Cleaning carpet without problems: effective methods and recommendations. Before caring for the carpet, master meditation and stock up on sedatives. How to remove dirt from carpets - video

Many housewives do not know how to get rid of the smell of carpet, because its structure absorbs various kinds of substances formed from liquid and air spilled on the covering.

Why does the smell occur?

The reason for the smell of carpet can be different, sometimes it even happens that when purchasing a new carpet, it emits an unpleasant odor. However, in the fight against odors, the main task is to establish the cause of its behavior. The most common odors are: rottenness, dampness, mold, chemical and ammonia odors, tobacco smells and the unpleasant aroma of new carpeting.

If a lot of water gets on the carpet and it does not dry out, then a smell of rottenness, mustiness and mold appears. The smell of ammonia can appear in the house if a pet defecates on the carpet. It can also appear due to a small child who made several puddles on the carpet. A chemical odor can result from using strong-smelling cleaners to clean your carpet, and the odor may also come from new flooring.

How to remove odor from carpet

In order for the smell not to bother you, you need to have an idea of ​​how to remove it. There are several methods that can be used to remove odor at home. To do this, you can use washing powder, specialized cleaning products, dry the carpet, use soda, manganese solution, table vinegar, saturate the carpet with peroxide, use a stain remover, or you can use a dry cleaning service.

In order to get rid of the smell of dampness and rottenness, which appeared as a result of spilled liquid and not properly drying the carpet, you first need to find the place of mold. To do this, turn the covering over and treat the mold pockets, after which the carpet needs to be cleaned and its front side treated with ozone or quartzed.

You can easily remove the ammonia smell at home yourself. To do this, soak the carpet with hydrogen peroxide and blot it with a dry cloth. You can also use a solution of peroxide, dishwashing detergent with a pleasant aroma, and baking soda. This solution will also help restore a pleasant scent to the carpet.

The chemical smell of carpet can be removed in a simple way using potassium permanganate, table vinegar and soda. The main thing here is to keep all the proportions correctly. The manganese solution must be made very weak, otherwise the carpet can be stained; first test the vinegar solution on an inconspicuous piece of carpet so that discoloration does not occur. Using soda, you need to rub a mixture of soda and water into the carpet, and when it dries, vacuum the surface.

You can remove the smell of tobacco and mustiness with regular washing powder; to do this, first vacuum the surface, and then rinse it with washing powder and let it dry completely.

How to care for carpet

To prevent unpleasant carpet odors, follow these tips:

  1. Carpets with natural pile must not be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. If liquid gets on the coating, be sure to dry it immediately.
  3. You can dry the carpet with a hairdryer.
  4. Use a regular vacuum cleaner instead of a broom or brush.
  5. If there are a lot of mold spots on the carpet, take it to the dry cleaner.
  6. Get rid of unpleasant odors with odor control products and buy them in stores.

If you know how to get rid of any carpet smell, clean and care for it in a timely manner, then your home will always have a healthy climate and a pleasant aroma.

Additional Information:

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Various stains on the carpet not only spoil the overall impression of the interior of the room, but are also sources of unpleasant odors. They, in turn, cause home owners certain inconvenience and discomfort. That is why the urgent question is how to remove smell from carpet at home.

There are a large number of ways to eliminate this phenomenon; these can be both specialized means and folk recipes. In this article we will look at how to get rid of the smell of “new carpet”, the smell of vomit, beer, fish and other food debris. The main thing to remember is that you need to start dealing with the problem as quickly as possible, since any delay can aggravate the situation.

How to remove smell from carpet

When choosing a carpet cleaning method, you first need to determine the source of the unpleasant odor. In most cases, these are various types of contamination, but some textile products may smell like chemicals after purchase. This situation is due to the quality of the synthetic materials used in the manufacture of this product. If there are smokers in the family, then tobacco smoke ingrained into the floor covering can also cause discomfort for the residents.

Insufficiently dried carpet after some time acquires the smell of mold and dampness. In this case, getting rid of the consequences of improper use of the product will be very problematic. To prevent this, the first time liquid gets on the carpet, it must be removed before it is absorbed and dries.

Before you decide for yourself how to most effectively remove unpleasant odors from your carpet, you should familiarize yourself with common cleaning methods. Which method is right for you depends on the type of pollution, the reasons for its occurrence and the timing of its occurrence.

Thus, experts identify the following popular carpet cleaning options:

  • washing with powder and subsequent airing of the product;
  • use of various chemicals;
  • baking soda (great for removing vomit, fish and alcohol odors);
  • professional carpet cleaning;
  • surface treatment with potassium permanganate, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide;
  • Removing stains and unpleasant odors is also possible thanks to quartz treatment (several small ultraviolet lamps are used).

How to remove any smell from a carpet without spending a lot of time and effort on it? The most effective method is professional carpet cleaning, but this method will cost much more than buying household textile cleaning products or using traditional recipes.


If there are small children or pets in the apartment, then you are familiar with the problem of removing vomit from nausea and vomiting from furniture and carpet. The vomit leaves an unpleasant odor. While cleaning the coating from this type of contamination is not so difficult, the stench can only be eliminated using special means.

To eliminate unpleasant odors from textiles, you can use:

  • a solution of soda and water (sometimes washing powder is added);
  • products for manual carpet cleaning;
  • odor neutralizers (such preparations are suitable for different types of pollution);
  • special products for removing pet stains.

You should start cleaning by removing the remaining vomit - for this purpose, use rags, soft brushes or sponges for washing dishes. Please note that in this case it is not recommended to wet them with too hot water, because then the unpleasant aroma can become even more intense and penetrate more strongly into the surface.

The easiest way to clean a carpet is to use a baking soda solution. The contaminated area must be treated with a special composition and left for two to three hours (until it dries completely). Then the coating should be thoroughly vacuumed to remove soda and traces of liquid.

Due to the fact that soda has an alkaline base, and vomit is acidic, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the irritating odor disappears.

If there are large, stubborn stains, baking soda solution will not be enough to clean the carpet. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t be upset, because there are other equally effective options for removing pet marks.

Today, stores offer a wide selection of different chemicals for cleaning textiles, including carpets. Most of them have the ability to effectively absorb unpleasant odors.

Before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions for use and remember, the higher the alkali level, the better the result.


If you accidentally spill a glass of beer on the carpet, the first thing you need to do is apply a small amount of washing powder to the dirty area, and then wipe off the residue with a damp cloth. Experts also recommend periodically washing the rag. In conclusion, the surface must be carefully treated with lightly salted water - this is how improvised means can be used for cleaning.

You can also dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid or regular lemon in one liter of water (it wouldn’t hurt to add a few drops of vinegar). Use the resulting mixture to treat the area with the stain, then use dry towels to remove excess moisture, otherwise mold may form.

Hydrogen peroxide is great for cleaning light-colored carpets. It effectively fights unpleasant odors and stains from beer, wine and food. Wet the dirt with water, let it dry and sprinkle with salt. After twenty minutes, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

Another way to remove stubborn beer stains is vodka, but you need to work with it very carefully.

If you spent yesterday evening in a fun company watching football, then today you are definitely tormented by the question of how to quickly remove the smell of beer from clothes, furniture or the leather interior of a car. The following recommendations will help you:

  • An excellent absorber of beer odor in a car is a soap solution with the addition of one tablespoon of dry ammonia (it can be purchased at any pharmacy). This option is best suited if you need to clean the leather interior. Simply apply the composition to the contaminated surface and wipe the area with napkins after complete drying.

  • A particularly pressing question is how to remove the smell of beer from clothes. In this case, you should prepare the following solution: glycerin, wine alcohol and ammonia, water - keep the proportions 1: 1: 1: 8. This method can also be used to clean various textiles (furniture or decor).

  • To clean a sofa from beer stains, soak a large piece of cloth in a weak solution of water and vinegar and place it on the stained area of ​​the furniture. After a few hours, the unpleasant odor will evaporate, as will the stains that were its source.

In the video: removing odor from a carpet - traditional methods.


Regular kitchen salt will help clean the carpet from fish stains - it copes well with stubborn food residues and perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors. For this purpose, you can also use such improvised means as a soap solution, which has the mildest effect, and a vinegar solution.

The use of special chemicals may be required only if the marks have been on the product for several weeks. In such a situation, the wisest thing to do would be to have the carpet dry cleaned.


Methods for cleaning carpet using vinegar have already been presented above. Such methods are very effective, however, as is known, this substance has a characteristic odor that can hardly be called pleasant. It can be difficult to remove such an aroma from furniture or carpet, but you can cope with it if you know some of the subtleties of the procedure.

Due to the large dimensions of the product, it is not possible to wash it with detergent, so a special solution should be prepared. You need to mix two tablespoons of washing powder with one spoon of ammonia and add five liters of water to the resulting mixture.

After this, treat the surface of the carpet and do not forget to remove the foam as you work (this should be done with a rag soaked in warm water). Let the product dry for several hours, but if time does not wait, use a vacuum cleaner or other drying methods.

If you plan to use dishwashing detergent to clean your carpets, be aware that they should only be applied to a surface that has been dampened with water.

The smell of new carpet

Don't rely on store-bought fragrances, essential oils and air fresheners. If the carpet is used incorrectly, their use will not bring any results. Such products are especially often used when purchasing a new carpet in order to eliminate the smell of chemicals.

First of all, we get rid of the reasons for the stench of the newly purchased product. It could be:

  • special chemical treatment of the top layer of the carpet;
  • the presence of latex or adhesive backing of the carpet.

In most cases, store sellers warn customers about a possible unpleasant odor, which should disappear within a week (without trying to eliminate it with improvised means). The best option in this case would be to frequently ventilate the room. It is also recommended to clean the carpet in the usual way - that is, use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

Please note that over-wetting the carpet may create an unpleasant, musty odor. To get rid of it, you need to carefully dry the carpet without hanging it in the sun.

Tobacco smoke

Tobacco smoke leaves behind an unpleasant aroma; it is most strongly absorbed into textiles. That is why, if such a smell occurs, you should immediately wash all the curtains, blankets, and bedspreads you have at home. You should also clean all carpets - you can use a washing vacuum cleaner and a special shampoo that contains various absorbents.

Chemicals like “Vanish” are an excellent absorber of the smell of tobacco smoke; they not only eliminate external signs of pollution, but also fight the cause of their occurrence.

Initially, you need to apply a small amount of the substance to a thoroughly cleaned surface and distribute the resulting foam using a mop. Don't worry about getting your carpet too wet; this won't cause mold. To further protect yourself, after the carpet is completely dry, carefully vacuum it again.

Dampness and mold

A common problem with old carpets is mold and its unpleasant odor. The reason for this phenomenon may be excess moisture accumulated on the pile. Maybe you washed the item incorrectly or didn’t dry it completely, or dried it too slowly. As practice shows, the aroma of mold can appear within two days after improper surface treatment.

The first pockets of fungus appear at the base of the carpet, as it takes longer to dry than the rest of the carpet.

In addition to mold, due to excessive moisture in the carpet, various putrefactive bacteria may appear on it, which also have a specific smell (dampness, old age, rottenness). Such microbes are dangerous to humans and you need to start eliminating them as quickly as possible.

If mold has formed on the surface of the carpet, or you smell its characteristic aroma, then we clean the carpet with special factory-made preparations - fungicides. This method effectively removes marks and fights the cause of the fungus.

However, before you start cleaning, you should know two rules:

  • It is forbidden to stay in a room with moldy carpeting (if cleaning has not been carried out within a week, it is best to send the product to a dry cleaner for inspection or throw it away).
  • An unpleasant smell bothers you, and you drown it out with aromatic products. In this case, such an approach is pointless; it is impossible to fight the smell. Only after removing the mold can we talk about eliminating the unpleasant odor.

Now in stores you can find a large number of different odor absorbers, including antifungal drugs for mold. Spray products are considered the most effective; they are not only convenient to treat the surface, but are also easy to wash off with a wet cloth.

Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the product instructions to determine whether it is suitable for cleaning your carpet (take into account the material from which the product is made).

The spray only gets rid of germs, so continue cleaning with detergents in order to completely remove all traces of this unpleasant phenomenon.

On video: checking the carpet for dust and mold.

Effective odor absorbers

There are also universal means to combat various kinds of unpleasant odors. In most cases, they are presented in the form of aerosols, household powders and soluble substances:

  • Popular neutralizers include products from the brands Line, STAIN&ODOR REMOVER, ORANGE-OXY. First, the surface is cleaned of the top layer of dirt and dust, after which they begin to treat the carpet with a composition diluted in water.

  • The natural odor absorber Bio-GM is perfect for removing mold and other fungi; in addition to its main function, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms without destroying the structure of the product.

  • If you prefer wet carpet cleaning, then pay attention to the Break Down product. This is a unique deodorant with enzymes that not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also fights the root cause.

Such products are simply necessary when cleaning public institutions, smoking rooms or toilets. Their advantages include low price, high efficiency and the ability to be used in conjunction with a cleaning solution.

In conclusion, professional cleaning is best for most serious carpet stains. By asking a dry cleaner for help, they will choose the right cleaning method for you, which you can use if this problem arises in the future. The center's staff will carry out the cleaning without causing any harm to the structure of the carpet.

If you cannot afford professional carpet cleaning, then know that when cleaning at home, it is also not recommended to use large amounts of chemicals and concentrated detergents.

How to clean a carpet with home remedies (2 videos)

How to effectively clean carpet from urine smell at home - step-by-step instructions. Effective and safe methods of carpet dry cleaning.

But besides this, cute pets often defecate not in their trays, but on upholstered furniture or carpeting. And in this case, in addition to unpleasant contaminants, an unpleasant ammonia smell appears. This is especially true for cat urine. Even a kitten’s urine can become a source of an unpleasant and persistent aroma, which only professionals can remove.

You can try to remove traces and smells of cat urine on carpet yourself. It is important to remember that the result will not always be 100%. In addition, cleaning the carpet from the smell of urine may simply be pointless when the stains are old, or several peees have been made in the same place. In this case, urine and urea penetrate deeply into the fibers, so an incorrectly selected product can further enhance the odor.

It is worth noting that many, trying to mask the unpleasant odor, spray the stain with an air freshener, special neutralizers and even perfume. Experts warn: you should never do this, because you can get new stains and increase the unpleasant odor.

How to clean carpet using improvised means?

Using a minimum of available products, you can clean the carpet from the smell of urine if you act immediately.

So, first of all, you need to blot the stain well with paper napkins or a clean towel or napkins (it is better to use rags or microfiber cloths that do not shed and absorb liquid well).

If the stain has already been absorbed, you can lightly wet it with water and blot it well. This is done in order to remove as much urea as possible. After this, the carpet is cleaned from the smell of urine using one of the following methods:

  • treat the contaminated area with 9% vinegar diluted 1:3 to water. Then let the surface dry by opening the windows for ventilation. It is important that the room is warm and dry;
  • dissolve 10-15 drops of iodine and a couple of grams of manganese in 20 liters of warm water. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture, then rinse it and leave to dry. This method is universal for dark carpets;
  • Light carpet can be washed with a mixture of lemon juice and water or ammonia. After treating the surface, the stain is also left until completely dry;
  • washing 72% laundry soap. You can lather the stain with it and leave it for 10 minutes. Then rinse and dry well.

If the house is damp, you can dry the stain with a hairdryer at low temperatures, while treating the stain with a dry towel.

In addition, there is another way to remove the smell of cat urine, even old ones. Since it is difficult to clean the carpet from the smell of urine, which has been absorbed deep into the fibers, it is worth proceeding in stages.

To do this, first apply a little vinegar and leave to dry. After drying, sprinkle it with soda, but not in a too thick layer. At this time, 100 ml of water and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in a container. A little detergent is added there to form foam. With this composition, the stain sprinkled with soda is carefully sprayed with a sprayer. This will allow the urine to decompose into its components, due to which, during the reaction, the odor will disappear. After everything has dried, you can thoroughly vacuum the entire carpet.

How else can you clean carpet from the smell of urine?

As for professional products that remove stains and remove odors, most often manufacturers suggest using chlorine-containing preparations to neutralize unpleasant odors. It is chlorine that disinfects and copes well with various odors. However, such products are not always safe for carpet fibers and the environment. Before using them, you should definitely test the product for the possibility of changing color or bleaching the pattern on the surface.

To be as effective and safe as possible, you should contact specialists. Experienced Mister Glitter specialists will select the most suitable composition and get rid of the most complex odors and difficult to remove stains.

Carpet is a fairly practical and durable covering, but sometimes unpleasant moments can arise during its use. And one of them is smell. It can appear either immediately after laying this flooring or after many months of use. In this case, there may be several reasons causing the smell. To understand how to get rid of carpet smell, you need to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of odor

There are several types of carpet floor coverings, some of them are made on the basis of natural materials, others are made from synthetic components. Moreover, we are talking not only about the pile of the product, but also about its base.

Chemical smells from carpet are usually noticeable in the first few days after new carpeting is installed. Moreover, this applies only to products made from synthetic components. Usually within 5-9 days this smell completely disappears, without causing any harm to household members. Natural products do not have such a disadvantage, so it is recommended to install them in bedrooms and children's rooms.

Attention: new carpet may emit an odor the first time after installation. This is a completely normal phenomenon that goes away on its own and does not require any action. However, this does not apply to low-grade products made from prohibited chemical components. Not only will they not stop smelling over time, but they can also be harmful to your health. Therefore, you should completely avoid buying cheap, low-quality carpet.

The biggest problem occurs when carpet that has been laid for a long time begins to smell bad. And in order to remove this unpleasant odor, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. Most often, old carpet can smell:

  • mold, rot, dampness;
  • ammonia;
  • various chemistry;
  • tobacco;
  • Sometimes there is a smell of cat urine or sour milk.

To remove an unpleasant odor, it is not enough to simply clean the carpet; you need to eliminate the cause of the odor, otherwise the problem may return after a while. Let's look at the causes of the most common carpet odors:

  1. The smell of dampness, mold or mustiness may appear when the carpet is frequently wetted with water, if the room is rarely ventilated, due to high humidity, or as a result of incomplete drying of the carpet after wet cleaning. This problem can occur if you get the product very wet when trying to remove traces of milk, cat urine, juice, coffee and other substances from the coating.
  2. A pungent ammonia smell can appear in homes where pets live. Especially when you are in no hurry to remove traces of cat or dog urine from the carpet. After a long stay of their feces on the surface of the carpet, a persistent ammonia spirit appears. However, traces of urine can also appear from a small child. The persistent smell of ammonia is the most difficult to remove.
  3. Chemical odors from your carpet can be caused by spills of various household chemicals on your carpet.

Important: a strong chemical smell can also come from new carpet.

  1. If people often smoke indoors, the carpet will smell of tobacco. This is especially true for products that are rarely cleaned and cleaned.
  2. An unpleasant smell of dirt, sour milk and dust will appear on a coating that has been very rarely vacuumed and almost never wet cleaned.

Getting rid of the smell

You can clean unpleasant-smelling carpet in any case. Before choosing a cleaning product, it is worth understanding the reason for the persistent odor from the floor covering. The following products can be used to eliminate unpleasant odors:

  • special cleaning compounds for carpets;
  • regular washing powder;
  • soda and table vinegar;
  • manganese solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • special compositions for odor removal;
  • quartz treatment and ozonation;
  • dry cleaning

To get rid of the stench of mold, dampness and mustiness, you should do the following:

  1. First, you need to detect pockets of mold on the coating.
  2. Then they should be treated using a special mold remover.
  3. The carpet then undergoes traditional cleaning.
  4. Finally, the product is quartz-treated or treated with ozone.

Advice: it is better to replace coatings that are completely covered with mold and mildew with new ones.

The ammonia smell of urine can be removed as follows:

  1. First, the product must be treated with hydrogen peroxide. A mixture of soda, peroxide and dishwashing liquid will give a good effect.
  2. Then the surface is blotted with a dry cloth.
  3. In the future, immediately when urine stains appear, the carpet should be treated with special compounds to remove them.

You can clean the carpet from liquids, milk and household chemicals spilled on it:

  1. To get rid of the smell, you can use a mixture of vinegar, soda and manganese. In this case, you must strictly observe the proportions. To prevent the coating from becoming stained by manganese, you should try the solution on an inconspicuous area.
  2. If you clean the carpet with a paste of baking soda and water, you can get rid of the chemical odor from the material. After applying the composition, it is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

To clean carpet from tobacco, you can use regular laundry detergent. Before washing, the product is thoroughly vacuumed, and after cleaning it is dried well.

Carpet care

Proper care of carpeting will insure you against the appearance of unpleasant odors in the future, will allow you to maintain the original appearance of the product and extend its service life. To do this, you should follow our care recommendations:

  • Coverings with natural pile should not be wet cleaned and should not be used with a vacuum cleaner.
  • If the product gets wet, it should be dried thoroughly immediately. It is advisable to raise it above the floor surface.
  • To quickly dry the carpet, you can use a regular hair dryer.
  • It is better to vacuum carpets rather than sweep them with a broom or sweep away dust with a brush.
  • To clean items with a lot of mold, it is better to go to a dry cleaner.
  • To remove stains from coffee, juice, milk, wine and other liquids, it is better to use special carpet stain removers that are commercially available.
  • Very often, household chemicals help remove unpleasant odors.

Carpet creates coziness in the house and gives warmth. When choosing it in a store, we are glad that it is easy to care for and only over time we encounter unexpected problems - the unpleasant smell of a brand new carpet, dirt that cannot be removed in any way. We have found ways to properly clean it at home and remove stains of various origins.

How is carpet different from a classic carpet?

Carpets are made by weaving longitudinal and transverse threads together on a loom. They are based on high-quality camel, goat or sheep wool. These floor coverings are also made from silk, cotton, and felt. Carpets are subject to dry cleaning only, since the coating may shrink after getting wet, and some types of carpet can be washed. It is most often made from synthetic materials, which significantly reduces the cost. There are several types of carpet.

  1. Woven. It is made from natural materials on a jute basis, but in most cases this carpet is synthetic.
  2. Adhesive based. It can have both natural and synthetic pile and differs significantly from real carpets. This floor covering is made using the tufting method. The base of the carpet is artificial jute, fixed with latex or simply latex. Carpet made in this way is less warm and durable, but it costs several times less.
  3. Needle-punched. It has nothing in common with real carpets and even resembles felt in appearance. It is made from polypropylene or polyamide. This is a cheap and durable material that is used in cinemas and offices. It perfectly soundproofs the room, but unlike woven carpets, it will last only 5-6 years.

Why can't this coating be washed?

If only because it is simply inconvenient. Roll up a huge roll of carpet, after moving all the furniture and tearing off the baseboard... Perhaps this is not the best option, at least for regular cleaning. Other reasons: the coating from water can come unglued and become unusable, and if it has a significant thickness, a felt backing or long pile, then it runs the risk of not drying out and starting to rot.

Carpets made from natural wool, jute and long pile should not be wet cleaned. The pile gradually accumulates moisture, which creates an ideal environment for mold, mildew and the appearance of a persistent unpleasant odor. Wet cleaning can also cause significant damage to short-pile carpet with adhesive backing: moisture erodes the adhesive layer.

What materials are carpet made from?

Carpet is a backing on which the pile is attached. Very often, one or another method of cleaning carpet depends on what it is made of. The substrate is a combination of materials. It consists of a primary, secondary base and a securing layer between them.

Primary basis

It is designed to maintain the shape of the coating and secure the pile. The primary base is divided into woven and non-woven. It can be made from natural or artificial jute.

  1. Natural jute is often susceptible to rotting, so carpet made from it cannot be washed. In addition, floor coverings based on it are very expensive.
  2. Polypropylene is a cheaper material. The primary base made of it interacts well with moisture and is resistant to fungi and rotting.
  3. Quite rarely, non-woven fabric is used as a base. It's cheap material. It shrinks easily and warps from moisture.

Fixing layer

To finally fix the pile in the carpet, one base is not enough. A fixing layer (primer) is required. Typically, latex or polyurethane is used in its production.

Secondary base

The part of the backing that hides the backing of the carpet and is in contact with the boards, bricks or concrete from which the floors are made is the secondary backing. It is made from different materials.

  1. Jute. This is an environmentally friendly material that does not tolerate moisture. Not only does mold become its enemy due to washing, but also shrinkage of the material. If the backing is made of natural jute, then after wet cleaning the carpet will go in “waves”.
  2. Polypropylene. It is not as capricious when washing as natural materials. But you shouldn’t do wet cleaning too often: once a month is enough.
  3. Latex is also quite popular for bases. In combination with the pile and the primary base, it provides excellent sound insulation, does not lose shape and is not afraid of moisture. However, such a substrate is inconvenient, as it requires securing with baseboards.
  4. Previously, many bases were made from natural felt. Like jute ones, they were afraid of water, were susceptible to the formation of fungi and mold, and an unpleasant odor. Nowadays, natural felt is practically not used in the manufacture of carpet; it has been replaced by a backing made of artificial felt. It is not subject to shrinkage and easily tolerates wet cleaning.
  5. The thread base is subjected to dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or broom. In addition, carpet on such a backing will definitely not be covered with kinks or “waves”.

So, for carpet with pile and/or backing made from natural materials, only dry cleaning at home is possible. The covering with synthetic pile on a latex or polypropylene backing can withstand foam cleaning and washing, but it is better not to overuse wet cleaning. Carpet made of nylon should not be subjected to heat treatment, for example, cleaning with a steam cleaner, as the material may become deformed.

Foam cleaning is used for all types of carpet.

Methods for cleaning carpet from dirt and dust depend not only on the chemical composition of the coating. The important factor is not the thickness of the carpet, but the length of the pile:

  • carpet with long natural pile can only be dry cleaned at home or seek professional help;
  • the covering with short artificial pile easily tolerates moisture;
  • For carpet with thick, long synthetic pile, dry cleaning with absorbents should be used.

Photo gallery: determine from the underside of the carpet whether it can be washed

Carpets with a backing made of artificial felt can easily withstand dry and wet cleaning, but not washing. The base made of natural jute does not tolerate getting wet. Coverings with a backing made of synthetic jute can be washed. The latex base is not afraid of moisture and does not lose its shape from water.

Methods for cleaning carpet at home

Often, general cleaning becomes a real headache. Moreover, carpet is the main reason. Sometimes in just 1–2 months, from a light, pleasing coating to the eye, it turns into something dirty on the floor. In this case, it is rare that a housewife will not use household chemicals.

What cleaning products can be used to clean carpet?

Almost all household chemicals used for carpeting are applied in the form of foam. These are such well-known cleaners as Vanish and Cinderella, Amway carpet cleaner and others. You can also wipe off dirt with baking soda powder and vinegar diluted with water. But carpet made from natural jute, wool or felt cannot be cleaned this way. And not all artificial surfaces can be treated with special products.

The cleaners work effectively, penetrating deep between the fibers of the coating and removing dirt and dust. They are suitable for carpet with long and short artificial pile.

  1. Dilute the selected product in warm water in a combination of 1:9 (or in other proportions specified in the instructions).
  2. Beat until foamy.
  3. Apply to the surface and spread evenly with a sponge.
  4. Allow the foam to dry (do not walk on the carpet at this time) and vacuum it.

Cleaning products are great for deep cleaning of lint during general cleaning. They preserve the color of the material and perfectly clean light-colored carpet from dirt, dust, coffee and tea stains.

Citric acid will remove stains and lighten the pile of any carpet: pour the powder onto the dirt, after a few minutes remove it with a damp cloth, wiping with force, and then vacuum it.

Carpet cleaning products - table

How to remove stains dry

In total, there are 2 options for cleaning pile coverings: dry and wet cleaning. When water cannot be used on carpet, we use dry cleaning. As we remember, this applies to natural floor coverings. In this case, you can carry out periodic cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner 2-3 times a week. This will prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms on the surface of the pile and will allow the carpet to maintain a pleasant appearance longer. But we still carry out superficial cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. To properly remove all dirt, once a month you need to treat the coating with special dry products.

There are carpet cleaning powders such as Vanish, RM 760 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner Powder, Dyson Zorb Cleaner and others. They can be purchased both in household chemical departments and in online stores.

Quartz coating of carpet in an apartment

To remove harmful microorganisms and prevent the appearance of fungi in long carpet piles, bactericidal quartz treatment is carried out once every 3 months. In children's bedrooms, this procedure can be carried out every 1.5–2 weeks. You can quartz the coating or the room itself for no longer than 15 minutes. The lamp ionizes the air and if the device is turned on, it can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

Wet cleaning of carpet at home

This method is considered traditional for carpet with an adhesive base and synthetic roll material. Most often it is used during general cleaning, using carpet shampoo, gel, and liquid carpet soap. Experts advise using only one cleaning product, as a mixture of chemicals can damage the carpet pile.

  1. We remove furniture from carpeting.
  2. Dilute the detergent in water according to the instructions. Typically this ratio is 1:9 or 1:10.
  3. Whipping the foam.
  4. Apply foam (not liquid) to the carpet. Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Apply another layer. The material absorbs moisture, dirt gradually dissolves.
  6. Let the foam dry and vacuum the coating.

How to clean a coating using a steam cleaner

When cleaning carpets with steam, steam generators and steam cleaners are used (they are also called steam vacuum cleaners). Steam generators soften even old dirt and stains, but do not remove them from the pile of the coating. After exposing the pile to steam, you will have to walk over the surface with a brush and remove the dirt yourself. It's not that difficult, but quite time-consuming. Steam cleaners not only dissolve dirt fibers, but also suck them up like a vacuum cleaner. Of course, such a household appliance costs more, but it saves the housewife time and effort.

The steam cleaner must be powerful, otherwise the dirt will not be washed out. Some models can only operate on distilled water. The device perfectly removes stains from paint, antifreeze, tea and coffee. But it cannot be used to clean blood, egg and milk stains. These products contain protein, which changes its structure when exposed to temperature. It will be impossible to remove such a stain later.

A steam vacuum cleaner differs from a steam cleaner in its versatility. It removes dirt, disinfects, kills dust mites and destroys other allergens. The steam vacuum cleaner combines the functions of a steam cleaner and a powerful vacuum cleaner.

How to clean pile flooring with a steam vacuum cleaner - video

We clean only short pile with a washing vacuum cleaner.


The washing vacuum cleaner washes out the material, also dealing with food stains. To remove chemical stains, such as blue or green stains, you will first have to use a stain remover.

How to treat carpet with a vacuum cleaner - video

If the carpet can be removed from the floor, “grandmother’s” cleaning with snow will do.

If it’s a frosty winter outside, and the snow is clean and fluffy, you can quite use it.

The method is suitable only for removable carpets; it removes dust and light dirt well, refreshes the material, but does not cope with food and chemical stains. It also cannot be applied to natural materials.

How to get rid of stains

Stains on the carpet inevitably poison our existence with their unkempt appearance. They are often sources of specific odors, which are also not pleasant. To remove them, you can use stain removers, for example, Vanish, gel concentrates for various carpets ROST-EX. They are applied to the stain locally and blotted with a napkin until completely absorbed. After which cleaning is carried out with a regular vacuum cleaner. Stain removers do an excellent job of removing food and chemical stains: tomato paste, blue, green paint, antifreeze, watercolor and stamp paint, ink, blood. But besides household chemicals, there are other ways to combat pollution.

How to clean stains from stamp ink, brilliant green, grease and other contaminants - folk remedies

How to remove unpleasant odor from coating

Most often, you can get rid of an unpleasant odor by keeping the carpet in a well-ventilated area. This way you can bring out the specific aroma of the new coating. It appears due to chemical impregnation, designed to preserve the material from mold, fungi, electrification of pile and other unpleasant consequences of storage in warehouses and transportation. But if the carpet has been lying there for the second week, and there is practically no result, other methods are used.

  1. Carpet can be quartzed. This will destroy harmful microorganisms and odor.
  2. Soak with special bactericidal agents. For example, a solution of chlorine and water.
  3. If the smell does not disappear, you need to take the carpet outside and dry it in the shade for 5-7 days.
  4. To eliminate the smell of pet urine, carpet is treated with the following solution: 1 tbsp. l. peroxide per 1 liter of water.
  5. Odors from fish and beer can easily disappear if you sprinkle salt on areas with an unpleasant odor. A weak solution of vinegar will also quickly deal with the consequences of a beer party.

We hope that the methods given in the article will help not only rid the carpet of unpleasant odors and stubborn stains, but also maintain its beautiful appearance for many years.