Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint yourself. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks How to paint the ceiling so that there are no streaks

Ceiling repair, or rather painting it, is a rather laborious process. After all, it is not so easy to paint the entire surface perfectly and evenly, so that there were no streaks and various irregularities on it. And sometimes you really want to make a beautiful and even ceiling on your own, without resorting to the help of professionals.

But not everything is so bad, you just need to know the dyeing technology. In addition, in this case, you cannot do without special tools and suitable paint. But everything is in order. So, let's figure out how to paint the ceiling evenly and without streaks.

Secrets of painting the ceiling without streaks, stripes and irregularities

In order to perfectly and evenly paint the surface without streaks, stripes, spots and irregularities, you need to know some of the nuances. But first you need to carefully prepare the room in which the staining will be done. And also choose a paint.

High-quality painting with water-based paint - how to make

So, before you start painting the ceiling, you should deal with the coloring material. What it should be and what you need to pay attention to when buying:

  1. Manufacturer. It is important to buy those paints that have already proven themselves well and enjoy great success among consumers. These include - CAPAROL, DUFA, CERESIT, TIKKURILA. They are expensive, however, but they justify their cost. Less expensive products include ŚNIEŻKA;
  2. Paint type. Water-based paints are divided into three types - for walls, ceilings and floors. Their difference is that for floors and walls they are considered to be of higher quality and last longer. But for ceilings, they are not so durable and are not designed for frequent washing, wiping and cleaning. But don't think that floor and wall paints are not suitable for ceiling surfaces. If the ceilings need to be constantly washed and wiped, then it is best to use wall paint;
  3. Paint structure. The structure of this product can be matte and glossy. If preliminary preparation is not planned, then it is better to use a matte product, it will hide all the irregularities. But glossy, on the contrary, will emphasize all defects, therefore, before painting with this type of product, it is better to pre-prepare the ceiling;
  4. Colour. Here you can already choose according to your taste. Basically, water-based paints are produced in white. Another color can be given to them with pigments and special dyes.

Work on a whitewashed ceiling

Once the paint is selected, the ceiling surface must be carefully prepared. If there is whitewash on it, then it should be cleaned off, but this must be done correctly. The main thing is to do everything in stages.

Ceiling cleaning should be carried out according to the following rules and recommendations:

  • If there are cracks, irregularities on the ceiling, if whitewash or old paint leaves the surface, then everything should be cleaned with a spatula and removed excess;
  • All defects, irregularities, cracks must be putty, treated with sandpaper and a primer mixture;
  • If the ceiling is even and there are no defects or cracks on it, then it can simply be treated with a primer solution;
  • In order to remove the whitewash from the surface, you need to wet it and wait until the liquid is absorbed. After that, remove everything with a spatula and wipe it with a damp sponge;
  • All furniture must be covered with film or paper so that drops of paint do not fall on them in the future;
  • It is advisable to cover all walls and floors with foil.

Before proceeding with staining, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance the tools that you will need:

  1. Paint roller. A tool with a length of 18 cm to 25 cm is best suited. It is desirable that the pile is medium - not too long and not too short;
  2. Painting cuvette with corrugated bottom;
  3. Emery paper for sanding the surface;
  4. Metal spatula;
  5. Masking tape;
  6. Cellophane film;
  7. Safety glasses.

Also, in order to reach hard-to-reach places, you will need a stepladder or a sliding long handle for a roller.

  • Before you start painting the ceiling, treat the entire surface with a primer;
  • If you suddenly need to make the ceiling colored, then during the preparation of colored paint, be sure to observe the proportions. It is necessary to accurately calculate the required amount of paint and dilute the dye or pigment in it. If the proportions are not observed exactly, then during the subsequent preparation, you can make a mistake with the shade and, as a result, the color of the paint may turn out to be completely different. Therefore, it is best to do with a margin;
  • You need to apply the paint in several layers. If it is applied in only one layer, then all irregularities and stains will be visible. The most even effect is obtained only from the second or third layer;
  • You can use a spray gun for painting. This device is easy and simple to use, and the staining will turn out to be even almost the first time. However, this tool is very expensive;
  • The best option for painting is a roller. With it, you can even paint the entire surface. But with the help of it it is impossible to paint the seams or joints. A small paint brush is good for this.

Painting - stages

Now let's look at the rules for even staining and without streaks:

  • First of all, we prepare the paint; it must be stirred well until it is homogeneous;
  • To paint the first layer, add a small amount of water to the paint;
  • Remember that painting should be done from the windows and into the interior of the room. Also, staining should be made from two layers - one across the daylight, the other along;
  • Next, we dip the roller into a cuvette and roll it several times so that it is saturated with paint;
  • During staining, movements should be confident and even, without jerks and yeast;
  • Make sure that the roller does not dry out from the paint, otherwise streaks and smudges will appear;
  • After the first layer of staining is over, leave it for 8-12 hours so that the layer is completely dry;
  • As the layer dries up, you can start painting the second layer. The work should start from the far corner, and you need to paint perpendicular to the previous layer.

What paint to choose

When buying paint, many people have a question about which paint is best to use for painting ceilings, or rather which manufacturer is the best. Let's make a small comparative overview of manufacturers of water-based paints.

Review of the top 10 paint manufacturers and their comparison

- this paint is from a Polish manufacturer. This tool is quite popular and is in great demand among many builders and consumers.

She has the following qualities:

  • Good level of security;
  • Long service life;
  • Perfect coverage of the entire surface;
  • Good vapor permeability.

For ceilings, acrylic and water-based products are available. Suitable for concrete, wood, plasterboard and plastered surfaces. There are also special mixtures with primers that perfectly paint over the joints and seams. The cost of Snezhka paints is different. The most budgetary option will cost from 980 rubles per 10 liters;

Dulux paint.
These products have a good structure: they are not viscous, they are applied quickly and evenly. In addition, they do not have strong unpleasant odors and are fast drying.

It has the following advantages:

  • High level of security;
  • Easy and simple application;
  • Fast drying;
  • You can further clean the ceiling from dirt;
  • Long service life;
  • Uniform coverage of the entire surface.

The cost of paint for 5 liters is from 800 rubles.

This product is suitable for all surfaces - concrete, wood, plasterboard, plastered. It is applied in a fairly thin layer and completely hides all defects. Also ideally protects against mold and dampness, therefore it is suitable for painting in the bathroom. Dries quickly in 8 hours and does not have an unpleasant odor.

The cost of paint for 5 liters starts from 700 rubles and above;

These funds are manufactured in Russia. They are suitable for all surfaces - wood, concrete, drywall, whitewash, plaster and so on. It has no pungent odors, has no harmful effects on health and is highly safe. Suitable for dry and damp rooms.

The cost of paint starts from 1300 rubles for 9 liters;

This tool is one of the best and has a lot of positive reviews.

It has the following advantages:

  • High level of vapor permeability;
  • The composition does not contain solvents;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistant to abrasion.

The cost of this product is high, the price of 10 liters of the product is 2500 rubles.

- This product is suitable for all dry surfaces. Ideally paints over wood, concrete, drywall, plastered surfaces. It is quick to apply, spreads easily and dries quickly. Does not have pungent and unpleasant odors.

Cost for 1 liter from 70 rubles;

"DUFA"- ideal for painting ceiling surfaces. This product evenly stains and does not leave streaks or stains. The assortment of these paints is very large, here you can find glossy, matte paints, as well as colored ones. It's easy and simple to work with them. Suitable for wood, concrete, brick, drywall and so on.

The cost starts from 200 rubles per 1 liter;

This product is available in white with a matte texture. Suitable for ceilings, walls and pilaf. It adheres perfectly to wood, concrete, drywall and plaster. Dries quickly and does not have an unpleasant odor. Suitable for dry rooms only.

The cost of 10 liters is 600 rubles;

Is the best silicate paint for ceiling surfaces. These products are mainly intended for facade substrates, but can be used for interior decoration. They fit well on mineral-type plasters. The cost for 15 liters is 3300 rubles;

It has a good structure, after staining the ceilings look perfectly white and smooth. It also dries quickly, does not fade over time, is odorless and is suitable for all surfaces. The cost of paint for 14 kg is 850 rubles.

Where to start painting the ceiling and how to avoid streaking? Which paint is better to choose? These questions are of concern to everyone who plans to paint the ceiling in the house. We have the answers, we have divided them into points.

First, you need to put things in order in the workroom. There should not be any debris left if the ceiling is painted after the repair. You also need to remove all dust and dirt, otherwise it will affect the working surface and defects will form during painting.

Before painting, you need to carry out a number of preparatory measures, otherwise the paint will soon begin to flake off

What is the whole danger of poor painting? You will not have the most aesthetic-looking ceiling, but this is only half the problem. The other half is that paint that has not been applied correctly will begin to flake off the ceiling after a couple of months. If you buy paint that does not tolerate water, and the room is humid, then the same problem will happen. In any case, it is necessary to adhere to the paint application technology and strive to do everything right.

Choosing a tool for the job

The quality of painting depends on many factors, one of them is the tool for applying water-based emulsion... In the case of such paint, there are two options: a roller and a spray bottle. You need to choose in accordance with your experience: if you have previously painted different surfaces, then it is better to buy a spray bottle, as it paints better and faster; if there is no experience or it is not enough, then choose a roller.

When buying a roller, you should pay attention to its nap. The shorter it is, the less pronounced the color structure will be. If you want your paint to run as smoothly as possible, you need a roller with the shortest nap. But we must take into account that it will take longer to work with such a tool, since it is impossible for them to scoop up a lot of paint at a time.

As for the material from which the instrument is made, ideally it should be natural. If synthetic pile tends to leave streaks and bubbles on the work surface, then natural one absorbs paint well and there are no traces after it. The cost of a roller with a natural pile is about one and a half times higher than with a synthetic one, but it is fully justified. In addition, it is more durable: rollers with artificial pile tend to become inoperative after one painting.

The choice of water-based paint

Today, the stores offer a wide range of paints, their differences lie not only in quality, but also in price, manufacturer. How successful your ceiling painting is will depend a lot on the paint you buy. To decide on a water emulsion for painting the ceiling, you need to know how its varieties differ.


This is the most common paint. It can be applied to almost any surface and looks appropriate in all rooms. The only negative is that in five years you will have to repaint, since this type of water emulsion does not differ in durability.

Silicate paint

Silicate-based paint is often used on plastered surfaces and can also be used on concrete walls.

Acrylic with latex

This paint is considered one of the most expensive. The fact is that it provides an almost perfectly flat surface, even if the primer was not applied well enough before. Also, the surface covered with such paint is easy to clean. Acrylic paint with the addition of latex should be chosen by those who will paint for the first time, since in this case the likelihood of streaks and other defects is minimal.

Washable latex paint white matt 14 kg LACRA / 44

The complete opposite of the previous option. The price of paint based on polyvinyl acetate is the lowest possible. Its disadvantage is that paint can be applied exclusively in a dry room. At the slightest moisture content, polyvinyl acetate begins to wrinkle and flake off. For the same reason, it is also impossible to wash the ceiling covered with such paint.

For many, the main criterion in the paint selection process is cost. But today you can find shops that offer good discounts and where even high-quality paint can be bought for a reasonable price. Better to spend time looking for such a store than buying the first option that comes along.

Surface preparation

Before proceeding directly to the application of paint, you need to prepare the surface. When there are no traces of repairs in the room in the form of tools and dirt unnecessary for painting the ceiling, you need to prepare the ceiling itself.

Everything should be done in stages.

# 1. Removing peeling plaster

If this is not done, the paint will not only go streaky, but also begin to crumble after a couple of months, or even weeks after application. Note that if there is a fungus on the ceiling, it also needs to be eliminated. All areas of the surface affected by the fungus are cleaned down to the concrete base. This procedure can be carried out with a steel spatula.

A little tip: To get rid of all the dust, take a spray bottle and lightly wet the ceiling. Plus, this trick will make the plaster easier to peel off.

# 2. Treatment of affected areas with an antiseptic primer

It is not enough just to clean off the fungus, since it is impossible to get rid of all bacteria with this method. To prevent this problem from reappearing in the future, it is necessary to treat the places where the fungus was with a conventional antiseptic primer. If finances allow, then it is better to completely cover the entire ceiling with it (such a procedure must be done in rooms with high humidity).

By the way, virtually all solutions with chlorine content fight the fungus well. But it should be noted that covering the ceiling with such a liquid does not provide long-term protection against fungus.

Antiseptic primer

No. 3. Application of a penetrating primer

When the ceiling is dry after applying the previous fluids, it's time to start hardening the surface with a penetrating primer. Also, this type of primer will improve the adhesion of the putty to the paint, thus avoiding streaks on the ceiling.

  1. Putty... To smooth out any irregularities, it is necessary to apply a starter filler. After this work is done, sand the surface with a coarse sanding mesh. Many people do it by hand, but if you have a sander, the work will go many times faster.
  2. Final putty... Apply two coats of the final putty, each of which must dry well. For this procedure, a wide steel spatula is used. After finishing the final putty, sand the ceiling using a fine mesh or regular emery paper.

Many people ask the question - what is the meaning of the primer? First of all, it should be said that this improves the adhesion of the paint that will then be applied. In addition, less water emulsion is required on a primed surface. In economic terms, this is beneficial, since a primer and a water-based emulsion will cost much less than just an expensive paint.

Let's start painting

In addition to the roller, you will need a paint tray. This is a device with which the roller can absorb a sufficient amount of ink. By the way, when painting the ceiling, it is imperative to roll out the roller; this cannot be done on the working surface, so for this you need a paint tray.

Now we start painting.

  1. You need to paint at least two layers, and preferably three... But it should be borne in mind that each layer must be thin and evenly distributed over the surface. All this can be achieved only with a sufficiently liquid paint consistency.
  2. Each next layer should be applied not parallel, but perpendicular to the previous one..
  3. There is one more secret: the last coat of paint should lie parallel to the window... The whole trick is that even if you get small stains or defects, thanks to the light from the window they will not be visible.
  4. The whole room needs to be painted at a time, you can not go away for lunch or a smoke break. If the paint dries out even a little, then in the place where a fresh layer lies on top of it, an influx will be visible.

The whole room needs to be painted in one go

Common problems

Many are interested in how to monitor the uniformity of the application of water-based emulsion during painting... It's simple: after painting over a small section of the ceiling, move away from it a few steps to the side. Looking at a surface from an oblique angle, it is a hundred times easier to see irregularities than when you look there with your head thrown back.

When painting the ceiling, different situations occur, in some of them you need to act immediately, otherwise stains will form. Let's consider several cases.

Table. Common mistakes when painting ceilings

ProblemNot rightRight
You suddenly noticed that when you applied the first layer, you did not paint over the entire surface; there are gaps, and in the meantime the paint is already actively drying up.Try to fix the situation by touching up the blanks.Wait until the first layer is completely dry, and then apply the second, or it is better not to save money and then apply another one - so the missed places on the surface will not be visible.
Streaks have formed on the ceiling due to incorrect roller movements.Paint over these areas with a thin layer of paint.Sand the surface, and then apply another layer of water-based emulsion.

Video - Painting the ceiling with water emulsion

Painting defects and their causes

Sometimes it is difficult not only to paint the ceiling evenly and smoothly, but also to find the cause of any unevenness. Let's analyze this issue point by point.

Paint stripes

They appear due to insufficient paint rollout. Also, due to this error, smudges may appear, since the paint runs off and drops are formed. To prevent this from happening, after each application, it is necessary to thoroughly roll the roller over the surface until there is no paint left on it.

Another reason for this defect is the uneven distribution of the load on the roller, that is, the person presses more on one side than on the other. Try to press the roller against the ceiling as tightly as possible so that this problem does not happen.

Different shade of stripes

It so happens that after painting over you begin to notice - wide stripes on the ceiling are almost different in color. The reason for this situation is an insufficiently well-mixed water-based paint. Another reason for these streaks is constant gaps during painting.

Spots and glare

This defect occurs most often and its cause is sometimes really difficult to identify. One of the possible reasons is the insufficiently leveled surface of the ceiling, the presence of depressions. Using paint to eliminate such glare is not possible, in order to get rid of them, you need to repeat the putty.

And so that at one moment you do not have to repaint everything again, try to follow the rules and recommendations while painting. There is no need to rush, this process cannot be rushed. Constant lunch breaks will be inappropriate, it is better to do all the work at once. As a result, you will get a perfectly painted ceiling.

Modern water-based materials can be used for painting any surfaces, including in rooms with high humidity, where previously only oil paints could be used.

To obtain an even structure, the surface should be prepared with high quality, for which the following steps are performed:

  1. Whitewash or old paint is removed. Before cleaning the surface from old materials with a spatula, it is necessary to treat the ceiling with hot water twice, after which the old paint is removed much more easily;
  2. Water-based emulsion can also be applied over old paint, but before starting work, you must wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth to remove dust and fine dirt. However, it should be remembered that in this case it will not work to achieve a perfectly flat surface;
  3. After freeing the ceiling from old materials, small cracks and pits are putty, large cracks should be glued with a special cloth and plastered;
  4. The prepared surface is leveled with special plaster compounds. The unevenness of the plaster is removed with sandpaper;
  5. The final stage of preparation is the application of the primer.

After the primer solution has dried, proceed to the main work.

Required tools and materials

High-quality application of water-based emulsion is impossible without special tools. To perform work in the kitchen, room, bathroom or toilet, purchase:

  • Roller with faux fur skin;
  • Flute brush. Required for painting corners and the surface of the ceiling adjacent to the wall. The width of the brush should be between 7 and 10 cm;
  • Rectangular container with ribbed cuvette. Used to accommodate a single portion of material and roll out the roller;
  • Mixer. It will be required for mixing the water emulsion;
  • Paper tape. With its help, you can protect the wall surface from the ingress of material during work;
  • Overalls. You will need a hat, glasses and a set of clothes.

If it is necessary to apply different colors to the wall surface, it is recommended to use different tools for each shade.

Selection and preparation of water-based paint

There are several types of this type of paint. Their difference lies in the presence of the basic substance, which determines the parameters of the use of this material.

  • Acrylic paints perfectly resist abrasion when washed, odorless, suitable for painting almost all types of premises. Average cost.
  • Latex paints are among the most expensive, but this disadvantage is covered by improved properties. Surfaces painted with latex materials can be treated with household chemicals.
  • Polyvinyl acetate paints are considered inexpensive. Recommended only for dry rooms, do not use water for washing.
  • A water-based emulsion based on silicate compositions is recommended for application to plastered surfaces or concrete.
  • Silicone-based water emulsion is suitable for work in rooms with high humidity, as they have increased vapor permeability.

Almost all of these paints are produced in two types: with the formation of a matte or glossy surface. To calculate how much paint is required, you need to know the ceiling area and paint consumption, which is indicated on the label.

Which roller to use

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? Here, first of all, you should carefully approach the choice of tool. The simplest and most reliable device for obtaining the perfect ceiling surface is the roller. The following simple tips will help you decide which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint.

It is advisable to select a tool with a long handle, which allows you to carry out work without using a ladder. The fastening of the device must be reliable so that when force is applied, the tool does not change its position.

There are many types of roller skins, but it is recommended to use only faux fur skins (pile length from 10 to 12 mm) for painting the ceiling. The skin should fit snugly on the base, and the joint should not stand out, and it is good when it is made tangentially.


Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with applying a primer to a previously prepared surface. Many people ignore this mandatory process, which leads to uneven coverage and smudges.

The primer allows you to improve the adhesion of the water emulsion to the plastered surface, as a result, you can avoid the appearance of bubbles, microcracks, streaks and mold. This preparation also increases the length of time that the ceiling will retain its appearance after painting.

It is necessary to prime the surface with special compounds (primers), which are selected based on the composition of the water emulsion. So, acrylic primer is used for acrylic paint, silicone primer for silicone.

At least three layers of soil are applied to the concrete surface, and for plastered ceilings, it will be enough to walk twice over the surface.

If there are no special compositions, the water emulsion itself can be used to prepare the primer. To do this, you need to dilute the material in the proportion: water emulsion - 1 part, water - 2 parts.

Staining instructions

There are several ways to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks; for this purpose, various tools are used.

Painting with a roller

You can get an excellent staining of the ceiling with a roller. This option is quite economical, while even a beginner can cope with the whole process. It is enough to adhere to the following tips, which explain how to paint step by step with this tool:

  1. Before painting, the room is prepared for work. It is advisable to glue the wall at the junction with the ceiling with paper tape so that the emulsion does not fall on the wall;
  2. Items in the room should be covered with paper or film;
  3. Stir the material thoroughly, especially if a colored dye is added to the white base;
  4. For the initial layer, a material of a thicker consistency is prepared than for subsequent layers;
  5. If, while stirring, small particles are found, you will have to strain the entire volume of paint through cheesecloth so that the ceiling surface is flawless;
  6. A strip 8-10 cm wide is applied with a brush along the perimeter of the ceiling;
  7. The prepared material is poured into a container suitable for the roller size. For rolling, a piece of flat plywood is used, but it is more efficient to use special containers equipped with a ribbed cuvette, which allow you to evenly saturate the instrument with paint;
  8. Coloring is carried out from the corner in strips of 40-50 cm wide. The initial layer is applied parallel to the window, the next one perpendicularly. During operation, an angle of inclination of 45 degrees should be maintained. The painting of the next strip is carried out with an overlap on the previous one (it is captured about 100 mm);
  9. It is necessary to take into account the drying time of the material (up to 20 minutes), so the entire volume of work should be done quickly, without being distracted by rest;
  10. The quality of the painting can be checked in good lighting, and if there is not enough daylight, a powerful flashlight is used;
  11. Each new layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried, usually not earlier than 12 hours after the end of the work;
  12. The irregularities are sanded with fine-grain sandpaper, after which another leveling layer of paint is applied.

Painting in 2 layers.
Painting in 3 layers.

Spray painting

Using a spray gun allows you to get an even painting of the ceiling, while the worker makes a minimum of effort. The disadvantages of this technology include quite high requirements for the power of the spray gun or spray gun.

An apparatus for spraying water-based paint must have a special compressor that is capable of creating the necessary pressure to push a rather thick liquid through the nozzle.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun correctly:

  1. To facilitate this process, dilution of a water emulsion with water is often used. The water emulsion should be diluted in a one-to-one ratio, as a result of which, to obtain a beautiful coating, you will need to apply at least three layers of more liquid paint;
  2. Before starting work, it is recommended to adjust the sprayer on an unnecessary flat surface (a piece of plywood or drywall) in order to achieve the required coverage;
  3. The noticeable boundaries of the adjoining layers should be rubbed with fine emery paper so that when the second layer is applied, this defect is eliminated;
  4. Spraying paint is carried out at a distance of 50-55 cm from the surface to be painted, it is desirable to maintain the perpendicular inclination of the nozzle to the ceiling;
  5. The material is applied in squares, covering the surface first along, then across. Proceed to the next site without delay in order to prevent excessive accumulation of material in one place. It is better not to paint over the entire area, since this drawback can be eliminated by closing the marriage with the following layers, and the thick layer will have to be cleaned and the entire volume must be redone.

Painting with a brush

It is possible to paint the ceiling using a brush, but the result will certainly be disappointing. It will not be possible to avoid streaks and uneven coloring of the surface.

Repair done with a brush is possible in non-residential premises, such as storage rooms, but you have to accept the increased paint consumption, since drops of material, even with the most careful control, will drain from the tool onto the floor.

How to avoid streaks

Obtaining the ideal structure of the ceiling during painting is achieved not only by the correct technique for applying the material itself to the surface, but also by preliminary preparation of the room. You need to do the following:

  • Turn off the heating or insulate the radiators by wrapping them in dense material.
  • Close all windows to prevent drafts.
  • Good lighting should be arranged to control the quality of work.

Roller painting requires a 45 degree angle to the ceiling surface. This position allows you to control the uniformity of the application of the material. Each next strip should be slightly (up to 10 cm) on the previous strip, while the time between applying the first and second strip should not exceed 20 minutes. If the material is applied over a dry surface, the border will be visible.

Allowed flaws are corrected with fine-grained emery paper, after which a finishing layer of paint is applied.

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Ceiling painting is the most common way to repair it. But it is far from the easiest one: in order to achieve a good result, you will have to spend a lot of time and take into account several subtleties. The topic of our article is how to paint the ceiling without streaks and other defects.

Our goal is the perfect ceiling. Material - water-based paint. Let's find out how to apply it correctly.

Surface preparation

Before opening a can of paint, it is worth preparing the room and the ceiling itself.(cm. ).

Preparing a room will boil down to taking out what you can handle and covering everything else. The ideal material for protecting against paint drops is plastic wrap. But with the preparation of the surface of the ceiling, the hassle will be much more:

  • Let's start by removing the flaking plaster. In addition, if the ceiling is affected by a fungus, all darkened areas of the plaster must be cleaned up to the concrete base. For this operation we will arm ourselves with a steel spatula.

Tip: pre-wet the ceiling in the right places using a spray gun or roller. There will be much less dust, and the plaster will come off easier.

  • All areas affected by the fungus are treated with an antiseptic primer... If the room is damp, it is better to play it safe and treat the entire ceiling with it, since the cost of money and time is small.

By the way, any liquid containing chlorine can be used to destroy the fungus. For example, the domestic detergent Whiteness. However, unlike a special primer, it will not provide long-term protection against mold (see).

  • After the ceiling is dry, it is time for a penetrating primer. It will strengthen the surface and improve the adhesion of the putty to it (see).
  • All irregularities are carefully putty with starting putty. After drying, it is sanded with a coarse sanding mesh. You can do it manually; however, the sander will speed up the procedure many times over.

  • The next stage is the final putty of the entire surface. It is better to apply it in two thinner layers with complete drying of each; tool - wide steel spatula. Then - fine sanding with a fine mesh or sandpaper.
  • After this stage, the surface is re-primed (see). In addition to maximizing surface strength and better paint adhesion, the primer will also reduce paint consumption. Do not doubt the economic underpinnings of this operation: the primer is much cheaper than a quality paint.

The surface is in perfect condition and completely ready for painting. However, the streaks during painting appear not only due to the unevenness of its surface.


Tools and materials

  • Roller. We need a long pile. The short one won't pick up enough paint; the foam roller will bubble.
  • Painting tray. This will allow the paint to evenly saturate the roller. In addition, streak-free painting requires rolling out the roller. Moreover, it is categorically impossible to do this on the ceiling.

  • Dye. The best choice is an acrylic-silicone based water-based paint. It is not afraid of moisture and allows you to wash the ceiling an almost unlimited number of times.

Please note: most manufacturers recommend thinning the paint with 10 percent of its volume with water before use. Be sure to read the instructions.

Basic moments

So, the moment of truth. The ceiling has been prepared, all soiled items have been removed from the room, the paint is open, diluted and poured into a paint tray. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks?

  • The ceiling is painted in at least two layers. Moreover, each layer should be as thin as possible. Of course, this implies a very specific paint consistency.
  • Layers are applied perpendicular to each other. In this case, it is desirable that the last layer lay in the direction from the window. Even if there are slight irregularities, they will be located parallel to the sun's rays and will be less noticeable.

  • The whole room is painted in one step. No breaks for lunch and smoke breaks. If the paint on the painted part of the ceiling has time to dry out, then where fresh paint will fall on it, an influx will be noticeable.
  • The easiest way to control color uniformity is to take a couple of steps away from where you are painting. It is difficult to assess the quality of paint application at a right angle, and much easier at an oblique angle.
  • If you notice an area that is not painted over when applying the first layer, when the paint of the layer has already begun to dry, do not try to touch up the ceiling. You will only make it worse. The reason has already been mentioned: there will be extra layers of paint on top of the drying one.

The correct solution is to wait until the first layer is completely dry and then apply the second. If necessary, you can add painting with a third layer, since the paint consumption will be minimal.

  • What to do if streaks appear on the ceiling due to some mistake? Is it useless to tint areas with a thin layer of paint? Alas, only grinding the surface and re-painting it will help.

Wait until the last coat of paint is completely dry, arm yourself with a grinder - and go into battle. By reapplying paint, you will have a very strong incentive not to repeat the mistakes you made.


Do not forget that since painting the ceiling without streaks is far from the only way and, as you can see, not the easiest one, we can conclude that sometimes the creation of a suspended structure requires much less time and effort.

First of all, this applies to situations when the overlap has large differences in height or far from the horizontal. Good luck in the repair!

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Ceiling painting is an important stage in finishing a room, since it is quite difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface, any bulge or crack after applying a layer of paint becomes more noticeable, stains look extremely sloppy, air bubbles turn into a real problem. Among the most popular dyes for interior work is an inexpensive, harmless "breathable" water-based paint, which will not cause difficulties when painting ceilings with your own hands. However, people who do not have painting skills often have the question of how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks.

The painted surface will delight for a long time with an impeccable look, if you choose the right paint, carefully studying its composition and properties, follow the instructions in the process of preparing the ceiling for applying the paint layer, do not apply a second layer on a damp surface.

How to choose a water-based paint

There are many varieties of water-based and water-based ceiling paints from different manufacturers for interior use. Types of paints:

  • Mineral - the simplest dyes based on slaked lime or cement, the composition of which does not differ in the abundance of components for the strength, decorative effect and durability of the coloring layer. The paint will be cheap, but the ceilings painted with a mineral water emulsion are not recommended to be washed, and in a year the premises will require new repairs.
  • Acrylic paints, which contain acrylic resins, create a beautiful flat surface and are durable.
  • Acrylic paints with latex are durable, water-resistant and resistant to mechanical stress, which makes it possible to use them for ceilings in rooms with high air humidity - in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet. The high cost of the paint pays off with a long service life and excellent appearance.
  • Silicate paints based on liquid glass with a pigment dissolved in water can be used to paint ceilings in living rooms with normal air humidity and without sudden temperature changes. It is undesirable to use in bathrooms and kitchens. If these conditions are met, ceilings will look great for decades.
  • Gas and vapor permeable silicone - the most expensive, but extremely high quality dyes, with which you can create an ideal surface in rooms with any microclimate, including in the bathroom and kitchen. The painted ceiling withstands regular wet cleaning with brushes and alkaline detergents without compromising the integrity and excellent condition of the coating.

When choosing water-based paints for ceilings, you must read the instructions and correlate the characteristics of the coloring compositions with the individual characteristics of your apartment and each room in which the ceiling will be painted. The following characteristics should be indicated on the labels of cans or bags with dry composition:

  • the type of work for which they are intended (internal or external);
  • dye consumption per square meter;
  • the degree of covering (the ability to even paint over a dark surface with a light dye);
  • compatibility of paints with pigments, toners and colors;
  • temperature regime in which work can be carried out;
  • drying time;
  • abrasion resistance, etc.

Important! It is better to stock up on dyes of one brand, because if they run out during the repair process, it is undesirable to use analogues from other manufacturers. The paint will have to be removed and re-painted.

Preparation for staining

Before proceeding with the paint application, it is necessary.

  • If drywall was used for leveling, putty the seams and the location of the self-tapping screws, apply a layer of primer and 2-3 layers of putty over the entire surface, sand.
  • It is possible to paint ceilings using old paint, but it is undesirable, especially if water-based dyes were used. The old layer should be removed with sharp spatulas or special solvents, the dust should be washed off with the use of detergents, the cracks should be putty, the unevenness should be treated with sandpaper, a layer of primer and several layers of putty should be applied, followed by grinding.
  • The whitewashed ceiling must be completely cleaned of the old layer of whitewash and carry out the same actions as with.

Materials and tools for preparing the ceiling:

  • metal spatulas of different widths;
  • solvent;
  • soap solution;
  • sponge;
  • sandpaper of varying grain size;
  • putty;
  • reinforcing mesh for filling wide cracks;
  • primer;
  • brushes for removing dust and debris;
  • garbage containers.

Painting materials and tools:

  • water-based paint;
  • trays or convenient containers for paint;
  • masking tape for items not intended for staining;
  • wide and narrow, flat and round paint brushes;

Repair is not only laborious, but also dirty, so you should stock up on a set of clothes and shoes for these purposes. In addition, you will definitely need:

  • stepladder or sturdy construction goats;
  • construction gloves;
  • a headdress to protect hair from fine dust and paint stains;
  • protective glasses;
  • respirator (to protect against dust during preparatory work).

How to paint the ceiling

It is especially important to know how to paint the ceiling so that the surface looks beautiful for novice craftsmen. Do not forget that the slightest flaw will hopelessly ruin the interior and nullify all efforts.

  • After opening a can of paint, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the contents with a long, narrow object with a clean surface (sanded stick), since the heavy components of the dye settle to the bottom. At the same time, you can add toner or color to get the desired shade.
  • It is undesirable to stir the paint with plastic or steel objects.

The paint can be thinned with water only if the package contains a corresponding recommendation. Water should be added gradually, stirring thoroughly, in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. Do not add water during the staining process.

  • It is impossible to wet a brush or roller directly in the can, even with a wide neck, since the paint thickens in the process. Pour paint into a tray or handy container that can hold a wide brush or roller.
  • It is recommended to start by painting with a narrow brush the ceiling plinths, if any, or the joints between the ceiling and the walls.