Cherry jam with chocolate - recipe for winter with step-by-step photos. Jam "Cherry in Chocolate" with cocoa cherry in chocolate Step-by-step recipe

Today I have a cherry jam for you in chocolate, the name itself sounds interesting and unusual. I think that not all mistresses heard about him, but in vain because it turns out very tasty. The recipe for cherry jam in chocolate sent me one good hostess, who likes to experiment with the billets for the winter. I advise you to try to close a couple of such jars.

Cherry jam with chocolate, rather dessert, it is very tasty! And he also has the taste of candy "Cherry in chocolate". With cooking alcohol evaporates and only a thin taste of brandy remains. Cognac, chocolate and cocoa for such a dessert should be high quality. Who does not like a flaw of alcohol or the jam will eat small children, then cocoa is better to dissolve hot water in the same quantity.

The recipe for cherries in chocolate for the winter is not complicated and is preparing quite simple, despite the fact that he has such an unusual composition. The whole process describes the most detailed as possible so that each can repeat everything correctly. But if you still have extra berries and you do not know what else to do from them, I advise you to see the winter to add them to different pastries, drinks and more.


  • Cherry with a bone - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 600 g
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp
  • Black chocolate 70% and above - 100 g
  • Cognac - 50 ml.
  • "Confiture" or "Nefix 1: 1" - 1 Packet 20 g

Step-by-step recipe for cherry jam in chocolate

To prepare a cherry jam without bones with chocolate, first I wash the berries well and dried on a tray, shining with a paper towel. Also preparing jars and covers, they must be sterilized by any convenient and familiar way. From the dried cherry, I remove the bones and put the berries in a pot with a thick bottom.

Press with cherry put on a small fire to warm. Gently stirring the wooden blade or periodically gently shake the pan so that the berries are not burned. Warm the berries for 10 minutes, during this time they will be allowed. This recipe for a cherry jam with a chocolate and gelling mixture "Confiture", so I pour it into a saucepan and gently mix, while the cherry juice is noticeably thick and bring to a boil.

You can take any other gelling component, for example, "Nefix 1: 1" and use it according to the instructions. If you use "Nefix 1: 1", then you need to mix it with two tablespoons of sugar from the total weight of sugar, further on the recipe. You can boil jam and without such a mixture, but then you need to boil the berries with sugar or sugar syrup much longer, to the desired consistency.

As soon as the berries boil, I pour sugar. Sugar can be labeled and more depends on preferences and acid berries. I have no cherry, so 600 g sugar was enough for me. If the berries are very sour, then 1 kg of sugar is needed for 1 kg. Further, after periodically stirring the wooden blade, I bring the cherry with sugar to a boil on a small fire and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved, 8 - 10 minutes.

Since we have cherry jam with chocolate and brandy, prepare other ingredients. Chocolate smoke into pieces, and in a cup I put a tablespoon of cocoa, pouring a brandy to him and stirring well so that there were no lumps.

During cooking cherries with sugar, I try to collect a foam. Next, add chocolate to the cherry and stir up to the full dissolution and pour cocoa with cognac.

Mix the mixture, I bring to a boil and cook on a small fire, sometimes stirring, another 5 minutes.

The ready-made cherry jam in chocolate immediately lay out on sterile jars to the top and twist the sterile covers. Then I turn up the bottom to the bottom to the complete cooling at room temperature.

After that, jars with a wonderful summer dessert I send in a cold place for storage. Unusual cherry jam with chocolate for winter is ready. From this number of ingredients I had 2 jars 460 ml and 480 ml of delicious dessert and 200 ml of syrup, which did not wait for the winter and on the same day was eaten with ice cream. Try it delicious!

The name of the cherry in chocolate has more associations with candy or cake. We destroy stereotypes and prepare jam! About the taste I can say - a wonderful combination! Optionally, a harmonious cherry-chocolate taste can be accessed with alcohol or vanilla added at the very end of cooking.
Unfortunately, the cherry jam in chocolate is not stored for a long time, as it is for only half an hour, no more. We prepare it with small portions and store a maximum of a week, in the refrigerator. But I assure you, so much it does not dare, a couple of days, and it will disappear! Well, very tasty!

What is not unavailable - even a novice culinary will prepare it. I share the next new recipe for blanks.

Cherry jam in chocolate

You can use any chocolate to your taste, black or milk.
I took half of the tile of milk chocolate of good quality. However, if you want color and taste to be rich, chocolate should be chosen with a large cocoa content,

I advise you to file such cherry jam with green or fruit tea.

how to cook cherry jam with chocolate


  • cherry - 400 g,
  • sugar - 250 g,
  • chocolate - 50 g

Cooking process:

Cherry wash, dry on a paper towel. Cherry advise to use large, juicy. It is more sweet and tasty, as well as very fragrant.

Cherry remove bones with a pin or special fixture. Fold the berries in a saucepan or a bowl for cooking jam. The most important use of dishes with a thick bottom, so that the jam is not burnt.

Purplify the cherry sugar and leave for half an hour at room temperature so that the berry gives juice. If this is not done, but immediately put cooking on fire - there is a chance that the jam will begin to burn, and the water is not needed to add to this recipe, otherwise the taste will deteriorate.

Chocolate cut into small pieces.

Put a cherry with sugar on a small fire and bring to a boil, cook, often stirring for 30 minutes. If possible, take the appearing foam. All the time to prepare on low heat - to avoid burning. And be sure to stir.

After 30 minutes, the cherry jam without bones is ready.

Add sliced \u200b\u200bchocolate, mix and slaughter another 1 minute. Give jam to completely cool, then shifting into a jar or a pile.

First, the jam will be liquid, after cooling thickening.

Store in the refrigerator, not more than 1 week.

I hope my step-by-step photo recipe you will like it.

Bon Appetit!

Sincerely, Elena Gorodishhenina.


Cherry jam with chocolate on the right will take place in your favorites, especially if you make everything right. And that cooking has passed successfully, we have prepared a clear recipe with step-by-step photos and detailed instructions. Thanks to this recipe you will be able to prepare a very tasty and unusual jam for the winter. For cooking, we will use the cherry without bones, so you should take care of it in advance. Of course, it is best to buy fresh cherry and sell it on its own bones, but also prepared too.
As for chocolate, they do not bother here and purchase good chocolate with a great content of cocoa: the future taste of jam depends entirely. No less important will be participating in the cooking of a liqueur. By the way, cognac also often use instead.
Directly the cooking process is very simple and at home it is possible to absolutely everyone. The pretty taste of the finished jam is strength and time spent on it. We will proceed to creating a jam from cherries and chocolate for the winter.


Cherry jam with chocolate - Cooking recipe

Prepare all the ingredients necessary for the preparation of jam, as in the photo.

We wash the cherry thoroughly and we deliver from the bones in any convenient way. We lay out the prepared ingredient in a saucepan, fall asleep it with the specified amount of sugar. Leave the cherries until they are allowed. We send a saucepan to the middle fire, bring to a boil and let it be breating for 5-6 minutes. Peno in the process of cooking remove a spoon. I cool the jam completely, and then we send it to the fire again and bring to a boil. Cook as much as and for the first time, after which we leave the cherries to be incanded to all night.

The next day in a saucepan with cherry and sugar pour a liquor or a suitable brandy. We thoroughly mix the ingredients, bring to a boil and cook for 10-12 minutes.

Prepared chocolate lying on small pieces, fall asleep it in a saucepan and mix. We wait for a complete dissolution of chocolate and only after that we remove the saucepan from the fire. Sterilize banks with lids by any famous and convenient way to you.

Cherry in chocolate - beautiful sweets with unmatched and delightful taste. And meanwhile, you can prepare them at home yourself than to please our native amazing delicacy.

Stock Foto Ready dessert from cherry

Recipe content:

Chocolate and fruits are complementary and superbly combined products. They can be combined both in one tapping and one dish. Fruits in chocolate can be an excellent addition to any evening. After all, as you know, these both products are very useful. Therefore, in addition to the stunning taste, you can also get some benefit for the body.

Cherry in chocolate is a multifunctional delicacy that can be served, not only independently, but in various variations and all sorts of situations. For example, they can decorate any festive cake, or make a layer in the form of a filling for a cake. They will suit as one of the components of the jelly desserts, and just fruits in chocolate glaze deliciously use in an independent form for a glass of champagne.

For a recipe, depending on the taste and nature of the event, you can use any chocolate: milk, white or black. For example, the taste of strongly sweet fruits will perfectly emphasize bitter black chocolate with a content of 70% cocoa, and a milder taste will be in combination of white or milk chocolate with sour-sweet berries.

  • Calorie per 100 g - 250 kcal.
  • Number of portions - 25 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes, plus time for frozen


  • Cherry - 25 pcs.
  • Any chocolate to taste - 100 g

Cherry cooking in chocolate

1. Chocolate melt convenient for you. For example, you can use the steam bath. To do this, place the chocolate in the container, which in the dishes with water. Send it to the stove and heated until it is melted. But, in no case do not bring chocolate to a boil, otherwise it will be impatient. One should only melt it. If in the cooking process it will cool, put it periodically on fire and heated.

You can also melt chocolate in the microwave oven. But here there is a chance behind him not to keep track, and as a result, bring to a boil.

By the way, if there is no chocolate, then you can make a glaze from ordinary products. To do this, mix powder-cocoa, milk and butter. Ingredients Mix and heat.

2. Wash the cherries, dry the towel and alternately omitted in a melted mass. Screw the berries in all directions so that they are evenly covered with icing.

If you use cherries for a cake, then pre-remove the bones, and, at will, soak them in alcohol. Then you will get a dessert "Drunk Cherry".

3. On the table top spread the food foil to which lay the berries.

Share with you interesting cherry recipes in chocolate, which can be cooked at home to please close and surprise friends.

A wonderful gift, besides with your own hands, will not leave anyone indifferent. And if it is also an edible gift, for example, chocolate candies made with love and soul, it will definitely melt even the most resistant heart.

Recipe first. Drunk cherry in white chocolate.

For cooking candy on this recipe n.aM will need:

  • cherry without seeds - the amount of your discretion;
  • amaretto;
  • white chocolate tile.

Cherries for these candies are best taking large, selected and, most importantly, tasty. Make small cuts on each cherry with a knife. Berries fold into hermetically closing capacity and pour an amaretto, then put it in the refrigerator. It is best for a couple of days, but if you are not so much time, and you want to cook everything the next day, then take care to go at least 12 hours.

Then the cherries merge and rub everybody.

Melt white chocolate on a water bath, thoroughly stirring.

On the skeleton neatly smolden cherry and omit into chocolate, then lay out on the dish until a complete cooling. Then put in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes.

While candy cool you can give chocolate any shape, which only enough your imagination and skill of a novice sculptor.

And candy are ready.

Recipe for a second cherry in black chocolate with marzipan.

For this recipe you can take both fresh cherry and cocktail. That someone like. If you prefer fresh, then before starting it, it is worth soaring for several days in a liqueur or amaretto.

So, we will need:

  • cherry;
  • marzipan;
  • dark chocolate;
  • cream;

Cherry must be dried so that the berries are absolutely dry.

Then roll a soft marzipan very thin. Marzipanny pieces soaring the cherry and give the product a round shape if you want and can show originality, you can even make a heart. Show a little fantasy!

Melt the chocolate, add cream to it, mix well to a homogeneous mass. By the way, when you use cream, then chocolate can be pulled out in a water bath, but immediately in a saucepan. The main thing, see so that it does not burnt. In the finished chocolate mass, carefully lower the marzipan balls, frozen on the long skeleton.

Then carefully fasten the skeleton with another end in the foam or another stand (good apple or orange is suitable for this case) so that the chocolate froze and the ball remains round or the other form you gave him.

When chocolate freezes, put candy in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Then remove from the spedes and put on a dish beautifully or pack into the box. Beautiful, delicious gift, cooked with a soul, ready!