Great Dane dog breed description. Great Dane - characteristics of the breed

The Big Dane (yes, yes - exactly the Dane) - this is how these majestic representatives of the canine world are called in some countries, where it is believed that Denmark was the birthplace of the breed.

gigantic size Great Danes can mislead the layman with their appearance, terrifying others.

The Great Dane is perhaps the tallest dog in the world.

In the family

Great Danes have not just earned their reputation, full of positive reviews.

Photo 8. Great Dane is a great family man

These are very kind and devoted dogs, with all their hearts loving the owner and members of his family. They are great with kids of all ages.

However, we must try not to leave very young children alone with the Great Dane. A five-month-old baby of such a dog weighs more than a five-year-old child. Entering the courage, the puppy unwittingly during the game can harm the child.

An adult dog of this breed is a real find for children. His tolerance for the latter seems to have no limit, although it is undesirable to abuse the kindness of a dog in any case.

A little about the maintenance and care of the good giant

The short, thick and smooth coat of the Great Dane does not require close attention. Frequent water procedures are not recommended for these dogs.

Photo 9. Great Dane deserves respect

When taking a bath, you should rinse the shampoo well, because its residues negatively affect the quality of the coat, and, among other things, the dog can lick them off.

Regarding the "habitat" - Great Danes get along well in apartments and small houses.

It is not customary to keep this aristocrat on the street, and their wool, although thick, will not provide them with the proper amount of warmth in Russian conditions.

They are true indoor dogs, but they need walks and outdoor games, like any other large pets.

Great Danes are quick-witted, which allows them to accustom them to elementary commands without much difficulty.

Big hello to all readers of the site "I and the World"! What epithets come to mind when you see an adult Great Dane in a photo or live? Strength, become, grace and other beautiful words. Today we will talk about the Marble Dog - this is one of the colors of the German dog breed.

These German dogs are quite large in size, one might even say gigantic. Otherwise, dog breeders also call them Royal. They reach a height of 90-100 cm at the withers. In 2013, the largest dog in the world died. Its size was 110 cm, and on its hind legs - all 220.

Dogs have a variety of colors: white and black, fawn and brindle (fawn, but with black spots), blue (dark gray with a blue tint). Another name for the blue color is gray marble. The Great Dane of the marble color is very beautiful - it combines white with black spots and is considered the largest of the entire breed of royal dogs. These are real aristocrats who prefer to relax in comfort, lounging on a sofa or armchair.

Describing the breed, we can say that real Great Danes have a wide and rectangular muzzle, a large and black nose, triangular ears, and eyes are usually brown, but blue-eyed are also found. The whole body is quite strong and muscular.

How long do "Germans" live? Usually 7-8 years old. But if you do not monitor their health, dogs will not be able to live so much. Be sure to pay attention to the gastrointestinal tract, it is these organs that are quite problematic. After eating for half an hour, do not let the dogs play actively, and you need to visit the veterinarian as often as possible.

Despite their intimidating growth, these dogs are very good-natured and sweet. Their character can be defined as gentle and affectionate. Loyalty to the owner is their number one priority. They try to always be in front of our eyes and, whenever possible, settle at the feet of a person.

And the rest of the family is always friendly. They get along well with children, but you need to watch their games: they can run into a child while running and knock him down with all his rather big weight. Then injury is unavoidable!

Yes, adult Great Danes also like to play, so when going for a walk with a calf-sized dog, choose places where there are almost no people. In order not to frighten anyone and so that your dog does not attack anyone, protecting you. The Great Danes themselves do not show aggression first, but they can injure the offender quite easily.

When buying a small puppy, you should know that you need to start training him as soon as he crosses the threshold of your home. Treat them as you would your small children, never hit or yell loudly at them. If you notice that the puppy has begun to gnaw on the legs of tables or chairs, immediately give a special hard toy. If you can't handle it on your own, contact a trainer.

It is not difficult to answer the question: how much does a puppy of a marble shade or gray marble color cost. If you just want a family friend and companion, then the color and number of spots will not matter to you. The price of such puppies is from 500 to 700 $. If in the future you want your "baby" to take prizes at exhibitions, you need to choose carefully. Look at all the characteristics of the breed much more carefully. Then the puppy will cost you $1000-3000.

Great Danes are bred not only in Germany. There are breeds from the British, in Argentina, in Tibet, Canary, Bordeaux, Brazilian. English ones are slightly smaller than German ones, but in weight they exceed almost 2 times - from 90 to 110 kg. One of the living representatives of this breed weighs about 150 kg. Here is such a "dog" suddenly decides to play with you! It must be hard to get out from under it. By the way, Great Danes are also called Danish, although this is connected with Denmark quite a bit. The breed began to be bred in this country, and then improved in Germany.

Handsome Great Danes of marble color are wonderful representatives of the German breed. How noble they look in pictures and photographs. Buying such a dog, if desired, is not difficult. But if you are not sure that you can handle such a “doggie”, it is better to get another breed.

Large breed, giant size dog. Companion and pet, good watchman, bodyguard. Excellent escort, guard, guard dog. He is like an "Apollo" in the dog world is very harmoniously complex. The noble and proportional lines of his body in relation to the expressive head give the impression that you are looking at an ancient statue. This giant fell in love with many thanks to the cartoon "Scooby Doo", in which a big and cute dog - a coward deftly fought with criminals.

Since the appearance of this breed, what work she just did not do: she was the first assistant to the shepherds, an excellent fighting and guard dog. It combines great strength and exquisite dignity. He is self-confident and fearless, with the right education he is easy to manage. The Great Dane will never show aggression first, for no apparent reason.

During a training or working pursuit of a criminal, he will never bite the victim, it is enough for him to knock her to the ground and hold her with a huge paw until the owner comes up. As you understand, the ill-wisher is unlikely to try to escape from such a giant.

Description of the Great Dane breed and the FCI standard

Photo great dane harlequin

  • Fawn (light yellow to red-gold ground color, black mask preferred. White markings on chest and toes acceptable but not desirable).
  • Brindle
  • Marble (white color is covered with irregular black spots).
  • Black or glossy black (may have white markings on chest and toes). This also includes the "cloak" color (with black hair with large white spots on the muzzle, neck, chest, abdomen, paws, tail tip, it seems as if a white dog is covered with a black cloak.
  • Blue (pure light grey, no yellow tint, white markings on chest and toes acceptable)

Great Dane character

By nature, the Great Dane is a very sociable, loyal and cheerful breed. Graceful gait, proud posture, aristocracy and intelligence are always visible from afar. Immediately in sight is the king of dogs. Calm and confident, never barks without reason.

He so accurately feels the mood of the owner that sometimes it seems as if he is communicating with you on a telepathic level. She loves children, can become a real nanny for them. But given the huge size, try not to leave the child alone with the pet. He gets along well with other pets, never offends small animals. He is very affectionate and friendly.

The Great Dane is easy to train, but needs a special approach. The main task of the owner is to make the dog interested in him. He will not follow commands unquestioningly, at first he will think whether the place is suitable for this or not.

The Great Dane needs a sufficient amount of physical activity, it is better to walk without a leash only in large open areas where there are no playgrounds and roadways nearby. In urban conditions, it is better to walk on a leash. You must understand that if you are not afraid of your pet, this does not mean that passers-by will calmly watch a huge dog running around without a leash.

In the photo, a Great Dane is more than 1 m high

Despite its large size, it is a fairly compact dog. He can be safely kept in a city apartment, provided that he has his own sofa, on which he can sit and lie comfortably. If you are a fan of the breed and dream of buying a Great Dane, first evaluate your capabilities, financial support, care and give it enough time. Indeed, in addition to a bowl of food, he needs your attention and affection.

Choose a Great Dane puppy from a trusted kennel. The growth of the future giant is determined by the paws, the thicker and more powerful they are, the larger it will grow.

True, there is one sad moment, massive and tall dogs are more likely to die from heart disease.

This is a fairly healthy breed, but most of the ailments that can occur are due to the huge size and heavy bones.

Before you make your choice and understand whether it is right for you, be sure to talk to different owners, find out the subtleties in the upbringing and maintenance of the Great Dane, be sure to read the information about the standard. You can be like exhibitions, look at the behavior not only in the ring, but also outside it. Evaluate behavior and communication with the owner, other people or dogs.

Great Dane content and education

Great Dane - photo of baby in bed

A country house with a large garden or a fenced garden plot is perfect for keeping a Great Dane. There he will be able to walk, run, frolic, dig holes, rest in the summer heat, hiding in the shade of trees. If you keep in a city apartment, get ready to immediately give him one room and a sofa to relax. Don't let your bed sleep on a hard bed all the time, it's prone to blisters and bald patches. The room must be regularly ventilated, do wet cleaning. Walk the dog 2 times a day for 1-1.5 hours.

Indoors, he is calm and sedentary, but once outside, he becomes active and playful. Limit your Great Dane puppy in physical activity, do not allow him to walk up stairs, do not allow him to jump from the sofa and high surfaces. During the period of active growth and maturation, avoid running and heavy exercise to prevent problems in the development of joints and muscles.

The Great Dane loves the owner's company, he is happy to frolic in the yard with him and his children. Needs early socialization and training. Without proper upbringing, will grow up independent, capricious, often ignoring the commands of the owner. But even the most loving owner must understand that a dog of this size is obliged to obey the commands of a person unquestioningly. Practice obedience exercises with your pet regularly.

When training, always use calm and positive methods, never hit your pet. Great Danes are very sensitive, quickly adapt to the emotions of the owner, easily distinguish between his approval and indignation. With bad behavior, it is enough to say a sharp "no" so that he understands that he made a mistake. With good behavior, the correct execution of commands, always praise and treat with your favorite treat.

The Great Dane can be outdoors for several hours a day at normal temperatures. It does not tolerate extreme heat, cold and high humidity. With sufficient physical activity and proper nutrition, they remain in good shape for a long time. At the slightest manifestation of excess weight, carefully review the diet and active life.

Happy great dane playing on the grass

The Great Dane is a short-haired breed that sheds. Shedding is moderate, seasonal 2 times a year spring - autumn. When kept in a room with dry warm air or improper nutrition, it can last all year.

Wool: comb out 1 - 2 times a week with a rubber glove or a brush made of natural bristles. During molting, the procedure is increased to 3-4 times a week. Regular combing will help you get rid of dead hair faster, improve blood circulation and give your pet a pleasant massage. Doesn't need trimming.

Bathe the Great Dane as it gets dirty or once a month. This size is difficult to bathe often in apartment conditions, so bathing is often replaced by dry cleaning of wool. A special shampoo for dry cleaning dogs or talc is rubbed into the coat, then combed out well. To add shine to the wool, it can be rubbed with a cloth. Wipe the muzzle after feeding with a damp towel. Thus, you will remove the remnants of food and saliva.

Ears checked regularly. Once a week, wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cloth, remove dust and wax. The ear of a healthy dog ​​is a pleasant pink color, without excess sulfur and an unpleasant odor. Noticing redness, liquid, an unpleasant odor, the dog shakes its head or rubs against the floor, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian. Reason: allergies, ear mites, otitis, etc. but without consulting a specialist, never self-medicate.

Regularly inspect the eyes, a healthy eye without souring and profuse tearing. You can rinse once a week or, if necessary, with a damp, soft, lint-free cloth soaked in warm water or chamomile decoction. Morning accumulation of tears or mucus, just cleaning the eye of dust. But with severe souring, frequent tearing, redness of the eye, swelling of the eyelids, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Brush your teeth 1-2 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs, using a toothbrush or finger attachment. Keep an eye on the condition of the gums, there should be no redness, inflammation and bleeding. To prevent tartar in the diet of the Great Dane, you can include fresh tomatoes.

Cut the nails with a nail cutter for large breeds once a month. The claw should be in line with the pad. It is necessary to accustom to this procedure from an early age. Many people do not tolerate nail clipping, they are afraid and nervous. As you understand, it will not be easy to deal with a nervous dog. After trimming the claws, always praise your pet and be sure to treat it with a treat.

Wipe feet after walking with a damp cloth. Check regularly for cracks and damage. To prevent cracks in the paw pads, rub vegetable oil into them and include it in the diet 1 tsp. in a day.

Preparations come in different forms and are applied accordingly:

  • Drops ("Front Line", "Advantix") - are applied to the withers once a month, do not bathe for 10 days.
  • Spray - the pet and its items are processed (litter, sofa on which he sleeps, blanket, etc.), after 1 - 2 hours, clean everything with a vacuum cleaner. During the period of activity of ticks (April - September), before a walk in the forest or park, treat the stomach and limbs.
  • Collar - begins to act on the 6th - 7th day of wearing. Protection against fleas 5-6 months, against ticks no more than 1-2 months.

Fleas carry the threat of infection throughout the year, their presence causes inconvenience, constant itching, infection of scratched wounds up to infection with infectious diseases.

Ticks are very dangerous to the health and life of the Great Dane. Some of them are carriers of the most dangerous diseases, such as toxoplasmosis, hepatozoonosis, lima borreliosis, rickettsiosi, etc. Symptoms of the disease are high body temperature (above 39 degrees), refusal to eat and drink, lethargy, falling on the hind legs, red-brown urine.

If you notice these symptoms, immediately inspect for the presence of ticks. Particular attention should be paid to places with soft skin: muzzle, ears, area around the eyes, lower neck, stomach.

If you find a tick, do not panic, try to remove it and save it (perhaps the veterinarian will want to examine the tick and take it for analysis), after that, be sure to seek the help of a veterinarian. Remember, only a specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that can keep the dog healthy and even save a life.

How to get a tick out of a dog's skin:

  1. Wear rubber gloves. The tick can be contagious to humans, so it is better not to touch it with bare hands, and it is also very dangerous to crush it.
  2. You will need: tweezers or a tick remover (Tick Twister), alcohol, vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, iodine.
  3. Put alcohol, oil or Vaseline on the tick, after a couple of seconds, when it loosens its grip, use tweezers or a remover to unscrew it clockwise.
  4. Treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

Recently, many articles and disputes have been devoted to the topic of Great Dane nutrition. Some breeders claim that only a ready-made balanced diet will provide vitamins and minerals in the required amount for growth and an active life. Others, on the contrary, are against any "drying", and feed only natural food. In any case, no matter what food you choose for your pet, follow the simple rules necessary for any feeding.

  • Never mix prepared food and natural food in the same feeding.
  • Food should be freshly prepared, at room temperature.
  • There should always be enough clean water in the bowl.
  • Don't give leftovers from the table.
  • The food should be eaten in podliz. If you put a portion, and the dog did not eat after 15-20 minutes. We hide food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • Do not feed before walking.

Healthy Foods for the Great Dane:

  • Meat raw or scalded with boiling water (beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken)
  • Vegetables (raw, stewed, baked)
  • Fruit
  • Kashi (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal)
  • Greenery
  • 1 egg per week (give carefully, there is a possibility of allergies)
  • Sea fish without bones (boiled)
  • by-products
  • Dairy products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt)

Prohibited Foods for the Great Dane:

  • Fatty meat (pork)
  • Chocolate
  • Bakery
  • smoked products
  • Legumes
  • River fish
  • condiments
  • Spicy food
  • Pasta

Great Dane Diseases

  • Bloating
  • hip dysplasia
  • Hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones)
  • Cataract
  • Entropy (turning the eyelid inwards, most often the lower one)
  • Glaucoma
  • osteosarcoma
  • demodicosis
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma
  • Licked granuloma
  • Aortic stenosis
  • cardiomyopathy
  • Pododermatitis (interdigital dermatitis)
  • Deafness
  • Bone disease (hypertrophic osteodystrophy, instability of the cervical vertebrae, dysplasia of the elbow joints)
  • Osteochondrosis

Great Dane photo

Videos great dane

If you need a dog to be not only a good guard, but also a good friend, there will be no better choice than a Great Dane. On the one hand, the appearance of this dog is impressive. To date, this breed is considered one of the largest. On the other hand, Great Danes are very friendly and calm, together with the owner they can spend quiet evenings in front of the TV, and travel considerable distances while cycling. The most important thing for dogs of this breed is their owner, with whom they always want to be close.

Contrary to the name of the breed, Great Danes did not appear in Germany for the first time several thousand years ago. The ancestors of these dogs lived in Tibet, where the locals trained them to guard livestock. From Great Danes there were several now common breeds. Later they came to other countries. They enjoyed special love in Ancient Babylon - images of Great Danes were preserved on the walls of houses, on images in the palace of Ashurbanipal, and the first description was made in cuneiform symbols. There they were used as watchmen or shepherds, as well as fighting dogs.

At the beginning of our era, Great Danes gained popularity precisely as fighting dogs and spread throughout Europe. It turned out that over time, most of them turned out to be in Germany. By the 10th century, a whole book was created - "Geoponics", which describes the varieties of Great Danes (there were 7 of them at that time).

One of the varieties of Great Danes was bred specifically for large wild animals - bears, boars. It is believed that it was this breed, called at different times Bullenbeiser, Great Dane or Old German Mastiff, that became the basis of modern Great Danes.

The breed, as it looks now, was bred by crossing the Great Dane (whose breeding in Denmark had already ceased at that time) and the South German varieties of Great Danes. Dog breeding was carried out both in the south of the country, in the city of Ulm, and in the north. As a result, in the 60s of the XIX century. formed 2 breeds. Both branches decided to unite, and as a result, the Great Dane breed in its modern form appeared, which became the pride and national breed of the country.

Appearance of Great Danes

The Great Dane is a very personable dog. You can verify this by looking at a photo of a Great Dane. The first thing that catches your eye is her considerable growth. On average, adult dogs reach a height of at least 75 cm. The maximum height most often does not exceed 95 cm. Weight is usually in the range of 47-90 kg. Without a doubt, even such a dog can easily knock a person down. Although there are cases when Great Danes grew much larger than the standard size.

The largest representative of the breed was Giant George, who lived in the United States. This kind of "record" was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. With a weight of 111 kg, the height of the dog at the withers was 110 cm. If the dog stood on its hind legs, its height was more than 2.2 m, that is, it was taller than most modern people.

The second largest dog of the same breed was Zeus, who also lived in the United States. He "outgrew" the previous record holder by only 1 cm at the withers and 3 cm in height, but was much lighter - the weight was only 75 kg.

With their high growth, this breed has a representative appearance. The body is strong, yet elegant and proportionate. The head of the animal is especially expressive - all lines are balanced and proportional. The head is rather long and narrow. The nose is wide and developed. Usually pigmented in black, but there are exceptions for some varieties. So, in dogs with a marble color, the nose may be a lighter shade. The jaws are well developed. Scissor bite, healthy and complete.

The eyes are small, oval, often dark. In merle and blue dogs, the eyes may have other, lighter shades. Eyelids close fitting. In marbled dogs, heterochromia, or discordance, is possible.

The color of the dogs varies. There are 3 main groups in total:

  • black, or blue;
  • pale yellow;
  • brindle (also called marbled).

Marble Great Danes move very smoothly, as if "capturing" the ground under them. You can see how the Great Danes move in the video. During movement, the hind and front legs should move in parallel.

Characteristics of the Great Dane breed

The characteristic of the Great Dane breed suggests that these are very smart dogs. Animals of this species have a very high intelligence, excellent memory. They are able to quickly assess the situation and make a decision. Unlike dogs of some other breeds, exercise and training are not an unpleasant necessity for them. On the contrary, Great Danes willingly, quickly and very easily learn, without trying to evade or pretend to be tired.

One of the most valuable traits is high-level psychological adaptability. Great Danes are able to determine in a matter of moments whether a person has bad intentions or not. Dogs quickly "study" a person and build a possible model of behavior.

At a high level, Great Danes have classical adaptability, that is, their ability to adapt to changes in everyday life.

By nature, Great Danes are very calm and affectionate. Most of all they like to spend time with their family and require a lot of attention. For this reason, this breed is not suitable for those who do not have enough time to care for a dog. Patience is especially needed when the dog is still growing - Great Dane puppies can be very mischievous and noisy. Sometimes even adults begin to stubborn, become wayward. Therefore, they, like any other large dogs, need authority, which they will obey unquestioningly. You need to be aware of this even when buying a puppy. It is desirable to have at least minimal experience in raising dogs of this breed. It will be useful to register on some resource where you can get useful information about the maintenance and training of dogs - for example, Sherik - Great Dane forum.

Great Danes are strongly attached to children, usually there are no problems in their relationship. But you should not get a puppy if the child is under 7 years old, as the size of the animal can be a problem for communication.

For other pets, the situation may be completely different. Some dogs do not pay much attention to other dogs or cats living in the house. It is important for others to take a dominant position. Therefore, early socialization of the dog is important to avoid problems.

Attitude towards strangers is moderately wary. Some dogs show no interest in strangers, others are wary and gradually watch the guests. In any case, Great Danes are not in a hurry to be the first to attack, unless they see danger. These dogs make good watchdogs.

Dogs rarely bark, but if barking is heard, then there is a reason for that.

Where to buy a Great Dane puppy?

It is best to buy thoroughbred puppies in a kennel. Only in this case, you can expect that the puppy will have a good pedigree, all vaccinations have been made, and the puppy itself is completely healthy. There will be no need to worry that under the guise of a thoroughbred dog, a mestizo or "a mixture of bulldog and rhinoceros" will be sold. But even in this case, there are nuances that need to be considered when choosing a puppy. Usually, conscientious owners of Great Dane kennels in Moscow and other cities try to provide the best conditions for their wards, monitor their health and get vaccinated on time. All this explains the price that will have to be paid for a puppy - it cannot be lower than 20 thousand rubles.

First of all, you need to get as much information as possible about the chosen cattery. If possible, it is better to come and see on your own, paying attention to the appearance of the dogs and the conditions of detention. Currently, most kennels have their own pages on the Internet, where you can see puppies, conditions of detention, etc. It should be borne in mind that a Great Dane kennel can only specialize in one type of dog, for example, only black or marble dogs are bred. If the exterior of the dogs of this kennel does not suit you, it is better to look for another one.

Finally, you can ask the experts on the Internet. To date, there are many forums where you can chat with more experienced dog owners. On the rain forum about great danes and any other, they will surely be able to advise good breeders, talk about their experience, whether they liked any cattery and its owners, whether there were any problems.

In general, these large dogs are unpretentious in content. Since they have a short coat without undercoat, it does not require special care, and molting passes almost imperceptibly. In order for the dog to look well-groomed, it is enough to provide a balanced diet and do not forget to give vitamins.

Every week you need to remove dead hair with a special mitt or brush. Experts recommend bathing as little as possible: it can worsen the condition of the coat, especially if the water is hard. If washing is so necessary, it is allowed to use a dry shampoo, but it is necessary to choose a specialized one for purebred dogs.

The eyes, teeth and ears of the dog should always be kept clean. All contaminants must be cleaned regularly. To brush your teeth, a special paste has been developed that has the smell and taste of meat. The appearance of bad breath can be a symptom of tartar. In this case, you will have to contact the veterinary clinic, as an excessive amount of tartar will cause tooth decay.

Care is also needed for the claws of the Great Danes. They must be short enough. It is recommended to use guillotine cutters for cutting nails. Trim the nails carefully, otherwise you can touch the sensitive area, which will then bleed and create discomfort.

The Great Dane breed is considered a "healthy" breed, but many Great Dane forums have information about the characteristic diseases for this breed. First of all, these are bone disorders (osteodystrophy, disorders of the elbow joints and cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis), as well as skin rash and deafness.

At a young age, Great Danes are very active, therefore it is important to limit their activity - this will help to avoid injuries, problems with muscles and joints during the development of the dog.

Dogs should be taken for a walk only at a comfortable temperature, it is recommended to walk for several hours a day. Due to their short coat, these dogs do not tolerate frost or humidity very well. Therefore, in the cold season, it is better to forget about long walks.

If the dog is properly fed, then it will not gain weight, the Great Danes are simply not inclined to this. But if any signs of obesity appear, it is worth reviewing the dog's diet and increasing physical activity.

Great Dane training

On forums (for example, Great Danes of Russia), all novice owners are advised to start training as early as possible. Only in this case, you can grow a calm and well-mannered dog.

Great Danes are very intelligent and easy to train, especially at a young age. An adult dog will be much more difficult to train. In order for a dog to become a true friend and protector, to have a high level of socialization, it needs to devote a lot of time. If the dog is not trained at all, not the best features may appear: the dog becomes too noisy and self-sufficient and often the owner’s command “does not hear”. Perhaps the dog will even begin to show aggression, which, given its size and strength, will greatly complicate the life of its owners.

It is advised to train puppies older than six months, when the process of mental formation is already being completed. This period is considered the most favorable for the start of dog training. Starting to train an older dog, you can face serious difficulties.

When training a dog, it is best not to use cruel methods. Great Danes themselves are disciplined, so cruelty from the owner will not be tolerated. They will appreciate the firmness, inflexibility and determination of the owner, but they will hold a grudge if they show violence against the dog. We also recall that Great Danes are able to "read" the psychological state of people, determine their mood. Therefore, any rudeness will inevitably affect the relationship with the dog - but not for the better.

The Great Dane is a giant dog breed that originated in Germany. The Great Dane dog is rightfully considered one of the largest breeds in terms of exterior: according to the standard, the height of males at the withers reaches 90 cm. Of course, Great Danes grow taller, but now we are talking about the “southern” brothers. The Great Dane is recognized as a symbol of stature and courage, beauty and grace. Few know the history of the origin of the breed. The Great Dane breed is the result of a long selection stimulated by dog ​​connoisseurs.

History of the breed

In the 10th century, the tribes that inhabited modern German lands took care to collect a description of dog dogs, there were as many as seven varieties. Dogs were used to bait a bear or a wild boar - a boar. They belonged to the mastiff family. But in 1879, the pragmatic Germans decided that it was better for the breed to narrow the halo, through the efforts of the breeders, they decided to leave the name of the Great Danes - German, and enter the individuals that fall under the first standard into the studbooks.

According to excerpts from the documents of the era, the dog was compared to a slender horse, filled with hidden inner strength and energy. The dog keeps a certain line between a powerful mastiff and a graceful greyhound. Since 1888, serious breeding of Great Danes began with the filing of the breeder Mark Hartenstein. At first, the dogs acquired a brindle color, later harlequins appeared.

Cynologists are convinced that Great Dane dogs appeared in Europe thanks to nomadic Asians who brought giant pets with them. It is believed that the animal occurred as a result of crossing a guard dog and a greyhound. The result was an interesting dog that included the best features of the two breeds.

Thanks to the efforts of dog breeders and cynologists, a wonderful breed was created. Great Danes belong to giant dog breeds. The characteristics are amazing, the sizes of individuals are truly gigantic. Despite the intimidating appearance, the Great Dane demonstrates an accommodating disposition, which is what attracts.

Today, it is allowed to breed dogs exclusively by color, it is impossible to cross dogs of different colors, it is permissible for groups of close tones. For instance:

  • black with blue
  • marble - exclusively with marble,
  • fawn with brindle.

Dogs arrived in Russia at the end of the 19th century, at the suggestion of Emperor Alexander II. The most august person acquired a couple of the most magnificent dogs. However, the Second World War made sad adjustments: in 1946, only 5 dogs appeared at the exhibition, and three of them had a difficult pedigree. Today the mistake has been corrected.

Great Dane standard

Lifespan8–10 years
Growthfemale: 72–84 cm, male: 80–90 cm
Weightfemale: 45–59 kg, male: 54–90 kg
Woolvery short, dense, smooth, shiny, without undercoat
Colorblack, brindle, tawny, blue, mantle, harlequin
Characterdevoted, discreet, confident, loving, friendly, gentle
Usagecompanion, watchman, bodyguard

Several kennels have been created, known to the world thanks to purebred Great Danes. Smart animals look graceful and stately. They show an excellent potential for physical activity, which is rapidly revealed during classes with an animal. Majestic appearance, strong grace, chiseled forms - all of the above is combined with an excellent, calm and balanced character. The dog cannot be called timid; in dealing with strangers, it shows due distrust.

The dog reveals an even exterior: the sacrum is lowered below the withers in height by a centimeter or two. The exterior of males is powerful, as expected, masculine. The body is covered with wool - thick, shiny, short in size. Colors vary:

  1. Charcoal or black.
  2. Blue, shows shades of gray, steel.
  3. Fawn, varies from light sand to deep red.
  4. Brindle with dark frequent stripes.
  5. Harlequin - asymmetrical spots of dark color on a white background.
  6. Marble - on one of the described backgrounds there is a small speck.

Description of the Great Dane breed begins with curious characteristics:

  • The dog is extremely tall. Height at the withers 80-90 cm for males, 72-84 cm for females.
  • The weight of males reaches 90 kg. Similar ones are found infrequently, mostly 50. Bitches are smaller in weight, slightly (30-50).
  • The dog's head has an extended forehead, a dry constitution. The cheekbones are clearly marked.
  • The muzzle is rectangular, described by the standard as deep.
  • The eyes on the head are set with a slight diagonal. Only marbled dogs have light or different colors of irises.
  • The nose is large against the background of the modest size of the eyes. The nose and lips are black in all colors, light spots are allowed in the harlequin.
  • The ears are sharp, they are specially cropped so that they stand with a spire, in the usual state they hang.
  • The skeleton is powerful. The head is set on a strong, high neck flowing into a strong withers. The loin is shortened, the croup is significantly smaller compared to the chest.
  • The limbs are strong, especially the hind legs. Developed muscles. Despite the ability to run fast, they rarely use the ability.
  • The coat is short. The colors are different. The classic Great Dane shows an ash color.
  • The tail has a saber shape, thickening at the base and a thin end.

The nature of a large pet

According to the size, the dog is full of dignity and royal grandeur. Calm, balanced, always waiting for the reaction of the owner, then acts. It is difficult to piss off a dog, but it is better not to try.

Great Danes get along with small children and other animals. The only thing that is required from the owner is to show the dog to the place as soon as possible and start training. In fact, it is not easy to grow an obedient personality out of a dog, but the owners are excellent at it.

The characteristic of the breed indicates the power and infinite grace of the Great Dane. The breed lacks innate stubbornness, the dog is easily controlled. It is important to train resistance to external provocations in the dog. You will have to put a lot of effort and patience into education.

The dog has a developed intellect and an excellent memory. Remembers the offenders, although he does not seek revenge at the first opportunity. Great Dane puppies are restless, love to gnaw on cables, jambs and furniture. If you do not engage in education, the habit will be fixed for life. The cause of pranks sometimes becomes insufficient walking of the pet, more often exhaust the dog by running and playing while walking.

Dog is devoted to the family. Needs affection, respect. Must understand that the family is in complete safety. If necessary, the Great Dane will stand up for defense, without thinking about his own life.

By purchasing a puppy of the breed, a person acquires a true friend and companion who does not seek to demonstrate love around the clock. It’s easy to notice that a dog respects a person - the dog always tries to stay in the owner’s field of vision. Ideally, it constantly lies next to the owner's feet. The devotion and sense of responsibility of animals rolls over. They are patient with children, even small ones. At the same time, they did not acquire the honor of being called nannies, like some other good-natured breeds.

Photo and price of puppies

The cost of a Great Dane puppy is 30-40 thousand rubles.

Dog care

Remember that a dog of this size needs to walk for a long time, what has been said is undeniable. However, forcibly dragging a puppy along for a couple of hours is not required. It is recommended to walk not on asphalt, not on viscous soils, but on hard ground, so as not to spoil the exterior and not “kill” the paws. Alternate running and walking.

Judging by the size, Great Danes are supposed to eat a lot. Moreover, in the summer they seek to cut the content of proteins and carbohydrates, to increase by winter. Your dog should be brushed daily. Or wipe the dog with a special rubber brush that fits on your hand.

Dogs, as having long limbs, have difficulty with joints. In view of the constitution, the Great Dane sometimes develops a cold: lay a bedding or cloth on the floor, preferably a blanket for the dog.

Proper care of the Great Dane will save the owner from unwanted hassle associated with maintenance. Let's note the main thing:

  1. Ear cropping is done at the request of the owner. In such a case, the ears of the puppy's parents and their own cartilage are evaluated.
  2. Do not forget about vaccination, there is a huge risk of pet disease. It is supposed to be vaccinated once a year, preferably in a set month. Modern vaccines are easily perceived by the animal's body, you should not worry.
  3. You do not need to bathe your dog often - once a month is enough. By the way, the Great Dane does not like water procedures. It is possible to accustom a dog to a regular shower from the first days of living in a family. Bathing in the apartment is difficult, it is worth taking dry cleaning into service.
  4. A wool brush will allow you to perform proper care. Do not overdo it, avoiding causing skin irritation.

The main aspects of caring for the Great Dane indicate the ease of keeping the dog.

Great Dane puppy in the house

They are born weighing from 500 to 800 g. As they grow older, the weight increases 100 times! An adult gains up to 2 or more kg per week, continues to grow until the age of two. It is important to feed "babies" with a balanced diet, especially in the period from 2 to 8 months. During this period of life, it is recommended to closely monitor the development of the skeleton and limbs.

Make sure your pet is getting enough calcium in their diet. Just enough, not too much! An excess of the mineral leads to serious disorders in the development of joints and bones. The weight of a dog is a subtle component. The kid does not have the right to gain more than 150-200 g per day, if it is not difficult, weigh every day for two weeks in a row, the action will help build the diet and pick up products. It is estimated that the diet provides 1.4% calcium.

If a baby consumes up to 100 kcal per day, 50 kcal is enough for an adult dog, in other words, 10% more food than other breeds. Due to the size of the dog spends a lot of time on the street or in the aviary. The puppy should be accustomed to the outside world from the first days after vaccinations, and you should definitely not let the puppy into bed.

But it is useful to encourage activity, play active games with the dog, develop muscles. Any stagnation is deplorable for the Great Dane. You can’t change the diet drastically, you need to introduce new products gradually, then, as you grow older, gradually cut back on the diet. It is advised to divide the meal into morning and evening from the age of six months: give 45% in the morning, give 55% in the evening. Try to teach your puppy to eat calmly, measuredly.

Gradually, the puppy will get used to the street and, most importantly, to the fact that the owner is the leader. First, teach your dog to follow the owner on a leash. The leash is advised to choose a long, two-meter. The dog is pulled to the left leg and forced to move in rhythm with the person. Gradually, the rein is weakened. At the same time, the puppy is taught the call command, so that in case of going aside, the dog will return to the owner. Successes are rewarded with treats, and other necessary commands are slowly learned.

What to feed the dog

Every responsible dog breeder should know in advance what to feed Great Dane puppies. Babies would be happy to eat their mother's milk up to 2-2.5 months. However, it should be understood that by the month the teeth become sharp, and the jaws are strong. The female is already reluctant to feed the puppies, complementary foods begin by 3-4 weeks!

At 1.5 months, dog puppies eat on their own. At 2.5 months, the pet will noticeably grow up, become strong and strong. It happens that it is recommended to feed dogs with cereals, for this breed of advice should be avoided. Otherwise, the dog will get a number of diseases, along with rickets.

It is better to raise a large breed on high-quality feed, natural food is acceptable. By 6 months, the puppy will turn into an adult dog. Doggies will not lose interest in milk, they additionally put a bowl of water. The muzzle of the Great Dane is large, take care of the dishes of the correct size.

Dog loves meat, but not chicken. How to feed the Great Dane, it is easier to find out from the breeders. Based on their own experience, experts will talk about the preferences of a particular puppy. The Great Dane loves to play. And even with food. You will have to wean the dog from a bad habit at a young age.

pet training

Great Dane training will be productive if the dog fully trusts the owner and feels safe around him. Dogs are smart, but pride often prevents them from learning quickly.

Standard teams are able to learn a maximum in a couple of lessons. You will need to start with leash training. The procedure is considered unpleasant for the dog, it is supposed to constantly encourage even small successes of the puppy in this endeavor.

Great Dane training is acceptable in busy areas if the dog is already old enough and well-mannered. Actually training is recommended to start from an early age, when the puppy is not yet large. Serious education is organized at 5-6 months, when the dog becomes focused and attentive. Increasingly, the dog will begin to show itself as a smart and measured dog.

The Great Dane will become a wonderful family friend. He will rarely bark, constantly assessing the situation around. Favorite and, most importantly, a quiet place for a dog is at the feet of the owner. In a similar way, the dog shows devotion and endless love. Dogs clearly remember the first owner, he will forever remain an undeniable authority. Loves children. He will never allow himself to bare his teeth, he considers the manifestation of aggression below his own dignity.