Constructive solutions in BIM. The concept of BIM technology in design: what is building information modeling in construction Bim objects


Building information modeling. BIM. What is this?

Building Information ModelingBuilding Information Modeling(BIM) is much more than a design technology. This is a whole strategy, an integrated approach applied at all levels of the construction chain (design, construction and operation). Moreover, each level has its own advantages from the use of BIM.

For designers

For designers, this is a significant acceleration of design, the ability to quickly adjust the information model, the ability to quickly obtain high-quality working documentation, fast analytics and calculation of material costs. The benefits of using BIM are especially clearly visible when calculating estimates and drawing up specifications. In this case, all estimates and specifications will be 100% reliable and, if necessary, recalculation will take minutes, not days, as in the case of classical design. And all this thanks to the possibility of parameterizing the model, organizing collaboration, staging, variability of the information model, and good integration of BIM software with other CAD systems. Remote work is also possible, which allows you to diversify your design team with specialists from different cities and even countries. Such a team will certainly be very effective in their work. The use of an information model will make it possible to evaluate thermal comfort, life cycle, lighting and other characteristics of the building at the design stage.

In addition, for design organizations, switching to BIM can pay for itself very quickly. For example, at the expense of work that was outsourced under the classical design scheme. Of course, this is possible provided that BIM has been implemented competently in the organization and the designers are proficient in software products.

For builders

For builders, significant advantages are quality control of initial documentation, control of cost estimates, organization of construction management, proper logistics, phased financing and, of course, the possibility of technical supervision. Thus, three levels of BIM can be distinguished:

  • 3D spatial model. Here you can carry out quality control of the source documentation. It will be used in the future to create a set of working documentation, equipment, ordering equipment, calculating estimates, etc.
  • 3.5D – Spatial model with additions of object-oriented technology (for example, moving people or trees that take into account the seasons). Few people know about this level :)
  • 4D is a spatial model (3D) previously built by designers in time. The information model exists throughout the entire life cycle of the building, and perhaps longer. Over time, the information in the model changes, is supplemented, and is deleted, reflecting the real state of the building. Here you can manage construction and see work schedules of various details. Moreover, with the help of BIM software it is possible to record a video of the dynamics of the construction process, make pauses and notes, and also promptly identify collisions. Moreover, it is very important that all shortcomings can be identified and corrected before the actual construction begins.
  • 5D is 4D + information. At this stage, it is possible to check estimates, project costs and any calculations. In traditional design, cost calculations are the most time-consuming, but when using a building information model, the situation changes radically. In the information model, each element can be assigned a cost, and in the specification the quantity is always known. Accordingly, all calculations are possible automatically; you only need the skills to work with such data.

For customers and operational services

What are benefits of BIM for the customer and for operational services?

The benefit here is very big. For example, if the customer does not plan to operate the building himself, then in this case he can sell or lease a building designed and built using BIM on much more favorable terms than a building designed and built without an information model according to the classical scheme. This is possible because the operation of a building with the existing operational model will be much more convenient, transparent and efficient. In addition, if GREEN BIM was used in the design, then much less energy will be spent on heating the building. In addition, it is much easier to obtain certificates for such a building, which will significantly increase the value of the building.

And if the customer builds a building for himself, then his benefit completely coincides with the benefit of the operating services, and significant savings on construction are also possible, because the presence of a building information model presupposes “lean construction”, where the expenditure of funds is completely transparent.

The fourth level, 6D, is allocated for operational services. This is an operational model of the building. It provides a modern level of service in ensuring the operation of the building, allowing timely identification and prevention of problems associated with the operation of the building. Here you can quickly find faults, monitor the condition of complex objects, and have a unified information system for the entire complex of equipment. Aerobatics in this case is the creation of a unified system for monitoring and operating the building. This means that if the building information model, created at the project stage, contains all changes in the state of this object, then the operation service will have all the information on this object and at any time will be able to display and analyze it. It is very convenient and, of course, this is a great breakthrough in construction. There has been nothing like this in history.

Future plans

In the United States, by 2030, all federal facilities must be classified as “net-zero” (“net zero”), i.e. they will be powered by renewable energy, and commercial facilities even earlier - by 2025. In Russia, according to the order of D. Medvedev, all government orders, starting from September 2014, must be carried out in BIM. This gives great hope for accelerating the development of BIM in Russia. I have already written about the development of BIM in Russia.

In general, BIM is a new era in design and construction and it will definitely be successful in Russia.

Information modeling technologies in Moscow


Moscow will switch to BIM in the design of government procurement facilities

The city authorities will switch to using BIM in the design of government-ordered objects in three stages by the end of 2019. The head of the department for implementing information modeling technologies of the Moscow Construction Department, Mikhail Kosarev, spoke about this in December.

According to Kosarev, Moscow is already demanding the use of BIM technologies when designing multi-apartment residential buildings, social infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, clinics) and administrative and business complexes. However, there are still a number of restrictions. In particular, the OKS created in BIM should not include more than two buildings with a total area of ​​no more than 50 thousand sq. m. m. There are also restrictions on the area of ​​built-in parking (if available) - no more than 15 thousand square meters. m.

The second stage of the transition to BIM is scheduled for July 1, 2020. From this date, the city will begin to require the use of information modeling in the design of fire stations and police departments. Also, the number of BIM objects will include area OKS of engineering infrastructure. These are pumping and compressor stations, local treatment facilities, gas control points, heating points, transformer and distribution points.

The third stage is scheduled for September 1, 2020. The city authorities will also include BIM design of road network facilities and all utility networks in their requirements. Finally, from January 1, 2021, linear metro facilities and transport hubs will also be added to this list.


BIM technologies will begin to be taught in colleges in Moscow

For future modern designers and architects, the usual drawing board and paper drawings are no longer enough. In the last decade, all designers have switched to using computer programs. They make it possible to bring any customer’s wishes into reality, to apply new trends in building design, interior decoration, and landscape design.

The innovative approach will ensure the development of design thinking for engineering and technical students, noted Alexander Arionchik, director of the Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning.

“The presence of a 3D modeling and prototyping laboratory in a modern Moscow college allows us to achieve results at every stage of training. The involvement of students in the process allows them to effectively master new technologies and software products (specialized CAD programs) for modeling, design and engineering, carry out individual and group projects, conduct effective preparation for technical olympiads and competitions, and easily integrate into innovative approaches to teaching,” said director of the college.


Moscow will transfer construction expertise to BIM from 2019

In mid-October, it was reported that the capital’s authorities approved a “road map” for the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction complex. The document outlined in detail the stages of “full-scale preparation for the use of BIM” until the beginning of 2019. Moskomekspertiza has been appointed as the coordinator for the implementation of the plan.

“The plan creates a detailed algorithm for work in this area. We tried to provide for all the necessary measures: from the creation of a design office in the structure of the construction complex to the development of information modeling classifiers and requirements at the design and examination stages,” commented the head of the department, Valery Leonov, on the document.

A plan for introducing BIM technology in Moscow has been approved

“If we talk about the short term, a number of regulations and requirements will be developed that take into account the specifics of the capital, which will allow us to take the first steps towards introducing new technology. The launch of “pilot” projects - capital construction projects - is planned for 2017-2019 in order to test the use of technology for capital construction projects,” the official noted.

Now the department’s efforts are concentrated on developing a standard for the use of BIM technologies on Moscow construction sites. In the near future, according to Leonov, a number of regulations and requirements will be developed that take into account the specifics of the capital's construction complex. After the newly created standard is tested on real objects, it can be recommended for use in the regions, which, in turn, will make it possible to create a unified state standard for BIM in Russia, concluded the head of Moskomekspertiza.

In his opinion, only by completely transferring government orders to BIM will it be possible to create conditions for the full and effective use of this technology by all industry participants. “The practice of working together with designers and developers shows that the most advanced of them have already invested in the implementation of this technology, with the prospect of increasing their competitiveness in the market. But they cannot fully use the technology (with all the advantages), since the state customer works slightly differently,” Leonov explained.

BIM in Russia


Construction will switch to BIM in 2020

The construction complex of St. Petersburg is switching to the use of BIM technologies

The Ministry of Construction will invite regions to create competency centers in BIM

On October 29, 2019, it became known that the Ministry of Construction intends to involve regional authorities in the development of information modeling technologies in Russia. The ministry recommends that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create competence centers in BIM, said its deputy head Dmitry Volkov. According to the Ministry of Construction, the first such centers should appear in 2020.

According to him, BIM centers should combine the relevant competencies in the field of examination, construction supervision, as well as in the activities of regional customers of construction work. Such structures need to actively interact with educational institutions and business, says the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction.

A number of Russian regions have already made active progress in the implementation of information modeling, Volkov added. Among them, he named Yekaterinburg.

Earlier, Russian Railways announced the creation of a Competence Center for the implementation of information modeling technologies in construction. A representative of the state monopoly announced this on October 9, 2019. The purpose of creating the structure is said to be “increasing the efficiency of infrastructure construction.”

The Ministry of Construction unites the forces of the professional community to introduce BIM technologies in construction

The technical committee for standardization TC 465 “Construction” and the project technical committee for standardization PTK 705 “Information modeling technologies at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction and real estate projects” are joining forces to introduce BIM technologies in the construction industry.

Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) dated July 12, 2019 No. 1660 “On amendments to the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 20, 2017 No. 1382 “On organizing the activities of the technical committee for standardization “Construction” » the merger of technical committees was implemented by integrating PTK 705 into the structure of TC 465. The corresponding order was published on the Rosstandart website.

The consolidation of the forces of the professional community at the TK 465 site will create a single center of competence necessary for effective work on the implementation of BIM technologies in construction, emphasized Dmitry Volkov, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

“The changes made to the composition and structure of TC 465 are aimed at improving and developing standardization work in the field of construction, in particular in the field of BIM technologies. It is expected that full members of the disbanded PTC will be part of the specialized subcommittee of TK 465 - PC 5 “Life cycle management of capital construction projects”. Consolidating the forces of the professional community on one site will definitely increase the efficiency of work on implementing BIM technologies in the construction industry,” said Dmitry Volkov


According to the Deputy Minister, uniting the forces of the industry’s professional community is an important step in the implementation of comprehensive work to introduce information modeling in construction.

The concept of information modeling is enshrined in the Gradcode

The Urban Planning Code officially enshrines the concept of information modeling. The corresponding law was signed in June 2019 by President Vladimir Putin.

According to the document, the information model of a capital construction project is “a set of interrelated information, documents and materials about a capital construction project, generated electronically at the stages of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs, operation and (or ) demolition of a capital construction project.”

According to information on the department’s website, work is now underway to create a unified state digital platform, which will be integrated with state information systems for supporting urban planning activities of the country’s subjects and state information systems. A unified information space will ensure “seamlessness” not only of the technological process of creating a building, but also of industry regulation.

Russia does not need a 100% transition to BIM - President of RAASN

A complete transition to information modeling technologies in design and construction in Russia is not necessary. This assessment was expressed by the President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences and the former chief architect of Moscow, Alexander Kuzmin. His words were quoted in May 2019 by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

According to him, many beautiful buildings have been created in the capital using traditional design technologies. Preparing architectural projects “in 2D” and using the usual drawings is not so bad, the president of the RAASN concluded.

Schneider Electric will take part in the development of national standards for BIM technologies in Russia

On April 18, 2019 it became known that Schneider Electric, an international leader in the field of energy management and automation, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Project Technical Committee on BIM Technologies (PTK705).

“The bill provides the legal basis for the implementation of a unified information management system for capital construction projects through the use of information modeling throughout the entire life cycle, taking into account all business processes, public administration functions and public services in the construction sector.

The amendments introduce the concept of “Classifier of construction information” into the City Code. According to the document, this classifier will be intended “to provide information support for tasks related to the classification and coding of construction information in order to automate the processes of engineering surveys, justification of investments, design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs, operation and demolition of capital construction projects.” It is assumed that the rules for the formation and procedure for maintaining this classifier will be established by the Ministry of Construction. And the operator of the system will be the ministry itself or its subordinate institution.

As stated in the explanatory note to the bill, the introduction of a construction information classifier will make it possible to extract a whole range of analytical data. Including:


Digital transformation in construction by 2024

On September 18, 2018, it became known that the digital transformation of the construction industry, which involves the adoption and updating of regulatory and technical documents on BIM, the necessary changes in legislation and the creation of an industry digital platform, should take place within 5 years. The director of the Federal Center for Standardization, Standardization and Technical Assessment of Conformity in Construction, subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Construction, Dmitry Mikheev, spoke about the mechanisms for solving this problem.

The set of measures provided for by the Federal Project "Digital Construction", the development of which was announced by the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction Vladimir Yakushev, should ensure the digital transformation of the industry by 2024. When switching to digital construction, it is expected that the costs and time for construction of objects built at the expense of the budgets of the Russian Federation at all levels will be reduced by about 20% in just 5 years. And the reduction in time from making a decision on construction to commissioning is up to 30%.

Digitalization of construction involves the automation of all stages and procedures throughout the entire life cycle of a facility.

By 2020, it is planned to complete work on an all-Russian classifier of construction information and develop a standard for digital normative and technical documents in construction; in 2021, the translation of normative and technical documentation in construction into a digital (machine readable) format will begin, which will allow the formation and maintenance of a fund of digital normative and technical documents documents in construction.

Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to ensure the transition to BIM from July 2019

Also, methods will be developed and approved for calculating, using digital technologies, the marginal costs of performing work and providing services necessary for the design, construction of facilities and operation of buildings and structures, checking the reliability of these costs as part of the audit of investment justification.

In particular, standards for the construction of modern and efficient housing and modern real estate will be developed. In the second quarter of 2020, information about digital models of buildings and structures created as a result of the use of information modeling technologies will be classified as technological data. At the same time, the requirement to store such information on the territory of Russia will be legally established.

BIM technologies will become mandatory for government agencies

Requirements for calculation methods used in the interests of government agencies and state corporations will also be developed and approved, taking into account the requirements for import substitution and the availability of information for inspection bodies.

In the second quarter of 2021, a legislative obligation will be introduced for government agencies and state corporations to independently carry out the design of buildings and structures, as well as to purchase relevant work and services for the creation of construction projects only on the basis of BIM technologies. In particular, the procurement documentation will need to include the need for appropriate digital models.

By the end of 2022, all government agencies will carry out the construction of buildings and structures using digital modeling technologies. Based on the experience of implementing construction projects with the participation of state and municipal budgets at all levels, measures will be developed and implemented to encourage developers to design, construct and operate buildings and structures, as well as purchase relevant work and services for the creation of construction projects based on the use of BIM technologies .

Thanks to the proposed measures, by the end of 2024, the share of designed real estate objects undergoing checks for compliance with requirements and standards without human intervention will be 9% of the total number of designed objects. And the share of real estate objects being built using information modeling technologies will be 80% of the total number of real estate objects under construction.

Remote inspection of construction personnel

Another direction of the document is to increase the efficiency of construction and operation of buildings and structures. To this end, at the beginning of 2019, an analysis will be carried out of the possibilities of introducing systems for remote pre-shift inspection and remote monitoring of the health status of personnel during the construction of buildings and structures, as well as during the operation of elements of intra-house infrastructure.

An analysis of the possibilities and effects of introducing digital systems for monitoring, analyzing and predicting breakdowns of intra-house infrastructure will also be carried out. By the end of 2019, a requirement will be established for the mandatory implementation of systems for remote pre-shift inspection and remote monitoring of the health status of personnel during the construction of building structures, as well as during the operation of hazardous elements of intra-building infrastructure.

Mandatory integration of facilities under construction with Sistema-112 and KSEON

At the beginning of 2020, all developers will be required, when designing planned capital construction projects, to provide for the integration of existing regional and/or municipal solutions of the 112 System and the Integrated Emergency Notification System for the population about the threat or occurrence of emergency situations (KSEON).

By the end of 2020, systems for economic monitoring, analysis and forecasting of breakdowns of intra-building infrastructure (elevators, pipelines, etc.) for buildings built using information modeling technologies will be introduced in 10 cities. At the same time, integration of these systems with digital platforms for urban resource management will be ensured.

By the end of 2021, all constructed real estate objects that are accepted by the state commission and transferred to the state balance sheet will be integrated with regional or municipal solutions of System-112 and KSEON.

Thanks to the proposed measures, by the end of 2024, injuries on construction sites will be reduced by 15% compared to 2018. All housing construction projects built using information modeling technologies will be equipped with systems for monitoring, analyzing and predicting breakdowns of intra-building infrastructure. And the share of operated real estate and housing and communal services facilities that have a digital twin model will be 60% of the total number of operated objects.

Registration of real estate transactions in electronic form

The third direction of the document is to increase transparency in the construction, rental and sale of real estate. To this end, at the beginning of 2019, an analysis of the “best global practices” will be carried out in terms of obtaining construction permits and conducting real estate transactions using digital technologies. A regulatory possibility will also be established to verify the integrity of participants in a real estate transaction in electronic form using information from government information systems.

Based on the results of the above analysis, “pilot” projects will be launched in five cities to obtain building permits using digital technologies. In the second quarter, completely remote registration of temporary registration at the place of stay in electronic form will be provided.

A simplified tax regime will also be introduced for citizens renting out one piece of real estate (apartment) using electronic forms of interaction.

It is expected that by the end of 2020, through the use of digital technologies, the duration of permitting procedures will be reduced to the level of “best global practices” and the possibility of obtaining and using all necessary documents and information for a real estate transaction in electronic form will be ensured. And by the end of 2024, the number of rental and purchase and sale transactions of real estate concluded electronically will be half of the total number of transactions.

New joint ventures on BIM have come into force

The name of the first: “Rules of exchange between information models of objects and models used in software systems.” The document describes the basic requirements for the creation and operation of information systems that interact with each other throughout the entire life cycle of a building or structure.

The second joint venture was called “Rules for the formation of an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle.” Basically, these rules are aimed at improving the validity and quality of design solutions, as well as the level of safety during the construction and operation of buildings and structures.

Another set of rules will come into force on June 16, NOPRIZ recalled. This is SP 328.1325800.2017 “Information modeling in construction. Rules for describing the components of the information model." The document contains requirements for components of information models of buildings and structures, but does not concern digital libraries of these components.

Previously, the Ministry of Construction reported that the system of regulatory and technical documents on BIM will include a total of 15 national standards (GOST R) and 10 sets of rules. Of these, 13 GOST R and 4 SP will relate to fundamental (basic) areas, the rest - to individual stages of the life cycle. Currently, 7 GOSTs and 6 joint ventures are already in effect in the field of information modeling.

2017: The government approved the “road map” for BIM technologies

According to the press service of the construction department, the approved document provides for the development of national BIM standards at the stages of design, construction, operation and demolition of buildings, as well as bringing regulatory and technical documents and estimate standards used in construction in accordance with the classifier of construction resources. The plan also involves expanding the functional purpose of the federal state information system for pricing in construction in the direction of operation and demolition of capital construction projects.

“The use of BIM technologies is a new era in the construction and operation of buildings. And this is not only 3D modeling, it is also a calculation of the complete life cycle of a structure, including its disposal. In the BIM model of a future building, you can “sew up” not only the characteristics of materials and processes, but also information on purchases, deliveries and the timing of future repairs,” commented Mikhail Men, adding that only at the stages of design and construction the use of BIM technologies makes it possible to reduce costs by 20%.

Initially, the roadmap for BIM technologies was planned to be approved by September 1, 2016. At the same time, its latest edition, discussed in February 2017 at a meeting of the Government Expert Council, became the subject of sharp criticism from the expert community. “The peculiarity of this version of the road map is that a significant place in it is devoted to the issues of pricing in operation (9 points out of 14) without reference to the topic of information modeling,” noted the general director of the Competitor company following the discussion

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BIM technologies are a new word in the field of design automation. But here they take root with difficulty. Why? Expert Yuri Zhuk talks about this

We already about the problems associated with the use of IT technologies in construction. As it turned out, from 70 to 90% of computer programs that are used in design are imported. Meanwhile, such IT industry giants as Microsoft, Oracle, Symantec, Hewlett Paccard - producers of most construction software - have joined the sanctions against our country to one degree or another. In this situation, the problem of import substitution in the field of construction software has become more acute than ever.

And here we cannot do without BIM technologies, industry leaders believe. We talked about the situation with the use of these technologies in Russia and whether we have domestic “substitutes” for software imports with the head of the laboratory for automation of research and design of structures at the TsNIISK named after. V.A. Kucherenko JSC "Research Center "Construction" Yuri Zhuk(on the picture).

A little history

- Yuri Nikolaevich, why is it so difficult for the latest IT technologies to make their way here?

Developments within the framework of the CAD (computer-aided design) complex were actively carried out back in the USSR. And, I must say, we have achieved some success. In Soviet times, Gosstroy allocated significant funds for IT development.

Unfortunately, the political upheavals of the 1980-1990s weakened the scientific base of many institutions, preventing the completion of the important work of creating the latest generation of domestic programs. Research in this direction was frozen for a long time. In recent years, such developments have been funded sparingly and sporadically by the state.

- But, as I understand it, we managed to stock up on a significant amount of imported analogues?

Yes, over 20-30 years our country has purchased a significant number of programs, including the latest generation, that support BIM technology. But here, too, not everything is so smooth. It must be said that architects and designers are already quite fluent in using the programs ArchiCAD, AutoCAD and a number of others. But BIM technologies are still with some caution, although there is interest in them and, in general, there is a fairly positive attitude towards them.

Recently, the Ministry of Construction held an interesting conversation about expanding the scope of application of the latest IT technologies. “We looked at examples of the use of BIM technologies in the design of standard objects,” said Mikhail Men. “In this system, they are modeled and remodeled efficiently and quickly.” “We want,” the minister bluntly stated, “that within the framework of the work of the Unified State Customer, one of the conditions should be a phased transition to BIM technologies.” As a result, it was decided that NOPRIZ should begin developing a unified standard for the use of BIM technologies. Yuri Nikolaevich, can we say that the ice has broken?

I think this is a gratifying event. Finally, the state has turned its face to the problem of computer optimization of processes in the construction industry. And to the topic of providing design with modern programs in particular.

I know that today NOPRIZ has been instructed to select a hundred or two construction and design organizations that will be involved in pilot projects on BIM. Further, their experience will be analyzed so that domestic designers can boldly take information modeling into service, but, as they say, without stepping on the same rake, without making unnecessary mistakes.

All information - in one place

- But still: what kind of beast is BIM technology? What is their essence?

BIM literally translates as building information modeling. We usually decipher this as “technology for information modeling of industrial and civil facilities.” And the key word here is “information”. That is, BIM allows you to create a complete information description of the object under construction.

- What do such programs give to modern construction?

Enormous possibilities. After all, this is not only obtaining a three-dimensional image of the object conceived by the architect and a three-dimensional picture for making some constructive calculations, it is a single model with which specialists of all profiles, from the architect to the estimator, work.

- Why is such a single model convenient?

Look, if the architect or designer has made any changes, all project participants will immediately know about it: the plumber, the electrician, and finally, the one who calculates the construction estimate. And they make their own adjustments. In the BIM model, you can easily understand what grade of concrete was used to make a particular column or beam, what size it was, and even at what enterprise it was manufactured. As a result, all information about the building is stored in one place.

The three-dimensional model clearly shows what errors and inaccuracies were made. And most importantly, these inaccuracies can be eliminated very quickly. It turns out that the design process is accelerated significantly.

It is difficult to suspect a computer of corruption

They say that BIM technologies can be used at the stage of not only design, but also construction and even operation, is this true?

Absolutely right. The technology works effectively not only at the architectural and planning stage, but also at all subsequent ones. For example, when laying utility networks, inconsistencies often arise. Using a three-dimensional model, it is very easy to predict where and how certain pipelines and communications need to be connected. And when the house has already been built, at the stage of its operation, having a BIM model, it is not difficult to change this or that equipment and elements of utility networks at minimal cost.

That is, ideally, this model can “accompany” the building until its disposal.

- How are BIM technologies useful in low-cost construction?

They allow you to save a lot of money. After all, BIM technology is absolutely transparent: it is difficult to steal anything here. The computer, based on the existing BIM model, produces absolutely accurate cost calculations, and even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t suspect it of corruption. By the way, there is a standard abroad that simply obliges the developer to use BIM if he is constructing an object with budget money.

- How can we evaluate the benefits of using BIM technologies in our construction industry?

I’ll tell you this: for us, the effect will be primarily in a more reasonable construction cost. Any change in the project will be reflected in the estimate. And then it will become extremely difficult to inflate the costs of constructing an object: this will immediately be shown by the BIM model.

Let's say you replaced imported materials with domestic ones, installed air conditioners to a minimum, and used a slightly cheaper brand of concrete. The project has become cheaper. And all this will be clearly visible on the information model, that is, the money saved in this way will be difficult to put in someone’s pocket.

Even in advanced companies, not everyone has mastered BIM

- If the advantages of the new technology are so obvious, why is it still being used with such difficulty?

For us, everything is really limited at best to the use of BIM modeling in architecture and design. There have been cases when BIM was used for the subsequent operation of utility networks - in particular, at sports facilities in Greater Sochi. However, these are still only isolated examples.

The main problem here, I think, is that these technologies are still quite expensive. After all, in order to use information modeling, a design organization must purchase quite a lot of relevant programs (Revit, Allplan, Tekla, ArchiCAD, etc.), purchase more powerful computers, not only for architects, but also for ordinary specialists. People also need to be trained to work with these programs. Meanwhile, today in a seemingly large design bureau, sometimes five to seven people, no more, own such programs.

That is, the costs are high. But the effect does not come immediately. It is, as it were, “postponed” and appears when the entire life cycle of the building is covered.

- What else hinders the use of BIM technologies in Russia?

Of course, the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework. To begin to apply them everywhere, and not sporadically, they need to “fit” into the Town Planning Code. Today, in order to pass the examination of a BIM model, you must first prepare the entire set of planar drawings, and then add a BIM model to them. It’s good if the expert himself can use this BIM model.

When knowledge of information modeling is widespread (from an ordinary builder to an official), the same expert, when looking at the presented set of documentation using BIM, will no longer have many questions that he is forced to ask, having only a planar version. This is practically a different level of interaction between specialists involved in the life cycle of a building.

- It seems to me that an important point in the work on implementing BIM is the education of managers of construction organizations...

Agree. Any transformation starts from the head. It is necessary to understand that today, without mastering information modeling, there is nothing to show your nose to the foreign market. So, if any company wants to build abroad, it will simply have to master all this.

It's time to create domestic "software"

Yuri Nikolaevich, the advantages of BIM modeling are quite clear. But all the programs that a BIM designer must use were created in those countries that recently imposed sanctions on us. What to do?

The barrier is actually very serious. We, of course, have some domestic developments. Among other things, your humble servant created the Starcon program to calculate the strength characteristics of a building. Domestic builders still use it to this day. But this program alone is certainly not enough.

It's time to start a lot of work on creating domestic “software” that supports BIM technologies. Yes, these are not months and maybe not even years of work. We can live on our existing stock of software for a while. But we will still have to distance ourselves from imports.

The conversation was conducted by Elena MATSEIKO

BIM users' opinion

Petr MANIN, BIM manager at Verfau Medical Engineering:

We decided for ourselves that we would strongly promote a new approach to design. BIM is not just a three-dimensional picture of an object, it is a model that can be used throughout the entire period of construction and operation of the building.

Today the customer is already quite competent. For example, we were recently ordered a hospital project, and the terms of reference already stipulated that it should be completed in BIM.

What does BIM give? Firstly, this technology optimizes the construction process. It's no secret that any construction is a very expensive process. So, using the building information model, we can get a very accurate calculation of the cost of the object. You won’t need the “reserve” that the estimator puts in so that there is certainly enough “for everything.” As a result, we managed to reduce costs by 5-10% at one of our last facilities.

In addition to reducing costs, the construction plan can be optimized. Let's say the cranes are running on neighboring houses. If their schedules coincide, they may “meet with arrows.” But no one took this into account, since the equipment belongs to different owners, and it is unlikely that anyone will manually compare the operating modes of various mechanisms. And here before our eyes is a visual graph. By the way, such a graph will show what the optimal load is required for a particular construction machine, and whether there is a lead or a lag. You can calculate how much money needs to be invested in construction at each stage.

Well, when the building has already been built and the time has come to repair it, all the necessary data on load-bearing structures and communications can be taken from the BIM model.

Alexey TSVETKOV, CAD manager of Spectrum Group:

In our company, the transition to the new BIM design technology has been carried out for several years. The company's design experience includes complex projects of international airports, large shopping centers and cultural and historical heritage sites implemented in the Autodesk Revit environment. Initially, only architects and designers designed in Revit. A scheme of interaction and collaboration was worked out. At the current stage of transition to BIM technologies, we are standardizing design processes and involving specialists in all sections.

Based on the results of the first projects using BIM, we can confidently say that the new approach to work is promising. The benefits of BIM are not immediately obvious, especially to those new to the practice. The experience of using BIM technologies in our company means a significant reduction in design errors, more accurate information about the project at its earliest stages, instant receipt of updated data for any project changes, a reduction in the number of collisions, minimizing the human factor in work, and much more.

In addition, the resulting model opens up new possibilities for its further application at other stages of the life cycle if it is properly filled with the necessary attribute information.

BIM technology for information modeling of objects (Building Information Modeling) is a development of the computer-aided design (CAD) system generally accepted today. The main difference from the latter, in addition to three-dimensional drawing, is that the model has a database containing detailed information about the technological, technical, architectural, construction, estimate, and economic characteristics of the object. Depending on specific requirements, the database can be supplemented with legal, operational, environmental and other information.

PrinciplesBIM design

The postulates of information modeling or BIM design, which formed the basis of the modern approach to the development of design documentation, were identified and applied during the reconstruction of Heathrow Airport Terminal 3 in the late 80s by the developer of software systems for Autodesk and Bentley Systems, Robert Eisch. He named the basic principles of BIM:

  • designing an object in three-dimensional space;
  • the ability to automatically issue drawings and specifications;
  • presence in the model of all design data of the object;
  • intelligent parameterization;
  • the ability to simulate the construction process with reference to time and budgeting.

By combining all sections and decisions of the project in a single multidimensional space, the manager can see the results of construction before it begins. When talking about BIM design, along with the generally accepted term “3D visualization”, “4D” and “5D” are often used. This literally means expanding the number of spatial dimensions that are provided by linking the model to the construction schedule and the estimated cost of the facility.

World development experience

As noted above, the development of information modeling systems abroad has been going on since the 80s of the last century. One of the leaders and founders of the movement was Autodesk, whose achievements served as an impetus for the creation of an alliance for the interaction of various graphics platforms.

The Alliance of Interoperability includes 12 major software developers, including Autodesk (Revit, Autocad), Tekla, Graphisoft (Archicad), Trimble (Sketchup) and others. For correspondence between different platforms, the open specification IFC data format is used.

Today, almost all famous architects and design studios work with BIM design technologies. In accordance with analytical studies, the use of modern approaches in design and construction makes it possible to achieve tangible savings in terms of construction and installation work, the cost of construction and operation of facilities.

For example, during the construction of the Museum of Art in Denver according to the project of D. Libeskind in 2006, thanks to the created model of interaction between contractors linked to the network schedule, the overall implementation time was reduced by 14 months. Significant results were achieved through the implementation of BIM during the construction of a higher music school in Miami designed by Frank Gehry in 2008.

According to research by McGraw-Hill Construction, the level of involvement of US and Canadian design bureaus in BIM technologies in 2007 was 28%, in 2009 – 49%, in 2012 – 71%. In the United States, the American National Bureau of BIM Standards, created under the National Institute of Building, is engaged in a systematic transition to information modeling.

In many European countries, the introduction of advanced BIM technologies is carried out by targeted actions of the authorities. In particular, in the UK, back in 2010, an action plan was approved, according to which, starting from 2016, all government-funded construction projects must be developed in accordance with BIM standards. In addition, recession trends in the EU economy have created conditions for design and construction organizations to search for new, more efficient approaches to performing work. With a forced reduction in the number of project participants, BIM technologies turned out to be an effective way to survive.

BIM: advantages and opportunities

So, the term BIM design today means an information model of an existing or planned facility, the distinctive features of which are:

  • interconnectedness and consistency of all elements;
  • the ability to add, change, analyze and predict development;
  • binding to real time and place;
  • access for simultaneous work by specialists in various fields and the ability to combine their technical solutions in a single space.

The main advantages of using BIM follow from this definition. The advantages of modeling include:

  • the ability to automatically create high-quality design and estimate documentation;
  • no errors in drawings, dimensions, specifications, estimates;
  • up-to-date information on the performance and cost indicators of materials;
  • visual clarity facilitating the adoption of optimal technical solutions;
  • ease of management of construction and operation of the facility;
  • availability of up-to-date data for the possibility of reconstruction, technical modernization and demolition of buildings and structures at the end of their life cycle.

An important component of the innovative BIM approach is the possibility of visual modeling of the construction process itself, during which each of the specialists participating in the project can track the implementation of the technical solutions laid down by them and their interaction with related partners. When modeling the operation of an object, it is possible to observe the operation of the equipment provided for by the project and draw conclusions about the satisfactoriness of its parameters.

ImplementationBIMin the domestic construction industry

Speaking about the implementation and prospects for the development of information modeling in Russia, it is necessary to highlight several main factors that influence this process. On the one hand, there are a number of companies interested in development, which, by promoting BIM technologies at their sites, strive to be at the forefront of construction technologies.

On the other hand, there are centralized government programs aimed at a gradual transition to more progressive design and construction systems. At the same time, there are certain forces and circumstances that hinder these positive processes. Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Who promotes technologyBIM designin Russia

One way or another, most designers and builders have heard at least something about information modeling. For many, BIM design is associated primarily with three-dimensional design. At the same time, things often don’t go beyond the realization that new technology is the future. However, today the domestic market already has a core of interested companies that are actively promoting the introduction of innovations.

One of the pioneers in the use of BIM in Russia is the Design Bureau of High-Rise and Underground Structures (St. Petersburg). Using modeling methods, the bureau has developed over 70 objects of varying degrees of complexity. Among them are complex projects for the Mariinsky Theater stage, a 120-story skyscraper in Azerbaijan, a shopping center in Minsk and others.

One of the largest domestic developers, Morton Group of Companies (Moscow), uses BIM technologies not only to optimize construction and installation work, but also to plan the entire life cycle of constructed objects. One of the company's pilot projects was the construction of a kindergarten.

The Etalon group of companies (St. Petersburg) has currently implemented an information modeling system at all of its construction sites. Active supporters of the implementation of BIM technologies are foreign companies that have their representative offices in Russia. Among them are NCC (Sweden), YIT (Finland) and a number of others.

State regulation and examination

The program for introducing construction information modeling was approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in December 2014. In accordance with this document, technology development consists of the following stages:

  • development of 23 pilot BIM projects. The models are currently undergoing examination;
  • examination of pilot projects and analysis of results. Completion date - until the end of 2015 (work in progress);
  • development of a BIM classifier containing about 70 thousand names of building materials;
  • creation of a list of regulatory frameworks that need adjustment when introducing information modeling by the end of 2015;
  • adjustment of building codes and regulations - during 2016;
  • starting from 2017 - a mandatory requirement for the use of BIM when implementing part of government design orders;
  • starting from 2018 – the Ministry of Construction will provide recommendations on the use of BIM technologies by construction contractors;
  • further increase in the percentage of modeling in the design and construction of facilities.

Currently, within the framework of pilot BIM projects, interaction between their developers and experts is being established. Since April 2015, the state examination, along with classical technical documentation in paper form, has also accepted models of objects for consideration. For these purposes, the state structure has trained specialists on staff, as well as equipped workplaces. The main tool for designers and experts is currently the Revit Autodesk complex.

Features of implementationBIM design technologiesin Russia

When studying the issue of implementing BIM technologies, most often one comes across positive reviews and a detailed description of the advantages of a more advanced system. However, among domestic specialists (designers and builders) there are also a sufficient number of skeptics. And there really are reasons for a negative perception of the process.

Despite the unified approach to the basics of BIM proclaimed by software developers and the free exchange of information between the platforms of Autodesk, Bentley, Tekla, Graphisoft and others, it is not possible today to actually fulfill this condition without losing a significant part of the data. In essence, a design organization that has adopted a particular software package becomes a hostage to its manufacturer.

At this stage of development, in many cases there is no established connection between calculation systems and visual construction of the model. It is very problematic to fit information about defects in building structures of existing buildings and structures that require repair and strengthening into a single BIM system. Therefore, today there is no need to talk about a comprehensive process of object modeling.

A certain skepticism is also caused by the statement that sets of working documentation are “cut” automatically from the finished model without the participation of the “human factor”, and the possibility of errors in this process is minimal. The practice of using the same Revit Autodesk indicates the need for significant “manual” modification of drawings in terms of bringing them to SPDS standards. Users claim that the out-of-the-box version of the software requires significant time spent customizing it to suit their needs, creating their own databases, stamps and forms.

Despite the assurances of the developers, the use of BIM technology is not justified in all cases. Building an information model is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process that can be justified in large-scale projects. Developing the design of small objects using BIM will simply increase the time and cost of completing the work. Apparently, in order to justify cases of ineffective use of technology, developers are actively promoting the idea of ​​​​using the model at all stages of the life cycle of an object, right up to its demolition.

In addition to these pitfalls, the process of implementing BIM in domestic design and construction organizations faces the following problems:

  • high cost of switching from CAD systems to information modeling. Often, enterprise management does not realize the need to use licensed products and specialized personnel training;
  • negative reaction of company employees when additional responsibilities are imposed. In most cases, the process of training specialists in modeling occurs during non-working hours and without additional payment;
  • reduction in labor productivity and loss of time when developing pilot projects in the BIM environment.

Working under sanctions and import substitution

It just so happens that in addition to the internal problems of introducing advanced technologies, designers today are also influenced by foreign political factors. By and large, having invested a considerable amount of money and labor in its development based on imported technology, the organization may be left with nothing.

In this regard, the Ministry of Construction is considering proposals from three domestic software developers as part of the import substitution project. Requirements for potential applicants are to ensure full compatibility with global BIM technologies and support the implementation of the software product among design and expert organizations.


To summarize the above, it can be noted that:

  • the development of BIM technologies is a logical and irreversible process of evolution of design and construction technology;
  • Along with the undoubted advantages, the process of introducing information modeling in Russia has a number of pitfalls, the presence of which cannot be ignored;
  • the implementation of BIM systems must be approached selectively, taking into account the characteristics of a particular project. The all or nothing approach is not correct. In some cases, CAD systems are more effective, and the use of BIM can be carried out in a limited form (for example, three-dimensional modeling).

This year, the second day of the conference was entirely dedicated to broadcasting technical presentations. All events, held simultaneously in five parallel sessions, are available for viewing on the organizer's website. In the “Architecture and Construction” block, where a total of 12 speakers spoke, representatives of the Artpot bureau Vladislav Livanov and Vitaly Malozemov spoke about their experience of switching from Autocad to Revit.

Looking ahead, it is worth saying that the authors do not offer recipes that will instantly allow you to design in a new environment, but rather, on the contrary, they build the transition process in successive stages. It was thanks to a pre-planned process and an integrated approach that the office’s employees were able to adapt to working in a new environment without wasting time or compromising the design.

One of the main mistakes of architects, according to the speakers, is that most try to transfer all the principles of interaction that they have developed over a long time in CAD design to a 3D platform, which cannot be implemented in principle. Therefore, the studio developed a spiral development model for the transition to working in Revit, which allows you to move in logical segments, consolidating intermediate results along the way.

Three components of success

First of all, the workshop identified three basic principles that are useful to any studio, regardless of the design environment in which it works. These principles may seem banal at first glance, but this is where many people make mistakes, not paying due attention to seemingly obvious concepts. The primary fundamentals of any design, according to the authors, are as follows:

  • Single design entity.
  • Constant interaction of all participants in the process.
  • Unified data storage and transmission structure.

A single project entity implies the joint work of all employees with one file. There should not be many different versions of the project or additional drawings that no one knows about except the author himself. That is, all participants in the process work with the same design drawings. Thus, in the event of modification of one element, these elements are immediately transmitted to other computers, which eliminates the appearance of different versions of the project.

Working in identical files requires good communication, and therefore the authors of the report place special emphasis on the constant interaction of all participants in the process. This is especially important when working with related companies or in cases where different departments are outsourcing development. Therefore, the relationship process during work must be discussed at the very beginning. It is important that all participants are immediately aware of changes, thereby minimizing rework and error correction.

The third problem is related to the files themselves, which many people store and call as they please. As a result, when you need to quickly find the file you need, especially among different versions, it can be very difficult to figure it out not only for colleagues, but also for the authors of the drawings themselves. Therefore, every studio needs general rules regarding storage location, names of folders, files, etc.

First attempt that increased productivity by 1.5 times

To transition to Revit, a separate project group was allocated in the workshop, which, among other things, already included specialists familiar with the program. An ambitious task was immediately set - to fully develop the project in Revit and issue ready-made working documentation, which, however, was not immediately achieved in full.

The transition was easier for the architects than others, and even on the first try they managed to produce working documentation for the AR section ( architectural solutions). But the main problem arose with the rest of the specialists, and, above all, with the designers, who were unable to adapt the system to suit themselves in a short time, so we had to return to developing documentation as usual.

Realizing that they would still have to work in AutoCAD, the studio decided to make the most of the program’s capabilities in order to ultimately save time for staff training and new attempts to switch to BIM design. Binders and dynamic blocks were configured and templates were developed. The dispatcher of publications for printing deserves special mention, which made it possible to put the production of working documentation literally on stream.

For example, when it came time to print a project, no one spent any extra effort. The Publication Print Wizard was launched and worked in completely offline mode. This not only reduces printing time, but also significantly increases overall workshop productivity. By using new tools, it was possible to increase the speed of project creation by 1.5 times.

Need a link

Thanks to a significant reduction in development time, it was possible to transfer one of the designers exclusively to the development of structural models in Revit, which previously had to be somehow built by the architects themselves. This intermediate link made it possible to normalize the interaction between architects who were already working entirely in Revit, and designers and engineers who were still using the dwg format.

This model of work allowed us to make an important change in the work of the workshop - to separate the main design decisions developed at the early design stage from the production of working documentation. That is, the architects continued to work in Revit, and all other specialists received their work in dwg export files and continued to work with files in AutoCAD. At the same time, in parallel with this, the designer working in Revit raised a three-dimensional model of structures from ready-made drawings and coordinated it with the architectural department.

Thanks to this solution, already at the next site it was possible to obtain not only an architectural, but also a structural model of the building. The second experience and all the preliminary preparation contributed to the workshop’s complete transition to BIM design. The third house project, the most complex of the three, has already been completed by all departments in Revit.

Transition to design in four dimensions

Having received the full support of the customer, the bureau decided to continue to improve the operating principles and also establish the construction process in order to radically reduce the cost of constructing the building by reducing overhead costs and increasing the efficiency of installation work. Therefore, to the three directions, the temporary, construction process was also added, becoming the fourth dimension.

At this stage, programs such as Navisworks and MS Project helped, where the entire process was organized, linked to calendar plans, calculated labor costs, etc. Especially for builders, ahead of the construction itself, a separate model of the building was developed, where information was collected, for example, on the amount of materials required for each stage of construction work.

Already at the construction site, the GIP used this particular model to determine what materials needed to be purchased in the near future. And if questions arose regarding the implementation of one or another part, then additional components were developed directly on the model, which were then discussed again at the construction site, thus developing the ideas of paperless design.
