How to make a slide of flowers in the apartment. DIY Alpine slides

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Do-it-yourself alpine slide will help to create an original landscape design on the site of a country building. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and drawings will help you complete a quality project even in a day. Such structures are made using wild stones and unusual flowering crops. Certain rules will help to carry out high-quality installation work, the observance of which will prevent alteration and disassembly of the created composition.

When installing the slide, you will need different stone blocks, sand mass, gravel and different options for perennial plants

First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for future alpine slides in the country with your own hands, photos of which can be viewed on the site. The best solution may be to choose a site on the southwest or south side. A good option is a place on a slope where you can plant undersized crops among the stones.

The basis for a small area can be a slope along the border of the territory or even along the edge. When choosing a space under the hill, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • the slide should be visible from all sides, so this place should be open;
  • the structure should be placed in a sunny and bright area, where there are no tall trees;
  • the structure is placed in a place isolated from the wind.

Helpful information! Starting the construction of the structure, it is worth considering the appropriate design style. Various landscape solutions involve the use of rocky gardens, ponds or bridges, which should be combined with a slide.

What time of year is suitable for creating a flower garden?

The work on the installation of the slide practically does not depend on the time of year. It is not recommended to start work in the winter. The best period is autumn, when there is time before cleaning the territory for the winter. A rocky structure after installation requires time for a certain shrinkage. After that, only you can start planting plants. If the plants are planted in the fall, then the construction of the main structure can be started in the spring. A high-quality alpine slide is created with your own hands using step-by-step photos and diagrams.

Features and rules when performing rock garden

The rock garden is a stylish decor for a summer cottage. For its design, perennial plants are selected, which have different time intervals of flowering.

When creating an alpine structure, the following tips should be followed:

  • the structure is being built according to the project, which indicates the number of tiers and the placement of stones;
  • a certain type of stones and their placement are selected;
  • flowers are selected taking into account the time of their flowering, microclimate and color palette.
For your information! The Alpine hill is a small model of a real massif with undulating transitions from a rocky peak to more flat areas. It is important to observe the style of the building, the size of its tiers, as well as the recreation of all conditions for mountain plants.

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Do-it-yourself Alpine slide: step-by-step photo, diagrams and construction features

Before starting work, landscape design is thought out. Do-it-yourself alpine slides, photos of which can be seen in the photo gallery, require a special approach and a well-planned project. When choosing a suitable site for the construction, the proximity of the passage of groundwater is important. With their close location, the strength and durability of the structure are at risk. Groundwater level is affected by special drainage.

Soil preparation and drainage

To get a beautiful alpine slide with your own hands, step-by-step photo instructions and diagrams will help you complete the installation.

First of all, the drainage system is performed:

  • for this, a pit is excavated in size larger than the site;
  • before this stage, the terrain is marked, which is performed using a coil of wire and special wedges;
  • the height of the trench should not be less than 0.9 meters;
  • the created recess is filled with gravel;
  • the resulting layer is filled with water;
  • then the sand and gravel composition is laid, which is compacted;
  • the extracted soil layer is cleaned and added on top of the structure.

You can start laying the stone after the shrinkage of the structure. This may take about four months.

Useful advice! Crushed stone can be added to garden soil, and sand should be mixed into clay soil.

How to arrange stones?

Do-it-yourself alpine slide is made from stones. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and drawings will help you choose the best design project. Before laying stones, it is worth preparing a special mixture. In this case, coarse sand, loam from the garden and compost are used. Also crushed gravel is used.

A similar composition can be distributed over the drainage. After that, the mixture is moistened and trampled down. First, large stones are mounted, and then smaller ones. When building, you should use the following recommendations:

  • layers of stones should be laid in parallel;
  • the upper stones must be installed on the lower blocks, but not on the ground, as this will provoke a distortion of the statue;
  • if it is planned to plant plants with a powerful root system, then for them it is worth leaving space between the blocks;
  • voids should be filled with soil.

Stones should be laid so that the soil between them does not erode during heavy rainfall. During the construction of this structure, sandstones, limestones and basalt with granite are used. Experts do not recommend using shell rock or tuff.

Helpful information! To preserve moisture for plants, the surface of the rock garden can be sprinkled with gravel or stone chips.

Compacting the soil is a mandatory step before laying stones

Video: do-it-yourself rock garden construction

Do-it-yourself Alpine slides in the country: photos of the best compositions

Mountain structures can be used in various variations. From the photo you can choose the most interesting options:

  • the composition of the valley in the highlands reflects the view of a high plateau, while large stones are buried in the soil by two-thirds and are complemented by bushes of different heights and winding paths;

  • large blocks are required when creating a rocky cliff, in this case, a dwarf fern, mountain pine and juniper are planted;

  • in the presence of a slope, it is possible to equip a mountain slope, which is formed with the help of dwarf pines and heather;

  • complexity is characterized by a composition in the form of a gorge, while a landscape of different heights is used and hillocks are lined with boulders;

  • when constructing a ravine in the forest, a spring and perennials are more suitable;

  • if the site is constantly wet, then you can apply the composition of the swamp, which is made using a reservoir;

  • The original solution is considered to be a cascading stream, along the banks of which primroses, ferns and irises are planted.

Helpful information! A classic solution is a centric structure, in which bright flowers of plants are combined with stony elements. The site is taken as a basis with a natural hill.

Do-it-yourself alpine slide: a step-by-step photo, the diagrams of which are presented in this review, can be built using the following recommendations:

  • a humpy area is ideal for creating an unusual design;
  • if cement is not used during construction, then the structure can be reconstructed in the future;
  • suitable height from 0.5 to 1.5 meters;
  • limestone or sandstone is suitable for plants;
  • It is worth considering additional lighting.

With the help of a reservoir, you can decorate any rock garden. Compliance with all the rules will allow you to create a stylish and original structure that will last for many years.

Living in a cold climate, we always try to create a piece of summer for ourselves, even in winter, greenhouses and winter gardens are almost impossible to create in typical city apartments with a small area. However, even there it is realistic to single out a corner for transforming it into a kind of alpine slope with stones, the murmur of water, plants and the singing of birds. On cold winter evenings, you always want to get in touch with nature. An object such as an alpine slide in an apartment will help in this: is it possible to create a rock garden at home? Everything is possible today. You just need to show some imagination and diligence. After all, it is no more difficult than building a massive fireplace in the room, and such an object will look very original.

How to make a real alpine slide inside the house?

First, consider the simplest "window" version of the independent construction of an alpine slide indoors. To implement this idea, we need some kind of flat and fairly rigid base. A large old tray or an ordinary piece of plywood is quite suitable for this role. In addition, to create the elevation itself, you will need stones and various shells. It is necessary to fasten all the components together with a cement adhesive mixture using a special gun. You will also need two bottles of mounting foam. Both the shape and size of the future slide depend on its base, so you need to take care of it in advance. If you are using plywood, then the base can be cut to any pattern with a jigsaw, not limited to a rectangular shape. Rounded lines are more preferable, since nature does not tolerate straight lines.

Unlike open space, plants cannot be planted directly in an alpine slide indoors. It is required to insert pots between the stones. The simplest option involves laying out a hill of stones with a gradual placement of pots between them for planting alpine plants. The stones are held together with glue so that they do not fall apart over time. You can also make a frame for pots out of wire, which is subsequently overlaid with stones. When constructing a slide, pots must be placed in plastic bags, since moisture should in no case penetrate inside the masonry and reach the floor. After all, this can lead to the formation of fungus and mold.

As decorative elements for a home alpine slide, you can use snags found in the forest. If you remove the bark from them, clean it and cover it with stain, then such decor elements will last for a long time. Driftwood should be immediately attached to the base with a glue gun.

Alpine slide with stylistic decoration of part of the wall

If finances allow, then inside the house or apartment you can create a more complex alpine slide. It is only necessary to take into account the weight of the stones when constructing this object in an apartment building. After all, the load on the floors has its limitations. To create such an alpine slide, you will need an artificial stone. It is produced in the form of small tiles that are glued to the walls. The appearance of this material is practically no different from natural stone, but it is much more convenient to work with it.

If the object is planned even before the finishing of the floor, then in the corner where the construction of the alpine hill is planned, a small podium of concrete mix can be poured. Its form can be very diverse. The height of the podium should be such that it rises about 10 cm above the floor. Then, after the floor is installed, the podium can be decorated with small stones and shells. They stick to the adhesive. Artificial stone tiles are glued onto adjacent walls, it is possible with photo wallpapers that emphasize the style and deepen the perspective.

When all this is ready, they place pots under the plants and surround them with stones at their discretion. If the slide is being built in a city apartment, then it should not have a lot of weight. This is achieved by the use of mounting foam. Cylinders with it are emptied directly onto the base, trying to give the desired shape. When the foam hardens, it greatly expands in volume. The result is a fairly tall and voluminous pile.

With the help of a knife, it is given the desired shape and holes are made for pots with plants. Having installed them, a bunch of foam is pasted over with stones. This should be done as naturally as possible with fantasy turned on to the limit. An alpine slide made in this way will have a small weight and will not exert an excessive load on the interfloor ceilings.

The design of the slide with the help of vegetation is also subject to certain rules. Pots with ground cover plant species are placed in the foreground. Undersized and curly individuals can be combined with them. Higher crops can be placed in the background, which should not obscure the rest of the flora.

Alpine slide with indoor fountain

For the construction of a small rock garden with a waterfall or fountain, there are several possibilities. The simplest option is a drip waterfall. For this, a conventional dropper is used. Two containers are camouflaged among the stones one above the other. Water through a dropper drips onto the stones from the upper container and flows down them into the lower one, creating the illusion of a small stream. This option requires periodic removal of water from the lower tank and adding it to the top. For normal operation of a device of this type, only 2 - 3 liters of water will be enough.

A more advanced option can be considered an alpine slide with a waterfall or fountain, which is operated by a special low-power pump that is able to raise water from the lower tank to the upper one. In this case, the water in the case of a waterfall simply flows over the stones. If you are making a fountain, then all the parts for it, including the pump, can be purchased as a kit. It remains only to hide all this equipment between the stones. The main task when installing an alpine slide in a house or apartment with flowing and murmuring water is to prevent it from flowing past the tank. For this reason, the stones must be glued in such a way that the water is directed where it should be, and when the fountain is built, it does not splash out of the structure. To further enliven this green corner, next to it you can install a cage with a canary, parrot or other living creatures. An aquarium, organically integrated into an alpine hill, will look good. In this case, even the operation of a compressor to force air into the water for the fish will be great to enliven the entire landscape.

Creating a rock garden inside an apartment or house is a very original design decision. Its successful implementation will revive your little world and make it more mobile and beautiful. The implementation of such an idea will not require special knowledge, skills or financial costs, but it will create a real green oasis inside your home.

In the apartment, as well as on the street, you can make a beautiful alpine slide using beautiful home flowers.

To make an alpine slide in an apartment, you will need the very first thing, to find a place for an alpine slide, the place should be comfortable and beautiful, harmoniously approach the interior of the room. The next step is to arrange the selected flowers in order to see what the alpine hill will be like.

In order to make an alpine slide, you can use wooden beams, polystyrene foam and other materials.

To make an alpine slide from foam, you will need an unnecessary foam, from which it is worth cutting small squares of the desired shape.

The squares should be fixed with glue, where the flowerpots will stand, you need to put plastic buckets, they can be from under mayonnaise or from under ice cream, they can be large.

Gravel should be poured into plastic buckets, this will prevent deformation. The next step is to apply mounting foam to the future slide. After mounting foam, the slide should be treated with cement mortar, this will give the alpine slide a more natural look. Decorative pebbles, tracing paper, can be used as a decorative design of the slide.

If you have finished decorating the alpine hill, the cement mortar has dried up, you can safely put prepared flowerpots on it.

Also, you can make an alpine slide thanks to beautiful hanging shelves.

Shelves can be hung along the selected perimeter on the wall, preferably to resemble a small hill.

You can make an alpine slide from small bars, boards, from a large plastic bowl, which is perfect for the interior of the room.

If there are large stones, they can be used for a future slide, for example, for a slide you will need small floor shelves, preferably of different sizes, and stones. We beautifully arrange flowers on the shelves, decorate them with stones.

It is desirable that the flowers were shade-loving.

There are many options to make an alpine slide from home flowers in a room, the main thing is to choose the method that best suits the interior of the room.

Increasingly, in summer cottages or near private houses, you can see rock gardens, which are so popular in our time. However, not all lovers of charming Alpine landscapes can boast of having a land plot. However, you should not despair.

There is an excellent solution that allows anyone who wants to join nature without leaving their own home, and this solution is an alpine slide installed in an apartment.

Location options for a room alpine slide

Depending on the preferences of the owners, indoor rock gardens can be very different. Some options are extremely simple to use, and anyone can easily make them with their own hands.

Others will require some skills and larger financial outlays.

The rock garden in the apartment can be located near the window, and then you can do without additional artificial lighting. You can also build it in any other place, but then you have to make sure that the plants do not suffer from a lack of light. Below are more detailed descriptions and photos of the process of creating different types of alpine corners in an apartment.

We install an alpine corner near the window

This is the easiest of all the options for creating an alpine slide. For work you will need the following materials:

  • a piece of plywood, the size corresponding to the base of the slide;
  • stones of different sizes;
  • glue gun;
  • mounting foam;
  • plastic bags;
  • plants in pots.

All work is carried out in several stages and does not take a significant period of time.

  1. From plywood, it is necessary to cut the base of the future slide with a jigsaw. It is better to refuse direct forms and give the base a more natural look with the help of smooth bends.
  1. Stones are laid out on the base, between which in the process of work it is necessary to place pots for planting plants. To avoid moisture getting on the floor surface, it is recommended to place the pots in plastic bags and place them on a hill in this form. All parts of the composition must be fastened together with glue.
  1. To give the structure additional strength, the voids formed during operation are filled with mounting foam.

Driftwood of an unusual shape can serve as decorative elements for such a slide. They must be cleaned of bark and covered with a pest control agent.

Alps. slide adjacent to the decorated wall

This option is more complex than the previous one and will require financial investments.

To reduce the load on the floor slabs, it is recommended to use artificial stone for such a slide. It is very difficult to distinguish it from the real one, and its weight is much less. You can also make a slide out of polyurethane foam, and decorate its surface with stones and shells.

If the slide is being built before the flooring, it is advisable to build a small elevation for it from the concrete solution. If the floor is already there, you need to take care of reliable waterproofing. This is achieved by laying a moisture-proof film under the base of the slide.

To decorate the wall, you can use the following options:

  1. Wall decoration with tiles imitating natural stone.
  1. Pasting the wall with photo wallpaper with a suitable pattern.

When placing pots with vegetation, you need to place taller plants closer to the wall, and the lowest and ground cover plants closer to the edge. Such a slide goes well with an aquarium located in the immediate vicinity of it.

Alpine hill with a pond for an apartment

There are several types of such landscape design, namely:

  1. Hill with a waterfall. For its equipment, you will need two pallets with a capacity of about 3 liters each and an ordinary medical dropper. Pallets need to be placed at different levels and masked with stones. A dripper is attached to the top tray and is adjusted so that water from it drips onto the stones and collects in the bottom tray, creating the appearance of a small flowing stream. The disadvantage of this simplified version is that there is a need to periodically remove water from the lower pan and add it to the upper one. For more efficient operation of the system, it is possible to equip such a slide with a low-power pump that will pump water.
  1. Hill with a fountain. For such a slide, you need to purchase a finished device and decorate it with stones. The main task in the operation of the fountain is to ensure that water does not splash past the tank. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the correct location and fastening of the stones, which should serve as guides for the water.

Next to such a slide, you can place a cage with birds, turtles or other animals.

The choice of plants for indoor rock garden

It should be borne in mind that the alpine slide will become a decoration of housing only if the plants on it are strong, healthy and beautiful. Once in a specialty store, you should not buy plants just because they look beautiful. It is necessary to ask the seller about the conditions in which each plant should grow and buy it only if the location of the slide provides these conditions.

The rock garden inside the apartment will become its unusual decoration, so if you have free space, you should definitely try to make it yourself.

If you want to make a rock garden and do not have a big house, do not despair. It can be done simply in your apartment. What is an alpine flowerbed for? In order to feel the closeness to nature at home and every day, sitting on the sofa, enjoy the beautiful creation that is made by hand. The flower bed will look no worse than fireplaces. Anyone can afford such beauty in an apartment. The slide will radically change your interior, make it more original and functional.

Rock garden in the apartment

If you are no longer happy with your indoor plants and want to add some zest to your interior, make a living corner, a piece of nature at home, an alpine flower bed will help you with this. If you have a 2-room or 3-room apartment, you can afford it, while a one-room apartment will not have enough space. This design can be built in the corner, on the windowsill, if it is wide, or you can choose some kind of niche. It is advisable to choose one of the internal walls of the apartment for construction, since an external uninsulated wall can create an unfavorable atmosphere for plant growth in the rock garden.

How to make an alpine slide in your apartment?

If you want to make a flower garden on the windowsill, provided that the window sill is wide, an ordinary tray will serve as the base. And part of your structure is ready. Further, it all depends on your imagination. Choose plants, decorative stones, shells, sand and create a composition.

You can make a slide in the corner of the room in the same way as on the windowsill, only the dimensions will be larger. Plywood can be used as a base. You may also need: plastic bottles (calculate approximately the size of the pot) or pots, polyurethane foam, cement mortar that is glued and various pebbles, shells, sand. First, on the plywood, which is covered with plastic wrap, we expose bottles or pots in which there will be flowers. Pots also need to be lined with cellophane. In place of these bottles (pots), our flowers will stand.

Bottles (pots) must be filled with sand so that they do not deform under the action of foam. Then you should fill our creation with foam and give the desired shape, everything should dry thoroughly.

Dries in about a day. When the foam has dried, you need to get the bottles (pots) and then cut off the excess foam with a knife to give the structure the desired shape. Here you can fantasize: it will be a hill, a rock or a castle. Then, using a spatula or brush, we cover our structure with a waterproof adhesive cement mortar. After that, decorate with pebbles, sand or shells. When the stand is dry, you can safely put flower pots in it, the decoration is ready. It is easy to build a flower bed with a fountain or pond. To build a drip fountain, use an ordinary dropper. To do this, it is fixed among decorative stones, after initially adjusting the water. Next, a container of water is masked with shells or stones, which will act as a reservoir. The dropper is also masked. Water should flow from top to bottom down the cascade.

Plants for an alpine slide

It is imperative to take into account the types of plants that will be used in the flower bed. They love light or shade, cold or heat.

If there is a fountain, then you need to choose plants that tolerate moisture well. Incorrectly selected plants will wither and start to hurt.

If the place is well lit, different types of succulents will do. On such a hill you can settle a codiaum, ivy and sedum look beautiful. When choosing plants, it is necessary to take into account the place of the flower garden and consult with specialists in the store.