Read Ruslan and Lyudmila summary. A

Year of writing: 1820

Genre of work: poem

Main characters: Vladimir- old prince Ludmila- daughter, Ruslan- prince, Chernomor- wizard, Rogdai, Ratmir, Farlaf- knights.


Ruslan and Lyudmila got married. On their wedding night, the bride goes missing. Prince Vladimir is not pleased with Ruslan's inaction. He sends knights in search. The reward is half the kingdom and the bride. Looking for Lyudmila and Ruslan. He drove into the cave where the old wizard was sitting. He said that Chernomor had stolen the girl and said that Ruslan would save her. Rogdai decides to kill the opponent, looking for him. Lyudmila is not happy with anything, but she is not given to Chernomor, putting on an invisibility hat. Ruslan defeats Chernomor in battle, cut off his magic beard. He finds Lyudmila sleeping and takes her to Kyiv. Rogdai kills the hero in a dream, but the wizard from the cave resurrected the knight. He gave the ring, thanks to which the bride will wake up. And so it happened.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Ruslan did not give up, but by all means he was looking for Lyudmila. This showed real feelings. He was courageous, the obstacles did not frighten him. Even death is not the end for a hero.

Prince Vladimir the sun is feasting in the grid with his sons and a crowd of friends, celebrating the wedding of his youngest daughter Lyudmila with Prince Ruslan. In honor of the newlyweds, the harpist Bayan sings. Only three guests are not happy with the happiness of Ruslan and Lyudmila, three knights do not listen to the prophetic singer. These are Ruslan's three rivals: the knight Rogdai, the braggart Farlaf and the Khazar Khan Ratmir.

The feast is over, and everyone disperses. The prince blesses the young, they are taken to the bedchamber, and the happy bridegroom is already looking forward to love delights. Suddenly there was a thunder, a flash of light, everything grew dark, and in the ensuing silence a strange voice was heard and someone soared and disappeared into the darkness. Ruslan, who has woken up, is looking for Lyudmila, but she is not there, she is "kidnapped by an unknown force."

Struck by the terrible news of the disappearance of his daughter, enraged at Ruslan, the Grand Duke appeals to the young knights with an appeal to go in search of Lyudmila and promises whoever finds and returns his daughter to give her as a wife in reproach to Ruslan, and in addition - half the kingdom. Rogdai, Ratmir, Farlaf and Ruslan himself instantly volunteer to go looking for Lyudmila and saddle their horses, promising the prince not to prolong the separation. They leave the palace and gallop along the banks of the Dnieper, and the old prince looks after them for a long time and in his mind flies after them.

Knights ride together. Ruslan languishes with longing, Farlaf boasts of his future exploits in the name of Lyudmila, Ratmir dreams of her embrace, Rogdai is gloomy and silent. The day is drawing to a close, the horsemen drive up to the crossroads and decide to leave, each trusting his fate. Ruslan, devoted to gloomy thoughts, rides at a pace and suddenly sees a cave in front of him, in which a fire glows. The knight enters the cave and sees in it an old man with a gray beard and clear eyes, reading an ancient book in front of a lamp. The elder addresses Ruslan with a greeting and says that he has been waiting for him for a long time. He calms the young man, informing him that he will be able to regain Lyudmila, who was kidnapped by the terrible wizard Chernomor, an old thief of beauties living in the northern mountains, where no one has yet been able to penetrate. But Ruslan is destined to find the home of Chernomor and defeat him in battle. The elder says that the future of Ruslan is in his own will. Delighted, Ruslan falls at the old man’s feet and kisses his hand, but suddenly a torment appears again on his face. The wise old man understands the cause of the young man’s sadness and reassures him, saying that Chernomor is a powerful wizard, able to bring the stars from the sky, but powerless in the fight against inexorable time, and therefore his senile love is not terrible for Lyudmila. The elder persuades Ruslan to go to bed, but Ruslan languishes in anguish and is unable to fall asleep. He asks the elder to tell him who he is and how he got to this land. And the old man with a sad smile tells his wondrous story.

Born in the Finnish valleys, he was a peaceful and carefree shepherd in his homeland, but to his misfortune he fell in love with the beautiful, but hard-hearted and obstinate Naina. For six months he languished in love and finally opened up to Naina. But the proud beauty replied indifferently that she did not love the shepherd. Feeling disgusted with his usual life and occupations, the young man decided to leave his native fields and set off with a faithful squad on a brave voyage in search of battles in order to earn the love of proud Naina with swearing fame. He spent ten years in battles, but his heart, full of love for Naina, longed for a return. And so he returned to throw rich trophies at the feet of the arrogant beauty in the hope of her love, but again the indifferent maiden refused the hero. But this test did not stop the lover. He decided to try his luck with the help of magical powers, having learned powerful wisdom from the sorcerers living in his area, whose will everything is subject to. Having decided to attract Naina's love with the help of witchcraft, he spent imperceptible years studying with sorcerers and finally comprehended the terrible secret of nature, learned the secret of spells. But evil fate pursued him. Called by his sorcery, Naina appeared before him as a decrepit old woman, hunchbacked, gray-haired, with a shaking head. The horrified sorcerer learns from her that forty years have passed and today she turned seventy. To his horror, the sorcerer was convinced that his spells had worked and Naina loved him. With trepidation, he listened to the love confessions of a gray-haired, ugly old woman, and to top it off, he learned that she had become a sorceress. The shocked Finn ran away, and after him the curses of the old witch were heard, reproaching him for being unfaithful to his feelings.

Having fled from Naina, the Finn settled in this cave and lives in it in complete solitude. Finn predicts that Naina will also hate Ruslan, but he will be able to overcome this obstacle.

All night Ruslan listened to the stories of the elder, and in the morning, with a soul full of hope, gratefully hugging him goodbye and parting with the blessing of the wizard, he sets off in search of Lyudmila.

Meanwhile, Rogdai travels "between the forest deserts." He cherishes a terrible thought - to kill Ruslan and thereby free his way to Lyudmila's heart. He decisively turns his horse and gallops back.

Farlaf, having slept all morning, dined in the silence of the forest by the stream. Suddenly he noticed that a rider was rushing straight at him at full speed. Throwing away lunch, weapons, chain mail, the cowardly Farlaf jumps on his horse and flees without looking back. The rider rushes after him and urges him to stop, threatening to "rip off" his head. Farlaf's horse jumps over the moat, and Farlaf himself falls into the mud. Rogdai, who has flown up, is already ready to defeat the opponent, but he sees that this is not Ruslan, and in annoyance and anger he rides away.

Under the mountain, he meets a barely alive old woman, who points to the north with her stick and says that she will find the knight of her enemy there. Rogdai leaves, and the old woman approaches Farlaf, who is lying in the mud and shaking with fear, and advises him to return home, not to endanger himself anymore, because Lyudmila will be his anyway. Having said this, the old woman disappeared, and Farlaf follows her advice.

Meanwhile, Ruslan seeks his beloved, wondering about her fate. One evening, sometimes, he rode over the river and heard the buzz of an arrow, the ringing of chain mail and the neighing of a horse. Someone shouted at him to stop. Looking back, Ruslan saw a rider rushing towards him with a raised spear. Ruslan recognized him and shuddered with anger...

At the same time, Lyudmila, carried away from her wedding bed by the gloomy Chernomor, woke up in the morning, seized with vague horror. She lay in a luxurious bed under a canopy, everything was like in the fairy tales of Shehe-rezada. Beautiful maidens in light clothes approached her and bowed. One skillfully braided her braid and adorned her with a pearl crown, the other put on her an azure sundress and shod her, the third gave her a pearl belt. The invisible singer sang cheerful songs all this time. But all this did not amuse Lyudmila's soul. Left alone, Lyudmila goes to the window and sees only snowy plains and the peaks of gloomy mountains, everything is empty and dead all around, only a whirlwind rushes with a dull whistle, shaking the forest visible on the horizon. In desperation, Lyudmila runs to the door, which automatically opens in front of her, and Lyudmila goes out into an amazing garden in which palm trees, laurel, cedars, oranges grow, reflected in the mirror of the lakes. Spring fragrance is all around and the voice of the Chinese nightingale is heard. Fountains beat in the garden and there are beautiful statues that seem to be alive. But Lyudmila is sad, and nothing amuses her. She sits down on the grass, and suddenly a tent unfolds over her, and before her is a sumptuous dinner. Beautiful music delights her ears. Intending to reject the treat, Lyudmila began to eat. As soon as she got up, the tent disappeared by itself, and Lyudmila again found herself alone and wandered in the garden until evening. Lyudmila feels that she is falling asleep, and suddenly an unknown force lifts her up and gently carries her through the air on her bed. The three maidens appeared again and, having put Lyudmila to bed, disappeared. In fear, Lyudmila lies in bed and waits for something terrible. Suddenly there was a noise, the hall was lit up, and Lyudmila sees how a long line of araps bears a gray beard on pillows in pairs, behind which a humpbacked dwarf with a shaved head, covered with a high cap, stalks importantly. Lyudmila jumps up, grabs him by the cap, the dwarf gets frightened, falls, gets tangled in his beard, and to the squeal of Lyudmila the Arabs carry him away, leaving his hat behind.

Meanwhile, Ruslan, overtaken by the knight, fights with him in a fierce battle. He tears the enemy from the saddle, lifts him up and throws him from the shore into the waves. This hero was none other than Rogdai, who found his death in the waters of the Dnieper.

A cold morning shines on the tops of the northern mountains. Chernomor lies in bed, and the slaves comb his beard and oil his mustache. Suddenly, a winged serpent flies through the window and turns into Naina. She welcomes Chernomor and informs him of the impending danger. Chernomor replies to Naina that he is not afraid of the knight as long as his beard is intact. Naina, turning into a snake, flies away again, and Chernomor again goes to Lyudmila's chambers, but cannot find her either in the palace or in the garden. Lyudmila is gone. Chernomor in anger sends slaves in search of the disappeared princess, threatening them with terrible punishments. Lyudmila did not run away anywhere, she just accidentally discovered the secret of the Black Sea invisibility cap and took advantage of its magical properties.

But what about Ruslan? Having defeated Rogdai, he went further and ended up on the battlefield with armor and weapons scattered around, and the bones of warriors turning yellow. Sadly, Ruslan looks around the battlefield and finds among the abandoned weapons for himself armor, a steel spear, but cannot find a sword. Ruslan is driving through the night steppe and notices a huge hill in the distance. Riding closer, in the light of the moon, he sees that this is not a hill, but a living head in a heroic helmet with feathers that shudder from her snoring. Ruslan tickled the nostrils of his head with a spear, she sneezed and woke up. The angry head threatens Ruslan, but, seeing that the knight is not frightened, he becomes angry and begins to blow on him with all his might. Unable to resist this whirlwind, Ruslan's horse flies far into the field, and his head laughs over the knight. Enraged by her ridicule, Ruslan throws a spear and pierces his head with his tongue. Taking advantage of the confusion of his head, Ruslan rushes to her and beats her on the cheek with a heavy mitten. The head shook, turned over and rolled. In the place where she stood, Ruslan sees a sword that fits him. He intends to cut off the head's nose and ears with this sword, but he hears her groan and spares. The prostrate head tells Ruslan his story. Once she was a brave giant knight, but to her misfortune she had a younger dwarf brother, the evil Chernomor, who envied her older brother. One day, Chernomor revealed the secret he found in the black books, that behind the eastern mountains in the basement there is a sword that is dangerous for both brothers. Chernomor persuaded his brother to go in search of this sword and, when he was found, he fraudulently took possession of it and cut off his brother's head, transferred her to this desert region and doomed her to guard the sword forever. The head offers Ruslan to take the sword and take revenge on the insidious Chernomor.

Khan Ratmir went south in search of Lyudmila and on the way he sees a castle on a rock, along the wall of which a singing maiden walks in the moonlight. With her song, she beckons the knight, he drives up, under the wall he is met by a crowd of red maidens who give the knight a luxurious reception.

And Ruslan spends this night near his head, and in the morning he goes on further searches. Autumn passes, and winter comes, but Ruslan stubbornly moves north, overcoming all obstacles.

Lyudmila, hidden from the eyes of the sorcerer with a magic hat, walks alone through the beautiful gardens and teases the servants of Chernomor. But the insidious Chernomor, having taken the form of a wounded Ruslan, lures Lyudmila into the net. He is ready to pick the fruit of love, but the sound of a horn is heard, and someone is calling him. Having put on an invisibility cap on Lyudmila, Chernomor flies towards the call.

Ruslan called the sorcerer to fight, he is waiting for him. But the insidious wizard, having become invisible, beats the knight on the helmet. Having contrived, Ruslan grabs Chernomor by the beard, and the wizard takes off with him under the clouds. For two days he carried the knight through the air and finally asked for mercy and carried Ruslan to Lyudmila. On the ground, Ruslan cuts off his beard with a sword and ties it to his helmet. But, having entered the possession of Chernomor, he does not see Lyudmila anywhere and, in anger, begins to destroy everything around with his sword. With an accidental blow, he knocks off the invisibility cap from Lyudmila's head and finds a bride. But Lyudmila sleeps soundly. At this moment, Ruslan hears the voice of the Finn, who advises him to go to Kyiv, where Lyudmila will wake up. Arriving on the way back to the head, Ruslan pleases her with a message about the victory over Chernomor.

On the bank of the river, Ruslan sees a poor fisherman and his beautiful young wife. He is surprised to recognize Ratmir in the fisherman. Ratmir says that he found his happiness and left the vain world. He says goodbye to Ruslan and wishes him happiness and love.

Meanwhile, Naina appears to Farlaf, who is waiting in the wings, and teaches how to destroy Ruslan. Creeping up to the sleeping Ruslan, Farlaf plunges his sword into his chest three times and hides with Lyudmila.

The murdered Ruslan lies in the field, and Farlaf with the sleeping Lyudmila strives for Kyiv. He enters the tower with Lyudmila in his arms, but Lyudmila does not wake up, and all attempts to wake her up are fruitless. And here a new misfortune falls on Kyiv: it is surrounded by the rebellious Pechenegs.

While Farlaf is going to Kyiv, the Finn comes to Ruslan with living and dead water. Having resurrected the knight, he tells him what happened and gives him a magic ring that will remove the spell from Lyudmila. Encouraged Ruslan rushes to Kyiv.

Meanwhile, the Pechenegs besiege the city, and at dawn a battle begins, which does not bring victory to anyone. And the next morning, among the hordes of Pechenegs, a rider in shining armor suddenly appears. He strikes right and left and puts the Pechenegs to flight. It was Ruslan. Having entered Kyiv, he goes to the tower, where Vladimir and Farlaf were near Lyudmila. Seeing Ruslan, Farlaf falls to his knees, and Ruslan strives for Lyudmila and, touching her face with a ring, awakens her. Happy Vladimir, Lyudmila and Ruslan forgive Farlaf, who confessed everything, and Chernomor, deprived of magical powers, is accepted into the palace.

M.I. Glinka opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

The opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is practically the first performance that students of children's music schools get acquainted with at the lessons of musical literature. The famous "March of Chernomor" from the fourth act is well known not only to professionals, but also to music lovers. So much wide polarity of the performance M.I. Glinka due to the fact that it is filled with wonderful, lyrical and such “Russian” music, fabulous, fantastic images and a fascinating plot based on the work of another great Russian creator - A.S. Pushkin.

A summary of Glinka's opera "" and many interesting facts about this work, read on our page.



Ludmila soprano Ruslan's beloved, kidnapped during a feast by an evil wizard
Ruslan baritone a brave knight who went in search of his bride Lyudmila
Ratmir contralto one of Ruslan's rivals, the Khazar prince
Farlaf bass the second rival of the groom Lyudmila, who also went in search of her
Gorislava soprano captive Ratmir
Chernomor tenor the evil wizard who kidnapped the beautiful Lyudmila
Naina mezzo-soprano sorceress trying to put Ruslana to find a bride
Accordion tenor narrator
Finn tenor kind old man

Summary of "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

At the wedding feast of Ruslan and Lyudmila, a strange thing happens, two monsters suddenly appear and carry the bride away, leaving all the guests standing in a dumb stupor. The inconsolable father has no choice but to promise the one who finds Lyudmila to give her as a legal spouse. Three knights are sent in search: Ruslan, Ratmir and Farlaf.

Young and brave warriors are waiting for a lot of ill-wishers and helpers on the way. So, thanks to the wizard Finn, Ruslan finds out who kidnapped his beloved, it turned out to be the evil Chernomor. The mysterious well-wisher informs Ruslan that Lyudmila still loves him and is waiting for him to rescue her from the captivity of the sorcerer.

Not all knights were in fact as brave as Ruslan. Farlaf, despite his beautiful bass voice, is in fact just an ordinary coward who is already ready to completely abandon the search. On the way, he comes across the sorceress Naina, who wants to help and prevent Ruslan from winning.

The next fairy-tale character that gets in the way of the protagonist is a huge Head, who turned out to be Chernomor's brother. He gives the brave warrior a sword with which to defeat the villain.

In the meantime, the insidious sorceress Naina did not waste time in vain and by cunning lured travelers to her castle with the help of beautiful maidens and visions. Only thanks to Finn's help do they manage to avoid death and break the spell. In the deadly duel between Ruslan and Chernomor, thanks to the magic sword, the knight wins and it would seem that this is victory! But, the insidious villain has bewitched Lyudmila and the girl sleeps soundly.

Ruslan went with her and his devoted friends to Kyiv. But another cowardly warrior went in search of Lyudmila, remember? Farlaf waited for the retinue to stop for the night and stole the girl, hurrying to go to Kyiv as soon as possible and receive the long-awaited reward. But only Ruslan can disenchant Lyudmila, because he has a magic ring, handed by the kind Finn. Appearing around the palace, the brave warrior breaks the spell of Chernomor, and all the guests rejoice, glorifying the brave Ruslan and his lovely bride Lyudmila.

Performance duration
I Act II Act III Act IV Act Act V
45 min. 40 min. 50 min. 40 min. 30 min.

Photo :

Interesting Facts

  • Work on the opera lasted about five years.
  • Glinka He said that the comedian Shakhovsky was the first to give him the idea to write an opera at one of Zhukovsky's evenings.
  • When the author started working on the work, there was not even a libretto yet.
  • Interestingly, the country Lukomorye, in which the action takes place, was depicted on maps of the 16th-18th centuries. It was a locality in Siberia, located on the right bank of the Ob River.
  • The long-awaited premiere of the performance was timed to coincide with the sixth anniversary of the first performance. opera "A Life for the Tsar" .
  • The opera was written by the composer within the walls of his house, located on Gorokhovaya, 5.
  • It is curious that the legendary and beloved by many prologue "At the Lukomorye", A.S. Pushkin included in the poem only 8 years after it was written, during the editing.
  • Despite the great work done, the premiere of the opera was received rather coldly. This is partly due to the libretto, around the writing of which there were many rumors. Moreover, the composer himself is the culprit of these conversations. He wrote in one of his stories that at the next meeting, Bakhturin, drunk in just half an hour of work, sketched out a plan for a future performance.
  • The original manuscript of the opera has not survived, as it burned down in a fire at the Mariinsky Theater in 1859. N. Rimsky-Korsakov , M. Balakirev and A. Lyadov had to restore it.
  • Especially for this opera, Glinka came up with a technique that allows you to show the sound of the harp . A little later, Rimsky-Korsakov used this idea in his fairy tale operas: Snow Maiden " And " Sadko ».
  • In his opera M.I. Glinka was the first to use a unique technique - the “scale of Chernomor”. This is a scale that is located in whole tones - a whole-tone scale. The author specially came up with such an original scale to emphasize the image of Chernomor. Later this approach was used Dargomyzhsky , Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin .
  • Throughout its existence, the opera has been performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater about 700 times.
  • For the film "Ruslan and Lyudmila" it took 300 birds - parrots. However, their purchase would be very expensive for the film studio, so it was decided to go for the trick. We bought several dozen parrots, and the rest of the birds were “played” by pigeons, painted under them.

Popular arias and numbers from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Overture (listen)

Bayan's song "Cases of Bygone Days" Act 1 (listen)

Farlaf's Rondo "The hour of my triumph is near" from scene 2, act 2 (listen)

Ruslan's aria "About the field, the field, who strewn you with dead bones" from the 3rd scene of the 2nd act (listen)

March of Chernomor Act 4 (listen)

The history of the creation of "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

He drew attention to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" during the lifetime of the great poet. At the same time, the composer decided to write an opera based on this plot, which greatly interested Pushkin, who began to actively participate in the discussion of the plan of the work. However, the sudden death of the poet interrupted this collaboration. Subsequently, K. Bakhturin, V. Shirokov and the composer himself worked on the libretto. In addition, Glinka's friends, N. Kukolnik, worked on the text of the opera, on whose verses there were written many romances , historian Markevich and censor M. Gedeonov. As a result of the work done, the plot of the performance was greatly changed. So, the epic beginning came to the fore, and the lyrics deepened greatly. In addition, the main character has only two real rivals left. As for the Khazar prince, he turned into an assistant to Ruslan. The image of Bayan is now significantly enlarged.

As a result, all the careful work on the performance lasted several years. In 1837, the composer completed the first act and even presented it to the directorate of theaters. About a year later, separate numbers were performed at the Kachenovka estate, which were very warmly received by the audience. Work on the entire score ended in 1842.

The epic opera in five acts turned out to be really impressive. It praised heroism and real nobility. In addition, cowardice, malice and cruelty were mercilessly ridiculed and criticized. In addition, this is a fairy tale, which means its main idea is the victory of good over evil. Another distinctive feature of the opera is the amazing gallery of images created by Glinka. Among them there is the courageous Ruslan, the cowardly Farlaf, the cruel Chernomor, the kind Finn and other heroes who are distinguished by their bright characters.


The play premiered on November 27, 1842 at the Bolshoi Theatre. It was decided to time the production to coincide with the anniversary of the premiere of the composer's first opera, A Life for the Tsar. Moreover, Glinka's second opera was staged on the same stage, at the same time, but this did not help her. The performance was not particularly successful. Moreover, many reproached Glinka for not taking the creation of the libretto with due seriousness, but this is not at all the case. The well-known critic Serov noted that the libretto of the opera was written without a plan, in pieces, even by different authors. However, the surviving information confirms that Glinka worked very carefully and painstakingly on this work, including paying attention to the libretto. This is confirmed by another critic - Stasov, who noted how diligently and carefully Glinka worked even on the smallest details of the opera.

Nevertheless, at the premiere, already during the third act, the audience cooled off, and at the end of the fifth, the imperial family left the theater altogether, without waiting for the final chords. After the curtain fell, Glinka did not know if he should go on stage. Moreover, the departure of the emperor affected the reception of the opera by the public. Despite this, the play was staged a total of 32 times in its first season.

However, gradually, with each new production, the success of the work only increased. Among the brightest and most notable premieres, it is worth noting the 1904 version, which was successfully staged at the Mariinsky Theatre. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous composer M. Glinka. Among the soloists were such eminent singers as Slavina, Chaliapin, Ershov and others.

Among modern productions, the premiere, which took place in April 2003 at the Bolshoi Theater, on which Viktor Kramer worked, stands out. Moreover, even before the performance was presented to the public, he positioned himself as an opera of the 21st century. Original scenery, play of light, "dancing" double basses, special direction - made this production special. However, this version was a failure and only lasted three performances.

A rather scandalous production took place at the Bolshoi Theater. On November 5, 2011, the public was able to get acquainted with the work of director Dmitry Chernyakov, who has long been famous for his provocative works. But this time his idea turned out to be a failure and many spectators left the hall without waiting for the finale, the rest shouted “shame” at all. If the first act of the opera was performed quite conservatively, then innovations began in the second. Lyudmila ended up in the villain's camp, and they tempted her with Thai massage. There are very few clothes on the characters, and the scenery does resemble a beauty salon. Everything is unusual in this version: a corporate party, scenery for a movie, with leaving "corpses" after work, a reminder of the country's hot spots. But the main character in this production is not Ruslan, but Finn.

The opera fell in love not only in Russia, but also abroad, where it was repeatedly presented to the public. Foreign connoisseurs of art first got acquainted with the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in 1906 in Ljubljana, then in 1907 in Paris, London, Berlin and other European cities. Among them, the work of C. Mackeras, which he presented in Hamburg 1969, stands out the most. This time, Balanchine acted as the choreographer. The audience warmly welcomed the singers and appreciated the work of the great composer.

Such an interesting story is very interested in filmmakers. So, for the first time the poem was filmed in 1914 by Vladislav Starevich. A little later, Viktor Nevezhin and Ivan Nikitchenko took up, which was released in 1938. The third film adaptation was conceived by director Alexander Ptushko in 1972. The two-episode fairy tale film immediately captivated viewers with its magnificent plot, luxurious costumes and unsurpassed acting. It is interesting that the non-professional actress Natalya Petrova was invited to the role of Lyudmila, for whom this role became her debut and almost the only one. By the way, Chernomor was also played by a non-professional.

For more than a hundred years, a magnificent opera Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka captivates the hearts of classical music lovers, and this applies even to the smallest admirers of the performance. A stunning plot, magnificent music of the composer captivates literally from the first chord, forcing you, along with the actors, to plunge into this fabulous atmosphere. We offer you to watch the opera "" and, together with the main character, try to overcome all difficulties and rescue your beloved from the captivity of Chernomor. You can watch Glinka's opera right now in excellent quality and original production.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Year: 1820 Genre: poem

Main characters: the old prince Vladimir, his daughter Lyudmila, prince Ruslan, the magician Chernomor, Rogdai, Ratmir and the knights Farlaf.

The work "Ruslan and Lyudmila" was the first major work of the author, it was written in the period 1817-1819.
This work is filled with faith in love, courage, and how to fight for your happiness. Pushkin showed that no matter what, in the end, good triumphs over evil.

The plot is that Prince Vladimir is celebrating the wedding of his daughter, but suddenly she is kidnapped. Now her fiancé Ruslan goes in search of her, he will face many trials, a long journey and enemies. But in the end everything ends well.

Read a summary of the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila for children (Pushkin)

Prince Vladimir decided to arrange a holiday by bringing together his sons, friends and other people. The reason for the celebration was the wedding of his only daughter, Luda. Everyone around is happy about this event, only a few knights stand aside, despondent, as they envy Lyudmila's fiancé.

After the end of the holiday, the prince gives his blessing to the young and takes them to their chambers. Suddenly, the weather worsened, the wind and thunder suddenly appeared, and a voice began to be heard from the darkness. When the storm ended and Ruslan came to his senses, he found that his bride was gone. Vladimir, having learned about the disappearance of his daughter, sends knights to search for her, and says that whoever finds her first will marry him. Each of the knights is already dreaming about how to save the young beauty. Arriving at the road, they found that it was divided and now each went his own way. Ruslan also went in search of a bride, on his way he came across a cave in which an old man lived. He told him that he had been waiting for a long time, and said that Ruslan would definitely find a bride, but before that there would be many difficulties. Lyudmila was stolen by Chernomor and in order to save the girl, it is necessary to kill him. Until the morning, Ruslan sat with the old man, who told him the story of his life. While Ruslan was listening to the old man, Rogdai thought about how he could get rid of Ruslan and save the girl. Rogdai, gathering his strength, goes to meet the enemy and on the way he meets an old grandmother who showed the way.

Ruslan is looking for Lyudmila, but suddenly Rogdai appears in front of him with a spear. All this time, Lyudmila is in the mansions of Chernomor, the most beautiful room was allocated for her, as well as many servants. There is a battle between Ruslan and Rograd, as a result, Ruslan gets the victory.

Then Ruslan finds himself in the fields where the war once unfolded, swords and bones of warriors lie around. Here he finds some weapons for himself and goes on his way. Soon a hill appears in front of him, but in the end it turned out to be the head of a warrior. The head came to life and blew Ruslan into the field. After that, the guy attacks the warrior's head, pierces her tongue, and then beats her on the head. Lyudmila is teasing the slaves at this time. Chernomor came up with a cunning plan, he turned into the girl's lover, caught her and sent her to her chambers.

Finally Ruslan met with Chernomor. Their struggle lasted for several days, a struggle not for life, but for death. The weak point of Chernomor was the beard, chopping it off Ruslan comes out the winner. He goes to look for Lyudmila, accidentally finds her under the invisibility cap. Ruslan and Lyudmila are very glad to each other and go home. On the way, Ruslan meets Ratmir, who is also happy, because he has found a girlfriend. They reconciled with Ruslanov and parted as friends.

Naina told Farlaf how to get rid of Ruslan, and soon he kills him, and he leaves with Lyudmila. A new problem came to Kyiv, the Pechenegs gathered around the city. The old man, whom Ruslan met in a cave, revives the guy and gives him a ring that will help remove the spell from Lyudmila. Ruslan hurries to Kyiv, at this time the enemies attack the city. Ruslan emerges victorious from the battle with Russian enemies. Going for his beloved, he meets Vladimir and Farlaf. Farlaf is very surprised to see Ruslan, and swears that he personally killed the guy. Ruslan, not paying attention to anything, runs to Lyudmila and resurrects her.

Picture or drawing Ruslan and Lyudmila

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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A brief summary helps to quickly get acquainted with the content of any literary work. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - a poem by A.S. Pushkin. The retelling will help the reader understand the meaning of the work, introduce the plot, the main characters, and, perhaps, arouse interest in a detailed study of the original.

History of creation

They say that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was thinking about writing such a work while still studying at the Lyceum. But he began to work on it thoroughly later - in 1818-1820. Pushkin wanted to create fairy-tale poetry, in which there would be a "heroic spirit".

The poetic work was born simultaneously under the influence of Russian literary tales and the works of Voltaire, Ariosto. The names of some of the actors were assigned after the release of the History of the Russian State. It was there that Ratmir, Ragdai, Farlaf were. A short summary will introduce you to them very soon.

"Ruslan and Lyudmila" also has elements of parody, because Alexander Sergeevich sometimes liked to flash with well-aimed epigrams, to include humorous elements in his poetic creations. Critics have noticed that Pushkin kindly parodies some episodes of Zhukovsky's ballad "The Twelve Sleeping Maidens". But in the 30s, the poet even regretted that he did this for the “pleasure of the mob”, because he was good to Zhukovsky, who presented him with his portrait after the release of the poem and wrote that it was the defeated teacher who gave it to the winner-student.


Many fairy tales by A.S. are loved by the people. Pushkin, "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is no exception. Not everyone knows that the poem begins with lines in which the author says that he dedicates it to beautiful girls. Then there are lines known to many about the seaside, the green oak, the learned cat, and the mermaid. After that, the work itself begins.

First song

A summary introduces the reader to the first chapter. Ruslan and Lyudmila loved each other. The girl was the daughter of the Kyiv prince Vladimir. This is told in the first song, this is how A. S. Pushkin called 6 chapters. The latter, respectively, is called "Sixth Song".

The author, using the beauty of the word, talks about a merry celebration on the occasion of the wedding of two people in love. Only three guests were not happy at this feast - Ratmir, Farlaf and Rogday. They are Ruslan's rivals, as they were also in love with a beautiful girl.

And now it's time for the newlyweds to be alone. But suddenly thunder was heard, the lamp went out, everything around trembled, and Lyudmila disappeared.

Ruslan is sad. And Vladimir ordered to find his daughter and promised to give her as a wife to the one who would bring the girl. Of course, Ruslan's three enemies could not miss such an opportunity and rushed in search, like the newly-born groom himself.

One day he meets an old man in a cave. He told him the story of his love, that in his youth he was ready to move mountains for a certain Naina, but she kept rejecting the young man. Then he left and for 40 years studied spells aimed at making a girl fall in love with him. When the elder returned, instead of a virgin, he saw a disgusting old woman, into which Naina had turned over the years. And she finally kindled feelings for him. However, old Finn fled from her, and has since lived in seclusion in a cave. He said that Lyudmila was kidnapped by the terrible wizard Chernomor.

Canto two

The summary of Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" came to the second chapter. From it, the reader will learn that Rogdai was belligerent, he rode, sending curses to Ruslan. Suddenly the man saw the rider and chased after him. He, barely alive from fear, tried to gallop away, but his horse stumbled and the rider flew into the ditch. Rogdai saw that it was not Ruslan, but Farlaf, and rode away.

An old woman approached Farlaf (it was Naina), brought a horse and advised him to go back and live on his estate near Kiev, because while Lyudmila is still difficult to find, and then she will not go anywhere from Naina and Farlaf. He listened to the old woman and galloped back.

Further, a summary of the book "Ruslan and Lyudmila" will tell the reader where the girl was languishing at that time. Its location was the palace of the villain Chernomor. She woke up in bed. Silently, three servant girls came, dressed, combed the beauty.

Lyudmila went to the window with anguish, looked at it, then left the palace and saw a magical garden that was more beautiful than the "gardens of Armida." There were picturesque gazebos, waterfalls. After lunch in nature, the girl returned back and saw servants entering the room and carrying Chernomor's beard on pillows, followed by him himself - a hunchback and a dwarf.

The girl was not at a loss, grabbed the “carla by the cap”, raised her fist over him, and then squealed so much that everyone ran away in horror.

Meanwhile, Ruslan fought with Rogday, who attacked him, and defeated the bully, throwing him into the waves of the Dnieper. This continues the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

To the retreating Chernomor, the servants combed his beard. Suddenly, a winged serpent flew through the window and turned into Naina. The old woman said that the sorcerer was in danger - the heroes were looking for Lyudmila. She spoke flatteringly about Chernomor and confirmed that she was completely on his side.

To celebrate, the evil wizard again entered the girl's chambers, but did not see her there. The search for servants was also unsuccessful. It turns out that Lyudmila understood what properties a hat has. If you put it on backwards, the person will become invisible, which the beauty did. These are the magical accessories used by Pushkin in his poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. A very brief summary quickly transports the reader to the next scene.

At this time, the young husband was on the battlefield, saw many dead soldiers. He picked up a shield, a helmet, a horn, but could not find a good sword. Not far from the field, he saw a large hill, it turned out to be a real head. She told the traveler that she had once been on the shoulders of a hero - the brother of Chernomor. But the latter envied the tall and stately brother. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the dwarf cut off his head and ordered the head to guard the sword, which, according to legend, could cut off the magic beard of the sorcerer.

Canto Four

This is how quickly a brief retelling of the content of Ruslan and Lyudmila came to the fourth chapter. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich first reflects on how wonderful it is that in real life there are not so many wizards. Further, he says that Ratmir, in search of Lyudmila, came across the castle. There he was met by charmers who fed the knight, surrounded him with attention, tenderness, care, and the young hero abandoned his previous plans to find Vladimir's daughter. On this, for now, the author leaves the happy young man and says that only Ruslan continues the path he has chosen. On the way, he meets a giant, a hero, a witch, defeats them, does not go to the mermaids who beckon the young man.

Meanwhile, Lyudmila is wandering around in the halls of the sorcerer wearing an invisibility cap, but he cannot find her. Then the villain used a trick. He turned into a wounded Ruslan, the girl thought that it was her lover, rushed to him, the hat fell off. At that moment, nets were thrown over Lyudmila, and she fell asleep, unable to resist the witchcraft of Chernomor.

Song Five

Soon Ruslan arrives at the villain's abode. He blows his horn to challenge him to a duel. When the young man raised his head, he saw that Chernomor was flying above him, holding a mace in his hand. When the sorcerer swung, Ruslan quickly recoiled, and the hunchback fell into the snow. The nimble young man immediately jumped up to the offender and firmly grabbed him by the beard.

But Chernomor suddenly soared under the clouds. However, the young man did not let out his beard, so he also ended up in the sky. So they flew for a long time - over fields, mountains, forests. The sorcerer asked to be released, but Ruslan did not do this. On the third day, Chernomor resigned himself and carried her husband to his young wife. When they landed, the young man cut off the villain's beard with a magic sword, tied it on his helmet, and put the dwarf in a bag and attached it to the saddle.

The knight went to look for his beloved, but he could not find it in any way. Then he began to destroy everything in his path and accidentally took off his hat from the girl. This sorcerer specially put a headdress on her so that the husband would not find his wife.

This is how Ruslan and Lyudmila finally met. The shortened poem is coming to an end soon. No matter how hard he tried, the betrothed could not awaken the girl from a magical dream. He put it on his horse and galloped home.

Then Ruslan meets a fisherman and recognizes Ratmir in him, who chose one of all the charmers, and now lives happily with her in a house on the river bank.

When Ruslan stopped for the night, he was seriously wounded. Farlaf crept up to him, hit him 3 times with a sword, took Lyudmila and was like that.

Sixth song

Farlaf brought Lyudmila to the palace and deceived Vladimir, saying that he had saved the girl. However, no one could wake her up.

Old Finn sprinkled Ruslan with living water, he instantly recovered and hurried to Kyiv, which was attacked by the Pechenegs. The hero fought bravely, thanks to which the enemy was defeated. After that, he touched Lyudmila's hands with the ring that Finn gave him, and the girl woke up.

The summary is coming to an end. Ruslan and Lyudmila are happy, everything ends with a feast, Chernomor was left in the palace, since he lost his villainous power forever.


The story ends with an epilogue, in which the author says that in his work he glorified the legends of ancient times. He shares his impressions of the Caucasus, describes the natural scenery of this side and is sad that he is far from the Neva.

The poet says that when he worked on a work, he forgot insults, enemies. Friendship helped him in this, and, as you know, Pushkin cherished it very much.