Timing of a environmentally friendly home from. Alternative housing: eco-friendly home

We will find out from what materials an eco-house can be built and what is best used for external and internal decoration.

Green building is a worldwide trend. Everyone wants a safe home for themselves and their children. We will tell you from what materials an eco-house can be built today, what is best used for external and internal decoration, than furnish and decorate.

Eco-friendly construction

The first thing to start with building an environmentally friendly home is choosing a location. In the middle of a metropolis, all efforts to make a home safe for humans and nature will look, to put it mildly, unconvincing.

The best option is a land plot next to a reservoir or forest, in a place where a person has not yet had time to completely change the relief. We agree that even fans of eco-style do not want to live somewhere on the outskirts, far from the supermarket, clinic and other benefits of civilization.

A good option can be a cottage village in a convenient location from the point of view of transport interchange and at the same time far from high-voltage power lines, busy highways, factories, factories and other industrial facilities that pollute the atmosphere. It will not be superfluous to make sure of the ecological purity of the local river, beach, soil. Take the issue of choosing a place for your home seriously!

The most environmentally friendly is the pile foundation, which least of all affects the surrounding landscape. However, piles are not suitable for every home and soil type. You can use a pile-grillage foundation, which is built from concrete with reinforcement, sand, roofing felt and extruded polystyrene foam. But it is also not for all types of soil. A monolithic slab is suitable, which is used on any soil and under any type of house.

As for the material for the walls, the most environmentally friendly will be straw houses and clay chunks, about which the portal Rmnt.ru wrote in detail. But such buildings, we admit, are exotic. Therefore, options such as ceramic bricks and foam concrete are more often used, including aerated concrete, polystyrene concrete (eco-concrete), which experts call the safest for the inhabitants.

We started with environmentally friendly blocks, materials for a stone house. But, of course, they did not forget about wood! Homes made of pine, larch and spruce are valued by their owners precisely for the natural origin of the material for the walls and for their beauty. It is best to opt for a rounded log.

As for the floors, wood and monolithic slabs are used.

  • block house;
  • lining and euro lining;
  • clinker, clinker tiles;
  • ceramic facing brick.

Expanded clay is ideal for insulating an eco-house, but it is loose and is rarely used on the facade, much more often for filling the attic. For the facade, use basalt insulation, mineral wool.

The roof of an environmentally friendly house is not necessarily reed. Copper roofs are the most durable, but also the most expensive. As well as shale. Therefore, coatings such as ceramic and sand-concrete tiles are more often used.

Experts advise making the floor in an environmentally friendly house from cork, floorboards, parquet, ceramic tiles.

Important! Natural stone - marble and granite - may contain radon, a decay product of radium. It all depends on the deposit, you need to check the materials for the indicator of radioactivity.

We have already written about eco-materials for interior, decorative finishing of the house. Let's repeat a little:

  • if wallpaper - then reed, jute, rattan, bamboo, plain paper;
  • paint - water-based;
  • clay and mineral based plaster;
  • ceramic tiles as an ideal option for decorating a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen apron;
  • natural stains, linseed oil for the treatment of wooden surfaces.

The furniture in the eco-house is made of natural wood. You can choose a noble classic style. You can have a simple rustic one. Wicker options are suitable, and upholstered furniture should be with safe filling and upholstery.

Textiles - linen, cotton, bamboo curtains are now in fashion.

As you can see, the choice of environmentally friendly materials is very large, it is possible to build a house that is completely safe for residents. However, in order for the eco-house to be really friendly to nature, do not forget about solar panels, your own well and a recycling system, disposal of human waste.published by

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Ecology of consumption. Technologies: These houses look wonderful and it is a pleasure to be in them. If you are looking for a more affordable and sustainable home, one of these options, collected from around the world, is sure to be for you.

Many people dream of building their own home, but the financial costs of starting from scratch usually seem prohibitive. But it doesn't have to be that way. Putting it another way, using natural methods, almost anyone can build their own eco-friendly home from durable and environmentally friendly materials.

When constructing such eco-houses, the features of the terrain are used and natural materials such as soil, bamboo, wood and clay are used to equip the space without much impact on the environment. These houses are very well insulated thanks to the thick walls made from environmentally friendly materials, and therefore, they are cooler in summer and warmer than usual houses.

Naturally, this leads to less use of cooling and heating systems and, consequently, to lower energy bills. Smart eco-house makers also use passive solar strategies for maximum efficiency. These houses look great and are a pleasure to be in. If you are looking for a more affordable and sustainable home, one of these options, collected from around the world, is sure to be for you.

Colombian house in the shape of a dome, made of bags of soil, in which it is cool
The unusual domed shape of the house called La Casa Vergara is eye-catching, but what's inside is even more amazing. A house in the city of Bogota, built by an architect named Jose Andres Vallejo, made of "bags of earth", sacks filled with - you guess what - soil. These bags are stacked on top of each other and lined with concrete on both sides, this combination is able to withstand earthquakes and is also resistant to water damage. Raw timber beams and lots of light make it feel a little closer to the ground, and the $ 28 / m2 price tag makes this home accessible to the buyer.

The Hobbit House with a green roof that can be built in just 3 days
Pre-assembled by Magic Green Homes, these adorable Hobbit-style dwellings can be completed in just 3 days. Homes with a green roof, 400 m2 in size, are so easy to assemble that almost everyone can do it. To build such a house, no heavy equipment is needed, only long pieces with holes twisted together and sealed. Magic Green Homes adapts these homes to any location and makes dreams come true.

Build Your Own Destruction Resistant Ecohouse
For anyone looking to build their own eco-home but don't know where to start yet, the guidance from Cal-Earth can be of service. A group of California educators are teaching others how to build ruin-resistant dwellings with eco-friendly and durable materials with their own hands. This company specializes in reusing military materials and strengthening homes located in disaster risk areas. Bags filled with sand, soil, barbed wire for bouncing, and reinforcing materials such as cement, lime or asphalt emulsion are all found in a home that can withstand the elements.

Passive solar house built from soil bags
Orkidstudio, an organization focused on the construction of humanitarian buildings, has opened an orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya, which is made entirely of soil bags. The passive solar system absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night, thus creating a comfortable environment for children and orphanage staff. The orphanage is clad with recycled wood and features a plumbing system that draws water from a local rainwater canal. More than just a project to create enticing and effective amenities, it was completed in just 8 weeks by a team of British architectural students.

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Eco-house construction machine "gives out" whole houses from bags of soil
Building low-cost, green-friendly homes is a sure sign that we are heading in the right direction, and Earth Home Builder makes the process amazingly effective. A crawler machine working on the principle of a 3D printer fills bags with sand at about 400 bags per hour. With only 30 bags to be filled by hand, this machine could revolutionize access to affordable, reliable housing. United Earth Builders, the company behind the technology, is now looking for non-profit partners to bring eco-homes to the masses.

Budget Rammed House in Mexico
A family in Mexico decided to build a multi-colored house without spending a lot of money, using the knowledge of the architect Tatiana Bilbao. The rammed eco-home looks attractive inside and out thanks to the smart decision to add pigment to the material before painting the walls from the very beginning. This tangible effect only improves the thermal control that is needed during the hot Mexican summer. House Ajijic features floor-to-ceiling windows and two open terraces from which you can admire the breathtaking coastal scenery. Pine wood flooring allows this family to enjoy the beautiful details of their home without having to spend a lot of money.

Luxury Villa Triksa combines compacted soil, bamboo and recycled wood
By using clay materials during construction, it is possible to create a home that rivals the most luxurious vacation spots. Chiangmai Life Construction has built Triksa Villa in northern Thailand, a stunning home made partly from compacted soil and partly a mixture of clay and concrete for the foundation. The walls, built from raw bricks, maintain a comfortable temperature inside, while the bamboo roof - an environmentally friendly and durable material - adds prestige. Recycled timber and a modern outdoor pool refute the notion that sustainable building materials cannot be used to create an eye-catching piece of paradise.

Rural house in Ghana built with compacted soil and recycled plastic
Situated in the countryside in Ghana, this unique home is made from rammed wood, recycled plastics and hardened against the elements with natural materials. This home was built on the initiative of Anna Webster, the student who won the construction competition, the Nka Foundation.

She argues, "Our goal was to move away from the unfavorable compounds of these materials, as well as from the primitive idea of ​​applying modern design when using eco-materials." Waste plastics are now encased in window bars and roof cladding, and the walls of firmly compacted soil are lined with cassava gypsum to prevent external water damage. It only costs $ 7,865 to build a home and is an example of how you can build a home with just the right materials and a little creativity. published by

We all want to live clean. But a clean apartment and an environmentally friendly apartment are two different things. The visible dirt is striking, the ecology of the house is much more complicated.

The ecology of our home is, first of all, the air we breathe; the water we drink and the level of radiation we receive from modern equipment. All this can and should be analyzed in order to minimize the risks of an adverse effect of the atmosphere of living quarters on our health.

Unbiased but disappointing statistics read: modern urban dweller
spends 93% of their time indoors, 5% in transport and only 2% outdoors.

What do we breathe?

A person's need for air is greater than for food and water: 15-25 kg - at rest and 6-8 times more during physical activity. In addition to dust, indoor air contains toxic chemicals. And if the best means of dealing with dust is a damp cloth, and not at all a vacuum cleaner, which, absorbing large dust particles, lifts up the most harmful - small ones, then it is more difficult to eliminate chemical air pollution.
Its sources: 30-50% - finishing materials, furniture (especially from chipboard) and structures of the building itself, emitting formaldehyde, phenol, styrene; up to 10% - household chemicals and household appliances; from 10 to 30% - human waste products; from 20 to 40% - polluted atmospheric air.

What are we drinking?

More and more people complain about bad water: an excess of chlorine, rust (the result of worn pipes), an unpleasant smell ... Chlorine forms compounds harmful to humans in water, among which dioxins are a real poison. Once inside the body, these substances provoke digestive disorders, have a toxic and carcinogenic effect. Water containing salts of heavy metals leads to diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
Boiling does not eliminate chemical contamination; it only kills disease-causing microbes. A special filter that works with exactly that group of harmful substances that are found in the water of your area can be a full-fledged protection against it. The cost of water examination depends on the number of parameters to be checked.

Radiation factor

Electromagnetic background (chaotic mixing of electromagnetic radiation) today is in every home. The closer the electrical appliances are to each other, the more they work at the same time, the stronger the irradiation. The proximity of a power line, a TV outside your bedroom wall, and old electrical wiring are also harmful. If the permissible norm of ectromagnetic radiation is exceeded, then all systems of the human body suffer.
An increase in the radiation background in the room also affects health. Construction and finishing materials (especially from granite), plumbing can also be a source of it. The larger the area of ​​the room, the more expensive the examination of the electromagnetic background will be.

Independent control measures

The rate of removal of harmful substances from the apartment depends on the quality of ventilation. To check it, you need to bring a candle or lighter to the ventilation grill. If there is a draft, then the flame should deflect towards the holes. The worse the ventilation works, the higher the humidity in the apartment. This indicator is measured with a hygrometer. The humidity rate is 45-60%. Deviation from it in any direction badly affects the general well-being of a person.
Mercury vapors and nitrogen dioxide content can be easily detected with test paper or a tube, which can be purchased from specialized firms. A portable dosimeter capable of assessing the total radioactive background is among the popular "environmental" devices.

According to the Institute of Human Ecology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation,
in an ordinary apartment there are up to 150 types of chemical vapors,
whose effect on the human body is comparable to the state
chronic intoxication in drug addicts.

Comfort without sacrificing health

A person of the 21st century cannot give up modern conveniences, but it is possible to reduce or completely eliminate the potential health threat associated with them. In order to assess the level of air pollution at home by various parameters, you can use a comprehensive environmental expertise, which is offered by many companies, and identify hazardous factors. Monitoring the environmental situation in the house is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity in today's world, because the health of all generations of the family depends on it.

Expert: Natalia Dolgopolova, general practitioner
Yulia Prokhorova

The material used photographs owned by shutterstock.com

What is ecology at home

Since ancient times, people began to notice that the state of health of the people who live in it depends on the state of the house. Homes used to be more environmentally friendly, but less practical, warm and comfortable. People built their houses from clay, stone and wood.

In his home, be it a house or an apartment, a person spends about 60-70% of all his time. In the house, people cook, eat, rest, sleep. Therefore, a person's dwelling must meet certain requirements.

Remark 1

The concept of ecology at home is understood as a house where people can live safely.

Unfortunately, today the environmental friendliness of many houses and apartments leaves much to be desired. The concept of an eco-friendly home also includes cleanliness. Dust is a common cause of allergies. The cleanliness must not only be visible, but also free from pathogens.

What can conceal danger in our house? Firstly, many modern finishing materials, especially cheap ones, emit toxic substances, while a person may not even be aware of this, since there may be no smell. Secondly, fungi and mold are dangerous, which often appear on wallpaper and a bathroom on tiles in poorly ventilated rooms with high humidity. Today, modern homes are filled with a lot of technology that produces large amounts of electromagnetic radiation.

In addition, the important components of an environmentally friendly home are clean indoor air, its optimal temperature and humidity. An integral part of the ecology of the house is its sufficient sanctification. An important component is the water that a person uses, therefore, it is also necessary to take care of the system of cleaning filters. In order for a person to have a good rest at home, it is also necessary to have good sound insulation of the home.

The main components of an environmentally friendly home

The main components of an environmentally friendly home include:

  • air temperature
  • air humidity
  • clean air
  • illumination
  • purity of water

A modern person is used to being indoors at a temperature of + 20-24 degrees. It is at this temperature that a person, being at home, will feel comfortable. Ambient temperature affects metabolic processes in the human body.

Room illumination is also an important component of an ecological home. Lighting and sunlight have a positive effect on human health. Insufficient lighting in the room negatively affects the visual system.

The air we breathe contains water vapor. Air humidity means how much steam is contained in the air at a given moment in a given room. Too dry air negatively affects human health - drying of the skin, mucous membranes, dehydration of the body occurs.

Too humid air is also not good for the human body. At high humidity, the thermoregulation mechanism stops working. The cardiovascular system reacts poorly to high humidity. If the room is humid and warm enough, then fungus begins to develop and mold appears on the walls.

An important indicator of a favorable home atmosphere is the cleanliness of the indoor air. The concept of clean air in a room means the minimum amount of dust, microorganisms, chemicals per cubic meter. Large amounts of dust, chemicals and microorganisms are bad for human health.

Pure water is the most essential component for humans after air. Man is 70% water. A person needs water for thermoregulation, metabolic processes. The consumption of pure water is essential for the human body. If the water contains harmful impurities, then they inevitably spread throughout the body. If contaminated water enters the body, it can lead to painful conditions. Today the quality of tap water is poor. In order to consume high-quality water, it is necessary to install special systems with filters that purify and mineralize the water.

The relationship between home ecology and health

A negative impact on human health is exerted by:

  • mold, fungus
  • PVC furniture, linoleum, laminate, emitting hazardous substances
  • electrical engineering

As you know, the state of the home directly affects the health of the people who live in it.

Sometimes mold and mildew can be found in apartments, the reason for this is poor ventilation of the room, excessive humidity. Mold and mildew are especially dangerous for the human respiratory system. Often the cause of asthma, chronic bronchitis, frequent acute respiratory infections is mold and fungus.

Upholstered furniture and carpets are often full of dust and microscopic mites. Dust carries a lot of danger and is often the cause of allergies. Allergy to dust can be accompanied by symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, cough, as well as skin manifestations in the form of dermatitis and rashes.

Some people use cheap building and decoration materials. Linoleum and laminate, chipboard furniture can emit formaldehyde into the environment. Formaldehyde is a chemical that is carcinogenic and has a negative effect on the reproductive system, respiratory tract and nervous system.

The radiation that is given by numerous electrical devices is very dangerous to health. A person cannot in any way see or feel the effect of electromagnetic radiation. On the human body, the effect of electrical appliances is expressed by fatigue, insomnia, and headache. Some scientists believe that the most dangerous in the house are:

  • microwave
  • washing machine
  • wi-fi
  • refrigerator
  • induction cookers

Do not skimp on building and finishing materials, because your health will envy on their quality. Take care of good ventilation of the room, ventilate it often, observe the temperature regime, do not forget about cleaning, especially wet, get modern water filters, try to minimize the use of electrical equipment. All this will help create comfortable conditions for your body in your apartment.