New law on dacha non-profit partnerships. On horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens

In 2019, a new law on SNT comes into force, and in 2018, gardeners need to prepare for both the pros and cons of the new legislation that will regulate the activities of their partnership. Opinions regarding the new law differ, and while some say that thanks to the new law, complete order will be restored in the activities of SNT, others clutch their heads and predict the desolation of partnerships when people simply abandon their plots. Until the law comes into force, it is not entirely clear what to expect from it. The law on SNT - what to start preparing for in 2018, how the life of gardeners will change in the future, 2019.

Briefly about the new law on SNT - how the life of gardeners will change in 2019

The new law on SNT is indeed revolutionary in many ways; it eliminates many of the inconsistencies and illogicalities that were previously present in the legislation that regulates the activities of gardening and other partnerships. Here are its main points:

  1. From 2019, only two forms of organizing such associations will remain in Russia: horticultural and gardening partnerships. No more partnerships and cooperatives. Dacha plots are becoming garden plots.
  2. In gardening partnerships, you can build a dacha and other permanent buildings on a plot, but not in a gardening partnership. We are talking specifically about the construction of new such structures. The old ones will be legalized, but it is impossible to build a new one until the status of the partnership changes.
  3. It will be easy to register in a gardening association (“registration”) - no more difficult than in an apartment that you own.
  4. Individual gardeners who have left the partnership, although they continue to use its infrastructure, will be required to pay all due fees.
  5. The fees that gardeners will pay can only be membership and targeted. All purposes for which additional contributions may be collected are described by law. There can no longer be any entrance fees, as well as contributions for unclear purposes.
  6. Contributions will be made only through a bank to the account of the partnership as a legal entity. No payment of board fees on Thursdays from 17:00 to 19:00 and no cash, the further fate of which is not entirely clear. Everything is transparent and official.
  7. Only individuals who have a plot in this SNT can be members of the partnership.
  8. The board of the partnership must have a minimum of three people, with a maximum of 5% of the members. The powers of the board will last not two years, as before, but five years.
  9. Payment of land tax for common land (roads, etc.) will be divided in proportion to the participant's share in the partnership.

What in the law on SNT worries observers

The new law on SNT, for which in 2018 all partnerships, cooperatives and other forms of organization of gardeners that have existed for the last year begin to actively prepare, is causing concern among some observers.

Despite the fact that the law establishes a certain order, the following points raise questions:

  • The law does not very clearly spell out many of the nuances regarding buildings on the site - what can be built, what cannot be built, how the taxation of this property will occur.
  • The board may include a person who is not a member of the partnership at all. Theoretically, all board members may turn out to be outsiders. However, this is why board elections exist, so that the partnership participants treat them responsibly and look at who they choose.
  • Gardeners are prohibited from selling their products on the street. That is, from 2019, a grandmother who earns extra money by selling onions grown on the street must register as an individual entrepreneur and offer her products to retail chains, then submit reports, pay taxes, etc. It is clear that this is absolute absurdity.
  • The norm, which affects individual gardeners who are required to pay fees, does not always restore justice in practice. In some cases, people inherit a plot of land, do not want to sell it, but do not plan to use it. Previously, they could notify the board and reduce the dues paid to a minimum. Now they have to pay for water, garbage collection and other common benefits, which in fact they do not use, on an equal basis with everyone else.

Thus, exactly how the new law on SNT will manifest itself will become clear after it comes into force. It is obvious that in some cases, behind dissatisfaction with the new norms there may be the interests of those who are satisfied with the current state of affairs and who are taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the laws currently in force. Many chairmen are comfortable accepting contributions in cash, some of which stick to their hands. Many cooperative members find it convenient not to pay dues at the same rate as everyone else. The new legislation is generally fairer and brings some order. Although, of course, it is full of nuances, the effect of which is not always possible to predict.

New law on gardeners and gardeners. What will change in SNT from 2019.

Global changes are coming in the lives of both the gardeners themselves and the chairmen and members of the board in connection with the entry into force on January 1, 2019. into force of the Federal Law "On the conduct of gardening and vegetable gardening by citizens for their own needs and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" dated July 29, 2017 N 217-FZ.

Let's discuss what will change in SNT from a legal point of view.

The first thing that really deserves special attention is the new charter of the partnership. The law does not provide for a deadline for bringing the charters of SNT into compliance with the provisions of the new law, but changes suggest themselves. The reason for this is the invalidity of all provisions that contradict 217-FZ. Since not every chairman, much less a gardener, knows 66-FZ by heart and can compare it with 217-FZ, it will be extremely difficult to use such a charter. This concerns what is in your charter. Many really important things are not and cannot be in the current statutes, since they will be introduced by the new law. For example, from 2019 there will be no more commissioners, but general meetings will be held in person and in absentia. If the procedure and possibility of holding a meeting in this form are not regulated by the charter, then it will not be possible to hold it.

The horticultural and vegetable gardening partnerships will remain, all of them will be a type of TSN (real estate owners' partnership). When the charter is first changed, SNT, ONT and DNT will turn into TSN. Alternatively, tax offices currently accept forms STSN and OTSN. Dacha associations will become garden associations. There is no need to change certificates or make changes to documents.

Membership and expulsion. To become a member, you will need to write a corresponding application to the board of the partnership. There are certain requirements for the information that must be indicated in such an application and the documents that must be attached to the application (clause 5 of Article 12. 217-FZ). If the application is completed in violation, this is grounds for refusing admission to membership. If now expulsion from membership can be made by decision of the general meeting of members, practically without explanation, then from 2019 this can only be done taking into account strict adherence to the procedure: in case of debt (at least two months or more, if specified in the charter ), send a warning request two months in advance (why, how much, where to pay and what will happen otherwise). The next step is to notify at least two weeks in advance that a general meeting will be held and that such an issue will be considered at it. After the general meeting, notify in writing of the exception, attaching an extract from the minutes and setting out the background (how and why this happened).

New rights and responsibilities of individual gardeners. Now gardeners who garden without participating in a partnership are required to pay the same amount as members. They received the right not only to participate in general meetings of members and vote on issues related to the disposal of common property and the determination of the amount of contributions (payments). Since “individuals” now have the right to participate in general meetings, it has also become possible to challenge (cancel) them in court. Therefore, when holding general meetings starting from 2019, keep in mind that it is necessary to properly notify not only members of the partnership, but all owners of land plots located on the territory of the partnership.

Register of members. For two years now, gardeners have been discussing the register of members. Each partnership in one form or another, as a rule, has a certain list of members. Everyone has a question: is this list a registry? In 217-FZ, an entire article is devoted to the register (Article 15 217-FZ). It states in detail what must be in the register, what is optional, and what only with the permission of the gardener. This article also indicates where to get all the necessary information. But this becomes possible only for newly created partnerships. But what to do for those who have a 30-year layer of background, read on our website in the “Register of Members” section. Please note that information about individual gardeners can only be entered into a separate register of members with their consent. But to properly notify such gardeners, you will need information from the registry...

General meeting of members according to the new rules. Nothing has changed in terms of the period no later than by which members must be notified of the holding of a general meeting, but the list of those notified and the method of notification differ. According to 66-FZ, it was enough to post an invitation to a meeting on the notice board with a mandatory indication of the place, time and list of issues discussed. Also, the law, as an alternative or addition, prescribed notification by letters by mail, and in practice, publication in the media and on the official website of the partnership was also used. Now it will be necessary to apply all three methods, since “or” is not specified in the law:

  • Send a notification by email (from the register of members), if the email address is not known, then by Russian Post;
  • Post a notice on the official website of the partnership;
  • Post on the bulletin board on the territory of the partnership.

And as a safety net, you can use publications in the media. In this case, the media does not mean any newspaper, but the resource that publishes legally significant advertisements in your region (at the location of the partnership). This is not a mandatory requirement. And we do this not in order to obtain a quorum, but in order to have additional evidence in our defense in case of legal disputes. We buy the newspaper with the advertisement and keep it in the affairs of the partnership. We photograph the announcement on the board with the date and also store it. We send notification letters only with an inventory, indicating in it who, what and what the helmet is about. We keep the inventory with the receipt. If you think this is “too much,” then you do not have the sad experience of defending yourself when challenging decisions of general meetings in court.

Even when taking into account the participation of individuals in general meetings, the quorum is determined according to the old rules. That is, for the legitimacy of a meeting, 50%+1 members must be present at it, no matter how many individuals. In this case, the latter must be properly notified.

If at the general meeting it is planned to adopt any regulations, estimates, a new form of charter and any other documents that require approval by the general meeting, all gardeners should have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them no later than 7 days in advance. Otherwise, approval of documents is not allowed. The decision of such a meeting can easily be overturned in court. If the estimate can still be posted on an information stand and photographed, then how can we “familiarize” everyone with the charter and at the same time be protected from a legal point of view? Only the official website of the partnership will help here. At the same time, it must be written in a certain way so that the date and time of publication are visible, and when adding the next news, the date of the previous one does not change.

An initiative group of more than 1/5 of the members will be able not only to initiate a meeting on the early re-election of the current board, but also with any other agenda. To do this, it will be necessary to send a request for a general meeting to the current board. The requirement may indicate not only the issues on the agenda (mandatory), but also options for solutions to them (optional). If within thirty days the board does not hold a general meeting or it does not reach a quorum, then the initiative group will have the right to hold a meeting on the same issues independently. Proper notification and conduct procedures will need to be followed.

There will be no more authorized representatives. Instead of commissioners, it will be possible to “use” in-person and absentee voting. But you can use this useful tool only if the possibility and procedure for holding a meeting in person or in absentia are specified in the charter. Who is more satisfied with the commissioners, let's look at them from a different angle. It is assumed that a certain number of gardeners represented by him voted for each commissioner. What prevents these votes from being confirmed by proxies. They can be certified not only by the chairman or a notary, but also by the employer, at the place of study or at the medical institution at the place of treatment. Thus, the term “authorized” will not be used, but if the principal (the one who gave the power of attorney) did not come to the meeting, his voice will be voiced by the proxy (the one who was given the power of attorney). From a legal point of view, this method is even more reliable and effective, than the authorized ones.

The grace period for using water wells without a license ends. The partnership with wells will need to obtain a license from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020. The list of documents required to obtain a license will be significantly reduced. More details about licensing are specified in Articles 31 and 51 of the 217-FZ.

The term for which the board, chairman and auditor (RC) are elected. They are elected from among the members for a term of no more than five years. A shorter period, if such a decision is made, must be specified in the charter. If the term of office has ended, the board, chairman and RC continue to act until re-election. This point is not regulated under current legislation. The auditor or the Audit Commission are required to conduct audits at least once a year, unless otherwise provided by the charter.

In order to preserve the fertility of the land and extract benefits from it, the state allocates land plots for gardening. Within these allotments, citizens are allocated individual garden plots. Driveways, streets, walkways and other infrastructure elements are organized within each section. All this, ultimately, the state assigns to gardeners on the right of common (joint) ownership, as a necessary condition for the development of gardening. The state goes further and legislates the share of each owner in the common land property.

You can hear further from opponents: “But I don’t need all your fuss with the organization. I can handle it myself." I doubt that one gardener will be able to install electricity, gas, water, and other utilities, repair the access road to his plot, protect his property from thieves, and solve many other problems with local authorities and the state.

Horticultural non-profit partnership are established by citizens to solve general problems of gardening, vegetable gardening and summer cottage farming. One gardener cannot solve global resource-intensive problems. For this purpose, SNT is being created as an organization of gardeners.

General use property acquired or created at the expense of a special fund formed by decision of the general meeting of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit partnership is the property of such a partnership as a legal entity. This common (joint) property is managed by SNT, a legal entity, acting as a management company hired by gardeners. Let us turn to the definition of membership fees given to Sadovod in Article 1 of the Federal Law-66 dated April 15, 1998, it is quite obvious that membership fees go towards the current expenses of the partnership, that is, for the maintenance of SNT and for the acquisition and creation of property of a legal entity.

Rule: Contributions periodically made by gardeners for the maintenance of infrastructure, as well as the creation of common property, which is explicitly or indirectly aimed at maintaining the infrastructure and is not a matter of necessity arising from the law, or property owned by gardeners, will be considered membership. Federal Law-66 dated April 15, 1998, Article 21, part 1, clause 10, 11, 12 “Competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized persons)”

In accordance with Article 21, paragraph 1, paragraph. 10 and 12 FZ-66 of 04/15/1998 “Competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives)” the general meeting of SNT members approves the estimate of income and expenses of the partnership in accordance with the norms established by the Regulations of trust funds and in strict accordance with number of plots in SNT. The amount of contributions and payments lawfully follows from the estimate. Result: Gardeners have SNT income and expense estimate regulated collection and distribution of money, understandable to every gardener, for maintaining transparent accounting records.

There remains one point of the law that allegedly went unnoticed by us during the debriefing on contributions and payments. This is pp. 11 clause 1 art. 21 FZ-66 dated April 15, 1998. The time has come to decide on the penalty and its size.

As experience shows, penalty is set at 0.1% of the debt amount for each day of delay. This figure is present in many agreements concluded between parties in the Russian Federation, incl. between SNT and contractors for the performance of any work, construction of public facilities, etc. This penalty is slightly higher than that specified in Article 75 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but it is quite acceptable and is recognized as unchanged for consideration in the courts.

For further work and development of recommendations for gardeners, let us turn to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: As a result of the trial penalty may be reduced and brought into line with Article 75 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Those. the court will calculate the reduced amount of debt using the following formula: where, P = N x D x CP/100% x 1/300

P- penalty; N- amount of non-payment; D— number of days of delay;

SR— refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

If a gardener has property, then he freely possesses, uses, and disposes of it in accordance with Art. 209 “Content of property rights” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which constitutes property rights. This right simultaneously places the burden and risk of maintaining the property on the owner (Article 210 “Burden of maintaining property” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Now try to answer the question yourself: “How can one maintain a land allocation transferred to two hundred gardeners with their own individual garden plots? Everything is more or less clear. If you took ownership of it, it means you need something from this land, and you will exploit it in accordance with the permitted use.

The chairman must organize the gardeners, maintenance of public lands: the general meeting, the board and other bodies of SNT, they are also called upon to control gardeners within the limits of their competence and powers - this is confirmed by Article 14 of the Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998.

And then we can safely say that the investment of money by gardeners in the maintenance of land allotment within the boundaries of SNT is nothing more than the periodic donation by all owners of individual garden plots of funds, called membership fees, in strict accordance with the norms of Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998. And It is membership fees that are the basis for the existence of SNT.

By solving general social and economic problems, SNT, as an organization, creates an infrastructure that is completely specific for this particular association.

From the definition it follows that only everything taken together: common property with management and control bodies, hired workers and constitute this very infrastructure that gardeners, according to Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are required to contain. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 210 “Burden of maintaining property”

Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998, Article 19 “Rights and obligations of a member of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association”


Bear the burden of maintaining the land plot and the burden of responsibility for violation of the law;

Timely pay membership and other fees provided for by this Federal Law and the Charter of the Partnership, taxes and payments for your plot and for a share in public land, payments for the maintenance of infrastructure.

The board of the horticultural association, together with interested parties, other employees, etc., calculate the funds that should be spent on the needs of the association in the next year, included in the expenditure section SNT estimates. This takes into account the funds that will be spent on creating public property owned by SNT as a legal entity. This is easy to determine, knowing the purpose for which the property is acquired, for the maintenance of the existing infrastructure. These include salaries of employees, purchases of office supplies, activities for organizing and preparing general meetings, telephone conversations, repairs of roads, fences, government buildings, water supply, power lines, etc. In other words, the specified current expenses are nothing more than maintaining that same infrastructure in normal working condition, or the same current expenses that are defined in Article 1 “Basic Concepts” of Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998.

Example: SNT is necessary in accordance with SP 53-13330.2011 “Planning and development of territories of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures” and Federal Law-123 of July 22, 2008 “Technical regulations on fire safety requirements” to purchase a fire motor pump. In addition, it is planned to purchase a set of office equipment for the board and working tools for an electrician. All this should definitely be the property of SNT. That is, property is purchased, owned and used as the property of a legal entity. After acquisition, this property is not divided, not allocated, or returned to gardeners, except in the case of liquidation of SNT (Article 40 - 44 Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998). It is important to highlight here that these acquisitions are made on membership fee. But according to the law, they are not returned, because... go towards the running expenses of the organization.

Let's figure it out further. Suppose we have a certain amount that has been carefully calculated by the board, and which will presumably be included in the estimate with a proposal to the general meeting to approve it as an expense part of the estimate.

Principle of collecting membership fees

In Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998, there is no clear definition on what basis a gardener must pay contributions to SNT. But this does not mean at all that SNT can do as the general meeting and the board please. This is exactly what many gardeners who do not read the law deeply think. But sometimes even the courts that make decisions on issues of contributions also believe that the meeting can do anything. This opinion is wrong.

If a gardener, by virtue of owning a large plot (or even several plots), receives more from his plot (s), then why should the provision of all these benefits be determined by equal contributions? A security guard, making a tour of the territory of the partnership, spends more time on a larger area; the board, fulfilling its duties even with the same amount of work, ultimately allows the owner of a larger plot to extract more material benefits for himself. Let's look at the letter of the law.

Defenders of the formula do not take into account the changes made to Article 15 of the basic Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998 by the Federal Law Federal Law-118 of June 26, 2007. In this regard, many publications are outdated, but still hang on the World Wide Web. And people often fall into these networks, believing in what is written on the pages of the sites.

Conclusion: The membership fee cannot be calculated based only on the institution of membership in a public association, which is a gardening non-profit partnership, because contribution is a primarily economic category. A member of SNT who owns a large number of plots compared to other members should not pay the same membership fee as others, because in this case, the principle of social justice is violated and the size of the contribution for each SNT member who owns one or more plots is increased.
The principle: 1 member of SNT - 1 membership fee is correct, but the amount of the contribution cannot be the same for all members of the association.

The loophole for SNT landowners is contained in the formula itself. Don't you see? Let's explain. The newly-minted latifundist, who yelled at previous meetings about the need to take one contribution from one member, everyone has equal responsibilities in SNT, will not do this now. Having bought 9 plots, he will become the owner of a powerful plot of land with the right to make good money on it. However, he still has to pay for 10 plots. Further, the goal of our landowner will be to escalate actions secretly from SNT to combine 10 plots into one with one cadastral number. By the way, SNT is not able to stop him from doing this. After the plan is completed, in our certain SNT, instead of 100 plots, there will be 91 plots left. In the end, our owner calmly goes to the board and pays for... - 1 plot, one membership fee.

In this desperate situation of ours, poor gardeners are once again forced to pay out of their own pockets for the missing dues from 9 plots that were sold to one dodgy landowner. And again the question looms in SNT: “What to do?”

The point in this case is that the membership fee is determined by accounting calculations. Those. general meeting SNT members approve by their decision the costs and income of SNT in the next year, of which, through simple calculations, each gardener will find out the size at the meeting membership fee, tightly tied to 1 m² of his individual garden plot. As a rule, the chairman of the board in his report or the accountant in his speech, voicing the estimate, must indicate the amount of the membership fee per 1 hundred square meters. Based on the fact that garden plots, as a rule, have a standard 8 acres, the figure is announced as 8 acres (800 m²). Any gardener can easily estimate the size of his membership fee for 4 acres, 5.5 acres, or 8, etc.

Article 21 paragraph 1 paragraph 10 FZ-66 dated April 15, 1998 establishes the right of the general meeting to determine the amount of contributions. Let's figure it out. Since there is no direct indication in our Federal Law-66, then, according to Article 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, we can look for similar rules in other laws.

Federal Law-141 of November 29, 2004 in Article 1 “On Amendments to Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” in Articles 388, 390, 391, 392 (Chapter 31 “Land Tax”) directly indicates the dependence of land tax on the size of the land plot. But here is what is written in Part 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 38: the provisions of the article clearly determine that the amount of taxes, fees, and payments is determined depending on the size of the object in value terms. This is exactly how the tax authorities calculate the amount of land tax for us gardeners: based on the availability of square meters of land. Let us add that the tax is paid from the object (plot), and not from the subject (citizen, gardener). The larger the object, the higher the tax will be. And the tax legislation does not care at all about a citizen’s membership in a public organization: taxes are not taken from a member of the SNT. According to tax legislation, the ownership of a specific plot to a specific owner (again, not to a member of the SNT) is determined by the subject of payment, i.e. taxpayer and nothing more.

Article 21, paragraph 1, paragraphs. 10 “Competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association” Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998 on the priority of decision-making by the general meeting of members of SNT on contributions they charge one membership fee from their members, but it differs in size depending on the area of ​​the plot each member.

On June 26, 2007, Federal Law No. 118 made a small amendment to the basic Federal Law No. 66 dated April 15, 1998: Part 2 of Article 15, indicating that one gardener can own only one plot, became invalid as of July 3, 2007 .

In accordance with Federal Law-118, any gardener can buy a neighboring plot, or even two or three - as much as he can use (cultivate).

But, if the decision of the meeting can be easily revised, then charter this is much more complicated: the new edition requires registration, and the quorum for such a meeting is not 50% of SNT members, but 2/3.

Size membership fee, tightly tied to 1 m² of his individual garden plot. As a rule, the chairman of the board in his report or the accountant in his speech, voicing the estimate, must indicate the amount of the membership fee per 1 hundred square meters.

The final accurate calculation of the contribution amount is made by an accountant. First, the total amount of SNT expenses in the next year is divided by the area of ​​​​all individual plots (the board always has such initial data for calculation). The result is the cost of the membership fee per 1 m² included in individual garden plot, any gardener. By multiplying this cost by the number of meters of a specific individual plot, we get the amount of the contribution.

With this principle, social justice is fully observed: whoever owns more land pays more. I believe that if the whole world, including the Russian Federation, has been living this way for a long time in accordance with adopted legislative acts, then there is no reason for the SNT to live any differently.

Federal Law-141 of November 29, 2004 in Article 1 “On Amendments to Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” in Articles 388, 390, 391, 392 (Chapter 31 “Land Tax”) directly indicates the dependence of land tax on the size of the plot.

The provisions of the article clearly define that the amount of taxes, fees, and payments is determined depending on the size of the object in value terms. This is exactly how the tax authorities calculate the amount of land tax for us gardeners: based on the availability of square meters of land. Let us add that the tax is paid from the object (plot), and not from the subject (citizen, gardener). The larger the object, the higher the tax will be. And the tax legislation does not care at all about a citizen’s membership in a public organization: taxes are not taken from a member of the SNT. According to tax legislation, the ownership of a specific plot to a specific owner (again, not to a member of the SNT) is determined by the subject of payment, i.e. taxpayer and nothing more.

Membership fees

Quite recently, no one in our SNT had any idea about the existing Federal Law-66 of April 15, 1998 and all the norms and actions that follow from it. But times change and not always for the worse. Get to the point! Our gardeners paid membership fees in 2010 at the rate of 300 rubles per hundred square meters. This is where this calculation ended. If you think about it, it becomes clear that these contributions had nothing to do with the actual costs of SNT in 2010. In fact, why not pay 100 rubles or 500 rubles per hundred square meters. At the meeting people suggested this. Nobody substantiated anything with calculations.

In 2011, thanks to familiarity with Federal Law-66, the general meeting of members of our ancient SNT finally adopted an income and expenditure estimate, which almost corresponds to the norm of clause 1, paragraph. 12 of Article 21 “Competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association.” In this article we will not analyze the estimate element by element. It is important for us to decide on the principles for determining the size of the membership fee. And it clearly follows from the estimate.

So, the board, before the general meeting, at which the income and expense estimate was to be approved, worked out in advance (not 2 weeks in advance) the expenditure part of the estimate in all respects in strict accordance with the definition of membership fees given in Article 1 of Federal Law-66.

SNT expenses include all SNT expenses that society is ready to incur in the next year. These expenses will be accurately correlated with the maintenance of the SNT infrastructure and the infusion of part of the funds from contributions to a special fund. These expenses will include the salaries of the chairman, accountant, electrician, security guards, maintenance of buildings and structures, including everything common property, incl. the property that was created with targeted contributions. This also includes expenses for office supplies, trips to organizations and departments, telephone conversations, training and recertification of personnel, tax and other mandatory payments, expenses for organizing and holding general meetings, repairs of equipment, public roads, etc., etc. ., etc. In a word, the expenditure part of the estimate, which forms the membership fee, will include all those SNT expenses that do not create or develop infrastructure, but only maintain it in strict accordance with the norms of Articles 209, 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Property of common use (common property), created with funds from a special fund, i.e. As a rule, part of the membership fees is used to maintain the SNT infrastructure. This is the office equipment of the board, the general fence around SNT, the board building, the guards' guardhouse, the barrier at the entrances to SNT, fire-fighting equipment, etc. That is, property and objects that were not created with targeted contributions, and which, due to the method of creation or acquisition, become the property of SNT as a legal entity.

This property is not allocated or issued in parts, in monetary terms, in cases of SNT member leaving the association, sale of a plot, donation, etc. This property is transferred to the maintenance of the new SNT member along with the garden land plot from the old member (who sold, donated the plot, or otherwise transferred ownership).

Will membership fees be the same for all gardeners? The answer is obvious - no, they won’t.

The size of the membership fee for each gardener is determined: based on 1 m² from the area of ​​your own.

If the gardener’s house is not connected to the power line, then the gardener also pays a fee for the maintenance and construction of the power line.

The legality of charging a membership fee from gardeners whose plot is not connected to the power line, but use the lighting of streets and passages in SNT in the dark. This case must be considered in the context of Article 249 “Costs for the maintenance of property in shared ownership” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. That is, if the owners of power lines at their own expense made a lighting system in SNT. The maximum that can be done in this situation is to distribute the electricity consumed by the lighting system equally among all power line owners.

In order for all gardeners to pay some part of the membership fee for the maintenance of the lighting system (do not confuse it with the kWh of electricity consumed by the lighting system - this is a utility payment), it is necessary to first gather SNT members for a general meeting and make a decision on the maintenance of the lighting system, of course , having agreed on this issue with the owners of power lines. At the same time, the lighting system created with the help of a special fund will become the property of SNT as a legal entity, and this property will be shared in relation to the entire power transmission line. That is, there will be shared owners of power lines (gardeners), and there will also be a shared owner of SNT. It is possible, of course, to create a lighting system with targeted contributions from all gardeners; then, according to their share in the lighting system (similar to SNT’s share in power lines), gardeners will be required to pay a membership fee for the maintenance of the lighting system (replacement of lamps, preventive inspection, electrician’s salary, etc.)

As a result of all our research we have:

The income and expenditure budget certainly includes targeted contributions, which are collected separately from membership fees and are not the property of SNT, unlike membership fees (Article 4, paragraph 2 of Federal Law-66). But, targeted contributions are considered on the page “Targeted contributions to SNT. Differences from membership fees, principles of collection, amount.” Everything there is detailed and laid out on the shelves.

There is another important point in the system of collecting membership fees. True, it also applies to all other fees in SNT:

You should know and remember that the SNT board cannot and does not have the right not to take into account all gardeners, including abandoned plots, in the income and expenditure estimates. Otherwise, active members of SNT, at their own expense, stupidly support idlers who have not appeared in SNT for years. And the number of such people who do not appear is growing and will continue to grow if the active part, together with the board, does not take action against defaulters.

Losses that arise as a result of underfunding of the income portion of the estimate due to non-received payments, the board has the right and the obligation to recover from defaulters through the court in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 “Powers of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association”, Article 46 “Protection of the rights of horticultural , gardening, dacha non-profit associations and their members" Federal Law-66 dated April 15, 1998 and articles: 210. "Burden of maintaining property", 244 "The concept and grounds for the emergence of common property", 249 "Costs for maintaining property located in shared property" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the new law “On the conduct of gardening and horticulture by citizens for their own needs,” dacha cooperatives are being liquidated. The government will decide what fate awaits the country houses.

The law “On gardening and horticulture by citizens for their own needs” signed by the President of the Russian Federation comes into force on January 1, 2019. Until then, the life of summer residents, gardeners and gardeners will be regulated by federal law dated April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ “On gardening, gardening and country non-profit associations of citizens.” What will the new law change?

Now only SNT and ONT, and all at your own expense

The first thing that catches your eye when comparing the two documents is that in the new law there is no such thing as dacha partnerships and cooperatives. There remain only horticultural non-profit partnerships and gardening non-profit partnerships, which are equivalent to partnerships of real estate owners. Accordingly, such forms provided for by Law No. 66, such as dacha partnerships, horticultural, gardening or dacha consumer cooperatives and horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit partnerships, cease to exist.
In addition, many purely fantasy things that had no application in real life disappeared from the new law - mutual lending and rental funds, meetings of commissioners, and so on. The provisions on state support for gardeners and gardeners have also become much more modest.

Contributions will be less, but for non-payment there will be a court

The number of contributions that can be collected from members of the partnership has been reduced: if the old law allowed the establishment of four types of contributions (membership, targeted, share, additional), now only two remain - membership fees and targeted contributions. Membership fees will be collected once a year and will be used for the acquisition and maintenance of common property, the construction and repair of capital construction projects on a common site, as well as the services and work of the partnership for managing the common property. Targeted contributions are collected and spent by decision of the general meeting of members of the partnership. Contributions unpaid by any member of the partnership can be recovered from him through the court.

It’s too early to register in country houses

One of the main questions for any gardener is what will happen to the house. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to give a clear answer to this question. On the one hand, the new law stipulates that the construction of permanent houses is allowed only if the land plots are included in the territorial zones intended for development. On the other hand, a garden house can be recognized as a residential building, and a residential building can be recognized as a garden house in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In other words, all existing dacha cooperatives and partnerships can be re-registered without problems into garden partnerships, and all existing dachas into garden houses, with subsequent recognition as residential buildings. But only on the condition that the territory of such a dacha cooperative includes a territorial zone intended for development and for which town planning regulations have been approved.
The first potential risk is that during re-registration there will inevitably be a check of the compliance of existing buildings with urban planning regulations. As a result, for example, it may turn out that in this particular territorial zone it is allowed to build only one-story buildings.

Even more worrying is the reference to the procedure provided for by the Government of the Russian Federation. The fact is that, according to the Town Planning Code, a building permit is not required for a garden or dacha plot. This position, by the way, is also confirmed by the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 17, 2016 No. 77-KG16-4 and numerous court practice, including in Moscow and the Moscow region.
However, in September last year, the Ministry of Economic Development issued letter No. D23i-4285, which, in particular, states that residential buildings erected on dacha plots can only be built on the basis of a building permit issued in the same manner as for individual housing construction projects . And the government, when determining the procedure for converting country houses into garden houses, will most likely be guided by the position of its ministry. That is, summer residents may begin to be required to present a building permit. In the absence of which, houses built on dacha plots may be recognized as unauthorized construction, with all the ensuing consequences.

The federal government must provide final clarity on this issue before the law comes into force. In the meantime, summer residents better keep their fingers crossed for good luck.





State Duma

Federation Council

















Article 32. General requirements for the organization and development of the territory of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association

1. The organization and development of the territory of a horticultural or dacha non-profit association, the division of a land plot provided to the corresponding association, are carried out on the basis of a territory planning project and a territory surveying project.

The organization of the territory of a gardening non-profit association and the division of a land plot provided to the corresponding association are carried out on the basis of a territory surveying project.

Preparation and approval of the territory planning project and (or) the territory surveying project are carried out in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The territory planning project and (or) land surveying project for the territory of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association must be approved by the general meeting of members of the relevant association (meeting of authorized representatives) before their approval.

2. Members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association have the right to begin using garden, vegetable or dacha land plots, with the exception of the construction of buildings, structures, structures, until the emergence of ownership rights to such land plots or their lease after their formation and distribution among the members of the relevant associations based on the decision of the general meeting of members of the relevant association (meeting of authorized representatives).

Article 34

1. The construction of buildings and structures in a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is carried out in accordance with the territory planning project and (or) the territory surveying project, as well as urban planning regulations.

2. State land supervision over citizens’ compliance with the requirements established by land legislation for the use of land plots intended for gardening, vegetable gardening or summer cottage farming is carried out in accordance with land legislation.

3 - 5. Lost power. - Federal Law of June 23, 2014 N 171-FZ.






Article 35

1. Lost power. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ.

2. Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies have the right to:

1) introduce into the staff of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies specialists in the development of personal subsidiary and dacha farming, gardening and truck farming;

2) has become invalid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

3) conduct educational and propaganda work in order to popularize gardening, vegetable gardening or dacha farming;

4) has become invalid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

5) provide, through the system of state agricultural technical services, services for the supply of varietal seeds and planting material for agricultural crops, organic and mineral fertilizers, means of protecting agricultural crops from pests and diseases;

6) - 7) are no longer valid. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;

8) reimburse in full the costs of engineering support for the territories of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations, carried out at the expense of targeted contributions;

9) establish for gardeners, vegetable gardeners, summer residents and their horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations payment standards for electricity, water, gas, telephone, determined for rural consumers.

3. Local government bodies have the right:

establish local tax benefits for contracting organizations and individual entrepreneurs carrying out the construction of public facilities in horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations;

introduce benefits for the fare of gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and members of their families on suburban passenger transport to garden, vegetable or dacha plots of land and back.

4. Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations have the right:

1) participate in the formation of mutual lending funds by providing funds in the amount of up to fifty percent of the total amount of contributions;

2) participate in the creation of rental funds by providing funds in the amount of fifty percent of the total amount of contributions to the rental fund;

3) provide funds for engineering support for the territories of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations up to fifty percent of the total amount of estimated costs;

4) reimburse in full the costs of engineering support for the territories of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations, carried out at the expense of targeted contributions;

5) provide funds for land management and organization of territories of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations, restoration and improvement of soil fertility, protection of garden, vegetable and dacha land plots from erosion and pollution, compliance with environmental and sanitary requirements;

6) sell equipment and materials to gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations for the demolition, reconstruction and major repairs of residential buildings, residential buildings, outbuildings and structures;

7) provide horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations with products for industrial and technical purposes of state and municipal organizations, waste from construction and other production.

Local government bodies and organizations have the right to take into account roads, electricity supply systems, gas supply systems, water supply systems, communications and other facilities of horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations.

5. State authorities, local government bodies and organizations have the right to support the development of gardening, market gardening and summer cottage farming in other forms.

Article 36. Procedure for supporting horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations

1. Providing subventions, reimbursement of costs incurred at the expense of targeted contributions from members of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations for engineering support of the territories of such associations, land management and organization of the territories of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations, restoration and increase of soil fertility, protection of gardening, vegetable and dacha land plots from erosion and pollution, compliance with environmental and sanitary requirements, participation of state authorities and local governments in the formation of a mutual lending fund, consumer credit unions, rental fund are carried out in the manner established by Article 35 of this Federal Law.

2 - 3. Lost power. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ.

4. The procedure for the sale of equipment and materials to gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations during the demolition, reconstruction and major repairs of residential buildings, residential buildings, outbuildings and structures, provision of gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations with products for industrial and technical purposes of state and municipal organizations, waste from construction and other production is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. Admission to the balance sheet of local government bodies and organizations of roads, electricity supply systems, gas supply, water supply, communications is carried out in accordance with the decisions of general meetings of members of horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations (meetings of authorized persons) in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation for social and engineering infrastructures of reorganized and reorganized agricultural organizations.

6. Standards for payment for the use of telephone communications, electricity, gas for gardening, vegetable farming and dacha farming, the introduction of benefits for travel of gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and members of their families on suburban passenger transport to garden, vegetable or dacha land plots and back are established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. The procedure for providing premises, telephone communications, office equipment, and utilities to associations (unions) of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations on preferential terms is established by local government bodies.

Article 37. Participation of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations in the adoption by state authorities or local governments of decisions concerning the rights and legitimate interests of members of such associations

1. Participation of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations in the adoption by state authorities or local authorities of decisions concerning the rights and legitimate interests of members of such associations is carried out through the delegation of representatives of such associations or their association (union) to meetings of state authorities or local authorities self-government making these decisions.

2. If it is necessary to make a decision concerning the rights and legitimate interests of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, a state authority or local government body is obliged to notify the chairman of the horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association at least one month in advance about the content of the proposed issues, the date , time and place of their consideration, draft decision.

3. If a decision of a state authority or local government affects the interests of one or more members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (laying utility networks within the boundaries of the land plots of members of such an association, installing power line supports, etc.), written consent of the owners is required (owners, users) of these land plots.

4. Participation of gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations, associations (unions) of such associations in the preparation and adoption of decisions concerning the rights of gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations, associations (unions ) of such associations may be carried out in other forms.

5. A decision of a state authority or local government leading to a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of members of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations may be appealed to the court.

Article 38. Assistance from state authorities and local governments to horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations

1. Assistance from state authorities and local governments to horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations is carried out through the adoption of appropriate decisions and the conclusion of contracts based on written requests from horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations.

2. State authorities and local self-government bodies are obliged to assist gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations in carrying out state registration or re-registration of rights to garden, vegetable garden or dacha land plots, buildings and structures located on them, production boundary plans of garden, vegetable and dacha land plots in the manner and within the time limits established by law.

Gardeners, gardeners and summer residents who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, belong to the category of socially vulnerable groups of the population, have the right to apply to local government bodies with applications for a reduction in fees for state registration or re-registration of rights to garden, vegetable or country land plots, buildings and structures located on them, production of boundary plans of these areas. Local government bodies accept such applications for consideration if the issue is within their competence. Within one month from the date of registration of such an application, the local government body is obliged to make a decision and notify the applicant in writing of the decision.

3. State authorities and local governments are obliged to assist horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations in:

1) carrying out work on the construction and repair of roads, power lines, water supply and sewerage systems, gas supply, communications or connection to existing power lines, water supply and sewerage systems; organizing machine-technical stations, rental funds, shops through making decisions on concluding contracts for the performance of relevant work by state and municipal enterprises, on organizing and holding competitions for programs and investment projects for the development of infrastructure in the territories of horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations, on the implementation of joint projects development of infrastructures of the territories of such associations, payment of a share of the costs of maintaining infrastructures if these infrastructures are intended to serve the population of the corresponding territories or if the engineering infrastructure objects of such associations are accepted in the prescribed manner on the balance sheet of local governments and organizations;

2) ensuring the travel of gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and members of their families to garden, vegetable and dacha land plots and back by establishing appropriate operating schedules for suburban passenger transport, organizing new bus routes, organizing and equipping stops, railway platforms, monitoring the work of suburban passenger transport passenger transport;

3) ensuring fire and sanitary safety, environmental protection, monuments and objects of nature, history and culture in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through the creation of commissions to monitor the implementation of legal requirements, which include representatives of horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations, state authorities and local governments.



Article 39. Reorganization of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association

1. Reorganization of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (merger, accession, division, separation, change of organizational and legal form) is carried out in accordance with the decision of the general meeting of members of such an association on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. When reorganizing a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, appropriate changes are made to its charter or a new charter is adopted.

3. When reorganizing a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, the rights and obligations of its members are transferred to the legal successor in accordance with the transfer deed or separation balance sheet, which must contain provisions on the succession of all obligations of the reorganized association to its creditors and debtors.

4. The transfer act or separation balance sheet of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is approved by the general meeting of members of such an association and is presented together with the constituent documents for state registration of newly emerged legal entities or for amending the charter of such an association.

5. Members of a reorganized horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association become members of newly created horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations.

6. If the separation balance sheet of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association does not make it possible to determine its legal successor, the newly emerged legal entities shall bear joint liability for the obligations of the reorganized or reorganized horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association to its creditors.

7. A gardening, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association is considered reorganized from the moment of state registration of the newly created non-profit association, with the exception of cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation.

8. Upon state registration of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association in the form of annexation to it of another horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment an entry is made in the unified state register of legal entities about the termination of the activities of the affiliated association.

9. State registration of horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations newly created as a result of reorganization and the entry into the unified state register of legal entities of entries on the termination of the activities of reorganized horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations are carried out in the manner established by the law on state registration of legal entities.

Article 40. Liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association

1. Liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. A demand for the liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association may be presented to the court by a state authority or local government body, which is granted by law the right to present such a demand.

3. Upon liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association as a legal entity, the rights of its former members to land plots and other real estate are preserved.

Article 41. Procedure for liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association

1. A gardening, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association may be liquidated on the basis and in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. The general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) or the body that made the decision on its liquidation appoints a liquidation commission and determines, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law, the procedure and timing for the liquidation of such an association.

3. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association are transferred to it. The liquidation commission, on behalf of the liquidated association, acts as its authorized representative in government bodies, local government bodies and the court.

4. The body carrying out state registration of legal entities enters into the unified state register of legal entities information that a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is in the process of liquidation.

5. The liquidation commission publishes in the press, which publishes data on state registration of legal entities, a publication on the liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, the procedure and deadline for submitting claims of creditors of such an association. The deadline for submitting creditors' claims cannot be less than two months from the date of publication of the notice of liquidation of such an association.

6. The liquidation commission takes measures to identify creditors and receive receivables, and also notifies creditors in writing about the liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association.

7. At the end of the period for submitting creditors’ claims to a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet, which contains information about the availability of land and other common property of the liquidated association, a list of claims presented by creditors and the results of their consideration.

The interim liquidation balance sheet is approved by the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) or by the body that made the decision on its liquidation.

8. After a decision is made to liquidate a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, its members are obliged to fully repay the debt on contributions in the amounts and within the time limits established by the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives).

9. If the funds available to a liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha consumer cooperative are not sufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, the liquidation commission has the right to propose to the general meeting of members of such a cooperative (meeting of authorized representatives) to pay off the existing debt by collecting additional funds from each member of such a cooperative or to sell part of or all common property of such a cooperative at public auction in the manner established for the execution of court decisions.

The disposal of the land plot of a liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

10. If a liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha consumer cooperative does not have enough funds to satisfy the claims of creditors, the creditors have the right to file a claim in court to satisfy the remaining part of the claims at the expense of the property of the members of such a cooperative.

11. Payment of funds to creditors of a liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is made by the liquidation commission in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and in accordance with the interim liquidation balance sheet, starting from the day of its approval.

12. After completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized persons) or the body that made the decision to liquidate such an association.

Article 42. Property of a liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association

1. A plot of land and real estate owned by a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association and remaining after satisfaction of the creditors’ claims may, with the consent of the former members of such an association, be sold in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the proceeds for the said land plot and real estate is transferred to the members of such an association in equal shares.

2. When determining the amount of compensation for a land plot seized for state or municipal needs and the real estate of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association located on it, it shall include the market value of the said land plot and property, as well as all losses caused to the owner of the said land plot and property. property by their seizure, including losses that the owner incurs in connection with the early termination of his obligations to third parties, including lost profits.

Article 43. Completion of the liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association

1. The liquidation of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is considered completed, such an association is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry about it in the unified state register of legal entities, and the body carrying out state registration of legal entities reports on the liquidation of such an association in the press in which data on state registration of legal entities is published.

2. Documents and accounting records of a liquidated horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association are transferred for storage to the state archive, which is obliged, if necessary, to allow members of the liquidated association and its creditors to familiarize themselves with these materials, and also to issue, at their request, the necessary copies, extracts and certificates

Article 44

An entry on the termination of the activities of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is made by the body carrying out state registration of legal entities in the manner prescribed by the federal law on state registration of legal entities.

Article 45. State registration of changes in the constituent documents of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations

1) ownership rights, including the right to sell land plots and other property, and other real rights, including the right of lifelong inheritable ownership of land plots;

2) rights associated with becoming a member of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, participating in it and leaving it;

3) other rights provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. The rights of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association to own, use and dispose of public land plots, other property of such an association, and other rights provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws are subject to protection.

3. Protection of the rights of horticultural, gardening, dacha non-profit associations and their members in accordance with criminal, administrative, civil and land legislation is carried out through:

1) recognition of their rights;

2) restoration of the situation that existed before the violation of their rights, and suppression of actions that violate their rights or create a threat of violation of their rights;

3) recognizing a voidable transaction as invalid and applying the consequences of its invalidity, as well as applying the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction;

4) invalidation of an act of a government body or an act of a local government body;

5) self-defense of one’s rights;

6) compensation for losses;

7) other methods provided by law.

Article 47. Responsibility of gardeners, gardeners or summer residents for violation of the law

1. A gardener, gardener or summer resident may be subject to administrative penalties in the form of a warning or a fine for violation of land, forestry, water, urban planning legislation, legislation on sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population or fire safety legislation committed within the boundaries of a gardening, vegetable gardening or summer cottage non-profit associations, in the manner established by the legislation on administrative offenses.

2. A gardener, gardener or summer resident may be deprived of property rights, lifelong inheritable possession, permanent (indefinite) use, fixed-term use or lease of a land plot for intentional or systematic violations provided for by land legislation.

Mandatory advance warning to a gardener, gardener or summer resident about the need to eliminate violations of the law that are grounds for deprivation of rights to a land plot is carried out in the manner established by land legislation, and deprivation of rights to a land plot if violations of the law are not eliminated - in the manner established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 48. Lost force. - Federal Law dated 05/07/2013 N 90-FZ.

Article 49. Responsibility of officials of state authorities and local government bodies for violation of legislation

Officials of state authorities, local self-government bodies guilty of failure to fulfill or improper performance of the duties assigned to them by law in connection with gardening, gardening or summer cottage farming by citizens are brought to disciplinary, material, civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner established by federal laws.

Article 50. Lost force. - Federal Law of May 13, 2008 N 66-FZ.

Article 51. Compensation for losses caused to a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association or its members

Losses caused to a gardening, gardening or dacha non-profit association or its members as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of state authorities, local governments or their officials, including the issuance of an act of a state authority or an act that does not comply with the law or other regulatory legal act local government body are subject to compensation in the manner established by civil legislation.


Article 52. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.

Article 53. Transitional provisions

1. The charters of gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha partnerships and horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha cooperatives created before the entry into force of this Federal Law are subject to being brought into compliance with the norms of this Federal Law within five years from the date of its official publication.

2. Gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha partnerships and horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha cooperatives are exempt from paying registration fees upon state registration of changes in their legal status in connection with their reorganization and bringing their charters into compliance with the norms of this Federal Law.

Article 54. On the repeal of previously adopted laws

From the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, the USSR Law “On Cooperation in the USSR” (Vedomosti of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1988, No. 22, Art. 355; Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1989, No. 355) is not applied on the territory of the Russian Federation 19, art. 350; 1990, no. 489; 1991, no. 294; art. 324, 325) in the part regulating the activities of gardening partnerships and dacha cooperatives.

Article 55. Bringing regulatory legal acts into compliance with this Federal Law

1. To propose to the President of the Russian Federation and instruct the Government of the Russian Federation to bring its regulatory legal acts into compliance with this Federal Law within six months from the date it comes into force.

2. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation, within three months from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law:

prepare and submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals to introduce amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law;

adopt regulatory legal acts ensuring the implementation of the provisions of this Federal Law.

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin