Autumn fertilizer for rhododendrons. Rhododendron Care - Some Tricks

Not every fan can achieve a truly luxurious appearance from rhododendron. The plant is demanding in terms of growing conditions, and a special place in caring for it is occupied by the correct and timely application of fertilizers. How to feed the rhododendron in spring so that with the arrival of summer it will delight everyone around you with its beautiful flowers? The answer to this question is in this article.

Insufficient nutrition or an unbalanced diet of rhododendrons significantly impairs their health and decorative properties. The lack of various chemical elements is manifested in the following changes in the appearance of the shrub:

  • leaves turn yellow;
  • young shoots stop growing;
  • buds freeze in development and fall off;
  • leaves are covered with spots.

If the crown of the rhododendron has lost its natural shine, and dirty brown spots have appeared on the edges of the green leaf plates - potassium reserves are depleted in the soil, the bushes must be urgently fed with the appropriate fertilizer.

The yellowing of the foliage indicates an excess of aluminum, which clay soils often “sin” with. Watering with a solution of iron chelate can help the plant in this case.

The deterioration of the decorative properties of rhododendron in the second year after planting in open ground is often attributed to problems with acclimatization or pest infestation. However, treating such a specimen and spraying it with insecticidal agents often only aggravates the situation. The shrub lacks nutrition, the reserves of which in the soil have dried up in the first year of cultivation.

For the normal development and lush flowering of rhododendron, the recommendations regarding the implementation of its dressing should be followed as closely as possible.

Features of the root system: what fertilizers can not be used?

The main distinguishing feature of rhododendron roots is the presence of mycorrhiza in them - a special fungus that helps the plant to survive and develop on acidic soil with a minimum content of nutrients (bushes prefer this kind of soil).

Mycorrhiza has its own requirements for the composition of fertilizers and dressings. She does not tolerate chlorine, therefore, this chemical element should not be in preparations for rhododendrons.

The root system of the shrub is compact, it is not able to grow strongly and independently obtain food for the plant from deeper and more distant soil layers. This feature must be taken into account when caring for a crop, feeding it in a timely manner so that rhododendrons do not experience a shortage of important chemical elements during the growth process.

Basic feeding rules

When feeding the culture in question with the necessary substances, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Fertilizers and feeding are required for rhododendrons from the first year of planting. A poor diet quickly affects the health and appearance of plants, and a prolonged lack of nutrition can lead to their death.

When fertilizing rhododendrons, it is important to carefully monitor the dosage of the drugs. If the bush feels good, instead of feeding it is better to mulch the soil under it, so as not to damage the roots with excess "chemistry".

  1. For the first time, fertilizer for rhododendrons is applied to the soil in early spring to help plants restore strength after wintering. The next application is planned in the middle of summer after the end of flowering and during the period of active growth of the vegetative mass. Top dressing should be completed in mid-July so that excess nutrition does not provoke the growth of new stems, which will not have time to get stronger in the months remaining before winter and will freeze with the onset of cold weather.
  2. Before fertilizing rhododendron, it must be watered abundantly in order to protect the roots from chemical burns. The shrub also responds well to monthly watering with acidified water. Prepare it by squeezing the juice of 1 lemon into 1 liter of water (you can use citric acid instead - 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). Each plant needs at least 5 liters of this liquid.
  3. Both organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied in liquid form. Only in autumn or early spring is it allowed to feed the plants with whole humus. For this, pieces of fertilizer are laid out under the bushes on the surface of the earth. Rains and melt water will take nutrients with them and deliver them to the roots in dissolved form.


For feeding rhododendrons, both organic and mineral fertilizers are used with equal success, which differ from each other in the ratio of micro- and macroelements, as well as in the peculiarities of application.


Special fertilizers, developed for the needs of rhododendrons and azaleas, due to their balanced composition, help to avoid mistakes in the organization of feeding. Such mixtures are easy to prepare and are well absorbed by plants.


Organic matter is the most environmentally friendly option for feeding rhododendrons, but due to its high nitrogen content, it can only be used in spring. Natural fertilizers not only increase the fertility of the soil, but also improve its structure, enhance the water-retaining properties.

The composition of organic fertilizer may include manure, bird droppings, peat, compost, horn shavings, etc. Usually organic matter is applied under the bushes in the form of an aqueous solution, but it can also be used as mulch. A good way to organize additional nutrition for rhododendrons is to mulch the trunks in spring and autumn with a mixture of rotted manure and high-moor peat.

Top dressing scheme

At various stages of development, rhododendrons require different nutrients, therefore, when feeding, you should adhere to the following fertilization scheme:

  1. In early spring, the shrub is fertilized with organic matter or preparations containing nitrogen (ammonium nitrate is suitable). Such feeding helps the plantations to get out of hibernation and prepare for future flowering.
  2. With the onset of the budding period, the diet of plants is enriched with fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (you can use Azofoska). This allows you to strengthen the root system of the rhododendron, extend the flowering period and stimulate the process of building new shoots.
  3. When flowering is over, the shrubs are fed with complex fertilizers. A universal mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate (20 g each) with the addition of ammonium sulfate (40 g) is suitable. Such a measure helps the plants to recover and successfully cope with the subsequent laying of flower buds in order to bloom in time in the new season.

Top dressing ends in mid-July, as at this time the rhododendrons begin to prepare for the dormant period. Additional nutrition will enhance the growth of shoots and impair the winter hardiness of plants.

Products on the market

There are a great variety of means for feeding rhododendrons on the market. When choosing the optimal fertilizer, one should be guided by what problems the plants have and what final result must be achieved by using a particular preparation.


A universal Dutch fertilizer that contributes to the regular, abundant and long-lasting flowering of rhododendrons, as well as to maximize their health. The product is perfectly absorbed by plants and is approved for use all year round. During the active growing season, the composition is diluted according to the instructions (at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water), in winter for home or greenhouse varieties, the dosage is halved.

Bona forte

Russian complex fertilizer for rhododendrons is used to increase their decorative effect, stimulate growth and provide adequate nutrition. When growing shrubs, it is recommended to combine root dressing and spraying with Bona Forte. For watering plants, the drug is diluted in water at the rate of 10 ml per 1.5 liters of liquid, sprayed with a solution containing half the dose of the agent.


As a fertilizer for rhododendrons, cow dung is used only in a semi-rotten form. Top dressing is carried out in spring or summer, carefully monitoring the level of soil acidity and preventing it from dropping.

Pig and horse manure are categorically not suitable for fertilizing rhododendrons, as they contribute to alkalization of the soil.

Compressed manure preparations are readily available at gardening stores.

succinic acid

This substance is not a fertilizer, but is used as an aid to improve the absorption of nutrients from the soil by plants. The drug is produced in the form of a water-soluble powder.

Wrong actions and their consequences

Rhododendrons are very sensitive to caring for them. Even small inaccuracies in the actions can lead to a deterioration in the decorativeness and health of these plants. This is especially true of the quality, quantity and timeliness of feeding shrubs.


Florists make this mistake most often, and its consequences for rhododendrons are the most deplorable. An excessive dose of fertilizers can burn the delicate roots of a bush so much that it is impossible to save the plant. If, as a result of an overdose of top dressing, the situation has not yet reached a critical level and the flower is showing signs of life, it makes sense to urgently transplant it into a fresh substrate by treating the root system with Zircon according to the instructions. Such a measure is rare, but still helps the rhododendron to recover from chemical burns.

Unsuitable formulations

Fertilizers that reduce the acidity of the soil should not be applied under rhododendrons. From such feeding, the flowers will slow down in development, they will hurt and may die.

Unsuitable for rhododendrons are also compositions that have a ratio of basic micro- and macroelements that is different from the needs of shrubs. The use of such fertilizers will only harm vulnerable flowers.

Violation of the rules of care

Rhododendrons do not like:

  • Spraying during flowering. Plants react to this procedure by darkening and subsequent shedding of buds and inflorescences.
  • Top dressing during flowering. The answer to this manipulation is the same as in the previous case. For a while, while the plants are blooming, feeding is completely canceled.
  • Fertilizing in hot weather or dry soil. As a result, the roots of shrubs are affected by chemical burns, which in the future often leads to the death of plants.

Top dressing should be done only in the evening or early morning hours.

The maximum decorative effect from rhododendron or azalea cannot be achieved if the intricacies of the organization of nutrition for these evergreen shrubs are not mastered. High-quality and timely feeding easily provides luxurious flowering and an attractive appearance of the crop throughout the growing season.

This is the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, which is necessary for better growth and development, prevention of diseases, maximum fruiting and recuperation after it.

Plant life cycle before winter

Rhododendron, being a perennial shrub, prepares for a dormant period:

  • the length of the day decreases, the air and soil temperature decreases, and this leads to a decrease in the amount of growth-stimulating hormones and an increase in growth inhibitors (inhibitors);
  • metabolism becomes slower, the development of branches and leaves stops, cells lose moisture;
  • some varieties of rhododendrons shed their leaves.

Is nutritional support needed during this time?

Since the rhododendron is preparing to fall asleep for the winter, it does not need growth-stimulating feeding. However, after flowering, flower buds are laid for the next year. It is important that there are enough of them and that they endure the winter well. This is the purpose of feeding rhododendron in the fall.
Do I need to transplant the plant? You can learn more about how and when to transplant rhododendrons in the fall.

How to feed azalea in autumn?

How can you fertilize azalea? For autumn feeding, phosphorus and potash mineral fertilizers are used, as well as organic:

  • rotted manure;
  • bone flour;
  • needles;
  • peat.

You can mix them. The root system of rhododendrons is very compact and located close to the soil, therefore fertilizers are best applied in liquid form.

Mineral fertilizers

Since rhododendrons love acidic soils, physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers are used for feeding:

  • superphosphate- improves the setting of flower buds;
  • magnesium sulfate- it is necessary on acidic soils, where magnesium is contained in insufficient quantities;
  • potassium sulfate (20 g per 1 sq. m)- helps to ripen the wood of rhododendrons.

Attention! You can not feed the rhododendron with fertilizers containing chlorine.


Usually used:

  • semi-rotten manure- increases soil fertility, makes it moisture and air permeable;
  • horn shavings(a mixture of ground horns and hooves, otherwise called "bone meal") - contains phosphorus and other macro- and microelements, slowly decomposes in the ground, providing the plant with food for a long time.

In addition to applying in liquid form, both mineral and organic fertilizers can be poured into the trunk circle of the rhododendron (it is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate digging due to the nearby root system).

Mulch and coniferous turf

As a fertilizer for rhododendrons, mulch is used, consisting of:

  • high-moor peat;
  • pine or spruce needles;
  • bark or sawdust from coniferous trees.

Also called heather compost, which contains microscopic fungi that help the plant to extract and absorb nutrients from acidic soil.

How to understand that there is a need?

  • A change in the color of the leaves (they become light, yellowish, lose their gloss) is always an alarm signal: the azaleas do not have enough nutrition.
  • A sign of a shortage of micro- and macroelements after flowering is also a slight increase in young shoots (these are green, non-lignified shoots) and massive leaf litter, even on evergreen varieties.
  • Flower buds are not laid at all or there are few of them - also evidence that the azalea needs mandatory feeding.

The difference in carrying out the procedure for a home and outdoor flower

Azalea - one of the varieties of rhododendrons - can grow in the garden and at home:

  • for home azaleas, liquid fertilizers are used at the root and for spraying;
  • for gardening, dry dressings can be used by introducing them into the ground near the trunk.

What will suit a pet from the world of flora, which is at home?

What preparations will help a garden beauty?


  • 1st- in late July-early August, when the flowering ended and the laying of flower buds for the next year began - a complex fertilizer for rhododendrons.
  • 2nd- in late autumn - the introduction of phosphorus and potassium (30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate for each bush) and complex fertilizers with trace elements, but without nitrogen.
  • 3rd- mulching before shelter for the winter and preparation of heather compost.

Step-by-step instruction

2-3 weeks after the flowering of the bush (end of July), organic fertilizing is applied to the soil:

  1. The manure is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Insist several days before the end of fermentation.
  3. Then dilute again until light brown.
  4. Water the plants at the root.

You can add potassium sulfate (20 g) and superphosphate (20 g) to the solution - in a ten-liter bucket.


  1. pour a layer of high-moor peat (20-30 cm) under the bush, gently mix with the soil;
  2. collect the fallen needles, scatter in a layer of 5 cm around the bush, mix with the ground, trying not to damage the roots;
  3. chop pine bark and sprinkle it around the bush with a layer of several centimeters;
  4. 10 cm of soil from the areas of the pine forest on which lingonberries, wild rosemary grow, - coniferous sod - carefully dig up, trying not to mix the layers, and lay around the bush.

Mineral dressing:

  1. Dilute 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of complex mineral fertilizer in 10 liters of water. Pour at the root.

    Top dressing accelerates the lignification of the shoots.

  2. Dilute 20 g of ammonium sulfate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water and pour over the root.

If there was a mistake

Feeding errors What to do
Young plants were fed with granular fertilizer, which is poorly absorbed.Water abundantly after feeding
After applying granular fertilizer, the rhododendron began to form new shoots, which will not have time to woody by winter and may freezeUse granular fertilizers that are not designed for use in cold climates, for example, Russian-made
Fed the rhododendron with ash, which reduces the acidity of the soil - this can lead to chlorosisAdd physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers to the soil
Used fertilizers containing chlorine (kills beneficial fungal microorganisms)Mulch the bush with coniferous turf containing beneficial microscopic fungi
Too much superphosphate was added - leaches iron from the soilFeed with iron fertilizer (Ferovit)

Problems and their prevention

In order for feeding the rhododendron to benefit the plant and not harm it, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • it is advisable to make all dressings in liquid form;
  • when applying fertilizers in granular form at the root, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly;
  • it is imperative to add acidifying trace elements to the soil;
  • when feeding with complex mineral fertilizers, nitrogen-free should be used.

Useful video

Video about plant feeding in the autumn:


For abundant flowering of rhododendrons and healthy development, they need to be properly fertilized. Autumn feeding will help the plants survive the winter and delight them with beautiful flowers for the next year.

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How to feed rhododendron in spring and summer?

Rhododendron is a member of the heather family, with delicate spherical flowers. It is a slow growing flower with a shallow root system, so it is important to regularly drain the soil, otherwise water and nutrients will not fully reach the roots. The plant loves to be fertilized. In response, he always thanks with his bright, beautiful buds. This article is about how to feed a rhododendron in spring for flowering, after flowering and in summer for laying buds for next year.

General information on fertilizers for rhododendron

The store sells a wide range of fertilizers for this plant. The flower reacts positively to their introduction. However, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. To feed young rhododendrons, only liquid fertilizers are used, because they are better absorbed.
  2. It is not recommended to use imported granular fertilizers in our latitudes. Most of them are designed for growing flowers in warm climates, when there are more hot days in the year. With their introduction, the growth of new shoots at the end of August is possible, which will lead to their subsequent freezing with the onset of winter in temperate latitudes.
  3. You cannot fertilize the plant with ash. It lowers the acidity of the soil, which in turn leads to chlorosis in rhododendrons. The disease manifests itself as yellowing between the veins of the leaf.
  4. Superphosphates should not be abused. In large quantities, they lead to a lack of iron, which is fraught with the development of chlorosis, especially on young leaves.
  5. Do not use preparations containing chlorine and lime, because this will kill mycorrhiza. Many varieties of rhododendrons love acidic soils (ph 4.5-5.5).

Rhododendron is fed three times a year, but the composition of the fertilizer differs depending on the period.

Top dressing in the spring while laying the buds

Fertilizer "Azofoska" is well suited with a ratio of 22:11:11 nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It will fill the soil with mineral elements, make the root system stronger, activate growth processes and prolong the period of abundant flowering. The drug is perfectly stored in the soil and does not wash out too quickly.

"Azofoska" has the appearance of yellowish granules. It is a versatile product for spring feeding. Suitable for all types of soil.

Avoid applying high fertilizer concentrations - this will burn the roots and, in severe cases, can cause death. Follow the dosage instructions on the package.

Among specialized fertilizers, the most popular are - "Rhodo & Azalea AZet"... Contains soil microorganisms and fungi. The preparation is granular, the consumption is as follows: 100 g of dry granules per one adult plant. It is recommended to apply it at the beginning of the flowering season. This fertilizer saturates the soil with nutrients for 4 months.

The second top dressing after flowering - at the end of May (or beginning of June)

The second feeding promotes the establishment of buds with flower rudiments for the next year. The universal fertilizer has the following composition: 20 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate and 40 g of ammonium sulfate. These ingredients can be purchased at a florist shop. By combining them, you get 80 g of fertilizer, which is enough for 1 square meter of area.

Can be used instant fertilizer "Kemira-universal", which is recommended by many growers. It is diluted in water (20-30 grams per 10 liters), after which the plant is watered with the composition. More detailed instructions can be found on the packaging.

Organic fertilizers are also needed. The most popular option is to use sour high-moor peat.

Rotten manure should be used with great care. For top dressing, manure is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 20, then insisted for several days so that microbiological processes begin in the solution. Manure solution will saturate the soil with nutrients, make the soil loose, and improve its aeration. You can also add superphosphate (300 g per 10 L) to it.

When using manure, the soil ph must be carefully monitored. Such feeding can greatly reduce its acidity, so it is often not worth it.

Suitable as an organic fertilizer for rhododendrons horn meal (or shavings)... Unlike manure, this top dressing contains a lot of phosphorus, and the biodegradation process takes longer.

If possible, it is advisable to enrich the soil with organic fertilizers, since they are better absorbed by the plant. Just like minerals, it is better to add them in a diluted liquid form. Before making the rhododendrons are thoroughly watered with water.

Third feeding at the end of July

During this period, nitrogen-free fertilizers are used. Acidic preparations give good results. 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate are added to the soil per plant. Such a composition helps to strengthen the shoots, densify their tissues, which has a very beneficial effect on the plant during wintering.

Mulching is carried out at the end of August. This helps to avoid freezing in winter, keeps the soil loose, prevents weeds, and retains moisture in the soil. Organic mulch is formed from pine needles. It takes 3 years to form. Organic mulch works well for rhododendrons as they are acidophilic plants. It is important not to cover the base of the bush when mulching, because this can lead to preheating of the roots.

When applying fertilizers and mulching, you should not additionally acidify the soil.

You should know about watering

The ideal option for watering rhododendrons is soft and acidic water, with a low salt content. Tap water contains bleach and lime. It is too hard, not suitable for watering. Therefore, it must be softened or used for irrigation rain, melt or running water. You can test the water hardness with soap. If it can be easily washed, then the water is of satisfactory hardness.

Using hard water will destroy the mycorrhiza. Subsequently, the entire plant may die.

Stiffness can be lowered in the following ways:

  • adding concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 1 ml per 10 l;
  • using oxalic acid (C2H2O4) at the rate of 22.5 g per 1 cubic meter;
  • adding citric acid 3-4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • a more affordable way to reduce hardness is to cover the soil with sour peat, 0.5-1 kg is taken per 1 cubic meter.

It is necessary to water rhododendrons abundantly; it usually takes up to 10-12 liters per adult plant. In severe drought, it is also advisable to spray.

What to do when the leaf color of a rhododendron changes?

When a plant lacks one of the mineral macro- or microelements, its appearance changes. Common signs: yellowing of leaves, young shoots do not grow, buds do not bloom, shoots turn yellow, leaves become spotty, etc. Chlorosis is a common disease.

In rhododendrons, this disease can occur due to the addition of lime or dolomite flour. These fertilizers shift the ph of the soil to the alkaline side, which the flower does not like very much. Acidity can be restored with the help of special acidifying agents. Another way to acidify the soil is introduction of sphagnum peat.

If the leaves have lost their shine, and brown spots appear on their edges, then this may be a sign of water deficiency or a lack of potassium.

If the rhododendron is originally planted in clay soil, the leaves may turn yellow as a result of the intake of a large amount of aluminum ions. To return them to their previous appearance, it should be used for watering iron chelate solution.

What if the shoots have grown in the fall?

Autumn shoots will freeze in winter, so their growth must be stopped. In order to prevent secondary growth of shoots, watering is sharply reduced, starting in August. The last top dressing is applied at the end of July. If the weather is rainy, then watering can be stopped altogether.

All conditions are met, but shoots still appear? Then the rhododendron must be treated with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate or phosphate. This procedure will stop the growth of young twigs.

What happens if you stop fertilizing rhododendron?

If in the first years of life rhododendron developed on soil rich in mineral elements, and then they stopped fertilizing it, then the reserve of nutrients will dry out. The plant will lose its decorative appearance. The acidity of the soil will decrease and the plant will get sick. In the most severe cases, this can even lead to his death.

Now you know how to feed rhododendron in spring and summer in July. Proper grooming will enable him to develop faster, bloom profusely and look healthy.

So that the rhododendron does not give energy to seeds, everything faded inflorescences must be removed... This job does not tolerate fuss. And almost all gardeners love her very much. Sit on a bench and carefully, slowly remove the inflorescences. This can be done with your hands, twisting the inflorescence at its base, you can use scissors, only the scissors should have sharp ends. The most important thing is not to damage the kidneys, which are usually already actively protruding outward. These are future shoots.

I never throw out the removed inflorescences aside, but throw them "under the feet" of the rhododendron, let them rot and create mulch.

Rhododendron mulch

Mulch - generally means a lot for rhododendron, as it lightens the earth, acidifies it, retains moisture. Where there are no harsh winters, the mulch does not even need to be changed, it is natural. But in reality, after our northern winter, it is still better to change.

Since it may contain unwanted mold, some sores. Inflorescences and wilted flowers can be safely thrown into the mulch, but dried and fallen leaves are best removed. The fact is that rhododendron does not change leaves like other trees, its leaves should last for about 3 years. If the leaves fall often, it means that they are not just old, but sick. Therefore, they must be collected and burned.

How to water a rhododendron

In a typical Russian summer, it is enough to water abundantly once a week. Boldly pour 50 liters under a large bush. Naturally, with a break, so that the water is absorbed.

But most importantly, do not forget about humidifying the air. I already wrote that water for irrigation should not come from a well.

But anything can happen - a dry summer, and there is not a drop in the barrel, or the barrel is far away, it's hard to water. Therefore, if you have to water from a well, pour water into a watering can, and add something acidifying to it.

Can vinegar 2 tbsp spoons for 10 liters of water... Or citric acid - 3-4g. for 10 liters of water

The easiest to use colloidal sulfur.

Here is such a package of 40 g should be scattered once or twice a year into the trunk circle for a small rhododendron, if the rhododendron is about a meter high and higher, then you need two packages. This is enough to acidify the soil.

There is also a piece of advice that I read on the web site forum, but I have never tried this, although experts say that this is the best option.

"It is better to acidify the soil with sulfuric acid (electrolyte for car batteries). A teaspoon of electrolyte per 10 liters (bucket) of water and evenly water the soil around the rhododendrons. To reduce the water hardness during irrigation, I also add sulfuric acid in the same dose."

It seems to me that messing with sulfuric acid is not very safe, and it is much easier and safer to use colloidal sulfur. I have used it many times and got good results.

To take a break from the oppressive urban environment, drive to the country house to admire the rhododendron, an ornamental shrub of the heather family. The Rosewood is wonderful in every way: it has very original leathery leaves and gorgeous large inflorescences. But in order for it to bloom intensively, you need to take care of it intensively: plant in a suitable place, water it in a timely manner, regularly loosen and weed it, and feed it correctly.

If you plan to grow rhododendrons in the Middle Lane (Moscow region), in the Leningrad region, in the Urals or in Siberia, then you should pay attention exclusively to winter-hardy varieties that can withstand a drop in temperature in winter to -25 degrees or more.

Such frost-resistant varieties of rhododendrons include the following: Roseum Elegance, Nova Zembla, Grandiflorum, Golden Lights, White Lights, Rosie Lights, Babushka, Impeditum Golden Lights, English Roseum, Karens, Mount St. Helens, Karaktakus, Daursky and PZHM Elite.

In general, rhododendrons can be divided into 2 types:

Video: varieties and types of rhododendron

When and how to plant rhododendrons outdoors

Landing dates

You can plant rhododendrons both in spring and autumn. If you decide to plant in the spring, then it is advisable to have time before the plant blooms, in other words, depending on the region (in the Central lane, the Moscow region a little earlier, in the Urals and in Siberia - later), it may be April - May. Autumn planting of rhododendron is best done in early autumn, it is recommended to be in time before the second half of October. These terms are explained by the fact that the wet and cool weather is ideal for the plant to take root in the garden.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

It can help you to choose the best date for disembarkation. Moon calendar.

So favorable days for planting rhododendron in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in March - 12-17, 19, 20, 27-30;
  • in April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 6-8, 10-17, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20, 27-30;
  • in July - 8-12, 25-31;
  • in August - 2-6, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10, 17-24;
  • in October - 4-7, 9-12, 19-21, 23-25, 27;
  • in November - 13-18.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 for planting rhododendron are the following dates:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17;
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26, 27.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

Place in the garden for planting

Rhododendron, like all flowering shrubs, still loves the sun. Therefore, find a place for planting sunny or with light partial shade. It is good if from 10-11 in the morning until 4-5 in the afternoon direct and burning sun rays do not fall on the plant. Moreover, this shrub does not tolerate drafts, but it definitely needs to provide an influx of fresh air. For example, it is good to plant a rhododendron near fruit trees (the same apple tree), which would slightly shade the shrub during the day, at a distance of about 1.5 meters from the crown.

Advice! Deciduous rhododendrons need more sun than evergreens.

Landing hole and soil

Although the rhododendron pot is usually small, landing pit you need a large enough, it should be somewhere 3-4 times larger than the root system of the seedling. Dimensions (edit) the following are required: depth from 50-90 centimeters, width - 60-80 centimeters (depending on the size of the seedling and soil. If the soil is too clayey, then the pit should be larger).

Important! If the soil in your area is clay, then drainage material should be laid on the bottom by about 10-15 centimeters. As drainage, you can use any inert substance, that is, gravel, crushed stone, coarse sand is suitable.

If you want to plant several rhododendrons next to each other, it is advisable to plant them at a distance of at least 1 meter from each other.

Rhododendrons love acidic soils. In ordinary (sandy loam or clay) plants, these plants grow very poorly, literally 1 season, and then they wither and disappear (as a rule, they simply do not survive the winter). Therefore, to fill the planting pit, you will need sour high peat... It is sold ready-made in garden stores, or you can dig it up in a forest swamp. You will also need coniferous litter(these are needles and twigs of coniferous trees that have fallen to the ground, for example, there is pine litter), you can also collect it in the forest, and you need to collect it not dry (it should be thrown back), but loose and smelling of mushrooms. You need to mix these components in equal parts.

Another suitable for rhododendron soil mixture recipe: 6 parts of sour high-moor peat, 2 parts of pine bark and 1 part of garden (vegetable) land.

You can also purchase in the store special land for azaleas(this is a kind of rhododendrons).

Video: personal experience of growing rhododendrons

Direct landing

Step-by-step instructions for planting rhododendrons in open ground:

Video: how to plant rhododendrons

Outdoor rhododendron care

In order for the rhododendron to grow well and bloom profusely in your summer cottage, it needs proper and timely care.

Rhododendron, like all heathers, does not tolerate drying out of the soil. And the peat mixture in which this shrub grows dries up very quickly, especially in summer when the weather is hot. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the plant regularly and on time to water.

At the end of summer (in August), experienced flower growers recommend stopping watering.

Advice! In the first 2 years, it is highly recommended to do surface spraying in dry weather, in other words, watering directly on the crown.

Weeds must not be allowed to grow in the near-trunk circle of the shrub. To avoid this, it is necessary at the planting stage to mulch the hole and, if necessary, add additional mulch, as well as weed and loosen.

Top dressing

In early spring rhododendron good feed any nitrogen-containing fertilizer. For example, you can use ammonium nitrate and prepare a solution by taking 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fertilizer and dissolving it in 10 liters of water.

If your rhododendron has bloomed profusely, then to replenish its strength, you need a mandatory summer top dressing.

As for such dressings, it is advisable to make 2-3 dressings with acid fertilizers during the summer. For this, store-bought azalea fertilizers are great.

Video: when and how to feed rhododendrons

The second feeding of rhododendrons in summer should be done at the end of July. For this, potassium sulfate should be used. To prepare the solution, you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fertilizer and 10 liters of water.

Video: second summer feeding

Important! At the end of flowering in the first 2-3 years, it is advisable to promptly and carefully remove the faded inflorescences, otherwise they form seed material that draws strength from the rhododendrons.

After the rhododendron has faded, if it feels good and you take proper care of it, then it will definitely give young shoots. If they do not appear, then this is a clear signal that the care is incorrect or insufficient (for example, watering).

Video: caring for rhododendrons

Note! About care for rhododendrons in the fall and about their preparation for winter you can read in more detail

Video: preparing rhododendrons for winter

How to transplant a rhododendron to a new location

Sometimes it happens that the plant does not take root in one place, and it should be transplanted to a more suitable one. Rhododendrons are not afraid of transplantation, because they have a fairly compact root system, however, you should be guided by some rules for changing the place of residence of a shrub:

  1. As for the timing, replanting the rhododendron, as well as planting for the first time, is either in early spring or in the first month of autumn.
  2. It is optimal to carry out shrub handling in slightly cool and cloudy weather, but not in dry and sunny weather.
  3. When you dig up the plant, despite the fact that the root system is small, in no case should it be damaged.
  4. It is imperative to dig out the plant together with an earthen lump, which should not crumble when transferred to another place, therefore, the movement must be performed using a wheelbarrow, placing an earthen lump on it.
  5. In the first year after transplanting, it is advisable to cover the shrub for the winter with one of the popular covering materials (for example, spunbond), and this is done in order to protect the plant from burns.

If you liked the pleasant shapes and luxurious flowers of the "alpine rose" (another name for rhododendron), do not drive away from yourself the idea of ​​settling this beautiful shrub in your summer cottage. The correct and energetic chores of planting and grooming will more than pay off with a truly unforgettable sight.

Video: planting and caring for rhododendron

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