Installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems - file n1.doc. TTK


  • TTK - Installation of interior wall panels (partitions) (Document)
  • Pashkov L.D. Cutting and manufacturing of industrial ventilation ducts (Document)
  • Zhuravlev B.A. Structural elements of heat supply and ventilation systems (Document)
  • TTK External pipelines. Labor process maps (KTP). Outdoor piping (Document)
  • V.A. Kostryukov Collection of examples of calculation for heating and ventilation (part 2) Ventilation (Document)
  • Drozdov V.F. Heating and ventilation. Part 2 Ventilation (Document)
  • TTK. Brickwork of external walls and internal partitions with lintels installation (Document)
  • Typical technological map (TTK). Brickwork of external walls and internal partitions with installation of lintels (Document)
  • n1.doc




    1.1. A typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as the TTK) was developed for a set of works on the installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems.

    1.2. A typical technological map is intended for use in the development of Projects for the production of work (PPR), Projects for the organization of construction (POS), other organizational and technological documentation, as well as for the purpose of familiarizing workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of installation work.

    1.3. The purpose of creating the presented TTK is to give a recommended flow diagram for the installation work, to show the composition and content of the TTK, examples of filling out the necessary tables.

    1.4. On the basis of the TTK, as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the Project for the production of works), Working flow charts are developed for the performance of certain types of installation work.

    When linking a Typical technological map to a specific object and construction conditions, production schemes, volumes of work, labor costs, mechanization means, materials, equipment, etc. are specified.

    1.5. All Working flow charts are developed according to the working drawings of the project, they regulate the means of technological support and the rules for the implementation of technological processes in the production of installation work.

    1.6. The regulatory framework for the development of technological maps are: SNiP, SN, SP, GESN-2001 ENiR, production rates of material consumption, progressive local rates and prices, labor costs, rates of consumption of material and technical resources.

    1.7. Working flow charts are considered and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction and Installation Organization, in agreement with the Customer's organization, the Customer's Technical Supervision and the organizations in charge of the operation of this building, structure.

    1.8. The use of TTK contributes to improving the organization of production, increasing labor productivity and its scientific organization, reducing costs, improving quality and reducing the duration of construction, safe performance of work, organization of rhythmic work, rational use of labor resources and machines, as well as shortening the development time for PPR and unification of technological solutions ...

    1.9. The work carried out in sequence during the installation of the supply ventilation system includes:

    Collection of manufactured ventilation parts;

    Installation of the ventilation system according to the design scheme;

    Ventilation system commissioning.

    1.10. Ventilation - controlled air exchange in rooms serves mainly to create air conditions favorable to human health, meeting the requirements of the technological process, preserving equipment and building structures, storing materials and products.

    1.11. A person, depending on the type of activity (energy costs), releases heat (100 kcal / hour and more), water vapor (40-70 g / hour) and carbon dioxide (23-45 l / hour) into the ambient air; production processes can be accompanied by immeasurably large emissions of heat, water vapor, harmful vapors, gases and dust. As a result, the air in the room loses its hygienic qualities, favorable for the well-being, health and performance of a person.

    Hygienic requirements for ventilation are reduced to maintaining certain meteorological conditions of the air (temperature, humidity and mobility) and its purity.

    1.12. The essence of ventilation is as follows: the supply air is mixed with the air of the room, and as a result of the heat exchange or mass exchange in the room, the given air parameters are created.

    1.13. Work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    SNiP 3.01.01-85 *. Organization of construction production;

    SNiP 3.05.01-85. Internal sanitary systems;

    SNiP 3.05.05-84. Process equipment and process pipelines;

    SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

    SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.


    2.1. In accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization of construction production", prior to the commencement of construction and installation (including preparatory) work at the facility, the General Contractor must obtain, in accordance with the established procedure, permission from the Customer to perform installation work. The basis for starting work can be the Certificate of Survey of Hidden Work on the preparation of premises for the installation of ventilation.

    2.2. Installation of ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the Working Design, the Project for the production of works and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers. Replacement of materials and equipment envisaged by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer.

    2.3. The requirements for the installation of ventilation systems are reduced to ensuring that the design parameters of the air environment in ventilated rooms are provided. This is achieved by maximum sealing of duct systems and equipment, the necessary sound insulation, proper conditions for operation, repair and replacement of equipment.

    Reducing the terms of assembly and assembly work, while maintaining their high quality, is achieved with high industrialization of work, which consists in the use of standard sections of ventilation chambers, blocks and units of air ducts (shaped parts - diffuser, confuser, elbows, tees, crosses; control devices - valves , dampers, throttling devices; fasteners; suspensions; brackets; brackets; flanges) factory-made or made in workshops with appropriate mechanical equipment. On-site, as a rule, only assemble the manufactured parts, using mechanisms for moving the workpieces and ventilation equipment.

    2.4. Prior to the installation of ventilation systems, the following works must be fully completed and accepted by the customer:

    Installation of interfloor floors, walls and partitions;

    Installation of foundations or sites for the installation of fans, air conditioners and other ventilation equipment;

    Building structures for ventilation chambers of supply systems;

    Waterproofing works in the places of installation of air conditioners, supply ventilation chambers, wet filters;

    Installation of floors (or appropriate preparation) in places where fans are installed on spring vibration isolators, as well as "floating" bases for installing ventilation equipment;

    Arrangement of supports for the installation of roof fans, exhaust shafts and deflectors on building surfaces;

    Preparation of holes in walls, partitions, ceilings and coverings necessary for laying air ducts;

    Arrangement of foundations, bases and sites for the installation of ventilation equipment;

    Application of auxiliary marks on the internal and external walls of all rooms equal to the design marks of the finished floor plus 500 mm;

    Plastering (or cladding) of wall surfaces and niches in places where air ducts are laid;

    Mounting openings in the walls and ceilings were prepared for the supply of large-sized equipment and air ducts, and crane-beams were mounted in the ventilation chambers;

    Installed in accordance with the working documentation embedded parts in building structures for fixing equipment and air ducts;

    It is possible to turn on power tools, as well as electric welding machines at a distance of not more than 50 m from one another;

    Glazed window openings in outer fences, insulated entrances and openings;

    Measures have been taken to ensure the safe performance of installation work.

    Acceptance of the object for installation must be carried out by employees of the installation organization according to the act.

    2.5. When accepting an object for installation, the following should be checked:

    compliance with all requirements of SNiP and current technical conditions;

    availability and correct execution of acts for hidden work;

    geometric dimensions and links to building structures of foundations for ventilation equipment and air conditioners, support structures on the roof of the building for installing roof fans and deflectors, openings for the passage of air ducts, assembly openings;

    correct installation of embedded parts;

    installation of fences for openings, floorings and canopies.

    2.6. Loading of blanks onto vehicles at procurement enterprises should be carried out by the enterprise, unloading at the facility - by the assembly site.

    2.7. When transporting air ducts, depending on their type and dimensions, it should be provided:

    for air ducts of small cross-sections - containerization or packaging;

    for large air ducts - telescopic installation;

    for semi-finished products - special packaging.

    2.8. It is recommended to carry out loading and unloading and rigging operations at the facilities with the maximum use of mechanization means with the help of workers who are part of the assembly teams.

    2.9. To work on lifting and moving loads, persons who are at least 18 years old who have passed special training under the rigging program and have received an appropriate certificate are allowed.

    2.10. Winches, lift trucks, truck cranes, jib cranes on pneumatic-wheel and caterpillar tracks, tower and gantry cranes should be used as mechanized lifting equipment at sites.

    2.11. Slinging of air ducts and ventilation equipment is recommended to be carried out with inventory lifting devices.

    Slings should be selected depending on the type, weight of the load being lifted and the method of slinging. The most common slings are shown in Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. Slings
    and- lightweight sling with loops; b- lightweight sling with hooks;

    in- four-branch sling

    2.12. The load to be lifted should be kept from rotation by guy lines made from hemp ropes with a diameter of 20-25 mm or by guy lines made from steel ropes with a diameter of 8-12 mm. For horizontal elements of ventilation systems (enlarged units of air ducts), two guys should be used, for vertical ones (sections of air conditioners, roof fans, air ducts, etc.) - one.

    The most common slinging methods are shown in Figure 2-24.

    Fig. 2. Slinging VPA-40

    Fig. 3. Slinging of an autonomous air conditioner KTR-1-2.0-0.46

    Fig. 4. Slinging of radial (centrifugal) fans version N 1

    Fig. 5. Slinging of fans Ts4-70 N 6-8 version N 1

    Fig. 6. Slinging of fans Ts4-70 N 6-8 version N 6

    Fig. 7. Slinging of fans Ts4-70 N 10, 12.5

    Fig. 8. Slinging of the upper part of the fan casing Ts4-76 N 16, 20

    Fig. 9. Slinging of the lower part of the fan casing Ts4-76 N 16, 20

    Fig. 10. Slinging of a shaft with a frame of fans Ts4-76 N 16, 20

    Fig.11. Slinging an axial fan

    Fig. 12. Slinging an axial fan

    Fig.13. Fan slinging VKR-6,

    Fig. 14. Slinging of the air-thermal curtain А6,3 STD 729.00.00.001

    Fig. 15. Scrubber sling

    Fig. 16. Slinging cyclone type TsN

    Fig. 17. Slinging of packing of the irrigation chamber OKF

    Fig. 18. Slinging the package of the air handling unit drive

    Fig. 19. Slinging the packing of the wheel and the guide vane in the casing

    Fig. 20. Slinging packing of air filter FR-3

    Fig. 21. Slinging valve packing

    Fig. 22. Slinging packaging of cameras KO and VK

    Fig. 23. Slinging the duct

    Fig.24. Slinging an enlarged unit lifted in a vertical position

    2.13. The method of installation of air ducts should be chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), location relative to structures (inside or outside the building, against the wall, near the columns, in the interfarm space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-storey , industrial, public, etc.).

    2.14. Flexible air ducts made of fiberglass SPL, metal fabric, aluminum foil, etc., should be used as fittings of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, silencers and other devices located in false ceilings, chambers, etc. flexible air ducts as straight links are not allowed.

    In order to reduce aerodynamic drag, parts from flexible hoses in the mounted position must have a minimum compression ratio.

    2.15. Installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, in enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

    marking of installation sites for fastening means for air ducts;

    installation of fasteners;

    coordination with the builders of the locations and methods of fastening the lifting equipment;

    delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

    checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

    assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

    installation of the unit in the design position and fixing it;

    installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    2.16. The length of the unit is determined by the dimensions of the section and the type of connection of the air ducts, the conditions of installation and the availability of lifting equipment.

    The length of the enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    2.17. Diagrams of the organization of the working area during the installation of air ducts are given in Fig. 25-28.

    Fig. 25. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing air ducts along the outer wall of the building
    1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - autohydraulic lift; 4 - traverse; 5 - guy line; 6 - block

    Fig. 26. Work area organization diagram when installing horizontal ducts in a building
    1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 4 - pendants

    Fig. 27. Scheme of the organization of the working area during the installation of horizontal air ducts on the overpass
    1 - enlarged unit of the air duct; 2 - traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - auto-hydraulic lift

    Fig. 28. The scheme of the organization of the working area when installing vertical air ducts along the outer wall of the building
    1 - enlarged unit of the air duct; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch;

    4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - stretching

    2.18. During the installation of air ducts, operational control must be carried out in accordance with the Operational Control Card.

    Operational control card for the installation of metal air ducts

    Table 1

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

    Checking the completeness of the ventilation system (availability of regulating devices, fasteners, etc.)


    Permanent 100%. Visually. Compliance with the picking list, sketches

    Marking of installation sites for fixing air ducts

    Installation step of fasteners in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

    Roulette 10 m

    Plumb line 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Drilling holes in building structures

    Drilling depth

    Steel meter

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fasteners

    Fastening strength


    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Assembly into enlarged units of parts of air ducts, regulating and air distribution

    Devices on site

    Correctness of assembly in accordance with the project. Tightness of connections


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Ascent to the design level and interconnection of enlarged units of air ducts with preliminary fastening

    The position of transverse seams and detachable duct connections relative to building structures. Verticality of risers. Absence of kinks, curvature in straight sections of air ducts

    Plumb line 200 g

    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Alignment of the mounted air ducts and their final fixing

    The horizontal installation of the air ducts and the observance of the slopes in the distribution sections of the air ducts. Density of coverage of the duct with clamps. Reliability and appearance of fasteners

    Metal meter, tape 10 m, level 300 mm

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Connection of air ducts to ventilation equipment

    Correctness of installation of soft inserts (no slack)


    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Testing the operation of regulating devices

    Smooth operation of regulating devices

    Output 100%. Visually

    2.19. The fans must be installed in the following sequence:

    acceptance of ventilation chambers;

    delivery of the fan or its individual parts to the installation site;

    installation of lifting equipment;

    slinging of the fan or individual parts;

    lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

    fan installation (fan assembly) on supporting structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

    checking the correct installation and assembly of the fan;

    fixing the fan to supporting structures;

    checking the fan operation.

    2.20. During the installation of fans, operational control must be carried out in accordance with the Operational Control Cards.

    Operational control chart of installation of centrifugal fans

    table 2

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Supply of the fan unit to the installation site

    Checking the availability and quality of component parts


    Installation of the frame on the stands. Installation of vibration isolators under the frame

    Horizontal foundation, frame

    Level 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fans on a frame with vibration isolators

    Pulley vertical, shaft horizontal

    Plumb line 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Assembly of fans on the frame:

    Installing the fan base

    Installing the lower fan cowl

    Installation of the turbine with fastening of its bed to the frame

    Input setting

    Branch pipe

    Fastening strength. Clearance between the edge of the front disc of the impeller and the edge of the inlet. Fixing strength


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Installation of the upper part of the casing and connection on the flanges of individual parts of the fan casing

    Connection tightness


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Adjustment and final fastening of vibration isolators to the frame

    Uniform settlement of vibration isolators. The strength of fastening vibration isolators to the frame


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Balancing the turbine before starting

    Correct position of the turbine wheel


    Permanent 100%. (when scrolling, the risks should not match)

    Installing the skid and the electric motor on the skid

    Parallelism of the sled. The strength of the fastening of the electric motor to the slide. The strength of the connection between the electric motor and the fan.

    Parallelism of the axes of the fan and motor shafts.

    Ease of rotation of the shafts of the fan and electric motor

    Level 300 mm


    100%. Visually
    Visual, freehand testing

    Installing a belt drive on pulleys. Belt drive guard

    Alignment of grooves for V-belts of fan and motor pulleys. Correct belt tension

    Cord (tension of the cord in the plane of the ends of the pulleys), steel meter, testing by hand

    Permanent 100%

    Connection of air ducts to the fan with the installation of flexible connectors

    Tightness of connections. No slack in flexible joints


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Operational control card for mounting axial fans

    Table 3

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Quality (no mechanical damage), completeness


    Permanent 100%. Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Installation of the fan unit on metal brackets. Fan mount

    The strength of the supporting structures. Fastening strength of the fan to the supporting structures.

    Verticality, horizontal

    Plumb line

    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Checking fan operation

    The gap between the ends of the blades and the shells.

    Correct direction and ease of rotation of the impeller


    Permanent 100%.
    Visual, freehand testing

    Operational control card for roof fans installation
    Table 4

    Supply of a fan complete with an electric motor to the installation site

    Completeness, quality (no mechanical damage)


    Permanent 100%. Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Checking the horizontal position of the cup support flange


    Level 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Connecting the self-opening valve to the fan

    Ease of valve movement


    Permanent 100%. Visual, freehand testing

    Installation of the fan housing on the glass with fastening with anchor bolts

    Fastening strength of the fan to the supporting structures. The verticality of the shaft.

    Ease of rotation of the shafts of the fan and electric motor.

    Clearance between inlet and impeller

    Plumb line

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Freehand testing
    Permanent 100%

    Checking fan operation

    Correct direction of wheel rotation


    Permanent 100%. Visually (according to the project)

    2.21. After the completion of the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, pre-start individual and complex tests are carried out, which should be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01-85 and SNiP 3.05.05-84.

    Participation of representatives of ventilation, electrical installation organizations and the customer in individual tests is mandatory and is documented by appropriate entries in the "Journal of applications for scrolling the electric drive together with the mechanism".

    Individual tests of ventilation equipment at idle mode are carried out by the installation organization under the guidance of a dedicated engineer and technical worker.

    To carry out individual tests of ventilation equipment, the customer appoints a responsible person authorized to give orders for the supply and removal of voltage from electrical installations. The start of electric motors during testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems is carried out by a representative of the electrical installation organization.

    Complex testing of equipment is carried out by the customer with the participation of representatives of design and construction contractors. Installation specialized organizations, together with operating personnel, provide round-the-clock duty to monitor the operation and proper operation of the equipment.

    Individual tests of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed only after the complete assembly and installation of ventilation equipment, installation of guards for moving parts, checking the condition of electrical wiring, grounding and correct power connection.

    Before starting a comprehensive test and adjustment of the ventilation and air conditioning system, it is necessary to make sure that there are no people in the air conditioners and supply chambers, as well as remove all foreign objects and tools from air ducts, filters, cyclones.

    If during the production of pre-start tests of ventilation and air conditioning systems, extraneous noise or vibration of the equipment is found that exceeds the permissible value, the tests should be stopped immediately.

    After disconnecting from the power supply of the ventilation equipment, it is impossible to climb and enter into air ducts, bunkers and shelters until the equipment comes to a complete stop.

    After the end of pre-start tests and adjustments, as well as during breaks (end of work, lunch), the ventilation equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.

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    Typical flow chart for installation and
    installation of internal ventilation systems and
    air conditioning with supply and exhaust
    installations and equipment systems

    Typical technological map

    Project code: 1012/40

    Explanatory note

    2012 r.

    1. General data. 2

    2. Organization and technology of the construction process. 2

    2.1. Materials and manufacture of air ducts. 2

    2.2. Preparatory work .. 4

    2.2.1. General Provisions. 4

    2.2.2. Delivery, warehousing and storage of elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems. 4

    2.3. Works of the main period. Installation .. 8

    2.3.1. Installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems. General Provisions. eight

    2.3.2. Installation of air ducts. nine

    2.3.3. Installation of fans. ten

    2.3.4. Installation of equipment for refrigeration systems. eleven

    2.4. Testing and commissioning ... 11

    2.4.1. Testing and commissioning of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems. eleven

    2.4.2. Testing of refrigeration systems. 12

    3. Requirements for the quality and acceptance of works. 12

    3.1. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air ducts. 13

    3.2. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of fans. sixteen

    3.3. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air conditioners. 18

    4. Requirements for safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety. 18

    5. The need for material and technical resources. 22

    6. Technical and economic indicators. 23


    This technological map is designed for the installation and installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems with air handling units and equipment for refrigeration systems in industrial, administrative, public and residential buildings.

    The technological map was drawn up taking into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    Air ducts made of thin sheet roofing steel with a diameter and size of the larger side up to 2000 mm should be made:

    Spiral-lock or longitudinal seam on rebates;

    Spiral welded or longitudinal welded.

    Air ducts made of thin sheet roofing steel with a side size of more than 2000 mm should be made panel (welded, glued).

    Air ducts from metal-plastic should be made on folds, and from stainless steel, titanium, as well as from sheet aluminum and its alloys - on folds or by welding.

    Air ducts made of sheet aluminum and its alloys with a thickness of up to 1.5 mm should be performed on folds, with a thickness of 1.5 to 2 mm - on folds or welding, and with a sheet thickness of more than 2 mm - on welding.

    Longitudinal folds on air ducts made of thin sheet roofing and stainless steel and sheet aluminum with a diameter or size of a larger side of 500 mm and more must be fixed at the beginning and end of the duct link by spot welding, electric rivets, rivets or bulging.

    Folds on air ducts with any metal thickness and manufacturing method should be cut off.

    The end sections of the seam seams at the ends of the air ducts and in the air distribution openings of the metal-plastic air ducts must be fixed with aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments defined by the working documentation.

    Seam seams should have the same width along their entire length and be evenly and tightly upset.

    In rebated air ducts, as well as in cutting plans, there should be no cross-shaped joints of seams.

    On straight sections of rectangular air ducts with a side cross-section of more than 400 mm, it is necessary to constructively perform rigidity in the form of bends (ridge) with a step of 300 - 500 mm along the perimeter of the air duct or diagonal bends (ridge). If the side is more than 1000 mm and the length is more than 1000 mm, in addition, external stiffening frames must be installed, with a step of no more than 1250 mm. Stiffening frames must be securely fixed by spot welding, rivets or self-tapping screws.

    Stiffening frames should be installed on metal-plastic air ducts using aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments defined by the working documentation.

    Elements of fittings should be connected to each other on zigzags, folds, welding, rivets.

    Elements of fittings made of metal-plastic should be joined together on folds.

    Zig joints for systems transporting air with high humidity or with an admixture of explosive dust are not allowed.

    The connection of the sections should be performed:

    for round air ducts in a flangeless way (nipple / sleeve), shroud connection or on flanges;

    for rectangular ducts: busbar (large / small) or on flanges. The connections must be strong and tight.

    Fastening the tire to the air duct should be done with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, self-tapping screws (in the absence of fibrous components in the moving medium), spot welding, bulging every 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four. The inner corners of the tire should be filled with sealant.

    Fastening of flanges to air ducts should be carried out by flanging with a persistent ridge, by welding, spot welding, on rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, or self-tapping screws (in the absence of fibrous components in the transported medium), placed every 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four.

    Regulating devices (dampers, throttle valves, dampers, regulating elements of air distributors, etc.) must be easy to close and open, and also be fixed in a given position.

    Air ducts made of non-galvanized steel, their connecting fasteners (including the inner surfaces of the flanges) must be primed (painted) at the procurement company in accordance with the working documentation. The final painting of the outer surface of the air ducts is carried out by specialized construction organizations after their installation.

    Ventilation blanks must be completed with parts for their connection and fastening means.

    2.2. Preparatory work

    2.2.1. General Provisions

    Installation must be carried out by industrial methods from air duct assemblies and equipment supplied as a complete set of large blocks.

    Installation of systems should be carried out when the facility is ready for construction (seizure) in the amount of:

    For industrial buildings - the whole building with a volume of up to 5000 m 3 and part of the building with a volume of over 5000 m 3;

    For residential and public buildings up to five floors - a separate building, one or more sections; over five floors - five floors of one or more sections.

    Another scheme of installation organization is possible, depending on the adopted structural scheme.

    2.3.2. Installation of air ducts

    The method of installation of air ducts should be chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), location relative to structures (near the wall, near columns, in the interfarm space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (one- or multi-storey, industrial, public and etc.).

    Flexible air ducts made of fiberglass SPL, metal fabric, aluminum foil, etc., should be used as fittings of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, silencers and other devices located in false ceilings, chambers, etc. flexible air ducts are not allowed as straight links.

    In order to reduce aerodynamic drag, parts from flexible sleeves in the mounted position must have a minimum compression ratio.

    The installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, in enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

    Marking of installation sites for fastening means for air ducts;

    Installation of fasteners;

    Coordination with the builders of the locations and methods of fastening the lifting equipment;

    Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

    Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

    Assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

    Installation of the unit in the design position and fixing it;

    Installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    The length of the unit is determined by the dimensions of the section and the type of connection of the air ducts, the conditions of installation and the availability of lifting equipment.

    The length of enlarged horizontal air duct units connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    Diagrams of the organization of the working area during the installation of air ducts are given in Fig. 9 - 10.

    Figure: 9. Diagram of the organization of the working area when installing air ducts
    along the outer wall of the building

    1 - console with a block; 2 - winch; 3 - auto-hydraulic lift;
    4 - traverse; 5 - guy line; 6 - block

    Figure: 10. Diagram of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal
    air ducts in the building

    1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged unit of the air duct; 4 - pendants

    2.3.3. Fan installation

    The fans must be installed in the following sequence:

    Acceptance of ventilation chambers premises;

    Delivery of the fan or its individual parts to the installation site;

    Installation of lifting equipment;

    Slinging the fan or individual parts;

    Lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

    Fan installation (fan assembly) on supporting structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

    Checking the correct installation and assembly of the fan

    Fastening the fan to the supporting structures;

    Checking the fan operation.

    During the installation of fans, a step-by-step operational control must be carried out in accordance with the operational control cards.

    2.3.4. Installation of equipment for refrigeration systems

    Installation of equipment for refrigeration systems should be carried out in the following sequence:

    Acceptance of premises or sites for equipment;

    Delivery of the installation or its individual parts to the installation site;

    Installation of lifting equipment;

    Slinging of the installation or its individual parts;

    Lifting and horizontal movement of equipment to the installation site;

    Installation (assembly) of equipment on supporting structures (foundation, site);

    Checking the correctness of installation and assembly of equipment;

    Fixing the unit to supporting structures;

    Commissioning works

    Equipment operation check.

    2.4. Testing and commissioning

    Upon completion of the installation work, the internal systems must be tested by the contractors. Tests should be carried out before finishing work begins.

    Commissioning works are performed after completion of construction and installation works, during the preparation and transfer of systems into operation. As a rule, they consist of individual tests and comprehensive testing.

    Comprehensive testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems of a building (structure, etc.) is carried out according to the program and schedule developed by the general contractor or on his behalf by the commissioning organization. The results of comprehensive tests are documented in the form of an act.

    2.4.1. Testing and commissioning of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems

    The final stage of installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems is commissioning and commissioning of systems. Acceptance of works is carried out in the following sequence:

    Survey of hidden works;

    Individual testing of ventilation equipment (running in);

    Delivery for pre-start tests and adjustment.

    Air ducts and

    ventilation equipment hidden in mines, suspended ceilings, etc. The results of the acceptance of works hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the design and regulatory documentation, are drawn up by acts of inspection of hidden works.

    Check the tightness of the air duct sections hidden by building structures using the aerodynamic test method (if the requirements are specified in the working project); based on the results of a leak test, draw up an inspection report for hidden works.

    Individual tests of ventilation equipment (running-in) are carried out in order to check the efficiency of electric motors and the absence of mechanical defects in rotating elements of the equipment. As a rule, running-in is carried out after the equipment has been installed with the duct network connected. In cases of installing large-sized equipment in hard-to-reach places (roofs of buildings, basements, etc.), it is recommended to run in before the equipment is delivered to the installation site (at the production base or directly at the construction site).

    When running-in equipment with an unconnected mains, it is prohibited to switch on without creating an artificial resistance (plug 3/4 of the inlet opening).

    The ventilation equipment is run-in for 1 hour, or by checking the current values \u200b\u200bof the motor operating in operation.

    The discrepancy between the readings should not exceed 10% of the current values I n indicated on the engine.

    In the absence of power supply to ventilation units and air conditioning according to a permanent scheme, the general contractor is responsible for connecting electricity according to a temporary scheme and checking the serviceability of starting devices.

    Based on the results of testing (running-in) ventilation equipment, an individual equipment test certificate is drawn up (Appendix E, SP 73.13330.2012).

    When adjusting ventilation and air conditioning systems for the design air consumption, you should perform:

    Check the compliance of the actual design of ventilation and air conditioning systems with the design documentation and the requirements of SP 73.13330.2012;

    Testing of fans during their operation in the network, checking the compliance of the actual technical characteristics with the passport data, including: air flow and total pressure, rotation speed, power consumption, etc.;

    Checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture carryover through the drip catchers of the irrigation chambers or air coolers;

    Determination of the flow rate and resistance of dust collecting devices;

    Checking the operation of natural ventilation exhaust devices;

    Testing and adjusting the ventilation network of systems in order to achieve design indicators for air flow in air ducts, local suction, air exchange in rooms and determination of air leaks or losses in systems.

    Deviations of indicators for air consumption from those provided for in the design documentation after adjustment and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed:

    Within ± 8% - according to the air flow passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general ventilation and air conditioning installations, provided that the required backpressure (vacuum) of air in the room is ensured;

    Up to +8% - according to the air flow rate removed through local suction and supplied through the spray nozzles.

    For each ventilation and air conditioning system, a passport is issued in two copies (Appendix G, SP 73.13330.2012).

    2.4.2. Refrigeration systems testing

    Testing of water cooling systems should be carried out with the heat generators and expansion vessels turned off by the hydrostatic method with a pressure equal to 1.5 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2) at the lowest point of the system.

    The system is recognized as having passed the test if, within 5 minutes of keeping it under test pressure:

    The pressure drop will not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf / cm 2);

    There are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and equipment.


    Quality control of work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of the construction organization or engaged from outside, equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control.

    Quality control of work is carried out at all stages of the technological chain, starting from the development of the project and ending with its implementation at the facility on the basis of PPR and flow charts. Quality control should include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual installation processes or production operations and assessment of the conformity of the work performed.

    During the incoming inspection of the working documentation, its completeness and the sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the production of work are checked.

    During the incoming inspection of products, materials and equipment, it is checked by external examination that they comply with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documents, as well as the presence and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.

    3.1. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air ducts

    Air ducts should be installed in accordance with design references and elevations. The connection of air ducts to the technological equipment should be carried out after its installation.

    Air ducts intended for transporting humidified air should be installed so that there are no longitudinal seams in the lower part of the air ducts.

    Air duct sections where dew may fall out of the transported moist air should be laid with a slope of 0.01 - 0.015 towards the drainage devices.

    Spacers between busbars or duct flanges must not protrude into the ductwork.

    Gaskets should be made of the following materials: foam rubber, tape porous or monolithic rubber with a thickness of 4 - 5 mm, polymer mastic bundle (PMZH) - for air ducts through which air, dust or waste materials move with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C) ...

    To seal flangeless air duct connections, use:

    Sealing tape of the "Guerlain" type - for air ducts through which air moves with temperatures up to 313 K (40 ° C);

    Mastic such as "Buteprol", Silicone and other certified sealants - for circular air ducts with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C);

    Heat-shrinkable cuffs, self-adhesive tapes - for circular air ducts with temperatures up to 333 K (60 ° C);

    Other sealing materials specified in the working documentation.

    The bolts in the flange connections should be tightened, all bolt nuts should be on the same side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, the nuts should generally be on the underside of the joint.

    Fastening of air ducts should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

    Fasteners of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts (clamps, hangers, supports, etc.) on a bandage flangeless connection should be installed:

    At a distance of no more than 4 m from one another with circular duct diameters or dimensions of the larger side of a rectangular duct less than 400 mm.

    At a distance of no more than 3 m from one another - with diameters of a circular duct or dimensions of the larger side of a rectangular duct of 400 mm or more.

    Fasteners of horizontal metal uninsulated air ducts on a flange, nipple (coupling) connection should be installed at a distance of no more than 6 m from one another:

    For circular cross-sections up to 2000 mm diameter,

    For rectangular section on flanges, bus on flange connection of circular section with a diameter up to 2000 mm or rectangular section with dimensions of its larger side up to 2000 mm inclusive.

    The distances between the fasteners of insulated metal air ducts of any cross-sectional size, as well as non-insulated air ducts with a circular cross-section with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular cross-section with dimensions of its larger side over 2000 mm, should be assigned by working documentation.

    The fastening of the nipple (coupling) should be carried out with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm every 150 - 200 mm of a circle, but not less than three.

    The clamps should fit tightly around the metal ducts.

    Mounts for vertical metal ducts should be installed at a distance of no more than 4.5 m from one another.

    Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings with a floor height of up to 4.5 m should be carried out in the interfloor ceilings.

    Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside rooms with a floor height of more than 4.5 m and on the roof of a building should be determined by working documentation.

    Fastening of guy wires and hangers directly to the duct flanges is not allowed. The tension of the adjustable hangers must be uniform.

    The deviation of the ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of the duct length.

    Freely suspended air ducts should be braced by installing double hangers every two single hangers with a suspension length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

    For hanger lengths over 1.5 m, double hangers should be installed through each single hanger.

    Air ducts should be reinforced so that their weight is not transferred to the ventilation equipment.

    Air ducts should generally be connected to fans through vibration-damping flexible inserts made of fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

    Anti-vibration flexible inserts should be installed immediately prior to individual testing.

    When making straight sections of air ducts from a polymer film, bends of the air ducts no more than 15 ° are allowed.

    To pass through the enclosing structures, the plastic film duct must have metal inserts.

    Air ducts made of plastic film should be suspended on steel rings made of wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from one another.

    The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the duct. Steel rings should be fastened with a wire or plate with a cutout to a load-bearing cable (wire) with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, stretched along the axis of the duct and fixed to the building structures every 20 - 30 m.

    To exclude longitudinal displacements of the duct when it is filled with air, the polymer film should be stretched until the slack between the rings disappears.

    Table 1. Map of operational control of the installation of metal air ducts

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

    Checking the completeness of the ventilation system (availability of regulating devices, fasteners, etc.)

    Permanent 100%. Visually. Compliance with the picking list, sketches

    Marking of installation sites for fixing air ducts

    Installation step of fasteners in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

    Roulette I \u003d 10 m

    Plumb line M \u003d 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Drilling depth

    Steel meter

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fasteners

    Fastening strength

    Permanent 100%.


    Assembly into enlarged units of parts of air ducts, regulating and air distribution devices at the site

    Correctness of assembly in accordance with the project. Tightness of connections


    Permanent 100%

    Ascent to the design level and interconnection of enlarged units of air ducts with preliminary fastening

    Position of transverse seams and detachable duct connections relative to building structures. Verticality of risers. Absence of kinks, curvature in straight sections of air ducts

    Plumb line M \u003d 200 g


    Permanent 100%

    Alignment of the mounted air ducts and their final fixing

    Horizontal installation of air ducts and compliance with slopes in the distribution areas of the air ducts. Density of coverage of the duct with clamps. Reliability and appearance of fasteners

    Metal meter, tape measure I \u003d 10 m, level I \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%.


    Connection of air ducts to ventilation equipment

    Correctness of installation of soft inserts (no slack)

    Permanent 100%.


    Testing the operation of regulating devices

    Smooth operation of regulating devices

    Output 100%.


    3.2. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of fans

    Radial fans on vibration bases and on a rigid base, installed on foundations, must be fixed with anchor bolts.

    When installing fans on spring vibration isolators, the latter must have a uniform settlement. There is no need to fasten vibration dampers to the floor.

    When installing fans on metal structures, vibration isolators should be attached to them. The elements of the metal structures to which vibration isolators are attached must match the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

    When installed on a rigid base, the fan frame must fit snugly against the sound insulating pads.

    The gaps between the edge of the front disc of the impeller and the edge of the inlet pipe of the radial fan, both in the axial and in the radial direction, must not exceed 1% of the impeller diameter.

    Shafts of radial fans should be installed horizontally (shafts of roof fans - vertically), vertical walls of casings of centrifugal fans should not be skewed or tilted.

    The gaskets for split fan shrouds should be of the same material as the gaskets for the ductwork of this system.

    The motors must be precisely aligned with the installed fans and secured. The axes of the pulleys of electric motors and fans with a belt drive must be parallel, and the center lines of the pulleys must coincide. The belts must be tensioned according to the manufacturer's requirements.

    The motor skids must be mutually parallel and level. The support surface of the slide must be in contact over the entire plane with the foundation.

    Couplings and belt drives must be protected.

    The fan suction opening, not connected to the air duct, must be protected with a metal mesh with a mesh size of not more than 70 × 70 mm.

    Table 2. Map of operational control of installation of centrifugal fans

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Supply of the fan unit to the installation site

    Checking the availability and quality of component parts

    Permanent 100%.

    Installation of the frame on the stands. Installation of vibration isolators under the frame

    The horizontality of the foundation, frame

    Level I\u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fans on a frame with vibration isolators

    Pulley vertical, shaft horizontal

    Plumb line M \u003d 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Assembly of fans on the frame: installation of the fan frame; installation of the lower part of the fan casing; installation of the turbine with fastening of its frame to the frame; installation of the inlet pipe

    Fastening strength. Clearance between the edge of the front disc of the impeller and the edge of the inlet. Fixing strength


    Permanent 100%

    Installation of the upper part of the casing and connection on the flanges of individual parts of the fan casing

    Connection tightness


    Permanent 100%

    Adjustment and final fastening of vibration isolators to the frame

    Uniform settlement of vibration isolators. The strength of fastening vibration isolators to the frame


    Permanent 100%

    Balancing the turbine before starting

    Correct position of the turbine wheel

    Permanent 100%.

    (when scrolling, the risks should not match)

    Installing the skid and the electric motor on the skid

    Parallelism of the sled. The strength of the fastening of the electric motor to the slide. The strength of the connection between the electric motor and the fan. Parallelism of the axes of the fan and motor shafts. Ease of rotation of the shafts of the fan and electric motor

    Level I \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Visual, freehand testing

    Installing a belt drive on pulleys. Belt drive guard

    Alignment of grooves for V-belts of fan and motor pulleys. Correct belt tension

    Cord (tension of the cord in the plane of the ends of the pulleys), steel meter, testing by hand

    Permanent 100%

    Connection of air ducts to the fan with the installation of flexible connectors

    Tightness of connections. No slack in flexible inserts


    Permanent 100%

    Table 3. Map of operational control of installation of axial fans

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Quality (no mechanical damage), completeness

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Installation of the fan unit on metal brackets. Fan mount

    The strength of the supporting structures. Fastening strength of the fan to the supporting structures. Verticality, horizontal

    Plumb line M \u003d 200 g


    Permanent 100%

    Checking fan operation

    The gap between the ends of the blades and the shells. Correct direction and ease of rotation of the impeller

    Permanent 100%.

    Visual, freehand testing

    Table 4. Map of operational control of installation of roof fans

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type

    Supply of a fan complete with an electric motor to the installation site

    Completeness, quality (no mechanical damage)

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Checking the horizontal position of the cup support flange


    Level I \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Connecting the self-opening valve to the fan

    Ease of valve movement

    Permanent 100%.

    Visual, freehand testing

    Installation of the fan housing on the glass with fastening with anchor bolts

    The strength of the fan fastening to the supporting structures. The verticality of the shaft. Ease of rotation of the shafts of the fan and electric motor. Clearance between inlet and impeller

    Plumb line M \u003d 200 g

    Permanent 100%.

    Visual Freehand Testing

    Permanent 100%

    Checking fan operation

    Correct direction of wheel rotation

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually (according to the project)

    3.3. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air conditioners

    Air conditioner air heaters should be assembled on gaskets made of certified material, with heat resistance corresponding to the temperature of the heating medium. The rest of the blocks, chambers and units of air conditioners should be assembled on gaskets made of tape rubber 3 - 4 mm thick, supplied with the equipment.

    Air conditioners must be installed horizontally. The walls of chambers and blocks should not have dents, distortions and slopes.

    The valve blades should turn freely (by hand). In the "Closed" position, a tight fit of the blades to the stops and to each other must be ensured.

    Supports of chambers and units of air conditioners should be installed vertically.

    Flexible air ducts should be used in accordance with the working documentation as fittings of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air diffusers, silencers and other devices located in false ceilings, chambers.

    The use of flexible air ducts as main air ducts is not allowed.

    Fastening of fan coil units, door closers, split systems should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers.


    Installation of ventilation ducts must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety, sanitation and occupational health, established by building codes and rules for occupational safety in construction.

    Before being admitted to work on the installation of ventilation ducts, heads of organizations are required to provide training and briefing on occupational safety at the workplace.

    Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination without contraindications to work at height, have professional skills, have been trained in safe methods and techniques of work and have received an appropriate certificate are allowed to work at heights.

    Individuals (workers and engineers and technicians) at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and recognized as fit for performance of steeplejack work, having experience of steeplejacking for at least one year and a wage category not lower than the third.

    Workers admitted to climbing work for the first time must work for one year under the direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by order of the organization.

    Electric welding works are allowed to persons who have undergone appropriate training, instruction and testing of knowledge of the rules of safe work with registration in a special magazine and having a qualification certificate. Persons with medical contraindications are not allowed to work on electric welding at height.

    To work with an electrified tool, persons are allowed at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, trained in the rules for using the tool, labor safety and have an electrical safety group of at least II, and for connecting and disconnecting electrical outlets with a group of at least III. All electrified tools are subject to registration and registration in a special journal. Each copy of the instrument must have a reference number. Monitoring the serviceability and timely repair of electrified tools is assigned to the department of the chief mechanic of the construction organization. Before issuing an electrified tool, it is necessary to check its serviceability (no short circuit to the case, insulation at the supply wires and handles, the condition of the working part of the tool) and its operation at idle speed.

    Responsibility for the correct organization of the safe conduct of work at the facility rests with the contractor and foreman.

    The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as drunken workers to the territory of the construction site, to production, sanitary premises and workplaces is prohibited.

    Work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment for refrigeration systems is carried out according to the permit for work in conditions of hazardous and (or) harmful production factors.

    Installation should be carried out only if there is a work production project, flow charts or wiring diagrams. In the absence of these documents, installation work is prohibited.

    The order of installation, determined by the work production project, must be such that the previous operation completely excludes the possibility of industrial hazards when performing subsequent ones. Installation of air ducts and equipment parts for ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems should, as a rule, be carried out in large blocks using lifting mechanisms.

    No people should be under the elements to be installed. Do not fix a suspended air duct or a block of air ducts for trusses, ceilings and other building structures in places not provided for by the work production project.

    Installation of air ducts from scaffolding, scaffolds and platforms must be carried out by at least two workers.

    Alignment of flange holes when connecting air ducts should be done only with mandrels. Do not use your fingers to check the alignment of the holes of the flanges to be connected.

    To prevent swinging or twisting of the lifted air duct blocks, hemp rope braces should be used.

    Installation work on ventilation ducts may only be carried out with serviceable tools. Wrenches must exactly match the size of nuts and bolts, have no bevels on the edges and no burrs on the handle. Do not unscrew or tighten the nuts with a wrench of large (compared to the head) sizes with a lining of metal plates between the faces of the nut and wrench, and also lengthen the wrenches by attaching another wrench or pipe.

    Workplaces and work areas during installation in the dark should be illuminated. Illumination should be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers. Work in unlit areas is not allowed.

    Before starting work on the installation of internal systems, places dangerous for work and the passage of people should be fenced, provided with inscriptions and signs, safety signs installed, and when working at night, indicate with light signals.

    When installing the air ducts, it is necessary to provide for the installation of fasteners for which the air duct installer can fix himself when working at height.

    The operation of construction machines (lifting mechanisms, small mechanization means), including maintenance, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 and the instructions of the manufacturers. In addition, the operation of lifting mechanisms must be carried out taking into account PB 10-382-00 "Rules for the construction and safe operation of lifting cranes".

    Places where electric welding works are performed with an open arc must be fenced off with fireproof screens, shields, etc.

    When electric welding works are carried out in the open air, sheds made of non-combustible materials should be erected over installations and welding stations. In the absence of sheds, electric welding work should be stopped during rain or snowfall.

    To protect against drops of molten metal and slag falling during electric welding, a dense platform covered with sheets of roofing iron or asbestos cardboard must be installed under the welding place in places where people pass.

    When installing ventilation ducts on roofs with a slope of more than 20 °, as well as regardless of the slope on wet and frosty or snow-covered roofs, workers should use safety belts, as well as ladders with a width of at least 0.3 m with transverse strips to support the legs; the ladders must be secured during operation.

    Loading and unloading operations should be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.002-75 *, GOST 12.3.009-76 *.

    Loading and unloading operations must be carried out in a mechanized way using lifting and transport equipment and small mechanization means. It is necessary to lift loads manually in exceptional cases, observing the norms established by the current documents.

    When loading and unloading ventilation air duct blanks and their parts, containers should be used. During lifting, lowering and moving of the container, workers should not be on it or inside it, as well as on adjacent containers.

    Slinging and unfastening of loads should be carried out in accordance with PB 10-382-00.

    The supply of materials, ventilation blanks, equipment to workplaces should be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of work. Workpieces and equipment should be stored at workplaces in such a way that they do not create a hazard during the performance of work, the passages are not constrained and it would be possible to assemble the air ducts into large blocks. It is necessary to monitor the correct placement of equipment and workpieces on the floors, avoiding concentration and not exceeding the permissible loads per 1 m 2 of the floor.

    Ventilation blanks should be stored in stacks no more than 2.5 m high on spacers and pads. Oversized and heavy equipment should be stored in one row on pads.

    The storage area for blanks and ventilation equipment at the construction site should be fenced and located in the area of \u200b\u200ban operating crane. The storage area should be planned, have slopes for water drainage, and in winter it should be cleared of snow and ice.

    Explosive or harmful paints and varnishes and other materials may be stored at workplaces in quantities not exceeding the replacement requirement. Such materials must be stored in tightly closed containers.

    Between stacks (racks) on sites and in warehouses, there should be at least 1 m wide passages and passages, the width of which depends on the dimensions of transport and handling facilities serving the warehouse or site.

    The heads of the installation organizations are obliged to provide workers, engineers and technical workers and employees with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements.

    All persons on the construction site are required to wear safety helmets. Workers and engineering workers without protective helmets and other necessary personal protective equipment are not allowed to perform work on the installation of air ducts.

    When working at heights, ventilation installers must always wear safety harnesses.

    Workers and employees receiving personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, safety belts, helmets, etc.) must be trained in how to use them.

    All work on the installation of ventilation ducts should be carried out in the presence and under the guidance of responsible engineers in accordance with the rules of production and acceptance of work in accordance with SP 73.13330. 2012 with strict observance of labor safety requirements according to:

    Flat square, triangular, round, semicircular files with notches No. 1, 2, 3

    Steel bench hammer

    Welder's shield

    Mounting and traction mechanism

    Rack jack

    Drilling machine

    Electric grinder

    Electric wrench

    Electric screwdriver

    Electric puncher

    Electric scissors

    Assembly device for moving loads

    Manual winch

    Hydraulic jack

    Blind riveting gun

    Safety steeplejack device


    Technical and economic indicators are calculated for the installation of air ducts.

    The composition of the complex team for the installation of air ducts, taking into account the possibility of combining professions, is shown in Table 6.

    Table 6 - Composition of the brigade

    As an example of the installation of ventilation ducts, we will take the installation of vertical air duct risers measuring 800 × 800 mm with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2 using a hand winch.

    Labor and machine time costs for the installation of ventilation ducts are calculated according to the "Uniform norms and prices for construction, installation and repair and construction work" (presented in table 7)

    Measurement unit 100 m 2 ventilation ducts.

    Table 14 - Calculation of labor costs and machine time

    Justification (ENiR and other norms)

    Scope of work

    Time rate

    Labor costs

    workers, man-hours

    workers, man-hours

    driver, man-hour (machine operation, machine-hour)

    E9-1-46 No. 1a

    Drilling holes with an electric drilling machine in building structures

    E1-2 Tab. 3 No. 1ab

    Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

    E10-5 Tab. 12 No. 4c

    Assembly of air ducts into enlarged blocks, installation of fastening means, lifting and installation of blocks, connection of an installed block with a previously mounted one, alignment and final fastening of the system

    E10-13 Tab. 2d Will apply.

    Installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts

    The duration of work on the installation of ventilation ducts is determined by the work schedule presented in Table 8.

    Technical and economic indicators are:

    Table 8 - Work schedule

    Name of technological processes

    Scope of work

    Labor costs

    The accepted composition of the link

    Process duration, h

    Work shifts

    workers, man-hours

    driver, man-hours, (work of machines, machine-hours)

    Working hours

    Drilling holes in building structures

    Ventilation systems installer

    Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

    Loader driver


    Assembly of air ducts into enlarged blocks, lifting and installing blocks, aligning and final fixing of the system

    Ventilation system installers

    Installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts

    Ventilation system installers



    I. SCOPE

    I. SCOPE

    1.1. A typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a complex organizational and technological document developed on the basis of methods of scientific organization of labor for performing a technological process and determining the composition of production operations using the most modern means of mechanization and methods of performing work according to a specific technology. The TTK is intended for use in the development of Work Projects (PPR) by construction departments.

    1.2. This TTK provides instructions on the organization and production technology of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems, the composition of production operations, requirements for quality control and acceptance of work, planned labor intensity, labor, production and material resources, measures for industrial safety and labor protection ...

    1.3. The regulatory framework for the development of a technological map is:

    - typical drawings;

    - building codes and regulations (SNiP, SN, SP);

    - factory instructions and specifications (TU);

    - norms and prices for construction and installation work (GESN-2001 ENiR);

    - production rates of consumption of materials (NPRM);

    - local progressive norms and prices, labor input rates, material and technical resources consumption rates.

    1.4. The purpose of creating the TTK is to describe solutions for the organization and production technology of work on the installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

    - reducing the cost of work;

    - reduction of construction time;

    - ensuring the safety of the work performed;

    - organization of rhythmic work;

    - rational use of labor resources and machines;

    - unification of technological solutions.

    1.5. On the basis of the TTK, as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the Project for the production of works), Working flow charts (RTK) are developed for the performance of certain types of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems.

    The design features of their implementation are decided in each specific case by the Working Draft. The composition and level of detail of the materials developed in the RTK are established by the relevant contractor construction organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed.

    RTK are considered and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction Organization.

    1.6. TTK can be tied to a specific object and construction conditions. This process consists in specifying the scope of work, means of mechanization, the need for labor and material and technical resources.

    The procedure for linking the TTK to local conditions:

    - consideration of map materials and selection of the desired option;

    - checking the compliance of the initial data (amount of work, time norms, brands and types of mechanisms, used building materials, the composition of the link of workers) to the adopted option;

    - adjusting the scope of work in accordance with the selected option for the production of work and a specific design solution;

    - recalculation of the calculation, technical and economic indicators, the need for machines, mechanisms, tools and material and technical resources in relation to the selected option;

    - design of the graphic part with a specific binding of mechanisms, equipment and devices in accordance with their actual dimensions.

    1.7. A typical technological map was developed for engineering and technical workers (work managers, foremen, foremen) and workers performing work in the II road-climatic zone, in order to familiarize (train) them with the rules for the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems, using the most modern means of mechanization, advanced designs and methods of work.

    The technological map was developed for the following scope of work:


    2.1. The technological map has been developed for a set of works on the installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems.

    2.2. Work on the installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems is carried out by a mechanized team in one shift, the duration of working hours during a shift is:

    2.3. The work performed in succession during the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems includes the following technological operations:

    - collection of manufactured ventilation parts;

    - installation of the ventilation system according to the design scheme;

    - commissioning of the ventilation system.

    2.4. The technological map provides for the performance of work by a complex mechanized unit, consisting of: mobile petrol power station Honda ET12000 (3-phase 380/220 V, N \u003d 11 kW, m \u003d 150 kg); welding generator (Honda) EVROPOWER ЕР-200Х2 (single-station, gasoline, P \u003d 200 A, H \u003d 230 V, weight m \u003d 90 kg); automotive jib crane KS-45717 (lifting capacity Q \u003d 25.0 t); mast hoist PMG-1B-76115 (lifting capacity Q \u003d 0.5 t, lifting height H \u003d 76 m, lifting speed V \u003d 0.31 m / s).

    Fig. 1. Power station

    Fig. 2. Welding generator

    Fig. 3. Mast lift

    Fig. 4. Cargo characteristics of the KS-45717 automotive jib crane

    Fig. 5. Electric grinder

    Fig. 6. Compressor Atlas Copco XAS 97

    2.5. The following building materials are used for the installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems: electrodes 4.0 mm E-42 according to GOST 9466-75; enamel PF-133 according to GOST 926-82 *; primer GF-021 according to GOST 25129-82.

    2.6. Work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems should be performed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    - ;

    - SNiP 3.05.01-85

    - SNiP 3.05.05-84. Process equipment and process pipelines;

    - STO NOSTROY 2.15.70-2012. Engineering networks of high-rise buildings. Installation of heat supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems;

    - STO NOSTROY 2.33.14-2011. Organization of construction production. General provisions;

    - STO NOSTROY 2.33.51-2011. Organization of construction production. Preparation and execution of construction and installation works;

    - SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

    - SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;

    - RD 11-02-2006. Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects and requirements for certificates of inspection of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

    - RD 11-05-2007. The procedure for maintaining a general and (or) a special journal of accounting for the performance of work during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects.


    3.1. In accordance with SP 48.13330.2001 "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Updated edition", prior to the commencement of construction and installation work at the facility, the Contractor is obliged to obtain from the Customer the design documentation and permission (order) for construction and installation work in the prescribed manner ... Performing work without permission (order) is prohibited.

    3.2. Before starting work on the installation of metal air ducts for internal ventilation systems, it is necessary to carry out a set of organizational and technical measures, including:

    - to develop a RTK or PPR for the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems and agree with all subcontractors and suppliers;

    - to resolve the main issues related to the material and technical support of construction;

    - appoint persons responsible for the safe performance of work, as well as their control and quality of performance;

    - instruct the members of the team on safety;

    - to establish temporary inventory household premises for storing building materials, tools, inventory, heating workers, eating, drying and storing work clothes, bathrooms, etc .;

    - to provide the site with working documentation approved for work;

    - develop schemes and arrange temporary access roads for traffic to the place of work and sites for placing materials and structures;

    - prepare machines, mechanisms and equipment for the production of work and deliver them to the object;

    - provide workers with manual machines, tools and personal protective equipment;

    - provide the construction site with fire-fighting equipment and signaling devices;

    - to fence off the construction site and put up warning signs illuminated at night;

    - to provide communication for operational dispatch control of the production of works;

    - deliver to the work area the necessary materials, devices, inventory, tools and means for the safe production of work;

    - to test the construction machines provided by the RTK or PPR;

    - draw up an act of readiness of the facility for the production of work;

    - Obtain permission from the technical supervision of the Customer to start production of work (clause RD 08-296-99).

    3.3. General Provisions

    3.3.1. Ventilation - controlled air exchange in premises, serves mainly to create air conditions favorable for human health, meeting the requirements of the technological process, preserving equipment and building structures, storing materials and products.

    3.3.2. A person, depending on the type of activity (energy costs), releases into the ambient air:

    - heat (100 Kcal / hour and more);

    - water vapor (40-70 g / hour);

    - carbon dioxide (23-45 l / h).

    Manufacturing processes can be accompanied by immeasurably large emissions of heat, water vapor, harmful vapors, gases and dust. As a result, the air in the room loses its hygienic qualities, favorable for the well-being, health and performance of a person.

    3.3.3. The hygienic requirements for ventilation are reduced to maintaining certain meteorological conditions of the air (temperature, humidity and mobility) and its purity.

    3.3.4. The essence of ventilation is as follows: the supply air is mixed with the air of the room, and as a result of the heat exchange or mass exchange in the room, the given air parameters are created.

    3.3.5. Installation of ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the Working Design, the Project for the production of works and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers. Replacement of materials and equipment envisaged by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer.

    3.3.6. The requirements for the installation of ventilation systems are reduced to ensuring that the design parameters of the air environment in ventilated rooms are provided. This is achieved by maximum sealing of duct systems and equipment, the necessary sound insulation, proper conditions for operation, repair and replacement of equipment.

    3.3.7. Reducing the time of assembly and assembly work, while maintaining their high quality, is achieved through high industrialization of work, which consists in the use of standard sections of ventilation chambers, blocks and units of air ducts (shaped parts - diffuser, confuser, elbows, tees, crosses; control devices - valves , dampers, throttling devices; fasteners; suspensions; brackets; brackets; flanges) factory-made or made in workshops with appropriate mechanical equipment. On-site, as a rule, only assemble the manufactured parts, using mechanisms for moving workpieces and ventilation equipment.

    3.4. Preparatory work

    3.4.1. Before starting the installation of ventilation systems, the following preparatory work must be performed:

    - the object was accepted by the workers of the installation organization according to the Act of technical readiness of the zero cycle for the installation of columns. The act must be accompanied by executive geodetic schemes with drawing the position of the foundations in plan and in height;

    - to transport and store columns at the on-site warehouse;

    - select columns and fittings that have passed the incoming inspection;

    - apply the risks of alignment axes on four edges at the level of the upper plane of the foundations in accordance with the project;

    - apply the risks of the installation, longitudinal axes on the lateral edges of the columns, at the level of the bottom of the columns. Risks are applied with a pencil or marker. It is unacceptable to make scratches or cuts on the surface of the columns;

    - deliver the necessary assembly means, devices and tools to the column installation area.

    3.4.2. When accepting an object for installation of ventilation systems, the following should be checked:

    - compliance with all requirements of SNiP and applicable technical conditions;

    - availability and correct execution of acts for hidden work;

    - geometrical dimensions and references to building structures of foundations for ventilation equipment and air conditioners, supporting structures on the roof of a building for installing roof fans and deflectors, openings for the passage of air ducts, and mounting openings;

    - correct installation of embedded parts;

    - arrangement of fences for openings, floorings and sheds.

    Acceptance of the object for installation must be carried out by employees of the installation organization according to the act.

    3.4.3. When transporting air ducts, depending on their type and dimensions, it should be provided:

    - for air ducts of small cross-sections - containerization or packing;

    - for air ducts of large cross-sections - telescopic installation;

    - for semi-finished products - special packaging.

    3.4.4. Loading and unloading and rigging operations at the facility are carried out with the help of workers who are part of the assembly teams. As a mechanized lifting equipment at the facility use automobile jib crane KS-45717 and mast hoist PMG-1B-76115 .

    3.4.6. Slinging of air ducts and ventilation equipment is recommended to be carried out with inventory lifting means. Slings should be selected depending on the type, weight of the load being lifted and the method of slinging. The most common slings are shown in Figure 7.

    Fig. 7. Slings

    and - lightweight sling with loops; b - lightweight sling with hooks; in - four-branch sling

    The load to be lifted should be kept from rotating by guy wires. For horizontal elements of ventilation systems (enlarged units of air ducts), two guys should be used, made of hemp ropes with a diameter of 20-25 mm or guys made of steel ropes with a diameter of 8-12 mm, for vertical ones (roof fans, air ducts, etc.) - one. The most common slinging methods are shown in fig. 8-fig. 26.

    Fig. 8. VPA-40

    Fig. 9. Radial fan

    Fig. 10. Slinging fans Ts4-70

    Fig. 11. Slinging the upper part of the fan casing Ts4-70

    Fig. 12. Slinging of the lower part of the fan casing Ts4-70

    Fig. 13. Slinging of a shaft with a frame of Ts4-70 fans

    Fig. 14. Slinging an axial fan

    Fig. 15. Fan VKR-6,3

    Fig. 16. Air-heat curtain А6,3

    Fig. 17. Scrubber

    Fig. 18. Cyclone type TsN

    Fig. 19. Irrigation chambers OKF

    Fig. 20. Air handling unit drive

    Fig. 21. Wheel and guide vane in the casing

    Fig. 22. Air filter FR-3

    Fig. 23. Slinging valve packing

    Fig. 24. Slinging packaging of cameras KO and VK

    Fig. 25. Slinging the duct

    Fig. 26. Slinging an enlarged unit

    3.4.7. The completion of the preparatory work is recorded in the General Work Log (the recommended form is given in RD 11-05-2007) and must be adopted according to the Act on the implementation of labor safety measures, drawn up in accordance with Appendix I, SNiP 12-03-2001.

    3.5. Installation of air ducts

    3.5.1. The method of installation of air ducts should be chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), placement relative to structures (inside or outside the building, near the wall, near the columns, in the interfarm space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-storey , industrial, public, etc.).

    3.5.2. Flexible air ducts made of fiberglass SPL, metal fabric, aluminum foil, etc., should be used as fittings of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, silencers and other devices located in false ceilings, chambers, etc. flexible air ducts are not allowed as straight links.

    In order to reduce aerodynamic drag, parts from flexible sleeves in the mounted position must have a minimum compression ratio.

    3.5.3. The installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, in enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

    - marking of places of installation of means for fastening air ducts;

    - installation of fastening means;

    - coordination with builders of locations and methods of fastening lifting equipment and their installation;

    - delivery of air duct parts to the installation site, check of completeness and quality;

    - assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

    - installation of the unit in the design position and fixing it;

    - installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    3.5.4. The length of the unit is determined by the dimensions of the section and the type of connection of the air ducts, the conditions of installation and the availability of lifting equipment.

    The length of enlarged horizontal air duct units connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    3.5.5. Diagrams of the organization of the working area during the installation of air ducts are given in Fig. 27-Fig. 30.

    Fig. 27. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing air ducts along the outer wall of the building

    1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - autohydraulic lift; 4 - traverse; 5 - guy line; 6 - block

    Fig. 28. Work area organization diagram when installing horizontal air ducts in a building

    1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged unit of the air duct; 4 - pendants

    Fig. 29. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts on the overpass

    1 2 - traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - auto-hydraulic lift

    Fig. 30. The scheme of the organization of the working area when installing vertical air ducts along the outer wall of the building

    1 - enlarged unit of the air duct; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch; 4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - stretching

    Fig. 31. Air handling unit diagram

    P1.3 - ventilation unit

    3.5.6. The fans must be installed in the following sequence:

    - acceptance of ventilation chambers premises;

    - delivery of the fan or its individual parts to the installation site;

    - installation of lifting equipment;

    - slinging of the fan or individual parts;

    - lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

    - fan installation (fan assembly) on supporting structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

    - checking the correct installation and assembly of the fan;

    - fixing the fan to the supporting structures;

    - checking the fan operation.

    3.5.7. The air ducts are installed regardless of the availability of technological equipment in accordance with the design references and marks. The connection of air ducts to the technological equipment should be carried out after its installation.

    3.5.8. Air ducts intended for transporting humidified air should be installed so that there are no longitudinal seams in the lower part of the air ducts.

    3.5.9. The gaskets between the duct flanges must not protrude into the duct.

    The gaskets must be made from the following materials:

    - foam rubber, tape porous or monolithic rubber with a thickness of 4-5 mm or polymer mastic bundle (PMZH) - for air ducts through which air, dust or waste materials move with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C);

    - asbestos cord or asbestos cardboard - with a temperature above 343 K (70 ° C);

    - acid-resistant rubber or acid-resistant cushioning plastic - for air ducts through which air with acid vapors moves.

    To seal flangeless air duct connections, use:

    - "Guerlain" sealing tape - for air ducts through which air moves with a temperature of up to 40 ° C;

    - "Butteprol" mastic - for circular air ducts with temperatures up to 70 ° С;

    - heat-shrinkable cuffs or tapes - for circular air ducts with temperatures up to 60 ° C and other sealing materials, agreed in the prescribed manner.

    3.5.10. The bolts in the flange connections should be tightened, all bolt nuts should be on the same side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, the nuts should generally be on the underside of the joint.

    3.5.11. Fasteners of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts (clamps, hangers, supports, etc.) flangeless should be installed at a distance of no more than 4.0 m from one another with diameters of a circular duct or dimensions of the larger side of a rectangular duct less than 400 mm and at a distance of no more than 3.0 m from one another - for circular duct diameters or dimensions of the larger side air duct with rectangular section 400 mm and more.

    Fasteners for horizontal metal uninsulated ducts on flange connection a circular section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm or a rectangular section with dimensions of its larger side up to 2000 mm inclusive should be installed at a distance of no more than 6.0 m from one another. The distances between the fasteners of insulated metal air ducts of any cross-sectional size, as well as non-insulated air ducts with a circular cross-section with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular cross-section with dimensions of its larger side over 2000 mm, should be assigned by working documentation.

    The clamps should fit tightly around the metal ducts.

    3.5.12. Mounts for vertical metal ducts should be installed at a distance of no more than 4.0 m from one another.

    Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings with a floor height of up to 4.0 m is carried out in the interfloor ceilings.

    Fastening of vertical metal air ducts indoors with a floor height of more than 4.0 m is performed on the roof of the building.

    When installing vertical air ducts from asbestos-cement ducts, fasteners should be installed every 3.0-4.0 m. When installing horizontal air ducts, two fasteners should be installed for each section for coupling joints and one fastener for socket connections. Fastening should be done at the socket.

    In vertical air ducts from socket boxes, the upper duct is inserted into the socket of the lower one.

    3.5.13. Fastening of guy wires and hangers directly to the duct flanges is not allowed. The tension of the adjustable hangers must be uniform.

    3.5.14. Freely suspended air ducts should be braced by installing double hangers every two single hangers with a suspension length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

    For hanger lengths over 1.5 m, double hangers should be installed through each single hanger.

    3.5.15. Air ducts should be reinforced so that their weight is not transferred to the ventilation equipment.

    The air ducts are connected to the fans through vibration-insulating flexible inserts made of fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

    Anti-vibration flexible inserts should be installed immediately prior to individual testing.

    3.5.16. Socket and socket joints are sealed with bundles of hemp strands soaked in asbestos-cement mortar with the addition of casein glue.

    The free space of the socket or coupling is filled with asbestos-cement mastic.

    The joints after hardening of the mastic should be pasted over with a cloth. The fabric should fit snugly to the box around the entire perimeter and should be painted with oil paint.

    3.5.17. Air ducts made of polymer film should be suspended on steel rings made of wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from one another.

    The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the duct. Steel rings should be fastened with a wire or plate with a cutout to a supporting cable (wire) with a diameter of 4-5 mm, stretched along the axis of the duct and fixed to the building structures every 20-30 m.

    To exclude longitudinal displacements of the duct when it is filled with air, the polymer film should be stretched until the slack between the rings disappears.

    3.5.18. When installing fans on metal structures, vibration isolators should be attached to them. The elements of the metal structures to which the vibration isolators are attached must coincide in plan with the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

    When installed on a rigid base, the fan frame must fit snugly against the sound insulating pads.

    3.5.19. Shafts of radial fans should be installed horizontally (shafts of roof fans - vertically), vertical walls of casings of centrifugal fans should not be skewed or tilted.

    The gaskets for split fan shrouds should be of the same material as the gaskets for the ductwork of this system.

    3.5.20. The motors must be precisely aligned with the installed fans and secured. The axes of the pulleys of electric motors and fans with a belt drive must be parallel, and the center lines of the pulleys must coincide.

    The motor skids must be mutually parallel and level. The support surface of the slide must be in contact over the entire plane with the foundation.

    Couplings and belt drives must be protected.

    3.5.21. The suction opening of the fan, not connected to the air duct, must be protected with a metal mesh with a mesh size not exceeding 70x70 mm.

    3.5.22. The filter material of the fabric filters should be stretched without sagging and wrinkles, and should fit snugly against the side walls. If there is a fleece on the filter material, the latter should be located on the side of the air inlet.

    3.5.23. Flexible air ducts should be used in accordance with the project (working project) as fittings of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air diffusers, silencers and other devices located in suspended ceilings, chambers.

    3.5.24. Fastening of flanges to steel ducts with a thickness of 0.5-1.5 mm should be carried out using a flange, and with a steel thickness of St. 1.5 mm - electric arc welding with a continuous seam.

    With a steel thickness of more than 1 mm, it is allowed to fasten the flanges without flanging with tacks by electric arc welding every 50-60 mm, followed by sealing the gap between the flanges and air ducts.

    Sealing methods should be determined by the manufacturer's technology.

    3.5.25. Flanged ducts must overlap the flange at least 6 mm and must not overlap the bolt holes.

    Through breaks in the flanging are allowed no more than four at one end of the duct.

    3.5.26. Fastening of flanges from their movement along the axis of a flanged circular duct with flanging on the flanges should be done in any way with the obligatory provision of the possibility of their rotation around the axis. In this case, the flange must fit snugly against the mirror of the duct flange.

    3.5.27. For air ducts made of sheet with a thickness of more than 1.5 mm, flanges made of angle bars must be welded from the inside, and flat flanges - from the outside of the product. In this case, the edges of the ends of the air ducts should not protrude beyond the mirror of the flange.

    3.5.28. The final stage of installation of ventilation systems is their individual testing.

    3.5.29. By the beginning of individual testing of systems, general construction and finishing work on ventilation chambers and mines should be completed, as well as installation and individual testing of the means of support (power supply, heat and cold supply, etc.) should be completed. In the absence of power supply to ventilation units according to a permanent scheme, the general contractor is responsible for connecting electricity according to a temporary scheme and checking the serviceability of starting devices.

    3.5.30. For each ventilation system, a passport is issued in duplicate for


    4.1. Control and quality assessment of work on the installation of the air duct system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:

    - SP 48.13330.2011. SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Updated edition;

    - SNiP 3.05.01-85. Internal sanitary systems;

    - SNiP 3.05.05-84. Process equipment and process pipelines.

    4.2. Quality control of construction and installation works is carried out by specialists with the involvement of an accredited construction laboratory equipped with technical means to ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control and is entrusted to the manufacturer of the work or the foreman performing work on the installation of the air duct system.

    4.3. Construction quality control of work should include incoming control of design working documentation and the results of engineering surveys, as well as the quality of previous work performed, operational control of construction and installation work, production processes or technological operations and acceptance control of work performed with conformity assessment.

    4.4. Incoming control

    4.4.1. Incoming control is carried out in order to identify deviations from the project requirements and relevant standards. Incoming control of building materials, structures and products arriving at the facility is carried out:

    - by the registration method by analyzing data recorded in documents (certificates, passports, invoices, etc.);

    - external visual inspection (according to GOST 16504-81);

    - technical inspection (according to GOST 16504-81);

    - if necessary - by a measuring method using measuring instruments (checking the basic geometric parameters), incl. laboratory equipment;

    - control tests in cases of doubt about the correctness of the characteristics or the absence of the necessary data in the certificates and passports of the manufacturers.

    4.4.2. Incoming control of incoming materials is carried out by a commission appointed by order of the director of the construction organization. The commission includes a representative of the supply department, line engineers and production and technical department. The organization of incoming inspection of purchased products and materials is carried out in accordance with the instructions:

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    143-06 TC

    First Deputy
    Director General

    Chief Engineer

    A.V. Kolobov

    Head of laboratory

    B.I. Bychkovsky

    The technological map for the installation of ventilation ducts is an integral part of the PPR and is intended for production personnel and engineering and technical workers of construction organizations, work managers, foremen and foremen, as well as employees of the technical supervision service associated with these works.

    The technological map contains: general data, technology and organization of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of work, calculation of labor costs, work schedule, the need for mechanization means and tools, solutions for safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety.

    Employees of JSC PKTIpromstroy participated in the development of the technological map:

    Savina O.A. - development of a technological map, computer processing and graphics;

    Chernykh V.V. - general technological support;

    Bychkovsky B.I. - development of a technological map, technical guidance, proofreading and regulatory control;

    Kolobov A.V. - general technical guidance for the development of technological maps;

    Ph.D. Edlichka S.Yu. - general management of the development of technological documentation.


    1.1 This technological map is designed for the installation of ventilation ducts in industrial, administrative, public and residential buildings.

    1.2 The technological map is an integral part of the PPR and is intended for engineering and technical personnel (foremen, foremen) and workers of construction organizations involved in the installation of ventilation ducts, technical supervision staff of the customer who supervise the technology and quality of work, as well as engineering and technical workers construction organizations.

    1.3 Binding the technological map to specific objects and construction conditions consists in clarifying the scope of work, means of mechanization, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as adjusting the cost estimate and work schedule.

    1.4 The form of using the technological map provides for its circulation in the field of information technology with the inclusion in the database on the technology and organization of construction production of an automated workstation for a construction production technologist (AWP TSP), a contractor and a customer.


    2.1 For installation of ventilation systems in industrial, administrative-public and residential buildings, ventilation ducts are used, which can be made of various materials, depending on the medium transported through the air ducts. Table 1 shows examples of materials from which air ducts can be made.

    Table 1 {!LANG-527ee2897c63c063120749d5f3b01a42!}













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    Installation of interfloor floors, walls and partitions;

















    Marking of installation sites for fastening means for air ducts;

    Installation of fasteners;

    Coordination with the builders of the locations and methods of fastening the lifting equipment;

    Installation of lifting equipment;

    Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

    Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

    Assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

    Installation of the unit in the design position and fixing it;

    Installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.







    {!LANG-385fdb283a3c70079aef69c9504e18a1!} {!LANG-c2f5841b6700b06044a2faca27f087b5!}






    {!LANG-b4382ee57ce2db8c9944fed3d9d4c986!} {!LANG-6e010d639c21c020493b896cbcbe1e81!}



    {!LANG-8c9fa9cd00b397b544267eeaf0de4e84!} {!LANG-fb7c58c34de53254456ea4c3731abd4d!}


    {!LANG-b338c83184cebdabb2207eafd64b9f02!} {!LANG-65051b6ef0e10aa8d9af5805410e07de!}


    {!LANG-eef4dd8800ff8366274102f8b812dc01!} {!LANG-089bca8751727ccdb8bb37850196df22!}


    {!LANG-681a2e76dcb004b5f8ed752dad0b825e!} {!LANG-2926d1bf630983da3252dde6cdd45064!}



    {!LANG-32484128b295cf7be6ca7e0237fbc02d!} {!LANG-551207f82233232e6a27af8da400dd07!}





    {!LANG-48c5b7c41c62efb4cef98d9e83854560!} {!LANG-a6c638a318c0895d845242000dc05aae!}

    {!LANG-42850a3e5b39032648314e2da233fa33!} {!LANG-59a3974f78026b5adaee88984f96bc59!}


    {!LANG-fa4c0224f34e55102932162549c06e63!} {!LANG-bba5976a909c020876b1a3671e08e7c3!}




    The clamps should fit tightly around the metal ducts.





















    {!LANG-f1642b2ccd22cf3e7b08feb4236ac841!} {!LANG-4322b78499fd5f3a6730fd7abddd8404!}


    {!LANG-f2f6301c7aa643b10401b568c12363ba!} {!LANG-589a7c82cc9af666ff53a5c1ffa93cfd!}




    {!LANG-19a17fbe4a89b361042d3bb448a98cbe!} {!LANG-35b1741ad297ccd1cd50c14b77e5e866!}





    {!LANG-a3c4b5ebface719298d4e0ad9c0081ee!} {!LANG-166bc234f0b00cae61b9406c59ff5240!}








    {!LANG-f9ebef5039335f35016ef32afb83f992!} {!LANG-f0f404f41728391d939dc19d157c1cad!}


    {!LANG-37da659f64da050c5fa9a4d874f39db7!} {!LANG-7a006b54c08aba1ae51ed5df0d45bc15!}




















    {!LANG-6cfb143253ad3b1173955bd064529eb5!} {!LANG-b955a07f615280d5f136b4390505d71f!}

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Control type


























    {!LANG-4e4b92d40861a31c7214d2000230821a!} {!LANG-12f54a96f64443246930da001cafda8b!}{!LANG-e84640a223b6a840ff75f98015356d65!}

    {!LANG-6663d0543dc55ef1929ee9ffd28de081!} {!LANG-12f54a96f64443246930da001cafda8b!} \u003d 300 mm



























































































    Steel bench hammer
















    10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19


































































    Welder's shield

    Mounting and traction mechanism








    Rack jack


    Rack jack







    Drilling machine






























    Electric grinder




    Electric wrench



    Electric wrench



    Electric screwdriver






    Electric puncher


    Electric puncher


    Electric scissors


    Electric scissors


    Electric scissors


    Electric scissors


















    Manual winch


    Hydraulic jack












    Safety steeplejack device





    Mounting and traction mechanism



    {!LANG-792427dc117699eddf05b5ee7c878056!} {!LANG-eb217c2c5528dd91d6225b70f5274d84!}














    {!LANG-93104355362e51b9eaa5a149b2831867!} {!LANG-c24311701bfadd0caf39424c7f80edf8!}


























    {!LANG-1ef91323853d749fbd93f1caf9d3e7c8!} {!LANG-d1362929bd48ceb928d6195ab845cc8b!}



    Ventilation systems installer













    {!LANG-ebf517c499ed322736af3520c5bb606c!} {!LANG-29d4e4f2ba456db8d004f62bc9be2863!}


    Justification (ENiR and other norms)

    Name of technological processes

    Scope of work


    Labor costs




    E9-1-46 No. 1a














    {!LANG-18e1dab17c77fa2c8cec8eed8c1d14a4!} {!LANG-ccddc1f1b8c7ba53cdab534fc34f8cd0!}
















































    {!LANG-3c76d4f32315163843c6e85bb1a076d2!} {!LANG-395534676a59fff4a430f25989473f2c!}{!LANG-529abea9d32e8324acc3f6c769cd602a!}

    {!LANG-68d6cf0a25fad1c07cb08736ccc11973!} {!LANG-0fd361382a3bee13257d3d7a96a15523!}{!LANG-37bdb6b4926c1802c210c9453ae441b7!}















    {!LANG-2e49671ff2205c98f3fcb6936d36a865!} 1 {!LANG-a59114e7a106641ff4555b1cb9a3e16c!} 6 {!LANG-f262667ecc61fbeb9530cd0ef2297244!}


    1 {!LANG-9d692508fea17eb7de01c5bb8c95c4c4!} 2 {!LANG-5b76bade61b8d52aea78db329e22cf43!} 3 {!LANG-03fa9d8e37fa27272a7487691977dc69!} 4 {!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} 5 {!LANG-a691abaa48ee28489e1845a0e0d24648!} 7 {!LANG-05b6a52e54982641c45be420b32e4bee!} 8 {!LANG-b08a6de2d9e7bff5db171e8175aed41c!} 9 {!LANG-77de4ebcb7c97a816e90f34a93ca0206!} 10 {!LANG-4253c10369c79476f2b21a1344d7cc0f!} 11 {!LANG-555ee3971035c07fcf54f720065d747d!} 12 {!LANG-574743db5ecbeeceac6371dcfb6467ed!} 13 {!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} 27 {!LANG-8d6d9cbdb94ea575a0835be5e48a2c1d!} 14 , 15 {!LANG-a0802ff3a79f975759e476107f0d7fcf!} 16, 17 {!LANG-3ef39b78c6b4887c21877b258aae8080!} 18 {!LANG-2b3b91abae20e9a528b3fb9bf1fa6e62!} 19 {!LANG-ab223010e1baff3848b36bd9f3361226!} 20 {!LANG-21fe16bc0d97c5028e4ed671d9a54cfd!} 21 {!LANG-555ee3971035c07fcf54f720065d747d!} 22 {!LANG-d7769e7006e840685004d89511138b83!} 23 {!LANG-70f64597293b0c20aeae13fdf3fcc928!} 24 {!LANG-dbd0be9f3acce246be5490633118fda4!} 25 {!LANG-5797a369c2543ba47d155768d8ae15bb!} 26 {!LANG-0584b90beca01dff698f22a243fea874!}

    {!LANG-6ffab662e8f12c9f6461943cc89cdb1d!} 9 {!LANG-989c64188759fb46d0b27ce5c1ff691b!} 1, {!LANG-af8c093b18a3a1ede60a904e70f233d5!} 6 {!LANG-9370e707e6dd198c47e54ad95d09f30b!} 7 {!LANG-1f6790df466e68dcf1f1fb7cc84cedbb!} 8 {!LANG-69103b60c46958ff025dba5f34cfa6a4!} 11 {!LANG-0047f49958f65a061d8ff32d138200c9!} 16, 17 {!LANG-341988a88efdd411604026da898b454a!}

    {!LANG-bc89580944cbff1a90fcb08b24c340db!} 24 {!LANG-397ec3b8bca896ebf4260b31ee31ec7f!} 2 {!LANG-b71ddf57eba37e2cab08dd589803f763!}
























    and{!LANG-62c5e2a3364865d01b27c7fc317d8b18!} b{!LANG-b9b8282931743dc8e8dc734752414d9c!}
























    {!LANG-28dde7d442d2803888220e00a032e42a!} {!LANG-4eb502533390285d3f9fe4d2d8671392!}{!LANG-56601498b1d25ea6c725f16f1930cab5!}

    {!LANG-6e61aaf2da9e7bfc5e52bd7dd7eb0b15!} {!LANG-4622b7f0389e4e5a3e0b76b5f13b4896!}{!LANG-01582e5e0691b3d510286593c2b26ec3!}
























    {!LANG-8fc03e66fa4c6e9991eeef88a16c6359!} {!LANG-f7b0912d3e84c94bd356d3704b534e21!}{!LANG-366bbb741ddfc9a547c19743df1197dc!}










    {!LANG-b8175e680ee6a35c17f6b43f17b9a383!} {!LANG-10744bbb669a4a0e6a1c8bc02b39adbd!}{!LANG-c4795039286b71f39042720a437daf66!}

    {!LANG-76b0b87ce72b8fb107e4172f272ff51f!} {!LANG-ac40990c101b3021ad2c6426b99c2246!}{!LANG-3a700052799aa84887952eae3508af5c!} {!LANG-9236a93c2464cc2fe08f62a147d382cf!}{!LANG-aad521e2350a601b8d7960d9f344a312!} {!LANG-5d6e3ad508c0c9ae75d6feb357919383!}{!LANG-ff7a301d5b9690ab28feadba70b95280!} {!LANG-e4cfcf3690d8e9f8ac62a4ac84de88ab!}{!LANG-09d4ed4baa25238e520f008614992b57!} {!LANG-ac45f98fbb49ed476ea330c3eb3cc725!}{!LANG-a9683beed72cc74f2daf132c75baf61b!} {!LANG-7d9c9c8c12025f5764feb4daecc009d0!}{!LANG-120629fd0ea323424c208a92d02e63b3!} {!LANG-f2b0a5161c468aa4f0055fa4c52174fc!}{!LANG-f1377ece7a1bc2277f374b13cfce6ac1!} {!LANG-c607714e1ce9224014d8de36171c38cd!}

    {!LANG-51985cedefded65f7f0935a475e81abc!} {!LANG-d974ffa112f52c3611eaab5cae323987!}{!LANG-1f85800e7109ae85305353ec783495f6!} {!LANG-89f7898f2ab56fea8da1ca4b790fe260!}{!LANG-dab00924c1bdcd14e1facb795d71046a!} {!LANG-95389c5f18c3cf8bd79733ccc73e9978!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-ee108f0d97f5ef59923fbcdf25c7cf3e!}{!LANG-3d4ecaf383854ba3248f3768ad831edf!}
































    {!LANG-f26e040a94622937253089c7a80f8c41!}{!LANG-bd3f1ebe424e370a3443ca81d51f2cb2!} {!LANG-c877e3acbe27218a3280863f201994e5!}{!LANG-86d29ead2dbb86ca4fd0111333e0ae25!}





























































    {!LANG-09bcff5225851e38821dd539bcadfa2d!} {!LANG-7444bdaa0b4b0dcaef7d714584df97e9!}{!LANG-221e1cb6920f6d665339042f937e800a!}








    {!LANG-30b108179f04505df019f654d6d2109e!}{!LANG-13fad861c769934948cd78ad644c1c35!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-c274710a6f81dc2fe462c63f504a38e2!} 1, 3, 4 {!LANG-5fc85c574380c7815358d70a41a91c8d!} 2 {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-af4f17b25d118dd31da551f060fec55e!}


    {!LANG-ad9ca0c72bed9a352629893dadf74d1c!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-57b8d745384127342f95660d97e1c9c2!}{!LANG-d5170956bf0a47dac5484f4ba8dc37cc!} {!LANG-4462c0cc40b357228a887a49b2776f6c!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-54666464c10b22095bad2f4b9caf9ac0!} 1 {!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} 3 {!LANG-780a4188b87c5e764b934301e770d7f2!} {!LANG-c8a8a19969fcb59d1351de2b5a3cd7c6!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-42f463c8479642e92eaf6a151ebcf9d8!}{!LANG-96b8b7ad00802662cf72b7c016d9b877!}


    {!LANG-4462c0cc40b357228a887a49b2776f6c!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-d5170956bf0a47dac5484f4ba8dc37cc!} {!LANG-ad9ca0c72bed9a352629893dadf74d1c!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-57b8d745384127342f95660d97e1c9c2!}{!LANG-13fad861c769934948cd78ad644c1c35!} 1 {!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} 3 {!LANG-7895027f3e0caf80703fdb0080dd4969!} 4 {!LANG-97b1563c17f8c2047512dc58be7b6145!} {!LANG-c8a8a19969fcb59d1351de2b5a3cd7c6!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-42f463c8479642e92eaf6a151ebcf9d8!} {!LANG-4462c0cc40b357228a887a49b2776f6c!}{!LANG-9db5f49e1f288e2830f46e5c69d2bd59!}


    {!LANG-2d7e363ee92caeaeac09521929bea721!}{!LANG-d5170956bf0a47dac5484f4ba8dc37cc!} {!LANG-ad9ca0c72bed9a352629893dadf74d1c!}{!LANG-cb00957399775f2b2e380123377b7e10!} 1, 2, 3 {!LANG-7895027f3e0caf80703fdb0080dd4969!} {!LANG-c8a8a19969fcb59d1351de2b5a3cd7c6!}{!LANG-8f848bb5eb5c853d1a4830654b09d8fe!} {!LANG-42f463c8479642e92eaf6a151ebcf9d8!}{!LANG-33eacef9c6ba171ac245a4b0dee51811!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}


    {!LANG-2d7e363ee92caeaeac09521929bea721!}{!LANG-d5170956bf0a47dac5484f4ba8dc37cc!} {!LANG-ad9ca0c72bed9a352629893dadf74d1c!}{!LANG-cb00957399775f2b2e380123377b7e10!} 1 {!LANG-d7e0c2ab10919b9d23921e9332f1ec92!} 2 {!LANG-b47f8314289e0e2e87d326f6100802ac!} {!LANG-c8a8a19969fcb59d1351de2b5a3cd7c6!}{!LANG-ecff62e62ea35c4aac3e5b63edb16745!} {!LANG-42f463c8479642e92eaf6a151ebcf9d8!}{!LANG-ecff62e62ea35c4aac3e5b63edb16745!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-8354b32c138d30a44091c2130f96f40e!}


    {!LANG-4462c0cc40b357228a887a49b2776f6c!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-d5170956bf0a47dac5484f4ba8dc37cc!} {!LANG-ad9ca0c72bed9a352629893dadf74d1c!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-57b8d745384127342f95660d97e1c9c2!}{!LANG-13fad861c769934948cd78ad644c1c35!} 1 {!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} 3 {!LANG-7895027f3e0caf80703fdb0080dd4969!} {!LANG-0407f93d642c4349aaf560037338096f!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-42f463c8479642e92eaf6a151ebcf9d8!}{!LANG-5ad29473e2676e8a6efc0608bc0ef7f1!} {!LANG-4462c0cc40b357228a887a49b2776f6c!}{!LANG-cb00957399775f2b2e380123377b7e10!} {!LANG-0407f93d642c4349aaf560037338096f!}{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} {!LANG-42f463c8479642e92eaf6a151ebcf9d8!}{!LANG-0639e474ef5c6ba9d824dd1dae70d021!} 2 {!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} 4 {!LANG-b01ebd2f61b73ce545087a07a2d40993!}


    {!LANG-4462c0cc40b357228a887a49b2776f6c!}{!LANG-16c0c5e05ecbc942512dcf63bdc6a3c8!} {!LANG-0407f93d642c4349aaf560037338096f!}{!LANG-6c907d18bf290f5d92333eeaeda34450!} {!LANG-57b8d745384127342f95660d97e1c9c2!}{!LANG-15223c191eeeaca26c188c5a91fb9e7c!} {!LANG-7ae8c6f2d32d01df2d824465be48de83!}{!LANG-e09f31a44b02c9fc050470d4de739745!}

    {!LANG-09bcff5225851e38821dd539bcadfa2d!} {!LANG-7b78ace3d377adbd909d2967df2ac942!}{!LANG-f576c46847f0d695e952c6bc107c0cf1!}








    {!LANG-e8dc031e13ecd1b43b6d9240b1a80064!} {!LANG-09aa0e1b746158981584a95603b26e58!}{!LANG-48ba1325fade94ae47c9ea53d10fe0a0!}






























































































    {!LANG-09bcff5225851e38821dd539bcadfa2d!} {!LANG-9de1278104bd7e0d0447965512d16348!}{!LANG-218f68fd9603207dce215eb2393a9cd0!}










































