How to make a hammam in a wooden bathhouse. Hammam beds

To make sun loungers, they use polystyrene foam (foamed polystyrene) of the hardest grades - PSB-35 and PSB-50, which gives them the required strength. Foam plastic for their production was not chosen by chance, since it has almost zero moisture and vapor permeability, is light weight, has a long service life and does not rot.

What are hamam beds made of?

It also allows you to give the structure almost any shape. The reinforcement and the slab (the layer of mortar with which the niche is filled after the heated floor is installed hardens, forming a solid layer - the slab) distributes the load on the foam evenly. The surface will not be washed out, even if all A very heavy person will fall down with a swing. We conducted an experiment: two people, weighing 140 and 120 kg. we jumped on one reinforced lounger made of PSB-35 without mosaic, and nothing happened to it (with the lounger).

Previously, hammam furniture was made of stone; it was very heavy, so the foundation had to be strengthened. If the furniture is made of foam plastic, there is no such problem.

Another plus is the speed and ease of installation. You receive furniture made to your individual measurements. All you have to do is install it and reinforce it. And she has all the anatomical shapes down to the millimeter.

Which foam plastic should you choose from?

Made from PSB-35 foam plastic, all sunbeds and seats that do not have thin places will serve you faithfully. We recommend making orthopedic ones from PSB-50, because on the sides the upper part protrudes slightly above the base.

It is not advisable to order products with reinforcement, because... in production they are reinforced wherever the mosaic will be laid, except for the cuts under the heated floor, and only during installation, after laying the heated floor, this place needs to be reinforced. Why would you pay for partial reinforcement if you have to do it anyway during installation? Moreover, it is worth considering that the space under the heated floor often takes up most of the product.

Installation (installation) of sun loungers in the hammam

If the lounger consists of several segments, glue them together with foam glue. The number of segments is discussed with the furniture manufacturer during the order. The main thing here is that your order fits into the room in size.

In order for the furniture in the hammam to stay in place very firmly over time, even after very intensive use, secure it with polystyrene foam adhesive and anchors. In a damp room, it is best to use fiberglass reinforcement as an anchor. “Drill” it into the walls and floor so that about 15 centimeters remain on the surface. Drill the corresponding holes in the sunbed.

Prime the wall and floor before gluing.

Spread the glue on the surface of the sunbed on those sides where it will be glued and fill the holes for the anchors with glue.

Place the product in its place so that the anchors fall into the holes prepared for them, and press firmly.

Wherever the lounger is adjacent to the wall or floor (joints), apply sealant.

→ Buy sun loungers from the manufacturer

Laying heated floors

During the production of hammam furniture, for laying heated floors, recesses are made on the seat and on the back (for the electric cable 25 mm, and for water heating - 45 mm), leaving beacons on both sides so that they can be easily leveled.

Place the cable or pipe in this recess so that there is a gap of 5 mm between the pipe/cable and the foam. To do this, place something under the pipe/cable or secure it to a wire.

Fill the entire recess with Ceresit glue ST 85 or an equivalent and level the surface using the beacons.


The sun loungers are reinforced with fiberglass alkali-resistant facade mesh with a density of at least 145 g/sq.m. and glue Ceresit ST 85 or equivalent. Apply glue and press the mesh into it. Where the mesh is visible, grease and align everything. After drying, the reinforcing layer becomes very hard and does not allow moisture to pass through.

After the glue has dried, apply 3 layers of waterproofing (waiting for each layer to dry).

If the furniture has a tunnel for a steam nozzle, then reinforce it along its entire length. Place a thicker layer of glue here to protect the foam, and treat the mosaic with epoxy grout. After this, place a ceiling at a depth of 400 mm from the front of the lounger. It can be made from tiles, bricks, or other material that is not afraid of moisture and high temperature. Make a hole in the middle of this ceiling and lay a steam line into it. Install the nozzle on the steam line. Thanks to this, steam from the tunnel will not come out under pressure, but in smooth puffs and will not burn vacationers. It will also protect your feet if condensation sprays out of the nozzle.

The loungers are ready for mosaic installation.

Turkish baths differ from Russian and Finnish ones in their increased humidity and lower temperature. Thanks to the soft steam, being in a hammam is much more comfortable than in a dry bath. Essential oils are added to steam heated to 45°C, which helps normalize blood circulation. If you know how to make a Turkish bath at home, you can improve your health for free and spend comfortable leisure time with friends. In order to build a hammam correctly at the dacha, you need to know about the design features and internal structure of this bathhouse.

How to make a hammam with your own hands

A Turkish bath should consist of several rooms in which the temperature should increase to gradually warm up the body. For a private hammam, 2 or 3 rooms can be adapted. That is why it is important to carefully plan the design of the room.

For a bathhouse, you need to allocate a convenient area or a couple of rooms in a house or apartment, to which communications can be easily connected. It is not necessary to make a large hammam; you can combine a wood-burning bathhouse and a Turkish bathhouse in one room.

For a hammam, two rooms are usually enough: a steam room and a room with sun loungers. The third room is reserved for equipment, that is, for a steam generator, flavors, a heating system for the entire surface and lighting. In classic hammams, steam generators are not used; the rooms are heated inside the lying rooms and steam rooms using hot water.

For comfortable steam generation, the steam generator is installed with a temperature sensor function, which, when the temperature is exceeded, commands the steam supply system to be turned off. When using essential oils, you can purchase an aroma generator.

Materials for finishing a Turkish bath

The selected room is insulated and loses up to 7 centimeters of usable area. Moisture and heat insulation occupies this area and creates a certain microclimate.
For interior decoration and finishing of sunbeds, marble or soapstone is suitable. These materials conduct heat well and create a comfortable feeling.

To decorate the walls, you can use smalt (small mosaic). This material will give the desired color to the bathhouse and make its interior individual. If desired, you can use a material such as ceramics. It is affordable and can imitate any texture.
To create a domed ceiling, the ceiling height must be at least two and a half meters. Thanks to this shape, condensation flows down the walls and does not drip from the ceiling onto those steaming in the hammam.

What should be in a hamam bath

In a Turkish bath, it is necessary to arrange individual ventilation, which renews the air every 15 minutes. It is not recommended to combine ventilation with the general system to prevent steam from leaking into living rooms. In a real hammam, there are three pools with different temperature conditions.

For a bath, due to high humidity, it is necessary to install special waterproof low-voltage lamps. If desired, you can make the lighting spot and place it on the ceiling; this adds color to the bathhouse and provides pleasant lighting.

The functionality of the bathhouse should be at its best. The steam coming from under the bench with nozzles should be dissipated evenly. Also in the room there should be a source of hot, cold, water - kurna. This is a bowl mounted into the wall and equipped with a tap.

The sewer system must have an intake device and a drain, which allows all odors to be removed outside. The kurna is not connected to a common drain. For convenience, in some cases a tropical shower function is installed, which allows you to wash in the steam room.
The benches and massage table are built of brick. The height of the table is always 80 centimeters.

Heating of the floor and benches can occur using electric or water heating. The first option is a warm electric floor. The water type of heating is cheaper, and easy installation and maintenance are favorable. The water supply runs under the floor, along the walls and sun loungers. For such heating, a boiler and, if necessary, a circulation pump must be installed in a separate room.

Watch the video: Features of designing a hammam on the ground floor

In such a bath you need to maintain a constant temperature of 30 ° C. Before use, 6 hours before use, the sensors are set to 45 °C, and a couple of hours later the steam generator is turned on. It must be turned on in constant mode, since it is washed with water.

For greater comfort, you can install waterproof speakers and a system for music, machines for spraying essences and washing rooms.

Now you know, how to build a hammam Turkish bath in the house or at the dacha. In winter, it’s nice to find yourself in a warm room and steam to your heart’s content. Make a hammam yourself, then you can save on visiting private steam rooms. On our website you will find many useful articles on repairs and construction with your own hands.

Most people love to take a steam bath. But some prefer a Russian bath, while others choose a Finnish sauna. And there are those who cannot imagine their life without a Turkish hammam. This establishment has its own distinctive features. And the question often arises: how to build a hammam with your own hands in order to be able to pamper yourself with soft and pleasant steam?

What is a hammam?

It must be taken into account that the classic Russian bath has not lost its leading position. But both it and the sauna are already seriously competing with the hammam. He did not come to us from Turkey, as is commonly believed, although he took root there more. It has more common characteristics with Roman baths. Although the name “hamam” itself originated in ancient times from the Arabic word “ham”. And this can be translated as “hot”.

But still, “hot” is a strong word, and is more suitable for southern people who are accustomed to the warm sun throughout the year. Hammam is the coldest type of bath, so it is not at all suitable for people who prefer warming up to the bones. The atmosphere here is soothing, the warmth is like velvet. For southern people there is no need for a bath where there is a high temperature. Therefore, the hammam, where the temperature is only 50–60 C°, will seem like fun compared to the sauna.

Features and benefits of a Turkish bath

To know how to build a hammam with your own hands, you need to take into account all the features of this southern bathhouse:

  1. A more gentle temperature is offered.
  2. Humidity can reach above 70%.
  3. All heating equipment is located in a separate room.
  4. All cladding and furniture must be made exclusively from natural stone.
  5. It is necessary to heat not only the sun loungers, but also the floor and walls.
  6. A massage table is required.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the structure of the hammam itself must be domed.

It is important to know: 70% humidity is the minimum level in a hammam, usually it is 90%.

Among the advantages of a Turkish bath, the following points can be highlighted:

  • The lack of temperature here is compensated by high humidity;
  • the body warms up well due to heated stone sun loungers;
  • toxins and wastes quickly leave the body;
  • the skin is not only cleansed, but also rejuvenated;
  • soft, moist steam helps improve metabolism in the body.

It is very important to know how to build a hammam with your own hands for those people who can be called “heart-seekers.” A Russian bath or Finnish sauna is contraindicated for them. But the hammam suits them perfectly.

The device of a classic hammam

If you compare a hammam with a traditional Russian bath, you can find more differences between them than anything in common. If the finishing material in the bathhouse is wood, then only natural stone should be present in the hammam. Marble was previously used to decorate the hammam, and onyx, considered a semi-precious stone, was used for decorative inserts.

What serves as a heating element in a bathhouse? This is a “heater” installed in a steam room. But in the hammam, the required temperature and humidity are achieved by heating all surfaces. Even the source of steam itself must be present outside the steam room. Previously, a special boiler was installed in a separate room, from which steam was supplied through channels. Due to this, all surfaces were heated.

Good to know! Kurnas must be present in the hammam. Kurnas are stone bowls containing hot and cold water. They are intended for washing.

So the hammam should look like it is shown in the figure:

Is it profitable to build a hammam as a separate building on the site? It is possible to build it, although a lot of money will be spent on construction. After all, all the interior decoration will take the lion's share of the funds that will go to this project. It is also important that good construction skills are required, because such structures are still one of the wonders. The costs of operating the hammam will be very serious. If you decide to take a steam bath here in winter, you need to warm up the building for 2-3 days. So what is the way out of this situation?

The simplest option is to use one of the rooms in the house for the future hamam. In this case, you will need to put in less effort and energy resources to warm it up. You just have to rebuild it first. By the way, this can be done even in a large apartment. If you draw up a project correctly, then solving the question of how to build a hammam with your own hands will be much easier.

When drawing up a project, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • required room size;
  • finishing materials used;
  • selection of steam generator;
  • the optimal option for heating surfaces.

You also need to take into account how many people can steam at the same time. It depends on whether to make one shelf or need several of them.

Helpful advice! If the room is small, you can deviate from the classic layout of the Turkish bath by eliminating the massage table.

What will need to be done if you still decide to build a separate building for the hammam? Here everything needs to start from scratch, including not only pouring the foundation, but also supplying water and installing a sewer system. Here you will definitely have to turn to specialists, at least so that they can draw up a competent project. Or find it online, which is not always ideal. A free-standing Turkish bath should have 4 rooms: a harar (i.e. the steam room itself), a shower room, a utility room, and a room intended for relaxation.

Start of construction work: ceiling

When building a hammam, it is necessary to use only such materials to which it is then easy to attach a cladding in the form of natural stone. But in extreme cases, you can use ceramic tiles. And this applies not only to the floor and walls, but also to the ceiling. So both brick and cinder block are suitable as building materials. The hammam will need a ventilation system. The ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.

Why is the ceiling in a Turkish bath made in the form of a dome? This is not a tribute to ancient tradition, it has a practical meaning. It must be taken into account that in the hammam the air humidity sometimes even reaches 95-100%, so condensation will certainly form on the ceiling. If the surface is flat, then drops will constantly fall from above, which is not very pleasant. But from the domed ceiling they flow down the walls.

Finishing stages and heating system

It is important to remember that the walls of the hammam should resemble a Napoleon cake. That is, we are talking about their multi-layered nature. When the building is ready, you need to start interior work. The very first thing you need to think about is the insulation of the walls and ceiling. The heat from the finishing stone must be retained in the room, so insulation must be used with foil.

The next layer is waterproofing. You will definitely need it, you can’t do without it. This is a very humid room, so under no circumstances should moisture seep into the outer walls. Today you can use several options for heating a hammam. The best is a water heating system, which must be laid along the walls, in the floor and in the sun loungers. But you can also use an electric heating system in the form of a warm cable. You must not forget about the channels from the steam generator and for ventilation.

Good to know! The cheapest way to heat a hammam is a water system connected to the central heating system. But this option is only suitable for a private house; only an “electric heated floor” system is allowed to be installed in an apartment.

The final touch to arranging a hammam is decorative finishing. You can use marble slabs. But they are expensive, and moreover, it is difficult to mount them on the walls, and even more so on the ceiling. Onyx looks beautiful, but is even more expensive than marble. An excellent substitute for these materials is porcelain stoneware. And if you have time and artistic talents, you can use loose mosaics. It is better if it is on an adhesive basis. It is well suited for finishing curved surfaces.

A Turkish bath is not just a place where you can wash yourself. This is a palace of cleanliness for pleasant relaxation and recuperation. In recent years, there has been a passion for building Turkish baths in country houses and even apartments. Many people want to reproduce a piece of Turkey at home as a keepsake of the beautiful country.

The possibilities for building a hammam are unlimited: any building materials, decorative elements and oriental interiors, equipment for heating and steam supply, all of this is available for sale in a huge assortment. The lack of a large room is also not a problem; even a small shower room can be equipped into a cozy “bathroom”.

What is hamam

Turkish baths trace their centuries-old history back to the ancient Roman baths - thermal baths. The Turkish bath has a beneficial healing effect on the human body. A distinctive feature of the Turkish bath is that the container with boiling water is located in a separate room, and the steam enters the steam room through special outlets.

In addition to the steam room and technical block, the Turkish bath has a relaxation room. Hamam differs from other types of baths: Russian, Japanese and Finnish saunas in its mild microclimate: comfortable temperature, high humidity.

In the Turkish bath, a gentle massage with soap foam is used and there are no stressful procedures such as contrast dousing, patting with brooms, or hot steam. Thanks to its mild, delicate action, the hammam bath can be used by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The whole environment in the hammam: the design of the rooms, heated floors and sun loungers, the supply of warm steam with aromatic oils, diffused light, helps to create an unusually pleasant atmosphere of relaxing rest.

How does a classic hammam work?

The classic oriental bathhouse consists of several rooms arranged in radials around the central hall. In the main hall there is a chair or table for massage - gebek. The adjacent rooms contain: a locker room, technical equipment with a steam generator, steam rooms and a relaxation room.

In a traditional Turkish bath, as a rule, there are several paired compartments with varying degrees of heating, so that visitors can choose a comfortable temperature regime for themselves. The principle of the design and operation of a Turkish bath is quite simple: heat emanates from the surrounding surfaces of the walls, floor and benches and soft, moist steam with aromas is supplied.

The classic hammam has three pools. The first pool is filled with warm water, the second with neutral water and the third with cold water.

Turkish baths are distinguished by rich decoration in oriental style: walls and floors made of marble, massage tables and sun loungers, qurnas (washbasins without drainage), fountains, all kinds of marble and mosaic panels, spectacular lighting in the form of twinkling stars.

Hamam bath ceremony

The Turkish bath consists of three halls. The first room, the Jamekian, serves as a locker room. In the dressing room, the body is preheated and prepared for further procedures; the air temperature here is maintained at 30 - 35 degrees Celsius.

The next step in the bath ceremony is the “hararet” steam room. Steam is thrown into the hammam's steam room at a temperature of approximately 45 degrees. The saturation of the air with steam is such that nothing is visible at a distance of more than one meter.

The steam room provides procedures for cleansing and renewing the skin: peeling and soap massage.

The procedures alternate with water washes. For a more pronounced effect, steam is saturated with essential oils.

The shape of the hammam bathhouse is similar to a hand: a round platform with a massage table in the center, a chebek-tashi, resembles a palm, and paired niches resemble fingers. Each bath niche creates high humidity and different temperatures - from 70 to 100 degrees.

Lastly, they go to the rest room, “soguklyuk,” where you can lie down, relax, and drink tea.

The healing properties of the Turkish bath

  1. Enlarges pores, improves skin breathing, cleanses, moisturizes and rejuvenates.
  2. Cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances.
  3. Muscle relaxation and recuperation.
  4. Normalization of the respiratory system, prevention and treatment of colds.
  5. Analgesic effect.
  6. Relieving stress, improving sleep.
  7. Improved digestion.
  8. Reducing excess weight.
  9. Getting rid of cellulite.

How to build a hammam yourself

A Turkish hammam is a wonderful addition to your home that you can build with your own hands in 1-3 months. The main condition when creating a hammam is to take into account the features of a Turkish bath. The hammam differs from our traditional Russian bathhouse not only in its design in an oriental style, but also in the method of heating and supplying steam.

The vat with boiling water is located in a separate room, and the steam flows through special outlets into the steam compartment.

To obtain the moist, soft and warm steam for which the hammam is so famous, it is important to avoid mistakes at the design stage and correctly select the necessary materials and equipment. Modern Turkish baths are certainly different from their ancient predecessors thanks to the use of modern building materials and automated equipment.

But the general principles of the hamam structure remain the same. Not everyone has the desire or time to go to a public bath. And not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a large area for the construction of a classic hammam with many separate rooms. To do this, it would be necessary to erect an entire building with various communications and special conditions for thermal and waterproofing.

A simpler, budget option is also possible using inexpensive building materials that imitate marble, affordable bath accessories, and the necessary set of equipment. As a rule, private Turkish baths consist of 2-3 rooms. Many homeowners want to have their own hammam-style steam room in their own home, albeit small.

If you have construction and technical skills, and are not intimidated by the prospect of becoming a builder, plumber, electrician and designer at the same time, then you can build a hammam of a simple design yourself.

Choosing a place to build a hammam

The construction of a hammam begins with choosing a location. The big advantage of a Turkish bath is that there is no need for a separate building. Buildings of any type are suitable for placing a Turkish bath: cottages, apartments, health centers, provided that the technical requirements are met: water supply and sewerage, electricity and ventilation.

You should know that you will have to arrange two rooms. An economical option for a hammam is a steam room and a utility room. A more comfortable hammam - with an additional relaxation room. At the same time, there is no need to allocate significant areas for a bath, so a Turkish hammam can be successfully built even in a small apartment.

In one room of the hammam there is the bathhouse itself, in the other there is a technical unit with the necessary equipment: an aroma generator, a cleaning filter, a steam generator for Turkish baths, a light projector, an internal heating system for the surface of the steam room - the floor, beds and walls, an independent electrical panel.

The size and shape of the steam room are completely determined by the preferences of the owner. Even a tiny storage room can be used as a technical compartment.

The area of ​​the utility room is approximately 1m2. It is advisable that the technical room is located close to the main room. If this is not possible, then no further than 15 meters. When choosing a place for arranging a Turkish bath, you should take into account the fact that after finishing work the internal dimensions of the room will decrease by 15 cm.

What materials are needed to build a hammam?

Construction stores offer a wide selection of special materials for creating a hammam. Unlike a Russian bath, a Turkish hammam never uses wood, only stone and metal.

General requirements for materials for a Turkish bath: high structural strength, heat and moisture resistance.

Natural marble

Marble is considered the ideal choice for finishing a hammam. Since ancient times, natural marble has been the main material for cladding walls and beds.

It is pleasant to the touch, retains heat for a long time, reduces sudden temperature changes, is durable, and emphasizes the status of the home owner. The only drawback is the high cost. Soapstone chlorite is considered comparable in price, but superior in heat capacity. An excellent replacement for expensive natural stone is glass mosaic and ceramic tiles.


Smalt is often used to decorate hammam. This is a small multi-colored glass mosaic of more than 80 shades, which makes up beautiful and original paintings with oriental ornaments. It is very decorative, has the property of internal glow, and creates a shimmer of color.

Smalt is produced in the form of plates or tiles of different sizes from 1cm2 to 5cm2. It can be rough, transparent, smooth and matte.

Smalt is laid on both flat and curved surfaces. Smalt is a dense, non-porous material with almost zero water absorption. It is frost-resistant and heat-resistant. Italian smalt made from Venetian glass is especially famous.

Laying out patterns with smalt is quite painstaking work, but the result is worth it. In addition, modern materials now exist in the form of ready-made mosaic panels, which greatly facilitates such finishing.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are the most affordable and easy-to-work finishing material for Turkish baths. Currently, tiles successfully compete with other materials for hammam, providing an alternative to marble and smalt. Ceramic tiles are a common material; many people know how to lay them. A wide variety of decor and tile sizes allows you to create a very beautiful interior, get the most intricate shapes and makes it possible to build an inexpensive and perfectly functioning Turkish hammam with your own hands.

How finishing work is performed

The construction of a Turkish hammam requires particularly careful finishing, which must meet the main requirements - high-quality thermal insulation and waterproofing of the room.

List of construction works:

  • installation of thermal insulation;
  • installation of waterproofing;
  • laying reflective vapor barrier;
  • conducting all communications;
  • finishing with plaster and laying screed;
  • final waterproofing;
  • covering floors, walls, tables and sun loungers with ceramic tiles, mosaics, marble and other materials.

During construction work in a hammam, the thickness of the walls and floor finishing is approximately 70 - 100 mm due to laying insulation, installing reflective thermal insulation, waterproofing surfaces, installing a water or electric heating system, applying a layer of leveling plaster or screed, finishing waterproofing, finishing with facing materials.

The order of finishing work

The finishing of the hammam room begins with the application of a plaster layer in order to provide additional waterproofing. Next, thermal insulation is carried out: they are covered with a special adhesive-based insulation. Then a reinforcement frame is installed, to which the road and plaster mesh is attached at a certain interval. The frame is used to install a heating system for walls, floors and beds.

Another method of constructing a Turkish bath has been developed, in which the load-bearing frame is made of special rigid foam polystyrene panels. Now this is a very popular material for the construction of hammam. High-strength polystyrene is used, its density is comparable to wood. The shapes and methods of using such panels are very diverse. Not only the walls of the hammam are made from this material, but also curved sunbeds and a ceiling dome, fonts, cornices, pallets and even columns and podiums are cut out. Foamed polystyrene is an environmentally friendly material with a long service life.

Such panels create complete sound, hydro and thermal insulation of the steam room and do not require additional processing. When finishing a steam room with foam panels, the air warms up faster, the load on the floors is reduced, the construction time for the hammam is significantly reduced, but financial costs increase.

This technology uses foreign-made materials: Wedi, Doit, LuxElement panels. A thermal circuit made of plastic pipes and then a steel mesh are installed on top of the foamed polystyrene panels. Next, a layer of plaster is applied to finish the room.

What should the floor be like in a Turkish bath?

The floor in the hammam bath must be equipped with a heating system and a slight slope must be maintained for reliable water drainage.

A shut-off device is installed in the drain drain, which prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer system. The floor in a Turkish bath consists of two layers of cement-sand screed with waterproofing between them. The final floor covering is made of marble or ceramic tiles, smalt.

Features of the ceiling in a Turkish bath

The ceiling of a steam room in a hammam is often built in the form of a dome. The height of the room must be at least 2.5 m. The dome is not just an original stylistic solution or a tribute to oriental exoticism, but also a design technique that has quite practical significance. Thanks to the dome-shaped shape, the steam rising upward during condensation does not drip down from the ceiling, but flows down from the gently sloping vaults along the walls. The unusual shape of the ceiling complicates construction somewhat.

Other, less expensive than a dome, options for ceiling structures are also possible: arched, vaulted and any other shape except flat. Columns are often used in the architectural design of Turkish hammam.

What are the different ways to heat a hammam?

In the modern interpretation of the Turkish bath, temperature and humidity are created by internal heating of the room. Heat comes from heated walls, floors, and beds. The steam is started by a steam generator.

Depending on the chosen heating method, installation is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and heating of all surfaces of the steam room is provided: floor, walls, tables, benches.

There are two types of heating for a Turkish bath - water and electric heating. Electric heating is organized similarly to the “warm floor” system, when electric heating elements are laid under the surfaces. In terms of operational characteristics and material costs, water heating is better and more profitable. Regardless of the type of heating chosen, the heating of the hammam must be separate.

If an autonomous heating system is installed in a country house, it is recommended to provide an additional circuit for the hammam, so that in the summer you do not have to specifically turn on the general heating system just to heat the steam room. The construction of a Turkish bath with water heating involves laying a network of small-diameter water pipes with constantly circulating hot water in the floor, walls and beds. A small electrically heated boiler is located in the technical department. From it comes a distribution of several circuits of metal-plastic pipes, which are laid under the surfaces of the floor, walls and seats.

It is recommended to maintain a constant temperature in the hammam steam room, at least 30C. Six hours before the bath procedure, the heating temperature is set on the sensors to 45°C. It is easier to regulate the heating temperature of surfaces with water heating.

Lighting and power supply for Turkish bath

Due to the high humidity in the steam room, lighting requires careful attention and precautions. For safety reasons, waterproof low-voltage lamps with a voltage of no more than 24V and a degree of protection of at least IP 65 are installed, intended for lighting swimming pools.

The “starry sky” spot lighting system, which is built into the ceiling and consists of fiber-optic lamps, looks very elegant. Lighting is one of the main techniques for designing a Turkish bath. Thanks to the thoughtful selection and placement of lamps, the feeling of an oriental fairy tale is created.


The sewage system in a Turkish hammam is equipped with a drain with a locking device to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the bathhouse. The Qurna (marble ablution bowl) does not drain into the sewer. The sewage system of the hammam bathhouse is connected to the common house one.


The presence of a ventilation hood is a prerequisite for the construction of a hammam. For a comfortable stay in the steam room, where the humidity reaches 100%, the air needs to be renewed every 10 minutes. The steam generator regularly releases steam into the room, which turns into condensate. If you integrate ventilation into a common cycle with other rooms of the house, then water will condense in the ventilation system and can form leaks in living rooms. Therefore, if long-term use of the bathhouse is expected, more than 2 hours, the ventilation is connected to the general house system, and a steam separator is installed to dry the humid air.

The adjustable ventilation valve is usually located on the ceiling and is always open.

Special equipment for Turkish bath

The success of turning an ordinary room in a country house into an oriental corner depends not only on the correct selection of building materials, but also additional technical equipment.

Steam generator

The main device in a Turkish bath is a steam generator.

The Turkish hammam is characterized by high humidity, which is maintained using a steam generator. The power of the device is selected based on the size of the bath room. The steam generator is equipped with a temperature sensor that regulates the injection of steam. If the air temperature in the steam room exceeds 55 degrees, then the steam supply to the steam room is blocked. Therefore, in order for steam to flow uninterruptedly and the steam generator not to turn off, the internal heating system is designed and assembled with the expectation of an air temperature of no more than 40-50 degrees. The steam generator is placed in the technical department, and the control panel of the steam generator is located at the entrance to the bathhouse; a display indicating the actual air temperature is installed in the steam room. The steam nozzle is located in the sauna under the bench.

The remote control has a button for turning on the interior lighting and a block for setting the temperature with two keys. The steam generator is connected to the central water supply and electrical network. It is strictly forbidden to water the device with water or cover it with a damp towel.

The domestic market of steam generators mainly includes products from the Swedish company Tylo and the Finnish company Helo, Harvia.

The steam generator is turned on 1-1.5 hours before the start of the bath procedures.

The latest models of steam generators are equipped with an automatic flushing and draining system, so you should not disconnect the device from the voltage or turn off the water supply tap.

Some of the latest steam generator models are equipped with self-cleaning electrodes.


The use of aromatic essential oils during bath procedures gives an unforgettable sensation. Many of them have a healing effect. An automatic aromatherapy system is used to spray various phytoessences. The fragrance consists of a matte stainless metal flask with a fan, a wick and a remote control panel. All bottles with aromatic oils are replaceable and are represented by a wide range of phytoessences.

How to build a Turkish bath hammam video

Accessories for Turkish hammam

Despite the rich oriental decoration, there is nothing superfluous in the hammam: every object and architectural element is functional.


Steam comes from under benches equipped with special dispersing nozzles. Since being in the hammam causes increased sweating, a water source is provided directly inside the steam room - a kurna, a wall-mounted bowl for ablution that does not have a drain.

Kurna is not only a traditional decorative element; incense and a special soap solution for massage are prepared in it. Usually qurnas are made of marble. The kurna has beautiful copper taps with hot and cold water, made in the ancient oriental style. Sometimes a “tropical shower” shower is installed in the steam area, creating a plentiful, uniform flow of water and then you can wash without leaving the steam room.

A door made of heat-resistant tempered glass with a magnetic door seal is installed in the doorway. An important condition for the door design is the presence of a gap under the glass.

Massage table and beds

After installing the kurna, benches and a massage table are arranged in accordance with the dimensions specified in the project. The massage table and benches are usually made of brick. They must be heated. The surface area of ​​the table can be different: from classic, allowing you to accommodate several people, to narrow, designed for one person.

Table height 80 cm for comfortable work of the massage therapist. The last stage is facing with mosaic, marble or ceramic tiles. Bath experts recommend choosing natural marble for finishing sunbeds, seats and massage tables. Marble heats up quickly and is more durable.


To ensure that the hammam is designed in a true oriental style, the floor and ceiling are decorated with mosaics, decorative panels and ceramic paintings with traditional patterns. Both marble tiles and multi-colored mosaics are used for wall cladding.

The interior design of a Turkish bath is determined by the taste preferences of the owner and the imagination of the designer.

Rules for safe use of hamam

  1. Loungers, seats, walls and floors are heated to a comfortable temperature that is pleasant to the body.
  2. For electrical wiring, heat-resistant and moisture-resistant electrical cable is used.
  3. To illuminate the hammam, special lamps with low voltage and moisture-proof and heat-resistant functions are fixed to the walls and ceiling.
  4. The sewage system in a Turkish hammam is equipped with a check valve to prevent odor penetration.
  5. The heating of the hammam is turned on several hours before using the steam room and the air temperature level is programmed to 45-50 degrees.
  6. The steam generator is turned on 1.5-2 hours before the start of the bath ceremony. After completing the procedures, it is not disconnected from the network so that the automatic flushing system works. The automatic flushing machine sprays disinfectant through a sprinkler.
  7. After finishing using the bathhouse, clean it using detergents.
  8. Twice a year, a preventive inspection of technical equipment is carried out and the steam generator is cleaned.

Ancient traditions and modern management

The control of the technical equipment of the Turkish bath is becoming more and more automated. To do this, it is enough to program the desired operating mode and the automation will do everything itself: heat and maintain the set temperature, supply steam, regulate ventilation. There is even automatic disinfection and rinsing of the bath.

How much does an oriental fairy tale cost?

It is difficult to say how much it costs to build a hammam. The cost of construction depends on many factors: the cubic capacity of the premises, the materials and equipment used, construction and installation work. You should start by choosing a place for a Turkish hammam, consult with specialists, look at the prices on the websites of various companies that produce building materials and equipment for Turkish baths, and then decide on the amount.

A visit to the Turkish bath is a real holiday for body and soul. Washing, massage and conversations over tea in the hammam help to take a break from everyday routine affairs, restore physical strength and mental balance. A hammam built in your own home and with your own hands will become a favorite corner for the whole family and a pleasant surprise for guests.