Do-it-yourself vulture house. Frame houses from vulture panels - new technologies in construction

How panel-frame buildings are heated

Assembly of vulture houses

Buy a house from SIP panels

Construction of houses from vulture panels with your own hands, yourself, video, instructions, step-by-step guide

Step-by-step video instruction - how to build a house from a sandwich - SIP panels yourself

How is the assembly of the vulture at home. Video

Each instruction is a very detailed manual, study everything carefully, carefully, pay attention to all the nuances and details !!! Be sure to read and study both documents, as this is the only way you will get a complete understanding of the entire construction process yourself! Remember that SIP at home is just one of the options among types of pre-fabricated buildings.

In the documents, you will learn EVERYTHING about how to do a panel-frame building with your own hands, what materials are used for this, what you need to know, and, of course, you will find and get acquainted with practical skills in the construction of prefabricated buildings.

Stages of construction of a frame house from SIP panels - a step-by-step sequence of actions

Any construction of a panel-frame structure is a step-by-step process that involves a sequence of construction work. When we build a house from vulture panels with our own hands, we have to not only fill the foundation ourselves, but also insert windows, doors, and also carry out interior wall decoration, spend electrical grid and communication, not forgetting about construction of an attic floor and facade decoration.

Construction - fabrication, foundation pouring

Building a foundation is the foundation of your future home. The most common options for foundations are shallow tape and screw pile foundations. It's no secret that prefabricated houses are relatively lightweight, good environmental friendliness and do not require massive foundations.

Foundation on screw piles with strapping for a vulture house. Photo

The foundation of screw piles with your own hands, on your own. Video

This significantly lowers construction costs and increases construction speed. From this link you can learn in detail about all types of foundations for houses from SIP panels.

The planning and choice of the foundation of the house will depend on the type of soil, the slope on your land plot, as well as directly on the area of \u200b\u200bthe building itself. If the foundation is made of monolithic concrete. Then you definitely need to make a waterproofing layer. See the link for details. It happens, if the soil is loose, sandy, then it makes sense to use a monolithic slab as a foundation.

The foundation for a vulture house is a monolithic slab. Photo

Strapping bar - floor base

The next stage in the construction of a vulture house with your own hands is the arrangement of the base of the floor and walls of the first floor. If the building is two-storey. As a rule, a dry strapping bar is used for this, which is pre-treated with antiseptic compounds - this significantly improves fire safety.

Laying the strapping beam on the foundation. Photo

Laying is carried out along the perimeter of the house and along the contours of the bearing internal partitions. If the foundation is on screw piles, then you should first equip the base from a steel channel.

Installation of self-supporting insulated wire panels - assembling a kit at home

So you bought SIP panels and your next action is to install them yourself. Assembling a house from SIP panels Is a process that requires special attention! If you are a beginner, then it is best for you to install the walls of the house according to the instructions, which you can download at the beginning of the article. It should be understood that house kit making happens individually for each project.

Assembling a house from vulture panels on your own, on your own. Video

Preparing a set of vulture panels for assembly. Photo

When the home kit is delivered to you, you need to pay attention to the assembly sequence. All panels should be numbered, and the numbering should clearly correspond to the assembly scheme of the kit at home. Your task is to lay out all SIP panels according to the numbering along the perimeter of the foundation. If the building consists of two floors, then the first floor set is laid out first.

Do-it-yourself installation of sip panels. Video

SIP panels are heavy enough, which provides good sound insulation... You will definitely need help, at least two people, be sure to take care of this. Installation of panels is carried out by splicing them with each other, as well as tying the lower base to the strapping bar.

Installation of self-supporting insulated wire panels. Photo from

The connecting element between the SIP panels is the frame elements - this is a wooden antiseptic bar. Also, to enhance the fastening properties, an assembly sealant is used - this is a one-component material based on polyurethane foam, in common people, assembly foam.

This connection scheme is called "thorn-groove", it is reliable enough to provide a long service life of prefabricated buildings... After connecting the panels by means of a wooden beam, it is necessary to screw in self-tapping screws on both sides, which significantly increases the rigidity of the entire structure.

Installation of wall panels takes place only when the bottom trim is completely done. First, the corner components of the house kit are placed, and only then the rest of the supporting racks and the panels themselves are attached (installation is carried out from the first corner panel and is simultaneously performed in both directions, to the second corner sandwich panel).

Correct installation of a set of vulture panels. Video

After installation, each panel must be corrected using the building level. This approach allows you to correctly expose all the walls of the kit in the space yourself. During the detected deviation and correction - the key to the correct installation.

Assembling the walls of the house from SIP panels. Photo

Strictly adhere to the assembly scheme of SIP panels and carefully follow the sequence of actions. Remember that all joints and gaps between SIP panels must be treated with polyurethane foam!

Assembly, installation, installation of floors

There are the following types of floors - zero overlap, interfloor overlap and attic overlap.

Zero overlap from vulture panels. Photo from the site

You can organize any of these floors, both from SIP panels, and using a wooden frame from T-beams or two T-beams. Just as it is the pros and cons of sip panels , so each type of floor has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Vulture panels between floors. Photo from the site

If you decide to assemble floors from sandwich panels, then this is done by analogy with assembling walls. This is a completely acceptable approach, since the thermal insulation properties justify the laboriousness of the process. Of the minuses, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is large. You may need heavy equipment.

Assembling a frame house in a vulture house. Photo

The assembly of slabs using T-beams or two T-beams (depending on the bearing loads) is reliable, inexpensive and efficient. This approach is also justified from the point of view of laying engineering networks - ventilation, sewerage systems, water supply and heating system.

Top strapping with wooden beams

The upper harness around the perimeter of the vulture of the house is required. It serves to securely fix the entire structure and increase the overall seismic resistance of the building. The strapping wooden beam, which is laid from above, is also at the same time, the basis for the overlap, either between the storey or under the roof.

The upper piping of the walls is made of SIP panels. Photo

SIP house roof construction - do it yourself roof

Arrangement and construction of the roof is the final stage of installing a set of SIP panels. Your further actions will depend on what type of roof is included in the house kit.

do-it-yourself house ditching from vulture panels. Photo from

In most cases, the roof is built directly from SIP panels. With this approach, the organization of the rafter-transom system is not required. The performance characteristics of the sandwich panels are quite enough to withstand all bearing loads with a margin. The roof made of SIP panels is assembled on the same principle as wall panels, according to the drawing of the house kit.

You will also be interested in: Back to the main SIP Electrics in SIP houses Finishing in houses from SIP panels Advantages and disadvantages of construction from Sip Fire safety Lifetime of SIP houses Heating in houses from SIP panels Go to the main site

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Instructions for assembling a house from vulture panels. SIP Houses are produced at the SIP 47 plant with a house kit, that is, a set of board elements and sip panels, made with high precision on the basis of the project chosen by the customer. A set of vulture panels can only be assembled at the construction site like a children's designer. All products are marked, and a wiring diagram is attached to the set of elements, according to which you should make mounting sip panels. Before starting work, you need to study the wiring diagram and check the completeness of the package.

In order to better understand the features of installation, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bSIP panels.

Main a tool that is needed when self-assembling a self-supporting insulated wire-house:

Screwdriver (assembly on screws) / nailer (assembly on nails);


Circular Saw;


Building level;

Thermo knife for cutting a groove in SIP panels.

Panel construction and typical dimensions

SIP panel (structurally insulated panel) is a building product that includes two OSB boards (oriented strand board) with an insert of insulation - expanded polystyrene (PPS) between them, connected and pressed with a special adhesive under a pressure of 20 tons. Such a structure allows the panels to perform a double function - they serve not only for heat and sound insulation of enclosing structures, but are also able to withstand significant compressive and bending loads. Therefore, these products are suitable for the construction of all types of buildings. They are used for walls, partitions, as floor slabs and roof coverings.

Typical dimensions of SIP panels

The thickness varies in these dimensions from 68 mm to 244 mm. Frequently used sip panel with a thickness of 174 mm (with a PPS thickness of 15 cm, OSB 12 mm), a width of 1.250 m; length from 2.5 m to 2.8 m.
For the construction of enclosing walls, standard 17.4 cm sip panels are used, for ceilings and roofs - 17.4 - 22.4 cm thick. Products 12.4 cm thick are used for partitions in the house.
Sip panels are light - no more than 20 kg / m 2, which allows them to be installed by two, three people and without the use of a crane, and can also be easily processed and cut using a hand-held power tool.

The procedure for assembling SIP at home

Assembling the self-supporting insulated wire at home consists in the sequential performance of the following operations:

  • Foundation devices and installation of the lower piping;
  • Installation of the basement floor;
  • Installing the walls of the 1st floor;
  • Assemblies of intermediate floors and walls of the next floors in the case of a 2-3-storey building;
  • Installation of attic floors, attic, roof self-supporting insulated wire.

Foundation device and installation of the lower piping

Foundations can be monolithic tape, pile, and design in the form of a monolithic ribbed plate. The type of foundation should be selected based on the properties of the soil underlying the structure at the construction site. When choosing the type of foundation, it is recommended to use a pile foundation - the most suitable for the simplicity of the device, relatively low cost, the possibility of using it under most types of soil conditions and the convenience of combining with the base of the prefabricated self-supporting insulated wire structure at home

To support the strapping along the top of steel pipes protruding above the ground surface, special heads with a horizontal metal plate are installed, or a steel beam from a channel can be laid with shelves up. In the latter case, the strapping bar is attached to the steel beam with anchors every 50 cm.After the screw piles are immersed in the ground, they are combined with a lower strapping or support bar with a section of 200x200 mm, which is the supporting basis of the entire constructions SIP at home. The strapping bar is attached to each pile with wood grouse screws with a diameter of up to 12 mm.

The strapping bar must first be impregnated with a fire-retardant compound, and a gasket made of bituminized paper, roofing felt or other roll waterproofing materials is laid between its lower surface and the base plates of the heads. In the case of laying the support bar on a metal beam or on a strip or slab foundation waterproofing should be laid under the entire lower surface of the timber.
The strapping bar is installed exactly according to the markings corresponding to the layout of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house and its assembly room scheme.

At the corners and intersections, the elements of the bar are joined together by inserts-staples and fastened with self-tapping screws 8x180 mm. Fasteners on staples are time-tested, staples withstand heavy loads and do not burst. Provides additional rigidity and strength in critical areas.

In the event that the support bar is laid on the horizontal concrete surface of other types of foundations, it is fastened with anchor bolts, which must be recessed into the foundation body by at least 100 mm in increments of 500 mm in length.

Installation of the base / plinth ceiling

After installation and fastening to the foundation of the lower support bar, a self-supporting insulated wire is mounted on it, including: wooden beams-logs 100x150, connecting inserts between panels from a bar with a cross section of at least 50x150 mm and a vulture of the floor panel. The lags are installed in the grooves in each sip panel along the perimeter. First, the first sip overlap panel is laid at any of the corners, the groove at the end is filled with foam from a mounting cylinder. A short connecting bar with a cross section of 50x150 is inserted into this groove, which is fastened through the OSB-board cladding with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm for wood every 15 cm in length. Then a groove is foamed at the end of the second sip panel, and it joins with the first sip panel. In this case, the protruding part of the connecting bar enters the groove of the second product and is also fastened with wood screws through the skin.

How many screws do you need for one SIP panel? With a step of 15 cm, on average, one panel of 2500x1250 mm will need 100 pieces. self-tapping screws, half 600x2500 mm 80 pieces.

After connecting and fixing the first row of basement sip panels of overlap with each other along the extreme span of the house sip, located near the end wall, a lag-beam is installed along the entire length of the span. Before this, the product grooves are filled again assembly room foam and the beam slides into this groove.

The subsequent assembly of panels, connecting bars and installation of the lag is carried out in the same way, until one continuous plane of the overlap is formed. To fix wooden beams to flat floor products, wood screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm are used. In places determined by the installation scheme, reinforced beams and timber are installed. The entire overlap is fastened through the logs to the strapping bar with self-tapping screws 8 x 280 mm in size.
The resulting open ends of the overlap of the first floor of the house are sewn up with a board having a cross section of 100 by 150 mm from all sides.

Installation of the walls of the 1st floor

Design on the first floor of a house made of vulture panels is a frame consisting of wooden posts and wall self-supporting insulated wire parts, fixed to the lower strapping beam, uprights, and fastened together. At the initial stage of the assembly of the enclosing structures of the walls of the first floor of the sip house kit, boards under each wall with a section of 25x150 mm are placed on the solid basement floor, the layout of which must correspond to the design layout and installation diagram. The strapping boards are attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and length 75 mm to the overlap every 40 cm. The marking for laying the strapping should be done with maximum accuracy without deviating from the diagram, so as not to cause difficulties in the future. It should be noted that there should be gaps between the edge of the basement floor, which coincide in thickness with the sheathing of the vulture panel from the OSB board - 12 mm, which is indicated in the installation diagram. The strapping boards are laid without gaps in the places corresponding to the location of the door openings in order to increase the accuracy and speed of their installation. In the future, after the installation of the vulture of the wall panels, cutouts are made in these places, therefore, when placing the screws, this must be taken into account. The main stage of wall assembly can be started from any corner of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house, where a vertical rack is first installed, having a cross section of 100 by 150 mm, which is attached to the lower strapping board with two self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 7.5 mm, the first panel is mounted to it.
Further, on one of the corner sip panels, the side groove is filled with mounting foam, then the product is placed in the design position with attachment to the rack. In this case, the stand should fit tightly into the side groove of the sip panel. After checking the vertical position of the element by means of a plumb line or a level, the panel is attached to the strapping board along the lower edge and the post with galvanized wood screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm on each side from the bottom and along the side edge after 15 cm.
In the same way, another vertical beam and a second flat wall product are installed, adjacent on the other side to the corner of the house. After checking the verticality, both corner wall products are additionally fixed to each other by means of structural screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 200 mm with a pitch of 50 cm in height.

Starting from the first corner sip panels, racks and ordinary sip panels of external and internal walls are sequentially mounted in each direction. Before the installation of each element, the lateral grooves are foamed, the vulture panels are attached along the side edges to the vertical beams and from the bottom to the strapping with screws 3.5 mm in diameter and 40-45 mm long every 15 cm on both sides.
At the corner nodes and T-shaped joints of the walls, the products are additionally sewn with structural self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm every 50 cm in height. The installation of the walls is completed at one of the corners, in the reverse order to the installation of the first corner - a vertical bar is inserted into the side edge of the last SIP panel, pre-filled with polyurethane foam, covering the end part of the wall. The SIP panel is attached to a vertical bar and strapping with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm with a pitch of 15 cm on both sides.
Next, the two corner sip panels are tightened with constructional self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm with a pitch of 50 cm in height. The last operation to install the walls is to connect them with an upper strapping board. For this, the grooves on the upper ends of the installed sip panels are filled with polyurethane foam, after which a strapping is laid in them. board with a section of 25x150 mm, which is attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm to the vertical posts, then all wall sip panels are attached to it with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm on each side with a pitch of 15 cm.

Installation of upper floors

If a house from a multi-storey vulture panels, then after assembling the structures of the first floor, the interfloor overlap is installed. All operations are carried out in the same way as the installation of the basement. Then the installation of the second floor is carried out in exactly the same sequence as the installation of structures the first floor of self-supporting insulated wire at home. Then everything is repeated on the next floor.

Installation of an attic floor, attic, SIP roof

The final stage is the installation of the attic floor, after which it is constructed roof... When arranging the attic floor, wall vulture panels of complex shapes are used - trapezoidal and triangular, on which the rafter roof details rest. The roof includes a frame consisting of pillars, rafters, purlins, Mauerlat, elements of valleys and ribs on fractures, as well as special self-supporting insulated roof panels. These products, in the event that roof not gable, they can also have both rectangular and a more complex geometric shape - trapezoidal or triangular, therefore, first you should carefully consider the installation diagram and outline the assembly order. In the event that the last floor of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house is not attic, then first a Mauerlat is installed from a bar having a section of 100x150 mm over the plane of the attic floor along the perimeter of the walls. Then the racks are 100x100 mm, united by a ridge bar measuring 100x150 mm and rafters measuring 40x200 mm, resting on the ridge with the upper end and the lower part on the Mauerlat.

If the self-supporting insulated wire roof is of a complex configuration, then the frame is supplemented with intermediate girders and details of the device of valleys and ribs at the outer corners of intersections of the roof planes. Mauerlat, ridge beams, purlins and other details can have a trapezoidal cross-section, which is given to them during the manufacture of a house kit at the factory in order to accurately fit all roof elements to each other. All elements of the roof frame are pulled together by galvanized self-tapping screws 8x280 mm, one at each attachment point. If necessary, in some places, metal connecting plates with holes for screws are used. After assembling the supporting frame of the roof, the roofing sip panels are installed, which are attached to the load-bearing elements in a similar way to the design of the fasteners used in the assembly of floors. If necessary, the edges of some panels can be cut with a power tool at certain angles on the construction site, for example, when it is necessary to form a ridge joint between two panels.

If you find it difficult to understand these instructions for installing a sip at home, then we recommend that you contact the specialists of SIP 47-Sipa Factory.

The companies that create and sell it talk a lot about the advantages of prefabricated housing from SIP panels. However, the relatively simple technology of building a house from self-supporting self-supporting insulated panels, built by hand, reveals many nuances. They are contained, for example, in matters of creating an optimal foundation project for a construction from self-supporting insulated wire or choosing from several existing the most suitable way of connecting building elements together.

What you should immediately pay attention to

Even at the stage of choosing the size of the future house, the first appears. Indeed, in order to minimize the waste of building materials, it is necessary to take into account the standard width of the self-supporting insulated wire panel - 1.25 m. If the development of a house project was ordered in a specialized organization, then expansion gaps will also be laid in the construction plan. These are 3 mm tolerances, which are specially left at the junction of two panels. However, as experience shows, OSB-3 boards, of which the sheathing of SIP panels, can have rather significant deviations in standard sizes. So, in accordance with the standards, the permissible error is +/- 3 mm per linear meter. In addition, SPI panels from different batches can also differ significantly in linear dimensions, up to 5 mm. This leads to the fact that, for example, one of the 8 panels that make up a 10 m long wall on the plan will have to be cut at the installation site. On the contrary, you can get a gap of 20-30 mm, which is already eliminated by filling with polyurethane foam.

Foundation selection

Structures made of SIP panels are much lighter than walls made of bricks or even porous concrete (gas or foam blocks) and, often, they do not require wide, powerful foundations. However, when choosing the type of foundation, it is necessary to focus on the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, houses using the new technology from SIP panels can use the following types of foundations:

1. Reinforced concrete monolithic shallow slab

This is the so-called "Swedish" or "floating" foundation. It is one of the most expensive but most effective bases. It is recommended to use it on low-bearing unstable soils (marshy, quicksand, peat bogs). At the same time, if a high level of rise or standing of groundwater is noted at the site, then a branched drainage system should be arranged under the reinforced concrete monolithic slab.

In "floating" foundations, elements of the main engineering communications of the house, insulation layers, and in some cases heating systems are often placed. This design is capable of playing the role of a heat accumulator and significantly increases the energy efficiency of the entire structure.

The technology of building houses from SIP panels on a slab base allows the construction of two and three-story buildings.

2. Strip foundation

On non-porous soils, its depth may be higher than the freezing level. If it is planned to equip a basement in the house or the rock adjacent to the base is subject to severe frost heaving, then the base of the foundation deepens below the actual freezing mark. Tape structures, especially reinforced concrete ones, are distinguished by a rather high bearing capacity; therefore, they can be used for the construction of houses of any number of storeys.

3. Pile bored foundation

It is characterized by a filling depth exceeding the level of soil freezing. Installation of self-supporting insulated wire panels is carried out on a prefabricated reinforced concrete grillage that serves as a pile tie. Bored supports withstand the weight of structures, which allows them to be erected houses with attics.

4. Screw piles

They are usually strapped with a prefabricated wooden round beam. On soils with an average bearing capacity, screw piles can be used for the construction of one-story houses, as well as those with small attics.

Zero level

Before starting the installation of SIP panels, a lower strapping (crown) bar with a section of 100x150 mm is laid on the foundation base. Its location should be reliably waterproofed. For this, bituminous mastic, roofing material (in two layers) or several layers of bituminous paper are used. In addition, the timber itself is necessarily treated with antiseptic and hydrophobic compounds. The figure below shows the layout of the strapping on a strip foundation.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to approach the installation of the lower beam, the removal of the "zero level" with special responsibility. The accuracy of its positioning determines not only the simplicity of the subsequent assembly of SIP panels, but the quality and durability of the entire structure.

Mount the crown

The lower beam is fixed to the base with anchor bolts with a diameter of 10-12 mm. They are buried in concrete at least 100 mm, installed in 50 cm increments. The bolts are screwed in flush with the surface of the timber. To do this, it is recommended to drill holes in the wood of the countersunk - holes larger than the bolt head diameter, and to simplify installation operations, use socket wrenches. The depressions of the drips can be filled with tar or bitumen, they will help prevent corrosion of the fasteners.

Basement tier

The structure of the basement tier (overlap) consists of wooden logs (supporting frame) and horizontal SIP panels. For its assembly, the first panel is placed on top of the strapping in the corner. A groove is selected in the polystyrene layer along the perimeter of its end part. An SIP-dowel or an insert from a piece of timber 80x200 mm (for SIP 225 mm thick) is laid in the short inner end. Such protruding elements become ridges to which the next SIP panels are installed with preselected grooves.

After assembling the first row, already in its longitudinal end part, a groove is also selected, for laying a log from a bar of 80x200 mm or double from boards of 2x40x200 mm. Spark is made with self-tapping screws for wood 75 mm long, screwed in with a pitch of no more than 40 cm. The panels are attached to the joists through OSB-3 facing plates with self-tapping screws 40 mm long with a pitch of 150-200 mm. The final stage in creating a basement overlap is the protection (lining) of the outer ends of SIP panels. They are covered with a 40x200 mm board.

This is how a typical layout of the basement elements looks like:

IMPORTANT! Before laying the panel elements of the basement tier, their lower planes must be treated with bituminous waterproofing mastic.

Sometimes, for the sake of imaginary savings, the technology of building houses from SIP panels is deliberately violated and ordinary boards on logs are used for the construction of the basement floor. The creation of an insulating barrier is carried out on a basis of expanded clay, poured directly onto the ground along a layer of waterproofing. Although this method can be used when installing a strip foundation, however, its effectiveness leaves much to be desired. Good thermal insulation of such a structure will require the installation of additional insulation between the subfloor and the final floor, such as sheets of foam or mineral wool. This will negate the initial savings, and ultimately prove to be more labor intensive.


Bottom wall trim

After assembling the basement, a bar of the lower wall trim is installed on it in accordance with the plan of the interior. The elements of the lower strapping are beams with a width corresponding to the thickness of expanded polystyrene in a SIP panel and a height of 50-60 mm. A massive timber of this size is not always available for sale, and it costs a lot. Therefore, quite often, instead of it, a composite element is used, recruited from several boards of suitable sizes. The lower harness is fastened with self-tapping screws 75 mm in increments of no more than 40 cm.

When placing the timber, it is necessary to take into account the location of the doors in the interior. For ease of installation, as well as to prevent errors in planning, the timber in the doorways is cut out after assembling the walls from SIP panels. Therefore, in such places, the lower harness is not screwed to the floor.

Frame installation of wall panels

Wall assembly of houses from SIP panels is carried out in ways similar to those already described for the lower floor. The most common is the frame method, in which the splicing parts are no longer logs, but double racks 40 (50) x150 mm (for self-supporting insulated wire with a thickness of 175 mm):

  • the assembly begins from the corner of the building, placing the first wall element on the strapping beam and aligning its end flush with the floor slab;
  • the panel, from the outside and inside, is attracted to the strapping with self-tapping screws (L \u003d 40 mm, pitch - 150 mm);
  • a single rack 50x150 mm is laid in the outer vertical end and scrolled through OSB sheets with self-tapping screws (L \u003d 40 mm);
  • along the inner edge of the panel opposite the end of the corner perpendicular wall, a vertical double post (corner spike) is installed. It is attracted by self-tapping screws 8x240 mm with incomplete thread, screwed in from the outer plane of the first wall panel with a pitch of 400 mm;
  • the assembly of the corner ends with the docking of a perpendicular panel, which is rolled along the corner spike with self-tapping screws 40 mm long. For its tight fit, it is knocked out from the end with a sledgehammer through a pad from a board or bar;
  • further ordinary technology for installing SIP panels involves similar actions - connecting the next section of the wall through the spike rack.

IMPORTANT! In order for the rack to go into the panel to the required depth, a groove is made in expanded polystyrene. The strength of the connection of wall elements, as well as the thermal efficiency of the joint, depend on the uniformity of its selection. Therefore, when making a high-quality groove on your own, you should purchase or rent a thermal knife (in the figure below) or a special device for a grinder, consisting of a stop and a milling nozzle.

Installation of wall panels in a frameless way

The frameless connection method involves the use of OSB-3 dowels or special thermal inserts, the so-called "splines". They represent a narrow fragment of a SIP panel, which fits into the groove of a full-size panel with their dimensions. Such a frameless assembly technology allows to reduce heat loss through the timber material of a bar, which has a higher thermal conductivity than foam. The SIP panel mounting scheme using a frameless method using splines is shown in the figure below. It is ideally suited for the construction of one-story houses.

IMPORTANT! Regardless of the chosen method of installation, the joints of any elements are processed with polyurethane foam before planting them in place. It helps to achieve absolute tightness of the joints and increase the reliability of the structure as a whole.

After the completion of the assembly of the walls of the first floor, the upper ends of the panels are also foamed, and a strapping beam 40 (50) x150 mm is laid in the foam sample. It is rolled along all OSB sheets with self-tapping screws 40 mm long, and to the frame posts - 75 mm.

Interfloor and attic floors are made similarly to the basement tier, as well as the technology of assembling the walls of the second or attic level repeats the assembly operations for the walls of the first floor.

Roofing structure for a house made of SIP panels

The installation of the roof begins with the fastening of load-bearing elements, Mauerlats, girders and a ridge, resting on load-bearing walls (in the case of a frameless assembly method) or on the struts of the structure. The runs are fixed at the point of contact with the base with two self-tapping screws 8x280 mm.

Next, the rafter system is installed. Each rafter at the point of contact with the girders is fixed with self-tapping screws 8x280 mm. The installation of rafters starts from one of the gables. If the roof has a complex multi-slope structure, the installation begins with the valleys. Below is a structural diagram of the placement of the supporting elements of the roofing system.

Important! The rafter system of the house is a particularly responsible structure, therefore it is better to involve experienced assistants for its construction.

Summing up

Assembling a house from SIP panels with your own hands is quite affordable, even for home craftsmen who do not have much experience in the construction of such structures. As a last resort, you can purchase a ready-made kit (constructor) from a wide range offered by specialized companies. Carefully fitted elements of such a designer, as well as detailed instructions for assembling a house from SIP panels, make its use more preferable if part or all of the work is planned to be done independently.

Whoever said what, and unification has always had a positive effect not only on the speed of production, but also on its cost. And the construction industry is no exception. Unification in frame housing construction has led to the development of self-supporting insulated wire panels and similar enlarged building materials.

The SIP-panel itself was invented in 1935 in the USA, in 1952 insulation was first glued into it. Since the beginning of the 60s of the last century, it began to be mass-produced, which just influenced the reduction in the construction time of houses and their price in America, and then in Canada. SIP-panel technologies came to Russia in the late 90s.

And this procession, in contrast to the United States, where tens of millions of square meters of such housing are built annually, has not yet become triumphant, and its cost is 30-40% higher than abroad. This is partly due to the mentality of our developer, partly to the high cost of components imported from abroad, the prices of which are also guided by rare domestic manufacturers who have mastered the production of similar products. But once, before releasing our own lorry, we also bought a batch of Ford trucks.

What does the SIP panel consist of and how is it made

The design of the SIP panel is extremely simple, which means that it is easily repeatable, but the copyright holders and patent holders will not miss their own, therefore they put their interest in the cost of equipment for its production. And the essence of the technology consists in gluing between two sheets of OSB (oriented strand board - English OSB) polystyrene foam block PSB-S-25, where C is self-extinguishing, and 25 is density (from 15 to 25 kg / m3). Its thickness ranges from 100 to 200 mm, depending on the type of building and the climatic zone where it is being built. Also, thinner panels can be used in the construction of partitions inside a frame house from SIP panels. Along the contour of the panel, there are grooves for connecting and fixing beams. It must be said that panels with 100 mm insulation in terms of thermal conductivity correspond to an approximately one and a half meter wall made of solid fired clay brick, but according to the current Russian standards, 120 mm of expanded polystyrene is needed for the middle strip. Therefore, most manufacturers of SIP panels offer standard products with 140 mm PSB-S-25 and OSB thickness of 10 - 12 mm.

DIY SIP panels

It is best to cut polystyrene with a nichrome wire, to which you must supply direct current from an adjustable transformer (parameters are selected depending on the length and thickness of the wire). It can be a car charger or a welding machine.

In the manufacture of SIP panels, a one-component polyurethane glue is used. On standard equipment, it is applied with 4 dozen nozzles for greater uniformity of distribution. The gluing process itself is carried out under pressure. For this, either vacuum or mechanical presses are used. The number of panel blanks in a stack and the number of glued stacks depends on the parameters of the press.

At home, it is not difficult to make a SIP panel with your own hands. From the entire chain of technology, it is necessary to single out only one process for explanation - the application of glue and suggest pressing parameters. The rest is not difficult to execute, and a thinking person will also create a couple of devices for the mutual positioning of the panel's components.

So here is the glue application. Choose almost any polyurethane balloon adhesive for expanded polystyrene (the best known), take a spray gun with an upper reservoir and a 2.5 mm nozzle. From an old professional polyurethane foam gun, unscrew the knot for attaching cylinders with a ball valve. Make sure it works right away or clean it with a special flushing fluid. Make a simple adapter with matching threads and connect together. Connect to the compressor and get a uniform layer of glue (or foam), adjustable in thickness

In all fairness, it must be said that ordinary professional polyurethane foam will work no worse than glue, but it will require a little more skill from you. The grooves in the SIP panels are made with a depth of 25 to 40 mm, while the lower and upper strapping boards will have exactly this thickness, and the connecting beams will be twice as thick.

Place the resulting sandwich under an evenly distributed load at the rate of 15 - 20 kg / m2 and leave for a couple of hours. The standard panel has an area of \u200b\u200b3.11 square meters. Several wooden beams can act as a load. As the panels are made, add them to the stack by moving the weight to the top - newly made one. The main thing when stacking is not to shift the sheets. Hint: cut 6 pieces of the board to the appropriate width and use them as templates during assembly, using self-tapping screws.

You can fully use your SIP panels the next day.

On what foundations are SIP-panel houses assembled?

Such houses can be mounted on any foundations, and here the main role should be played not by the type of frame formation (in this case, it is platform, American, Canadian, pallet), but the state of the base - the soil. It is clear that if you have swampy soil, the site has a complex relief or groundwater is high, we will recommend screw piles with a powerful wooden lower strapping, or a platform immediately formed on its basis.

If you have soils subject to large frost heaving, make a well-insulated floating foundation. He will also play the role of a platform on which you can directly install SIP panels, fixing the installation board with anchors, partly acting as the lower strapping.

Under standard conditions, for this type of frame, a grillage on poles is best suited.

Floor panels can be assembled directly on it, having previously been primed. In addition to sufficient strength, there will be one requirement for such a foundation when choosing an SIP-panel construction technology: ensuring good ventilation of the underground space.

SIP panel assembly technology

The connection of SIP panels to each other is carried out by gluing a bar on polyurethane foam, evenly entering their grooves. Fastening of panels to the platform of the floor or ceiling is also carried out according to the spike-groove system, while the role of the spike is played by boards of the lower and upper strapping of the corresponding sizes.

The bottom board is also called the setting board. Its thickness can be from 25 mm to 40 mm. Corner connections are made in the same way, only the mounting board is attached to the vertical panel.

As a rule, its thickness is half the thickness of the connecting bar. The fixing of parts at the seams is most often done with wood screws, less often with a nail gun. The construction of the self-supporting insulated panel house is so strong that a 25mm thick board is enough for the lower and upper strapping, as well as corner joints.

If you decide to make SIP panels with your own hands, and we tried to inform you that it is not so difficult, then we hope that you will make panels of specific sizes and configurations, with ready-made connecting nodes and you will not need additional trimming on the site. But, if you find it more profitable to buy ready-made panels from the manufacturer, we recommend ordering them to cut them for your project. Many firms sell just home kits.

For self-cutting of standard SIP panels, you will need at least a large grinder with 230 mm discs, or the same hand circular saw, a long thin sharp knife for cutting and a simple device for cutting out foam with a nichrome string (see photo below). The expanded polystyrene is cut a little more than half the thickness of the connecting bar.

Timing of assembling a house from vulture panels

2-3 people can freely assemble a one-story house from SIP panels, it is better to make panels together. The weight of a standard SIP panel with dimensions of 2500 x 1250 x 160 is 43 - 44 kg, and with a thickness of 164 (OSB-12) - up to 50 kg. Floor and roof panels are often made longer and narrower for rigidity, or additional beams are glued into them during manufacture.

From practice, two strong men on the ground floor cope with a panel measuring 1250 x 5000. Above, assistants are needed. An attic or two-story house is assembled by 4 people with the involvement of 2 helpers for a couple of days, if you do not use lifting and transport mechanisms.

And if you have a cozy place for the manufacture of SIP panels and a site for their temporary storage, then of all frame house building systems, this one is the most optimal, believe the experience. A stock-square house without any special architectural excesses, the team of the above-mentioned composition will assemble in a maximum of a week with measured work in compliance with hourly norms of labor legislation. And if it is you personally and your good friends or relatives will help you, even less time will be spent. And you can adjust to the weather.

Below is an accelerated video of the assembly of a house made of vulture panels - it is very interesting to see how it looks from the outside.

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