The standard of living in the countries of the world. Standard of living in Europe

In the world there are a lot of ratings of the countries of the world. They are based on various indicators - these are political and economic aspects, levels of crime, education, and so on. However, the most important indicator is actually the totality of all parameters and, as the total value of all branches of politics, the economy and spheres of public life, the standard of living of the population.

What is the standard of living?

The standard of living, or otherwise - the level of well-being, is a certain degree of satisfaction of the financial and spiritual needs of the country's population with the mass of goods and services that are used in a particular period of time. Usually, the basic indicators are the volume of real income per person, and its ratio to the consumer basket of goods and services.

The quality of life is also considered on the basis of non-material indicators, such as, for example, an analysis of the state of health of the population and the state of the country's ecology, psychological comfort, etc.

This indicator illustrates how people living in a particular country, or its individual regions, are satisfied in terms of spiritual and material needs in a certain period of time. As a rule, the year is taken as the time unit.

The standard of living is calculated on the basis of actual per capita income and the amount of goods and services consumed. At the same time, the standard of living is not always identical to the level of well-being: the latter is a broader unit, and when calculating this indicator, spiritual and material benefits are also taken into account.

As for indicators for the standard of living, their list has been developed and approved by the United Nations:

  1. fertility, mortality and life expectancy;
  2. sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  3. the amount of food consumed;
  4. living conditions;
  5. quality of education and culture;
  6. level of employment, working conditions;
  7. balance of income and expenses;
  8. prices for consumers;
  9. the state of the transport infrastructure;
  10. recreational system;
  11. the level of social security;
  12. human rights and freedoms.

Perhaps the most significant indicators are per capita income and life expectancy. According to this parameter, experts analyze the living standards of different segments of the population. In Russia, this criterion includes the budget and the minimum budget of consumers.

What is the standard of living directly in Russia and in the world in 2019?

One of the most successful, in our opinion, ratings is made by the Legatum Prosperity Index agency. When calculating data, it focuses not only on national indicators, but also on the quality of life of the population itself, taking into account wage levels, the educational system, the ratio of prices in the state and the real financial situation of the average citizen.

In 2018-2019, in fact, according to the agency, Russia occupies 61st place in the world list with a total of 142 points, located between Sri Lanka and, attention, Vietnam:

part of the worldA country
1. EuropeNorway
2. EuropeSwitzerland
3. AmericaCanada
4. EuropeSweden
5. Australia and OceaniaNew Zealand
6. EuropeDenmark
7. AustraliaAustralia
8. EuropeFinland
9. EuropeNetherlands
10. EuropeLuxembourg
11. AmericaUSA
12. EuropeIreland
13. EuropeIceland
14. EuropeGermany
15. EuropeAustria
16. EuropeGreat Britain
17. EuropeBelgium
18. AsiaSingapore
19. AsiaHong Kong
20. EuropeFrance
21. AsiaJapan
22. AsiaTaiwan
23. EuropeSpain
24. EuropeSlovenia
25. EuropeMalta
26. AsiaSouth Korea
27. EuropePortugal
28. AsiaUnited Arab Emirates
29. EuropeCzech
30. AmericaUruguay
31. AmericaCosta Rica
32. EuropeItaly
33. AsiaKuwait
34. EuropePoland
35. AmericaChile
36. EuropeEstonia
37. Europe AsiaCyprus
38. EuropeSlovakia
39. AsiaIsrael
40. AmericaPanama
41. EuropeHungary
42. AmericaTrinidad and Tobago
43. EuropeLithuania
44. AsiaMalaysia
45. AmericaArgentina
46. AmericaBrazil
47. AsiaKazakhstan
48. EuropeLatvia
49. EuropeBulgaria
50. AsiaSaudi Arabia
51. AsiaChina
52. AsiaThailand
53. EuropeCroatia
54. EuropeGreece
55. EuropeRomania
56. AmericaJamaica
57. AsiaMongolia
58. EuropeBelarus
59. AmericaMexico
60. AsiaSri Lanka
61. Europe AsiaRussia
62. AsiaVietnam
63. AsiaUzbekistan
64. EuropeUkraine
65. AmericaBelize
66. AsiaPhilippines
67. AmericaColombia
68. AmericaParaguay
69. AsiaIndonesia
70. AmericaDominican Republic
71. EuropeMontenegro
72. AmericaBotswana
73. AmericaNicaragua
74. AmericaEcuador
75. AmericaPeru
76. EuropeSerbia
77. AfricaSouth Africa
78. AmericaVenezuela
79. EuropeMacedonia
80. AsiaKyrgyzstan
81. AsiaAzerbaijan
82. AfricaMorocco
83. EuropeAlbania
84. Europe AsiaGeorgia
85. AmericaSalvador
86. AmericaBolivia
87. Europe AsiaTürkiye
88. AsiaJordan
89. EuropeMoldova
90. AmericaGuatemala
91. AfricaTunisia
92. AsiaLaos
93. AfricaNamibia
94. AsiaTajikistan
95. EuropeArmenia
96. AmericaHonduras
97. EuropeBosnia and Herzegovina
98. AfricaLebanon
99. AfricaAlgeria
100. AfricaGhana
101. AsiaIran
102. AsiaNepal
103. AsiaBangladesh
104. AfricaSenegal
105. AfricaRwanda
106. AsiaIndia
107. AfricaZambia
108. AfricaEgypt
109. AfricaNiger
110. AfricaCambodia
111. AfricaMali
112. AfricaBurkina Faso
113. AfricaBenin
114. AfricaUganda
115. AfricaCameroon
116. AfricaKenya
117. AfricaTanzania
118. AfricaCongo
119. AfricaMalawi
120. AfricaDjibouti
121. AfricaMozambique
122. AsiaSyria
123. AfricaNigeria
124. AfricaZimbabwe
125. AfricaMauritania
126. AfricaEthiopia
127. AfricaLiberia
128. AfricaSudan
129. AfricaSierra Leone
130. AsiaIraq
131. AfricaIvory Coast
132. AsiaPakistan
133. AfricaAngola
134. AmericaHaiti
135. AsiaYemen
136. AfricaGuinea
137. AfricaTogo
138. AfricaBurundi
139. AsiaAfghanistan
140. AfricaCongo (DR)
141. AfricaCAR
142. AfricaChad

Of its closest geographical and economic partners, Russia lost to Belarus, which took 58th place, Greece (54th place) and China (51st place). On the other hand, these figures are higher than those of Uzbekistan, which is in 63rd place, Ukraine (64th place) and Azerbaijan (81st).

Analysts noted that the best things in Russia are with education: according to the results shown by the regions of the country, it ranks 26th in the ranking (for comparison, in 2012 it occupied 27th place, and for an international scale, even one line is a significant breakthrough) .

New rankings of countries in the world, compiled by standard of living

But the most deplorable situation is in a country with state administration, here Russia is in 115th place, losing to Sierra Leone, but ahead of Burundi.

  • Norwegians have a strong sense of community. According to opinion polls, 93 percent of the population assures that they can count on someone in difficult situations. The country ranks highest in work-life balance, with only 3 percent saying they work too much;
  • Switzerland boasts a long life expectancy, with an average of 83 years;
  • Canadians, unlike Norwegians, do not work very hard - 1702 hours every year. However, at the same time, they note absolute satisfaction in their participation in the political life of the country;
  • the Swedes state a high level of education (87 percent - at least secondary education), as well as excellent quality of drinking water;
  • finally, New Zealand has distinguished itself by the fact that more than all other countries, it uses energy sources (we are talking about renewable sources). In addition, the country has a high quality of education;
  • oddly enough, Iceland was recognized as the safest country in the whole world in 2019;
  • Singapore is the most developed country in terms of economic indicators;
  • Denmark is the best adapted country for conducting, as they say, entrepreneurial activity, private business, family business.

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On the contrary, the last places were taken (in descending order) by Burundi, Afghanistan, Congo, the Central African Republic and the Republic of Chad.

The vast territory of the Russian Federation stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. It would be naive to believe that the level of development of all Russian regions is approximately the same. This indicator is determined by geographical, social, economic factors, the predominance of industry or agriculture, and so on. And the standard of living of the population of a particular region is a multifaceted concept and is assessed according to various indicators: the level of income and social benefits, the availability of work and the level of its payment, the cost of real estate and its availability, as well as many other parameters. The crisis phenomena of recent years could not but affect the quality and cost of life in Russia, and the distance between its regions in terms of these indicators has only increased. Inflation and falling energy prices have affected the well-being of almost all Russian citizens, serving as a catalyst for intensifying the process of population migration within the country. Therefore, many Russians ask a completely logical question: “Where in Rus' is it good to live?”.

Level and quality of life: what affects their assessment

The assessment of the level and quality of life occurs, as a rule, on the basis of statistical indicators and a comprehensive accounting of other parameters, which include various aspects of the life of an average citizen of the country. Assessing the current state of a particular region, it is possible to predict its development both in the next few years, and with a high degree of probability to make a forecast for a more distant future. The same statement applies to the whole country as a whole.

First, let's deal with the terminology. Today, only the lazy do not talk about the standard of living, its fall or rise. But not everyone clearly understands the meaning that sociologists put into this concept. The standard of living determines the degree to which citizens of a country or residents of a certain region are provided with material goods, their financial and spiritual satisfaction with the volume of goods, services and opportunities that they can use in a given period. The basic indicator is the ratio of real income to the consumer basket.

The concept of quality of life includes non-material factors. In this case, we can talk about the degree of moral satisfaction with life, the state of health, the degree of environmental safety of living in a certain region, psychological comfort and even the degree of bureaucratization of the state apparatus in it. The standard of living is often identified with the level of well-being, but this is not true. Well-being is a broader concept, which includes not only material, but also spiritual benefits.

Indicators of the level of well-being of the population

To assess the level of well-being, the UN has specially developed and approved the main indicators that are used by sociologists and other analysts when assessing this parameter in a particular country or a certain region of it. These indicators include:

  • assessment of the birth rate, mortality and average life expectancy of the population;
  • sanitary living conditions, as well as a culture of hygiene among the population;
  • the amount of food that is consumed by the population of a country or region;
  • living conditions: housing, its cost and availability;
  • the level of education;
  • the degree of development of culture, the presence of cultural values, ancient architecture, museums, monuments;
  • the degree of employment of the able-bodied population, as well as working conditions;
  • the ratio of real average income and the average level of expenditures of the population;
  • consumer price level;
  • degree of development of transport infrastructure;
  • the state of the recreational system;
  • position with the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Despite the versatility of the assessment, experts most often use several basic parameters for a quick analysis of the situation, which are expressed in specific figures: the real income of an average resident and average life expectancy.

For a more detailed assessment, a cut is made for various segments of the population. This concept, in turn, is determined both by the level of material security and social status, as well as belonging to a certain group - workers, peasants, migrants or business representatives, etc.

Why is the standard of living in Russia falling?

The standard of living and well-being of Russian citizens is currently being seriously affected by the sanctions policy of Western countries, the fall in oil prices, the reduction in industrial production, as well as inflationary expectations of the population.

The real incomes of the average Russian have fallen significantly, many people began to look for the possibility of a better life abroad, leaving for far-abroad countries as labor migrants. The main directions of labor migration were the countries of the European Union, the USA and Canada. There are especially many Russian labor migrants today in Germany and Spain, although there are many of them in other countries of Western Europe and North America.

What will happen to the standard of living in Russia: expert opinion

Starting from mid-2018, the situation began to gradually change for the better. The level of decline in real incomes of the population has slowed down, and by the beginning of 2019 there is even a slight increase. The state carefully controls all spheres of life, which allows you to keep a fairly low level of inflation (within 4-5%). The policy of import substitution and agricultural development also contributed to the end of the crisis. Since 2015, Russia has been the largest grain producer and importer, well ahead of the European Union, the United States, Canada and Australia. Due to the huge grain reserves and relatively low cost, Russian grain is in great demand in all countries of the world.

The imposition of sanctions also contributed to the growth of some industries. The greatest growth is demonstrated by indicators of agriculture. If in 2014 Russia purchased over 60% of pork in Europe, now domestic livestock complexes are able to provide the market with more than 80%. For example, the key pork producer in Russia is the Oryol region, whose share is about 45% (according to 2018 data). At the beginning of 2014, before the imposition of sanctions, the same region provided a little more than 12% of domestic pork.

With the fall in prices for energy resources, the state began to pursue a policy of gradually moving away from the raw type of economy. Of course, it was not fully possible to do this, since Russia positioned itself as a seller of crude oil for too long, however, according to 2018 data, the share of budget revenues from the sale of oil has noticeably decreased, and is slightly more than 13%.

According to experts, by 2020 the standard of living in Russia will begin to gradually rise. However, all this will occur only within the limits of state indicators and statistics. Do not forget that Russian regions are too different, and differences in the level and quality of life in them can differ dramatically.

Standard of living in the Russian Federation: regions

If we talk about the standard of living in Russia, then it can be considered in two aspects: in terms of the standard of living in various regions and cities of the country, as well as in comparison with other countries of the world.

In 2019, studies have not yet been conducted, since their objective results may appear only at the end of the outgoing year.

Subjects of the Russian Federation with the highest standard of living (according to the results of 2018)

On the first line of the rating, predictably, was the golden-domed Moscow. With a very small margin from the official follows the Northern capital - St. Petersburg. The third place was taken by residents of the Moscow region, which was also not unexpected. The fourth place was taken by the Republic of Tatarstan. The fifth line of the rating went to the Belgorod region, the sixth - to the Krasnodar Territory. Also, the top ten further included the Voronezh region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Lipetsk and Kaliningrad regions.

If you look at the top ten regions of the country in terms of the standard of living rating, then there have been no special surprises in it for quite a long time. In the latest rating, the Sverdlovsk region is not in the top ten, which for several years in a row it has been demonstrating negative dynamics and at the end of 2018 it dropped to 13th position (11th position in 2017). Characteristically, the Leningrad region is only in 12th place, although St. Petersburg itself ranks second in the ranking.

The level of well-being of the top ten regions is due to their industrial potential, the presence of high-tech industries and a high level of wages. It is also impossible not to say about the developed service sector and the social sphere. The transport infrastructure of most of these regions is much better developed than, say, in Siberia or Transbaikalia, which also cannot be ignored.

Regions with the lowest standard of living

It should also be said about those regions that are located at the bottom of the list. The bottom line of the rating is occupied by the Republic of Tuva, the two previous lines are occupied, respectively, by the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Both the group of leaders and the group of outsiders practically retain their main composition for several years. In general, the greatest problems with the well-being of citizens and the standard of living, in addition to the regions listed above, are observed in Kalmykia, the Republic of Gorny Altai, the Kurgan and Arkhangelsk regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region and Buryatia. These regions have closed various ratings for several years, occasionally changing positions among themselves.

Standard of living in the Russian Federation: cities

Factors that constantly determine the comfort of life for citizens are also taken into account: the condition of roads, the efficiency of public utilities, the availability of housing, and much more. Of no small importance in assessing the rating of a particular city was the immigration situation that prevailed in it. The results of the study of sociologists were somewhat unexpected for the uninitiated.

Tyumen has risen to the first place of the podium, having overtaken all small and large Russian cities for the second year in a row. The evaluation was carried out according to a variety of criteria. The main advantages of Tyumen, highlighted by both experts and its residents, are education, a well-developed transport infrastructure, as well as the high-quality work of the city's public services. In addition, Tyumen is not unreasonably considered the oil capital of Russia, so there are many jobs here, and highly paid jobs. A significant disadvantage of Tyumen is the unfavorable climate for the average Russian. The vast majority of Tyumen residents expressed complete satisfaction with their earnings and level of prosperity.

The Russian capital was in second place according to a set of criteria. The greatest advantage is the wide representation of all sectors of the national economy, developed infrastructure, the scale and dynamics of the construction and reconstruction of the city. About 70% of Muscovites call their hometown the most livable in the whole country and the most beautiful. At the same time, they are embarrassed by the high cost of living in Moscow, which is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Therefore, life in Moscow is not always affordable for the average Russian who came to the golden-domed, for example, from the Volga region.

The third place in the ranking of Russian cities went to Kazan with a million inhabitants. 96% of city residents expressed their almost complete satisfaction with life in it. Kazanians are pleased with high-quality roads, one of the oldest universities in the country - Kazan University, as well as programs that are constantly being implemented in practice to improve their well-being. The unique Tatar culture and many historical monuments attract many tourists to Kazan from all over Russia and abroad. Income from the tourism business is an impressive amount, which regularly replenishes the city budget.

The fourth place in the ranking of Russian cities went to Krasnodar. This southern city has long been claiming the top lines of the rating. Krasnodar is considered one of the most livable cities in Russia. Every year the number of Russians moving to Krasnodar increases. This is facilitated by high rates of housing construction, the lowest unemployment rate in the country (therefore, there are practically no problems with working in the city), as well as a cozy Black Sea climate, because the Black Sea is only a hundred kilometers away and less than an hour by car on a good road.

In fifth place is the Northern capital of Russia - the beautiful St. Petersburg. Russian Venice is also the cultural capital of Russia. For many decades, the pilgrimage of tourists from all over Russia and many countries of the world has not stopped to the magnificent monuments of the city. Life in St. Petersburg is by no means cheap, but every year the population of the city increases due to Russians and foreigners who have moved here. The rapidly growing population of St. Petersburg does not delight the indigenous people, who are distinguished by a certain conservatism and adherence to established cultural traditions and lifestyles.

The ranking of cities in the Russian Federation in terms of the level and comfort of life closes the top three, consisting of Makhachkala, Omsk and Volgograd. Of course, these cities have their undeniable advantages over the rest. For example, the city of military glory and the center of patriotic education Volgograd has been a symbol of stamina and courage for many decades. But, according to the results of a sociological survey, only a tenth of its population is satisfied today with the level of their income, and the quality of public services undoubtedly requires significant improvement.

The result of the study of the rating of cities and regions of Russia showed completely unexpected results. It turns out that the level of some indicators in different parts of the country may differ several times. This is precisely the problem that the Russian regional and federal authorities will have to solve in the near future. Also, exclusively local factors have a huge impact on the level and comfort of life in the regions, many of which should be leveled by national development programs.

Video: average life expectancy in the regions of Russia

A little about the living conditions of different strata of Russian society

Like any society, Russian society is multilayered. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the declared universal equality disappeared and social differences divided the population into rich and poor, fabulously rich and poor, happy and constantly financially preoccupied. And although psychologists consider happiness a concept that does not depend on material well-being, the level of income significantly affects the quality of life. Russia, like most post-Soviet countries, has not yet completely got rid of the syndrome of Soviet society, in which society psychologically strives to ensure that there are no rich, not poor.

So, Russian society can be divided into several layers. As a percentage of the total population of the country, the middle class makes up a much smaller share than in developed European countries, where it is the basis of society, reaching 70-80%.

The proletariat, called the hegemon in the days of socialism, today cannot boast of a high standard of living, if we evaluate it by the standards of developed European countries. Specialists in the field of sociology call workers a word consonant with their profession - the social stratum. This is exactly what the bulk of the Russian population is.

There is a huge stratification of Russian society, in which the richest strata of it receive hundreds of times more income than the poorest. In developed countries, the gap between the very rich and the poor members of society is at most one order of magnitude, that is, ten times different. Every year, social inequality in Russian society increases, and not vice versa.

Paradoxically, during the economic crisis of 2008-2009 in Russia, the number of dollar millionaires increased significantly against the background of the fact that the incomes of the majority of the population fell.

Table: income level of different strata of Russian society

Layer of societyNumber, pers.Income level, thousand rubles/monthRepresentatives
The rich and the very rich7 millionfrom 350–400Entrepreneurs, business representatives, senior officials, deputies of various levels, heads of large state enterprises
Middle classmaximum 20 million60–350 Medium-sized businessmen, leaders of the regional and local levels, who have the opportunity to lead a normal, secure lifestyle, vacation abroad, buy expensive cars and apartments.
Citizens of low income33 million30–60 Doctors, teachers, local officials in the regions of the country that occupy the first positions in the ratings in terms of living standards
Poor60 million20–30 Workers in the public sector of the economy, part of the country's pensioners, Russians employed in agriculture and culture
Living below the poverty line16–17 millionup to 20A significant part of pensioners, agricultural workers, service personnel, unskilled laborers, families with a large number of children, as well as those who survive on state social assistance

How Russian pensioners live

The overwhelming majority of Russian pensioners can hardly be suspected of having an excess of material wealth. Traveling to foreign resorts, buying expensive equipment or cars is practically inaccessible to them. According to the life rating compiled by the international research organization HelpAge International, Russian pensioners are in 65th place in the world in terms of well-being. The level of pensions paid to most of them does not allow not only to accumulate a certain amount for a short period of time, but also not always sufficient to cover the costs of necessary medicines and utility bills.

Of course, pensions are not the same for everyone. But in any case, the level of pension provision is incomparable with the developed European countries and requires a significant increase. More than a fifth of Russian pensioners continue to work after retirement. As we understand, not from a good life. The vast majority of people of retirement age do not fully rely on state assistance and expect to work or earn extra money already in retirement. European or American pensioners would simply be shocked by such a state of affairs.

Immigrants in Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was Russia that became of particular interest to migrants from the former post-Soviet republics. This was facilitated both by the surviving family ties between family members who, by the will of fate, were scattered across different countries, and by the possibility of labor migration. Due to its high economic potential, it was Russia that could provide more or less normal earnings for residents of the CIS countries, which were in full swing through the crisis of the 90s.

Labor migrants belong to different strata of Russian society, depending on the income they receive. But it is impossible to attribute them to its secured layers.

The main centers that were of interest to labor migrants were Moscow and the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, and Tyumen. As a rule, low-skilled jobs with a low level of pay are available to migrants. Many labor migrants try to stay in Russia for a long time. For example, almost every Tajik or Turkmen family has someone working in Russia. As a rule, labor migrants have problems with career growth. An exception can only be foreign specialists with a high level of qualification, in demand on the Russian labor market. A significant disadvantage for labor migrants is the possibility of working in Russia only within a certain region, if we are talking about legal work. Also in Russia there are certain regional quotas. Therefore, legalization in the country for many migrants may begin far from where they would dream of living in Russia.

The second significant category of migrants are refugees who were forced to move to Russia by political or military upheavals that occurred in their homeland. The process of granting refugee status to forced migrants is a rather lengthy procedure. Not everyone who moved to live in Russia as a forced migrant was able to settle down here, assimilate and adapt to local conditions. Nevertheless, refugee status practically equates forced migrants with Russian citizens, with the exception of some points. They are entitled to social security and other benefits due to Russian citizens.

Russian immigration legislation is constantly undergoing changes. In 2016–2019, innovations appeared in it, concerning, first of all, citizens of the CIS countries. Now, for most of them, the process of legalization in Russia has been greatly simplified and reduced in time. Also, the circle of persons who can apply for Russian citizenship has expanded significantly.

Video: living conditions of migrants in Russia


The representatives of the working class have already been mentioned above. But the description of their situation in Russia still requires detail. The income of workers varies greatly depending on the ownership of the enterprise in which they work. As a rule, the level of payment in private enterprises is somewhat higher than in state-owned ones. Much also depends on the region and its success. For example, the salary of a worker in Tyumen is much higher than the average salary in Russia. And in remote agricultural areas of the country, the situation looks diametrically opposite.

The situation of rural workers

Residents of the Russian village, as a rule, cannot boast of large incomes. Much depends on the region where they live. The economic crisis has undoubtedly affected agriculture, even despite the ban on the import of many products from abroad, designed to support the domestic agricultural producer. Many rural workers move to the city in search of work, becoming internal labor migrants.

World ranking: why Russia has a low standard of living

Sociological research conducted in 2018 by the UN put the Russian Federation in 49th place in the world in terms of living standards (out of 189 countries). For comparison: Belarus was in 53rd place, and Ukraine - in 88th. It should be noted that a couple of years ago the country was 20 points lower. At the same time, it is difficult to objectively evaluate only economic indicators, since the rating was compiled on the basis of many criteria. Russians are especially satisfied with the perfect education system that exists in Russia, and dissatisfaction is with the situation with freedom of expression. The first three lines of the world ranking are firmly occupied by residents of Norway, Switzerland and Australia.

Video: countries of the former USSR - where to live well

The assessment of the level and quality of life in the regions and cities of Russia is extremely important information for future external and internal migrants. Despite the fact that the assessments of the same regions may differ in many ways, they still give a general picture and understanding of the situation in the area where the move is planned. Or, on the contrary, they determine the place where it is best to move to live. And for those who live in a certain city or region, the standard of living will be able to show their place in the all-Russian rating, largely determining the prospects for the coming years.

The standard of living, its quality, the effectiveness of environmental policy, the average level of wages - there are a lot of indicators on the basis of which the ratings of the countries of the world are compiled. Which of them most accurately characterize the level of well-being of the population? How objective are these ratings? What are the subtleties of their compilation? What ratings should be paid special attention to those who are thinking about changing their place of residence? Which countries are the richest and poorest in the world? The answers to all these questions are of great interest to a potential emigrant.

Standard of living: what is it?

The standard of living is a multidimensional indicator that reflects how satisfied the population of a particular country is with the mass of goods and services that is available for consumption and use. It is not easy to determine the indicator - for this, scientists examine a number of factors. Thus, the standard of living is a broader concept than the level of income of the population, which reflects only the material component, or the level of happiness that characterizes the attitude of the inhabitants of the country.

By what criteria is the standard of living of the population assessed?

The main factor that determines the country's position in the ranking in terms of living standards is the level of real incomes of the population. Different authors take as the basis of GDP or GNI per capita, the size of the minimum subsistence level. At the same time, the methodology involves taking into account not only the material component, but also the assessment of other life spheres:

  • life expectancy;
  • opportunity to get an education;
  • the level of literacy of the population;
  • availability and quality of medical services;
  • living conditions;
  • provision with social benefits;
  • unemployment rate;
  • poverty ratio (ratio of the richest 10% to the poorest 10% of citizens);
  • degree of discrimination;
  • security, etc.

The standard of living includes several evaluation criteria, in particular, the Gini coefficient, which shows the degree of stratification of society in terms of income

Ranking of countries in the world in terms of living standards

There are several methodologies for determining the standard of living of the population, but the generally accepted one is the one used by the United Nations. Scientists from the UN carry out such analytical work every year and publish a ranking of the world's countries in terms of living standards in the so-called Human Development Report. When compiling it, the authors evaluate a wide range of criteria, ranging from the level of income of the population to gender discrimination in the world of work. You can view the full text of the report for 2015 in Russian. The results of 2019 are as follows: the leader of the ranking is Norway, and the world outsider is the Central African Republic located in the center of the African continent.

Dark green indicates countries with the highest standard of living

Russia's position

There are 188 countries in the ranking. Russia occupies 44th place in this list. It must be said that, despite all the crisis trends, our country managed to improve its position - in 2018 it occupied only 50th place. The relatively good position of Russia in the ranking is largely due to the high quality of education in the country. Freedom of enterprise and the level of security, on the contrary, are not up to par.

Table: list of leading and outsider countries in terms of living standards according to the UN

Characteristics of countries with the highest standard of living

Traditionally, the countries of Scandinavia, Western Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand are in the TOP. What factors ensured their high positions?


What is attractive about living in a country that has been successfully holding its leading position for 5 years already?

  • here are some of the lowest housing prices in all of Europe;
  • a developed system of social guarantees, in particular a good unemployment benefit. But only taxpayers can claim it;
  • quality medicine and good ecology.

Norway is a country with the highest salaries, impressive taxes and beautiful nature.

Norway is the leader in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of living standards. But this does not mean that everyone here is rich, employed and fully enjoy material benefits. Remember that the ranking even takes into account indicators such as the rule of law, the level of development of democracy, or the number of people with higher education per share of the population, so a high position does not mean general well-being.

Video: life in Norway - dispelling the main stereotypes


The undoubted advantage of Australia is a warm and comfortable climate. In addition, migrants are attracted by:

  • high employment rate (unemployment rate around 5%);
  • unlimited opportunities for outdoor activities;
  • after 4 years of legal residence in Australia, a foreigner can count on obtaining citizenship.

Australia has the highest minimum wage per hour

The sun here is very cruel and dangerous. In order not to get skin cancer, you need to regularly smear with cream and it is advisable not to be in the midday sun.


Switzerland is also a traditional member of the top five. This position is due to the status of the world's largest financial center. However, it should be notedthat only residents of the country can use all the benefits. Migrants, on the other hand, will have to face discrimination in employment in highly qualified positions and the extremely high cost of living here. At the same time, Switzerland is an extremely calm country. Many wealthy citizens come here, tired of the daily bustle of megacities. Life in Switzerland flows slowly, in addition, it is one of the safest countries in the world.

The cost per square meter of housing in Switzerland is 50-100 thousand euros. Rent will cost at least 2.5 thousand euros.

Switzerland takes the lead due to its status as a global financial center


Denmark is a country with a stable economy, a cult of a healthy lifestyle and extremely high prices. However, the level of wages here is quite high - even working in low-skilled positions, you can count on 3.5 thousand euros per month. Migrants, however, will find it difficult to get used to the realities of local life:

  • if you want to adapt to local conditions and become a full member of society, you must know the Danish language, and it is very difficult for people from the CIS countries;
  • Russian-speaking migrants are not accustomed to the local mentality, in particular absolute equality in relations between men and women. Here, for example, no one will be surprised that not the mother, but the father is on maternity leave;
  • Denmark is a mono-ethnic country, so migrants are treated with caution here. Finding true friends in this country is not easy.

Denmark ranks 4th in the world in terms of environmental performance index. It is second only to Finland, Iceland and Sweden.


In terms of quality of life, the Netherlands is quite a bit behind Denmark, which is a good result. Many are attracted by the fact that soft drugs are legalized here: “weed”, mushrooms. But this is mainly in the sphere of interests of tourists who come here to relax and feel the taste of freedom. The locals go in for sports with might and main, attend sports sections from childhood, adults honor field hockey.

What are the traditions in this country? Goodwill. While you buy a loaf of bread in the market, you will be told thank you / please three times. And here there is a problem - politeness should be mutual, but we are not used to it ... So we have to learn this too.

Eduard Bespalov

The first six months were very difficult. The language barrier created a sense of acute isolation. Ignorance of local rules, laws, procedures and traditions only increased the feeling of anxiety, uncertainty and insecurity. Moral and financial dependence on her husband. But when I went to language courses, got a job, everything began to improve quite rapidly. By the way, it took me 5 months to sign up for language courses 🙂 So there is also bureaucracy there, and sometimes worse than ours.


Video: the benefits of living in five top ten countries

Rating of the richest and poorest countries in the world

How to determine how rich a country is? The main criterion for evaluation is such an indicator as GDP per capita. It allows you to form an idea of ​​the level of development of the country's economy and evaluate its dynamics. The GDP of the countries of the world is estimated annually by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In addition to them, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development also conducts analytics, but its sample does not include all countries of the world, but only member states, of which there are currently only 34.

As for the research results, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are of the same opinion - the richest country in the world is Qatar. This tiny state in the Middle East owes its leadership status to the richest oil fields located on its territory. In addition, Qatar ranks third in terms of natural gas reserves. The country's economy is developing rapidly. In recent years, stakes have been placed on the development of the metallurgical cluster and tourism. There are 146 thousand dollars per capita here.

Following the results of the crisis year of 2015, our country gave way to Kazakhstan. This is the first time that another post-Soviet country has overtaken Russia in terms of GDP per capita. The fall of the ruble and the increase in the country's population by as much as 2.5 million people due to the annexation of Crimea played a role. T However, according to 2019 data, the Russian Federation again outstripped Kazakhstan

Qatar is the richest country in the world, whose prosperity is due to the huge volumes of oil production

A country GDP PPP indicators, USD
129 960,04
Luxembourg103 390,25
Singapore89 280,30
Macau85 610,75
Brunei80 050,70
Kuwait71 435,90
Norway70 070,30
68 720,05
San Marino86 185,70
Ireland60 820,90
60 502,20
Hong Kong59 998,0
USA58 953,04
Russia25 741,40

The list of the richest countries in the world in 2019 also includes:

  • Luxembourg;
  • Singapore;
  • Brunei;
  • Kuwait;
  • Norway;

0.7% of the world's inhabitants control 45.2% of the world's wealth.

Credit Suisse, Swiss financial conglomerate

The poorest countries in the world

The least developed countries of the world are traditionally located on the African continent. Due to the low level of financial security, frequent local conflicts, change of power and wrong policies, they are the most vulnerable to any changes in the global economy.

Table. List of the poorest countries in the world for 2019

Let us dwell in more detail on the poorest states of the planet:

  1. Central African Republic (CAR)

Once a colonial possession of France, it gained independent status in 1960. The process of formation of the young state was extremely difficult, numerous conflicts and military coups prevented the country from reaching a normal level of development.

At the moment, this is the poorest state in the world, where most of the population is forced to huddle in makeshift huts on the streets. At the same time, the Central African Republic has huge resources of gold, diamonds and oil. True, all the deposits belong mainly to American corporations that are not interested in the development of the country.

  1. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The main problem of this largest African state is the ongoing military conflicts, constant corruption scandals involving politicians, and a high crime rate.

The DRC has large reserves of natural resources, which could have a positive impact on the development of the economy, but due to the fact that the deposits are controlled by criminal groups and foreign companies, no changes are expected in the future.

The situation in the DRC is complicated by a very large population (over 77.5 million people).

  1. Burundi

This small state has no natural resources, and survives on agriculture. Given the large population (over 11 million people), the lack of foreign investment and the low level of education, positive changes are not expected in Burundi in the coming decades.

Despite the fact that agriculture is the leading engine of the economy, a large number of local residents are forced to starve.

  1. Liberia

Liberia has only recently begun to recover from the shocks. This country has experienced many military conflicts, as a result of which several hundred thousand inhabitants died. Liberia has a clan-based power structure. As a result, the country is regularly shaken by political scandals, which also does not contribute to the stabilization of the situation.

Despite the solid financial and political support of the United States, Liberia continues to be one of the least developed countries in the world.

  1. Niger

The main problem of this state is also regular political coups and local military conflicts. The lack of normal infrastructure with a large territory affected the economic backwardness. In addition, most of the country (about 80%) is the Sahara Desert.

  1. Malawi

Agricultural country with a large population (about 20 million people). There are no natural resources here, because the inhabitants survive by selling tobacco and other crops.

Low life expectancy, lack of medicine and education continue to keep Malawi in the TOP of the poorest countries in the world.

  1. Mozambique

According to experts, Mozambique will leave the ranking of the poorest countries in the world by 2025, moving into the category of developing countries. The current unenviable situation arose from a prolonged military conflict and subsequent civil war.

Unlike most African countries, political upheavals are extremely rare here, which helps attract foreign investment and improve living standards. To date, the basis of the welfare of Mozambique is agriculture, mining and processing of coal and aluminum.

  1. Eritrea

An authoritarian state that gained independence in 1993. Despite access to the Red Sea, Eritrea failed to attract tourists due to constant political conflicts and high crime rates.

Eritrea is considered one of the most militarized countries in the world. High military spending exacerbates the unenviable economic situation. The conservatism of the local president also affects, who openly opposes any technical innovations and developments that could benefit the country.

  1. Madagascar

The island state specializes in agriculture and fishing. The lack of competent managers, high inflation and investment unattractiveness force local residents to exist in nightmarish conditions.

  1. Comoros

The main problem of this small island state is low tourist attractiveness, lack of natural resources and a small territory. For the Comoros, the problem of social inequality and the high risk of political upheavals are especially relevant.

The Central African Republic is the poorest country in the world with almost no resources for a normal existence

Ranking of countries by level of happiness

To compare the characteristics of life in different countries, scientists use various indicators: GDP per capita, human development index, quality of life index, income level of the population. Researchers from the British research center New Economics Foundation considered that all these categories are not able to characterize the real state of affairs. And we can agree with them, because, for example, the level of income is not an indicator of whether people are satisfied with their lives in this country. To remedy the situation, in 2006, scientists from the NEF for the first time presented the world with a new rating of countries - in terms of happiness. The rating is based on 3 indicators:

  • satisfaction of the inhabitants of the country with their lives;
  • life expectancy;
  • the degree of environmental damage caused to the country's natural resources by local production, the lifestyle of the population, and other factors. In scientific terminology, this term is called "ecological footprint".

The goal of every person is not to be rich, but happy and healthy - this is how British scientists decided and presented the world with a new rating of the countries of the world.

Countries where the population is happy are colored green. The red countries have the lowest levels of happiness.

And, indeed, the results were completely different. So, Costa Rica, which did not appear in any of the above ratings, became the leader here - a small state on the isthmus between North and South America turned out to be the happiest on Earth. In terms of GDP per capita, the country closes only the eighth decade. In terms of quality of life, it occupies only 35th place. The country is very poor, the main sources of income are the export of coffee and bananas, as well as light industry. However, it is here, as it turned out, that a person can live a long, and most importantly, happy life.

The happiest countries in the world

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark,
  3. Norway,
  4. Iceland,
  5. Netherlands,
  6. Sweden,
  7. New Zealand,
  8. Canada,
  9. Austria.

In the economically prosperous United States of America, the happiness index turned out to be only 37.3 points, which is 40% less than in Costa Rica. According to this indicator, America is almost on a par with Russia, where the happiness index is fixed at around 34.5 points. And one of the poorest countries in the world, Kenya, has outstripped both world giants - here the level of happiness is as much as 38 points. At the same time, the unemployment rate in the country is more than 40%.

Table: countries where people are especially unhappy

Ranking countries by per capita income

The nominal wealth of a country is not yet an indicator of the wealth of its inhabitants. Thus, the first place in the world in terms of nominal GDP is occupied by the United States, the richest country per capita is Qatar, and the highest level of wages is recorded today in Norway. Only highly qualified specialists can count on the maximum salary: employees of the IT sector, doctors.

Table: average salary statistics in the CIS countries and other countries of the world in 2019

Position State name Average salary in $
1 5426,27
2 Luxembourg3565
3 3372,63
4 Australia3306,13
5 United Arab Emirates 3182,48
6 Norway3176,34
7 Singapore3148,24
8 Denmark3068,11
9 USA2835,07
10 Hong Kong2750,64
11 San Marino2675
12 Ireland2609,14
13 Japan2495,92
14 Netherlands2473,05
15 Finland2451,07
16 Germany2420,63
17 New Zealand2406,44
18 Sweden2360,21
19 Kuwait2358,91
20 Iceland2307,46
21 Great Britain2270,29
22 Canada2253,74
23 South Korea2167,48
24 France2121,82
25 Israel2079,5
26 Belgium2048,73
27 Austria1982,06
28 Oman1891,73
29 Saudi Arabia 1868,24
30 Italy1841,34
  1. There is still a "shadow sector" of the economy. For example, in Russia, many employers prefer to set the official wage at the minimum allowable level - in 2019 it is 11,280 rubles. Thus, the employer minimizes his costs of paying taxes for the employee. It is this amount that is indicated in statistical reports, although the actual income received by the employee "on hand" is much higher.
  2. In developed countries, as you know, high taxes. The practice of paying them is different than in Russia. In our country, income tax is automatically deducted from wages by a full-time accountant, and the amount of wages in vacancies is already indicated by default, taking into account the deduction of taxes. In Western countries it is different: the amount of wages is the one from which taxes have not yet been deducted. For example, before taxes, a German citizen earns about the same as an American. After the tax deduction is made, the actual income of the German is reduced by 1.5 times.
  3. In those countries where high wages are paid, life is also more expensive: the prices of gasoline, food, clothing and all services are much higher. So, for a Russian, a Dane's salary will seem simply huge, but if you live in Denmark, where a cup of coffee costs around 15 euros, the impression will be different.
  4. Country data vary for different professions. So, for example, teachers receive the most not in Norway, but in the USA, Germany and Great Britain.

The gradation of income level goes from blue to yellow. Russia, as we see, is on the same level with the countries of Latin America

More indicative is the rating of countries by the number of representatives of the so-called middle class. Most of the people who lead a lifestyle characterized by sociologists as "worthy" are in Australia - here 66% of the country's total adult population belong to the middle class. This is followed by Singapore, Belgium, Italy and Japan. Russia, according to experts from the Swiss financial conglomerate Credit Suisse, has a middle class share of only 4%. This is a very low figure: the closest neighbors of our country in this rating are Indonesia and Argentina. In terms of the number of millionaires, the United States is in the lead - almost half of all the world's millionaires are concentrated in this country.

Most dollar millionaires in the United States. Russia in this diagram belongs to the “Rest of world” block, which means “the rest of the world”

Where do migrants live well?

When choosing a country for immigration, it is certainly necessary to take into account the rating of countries in terms of living standards. However, it is worth taking into account its subjectivity, because for native citizens and immigrants, the realities of life are very different. Here are just a few examples:

  1. In Denmark, only those who have lived in the country for at least 40 years can receive a full state pension. It is practically impossible to get a highly qualified job here, even if you speak English perfectly, but do not know Danish. As a result, many Russian-speaking migrants with higher education are forced to take jobs as maids, nannies, and farm workers.
  2. In the prosperous United Arab Emirates, the indigenous population receives a consistently high income from the sale of petroleum products, and the parents of a newborn child receive a payment of up to $ 100,000, but immigrants cannot take advantage of such privileges.

The United Arab Emirates has an extremely high standard of living, but only the indigenous people of the country have the right to take advantage of the privileges

The best countries for raising children

Those who are planning to go abroad with a child or are thinking about having a child in a new place of residence should assess all risk factors in advance:

  • It is very expensive to raise children in Australia. Many women do not have the opportunity to pursue a career, since the cost of a child's stay in kindergarten is at least 100 euros per day. Even for a wealthy family, this is a significant amount. Babysitting services are even more expensive;
  • in the US, kindergarten costs an average of $1,000 a month. The intelligentsia prefers to bring up the child at home;
  • in Germany, the prices for a child's stay in a kindergarten depend on the income of the family. If it is less than 13 thousand euros per year, then this service will be free.

In Germany, children are admitted to kindergarten at the age of three, the payment ranges from 70 to 400 euros per month. It depends on the availability of lunches, on how much time the child spends in the institution (whether he stays until lunch or until the evening).

Tatiana, lives in Berlin

In Oslo, kindergartens are full, you can wait for months until there is a place. In other cities of Norway, this is easier. They go to kindergarten from the age of one, the payment is approximately the same everywhere - 2500 crowns per month - this is about 430 dollars.

Victoria, mother of two

One of the best countries for raising children is Denmark. There is strong support for mothers during the period of maternity leave, stable social guarantees. When a child reaches the age of 6 months, he is guaranteed to be admitted to a nursery if the parents booked a free place 3 months in advance. The state pays benefits to the family on a quarterly basis until the child reaches the age of 17. Confirmation of the effectiveness of social support for parents - right on the streets of the city. Seeing a family with three children is not uncommon, as in Russia, but rather the rule.

There are a lot of bicycles in Denmark, there are also family models

However, in many Western countries, especially in Scandinavia, there are other principles for raising children than in Russia and the CIS countries:

  1. There is no quiet time here. It is believed that forcing a child to sleep means violating his personal boundaries. If the baby wants to sleep, he can do it. If not, the teachers will not insist on it.
  2. Democracy is elevated to the absolute. You can’t shout at a child, for this they can even deprive parental rights.
  3. It is believed that the child is already a full-fledged person. Hence the permissiveness and the minimum number of prohibitions.
  4. More attention in kindergartens in Norway, Denmark, Sweden is paid not to the education of children, but to their socialization. It is believed that it is not necessary to take away childhood from a child. Most of the time the guys walk, and do not spend in the classroom.

An interesting fact: in kindergartens in France, it is forbidden to bring toys, wear scarves (a potential threat of suffocation) and feed children with milk and cookies (this can lead to obesity). In addition, on Wednesdays, children do not go to kindergarten - this is a day for visiting various circles and sections.

Leaders in living comfort

Canada and Germany, which, although not included in the TOP-5 countries with the highest standard of living, are considered, on the contrary, more attractive for migrants. This situation is due to the following factors:

  • stability of social guarantees;
  • loyal attitude towards immigrants;
  • high level of employment of the population;
  • presence of Russian communities.

Video: about the salary that visitors to Germany can expect

A large number of Russians traditionally live in Germany - this is due, among other things, to the ongoing state policy of repatriation of the Volga Germans. Many took advantage of this opportunity and left for Germany for permanent residence.

The quality of social support is well illustrated by such an indicator as the average pension

Leaders in the ease of obtaining citizenship

If we evaluate the attractiveness of the countries of the world not in terms of the comfort of living in them, but in terms of the ease of obtaining citizenship, Saint Kitts and Nevis is the leader. The condition for obtaining a passport of this country is an investment of at least 400 thousand dollars. The status of a resident of Saint Kitts and Nevis allows you to visit the Schengen countries, Canada, the UK and a number of other countries without a visa. Many enjoy this privilege, being a citizen of this Caribbean state only formally, but actually living in Western European countries.

Latvia is also among the leaders in terms of attractiveness for migrants. Subject to the purchase of real estate worth from 140 thousand euros, the state is ready to offer the investor a residence permit for 5 years, and after 10 years to make him a full resident of the country.

Going to live in Latvia is not as difficult as, for example, in the UK

To compare different countries of the world, you need to consider several indicators: the standard of living, the average level of wages, the share that the middle class occupies in the general structure of the population, the quality of life, etc. The most indicative and most fully characterizing the state of affairs in the state is the rating of countries in terms of living standards, which is compiled by researchers from the UN. But even it cannot be called absolutely objective, despite the fact that it takes into account completely diverse indicators: life expectancy, literacy, security, welfare, etc. Even in those countries where there are colossal national wealth and local residents are already provided with income from birth, the situation is completely different for visitors. When choosing a country to move to, it is worth considering the results of various ratings, but in the end it is better to rely on your own attitude, because the happiest are the citizens of Costa Rica, where there are no high salaries, no career prospects, no reliable social guarantees. In choosing a country for immigration, everything is individual: someone decides to go to conservative Germany, while someone will like sunny Thailand more.

The quality of life of citizens is the main criterion that people are guided by when choosing a country for their permanent place of residence. This is a rather complex concept, which is based on statistical data and includes many aspects of human life. How is the well-being of residents of different states determined and in what place is the Russian Federation in terms of quality of life?

Russia on Google maps

Indicators of the standard of living of citizens

To determine the level and comfort of living in different states, international organizations have developed the main indicators that sociologists take into account in statistics when analyzing the well-being of citizens in a particular state or region.

These indicators include:

  • average mortality, birth rate and life expectancy;
  • the number of employed citizens, the number of unemployed, working conditions;
  • the amount of food consumed by the inhabitants of the country for a certain period;
  • sanitary and hygienic conditions and the level of hygiene culture among the population;
  • the cost of utilities, the availability of buying and renting housing;
  • the ratio of citizens' incomes to expenses;
  • total cost of living, consumer prices;
  • the level and accessibility of education for different categories of the population;
  • degree of infrastructure development (transport, social facilities, medical facilities);
  • presence of cultural objects and values;
  • ecological situation;
  • position with the rights and freedoms of the population.

Note! For a quick analysis of the standard of living, analysts take several parameters from all of the above - usually this is the real average income and duration, and for a more detailed study, an analysis is carried out for different categories of the population.

Country rankings by standard of living

There are several ratings that are compiled by different research agencies, institutions, large Internet portals and other organizations based on government reports, statistics, online surveys, etc. The most authoritative of them are considered to be the UN and Legatum Institute is a think tank based in London. The states in these ratings are located differently, but the top ten looks almost the same in all cases - these are the countries of Scandinavia, as well as Switzerland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.

Video - Best countries to live in

Ranking on the standard of living index

Top countries of the world, provided by the analytical center Legatum Institute, is based on a number of factors, including the income of citizens, the cost, availability and quality of food, the level of medical care, education, etc.

Place in the rankingA countryLiving standard index
1 Norway3,504
2 Switzerland3,337
3 Denmark3,272
4 New Zealand3,246
5 Sweden3,224
6 Canada3,186
7 Australia3,088
8 Netherlands3,046
9 Finland3,013
10 Ireland2,974

According to the organization's data for the current year, Russia dropped to 90th position among 142 world states and ranks below Guatemala and above Laos. In addition, the Legatum Institute publishes ratings that evaluate certain aspects of the life of the state, and the position of the Russian Federation is as follows:

  • key economic indicators - 95th place;
  • conditions for doing business - 88th place;
  • the level of corruption and the quality of government institutions - 99th place;
  • quality of educational services - 35th place;
  • the level of personal safety - 92nd place;
  • the degree of freedom of citizens - 89th place.

In almost all respects Russia lags far behind European countries and ranks in the second half of the table. The ratings are closed, as a rule, by African countries - the Congo, Chad, the Central African Republic.

Ranking of states by level of happiness

This list was compiled by a research center at Columbia University under the authority of the UN and the countries in it are located a little differently.

Top 10 countries in terms of happiness:

  1. Norway.
  2. Denmark.
  3. Iceland.
  4. Switzerland.
  5. Finland.
  6. Netherlands.
  7. Canada.
  8. New Zealand.
  9. Sweden.
  10. Australia.

In this ranking, which consists of 155 countries, the Russian Federation occupies the 49th line, with Italy being one position higher, and Belize one line below. According to studies, the average level of happiness in the country is 5,963 units. For comparison, for countries that are in the first part of the table, it exceeds 7 points.

When compiling the rating, such characteristics as life expectancy, the level of gross domestic product per capita, the possibility of self-expression of citizens and freedom of speech, the feeling of confidence of residents in the future, job security, and the presence of corruption in public institutions were taken as a basis. In addition, a special survey was conducted among citizens of different countries, where they assessed their own level of happiness according to a predetermined scale.

Poll: Russians worry about low living standards

Find out the TOP list with detailed information from our new article.

Video - Top 5 happiest countries in the world

What influences a country's position in the ranking?

The highest indicators of the quality of life and the level of happiness are observed in developed countries (mainly Europe and North America), which demonstrate good rates of economic development and growth in the welfare of the population.

On a note! Basically, the position in the ranking is determined by its economic development, the level of salaries, employment and social security of citizens. In addition to the above countries, the leading places in the list of the happiest and most developed countries include the USA, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Germany, Iceland, Austria, Belgium.

What influences Russia's position?

Russia occupies rather low positions in the world ranking in terms of quality of life and level of happiness. The reasons for this situation are the following negative factors:

  • rising inflation;
  • rise in price of food products;
  • devaluation of the main currency;
  • reduction in the cost of oil on the world market;
  • extension of the moratorium on the funded part of pensions;
  • high risk of suspension of indexation of salaries and social benefits;
  • extension of sanctions.

The above indicators affect the life of the average citizen and significantly reduce the quality of life. Worst of all is the situation with Russian pensioners - in terms of the quality of providing comfort for people who have completed their careers, Russia is among the top five. The last three lines in this ranking are occupied by Brazil, Greece and India, and the most comfortable lives for older people in Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Sweden.

Rating of Russian regions by standard of living

In addition to global ratings that determine the overall quality of life, each country has internal ratings that demonstrate the level and comfort of living in certain regions and cities. In Russia, such studies are carried out by information and analytical agencies based on the following factors:

  • the level of salaries and expenses of residents;
  • variety, quality and accessibility of educational services;
  • degree of development of social infrastructure and medicine;
  • the effectiveness of the functioning of public utilities;
  • the presence of new quarters and emergency houses;
  • the quality of the road surface;
  • migratory indicators.

According to the latest data, the Top 5 most comfortable regions in Russia in terms of living standards are as follows: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow Region, Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnodar Territory.

Among the least comfortable places to live in Russia are the Republic of Tyva, Ingushetia and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Rating of Russian cities by standard of living

The poorest cities in Russia include Tolyatti, Astrakhan, Penza, Volgograd and Saratov. Despite the fact that many of them are large industrial centers, the unemployment and mortality rates there are very high, and the environment, education and medicine leave much to be desired.

Standard of living in the Russian Federation: forecasts

Despite the fact that the Russian economy is showing positive dynamics (growth in real wages, a decrease in unemployment), citizens should not expect quick changes for the better. Getting out of the crisis is not an easy process, which can take more than one year. The difficult economic situation is exacerbated by high inflation, which indexation of social benefits does not fully cover, poor conditions for doing small and medium-sized businesses, as well as rising unemployment. But, as history shows, a period of crisis in Russia has always been replaced by a five-year period of prosperity and stability.

Video - Comparison of living standards in the USSR and Russia in 2017

The situation in the world community is changing almost every minute: new players appear, old ones disappear. In relation to this, the standard of living in the countries of the world can be periodically adjusted, according to the 2018 rating, which is monitored not only by leading agencies and information processing centers, but also by ordinary citizens. This will be discussed in more detail below.


The list of states with a high level of development is determined by various indicators, including:

  • life expectancy;
  • accommodations;
  • nutrition level;
  • education, culture;
  • job security;
  • social security;
  • rights and freedoms;
  • transport development;
  • ability to purchase goods.


Leadership among the best is rightfully given to Switzerland. It periodically attracts the attention of sociological centers and independent agencies that give a general assessment of the conditions for a person to live. The country has a high level of security of citizens, life expectancy is 83 years.


A permanent participant in pan-European and world rankings, this applicant attracts migrants with the opportunity to live, study or work with maximum convenience. The native Dutch are considered the tallest in the world; several religious denominations coexist peacefully in the kingdom. The infrastructure is well developed, special attention is paid to the relationship between employers and employees, as well as social benefits, living conditions of citizens.


The French Republic occupies a stable position in the top 10 countries in the world. Having survived the turbulent times of revolutions and separation of the colonies, France shows all the signs of sustainable economic development, and is also quite loyal to foreigners. There is no term "national minority" in the French vocabulary, all citizens of the republic are equal in their rights, regardless of skin color and origin.


Modern Austria is famous not only for Viennese coffee and Strauss waltzes: along with other leaders, it is included in the list of the richest powers, is a permanent member of the UN and the EU. Foreign policy is based on neutrality (enshrined in legislation). The share in the contribution to the EU economy is 2.5%.

The Austrians manage to intelligently combine a developed industry with the agricultural sector, tourism is another source of income for the budget. Most preschool institutions operate free of charge.


More than 10 million people live in Sweden, in terms of territory it took 5th place among other European powers. The Swedes support the Schengen Agreement, more than 50 well-known companies successfully operate in the country - ABB, Atlas Copco, Oriflame, Saab, Scania, Volvo, Ericsson, TELE2, AB Electrolux. This means favorable conditions for doing business.

The country has high taxes, they form up to 0.6 of the entire gross domestic product. Men live, on average, up to 78.6 years, women - up to 83.3 years. Up to 5% of GDP comes from the budget for education, it is compulsory for all children.


When discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in European countries, it is impossible to skip Germany. According to experts, Germany is actually the locomotive of the EU, "pulling" on itself most of the union's economy. Occupying 62 points in area, Germany belongs to the 2nd state in Europe in terms of population.

In the ranking of exporters and importers of goods, she has an honorable 3rd place. In terms of the degree of development of social security, the standard of living, Germany entered the top 5 world leaders (2017 data). Free higher education is supported in Germany, it is very popular among those wishing to go abroad.

The whole world

The list of world countries with the best living standards and conditions includes the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Great Britain.


The union of 2 official languages ​​and many cultures, the second largest in the world, Canada is one of the steadily developing states. It is one of the initiating members of the creation of the North Atlantic Alliance, participates in almost all UN missions. It has a developed armed forces, is a member of the Big Seven and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

It combines the agricultural industry and heavy engineering, metallurgy, creates favorable conditions for visitors - "new Canadians", allowing them to quickly assimilate in an unusual environment.


The states are very close in spirit to their neighbor - Canada, they have many common cultural and economic ties with it. America is very supportive of immigrants, offering them opportunities for doing business, studying and recreation. The US influences the global economy and most political events remain a major player on the world map. Their power is based on a developed infrastructure, an extensive network of roads and railways, as well as a large number of airfields.

Important. The average life expectancy of Americans is at 79.8 years, the most serious problem for public health authorities is obesity and its accompanying diseases.

Great Britain

Once a superpower, the UK could become a second home for most who want to leave Russia. Despite some problems in relations between Catholics and Protestants, complemented by the growing desire of the British to leave the EU, the United Kingdom maintains its position as a stable, economically independent, wealthy country.

The UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, G7, G20, NATO, OSCE, has a combat-ready and developed army participating in joint peacekeeping operations. The rich cultural heritage attracts tourists and travelers. Somewhat alarming is the rise in unemployment and poverty.


The green continent has long ceased to be a place of exile for convicts: the country is extremely attractive for immigrants, it has very clean air and favorable living conditions. 6th place in the world in terms of GDP, 13th in terms of the degree of economic development - eloquently testify to its success.

The main priorities of the Commonwealth of Australia are health care, education, freedom, including economic freedom, concern for the observance of human rights.


The island state of Asia strikes the imagination with the development of technology, automation and support for entrepreneurship. Japan is an equal member of the world community, G8, economic unions of Asian countries. The government invests in the humanitarian sphere and the protection of the environment from human influence.

The Land of the Rising Sun organically combines ancient cultural traditions, cutting-edge robots and efficient infrastructure.

Important. Among the foreign languages ​​in which the Japanese show interest, in addition to English, Russian stands out: several thousand students who speak Russian fluently graduate every year.

Comparison table with Russia

In conclusion, a comparison of the indicators of the Russian Federation with other powers.


Russia (26th place) in terms of quality of life in the generalized list is slightly inferior to India (25th place). Such a low rating is associated with conflicting assessments of Western respondents of the level of power and influence of the Russian Federation. The presence of a developed economy, a centuries-old culture, large volumes of supplies of weapons (2nd position after America) are noted. The growing role of Russia in the world community, its participation in summits and international organizations is stated.