How to catch a mouse without killing it. How to catch a mouse at home: effective ways and types of traps

Mice appear in dwellings and in human backyards for various reasons. Some rodents come in search of a warm shelter, and some begin to inhabit the walls of houses and apartments because of food, the remains of which are in places accessible to them. In any case, sometimes it is required to answer the question of how to catch mice without using barbaric methods. Let's consider the most common options.

How to catch a mouse in an apartment

Many owners of living quarters strive to preserve the life of the animal and simply redirect it to another habitat when caught, thereby protecting their home from intruders. Cats, of course, catch mice, but this method is unacceptable for many. There are many methods for solving these problems; within the framework of this material, the main ones will be considered. These are traditional traps that will help trap an animal in a container without the possibility of getting out of it. After that, it remains to move the rodent to another place.

Plastic bottle application

Containers from Coca-Cola or any soda, water will do. It is necessary to ensure the lubrication of the inner walls with vegetable oil, and put a bait inside - a piece of food - cheese, bacon, bread, apple. The bottle is positioned at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the floor surface. So that the animal can easily fall into the trap, it is worth laying a special bridge in the form of a board or ruler. If ingested, the animal will be left without a chance to return due to the slippery walls of the bottle. This is the most common way to catch a mouse in the house without a mousetrap, and it works flawlessly.

Trap from a plastic bottle on a suspension

It is necessary to take a plastic bottle, cut off its neck so that the mouse can freely enter it, the bait is fixed at the bottom, and the bottle is placed on the edge of the table so that the bottom with the bait is overhang. The edge of the bottle, where the neck is cut off, must be tied with a rope to some kind of support. It is important that the rope is not too long (that is, when the bottle with the mouse falls, it should not come into contact with the floor). So, the mouse enters the bottle and moves to the bottom with the bait, hangs the bottom and the bottle falls. The mouse is in a suspended bottle and cannot get out of it.

Another interesting option

You need to take the bottle and poke it through with a knitting needle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lid and bottom. It is necessary that the container can safely provide rotation around its own axis. It is necessary to secure the spokes on the bucket in such a way that the bottle rotates freely directly above it. The edges of the container must be lubricated with products that have an attractive aroma for mice. When a rodent wants to feast on the bait, he will start climbing on the bottle, but will not be able to do this and will fall into the bucket. Of course, the cat eats the mouse, but in comparison with this inhumane way, the option in question is considered more harmless.

Glass jar method

Catching the mouse will be successful if you apply this method. To implement it, you will need a large-volume glass or a glass jar in a 500 ml container. You also need to get a coin. You need to put the glass so that the edge of the coin touches the edges of the container and abuts against them. It is necessary to ensure that the bait is glued to the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner edge of the glass container in advance. It can be a piece of cheese, bacon, or other food that is attractive to mice.

When the rodent gets inside, he will immediately want to detach the food from the wall and eat it, but when the coin slides off the edge, a negligent animal will cover the glass. For ease of turning this fraud, it is recommended to mount the structure on high density cardboard. After that, you can give the mouse to the cat for the cat to eat it, however, since we are talking about humane methods, it is necessary that the captured rodent be moved to another habitat.

The easiest way to catch the mouse

This is the easiest and most effective way to catch an annoying mouse. It is necessary to acquire a simple bucket, in which a perch is installed on the axis from any tube or knitting needle (similar to a springboard), at its end any treats for a rodent are placed. You can consider the trap ready. After that, it is necessary to mount a stack of books right next to the container for easy entry of the animal inside. When the mouse gets close to the treat, the perch will drop under the weight of its own body and the animal will fall into the bucket. Mice can be caught in this way as it is humane and easy to use.

How to catch a mouse with a bucket of water

This method will also help to catch a mouse without a mousetrap. It is necessary to prepare an arsenal of handy tools for "hunting". This is a bucket filled with a little less than ½ part water, a piece of paper, bait and tape. The size of the paper should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bucket. Fastening is carried out by means of adhesive tape, from the top of the edges are folded. In the middle of the paper material, an incision is made in the form of a cross with a size of 5 * 5 cm. A cracker is placed on it. Be careful not to end up with this bait in the bucket. It is necessary to build a small help through which the rodent can get to the cherished bait. Unfortunately, it will not go back, because it will be in the bucket.

Where to set the trap

What products to use for bait

Mice are omnivores, so they can get caught on any food. As cats sometimes catch mice, so the rodents themselves love to "catch" their "prey" and feast on it. There is a popular belief that mice love cheese and only eat it, but this is a myth. In fact, they do not follow a vegetarian diet, so meat can easily be used. It is necessary to choose products that exude aroma, since the mouse scent does not deceive. Seeds and cereals act well on the sense of smell of rodents. And before you start, see which of the croup suffered the most - and use them.

Although the appearance of mice in the house cannot be considered a tragedy, there is little pleasant in it. The use of poisons for destruction is considered the most effective measure. However, for some reason we do not seek to resort to this radical remedy. On the one hand, it's cruel. On the other hand, it is not always justified (there are children in the house, animals can suffer from poisonous bait). Another important aspect: an unattainable dead mouse under the floor or overlap guarantees household members an unforgettable "aroma" that is difficult to get rid of.

Mousetrap in themed modern design

Mouse and mousetrap: who will outsmart whom?

An alternative to poisons is a mousetrap. Its effectiveness is somewhat worse than poisonous baits. Moreover, not everyone knows how to catch a mouse with a mousetrap, or rather, how to do it correctly. The range of these devices is wide, each device has its own characteristics. But the principle of action is the same for everyone: as soon as the mouse pulls the bait, a spring falls on it and kills the animal. An appetizing piece of meat or a fried crouton is put on the trigger. Without haste, the hold-down is smoothly cocked and pressed by the holder. That, in turn, is inserted under force into the hook. Trying not to shake the structure, it must be carefully put in the place of the congestion of mice or their possible appearance.

A few points to pay attention to:

  • such a reserve for the hook should be adjusted so that the spring is triggered at the slightest touch with the bait;
  • the device is installed near the holes and in those places where traces of rodents are found;
  • all food supplies are removed so that the hungry mouse "goes" to the bait;
  • the food habitual for rodents is used as bait: bread, meat, bacon, sausage.

Although, according to the humanity of the attitude towards animals, the method is not much inferior to poisons, it has a right to exist. It is stored on the farm, however, not everyone has such a device: who would ever think that mice might start in an apartment or house? However, when this happens and there is no mousetrap, an effective replacement has to be found. In addition, the mousetrap does not guarantee an absolute result. Either the mouse drags the bait away, or the spring does not work at all. Hence, one should not fully rely on it.

Attention! In addition to the usual, spring model, electric mousetraps are increasingly used, much more productive.

Catching a mouse without a mousetrap: is it real?

There are more reliable, simple and proven methods on how to catch a mouse without a mousetrap.

  • The lid from the cake box is not thrown away, but used as a trap. Glue a bar of soap with tape (for weight) from the top in the center. On the reverse side (from the inside), the bait is fixed on a thread with the same tape. One side of the lid rests on the surface of the countertop, and the other - on a coin or a broken ear stick (on a cotton wool). Trying to pull off the bait, the rodent pulls on it, the cover slides off the stop. The mouse remains “under the hood”. The glued "weight" - soap - will not allow the animal to move the "cap" from its place.
  • Glue traps. Convenient to use and affordable in price. They smell good, are used to detect and catch mice, other rodents and insects. Restrictions on use: only in dry rooms. Such devices are environmentally friendly, do not emit toxins, and are safe for pets. The adhesive does not dry out for a long time, which preserves its characteristics. This trap can be used not only in a house or apartment. It is placed in sheds, greenhouses, etc. Believe it every day, freeing from stuck pests.
  • The self-made glue trap is made of a plastic, smooth tile base and special glue: "Clean House" or "ALT". It is applied in a special way: first along the perimeter, then "paths" 2-3 cm wide are made, separated by free space (pieces of bait are placed on it).
  • Another way to catch a mouse using available tools: a bucket of water (a little less than half), a piece of paper (you can use wrapping paper), scotch tape and bait. The paper should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bucket. It is attached with tape from above, bending the edges. A 5x5 cm cross-shaped cut is made in the middle. A light toasted crouton is placed on the cut (so as not to fall into the bucket). A small ramp is built, along which the rodent can get to the bait (brick, book) - and the trap is ready! In an effort to get the crouton, the mouse will get to the cut and fall into the bucket.
  • You can catch a "live trophy" with a glass or plastic (not corrugated) bottle. Better beer. It is placed at an angle, with emphasis. And the inside of the neck is coated with peanut, sunflower oil. The neck must be accessible so that the rodent can dive into the inclined smooth vessel. Slippery smooth walls will prevent him from getting out of the bottle.

Multifunctional plastic packaging

The simplest mousetrap device from the same plastic bottle. The neck is cut off. On this cut, sharp teeth are formed with scissors, which are bent into the bottle. Drop 2-3 drops of vegetable oil on the bottom. The bottle is placed on its side. A support is erected on both sides. The trapped animal will no longer be able to get out because of the "bristling" teeth.

Bottle mousetrap - all ingenious is simple

The possibilities of plastic containers are not limited to this. The same bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or more with a bait at the bottom is suspended with a thread or twine by the neck in a place where the mouse enters without hindrance and can crawl into the neck without going back.

You can build a structure from a plastic container, a metal rod and a bucket. A two-liter or one and a half-liter closed bottle is "pierced" through with a metal rod or a thick steel wire. Fasten the ends of the bar with tape on the rim of the bucket. As a result, the bottle should rotate freely over the “abyss”, i.e. over the bucket. In the middle of the rotating cylinder, the bait is attached with the same tape. As a "pedestal" for climbing, you can use a bar, a ruler, etc. Pour some water into a bucket. The mouse, smelling the appetizing smell of the bait, will find a way to climb up to the bottle strung on the rod (along the attached bar). Once on it, the animal will involuntarily rotate the cylindrical part and fall into the water.

Cat Kotofeich

In nature, there is a natural implacable enemy of mice and rats - a cat. Moreover, yard mongrel cats usually “do not disdain” the voles. Their “tribesmen” with a pedigree, as a rule, are not suitable for hunting, although there are exceptions here.

Attention! Folk sign: if a playing cat grabs its toy with its teeth, not its paws, it is a natural hunter.

Even if your pet does not like to catch mice, his mere presence in the house or apartment, the smell, the marked area will be a signal for mice to bypass this house. In the end, if you don't have your own Kotofeich, borrow from your neighbors!

Do not forget that cute mice are very smart, cunning and nimble animals, carriers of painful viruses and bacteria. They penetrate cracks, climb walls, ceilings and under floors. Equilibrate over telephone and lighting wires. They live in ventilation and sewer channels. Therefore, the fight against them is the price of health, comfort and safety of the home. Despite the fact that each of the above methods is effective in its own way, it is better to use several of them simultaneously to achieve maximum results.

Cute harmless-looking mice cause outrage because of gnawed things, spoiled food, holes in the floor. Folk ingenuity offers different ways of catching rodents in a house and apartment without a mousetrap.

With success they gnaw through passages in the walls, in the wooden floor. Mice nest under floors, in closets, behind baseboards, and behind ceiling moldings. Strong fills the premises. The rapid vital activity of the animals does not allow them to concentrate on work, prevents them from resting at night. They are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases. Where one mouse appears, there will be many. This is the real trouble. Inevitably, it is worth thinking about how to get rid of the pests that have appeared.

Most of the ways to get rid of mice involves brutal extermination using mouse traps, special means (poisons). But not everyone tolerates violence. Any living being has the right to life. There are methods of humane trapping of rodents by means of mousetraps that do not bring pain to animals, scarers.

Mouse cat

An effective method to get rid of mice is to get a cat. If the mice have settled in the apartment, the mustachioed pet will quickly overfill them. The smell of a cat is enough to prevent rodents from entering the dwelling. In a private house it is more difficult - there are many secret places for mice where the cat will not get through. This method is not suitable for people with allergies.

Mousetraps from a plastic bottle

The choice of making a mousetrap from a plastic bottle depends on the availability of the animal's habitat. The containers are located in a vertical or horizontal position in a secluded place. Under the bed, the kitchen table on legs, the bottle is placed on its side, in the corner behind the stove - placed.

An easy way to catch a mouse in a bottle

Secure the empty plastic bottle with the bait at an angle. Near the entrance - put a folded newspaper (cardboard, box) on the neck so that the rodents can reach it. A mouse from a hill will penetrate into the bottle, but will not be able to get out because of the sloping slippery walls greased with vegetable oil. The mousetrap is ready.

Mousetrap - funnel from a bottle

The construction of a used plastic bottle looks like a funnel inserted into a container.

  1. Cut the plastic bottle so that the lower part is 3-4 cm larger than the upper one.
  2. Put on the bottom of the bottom of the crumbs of bread, loaf, cookies.
  3. Install the upper part into the lower one, turning it upside down. Remove the plug first.
  4. If the parts do not fit well into each other, then fasten them with tape or paper clips.

Place the device closer to the chair, to the tall box. Mice, guided by the aroma of food, will find a way to get to the trap. Once in the funnel, they will fall through the hole into the bottom of the bottle.

Cropped Bottle Mouse Trap

Not a single mouse can get out of a trap made from a cut plastic bottle. But you have to tinker. The procedure for making the device.

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle with a neck.
  2. Cut the walls of the remaining part of the bottle to the middle with strips about 3 cm wide.
  3. Sharpen the end of each strip.
  4. Bend them inside the container.
  5. Pour cereals or lard at the bottom.

Plastic bottle and bucket trap for rodents

Mice, wanting to feast on smoked sausage, climb like equilibrists along the rope, walk along the wire, like real tightrope walkers. The construction of a plastic bottle put on a rigid wire, located above the bucket, will help to catch any hunter for tasty things. The procedure for making a trap:

  1. Pierce the holes in the lid and bottom of a small plastic bottle with an awl heated over a fire.
  2. Place the bottle on a 2 mm stiff wire or needle.
  3. Attach the bait to the container.
  4. Place the wire with the bottle over the bucket.
  5. Lean a board or box against the bucket so that the mice can reach the wire.

The animals will reach the bottle with the bait along the wire. The container will turn over and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

Mousetrap from the can

The old folk method is to catch mice with a glass jar, a patch and a piece of bread. This design is unstable, but effective in catching rodents.

  1. Turn the half-liter jar upside down.
  2. Place a piece of bread soaked in sunflower oil inside the container.
  3. Place the edge of the can over the edge of the coin.

Advice! Piglet will successfully replace a plank or block up to 2 mm thick.

Note! The size of the bait should be larger than the gap formed between the floor and the edge of the can. The mouse crawls through the slot, grabs food and tries to drag it into the slot. The wobbly structure is broken, the coin falls flat - the mouse is trapped under the bank. The container is installed on a piece of plywood or on thick cardboard, which will serve as a lid when turning over with a prisoner trapped in it.

Bucket trap

It is easy to build a simple mouse trap from an ordinary bucket without wasting time on construction.

  1. Place a bucket with a treat near a chair, drawer, boxes, the height of which exceeds the height of the container. Mice, attracted by the edible scent, climb objects made of wood and cardboard. From them, trying to get to the bait, they fall into a bucket, from which they can no longer get out.
  2. Complicated way. A school ruler is attached to the table (chair) above the bucket, preferably thin and bending. A bait is attached to its other end. The mouse walks along the swinging ruler towards the food, but loses its balance, slides and falls into the bucket.
  3. Cover the bucket with newspaper, tie it with rope. The surface must be taut. Make a cruciform cut in the middle of the newspaper plane. Add raw meat. Place the bucket near the table to which to attach the string. The mouse will go down the string to eat and fall into the bucket.

Mouse repellents

Since ancient times, mice have been frightened away by odorous substances of plant and animal origin.

Peppermint ranks first among herbal repellents. It is planted near dwellings, in vegetable gardens and front gardens, dried for the winter. Mice do not tolerate the strong smell of grass, try to avoid contact with it.

The smell of bay leaves spread out on shelves with food will make rodents leave these places. Strong-smelling agents - turpentine, vinegar essence, Vishnevsky's ointment are able to scare away animals.

Ash is considered a strong deterrent effect. It can cause allergies in mice. Animals try to avoid places where ash is scattered.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller

Of the animal repellents, snake excrement is considered effective. Mice have a genetic fear of snakes. If you scatter a little substance that smells of snakes in the habitats of mice, the mice will leave.

Important! Snake excrement should not be accessible to children or other animals.

Glue traps

Making a mousetrap using special glue is simple.

  1. Cut out small cardboard, about 15x15.
  2. Spread a thin layer of glue on its surface.
  3. Put a piece of chocolate or bacon in the center.
  4. Place the trap where mice live.

Stepping on the cardboard with their paws, the animals stick. The more they try to free themselves, the more they find themselves in the glue captivity. If a mouse that has just been trapped can be rescued, then after a few minutes it will not work.

This method cannot be called humane. Not only did the mice endure fear, pain when trying to free themselves, they are forced to die of starvation. Often people remember about such traps only when the unpleasant smell of a decomposing animal appears.

Note! Your pets or children can also get into the glue. Place glue traps out of reach. The glue can hardly be cleaned from the human body, the soiled clothes will have to be thrown away, and the pet's trap should be cut off along with the fur.

Delicious mouse bait

The mice will be happy to pick up crumbs of bread that have fallen on the floor and enjoy sweet chocolate with nuts. A wide range of products can be offered to rodents as bait:

  • smoked and salted bacon with garlic, bacon;
  • raw meat;
  • smoked sausages, fish;
  • sunflower, peanut oil (unrefined);
  • white bread, buns;
  • biscuits;
  • chocolate;
  • fried seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  • cereals.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller

Using an ultrasonic rodent repeller is the easiest way to keep rodents away from your home. There is no need to design, install, choose a treat, puzzle over what to do with the captured animals. We plugged the device into an outlet, and the trouble was over. It can be used in residential and non-residential premises.

The constantly changing ultrasonic frequencies have a detrimental effect on rodents. They begin to show strong anxiety, become agitated, frequent quarrels arise between their brothers, over time, the mice lose orientation, stop eating and die. As soon as mice begin to receive ultrasonic signals, they try to move away from the radiation source.

Ultrasound tends to be reflected from walls, ceilings, absorbed by soft surfaces - carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture. Another disadvantage is that they do not pass through the main walls. To protect several rooms with one device, it is installed in the corridor or hallway, and the doors to the rooms are left open.

Poisons will quickly get rid of rodents, but there is no guarantee that they will not harm human and domestic animal health. Capturing mice with mouse traps - traps and scarers - is a humane and safe method.

The appearance of mice in the house does not bode well for its inhabitants. Gray tenants invariably lead to hassle and serious problems - from gnawed food bags and unpleasant odors to damage to valuable property and infection with serious diseases. With all the effectiveness of poisons, their use becomes problematic when there are small children or pets in the home. In such cases, affordable and very effective traps will help you catch the mouse.

Types of mouse traps

Today there is a huge selection of devices for those who are interested in how to catch a mouse in the house. To control rodents without the use of pesticides, the following types of traps have been created:

  1. adhesive;
  2. mouse traps;
  3. live traps;
  4. electronic devices.

Adhesives are a cost effective remedy against a variety of rodent species. They can be purchased ready-made or built yourself.

For hand-made production, you will need special glue and a flat, smooth surface. Having processed it with an adhesive, in the center they place an appetizing bait for a rodent. Then it remains only to set the trap in the right place and wait for the visit of the uninvited guest. Having adhered, the rodent will no longer be able to escape.

The advantage of this method is the ability to capture several mice at once. However, the owner will need to decide in advance how to get rid of the torment and where to put the caught animals.

The mousetrap is a classic, popular device for trapping mice at home. It is a trap with a bait placed inside. Once in it, the gray animal can be crippled or killed. Many consider this method as inhuman. Another weakness of using mouse traps is the capture of mice one by one. This greatly slows down the process of getting rid of them, or requires the use of several devices at once.

Live traps are used for bloodless hunting. They are made in the form of closed containers with a trigger. There is a bait on a hook inside. When you try to eat a treat, the lid will slam shut, and the mouse will be locked in the "house".

Electronic devices are rectangular containers with multiple entrances. Such structures are battery operated, and are completely safe for people and pets. Favorite mouse treats are placed in them, then installed in places where rodents often stay. Having gotten inside, the pest is doomed to quick death from an electrical discharge.

Note! When choosing a suitable trap, various nuances must be taken into account. So glue barriers and mousetraps require special care when living in a home for small children and pets.

How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap?

There are many ways how to catch mice at home without a mousetrap, using available tools. For this purpose, you can successfully use:

  • homemade glue traps;
  • a bucket with a capacity of at least 5 liters;
  • plastic bottle;
  • glass jar and 5-kopeck coin.

Homemade glue traps can be used everywhere. They are also a good option for those who are worried about how to catch a mouse in the car. In the manufacture of such a device, it is necessary to work very carefully, since the adhesive is difficult to remove from various surfaces.

It is best to purchase a special glue (Alt, Clean House), and then apply it to cardboard or plywood in a thin layer or in strips. There should be a bait in the center of this simple device. After one or more animals, attracted by an appetizing smell, stick tightly, the owners will only have to decide what to do with them next. The safest way to get rid of already dead mice is to burn their corpses. This will avoid the spread of dangerous infections.

To catch a mouse without a mousetrap, using a bucket, you will need to fill it one-third with water, fix a newspaper on top and make a cross-shaped cut in the middle. The bait is also located here. You need to attach a board or ruler to the bucket, along which the mouse gets to the treat, falls into the water and drowns.

The method of catching mice using a plastic bottle is as follows: the container is placed on the edge of the table, bait is placed on the bottom. The bottom should hang down. Next, one end of a thick thread or fishing line is tied around the neck, and the second is attached to the device on the table. After the mouse hits the bottle, it will roll over, and the animal will be dangling in the air. In this case, he will no longer be able to get out.

The can method is considered the most humane and effective. For the construction of such a simple device, a five-kopeck coin and bait are placed under a glass vessel. After the mouse has run into the middle, the coin will fall and the trap will slam shut.

Important! In the process of making homemade traps, do not touch them with your hands without gloves. Smelling the smell of a person, the animal will surely refuse the most delicious treat.

Here's another example of a very simple and effective mouse trap:

Where to set the trap?

To successfully catch mice, it is important to install ready-made devices close to:

  1. mouse holes;
  2. food stocks;
  3. trash cans;
  4. along the "mouse" paths.

If you managed to find out the habitat of the animals, the best option would be to place the trap in the immediate vicinity. In doing so, you need to make sure that the burrow is actually inhabited.

Given the increased interest of mice in food supplies stored in closets and other secluded areas, it makes sense to install a device next to them. The big plus is that in this case, the pests will surely lose their vigilance and fall into a trap.

Waste in trash cans inevitably attracts the attention of rodents. Having installed a device for capturing mice near them, one can confidently count on their early appearance.

Knowing the daily route of the gray animals, you should place traps against their movement. Thus, the animal will inevitably come directly to the device prepared for it.

Attention! Mice tend to hide from people's eyes. Other good places to set traps are dark nooks, cabinets, bathroom, etc.

What to use as bait?

Correctly selected bait will greatly increase the chances of a successful mouse hunt. Before placing traps, you need to decide what the rodents will do first.

When choosing a bait, it is important to remember the following: mice feel the presence of chemicals in products well. That is why they should be offered products without synthetic additives.

Don't limit yourself to cheese alone. It has long been known that mice are not particularly interested in them. A more effective option would be to use as a treat:

  • smoked bacon;
  • bread dipped in sunflower oil;
  • rice, buckwheat or pearl barley porridge;
  • nuts, seeds, almonds or peanuts;
  • chocolates and cakes.

The smell of smoked bacon can attract a whole population of rodents. However, don't use a stale product. The mice are picky enough, and they will probably ignore a low-quality treat. For more appeal, the bacon can be lightly fried or scorched with a lighter.

Bread with fragrant vegetable oil is one of the favorite delicacies of gray animals. Given the need for animals to constantly gnaw something, it is worth offering them white stale products.

With the onset of autumn, mice begin to search for warm places for wintering, sometimes overcoming rather long distances. And if in natural conditions animals feed on nuts, seeds or insect larvae, then having penetrated into a residential building, they become omnivores, tasting the stock in the pantry, the remains of food in the trash can, and even such inedible things as candles or soap. When rodents enter a human home, getting rid of them can be quite problematic.

Harm from mice to humans

In a relatively short period of time, mice can cause serious damage to stored vegetables and fruits, spoil cereals and pasta. Pests gnaw wires, arrange nests in various places and carry dangerous infections. Diseases caused by them include:

  • leptospirosis,
  • hemorrhagic fever
  • tularemia,
  • pseudotuberculosis,
  • salmonellosis,
  • helminthiasis.
  • These diseases can be transmitted:

    Pests are incredibly fertile - they can bear their first offspring as early as the eighth week after their birth, and replenish the population five to ten times during the year each. On average, a single individual lives for about a year in natural conditions. It is surprising that rodents have not yet flooded the entire planet with such indicators. This does not happen only because the total number of mice is regulated by both natural (natural) factors and human intervention.

    How to catch a mouse

    It is easier to deal with a pest when you know what it is.

    Table: distinctive features of mice

    A medium-sized animal can easily seep into a round gap about a centimeter in diameter and jump up to one meter long in an extreme situation.

    The fight against domestic rodents includes the use of spring traps, glue traps, various kinds of scarers, poisoned baits. At the same time, people have to change tactics all the time, inventing new devices. Zhivolovki are the most humane means of getting rid of rodents and it is quite easy to make them with your own hands from scrap materials.

    Plastic bottle humane mouse trap

    To make such a trap, you will need a plastic bottle, a rope, a heavy object and a bait. The rope must be tied to the neck.

    The rope must be of sufficient length

    We put the bait in the bottle. Mice are most attracted to foods with strong flavors, but smelling chemical additives are unlikely to work.

    It is better to use natural products as bait.

    Place the bottle on the edge of a table or other surface. We fix the end of the rope with a heavy object.

    Homemade mouse trap installed and ready to go

    Zhivolovka from a jar with a coin

    Making this mousetrap requires an empty glass jar, coin and bait. Installation takes just a few seconds.

    A coin can trap is the simplest but very effective way to catch small rodents

    Attach the bait to the inside wall of the can. Set up the trap as shown in the photo below.

    This live trap may require concentration when setting up

    Catching pests with a bucket and ruler

    You can catch a bored mouse by using a plastic bucket. To prevent the rodent from jumping out of the container, apply a little vegetable oil to the bottom and walls.

    Any deep enough plastic bucket is suitable for catching mice.

    The next step is to set the bait ruler on the edge of the table. It is important here to properly balance the mechanism.

    The installed bait ruler should withstand the weight of the mouse until the latter gets close to the fragrant piece

    Place the bucket exactly in the center of the bait and go about your business with peace of mind. The captured rodent will not be harmed.

    Zhivolovka using a bucket and a ruler installed and configured

    Mousetrap from a can and thick paper

    To make the next trap, you need a glass jar, a sheet of thick paper, a rope, a knife and a piece of something tasty.

    Cheese, of course, will do, but mice don't like it too much, oddly enough.

    We put cheese in a container, cover with paper and twist it with a rope, as jars of jam are sealed.

    It is advisable to tighten the throat of the container more tightly

    We cut the paper with a knife from above with a cross. The corners should be slightly drowned in depth.

    Using a sharp knife, cut the paper with a cross.

    Place the trap where the pests are most active. Remember to check it from time to time.

    Live traps should be checked more often, as a caught pest can escape with some effort

    Another live trap from a plastic bottle

    Take an empty plastic bottle. Cut it lengthwise with a knife about a third of the total length. Be careful, plastic can slip on the surface.

    Be careful not to cut yourself when working with a knife.

    Turn the cut off and fix it with clothespins, paper clips or, for example, hair clips.

    The process of making such a live trap does not take much time.

    It remains to put goodies in the live trap, place it in the places where mice are active and provide convenience for access.

    So that mice can access free cheese, we will again use the ruler

    Barbed mousetrap

    Making the trap requires the bottom of a cut in half plastic bottle and a knife (or scissors).

    The lower half of the plastic container is a live catcher blank
    The step width of each element does not matter much

    It remains to put a fragrant piece of banana into the product to lure pests, fold the cutouts inward and wish yourself a successful hunt.

    The mousetrap should be installed in places of increased activity of rodents, so the chances of success increase significantly

    Video: how to catch a mouse without hurting it

    How to lure a rodent

    Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not the perfect bait for catching mice. Of course, animals will not refuse a piece of fresh product, but if they have a choice, they will prefer seeds or smoked bacon.

    Table: what products are suitable as bait

    To catch mice even more effectively, it's important to know that rodents don't like it. Dried cheese, apples, chocolate, and dry bread crusts will likely not work.

    Any food containing preservatives, flavors, or flavor enhancers should not be trapped.

    Where is the best place to set traps

    The fight against rodents indoors with the help of live traps also implies the correct installation of the latter. To do this, first of all, you need to understand where the mice appear, how and when they feed and move.

    Did you know that mice are very fond of sunflower oil, smoked bacon and seeds. They are nocturnal animals with very fast metabolic processes of the body, therefore, during the dark time of the day they can go out in search of food up to thirty times. It is very easy to notice that mice were in charge of the house, the animals always leave black droppings of an oblong shape about one centimeter long.

    Mouse droppings reach a length of 0.5-1 cm

    As a rule, these animals do not cover long distances in search of food, and usually the animals leave the nest only ten to twenty meters.

    Based on this, live traps should be placed along the intended paths of pest movement, and where they appear most often. It should be noted that mice often move closer to walls and other objects, while being quite curious creatures, they can explore any object on their way.