Straw goby resin barrel read. Fairy tale goby-tar barrel

listen to a fairy tale Goby - resin barrel online:

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter, Tanya. Once they were sitting at their house, and a shepherd drove a herd of cows past. All sorts of cows: both red, and motley, and black, and white. And with one cow, a bull-calf ran nearby - a little black one. Where he will jump, where he will jump. A very good bull. Tanya and says:

If only we had such a calf.

Grandfather thought - thought and came up with: I'll get a calf for Tanya. And he didn't say where he would get it.

Here comes the night. Grandmother went to bed, Tanya went to bed, the cat went to bed, the dog went to bed, the chickens went to bed, only grandfather did not go to bed. I gathered myself slowly and went into the forest. He came to the forest, picked up resin from the fir trees, collected a full bucket and returned home.
The grandmother is sleeping, Tanya is sleeping, the cat is sleeping, the dog is sleeping, the chickens are also asleep, one grandfather is not sleeping - the calf is doing. He took straw, made a bull out of straw. I took four sticks, made legs. Then he attached a head, horns, and then smeared everything with resin, and grandfather came out with a resin goby, a black barrel. Grandpa looked at the bull - a good bull. He just lacks something. What does he lack? Grandpa began to examine - there are horns, there are legs, but there is no tail! Grandfather took it and adjusted the tail. And just managed to fit the tail - look! - the tar bull himself ran into the barn.

Tanya and her grandmother got up in the morning, went out into the yard, and a tar goby, a black barrel, was walking around the yard.
Tanya was delighted, picked herbs, and began to feed the resin bull. And then she led the bull to graze. I drove it to a steep bank, to a green meadow, tied it by a rope, and went home myself.

And the goby eats grass, waving its tail.

Here comes the bear-bear out of the forest. There is a bull-calf with its back to the forest, it does not move, only the skin glistens in the sun.

"Look, what a fat one," the bear-bear thinks, "I'll eat a bull."

Here the bear sideways, sideways crept up to the bull, grabbed the bull ... and stuck.
And the bull-calf waved its tail and went home. "Top-top, top-top..."

The bear was frightened and asks:
- Resin goby, straw barrel, let me go into the forest.
And the bull is walking, dragging the bear behind him. And on the porch both grandfather and grandmother and Tanya are sitting, meeting the bull. They look - and he brought the bear.
- That's so bull! - says grandfather. - Look, what a hefty bear he brought. I'll sew myself a bear coat now.

The bear was frightened and asks:
- Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter Tanya, do not ruin me, let me go, I will bring you honey from the forest for this.
Grandpa unsticked a bear's paw from a bull's back. The bear ran into the forest. They only saw him. The next day, Tanya again drove the bull to graze. The goby eats grass, waving its tail. Here comes a wolf from the forest - a gray tail. I looked around - I saw a bull. A wolf crept up, snapped his teeth, and grabbed the bull's side, grabbed it and got stuck in the tar. Wolf there, wolf here, wolf this way and that. Do not break out gray. So he began to ask for a bull: Bull-bull, tar barrel! Let me go to the forest.
And the bull did not seem to hear, turned and goes home. "Top-top, top-top…!" - and came.

The old man saw the wolf and said:
- Hey! That's who the bull brought today! I will have a wolf coat.

The wolf was scared.
- Oh, old man, let me go into the forest, I'll bring you a bag of nuts for this. Grandfather freed the wolf - they only saw him. And tomorrow the bull went to graze. He walks across the meadow, eats grass, drives away flies with his tail. Suddenly, a runaway bunny jumped out of the forest. He looks at the bull - he is surprised: what kind of bull is walking here. He ran up to him, touched his paw - and stuck.
- Ah ah ah! cried the runaway bunny.
And the bull "Top-top, top-top ...!" - brought him home.
- Well done, bull! - says grandfather. - Now I will sew hare sleeves for Tanya.

And the hare asks:
- Let me go. I'll bring you cabbages and a red ribbon for Tanya. The old man freed the hare's paw. A hare galloped away. In the evening, grandfather, grandmother, and granddaughter Tanya sat on the porch - they look: a bear is running to our yard, carrying a whole hive of honey - here you are! They didn’t have time to take honey, how it runs grey Wolf, carries a bag of nuts - please! They didn’t have time to take the nuts, as a hare runs - a head of cabbage carries and a red ribbon for Tanya - take it soon! Nobody cheated.

The main characters of the tale are Agap the bull, Gordey the bear and Tanya the girl. What events brought together such different characters? Events you've probably heard about somewhere.

Listen to a fairy tale (3 min 27 sec)

A bedtime story about the bull Agapa, the bear Gordey and the girl Tanya

There lived a bull. And his name was Agap. The bull lived in his house, on the outskirts of the Master's yard. There was a sign on the door of his house: "Bull"

Agap was very strong and dexterous. He swam well, ran fast and could lift various weights. Once, when the piglet Avos fell into a ditch, the bull quickly pulled him out.

It's time for Agap to go to school. One evening, Agap was sitting in his house in front of the window and was studying a poem that he had been asked at school:

Dropped the bear on the floor
Tore off the paw of the bear ...

And it must happen that under his windows the bear Gordey was just passing, who heard the lines of this poem. He could not resist and shouted:

- Hey, bull, no one tore off any of my paws, these are all your ideas.

“This is a poem by Agnia Barto,” the bull said instructively. - Come to my house and listen to it to the end.

Mishka Gordey entered, listened to the end of the poem, but his mood did not change from this:

- No, it’s necessary, they tore off the paw of the bear!

He couldn't calm down.

“Foolish, you proud! A teddy bear!

But Gordey could not come to terms with the fact that it was the bear that became the hero of the poem about the torn off paw.

The bear asked the bull for a book with poems by Agnia Barto and began to leaf through it. And suddenly he saw:

There is a goby, swinging,
Sighs as you go...

- Yeah, - Gordey the bear was delighted, - and there is also a pro bull. Now I don't feel so bad for the bears.

The goby Agap just opened his mouth to say something, when suddenly he and the bear Gordey heard someone's alarming voice:

Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball in the river...

The bear and the bull rushed to the river with all their paws. After all, the river is a dangerous place. You never know what Tanya will come up with! And suddenly it will be picked up by the current!

Friends quickly ran to the river. The bear began to calm Tanya, and meanwhile the bull-calf pulled Tanya's ball out of the water.

It's good that everything ended well! All the heroes of the fairy tale went home.

... The restless evening imperceptibly turned into a silent night.

Russian folk tale

An old man lived with an old woman, they had one granddaughter - Alyonushka. Everyone in the village had cattle: some had cows, some had calves, some had lambs, but they had no one.

Then one day grandfather said: - Grandmother, let's make our Alyonushka from the straw of a bull and smear a barrel with resin for him.

They made a bullock out of straw, smeared a barrel with resin and put it in the yard.

In the morning, the people drove the cattle, and grandmother and Alyonushka drove their bull. They drove to a clearing, and they themselves went into the forest to pick a sweet strawberry.

There is a bull in the clearing, suddenly a bunny runs and says:

— What a miracle? How many years have I been running on this meadow, I have never seen such a miracle!

He ran and ran, it became curiously painful: he took it with his paw and tried it, but he stuck his paw in resin. Grandmother and granddaughter came, drove the bull home, and the bunny on three legs also jumps.

The bunny began to ask:

- Let me go home, I'll bring you beads and ribbons for this, Alyonushka.

I felt sorry for the bunny, they took it and let it go home. The bunny ran home.

On the second day, grandmother and Alyonushka drove the bull again. They drove to the clearing, and they themselves went to look for mushrooms. A fox ran across the clearing, saw a bull, she was so interested.

She ran and ran around and once her paw - and also closed it up, and the fox could not pull her paw out in any way. Grandmother and Alyonushka came, drove the bull home, and the fox also jumps on three legs.

The fox began to ask:

“Let me go to the little fox kids, for that I’ll bring you geese, ducks, and chickens.” You will have testicles, and meat, and a downy pillow, and a feather bed!

The fox was also released. On the third day they drove a bull - a tar barrel into the field.

They set it up again, and they themselves went to pick flowers. They are picking flowers, suddenly a bear walked across the clearing, he saw a bull - Mishka became curious: he walked around, walked around a second time - and it will come up from that side, and from the other side it will come up: “What a miracle? I have never seen such a bull in my life! Come on, I think, I'll try with my paw.

As he tried with his paw, he covered his own paw. No matter how much Mishka fought, he could not free his paw.

A grandmother came with her granddaughter, they drove the bull home, and the Bear on three legs also jumps.

Mishka began to ask:

“Let me go to the little bear kids!”

I will bring you both bulls and cows in the fall.

Released Mishka. After that, they drove a bull to this meadow all summer long - no one else was caught. In autumn, the people closed all the cattle into the yard, and grandmother and Alyonushka also brought their bull, they also closed it into the yard.

Tar barrel goby- Russian folk tale for children, which will appeal to the smallest readers. Thanks to the skill of the grandfather, a gift for Tanya's granddaughter was born - a funny bull made of straw and resin. At sunrise, a miracle happened: the bull came to life! During a walk, a wolf, a bear and a hare declared a hunt for a bull. But that's not the problem: all the animals stuck to the bull. The grandfather saved the animals from the sticky bull, for which the forest animals brought him treats and gifts. You can read the fairy tale Goby - a tar barrel online on this page.

Goby - sticky barrel inspires creativity!

I wish there was such a bull with a sticky barrel and in every house! The bull will go out into the street - everyone admires him. One has only to touch it, you can not return home, be late for work, a date, and fall into melancholy and despair. And if you want to come off and live without trouble again, then take out your wallet and drive a hundred coins! In whom the sense of humor and rhythm lives, he will find and understand the rhyme.

The tar goby is a Russian folk tale that is loved by more than one child. It tells about how a grandfather made a bull for his granddaughter from straw and resin. The girl was delighted with him, took him to the meadow and left the grass there to pluck. When grandfather came for him, other animals were waiting for him along with the bull. They stuck to a tar barrel, and promised a ransom for freedom. Which of the forest dwellers fell into a trap, and what did they bring to the family for liberation? The tale teaches intelligence, generosity and the fact that given word need to keep.

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter, Tanya. Once they were sitting at their house, and a shepherd drove a herd of cows past. All sorts of cows: both red, and motley, and black, and white. And with one cow, a bull-calf ran alongside - a black, small one. Where he will jump, where he will jump. A very good bull.

Tanya and says:

If only we had such a calf.

Grandfather thought - thought and came up with: I'll get a calf for Tanya. And where he will get it, he did not say.

Here comes the night. Grandmother went to bed, Tanya went to bed, the cat went to bed, the dog went to bed, the chickens went to bed, only grandfather did not go to bed. I slowly got up and went into the woods.

He came to the forest, picked up resin from the fir trees, collected a full bucket and returned home.

The grandmother is sleeping, Tanya is sleeping, the cat is sleeping, the dog is sleeping, the chickens are also asleep, one grandfather is not sleeping - the calf is doing it. He took straw, made a bull out of straw. I took four sticks, made legs. Then he attached a head, horns, and then smeared everything with tar, and grandfather came out with a tar goby, a black goby. Grandfather looked at the bull - a good bull. He just lacks something. What does he lack? Grandpa began to examine - there are horns, there are legs, but there is no tail! Grandfather took it and adjusted the tail. And just managed to fit the tail - look! - the tar bull himself ran into the barn.

Tanya and her grandmother got up in the morning, went out into the yard, and a tar goby, a black barrel, was walking around the yard.

Tanya was delighted, picked herbs, and began to feed the resin bull. And then she led the bull to graze. I drove it to a steep bank, to a green meadow, tied it by a rope, and went home myself.

And the goby eats grass, waving its tail.

Here comes the bear-bear out of the forest. There is a bull-calf with its back to the forest, it does not move, only the skin glistens in the sun.

Look, what a fat one, - the Mishka-bear thinks, - I'll eat a bull.

Here is a bear sideways, sideways a bullock crept up, grabbed a bullock ... and stuck. And the bull-calf waved its tail and went home. Top top…

The bear was frightened and asks:

Tar goby, straw barrel, let me go to the forest.

And the bull is walking, dragging the bear behind him.

And on the porch and grandfather, and grandmother, and Tanya sits, meets the bull. They look - and he brought a bear.

That's so bull! - says the grandfather. - Look, what a hefty bear you brought. I'll sew myself a bear coat now.

The bear was frightened and asks:

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter Tanya, do not ruin me, let me go, I will bring you honey from the forest for this.

Grandpa unsticked a bear's paw from a bull's back. The bear ran into the forest. Only they saw him.

The next day, Tanya again drove the bull to graze. The goby eats grass, waving its tail. Here comes a wolf from the forest - a gray tail. I looked around - I saw a bull. A wolf crept up, snapped his teeth, and grabbed the bull's side, grabbed it and got stuck in the tar.

Wolf there, wolf here, wolf this way and that. Do not break out gray. So he began to ask for a bull: - A bull-bull, a tar barrel! Let me go to the forest.

And the bull did not seem to hear, turned and goes home. Top top! - and came.

The old man saw the wolf and said:

Hey! That's who the bull brought today! I will have a wolf coat.

The wolf was scared.

Oh, old man, let me go into the forest, I'll bring you a bag of nuts for this.

Grandfather freed the wolf - that's all they saw.

And tomorrow the bull went to graze.

He walks across the meadow, eats grass, drives away flies with his tail. Suddenly, a runaway bunny jumped out of the forest. He looks at the bull - he is surprised: what kind of bull is walking here. He ran up to him, touched him with his paw - and stuck.

Ah ah ah! cried the runaway bunny.

And the bull is top-top! brought him home.

Well done, bull! - says the grandfather. - Now I will sew hare sleeves for Tanya.

And the hare asks:

Let me go. I'll bring you cabbages and a red ribbon for Tanya.

The old man freed the hare's paw. A hare jumped off.

In the evening, grandfather, grandmother, and granddaughter Tanya sat on the porch - they look: a bear is running to our yard, carrying a whole hive of honey - here you are!

Before they had time to take the honey, the gray wolf runs, carrying a bag of nuts - please! Before they had time to take the nuts, the hare runs - carries a head of cabbage and a red ribbon for Tanya - take it quickly!

Nobody cheated.