Make a barbecue grill out of bricks with your own hands. How to make a garden barbecue oven with your own hands

It seems that building a brick brazier with a stove with your own hands is too complicated and costly, and only professionals can handle it. But this kind of work really do it yourself.

You just need to be patient, get all the necessary materials and get down to work with due diligence.

A good barbecue oven will not only be a good decoration for a summer residence, but it will also be an excellent reason to bring the whole family, relatives and friends under one roof.

Also, food cooked outdoors always tastier and eliminates the need to stand in a stuffy kitchen during a hot summer.

Why build a brick oven with your own hands?

Such a stove is ideal not only for cooking kebabs, it is possible to cook in it, in principle, any dishes, for which there is only enough imagination.

Stew vegetables, fry pasties, cook jam, and if you buy a cauldron, you can also enjoy delicious pilaf. Brick grill looks much more spectacular portable.

Especially if it is a brazier with an oven, to which a place for preparing and cutting food is attached. And having built a shelter over the building, you will comfortably use it in bad weather.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage is that brick barbecues almost forever... Having built such a furnace, you will use it for as long as you like. In addition, the possibility boast of brick oven-barbecue in front of your guests, too, will not be superfluous. You can solve the problem with sudden rain by attaching a canopy.

The roof will ideally complement a brick brazier stove (see photos of closed buildings at the end of the article). The disadvantages include the fact that the cost of such barbecues a lot more than portable metal ones, and if built incorrectly, they may be completely useless.

Construction planning

Where there will be a stove with a brick barbecue. We prepare a place with our own hands

Construction must be carried out in the open well ventilated area and away from flammable objects. It is also recommended to equip this place with some kind of shelter to protect the stove from bad weather. Additional convenience will be provided by a small gazebo in which guests could gather.

ATTENTION! Ask your neighbors in advance if the stove smoke will interfere with them. To do this, light a fire at the construction site and make sure that the smoke will not cause inconvenience to anyone.

Additional outbuildings

The brazier can have: a cauldron, an oven, a smokehouse, a fireplace with a grill, a tandoor, a cooking stove.

You can build a brazier with a brick oven, complement the building with a smokehouse or work area... The number of buildings is limited only by the free space on the site.


Any barbecue begins with a project. If you do not have a technical education, then it is better to order the layout from professional builders, or use one of our projects (see photos and orders below). But you can order it yourself, following the basic rules:

  • combustion chamber build high four rows of masonry;
  • three rows of masonry on the grill;
  • fireplace - in six rows of masonry;
  • casing - three rows of masonry high.

If you are not sure whether you can complete the order yourself, it is better to turn to specialists for this matter. Incorrect design can significantly degrade the quality of the oven.

Projects of brick braziers with a stove: drawings, photos

Brazier oven project with a closed stove (oven is possible)

Barbecue oven project with an open stove

Grill oven project with oven stove

Necessary tools for the job.

  • Shovel.
  • Bucket.
  • Solution container.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Master OK.
  • Rubber hammer.

Necessary materials

  • Ceramic brick.
  • Fireclay bricks for a fuel house.
  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Dry mixes for masonry.
  • Clay.
  • Wild stone.
  • Roofing material.
  • Gravel.
  • Metal corner.
  • Cooking stove.
  • Grizzlies.
  • Wooden beams.
  • Blower door.
  • Firebox door.

We build a brazier oven from bricks with our own hands

Site preparation

If the construction site is not concreted or, for example, not lined with stone, then you will have to prepare the site under the barbecue. First of all, clean up of debris and remove the topsoil. Required area not less than three square meters.

REFERENCE! If the grill is not under a canopy, then it is advisable to build not on clay, but on cement mortar, adding salt to it, in the ratio: 1 kilogram of salt per bucket of solution.

Laying the foundation

It is required to start the construction of a charcoal oven with the installation of the foundation. The dimensions depend on the area of ​​the building, and the depth depends on the density of the soil. The lower the density, the deeper the foundation is made. Reinforce better steel pins or wire.

The width of the pit should be larger than the furnace itself by 10 centimeters... Dig depth by about 30 centimeters... If there is a lot of sand in the soil, then dig a pit of shallow depth, and formwork must be installed before pouring the foundation.

If the earth is clay, then concrete for the foundation can be poured immediately without preparation.

After installing wooden formwork, fill the bottom with sand and gravel, tamping and pouring the surface. Then, pour the solution.

Foundation through 10-15 days will gain its strength, and then it will be possible to move on to masonry. But before that, it is better to provide the structure with waterproofing. For waterproofing suitable, for example, a sheet of roofing material.

Any other materials are used here that will be able to keep the same heat inside the barbecue. Put a layer of brickwork on top and fill everything with cement. Now you can proceed to the construction of a charcoal oven.

REFERENCE! If you live in a rainy area, then instead of a pit, it is better to use a brick platform. This will help reduce the effect of excess moisture on the oven.

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Construction of a barbecue with an oven

After receiving the construction plan, or having completed it with your own hands, you need to proceed to the construction of a brick barbecue with a stove. Construction should be carried out with due care and accuracy. Since improper and low-quality construction can ruin the entire structure, and it will be worth the wasted time and money.

When laying bricks, help can help wooden frame, which you want to install at the beginning, to obtain uniform walls of the barbecue. It is advisable to use clay in mortar for masonry. Instead of clay, you can use special dry mixes... Use the metal corner to cover the furnace openings. If you decide to use old brick for construction, then do not forget about pre-cleaning from dried old cement.

Spread out the hearth from fireclay brick, because of its fire resistance. Walls and cladding can be made of ordinary ceramic bricks. Grill oven grout is made from cement, sand and clay. For a firebox made of fireclay bricks, a mortar without adding cement is used in the proportion: three parts sand to one part clay... Bricks before laying are desirable soak in water... This will provide a stronger grip.

Before starting construction, carefully calculate the location of the brickwork and make sure there is enough free space around it.

Grill masonry scheme with a stove

  1. Lay out the first two continuous rows with bricks in the shape of a rectangle or in the shape provided in the layout. Not forgetting align corners and remove excess mortar so as not to spoil the appearance of the brazier. Use a plumb line to keep the rows straight.
  2. To the third level install the ash door of the stove.
  3. Fourth is also laid out in solid.
  4. In the fifth row close the ash door of the stove with a lock and install the grate.
  5. In the sixth lay out bricks without gaps.
  6. In the seventh you can already install the door for the firebox.
  7. In the eighth and ninth, bricks should be laid in a continuous layer.
  8. From the tenth level usually they are already beginning to build a chimney.
  9. In the eleventh block the door opening for the firebox.
  10. At the twelfth already make the hob and hearth.
  11. From the fourteenth row proceed to the construction of the chimney channel and construct the side walls of the brazier and the back wall.
  12. Twenty-first to twenty-third is created semicircular overlap... Here to give the brick the correct shape, it will have to be sawed with a grinder.
  13. Twenty-fourth to thirty-first bricks must be laid out in a continuous layer.
  14. Somewhere on the twenty-sixth bring out the smoke channel in a row.
  15. Already at the thirty-second level you can install a pipe. The bell over the pipe is usually made of the same materials from which the oven was built.

For greater comfort in using the barbecue, you should take into account some of the nuances of its construction. For instance, when calculating the width of the brazier, you need to take into account the length of the skewers.

PECULIARITIES! When heated, the metal tends to expand, so remember to leave a small gap when installing the metal door. The height of the oven should be appropriate for your height for more convenience when working with it.

Fire safety

Do not forget that the barbecue is extremely fire hazardous structures. Failure to comply with safety precautions during careless operation of the brazier can lead to dire consequences.

Explosive objects must not be left nearby. Construction should not be carried out near wooden objects, trees... Install sheds or other shelters with care in order to exclude the possibility of fire.

Important! Under no circumstances should flammable materials be placed on or near a working oven.

Knowing and using the most important safety fundamentals will eliminate the possibility of unexpected results.

So, you want to make a brick barbecue on your site. Drawings and photographs of this device will help you choose your contractor, since you will imagine exactly what you need.

And they will certainly help you if you decide to make a brick barbecue with your own hands. In this case, drawings and photographs are simply necessary for you. Only they will give you the opportunity to see the end result of your actions.

How to choose a brick barbecue

Well, you decided that there should be a brick barbecue in your next to the house. To choose a master who will lay down this structure for you, you must imagine in advance the option that will stand for you.

After all, when ordering, you need to show the master at least a sketch / sketch so that he can imagine the amount of work. And accordingly I was able to assign you a price.

And for this, you just need photos and diagrams that you can use here.

How to make a brick barbecue with your own hands

Some of the brick barbecues, drawings and photographs of which are presented on this page, were made by their owners. In general, all these devices for frying meat and fish could have been made by their owners.

After all, laying out a stove / grill of this type is quite simple. It is enough to look at the barbecue orders for the simplest options, and you will understand what I mean.

The simplest options are laid out in half a brick and have a simple geometry. This means that even a beginner who has never held a trowel or spatula in his hands will be able to lay out such a barbecue out of bricks.

Barbecue laying procedure

To lay out a normal open air oven, you need to look at the orders and just follow the steps here in this instruction:

  1. We fill the foundation for the future oven. A thickness of 10-12 cm and the use of a reinforcing mesh is enough. The thickness depends, of course, on the size of the barbecue.
  2. We lay out sequentially, according to the order, the rows of bricks. Brick works best.
  3. We mount the work surface. It is better to choose a cast iron option for a garden barbecue, especially if the barbecue is under a roof.
  4. Next, lay out a brick chimney or use a metal version of the chimney.

Order number 1. Large barbecue.

Order number 2. Combined barbecue with a place for a cauldron.

Order number 3. The simplest barbecue.

After the solution has hardened, two preliminary heating should be done. Then you can use this wonderful outdoor oven for its intended purpose.

Brick barbecue - photo gallery

And here are some photos of how you can arrange a brick barbecue in the yard of your own house.

Ordinary and facing baked clay stone is a versatile construction material. Therefore, a simple brick brazier can be built even without a solution in haste. A stationary hearth made of this material is considered simple if there is no chimney in its design.

Clay and ceramic bricks can withstand extreme temperatures, but have a significantly lower resource in furnaces and hearths than refractory chamotte. Therefore, the simplest temporary barbecues are made of ordinary bricks, and in stationary hearths of a simple structure, the inner part of the firebox can be lined with fireclay.

Even if you add legs of the same material to a rectangular brick box, the structure will still remain a barbecue. As soon as the master covers the firebox with a roof, it will automatically turn into a barbecue oven, albeit without a chimney, but with an opening for removing combustion products.


From a few bricks accidentally found or specially taken for a picnic in the countryside, it turns out the simplest hearth for frying meat on skewers over coals. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nuances:

  • the brick has standard dimensions of 25 x 12.5 x 6 cm, to save building material and space in the trunk of a car, it should be installed on the edge;
  • for normal frying of meat without burning, the skewers must be 20 - 25 cm away from the coals, so at least 2 rows of bricks will be required;
  • the width of the brick "box" is taken for standard skewers 37 cm, that is, 1 brick;
  • the length of the barbecue for a small company is 75 cm, that is, 3 bricks.

We just took a few bricks and made such a super fast construction on site according to this drawing!

Thus, a total of at least 16 standard format bricks are required. Each weighs 3.5 kg for a total of 56 kg minimum. The manufacturing technology of the hearth is as follows:

After the coals have cooled, the structure is disassembled, the sod is placed in place.

Classic BBQ

For a stationary hearth on the site, you will need a base made of non-metallic material (sand or crushed stone), compacted with a vibrating plate or manual rammer. If the weight of the structure exceeds 450 kg, a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation will be required. For a home craftsman with minimal skills as a bricklayer, a do-it-yourself grill made of bricks, the simplest and most inexpensive one in the bottom photo in the form of a rectangular box, is more suitable.
Manufacturing technology is as follows:

You can make such the most inexpensive stationary barbecue grill

The main nuances for this modification of the focus are:

  • no ordering scheme is needed, since it is impossible to make a mistake in this case;
  • the bottom row (called a hearth in furnaces) is necessary to prevent the destruction of concrete from extreme temperatures, it is recommended to lay it out with refractory bricks;
  • waterproofing is needed to prevent the destruction of the concrete foundation and masonry from soil moisture (not to be confused with groundwater!), It is made of rolled bituminous materials, pieces of which are placed under the foundation before it is poured or the first row on the base of nonmetallic material.

We must not forget to make waterproofing under the lower row

All other designs of brick braziers are more complicated, therefore ordering is required. But they are more convenient to use. Here are a few more photos on which you can see other interesting options:

Woodshed option

Well, and a video on the topic of how to do masonry correctly:

BBQ oven

Unlike the classic barbecue, the barbecue simplifies the preparation of meat by placing it on the wire rack, and not on skewers. A simple budget barbecue grill made of bricks is being built according to the technology:

Scheme of a ready-made budget brick barbecue

Attention: A brazier with a drawer for ash and a grate above it for placing coals is considered more convenient in service.

The indicated construction is slightly different from the described variant:

  • after making the legs under the back and side walls of the barbecue on the spoon row, the brick of the next level is poked (only the side walls);
  • then another spoon and butt rows are laid out.

Bogie hearth

The resulting bottom ledge houses a metal ash drawer. On the upper ledge, a grate for coal is laid. If you make another ledge in the same way, you get a convenient dryer for berries and mushrooms.

Well, and a detailed video, for clarity:

Without solution

If there is a brick remaining from the construction site on the site, you can build an inexpensive temporary barbecue from it as soon as you see guests who have suddenly arrived. The main manufacturing nuances are:

  • without mortar, the legs in half a brick are too unstable, therefore it is better to replace them with 4 pedestals (columns) 1 x 1 brick with a bandage in order;
  • instead of a sheet of iron, you can use a piece of any sheet material (OSB, plywood), but 2 solid rows of bricks must be laid above it;
  • the height of the barbecue box is 2 - 3 rows, the dimensions are at the discretion of the home master.

Whip up without mortar

Attention: The structure is considered to be a temporary "haste", brick stained with coals and ash is difficult to wash, therefore it is better to use an ordinary stone, not a facing stone.

For detailed instructions, see the video:

A rather attractive barbecue grill of the original design is a variant of several rows of bricks without mortar in the form of a round pedestal.

Barbecue in the form of a pipe without mortar

This can be quickly built just from what is at hand

Additional elements for the simplest barbecues

When adding additional functions of a stationary hearth to the design, it will be necessary to make drawings or sketches for it by hand. Since the hearth will turn out to be more complicated, errors are possible during the construction of the masonry. The main additional elements for a simple barbecue are: a cutting table, a brazier stove and a sink.

Cutting table

An inexpensive option that significantly increases the comfort of use is the simplest do-it-yourself brick brazier with a cutting table using the technology:

  • the back wall is lengthened, it becomes more difficult to ligate with the central wall-rack;
  • in addition to the above structures, on the side, close to the masonry of the hearth, another wall-rack is being erected;
  • a tabletop made of natural / artificial stone is laid on it and the side wall of the barbecue.

The cutting table can be located on either side, convenient for the user, relative to the hearth.

Brazier stove

In addition to meat on skewers, or a barbecue grill, it is often necessary to prepare other dishes in pots, pans, and reheat or boil a kettle. Therefore, instead of a cutting table, space is allocated for a brazier stove.

To do this, you need to perform the following operations:

  • lengthen the structure starting from the bottom row;
  • make a front wall with a door for the combustion chamber;
  • equip the hob with concentric cast iron rings to adjust the power of the stove.

The top photo shows a diagram of a barbecue with a hob of the simplest type.


To equip the barbecue with a sink, it is enough to mount a plate with a slot for the sink instead of the usual countertop, bring the water supply in or increase the height of the rear stack and hang the washstand on it, as in the bottom photo.

Wiring along the cold water supply (cold water supply) section is much more difficult than collecting water in a washstand. Even with seasonal operation, it will be necessary to drain the liquid for the winter, preserve the system.

Thus, the construction material brick is suitable for the manufacture of quick-fix barbecues in the field and in a suburban area. When laying on a mortar, you can increase the functionality of the simplest barbecues by washing, countertops, hob or something else that you think is necessary and convenient when working. Here it is important to give free rein to your imagination and not be afraid, you will definitely succeed!

Nature, fresh air, smell and taste of barbecue grilled on coals are indispensable attributes of a holiday or weekend for many people. Usually, for cooking kebabs in the country, impromptu barbecues are arranged from improvised means - old bricks, stones and gratings. There is also an alternative - to buy an electric barbecue grill or a ready-made barbecue made of metal with legs. But if you compare how much such a barbecue maker costs, with the effect of using it, then for these funds it is better to build a garden barbecue oven with your own hands. Our article will tell you how to do it correctly.

Outdoor stove projects

Any construction, including a brick outdoor barbecue, must begin with the selection of a suitable project. You need to understand how much space you can allocate for its construction and what dishes you plan to cook while relaxing in the country. If your menu is limited to barbecue, and the size of the budget for arranging a garden hearth tends to zero, then with a certain skill you can make such simple barbecue makers with your own hands:

As you can see, the solution is not needed here at all, and we are building a brazier on a flat area from any suitable brick. You will have to spend only on the purchase of gratings and a thick sheet of fireproof material (pictured on the right), preferably minerite. In this case, the barbecue woman can have any size, if only it is comfortable to cook and the required number of skewers is placed over the coals.

Note. Unlike brick heating stoves, garden hearths and barbecues do not have any canonical design and dimensions, even the masonry drawings given in the literature can be easily changed for yourself. In this case, it is important not to violate the concept of smoke circulation and removal of combustion products.

If you want to do the best and thoroughly build a more aesthetic barbecue, then you can take the diagram and order shown below as a basis. To build it, you will have to cast a small concrete slab yourself, which will serve as a link between the brick supports and at the same time a surface for installing a metal brazier.

So that the smoke from the barbecue is not scattered by the wind in all directions, a smoke collector made by hand from sheet metal is installed on top of the supports.

The mortar for this simple barbecue grill is used ordinary, cement-sand with the addition of clay for elasticity. Brick - any brand of ceramic, and the lower part to the slab can be folded from white silicate. The height and dimensions of the barbecue may vary depending on your needs, and to protect it from precipitation, it is recommended to install a canopy from available materials.

Those owners of land and summer cottages who have enough space and opportunities should consider options for creating an entire barbecue area with a stove complex and a gazebo. In addition to the barbecue, the complex may include the following elements:

  • hob;
  • grill;
  • smokehouse;
  • oven;
  • hearth with a cauldron for preparing Asian dishes.

Which of this list should get into the barbecue area is up to you, after which you will have to find a suitable project. Fortunately, it is not difficult to find masonry drawings of garden complexes with different sets, including corner ones, on the same Internet. Next, we will present a couple of barbecue oven designs as examples and show you how to build them correctly. The same applies to the projects of gazebos for placing an outdoor stove, and we propose to take the following drawing with a barbecue in the form of a fireplace as a basis:

Scheme and order of the street complex

This barbecue oven is combined with a hob, here, if desired, a grill can be adapted. There is also a log storage area for storing logs for preliminary drying. The arched vault above the firebox and the design of the chimney make this stove in many ways similar to a fireplace, only an outdoor one. So, for construction you will need:

  • red oven brick (full-bodied) - 450 pcs.;
  • fireclay stone for laying the firebox - 200 pcs.;
  • ceramic general construction bricks - 180 pcs.;
  • refractory clay - 40 kg;
  • river sand - 0.1 m3;
  • cement M400 - 8 bags of 25 kg;
  • furnace door 41 x 41 cm, cleanout door 14 x 14 cm;
  • view - 1 pc.;
  • plate 71 x 41 cm made of cast iron;
  • equal-flange steel angle 40 x 4 mm - 4 m.

Below are the masonry drawings and the order of the multifunctional barbecue oven:

Outdoor stove project with smokehouse

Those who love a wide variety of smoked meats will be interested in this design of a garden oven, where a small smokehouse is arranged above the hob in the smoke box. To build it, you need simpler materials, so in general, such a barbecue maker will cost less than the previous stove. Here is a list of materials:

  • general construction ceramic bricks - 430 pcs .;
  • cast iron stove for 2 burners 71 x 41 cm;
  • furnace door 28 x 28 cm, cleaning door 14 x 14 cm (2 pcs.); smokehouse 49 x 25 cm;
  • gate valve 12 x 21 cm;
  • steel corner for framing the slab;
  • metal rods for hanging smoked meats.

The advantage of this structure is the absence of refractory masonry, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of its implementation. The order and drawings of a street barbecue with a smokehouse for DIY construction is shown in the figure:

As can be seen from the diagram, the grate and ash pan are also absent here, and in place of the ash chamber, a void is provided for, filled with river pebbles. This allows you to accumulate and retain heat for longer.

Metal barbecue

It is easier for a homeowner with welding skills to make a portable barbecue maker himself out of metal than to lay it out of bricks. Therefore, we could not ignore this very popular type of barbecue. But metal in good hands can take any shape, hence different designs of homemade barbecues appear. It makes no sense to present a traditional brazier on legs, but photos of more original products definitely deserve attention:

A metal barbecue from a gas cylinder can hardly be called portable due to its decent weight. But he has a firebox lid, which allows you to save embers for some time before roasting the next portion of kebabs. Also interesting is the design of a barbecue with a lid, made by hand from an ordinary iron barrel:

The openwork construction of a barbecue grill with a polycarbonate canopy looks very aesthetically pleasing near the house, whose drawing is shown below:

The first step on a barbecue site is to lay the foundation, since the weight of a brick oven is quite significant. There are 2 ways to build a foundation: rubble and in the form of a "floating" concrete slab. For the first, you will have to remove the top layer of subsiding soil in order to lean on the clay layer. The dimensions of the pit should be 50 mm larger than the dimensions of the furnace in each direction.

The rubble foundation is laid by filling the excavated pit with stone, pouring all cavities with a liquid solution of 6 parts of sand, 1 part of M400 cement and 1 part of lime. The upper platform of the foundation is also leveled with this solution, and after it has solidified, waterproofing is laid from 2 layers of roofing material. For the device of a "floating" plate for the construction of a barbecue, the following step-by-step plan is followed:

  • on the site, dig a pit 200 mm larger than the furnace in each direction, pit depth - 300 mm;
  • tamp the bottom and pour 150 mm of large crushed stone, which also needs to be compacted;
  • set up a wooden formwork protruding 100 mm above the ground level;
  • tie the reinforcing cage from rods of 10-12 mm with a cell of 100 mm and lower it into the pit, leaning on the sides of the formwork;
  • make concrete from cement, sand and crushed stone in the following proportions: 1: 3: 7, respectively, and pour the foundation;
  • after a week, remove the formwork, and after 3 weeks lay 2 layers of roofing material and begin the construction of the barbecue.

For laying a barbecue, it is best to use a 1: 1 clay-sand mortar with the addition of a special oven plasticizer and a small amount of cement (about 20%). Fireclay stones should be laid on fireclay mortar, avoiding bandaging with the front ceramic masonry. The thickness of the joint must be kept within 5 mm, the remains of the mortar are removed with a trowel.

Each row of bricks should first be laid dry, and if necessary, they should be cut or split. After that, each brick is soaked in a bucket of water, and then placed in the place where the solution has already been applied. Light tapping is fine. At the end of each row, the horizontal is checked with a level and the vertical is checked with a plumb line. The fumes of the barbecue grill are wiped from the inside with a damp cloth so that no solution remains on the walls.

Openings for stove fittings are made with a margin for metal expansion up to 5 mm, and for laying arched vaults of an outdoor fireplace, templates of the required shape are prepared in advance - a circle. They are usually made from wood or plywood, sometimes from drywall. When the barbecue is completely laid out, let the grout harden for about 2 days (depending on the weather), then carefully do the first heating. More information about the construction of the barbecue is described in the video:


In reality, there are countless options for country barbecues and it is impossible to cite at least a small part of them here. Therefore, we have presented several examples to understand the essence and complexity of the task for the average man in the street. Only the first option without a solution can be called simple in execution, the rest will require time, patience and scrupulousness from you, otherwise the stove will not last long.

From time immemorial, stoves were the first civilization devices for cooking food on fire, of course, after bonfires. Now they are more and more often found in villages and less often used for summer cottages. can be an excellent helper and a sign of a good owner. Especially a handmade oven. There are different similar street hearths. Let's consider in detail some types brick ovens, barbecues.

The brazier itself may be mobile, stationary and electric. The grill oven for a summer residence is stationary, although it is quite mobile in comparison with other types. Its advantages: it can be equipped with special cutting areas for preparing products for cooking, storage space for fuel, if not placed under the cover. An example of a design can be seen in the photo.

The best material for DIY construction is refractory brick... The firebox and lower smoke channels are made of fireclay bricks. If the structure for the summer cottage is planned to be placed in an already installed or, you need to properly prepare foundation... If the floor in the gazebo has already been created, the best option would be to place the stove next to the gazebo, since its design will weigh more than one hundred kilograms. If the gazebo is located on a concrete base, the foundation is losing its relevance.

Brazier oven ordering

A brazier stove for a summer residence can be made by hand.

Required tools:

  • steel corners;
  • cast iron grate;
  • firebox door;
  • blower door;
  • fireclay clay mixture.

Calculation of materials according to the drawing on В1600хШ1565хГ830 mm:

  • refractory mortar - 200 kg.;
  • refractory bricks - 300 pcs.;
  • fireclay bricks - 20 pcs.

Primarily, the foundation is created with your own hands. Foundation pit - 40 cm., of which half - sand and gravel cushion. Reinforcement cage is required.

Read also: Brazier made of bricks in the gazebo

First you need to prepare a detailed drawing.

  • Geometric dimensions are set by the first and second rows. For them, a contour at the base is drawn with their own hands. Similar to the ordering of the Russian stove, the brick is laid in a bandage. Simultaneously with the laying, the seams are sewn. And so 6 rows.
  • 7th row - overlap. Steel corners are laid in the amount of 4-5 pieces along the entire length of the future furnace.
  • Two rows of bricks are laid on the floor. From the next row, a firebox and a brazier are already being built, for which fireclay bricks are used. In order for a protrusion to form in the brazier, the second row is shifted inside it. It is needed to support the skewers.
  • The arch device is provided with a lining on the 9th row. For her, a template is made from plywood. Details are fixed with nails so that the structure does not warp during operation.
  • The next step is to overlap the chimney.

  • An asbestos cloth or rope is laid between the fireclay bricks of the firebox and the body.
  • The thickness of the seams should not exceed 5 mm. Optimally - 3mm.
  • Smoke duct with a section of 25x25 cm;
  • The depth of the brazier should not exceed half a brick.
  • By eliminating the presence of a blower, the design is greatly simplified.