Makarenko evgeny mikhailovich deputy of the Tyumen regional duma. Evgeny Makarenko - Honored Master of Sports of Russia

Alexander Maletin, Vasily Wolf, Evgeny Makarenko

As a child, I tried a lot of sports - wrestling, swimming, karate, I played for school in competitions in cross-country skiing, basketball, athletics. I also had a chance to participate in street "fist fights" - not without it (laughs)... So my arrival in boxing cannot be called accidental. And it took place in 1986, then I was in the fourth grade.

Just at that time, coach Vasily Vasilyevich Wolf went to schools - he invited the guys to the boxing section. Signed up. I liked the first workout, and so did the coach. A little earlier, my peer, the future Olympic medalist Sasha Maletin, began to study in it. We studied in different schools, but the section brought us together and made friends. Since then, we have been going through life together. We won not only in the ring - we once won elections to the City Duma with him, where they worked for the prescribed period. So I got my first experience as a deputy in my native Nizhnevartovsk. I believe that here I have more opportunity to help the development of both my district and our region. And the country as a whole.

What is especially memorable from your “boxing” childhood? Our first sports camp - consider that we spent the whole summer in Ukraine. The coach constantly instilled in us: in order, they say, to achieve success in sports, we must train hard, not miss training. But then, after several months of sectional classes, I did not think about any championship. And then one day with two friends we decided to go fishing instead of training. At the evening formation, Wolf commands: "Who was not in training, three steps forward." We go out. He: "So, after dinner you will have sparring sessions with the guys from the senior group." I got a strong guy, but I survived one round. Vasily Vasilyevich appreciated it - there is, they say, character. And he transferred me to train in the senior group.

Constantly meeting with children, young people, I often hear: were you worried when entering the ring, and did you lose? Of course I was worried. And I had to lose. But there are no victories without defeat. Only, God forbid you, with their arrival succumb to euphoria - retribution will follow immediately. We were lucky in this regard - the coach set great goals for us, but it was not customary for us to “revel in victories”.

With a sports specialization, I, apparently, got into the top ten - training was a pleasure for me, and fate did not deprive me of victories. At sixteen he became a finalist of the last youth championship of the USSR, at eighteen he won the junior championship of Russia and Europe, at nineteen he won the gold medal of the adult national championship, and received the right to represent Russia at the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg. However, he did not justify his hopes - he lost the first battle to the Cuban. In the next, 95th year, he again became the “first glove” of the country, but at the World Championships in Berlin he again lost the first fight. And again my offenders turned out to be a boxer from Liberty Island.

By that time, everyday problems also overwhelmed me. I gave up boxing and went to Moscow, where I lived for a whole year. But, apparently, sport is an incurable disease. Nostalgia overwhelmed when in Podolsk (where the national team was preparing for the Games), he accompanied the guys to the Olympics-96. We sat up late then with Oleg Saitov, with whom I have a strong friendship. I watched the final fight, the hardest for him, on TV. When the referee raised Oleg's hand, he was as happy as he was. And then suddenly I thought: "But in this Olympic ring I could also box."

Having met Oleg at the capital's airport, I asked him to show him the gold medal he had won. I held it in my hands, and ... I was pulled into the ring again. He began to move - to run, jump, play football ... And two months later, as if guessing my mood, Vasily Vasilyevich called (I kept in touch with him) - "Do you want to go to a match meeting with Germany?" I accepted the offer without hesitation. True, I had to box not with a German, but with my own. But I got a good shock, and I realized that Moscow is not for me, I need to return home and do my own thing.

For a year of life in the capital without boxing in my weight category - up to 81 kg - a new leader has appeared: the captain of the Russian national team Alexander Lebzyak. After a victorious performance at the 2000 Olympics, where I happened to be his sparring partner, he left the big sport. And I became the leader of the national team, the guys chose me as their captain. On July 13, 2001, in Belfast, Irish, he won the gold medal of the World Championship, defeating a Cuban in the first fight. I remember the exact date because the day before was the birthday of both my mother and my sister. By the way, memorable coincidences have happened before. So, I won the victory at the World Cup among oil countries held in Nizhnevartovsk on the day of my father's 50th birthday. And my son Yevgeny was born in 1998 after winning the championship of CS "Dynamo", which was also held in our city. The wife watched the competition and went to the hospital.

Of course, I wanted my son to take up boxing. His wife even bought boxing gloves as soon as he started walking. But Zhenya fell in love with hockey at a kindergarten age. I bought him a hockey uniform in Moscow, put it under the tree - go, I say, look what Santa Claus brought you. He approached, took out a gift, and theatrically fell to his knees - “Oh, God! I dreamed about it all my life! " Now their team has broken up, so it is not engaged yet. But, I think, we will move to Tyumen, will do it again.

In 2003, at the World Championships in Thailand, I managed to win my second gold medal, and I went to the 2004 Games as number one. By that time, the press had already elevated me to the Olympic champions, hung a medal around my neck ... Although the immunity grafted by Wolf from euphoria saved me, such lulling could not affect my psyche. Consciously, I understood that it was impossible to relax, but ... As a result, having won the first fight against the strongest Cuban, in the second I lost to a little-known American.

Do I have a desire to take up coaching work? From the experience of my mentor, I know that this is hellish and responsible work, to which you must devote all your time. I'm not ready for this yet. Although, in principle, I like raising children. We need to talk more with them. Vasily Vasilyevich constantly talked to us, he not only trained us, but also taught us life. Including by personal example. If possible, I am happy to communicate with the children. Not so long ago, for example, at the request of the “Priboy” coaches, I conducted a demonstration training session with the pupils of this sports school, after which I answered all their questions.

I try to maintain my fitness as well. Now we are having a sports contest between the executive and legislative branches. It was not possible to compete in cross-country skiing - I was on a business trip. But he took part in a mini-football tournament. I am also determined to take part in volleyball and shooting competitions.

From the dossier "SR"

Evgeny Makarenko was born on October 10, 1975 in Nizhnevartovsk. He graduated from the local pedagogical institute. In 2007, he defended his Ph.D. degree in pedagogical sciences at the Lesgaft St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture. In 2006 - 2011 he was a deputy of the Duma of the city of Nizhnevartovsk. At the time of his election to the Tyumen Regional Duma, he headed the Nizhnevartovsk branch of the Center for Sports Training of National Teams of Ugra. Two-time world and European champion, eight-time Russian boxing champion. Winner of the Nikolai Nikiforov-Denisov Cup, as the most technical boxer of the 2002 European Championship. From 2001 to 2007 - captain of the national team. Commander of the Order of Friendship. He and his wife Elena are raising two daughters and a son. He is fond of playing the guitar, reading books, fishing.

In 2002, at the European Championship in Perm, the Russian team did something unprecedented. She managed to win 9 gold medals out of 12, among the champions was Yevgeny Makarenko. In addition to the gold medal, Evgeny took the Nikolai Nikiforov-Denisov Cup to his native Khanty-Mansiysk District, as the most technical boxer of the European Championship. The first owner of this Cup, established in 1974 in honor of the outstanding services of the President of the AIBA Continental European Bureau N.A. Nikiforov-Denisov, was also an athlete from our country Viktor Rybakov.

2003 brought new success. At the World Championships in Thailand, Russian boxers received 3 gold and three silver medals. And again, like a year ago, Eugene received the highest award. Now we can only hope that next year, at the Olympic Games, Yevgeny will not deviate from the established tradition.

Bronze medalist of the International Tournament / Hungary /

International Tournament Winner / Greece /

Asian Championship Winner / Indonesia /
Champion of Russia

International Tournament Winner / Sweden /
Winner of the Swedish Open Winner's Cup
Champion of Russia

International Tournament Winner / Yugoslavia /
Bronze medalist of the European Championship / Belarus /
Bronze medalist of the Goodwill Games / New York /

International Tournament Winner / Italy /
Champion of Russia

Champion of Russia
International Tournament Winner / Russia /
World Champion / England /
Champion of Russia

International Tournament Winner / Finland /
International Tournament Winner / Bulgaria /
Cup to the Winner of the International Tournament / Romania /
European Champion
Champion of Russia
Cup "Best Boxer of the Year" / Russia /

World champion
Champion of Russia


European Champion
Participant of the Olympic Games / Athens /

World Cup Winner
Champion of Russia
Silver medalist of the Russian championship
Winner of the "Feliks Stamm" tournament / Poland, Warsaw, March 21-24 /

  • World Champion (2003)
  • Boxing personalia: Evgeniy Makarenko
  • 2004 Olympics news: Evgeny Makarenko reaches the quarterfinals (19.08.2004)
  • Olymp's albums and photos
  • Evgenia Makarenko will not be at the Boxing World Cup either (12.08.2006)
  • I follow the world and European champion Evgeny Makarenko constantly (05.04.2004)
  • Nine Russian boxers became European champions in Plovdiv (24.08.2006)
  • At the European Boxing Championships, the Russians repeated the 1963 record (22.07.2006)
  • Evgeny Makarenko: Sports achievements
  • View Full Version: Evgeniy Makarenko
  • FORUM "Professional boxing in Russia"
  • At the European Boxing Championships (4.03.2004)
  • On Russian television, boxing has become the second most popular after football ...

Evgeny Makarenko: I don't have a Cuban complex

For the surprisingly charming and handsome captain of the Russian national team Evgeny Makarenko, fate has prepared real trials in Belfast. First, a blind and indifferent draw gave him the right to open the current championship for our team (on the very first day of the competition, Zhenya had to fight the Cuban Hernandez Martinez), and then in the final battle, decide the fate of the second team place. 26-year-old student of the honored coach of Russia Vasily Wolf passed both exams for the "five" with a plus.

- Zhenya, so far there has not been a serious reason for interviewing you in the central press, so let's look back from the height of the summit conquered in Belfast. How did you get in the side With?

It all started with two pairs of gloves that my father and I gave my brother and me in 1985. At that time, it was a terrible shortage, therefore, handing them over, my father made us understand that he had bought them not for fun, but for the sake of serious studies in the section. At that time I was 10 years old, Dima was 11 years old, and we, of course, first tried the purchase in home sparring. I don't know, maybe because I constantly beat him, but Dima never made it to the section. And although I had previously been engaged in swimming, wrestling and basketball, at the very first meeting with Vasily Vasilyevich Wolf I realized that boxing is my sport.

- Probably, now Dima will regret that he did not go to the section with you then?

Alas, he is no longer alive - less than a year ago he died of a heart attack. But I also have a younger brother, Andrei, who played this year at the Russian Championship among juniors. I hope my victory will give him additional strength.

- When you came to the section headed by Wolf, was your current teammate Sasha Maletin already there?

Yes, but we did not meet and became friends at once. This required a trip to a sports camp in Ukraine, which was in the same 85th year.

June 30, 2001

If I go to the professional, then only after the Olympics.

I met with the captain of our national team Evgeny Makarenko in the weight category up to 91 kg on the eve of his semifinal fight. In life, by the way, Makarenko makes a very pleasant impression, evokes great sympathy for everyone. I noticed this back in Podolsk at the "Golden Ring" tournament. A benevolent look, one of those that is called open, a willingness to smile at any moment. I would say that this does not fit in with the appearance of a boxer, if I had not seen many fighters who do not correspond to traditional ideas.
- What are your impressions of the tournament? - Makarenko's question.

It is well organized and the fans are greeted warmly. Therefore, first of all, I want to thank everyone. The championship itself, as you know, began when Gaidarbekov was unlucky.

- I noticed that they talk about him here almost more than about the winners.

- Certainly. It's just a shame for him. Gaidarbek is a very gifted boxer. But he was not in the mood for a fight. This happens to many.

-Is it hard to be captain of the national team after Lebzyak?

Not easy. Many people, probably, compare me to him, but somehow I don’t think about it. I understand that now I have much more responsibility.

- In addition, you should remember about your rivals. By the way, who will you fight with next?

- With Belarusian Viktor Zuev ...

Evgeny Makarenko will not perform at the Boxing World Cup

Two-time world boxing champion, captain of the Russian national team Yevgeny Makarenko, who missed the European Championship due to injury, will also not go to the World Cup, which will be held from October 14 to 22 in Baku, but will play at another World Cup - among the oil countries. Makarenko himself reported this to the Ves Sport agency. “Now I am in Sochi, I got out for 10 days to relax with my wife and children,” Makarenko said. - There were plans to go to the recovery training camp in Turkey together with the national team, but there was no agreement on the timing. In addition, you need to communicate with children at least occasionally, I have three of them. As soon as I get back, I'll start preparing. I will definitely not go to the World Cup in Azerbaijan in October, after all, there is not much time left for preparation. But I will definitely perform at the traditional World Cup among the oil countries in front of my fellow countrymen in Nizhnevartovsk, in December ”.

Beibut Shumenov: I follow the world and European champion Evgeny Makarenko all the time

One of the best boxers of the national team of Kazakhstan, champion of Asia-2004, Shymkent citizen Beibut Shumenov is very sensitive to his first Olympics in his career. Still would. Not everyone succeeds in getting to the Olympics as a 20-year-old.

There are not many left until the Olympics, everyone is hiding like mice in the corners, - Beibut Shumenov tells the correspondent of "NASH SPORT". - Everyone wants to study each other. For example, I very often watch and analyze the fights of the Russian Evgeny Makarenko. I'm looking forward to a confrontation with him!

The selection for the Olympic Games in Athens for the boxers is not over yet. The European qualifying tournament was held last weekend in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In Asia, the latest license package will be raffled off in Pakistan in May. But already now the circle of rivals is getting narrower and narrower. It is as if the list of victims is studied by both coaches and boxers.

One of the most formidable and eminent enemies at the Olympics in Athens for Shumenov will be Evgeny Makarenko from Russia. This is the nail of the Russian national team, its captain, its pride and hope.

- Makarenko is a two-time European champion and a world champion in 2003. Unfortunately, I haven’t met him in the ring yet, but this will happen soon, - assures Beibut Shumenov. - I know that he is very demanding of himself. And his coach is one of the best in Russia.

- Could your meeting with him happen before the Olympics?

- I think that in St. Petersburg at the annual tournament with the participation of 34 countries, it should go to Athens. Or at some other major competition. All the strongest will be there. This is one of those rare opportunities to meet before the Olympics.

"The head is not needed to be beaten on"

At the European Boxing Championships, which recently ended in Croatia, the captain of the Russian national team Yevgeny Makarenko cut all five of his rivals, as they say, into a nut. In the ring he is a real hurricane, but outside of him the man is gentle and sociable. She will never refuse an interview, she will answer questions in detail and, in the end, she will definitely treat you with something. After the return of the Russian national team, Novye Izvestia did not miss the opportunity to communicate with him.

- Did you yourself believe that the team will be able to take nine gold medals in the second consecutive European Championship?

- Honestly, we were hoping for a similar result. The closer the finals were, the more we believed that we could win almost all of the European “gold”. True, sometimes doubts crept in that the judges would not allow boxers of one country to rise to the first step of the podium so often. But we were head and shoulders above our rivals. Everyone saw this, and the judges, even if they wanted to, could not do anything here.

- Which of your teammates would you highlight?

- All good fellows. But I am especially happy for Gena Kovalev. He is one of the youngest in our team, but he has already played in big tournaments, was the silver medalist of the world and European championships, but he just could not become the first. In Croatia, he fought great, defeating a very strong Frenchman Ali Allab in the final. I would also like to thank our head coach Nikolai Khromov and the entire coaching staff. Thanks to them, we came to the championship in great shape ...

March 4, 2004


Makarenko Evgeny Mikhailovich

Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma

Russian athlete

Evgeny Makarenko was born on October 10, 1975 in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. As a child, he tried himself in various sports, including biathlon, basketball, swimming, wrestling, but ultimately made a choice in favor of boxing. Seriously engaged in boxing since the age of ten, was trained in the local section under the leadership of Vasily Vasilyevich Wolf, who became for him a coach, psychologist, teacher, and friend.

For the first time, Evgeny Mikhailovich announced himself back in 1991, becoming a finalist of the USSR championship among senior youth in Volgograd. In 1993 he joined the Russian national team and won the European Youth Championship in Greece. The following year, he won the adult championship of Russia for the first time, defeating the titled Igor Kshinin in the final.

The athlete achieved his first serious success at the adult international level in the 1998 season, when he visited the European Championship in Minsk and brought from there the bronze medal, won in the first heavy weight category - his only defeat at the semifinals stage was from the Italian Giacobbe Fragomeni, who eventually became the winner of these competitions.

In 2001, Makarenko was the best at the World Championship in Belfast, then the next season he took gold at the European home championship in Perm.

In 2002, Evgeny graduated from the Nizhnevartovsk State Pedagogical Institute, later defended his Ph.D. degree in pedagogical sciences at the P.F. Lesgaft.

The athlete won the world championship in Bangkok in 2003, becoming the first Russian to win the world championship twice in a row.

In 2004, Evgeny Makarenko added to his track record a gold medal won at the European Championships in Pula, and thanks to a series of successful performances, he was awarded the right to defend the honor of the country at the Summer Olympics in Athens. At the Olympics, however, he could not get into the number of prize-winners - after defeating the strong Cuban Ioan Pablo Hernandez, in the quarterfinals he hit the future Olympic champion Andre Ward and lost to him with a score of 16:23.

Subsequently, Makarenko for some time remained in the main composition of the Russian national team and continued to perform at major international tournaments. So, in 2005, he boxed at the World Cup in Moscow, where, together with the Russian team, he won gold, defeating Cuban representative Ismaykel Perez in the final. For sporting achievements he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Master of Sports of Russia".

After completing his sports career, Evgeny Mikhailovich worked as a boxing trainer.

In the period from 2006 to 2011, Evgeny Mikhailovich Makarenko was elected a deputy of the City Duma of Nizhnevartovsk. Since December 2011 he has been elected to the Tyumen Regional Duma.

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Makarenko Evgeny Mikhailovich

Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma

Russian athlete

Evgeny Makarenko was born on October 10, 1975 in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. As a child, he tried himself in various sports, including biathlon, basketball, swimming, wrestling, but ultimately made a choice in favor of boxing. Seriously engaged in boxing since the age of ten, was trained in the local section under the leadership of Vasily Vasilyevich Wolf, who became for him a coach, psychologist, teacher, and friend.

For the first time, Evgeny Mikhailovich announced himself back in 1991, becoming a finalist of the USSR championship among senior youth in Volgograd. In 1993 he joined the Russian national team and won the European Youth Championship in Greece. The following year, he won the adult championship of Russia for the first time, defeating the titled Igor Kshinin in the final.

The athlete achieved his first serious success at the adult international level in the 1998 season, when he visited the European Championship in Minsk and brought from there the bronze medal, won in the first heavy weight category - his only defeat at the semifinals stage was from the Italian Giacobbe Fragomeni, who eventually became the winner of these competitions.

In 2001, Makarenko was the best at the World Championship in Belfast, then the next season he took gold at the European home championship in Perm.

In 2002, Evgeny graduated from the Nizhnevartovsk State Pedagogical Institute, later defended his Ph.D. degree in pedagogical sciences at the P.F. Lesgaft.

The athlete won the world championship in Bangkok in 2003, becoming the first Russian to win the world championship twice in a row.

In 2004, Evgeny Makarenko added to his track record a gold medal won at the European Championships in Pula, and thanks to a series of successful performances, he was awarded the right to defend the honor of the country at the Summer Olympics in Athens. At the Olympics, however, he could not get into the number of prize-winners - after defeating the strong Cuban Ioan Pablo Hernandez, in the quarterfinals he hit the future Olympic champion Andre Ward and lost to him with a score of 16:23.

Subsequently, Makarenko for some time remained in the main composition of the Russian national team and continued to perform at major international tournaments. So, in 2005, he boxed at the World Cup in Moscow, where, together with the Russian team, he won gold, defeating Cuban representative Ismaykel Perez in the final. For sporting achievements he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Master of Sports of Russia".

After completing his sports career, Evgeny Mikhailovich worked as a boxing trainer.

In the period from 2006 to 2011, Evgeny Mikhailovich Makarenko was elected a deputy of the City Duma of Nizhnevartovsk. Since December 2011 he has been elected to the Tyumen Regional Duma.

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general information
Citizenship Russia
Date of Birth 10 october(1975-10-10 ) (44 years old)
Place of Birth Nizhnevartovsk, USSR
Weight category Light heavyweight (- 81 kg)
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Evgeny Mikhailovich Makarenko(born October 10, Nizhnevartovsk) - Russian amateur boxer, captain of the Russian national boxing team, multiple world and European champion, member of the Russian Olympic team at the 2004 Summer Olympics.


Evgeny Makarenko was born on October 10, 1975 in Nizhnevartovsk. As a child, he tried himself in various sports, including biathlon, basketball, swimming, wrestling, but ultimately made a choice in favor of boxing. Seriously engaged in boxing since the age of ten, was trained in the local section under the leadership of Vasily Vasilyevich Wolf, who became for him a coach, psychologist, teacher, and friend.

For the first time he declared himself back in 1991, becoming a finalist of the USSR championship among senior youth in Volgograd. In 1993 he joined the Russian national team and won the European Youth Championship in Greece. In 1994, he won the adult championship of Russia for the first time, defeating the titled Igor Kshinin in the final.

He achieved his first serious success at the adult international level in the 1998 season, when he visited the European Championship in Minsk and brought from there the bronze medal, won in the first heavy weight category - his only defeat at the semifinals stage was from the Italian Giacobbe Fragomeni, who eventually became the winner of this competition. In 2001, Makarenko was the best at the World Championships in Belfast, then the next season he took gold at the European home championship in Perm. In 2003, he won the World Championship in Bangkok, becoming the first Russian to win the world championship twice in a row.

In 2004, Evgeny Makarenko added to his track record a gold medal won at the European Championships in Pula, and thanks to a series of successful performances, he was awarded the right to defend the honor of the country at the Summer Olympics in Athens. At the Olympics, however, he could not get into the number of prize-winners - after a 30:18 victory over the strong Cuban Ioan Pablo Hernandez, in the quarterfinals he hit the future Olympic champion Andre Ward and lost to him with a score of 16:23.

Subsequently, Makarenko for some time remained in the main composition of the Russian national team and continued to perform at major international tournaments. So, in 2005, he boxed at the World Cup in Moscow, where, together with the Russian team, he won gold, defeating Cuban representative Ismaykel Perez in the final. For outstanding sporting achievements he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Master of Sports of Russia".

In 2002 he graduated, and later defended his Ph.D. degree in pedagogical sciences at the PF Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. After completing his sports career, he worked as a boxing trainer. In the period 2006-2011, he was elected a deputy of the Duma of the city of Nizhnevartovsk. Since December 2011 - Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma