Physiotherapy and sports medicine training. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist

"Therapeutic physical culture (exercise therapy) and sports medicine" is one of the most effective non-drug ways to restore and improve health. This medical discipline uses the means of physical education both for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients, and for the prevention of a variety of diseases.

The doctor's task Exercise therapy- help the patient to restore normal physical form, previously lost due to health problems. Physiotherapy is often prescribed on a mandatory basis after surgery - today it has become almost the norm. In general, the popularity of exercise therapy is due to its availability and the ability to exclude unnecessary pharmacological load on the body. The preventive role of exercise therapy is especially important for children and adolescents. The sports doctor is focused on working with professional athletes. He is in charge of monitoring the health of athletes, providing medical care at competitions, and rehabilitation after injuries.

The main means of exercise therapy are physical exercises, while they mean not only gymnastics and exercise on simulators, but also outdoor games, swimming, tourism, health path, occupational therapy, walking barefoot on various surfaces, massage. Currently, physiotherapy exercises have taken a leading position in the field of physical rehabilitation methods. At first glance, simple physical exercises can effectively heal the entire body, positively affecting the nervous and endocrine systems, the musculoskeletal system, normalizing metabolism, strengthening joints, muscles and ligaments. Sports medicine aims to help people who play sports. The doctor helps to find the optimal load, heals injuries, and helps athletes recover from injury.

Physician of exercise therapy and sports medicine must have extensive knowledge in many areas of medicine at once, since this specialist usually works in close cooperation with cardiologists, surgeons, neurologists, orthopedists in order to work out together the optimal tactics for treating a patient. And it is the exercise therapy doctor and sports doctor who is responsible for a person's well-being during classes. Exercise therapy and sports medicine specialists are currently in demand in the labor market. It is predicted that in the future, with the increasing attention of the population to their health, the need for doctors of this profile will only grow.

You can master the profession of an exercise therapy doctor at professional retraining courses... In the future, this specialist, like other medical workers, according to the current legislation, will have to regularly deepen his knowledge on refresher courses... The Medical University of Innovation and Development (IUID) implements both directions and provides an opportunity to undergo training in professional retraining or advanced training courses in the specialty "Physical therapy and sports medicine". Specialists who already have a higher medical education can be enrolled in the courses.

Distance learning at IUIR: what you need to know

Courses at MUIR can be taken both in the traditional part-time and in a completely remote format, using modern educational technologies, which is especially convenient for students living in remote regions and densely occupied at the main place of work.

    Features of distance learning at MUIR

    • Applicants have the right to apply for admission in absentia.
    • When enrolling, you must provide a diploma of graduation from a medical college or university.
    • For each student, an individual curriculum is drawn up, taking into account his requests.
    • The opportunity to study at any time convenient for the listener.
    • Students get access to a specialized educational portal, where there is a library of all scientific and educational materials necessary in the learning process, as well as a system of electronic self-testing services.
    • Highly qualified teachers.
    • An opportunity to get a new demanded specialty at the optimal time.
    • Compulsory certification at the end of training. In case of unsatisfactory delivery of the final attestation, the student has the right to free retraining at the IUIR.
    • The cost of training consists of the number of requested training hours and the selected disciplines.


For friends!


From time immemorial, people have known that human health is inextricably linked with the physical development of the body. 600 years before the beginning of our era, the use of remedial gymnastics to combat diseases of the heart, lungs and spine was described in China. Then came India - it was in this country that the well-known yoga was born.

Sports and restorative medicine was especially developed in Ancient Greece, the birthplace of the Olympic Games. In this country, they were seriously engaged in the physical and health-improving training of soldiers and athletes.

Medicinal medicine was also highly respected by Peter I - soldiers and sailors were trained in health promotion and field hygiene.

In the XX century, institutes and departments of Physical Therapy were opened, where active research in this area is still being carried out.

Description of activities


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Features of career growth

The work of a sports doctor provides ample opportunities for career growth - in a public medical institution for a specialist it provides a chance to advance to the head of a department or chief physician.

There is another way - you can attend additional courses, seminars and internships and build your own "customer base". A good doctor will always be snapped up by both employers and patients.

The advantage of this specialty is that the training starts with the usual one, and only after completing it you will have the opportunity to take the course "Physiotherapy and sports medicine". If it suddenly happens that you do not find yourself in sports medicine, this does not negate the fact that your education will allow you to work in any other.

1 block "Classic massage"

2 block "Basic level of exercise therapy"

4. Methods of exercise therapy.
5. Exercise therapy and AFK.


1 block

"Classic massage"

1. The effect of massage and exercise therapy on various functional systems of the body.
2. Types, rules, indications and contraindications for medical massage.
3. Requirements for the workplace of the massage therapist and the patient.
4. Anatomical and physiological bases of massage.
5. The concept of the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system of the body.
6. Physiological effect of massage on the body.
7. Basic techniques of classical massage. Stroking. Trituration. Kneading. Vibration.
8. Massage of body parts: front surface of the body, back surface of the body, neck-collar zone, lumbosacral region.
9. General massage. Methodology and technique of general massage.
10. Combination of massage techniques with exercise therapy and other methods of restorative medicine

2 block "Basic level of exercise therapy"

1. Basic concepts and terms of exercise therapy. Kinogenesis.
2. Methodical bases of medical physical culture.
3. Review of modern methods of rehabilitation
4. Methods of exercise therapy.
5. Exercise therapy and AFK.
6. Algorithms for building a lesson plan.
7. Methods for assessing the effectiveness in exercise therapy.
8. Exercise therapy for cardiovascular diseases. Hypertonic disease. A set of exercises
9. Hypotonic disease. A set of exercises
10. Exercise therapy for myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic heart disease.
The concept of a "sports" heart. A set of exercises
11. Physical education for diseases of the respiratory system. Tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Complex exercise therapy
12. Exercise therapy for respiratory diseases. Bronchial asthma. Complex exercise therapy
13. Exercises for diseases of the digestive system. Medical complexes for metabolic diseases.
14. Physical education with spastic paralysis.
Exercise complexes for flaccid paralysis and paralysis. Exercise therapy during recovery after TBI
15. Exercise therapy for peripheral nerve damage. Polyneuritis. A set of exercises
16. Exercise therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve.
17. Exercise therapy for uncomplicated spinal fractures. Exercise for spinal injuries complicated by spinal cord injury.
18. Exercise therapy for fractures of the pelvic bones. Exercises for fractures of the upper limb. Physical culture with fractures of the lower extremity. Physical culture for multiple and concomitant trauma.

3 block "Professional level of exercise therapy"

1. Gymnastics during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. For chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Exercise therapy for abnormal positions of the female genital organs
2. Physiotherapy exercises for joint diseases. Physical education for arthroplasty.
3. Exercise therapy for posture disorders. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine.
4. Medical complexes for shoulder dislocations. Physiotherapy for damage to the cartilaginous and capsular-ligamentous structures of the knee joint.
5. Physical education with injuries of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint and heel tendon.
6. Features of exercise therapy in pediatrics. Gymnastics and massage for healthy children of the first year of life. Therapeutic exercises and massage for various pathologies of young children (up to three years old).
7. Features of therapeutic exercises and massage for preschool children. Therapeutic physical education for children of primary and secondary school age.
8. Exercise therapy for peripheral vascular diseases.
9. Features of exercise therapy for the elderly
10. Complexes for injuries and operations on the organs of the chest. Sets of exercises for operations on the abdominal organs.

Students undergo practical training in health-improving and sanatorium-resort, sports and physical education institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region. under the supervision of medical personnel of institutions.

An exam or credit is taken at the end of each module.

Upon completion of training, the following is carried out:

Final qualifying exam,

Defense of the final qualifying work (WRC)

State certification exam (only for primary medical specialization).

Upon completion of training, graduates with medical education receive a diploma of professional retraining with the assignment of the qualification "Instructor of exercise therapy" and a certificate of a state-recognized specialist in the direction of "Physiotherapy exercises", valid for 5 years (primary specialization). Persons with a higher physical education are issued a diploma of professional retraining "Therapeutic physical culture", with which a graduate can hold the position of "instructor-methodologist in exercise therapy" and work in any medical and health institution.

Sports doctors - specialists in biomedical support of training athletes - are not trained by any higher educational institution in Russia, since the specialty "sports doctor" presupposes experience and knowledge related to sports. For example, in the field of manual therapy, traumatology, physiotherapy exercises, sports pharmacology and much more. The main thing is to gain knowledge and an appropriate document that will grant the right to work as a sports doctor.

The Russian State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov gives such an opportunity. The university has a department of physical therapy and sports medicine, which provides an opportunity to get:
- postgraduate education, which lasts 2 years and gives an opportunity to study the specialty "physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine" and 3 years (full-time and part-time education) - specialty "restorative medicine, sports medicine, physiotherapy, physiotherapy and balneology";
- undergraduate education for 6th year students of the disciplines "Physiotherapy and medical control" (medical and preventive medicine faculties), "Sports medicine" (medical faculty).
The department is located on the 6th floor of the laboratory building of the Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases. EAT. Tareev (UKB # 3 of the I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University). Moscow, st. Rossolimo, 11, building 5 - www mma ru;

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the Moscow Department of Health - cmrvsm ru
offers various ways of training according to programs of additional professional education for workers with secondary and / or higher medical and / or pharmaceutical education.
Branches of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the Moscow Healthcare Department - cmrvsm ru, in particular, a branch
Branch number 1 (former "Sports Medicine Clinic")
Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, 53.

The Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, in particular the Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, provides an opportunity to attend several educational courses, for example, "Physical therapy and sports medicine of the educational institution", which lasts 144 hours.
The website of the educational institution - www medprofedu ru,
Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 91

Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education FSBI SSC FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia offers training at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sports Medicine, Balneology and Physiotherapy with a course in nursing. At the department, leading specialists in the field of physiotherapy, balneology, sports medicine and physical therapy carry out the following types of postgraduate and additional professional education:
- residency in the specialties "Physiotherapy"; "physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine"
- postgraduate studies in the specialty "restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy", as well as professional retraining of doctors in the specialties "exercise therapy and sports medicine", "restorative medicine"; "physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine" - www ippofmbc ru
Moscow, street Zhivopisnaya 46

The Ben Weider College of Bodybuilding and Fitness offers distance learning in the specialty "sports medicine", lasting up to 5 weeks, after which (when training in the discipline "Fitness, bodybuilding, gym instructor (distance)"), an academic certificate is issued, as well as full-time forms of study - www cbb ru
Moscow, st. Baltiyskaya, 9

In Russia, there are other universities and research institutes where you can get an education in the specialty "Physical therapy and sports medicine", after which a specialist can work as a physician in physiotherapy exercises; a sports medicine physician.

Among them:

Russian State Medical University (RSMU) - rsmu ru
Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 1

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MGMSU) - www msmsu ru
Moscow, st. Delegatskaya, 20/1

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) - www rudn ru
Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6

For example, the well-known sports doctor Valery Nikolaev graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after V.I. N.I. Pirogova - www pirogov-center ru and clinical residency at the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies - mguppmed ru

It is believed that graduates of specialized medical universities, such as the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko (VGMA) and Kursk State Medical University (KSMU).