are beautiful in themselves, but their main function is to serve as a support for climbing plants, which will create a shady trellis.

Decorating a hexagonal gazebo with a wooden lattice and clapboard

A roof made of soft tiles goes well with wood. Therefore, when completing your home drawing, take note of this option. The metal cover is reliable, but less comfortable in the rain, which turns it into a sonorous "drum".

Wooden lattices can be installed at the top of the structure, or they can be lowered to the very bottom as a fence. A narrow mesh belt is reinforced at the top to balance the appearance. Do not forget that round carved columns look better than square ones, devoid of decoration.

Hexagonal gazebo with carved columns

Without special equipment, it will be difficult to thread two-meter pillars. The way out is to order finished parts in a company that professionally deals with artistic carving.

It is more logical to make benches in a gazebo with lattice filling not solid, but from type-setting bars. In this case, the structure will look equally good both from the outside and from the inside.

Lattice gazebo - latticed benches

The closed design of the gazebo will help you extend the summer holiday season. For cladding, you can use a blockhouse - a material that is easy to install and gives the structure the beauty of a wooden frame.

Closed hexagonal gazebo with blockhouse decoration

In the summer, the window frames are removed in this building and the doors are opened, and in the spring and autumn everything is returned to its place. The warmth from a friendly company sitting at the table will be enough to create a comfortable temperature.

If you want to admire the beauty of a living fire, then instead of a table in the center of such a gazebo, you can fold an open fireplace or install a metal brazier with a hood.

Closed gazebo with a round hearth

Country-style decorating is very popular in country design. To embody this style, river reeds or wooden shingles are used as roofing. The frame of such a gazebo should correspond to the general style. Therefore, for racks it is better to take not edged beams, but freed from bark and polished logs.

Gazebo with thatched roof and fabric screens

Metal hexagonal gazebos can be laconic to minimalism. Their main advantages are durability and strength.

Arbor from a profile pipe

Making a drawing of a metal structure, you can adhere to the principle of "nothing more", or you can create a real masterpiece of blacksmithing art.

The use of artistic forging is the best decoration

Metal looks great with glass, not only in office buildings, but also in a summer cottage. Glazing of the walls and roof makes the building light and sunny. Such an original "glass box" will perfectly fit into the landscape of any area. A light touch of formality inherent in the union of glass and metal will set the right tone for a business meeting.

A gazebo made of glass and metal - elegant and airy

Colored honeycomb polycarbonate is a practical and aesthetic material for covering the sidewalls and roof of a hexagonal gazebo. On a hot day, it will create a pleasant partial shade, and in bad weather it will protect you from rain and wind.

Anyone who does not feel confident in the role of a designer can buy a metal gazebo. Complete readiness and a sturdy roof awning are obvious advantages of this solution.

From the bench to the roof - a complete set of gazebos for sale

While talking about hexagonal structures, we forgot to mention brick. This material is not as common as wood and metal are used for construction. Large-format gazebos are erected from bricks, equipped with a barbecue, a barbecue and a cooking oven.

Brick hexagonal gazebo - a luxurious option for relaxation and culinary delights

Step-by-step description of self-assembly

Before making a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, you need to prepare a drawing. It indicates the overall dimensions of the structure and methods of joining the frame elements: the floor frame to the foundation and pillars, as well as fastening the pillars to the roof.

For high-quality manufacturing of a table and benches, a sketch drawing will also not be superfluous. It will help you to accurately calculate the dimensions of the furniture, taking into account its comfortable placement.

The dimensions of the building and its area are selected based on the estimated capacity. For a building in which 6 people sit at the table, the length of the side edge must be at least 1.25 meters. Having drawn a plan of the gazebo, having thought over the placement of benches and a table, you can start breaking down the foundation. There are several different ways of doing this on the Internet.

After examining them, we have chosen the simplest and most understandable:

  • We cut off a piece of rope (its length should be equal to the radius of the circle into which the hexagon of our gazebo is inscribed). We tie two wooden pegs to the ends of the rope.
  • Having hammered one peg into the ground, we pull the rope and with the second peg, like a compass, draw a circle on the ground.
  • At any point of the circle we hammer in one peg, and with the second we make a notch on it. Going along the entire path, we get 6 points. These are the corners of our future gazebo (diagram # 1).

Scheme No. 1 Sequence of foundation breakdown

Having completed the removal of the contour of the gazebo to the site, you can start laying its foundation. The result of this work and other stages of editing will be clearly explained to you by step-by-step photographs.

For a wooden structure, as well as for a metal frame, a columnar foundation is sufficient. It can be made from masonry concrete blocks by digging a shallow hole (40-60 cm) under them. Foundation height above the ground - 1 block.

For better connection of the blocks with the wooden floor frame, a reinforcing bar is driven into their voids. The joints of the antiseptic bar (section 15x10 cm) are connected by the "overlap" method and placed on the reinforcement.

A 15-20 cm rod is released outside for mounting the racks. Holes of the appropriate diameter and depth are drilled in the racks.

Having installed 4 concrete blocks under the floor logs, they are cut in pairs into the support beam of the foundation.

The support bar and floor joists are installed on the foundation (on top there are roof rafters cut to the size)

Wooden posts-columns (section 10x10 cm, height 220 cm) are placed on the reinforcement and fixed in an upright position with the help of board scraps.

Having installed the strapping bar on the upper ends of the racks, the temporary connections are removed.

In the middle of the racks along the perimeter of the hexagonal arbor at a height of 110 cm, a railing is cut in (board 50x100 mm). A fence will be attached to them.

A board (50x100 mm) is attached to the upper strapping belt, and a hexagonal column is vertically installed in its central part. The roof rafters will abut against it.

The ends of the rafter legs are cut at an angle so that they are tightly joined with the edges of the thrust post, and alternately fix them with self-tapping screws to the strapping bar and the post.

If the roof of the hexagonal gazebo is covered with bituminous tiles, then an OSB slab must be laid under it. For its installation, sheathing boards are attached to the rafters.

The slabs are cut on the ground, and on the roof they are fixed with self-tapping screws to the rafters and crate.

The eaves of the roof are sheathed with a metal cornice strip before installing the tiles.

The joints between OSB boards are coated with silicone sealant, after which bitumen tile cards are laid on them.

The final stage of construction is laying the floorboard (deck or grooved). To protect against dampness of the soil, the "honeycomb" of the support beams is sewn up with a vapor barrier.

After that, it remains only to install the planed bar of the sidewall fencing.

In psychology, the hexagon means beauty and inner freedom. And in construction it is the most demanded and practical form of assembling decorative structures. A hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, surrounded by a luxurious rose garden or, say, a home fountain is the best confirmation of this.

Variety of building materials

This design is highly resistant to harsh weather conditions. And if in the construction process only high-quality materials are used, wooden beams made of larch or, for example, non-corrosive polycarbonate, such a gazebo will serve as a safe haven even in winter. Refractory metal structures are most often looked after by the owners of small summer cottages.

Add variety to your site by building a gazebo on it

But supporters of environmentally friendly materials tend to prefer wood. Unlike natural stone, this is a fairly light and relatively inexpensive raw material. For regions with the highest rainfall, oak is best. This wood not only retains heat well, but also repels moisture.

If there is enough time for construction, it is more logical to choose a brick. Compared to a tree, it:

  • is non-flammable and must be reused even after a fire;
  • does not expand as a result of high humidity;
  • restrains heat, thereby creating a favorable indoor microclimate in hot summer;
  • does not rot, and most importantly - does not require treatment with antiseptics;
  • after many years it retains its original attractiveness.

For the roof of a hexagonal gazebo, metal tiles, corrugated board, asbestos-cement slate, polycarbonate or ondulin are suitable. The latter absorbs noise well and is easily wrinkled, which is especially important for arranging hexagonal roofs. If a brazier is not provided near the gazebo, you can use straw or reeds.

Video: "Hexagonal gazebo in four days"

From this video you will learn how to build a hexagonal gazebo for a summer residence:

Preparatory work

First you need to stock up on the necessary tools. Among them: an electric drill, a plumb line, a plane, a circulation machine, a jigsaw and screwdrivers. It will not be superfluous to buy a shovel, measuring tape, twine and stakes. As for the choice of location, a win-win option may be a plot near a pond or a shady courtyard with fruit and berry trees planted around.

So, if we compare ceramic and silicate bricks, the first has definitely more advantages. At a relatively low price, it retains heat better and absorbs street noise. And the variety of colors, shapes and sizes does not limit specialists in the implementation of extraordinary creative ideas. When choosing wood, it is better to prefer oak resistant to excessively high temperatures and moisture. With a minimum budget - spruce or larch.

If the owners have metal products at their disposal, it is more logical to stop at polypropylene pipes. They are resistant to corrosion, mold and mildew attacks. Many models can withstand temperature changes from 80 degrees below zero to 120 degrees below zero.

Considering that the gazebo includes 6 supports, foundations, railings and a roof, construction will take no more than 3-5 days.

Calculations and drawings

In order to avoid costs and technical errors, it is better to familiarize yourself with the running drawings of such buildings in advance. On them, you can consider the useful area of ​​structures, the optimal dimensions of the rafter system, the location of the rails, crossbars, straps, pillars and railings. The drawing is done regardless of the purpose of the construction: whether it is a temporary shelter from the rain or a comfortable rest at any time of the year.

Only with the help of graphic images indicating the location of beams, gratings, cornices, concrete supports and ridge will it be possible to:

  • simplify the calculation of the raw material base;
  • choose the right site for construction;
  • quickly calculate the optimal dimensions of each structural element;
  • competently equip window and doorways;
  • to plan an individual style of construction in the shortest possible time.

When calculating materials, it is better to insure yourself and increase the obtained figures by at least 12%. For the same purpose, it is important to take into account the number of people for whom the gazebo is being built. So, for a company of 8-10 people, the ideal building area is 9-11 squares. When calculating the possible costs, you also need to take into account the features of the arrangement and impregnation of the roof, floor and, of course, the upper section of the structure.

When it comes to roofing, the starting point for costs is the general view of the structure. Its rigidity can be increased with decorative lathing. And in order for the roof to withstand heavy snow loads, additional racks will be needed.

Step-by-step instruction

In building a hexagonal gazebo made of wood, the first step is to make markings on the site and prepare support columns. To avoid mistakes, it is better to use a plumb line. For the arrangement of the floor, namely the fastening of the lag, you will need boards with a width of 30-35 mm and self-tapping screws. Before that, all structural elements should be treated with an antiseptic, with the help of which the viability of the wood can actually be increased by 1.5 times.

After finishing the installation of the floor, you can start performing other equally important tasks:

  • installation of fences and railings using lower beams, figured planks and steel corners;
  • installation of the roof on the ground (before starting work at a height, it is better to install a support bar in the center of the gazebo; and in order for the roof to withstand strong wind, hail and a large amount of snow in the future, additional support elements should be installed between the sheathing bars);
  • sheathing of the lathing with wooden slats, followed by the laying of slate or tiles.

At the final stage, furniture is installed, and, if the owners so desire, the window openings are glazed.

Base marking and foundation pouring

To cope with the first task, you need to lay out six identical beams on a pre-selected area. Drive in stakes at the joints. After that, pour the foundation. In the case of a small and lightweight arbor made of wood, a columnar supporting structure is suitable. If the owners decide to install a massive brick structure, it is better to use a strip foundation. Here, a concrete belt of the required thickness is already included in the structure.

The main thing is to organize a flat plane on which the lower harness will be held. To fix it, you will need beams or metal corners. If the gazebo is designed for more than one generation, additional fasteners will be needed.

Installation of poles

The posts are supposed to be installed at right angles. As in the case of the strapping, self-tapping screws and metal corners are used. If the latter are not enough, you can buy a connection that includes a socket and a spike. Of course, this installation option will take a lot of time and effort. But then the stability of the support will double.

The gazebo will protect you from bad weather

Correct installation of support pillars includes:

  • strict observance of the laws of geometry (for example, the distance measured from any point of the outlined circle must be equal to its radius);
  • the optimal depth of the pit is not less than 65 cm;
  • removal of the surface layer of the soil along with the roots of trees;
  • processing of the ends of the posts with appropriate waterproofing materials.


Bars are ideal for installation. For the sake of reasonable savings, you can use boards with a section of 30 by 70 mm. They are attached to the corner posts with self-tapping screws. To increase the service life of wood, the material should be covered with roofing material and plastic wrap on top. It is an ideal base for installing a floor pre-treated with a protective waterproofing agent.

It is acceptable to lay the boards parallel to one of the six edges or separately in each section.


Roof bars are cut at an angle of 60 degrees. The main thing is to correctly calculate the optimal cross-section of the rafters, taking into account their dimensions, the slope of the roof, the weight of the tile or corrugated board. And in order to increase the resistance of the upper structure of the structure to torrential rains and heavy winds, it is better to attach the crossbar to the rafters.

Depending on the location of the gazebo and its size, supports are chosen. With a minimum span of less than 8 mm, a crossbar insert is made between the screed and the top of the rafters. At high rates, a headstock is installed. This is what the builders call a vertical element, for the installation of which brackets or tightening clamps are required.

Decor and rules of operation

The gazebo, furnished in a classic style, can be decorated with pots with fragrant petunias at any time. Admirers of Art Nouveau instead prefer wooden furniture and bedspreads made from natural fabrics, which are convenient for decorating window openings. But lovers of the oriental style create stained glass windows of unspeakable beauty through frosted and colored glass.

The minimum shelf life of a wooden gazebo is 15 years. But if from time to time the wood is treated with bitumen and alkyd impregnations, the natural processes of destruction can be delayed.