When did the Fall of Adam and Eve occur? What do you know about the Fall of Adam and Eve? Adam and Eve after the Fall.

It is undeniable that our world falls far short of the ideal of God's original purpose for creation. A world that should be populated by happy and prosperous people living in close-knit families making up a peaceful global community is instead being torn apart by conflict at all levels. A typical human life is a series of disappointments and unfulfilled hopes, brightened by rare glimpses of joy and satisfaction. Every person who decides to do good is faced with powerful forces of resistance, emanating both from the dark sides of his own nature and from the sources of evil in society. The struggle between good and evil, which characterizes human life on earth, is a consequence of the struggle between good and evil within man himself.

In human history, there has been some progress associated with the external side of life, but these achievements took place against the backdrop of incessant wars and bloodshed, irreconcilable splits between individuals, families, clans and countries. Even as a result of titanic efforts on the part of the best people in history, it was not possible to resolve the internal and external conflicts of man. However, the God of true love could not predestinate man to live in a world of suffering and sorrow. What happened? What happened to God's ideal? How did people end up at war with themselves, with other people and with nature? Why is it so difficult for people to do the good in life for which they were created? The Bible and the Koran contain specific accounts of the origin of evil among the first people, Adam and Eve, but this is only a symbolic description of the Fall. However, if correctly interpreted, they will reveal the true history of the original separation of people from God, which became the source of the prototypes that characterize the fallen relationships between people in history and the modern world. By understanding the meaning behind biblical symbols, one can uncover the mysteries of human sin and suffering and understand what action is required to restore humanity. This chapter contains an explanation of the Fall of man based on the “Principle.”

The Origin of Evil and Satan

In order for a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment for a patient, he must make a correct diagnosis. Likewise, in order for people to rid the world of evil, they need to discover the origin of evil and understand how to eliminate it. Moreover, to meet the demands of science and religion, an explanation of the nature of evil must contain a genuine analysis of the root causes of man's separation from God and the sinful behavior that caused such separation, as well as a reliable basis for interpreting the biblical accounts of the origin of evil.

What is the root of evil? Where, when and how did evil originate? Monotheistic religions associate the origin of evil with Satan, but beyond identifying the initial acts of disobedience of the first man and woman under the influence of Satan, they fail to convincingly explain the origin of Satan and evil and how the latter control human life.

The origin of Satan has always been one of the key questions in theology. Where did such an evil creature come from? Did God create it? Did it exist with God from the very beginning?

God is only good, He desires only love and goodness for His creation. For this reason, everything in the Universe, with the exception of man, exists in accordance with one perfect order, reflecting the goodness of its Creator, God. How can the nature of pure good provide the basis for the creation of an evil being? God would never create Satan as an evil being because there is nothing evil about God himself. Moreover, God's ongoing efforts to save His children from Satan and evil suggest that humans can indeed be saved. In other words, the existence of Satan could not precede the existence of God, and Satan could not coexist with God, because in this case Satan would be eternal, and evil would become a part of human life forever. This would mean that salvation from evil is impossible, and God's work to save humanity is a meaningless exercise. Thus, we can conclude that Satan was created as a good creature, but could not fulfill his original, God-given purpose.

In the Bible this being is called the serpent, or, as in other passages, the archangel Lucifer, and in the Koran it is called a genie named Iblis (or in some interpretations, an angel). Whatever his exact name, it is clear that he had a spiritual nature, since according to the scriptures, he was able to understand God and God's word and was able to communicate with the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. The Bible and Quran say that he was male and was created to serve Adam and Eve, so in this book the spiritual being known as Lucifer or Iblis will be called a Servant for simplicity. Lucifer/Iblis, as a servant of God and man, was part of God's creation and was a good being. However, once the Servant went against God's will, he became known as Satan.

God created men and women to take on His parental heart and become His children, and other spiritual beings were destined to be His servants. Although servants have their value in creation, their relationship with God is not as intimate as God's relationship with His children. God loves all creation, but children have a greater capacity to receive God's love than servants, so the parent-child relationship between God and humans is much deeper than the master-servant relationship between God and Servant. Moreover, a servant should always show humility towards the parents and children of the family he serves, and should always respect and not infringe upon the special intimacy that exists between parents and children.

Knowledge is an integral component of spiritual nature, and to know means to be responsible. In order to be responsible for what he knows, a person must have freedom of choice - an integral component of free will. Adam, Eve and the Servant had to choose between obedience and disobedience to God's commandment, which, according to the holy scriptures, forbade them to eat the fruit of one particular tree. Although the Judeo-Christian and Islamic holy scriptures leave much room for varying interpretations of what actually happened between these three key figures in the world of God's original creation, they all agree that Adam, Eve and the Servant committed an act of disobedience. But what did God's prohibition really mean, and what was the nature of their disobedience? What could motivate these blameless creatures of God if, according to God's warning, they could lose everything (including spiritual life) as a result of disobedience and gain everything as a result of obedience?

Mission of Adam, Eve and Servant

God created Adam and Eve to fulfill their human destiny by realizing three blessings. They had to evolve through three stages of growth to perfect their ability to give and receive love, first as a true son and daughter, and then as a true brother and sister. Having reached maturity individually, they would have become first husband and wife, and eventually father and mother. Being true parents, they would give birth to true children, who would be raised in accordance with God's will in His kingdom. Their family would lay the foundation for the emergence of a true clan, clan, nation and world, and the mature members of this family and their descendants would become kings and queens of human society and lords of love for the rest of creation.

Adam and Eve were to receive true love, life and race from God, and, embodying the image of God in creation, become the ancestors of true love, life and race for all humanity. Their lives were to be a model of personal responsibility and maturity and harmonious coexistence with people and with nature. Their family was supposed to embody the ideal of true love and set the standard for a loving relationship that would last forever as an example for all mankind.

But who was supposed to guide Adam and Eve in fulfilling their mission? How could they fulfill the purpose destined for them without having immediate parents to educate them during the period of growth? God was their invisible, spiritual parent, but Adam and Eve were created as immature children who lacked the personality traits to understand God directly. Since God did not have true parents who could raise Adam and Eve, he appointed a Servant as such an educator. The Servant's mission was to guide people in their development and in fulfilling their destiny. Thus, the Servant was placed in the position of greatest responsibility - to care for Adam and Eve.

The Fall of Adam and Eve

However, something completely different happened. The servant, instead of telling Adam and Eve about God's love and truth and the purpose they should strive for in their lives, roused them to rebel against God, causing them to lose their moral purity and their relationship with their spiritual parent. Separated from God and wandering in darkness, they created a family of self-centered love, ignorant of God, and became the abode of Satan. Instead of establishing a tradition of true love, life and lineage that would be passed down from generation to generation, Adam and Eve left behind a legacy of satanic love, life and lineage - a world of hell instead of the world of Heaven.

Their first son Cain, having adopted the perversity of his parents, in a fit of anger killed his younger brother Abel, thereby exposing the depravity of his family and sealing the dark fate of his family and its descendants for centuries. Thus, Adam and Eve spiritually fell from their important position as children of God and became children of Satan, who created a hell of false love in which people live in ignorance of God's love and truth.

Motives and process of the Fall

What force could cause Adam and Eve to disobey God? They had been warned of the disastrous consequences of disobedience, and the temptation to do exactly what God had forbidden them must have been extremely strong. The idea that Adam and Eve succumbed to the desire to eat literal fruit is implausible, given the abundance of natural food at their disposal. Moreover, they were warned that they would die if they “ate of the fruit,” which even a person dying of hunger would not risk doing. After they ate the forbidden fruit, they lived for a very long time, therefore the fruit they ate was not a literal fruit, but symbolized something of great importance to their spiritual life. It is even more significant that after the Fall, when God spoke to them, Adam and Eve covered their genitals, indicating that their guilt was related to love, to sexual relations, and not to the consumption of food (otherwise it would have been wiser to cover them in shame mouth).

According to the Principle, the only force more powerful than the force of truth and therefore capable of causing a person to disobey the laws of God is love. The very essence of God is the Heart, and the only reason He decided to create was to reveal the love of His Heart. Human destiny is fulfilled when people enter into a loving relationship with God, bringing joy to Him and His creation, therefore there is nothing higher than love in creation. God's laws exist to guide man towards the perfection of love; they exist to serve love. Otherwise, God's intentions for creation could not be fulfilled. Thus, love was the only force powerful enough to tempt Adam and Eve into disobeying God's commandment. The power of Principle is less than the power of love, but the power of Principle coupled with the power of God's commandment is greater than the power of love. Therefore, as long as Adam and Eve kept the commandment, they were able to overcome the temptation to abuse love.

The goal of development is the perfection of love. Thus, the Servant's most important task was to teach Adam and Eve to love according to God's will. But the Servant acted differently from what God instructed him to do. The scenario of what happened during the Fall from the point of view of the “Principle”, which is confirmed by the prevailing patterns of sinful behavior observed both throughout history and in the modern world, paints before us the following picture of events.

As Adam and Eve approached adulthood, they developed the ability to give and receive true love, increasingly embodying the beauty of the Creator. The development of their spiritual nature meant that they developed the ability to know God and communicate with Him directly, thereby reducing the need for a Servant as God's representative in the role of parent.

The servant felt that his parental role was coming to an end and he was to assume a permanent position as Adam and Eve's servant. This change in the nature of the relationship with Adam and Eve did not affect God's love for the Servant, but if misinterpreted there was a danger that the Servant would feel as if he was losing God's love. From God's point of view, the Servant should have fully fulfilled his purpose and become a great object of love by serving Adam and Eve, but from the Servant's point of view, he faced the loss of his position and the loss of love.

Next, the Servant had to come to terms with the idea that he was not subject to the three blessings given to Adam and Eve, who would receive love from God in a special way available only to people. Their beauty and potential to give and receive love became a source of envy for the Servant, even though he was created by God to achieve perfection according to his characteristics and characteristics. The servant failed to accept that his special role as God's representative to Adam and Eve was limited to a certain period of time, and his permanent role and eternal value was to be a beloved servant, not a beloved son.

The servant could react to this development in two ways. He could either share in God's growing delight in watching His children grow, or he could be jealous of God's parental love for Adam and Eve and seek to make up for the love he felt he was missing from God. Unfortunately, he chose the second path, trying to enter into a love relationship with Eve. He sought her love for his own benefit, not to care for Adam and Eve and ensure that they received what they needed to reach maturity and realize the three blessings. The Servant's masculine nature pushed him towards Eve, whose feminine attractiveness attracted him. However, in attempting to enter into a relationship with Eve, the Servant abandoned his role as guardian of God's children and usurped the role of Adam, who was created to be Eve's husband.

When the scriptures say that the Servant induced Eve to eat of the fruit, he actually induced her to share his love, violating God's command to the contrary. There was no real fruit created by God that was not intended for man, since all fruits must be gathered in their time and for their purpose. When Eve became a mature woman and was able to become a true wife for Adam, her mature love would be intended for Adam. Any other purpose for her feminine love is contrary to God's will.

Eve became infatuated with the Servant because of his intellectual superiority and because her kind, feminine heart sought to comfort the Servant in his “loss.” However, by reciprocating the Servant's unrighteous love (by agreeing to "taste of the fruit"), Eve lost her innocence and natural ability to give and receive true love. She learned perverted love from her teacher and lost her role as a true daughter of God, as well as her right to be a true wife and mother. Although the Servant was only a spiritual being, and Eve was a human being living on earth, the love relationship they entered into was sexual and real enough to violate the laws of true love (facts of real sexual contacts between spirits and earthly people are detailed in the literature about incubi (male spirits) and succubi (female spirits), who performed sexual acts with people of the opposite sex). God could not recognize or participate in the relationship between the Servant and Eve because it had nothing to do with His standard of love. The unprincipled love relationship between them caused the spiritual fall, as a result of which the Servant and Eve cut themselves off from the true love of God (the fall in this book means the loss of unity with God and does not imply a literal movement in space).

After the Fall, Eve could no longer understand God and His will for herself. However, she saw that Adam had not yet lost his innocence, and, feeling shame for her misdeed, she clearly realized that the Servant had deceived her into an illicit relationship. She realized that she should have waited until she and Adam reached maturity and were blessed to marry. Eve was faced with a choice: either repent of her mistake and confess her sin to Adam, thereby separating from the Servant and his false love, and allow Adam to help her restore her relationship with God, or blame Adam for her mistake and try to get rid of the feelings of loss and isolation from God, luring Adam into a love relationship and encouraging him to also “eat of the fruit.” She chose the second course of action, and Adam, although he understood that he was openly violating God’s commandment, parted with his innocence, entering into a relationship of immature marital love with Eve. This love was immature because Adam had not yet achieved the complete unity of soul and body (the first blessing), which is a necessary condition for receiving the blessing of marriage, and because Eve, not restored after the Fall, was not yet qualified to become his wife. God could neither recognize nor participate in their loving relationship because it violated the principles of true love. The ideal world of the three blessings cannot arise from immature love. Premature sexual relations between Adam and Eve are called the physical fall.

Adam's seduction did not free Eve from her discomfort, self-blame, and guilt, and as a result Adam was pulled into the same fallen realm. As a result of the Fall, both Adam and Eve lost their previously intimate relationship with God and were separated from His true love. Having become alienated from God's heart and love, they gave birth to a distorted imitation of love between a man and a woman, modeled on the relationship between Eve and the Servant. Thus, instead of receiving God's blessing for marriage and creating a family of true love, Adam and Eve established fallen standards of love in a family divorced from God's love. Their vicious love became the norm, which was adopted by both their children and all subsequent generations of people.

Each of them had their own reasons for the accusations. Adam accused Eve of deceiving him into a premature love relationship, and Eve accused Adam of not protecting her from the machinations of the Servant and succumbing to her feelings, although he should have known that such a relationship was not permitted by God. By harboring resentment, rather than repenting and asking for forgiveness from God and each other, Adam and Eve created an angry, bitter, loveless family that became the home of Satan, not God. The children of Adam and Eve, raised in a satanic family, never received the parental love they needed to grow into true men and women. Instead, they adopted patterns of unprincipled behavior that turned the Garden of Eden into hell on earth.

God created man differently from other creatures. Before his creation, God, in the Most Holy Trinity, confirmed His desire, He said: “Let us create man in Our image and in Our likeness.”

Adam and Eve in Paradise.

And God created man from the dust of the earth, that is, from the substance from which the entire material, earthly world was created, and breathed into his face the breath of life, that is, he gave him a free, rational, living and immortal spirit, in His image and likeness; and there became a man with an immortal soul. This “breath of God” or immortal soul distinguishes man from all other living creatures.

Thus, we belong to two worlds: with our body – to the visible, material, earthly world, and with our soul – to the invisible, spiritual, heavenly world. At the moment of death, the soul is separated from the body, and the body ceases to live and suffer. But the soul continues to live in the invisible world. And God gave the first man the name Adam, which means “taken from the earth.”

I'll comment on your answer.

Judas did not have to tell the authorities anything to get them to send an army after Jesus.

We read, look at the context of events, and draw a conclusion:

Matt.12:14 And the Pharisees went out and had counsel against Him, how to destroy Him. But Jesus, having learned, withdrew from there.
John 10:39 Then they again sought to seize Him; but He escaped from their hands,
John 11:53 From that day they decided to kill Him.
John 11:57 The chief priests and Pharisees gave orders that if anyone knew where He would be, they would announce it in order to take Him.
John 5:18 And the Jews sought even more to kill Him, because He not only violated the Sabbath, but also called God His Father, making Himself equal with God.
Luke 6:11 And they became enraged and talked among themselves about what they should do to Jesus.
Mark 3:6 The Pharisees went out and immediately made a conference with the Herodians against Him, how to destroy Him.

When did the Fall of Adam and Eve occur? Badi Hodge, USA

In Genesis 1:28, the Lord gave Adam and Eve the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. If they waited too long without bearing children, it would be a sin against the will of God. Since both of them were blessed with flawless bodies, Eve's conception should have happened quite quickly. Therefore, the period from the Creation of the world to the Fall must have been relatively short. Some believe that the Fall could not have happened too soon because Adam walked with God in the garden, suggesting a close relationship between Adam and his Creator that may have developed over time. However, the Bible does not say that Adam walked with God in the garden. Although many teach this, it is not mentioned in Scripture. Adam and Eve, having sinned, hid when they heard the sound of the Lord’s steps in the Garden (Genesis 3:8), and, mind you, this happened after the Fall.

We should not forget the main thing: the story of the creation of the world and the Fall, like many other events from the Old Testament, cannot be taken literally. The creation of man (Heb. adam) meant not just the first human individual, but all of humanity. St. Gregory of Nyssa wrote that Adam is not a proper name, but the name of “all man.” Tertullian and St. spoke in a similar way. Augustine. The name Eva comes from the verb “to live” (Eve - to live: Havva - hayah), this name emphasizes the blood relationship of the human race.

In the first centuries of Christianity, two main directions of exegesis (the study of Scripture) emerged; they were named after the location of the schools - Alexandria and Antioch.

Alexandria was particularly influenced by the philosophy of Neoplatonism and gravitated toward an allegorical interpretation of the Bible. Its representatives agreed that various biblical events are allegories of what was of the highest significance in the history of salvation.

THE FALL OF SIN Chapter from the Law of God by Seraphim of Slobodsky

See also: Forgiveness Sunday (memory of Adam's exile) How God created the first people The life of the first people in paradise Conversation about man About the image and likeness of God in man The consequences of the Fall and the promise of the Savior Conversation about the Fall Why the Lord God allowed the first people to sin

The devil was jealous of the heavenly bliss of the first people and planned to deprive them of heavenly life. To do this, he entered the serpent and hid in the branches of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And when Eve passed not far from him, the devil began to inspire her to eat fruit from the forbidden tree. He cunningly asked Eve: “Is it true that God did not allow you to eat from any tree in paradise?”

“No,” Eve answered the serpent, “we can eat the fruits of all the trees, only the fruits of the tree that is in the middle of paradise, God said, do not eat or touch them, lest you die.”

It is undeniable that our world falls far short of the ideal of God's original purpose for creation. A world that should be populated by happy and prosperous people living in close-knit families making up a peaceful global community is instead being torn apart by conflict at all levels. A typical human life is a series of disappointments and unfulfilled hopes, brightened by rare glimpses of joy and satisfaction. Every person who decides to do good is faced with powerful forces of resistance, emanating both from the dark sides of his own nature and from the sources of evil in society. The struggle between good and evil, which characterizes human life on earth, is a consequence of the struggle between good and evil within man himself.

In human history, there has been some progress associated with the external side of life, but these achievements took place against the backdrop of incessant wars and bloodshed.

Deacon Andrey

Lecture at the Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala.

Today we will peek through the keyhole. And the topic of today’s reflections is: what is Adam’s sin. But before that, you need to carefully look at the biblical text and try to understand what commandments Adam received, how the Lord saw him, and what he was destined for.

They usually say that Adam and Eve received one commandment: not to eat from the tree of knowledge, and so they broke it. In fact, there were more commandments.

The first of them was the commandment to multiply life: “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” This is the command that the Lord gave to people first of all. And it should be noted that the presence of such a command means that the anti-Christian argument is stupid, which identifies the sin of Adam and Eve with their sexual life, and then triumphantly asks, pulling out a finger either from the nose or from somewhere else: Oh, that’s how This is how people would multiply if they had not sinned, eh?

Asked by: Anna

Question (edited): Did Adam and Eve know what good and evil were before the Fall? I think they knew that good and evil exist, but they learned good and evil after the Fall.

Alexander Bolotnikov answers: Peace be with you!

“And the Lord God said: Behold, Adam has become as one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand, and also take of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” (Gen. 3:22).

The Hebrew verb "yada" used in this and other similar verses does not denote theoretical knowledge, but self-testing. Adam knew Eve - Cain was born, then Abel. The concept of “to know” in Hebrew is expressed in two words:
— infinitives “ladaat” — to know, to cognize.

What really happened in Paradise?

What is the essence of the “Tree of Life” and the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”?
What kind of fruits grew on them?
Why were Adam and Eve sent from Paradise to Earth?

Let us restore the biblical picture of the Fall of man.
From all the illustrations on this topic, I chose the painting “Temptation” and made a “clarifying” collage.

The illustration and collage depict five objects and characters that interest us: He (Adam), She (Eve), the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with the forbidden fruit(s) and the cunning Serpent.

Everything that will happen to them now will happen by the WILL of GOD HIMSELF (SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS YYOVYO).
The material of the BIBLE and our earthly life testify to this.

(However, judging by the sequence of presentation and semantic “linking” of the biblical narrative, one can feel someone’s “work” in distorting and deliberately extracting individual verses from the text.

Inadequacy of the behavior of Adam and Eve after the Fall Immediately after the fall of the first humanity took place, the Lord hastened to the people’s aid: And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in paradise during the cool of the day; and Adam and his wife hid from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of paradise (Gen. 3:8).

What happened to Adam? What happened to Eve? Are they hiding from God?! It's really crazy. This is not the same Adam, this is not the same Eve - these are people with damaged consciousness. They suddenly found themselves at an incomprehensibly low level of religious consciousness: they assume that they can hide from God! From God, who is omnipresent, Adam and Eve are hiding in the bushes!

Once, when I served in the Tambov diocese, I had the opportunity to go into the house of one of the parishioners during Lent. He decided to treat me: “Father Deacon, I have homemade sausage.” Seeing the embarrassment on my face, he understood everything and, looking at me slyly, but at the same time kindly, said: “I understand everything.

The Bible wants to convey its message to us, but we are “stupid”, we do not see the obvious, because we only believe, forgetting that the Lord God has gifted us with a creative creative mind.

Religion in the modern world plays almost as important a role as it did thousands of years ago, since according to polls conducted by the American Gallup Institute, at the beginning of the 21st century, more than 90% of people believed in the existence of God or higher powers, and the number of believers is approximately the same in highly developed countries and third world countries. Every religion is based on belief in supernatural forces, organized worship of God or gods, and the need to adhere to a certain set of rules and regulations.

But how correctly do we interpret the Holy Scriptures? Why is the interpretation of the Bible based on a religious point of view in various interpretations, far from modern ideas of the universe?

Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise

The Creation of Adam and the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:7-15

And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. 8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man whom he had created. 9 And the Lord God made from the ground every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 10 A river came out of Eden to water the garden; and then divided into four rivers. 11 The name of one is Pison: it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; 12 And the gold of the land is good; there is bdellium and onyx stone. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is Hiddekel: it flows before Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates. 15 And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.

God's commandments to man in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:16-20

The crime of Adam and Eve

More than a hundred years had passed since Adam began his work on Urantia, yet he had noticed almost no progress outside the Garden; the world as a whole seemed to have changed very little for the better. Real improvement of the races seemed possible only in the distant future, and the situation seemed so desperate that it required assistance not provided for in the original plans. In any case, such thoughts often appeared in Adam, and he shared them with Eve many times. Adam and his companion remained true to their oath, but they were isolated from the other Material Sons and extremely dejected by the sad state of their world.

1. The Urantia Problem

The Adamic mission to experimental, rebellion-scarred and isolated Urantia was an incredibly difficult task. And already at the beginning of their stay on the planet, Adam and Eve understood the complexity of their planetary mission.

Animal naming

After a short time, the biblical god gave Adam the task of naming each animal somehow, each of which he personally sculpted from the ground. “The Lord God formed out of the ground every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought it to man to see what he would call them” (Genesis 2:19). They lined up in front of Adam at attention, like freshmen on the parade ground, and began to listen to his words. It looked like this.

All the animals reached Adam, and he began to give them names left and right. There is nothing unusual here yet: God said “it is necessary,” and Adam answered “there is.” But the most incendiary acrobatic performances consisted of the following. So, the most wonderful number is the appearance of fish. These unfortunate sea fish reached fresh water along the four rivers that flow in Eden (paradise). The Bible says that there were four rivers in Paradise. No speculation, dear friends! Marine mammals also experienced incredible inconvenience when getting to Adam along the rivers. And how the deep-sea octopuses suffered while swimming along the river towards Adam - you’ll laugh out loud! You had to see how they used their tentacles. And the whales? Poor whales. Apparently, the banks of these rivers were temporarily widened for the poor whales. Providence, so to speak, is the Lord's. Seals, walruses, polar bears and penguins also arrived in Eden for this masquerade. There's a whole story there. Platypuses, kangaroos from distant Australia, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses and crocodiles from Africa also jumped here. Yes, whoever was there. And also parrots, llamas, alligators, anacondas from South America. Even Baikal omul, Chud whitefish and Far Eastern salmon were present at the distribution of names! You should have seen how the sloth crawled, and how the turtles crawled - there are no more words. Full faunal international. After the names were distributed, all these brethren hastily rushed to their continents of residence. Magic!

Or more precisely: a primitive Jewish vision of the world, which is still instilled in us by zealous saints!

The Fall of Adam and Eve

“The tempting serpent made man a man. Not God, but a serpent"
Danil Granin

"Why should we suffer because of Adam and Eve's disobedience?"
Arkady, 2nd grade

Adam lived with his wife Eve in paradise. The biblical god bequeathed to Adam: “...you shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”(Genesis 2:17). Let us note the fact that in addition to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there was also a tree of life in paradise (Genesis 2:9). By the way, it is generally accepted that these were apples. But this is not in the Bible.

So, there are two trees available:

1. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

2. Tree of life.

So why did the Christian god deceive Adam? Adam did not die on the day he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He lived 930 years (Genesis 5:5). Lying is very bad and undignified. Especially for God.

If this god lies so brazenly from the first pages of the Bible, then what can we expect from the Christian religion?

Further, why did God need to hide something from man? Why not teach a person to understand what is good and what is evil? This is bad? Why hide the true state of things from your creations? Moreover, from his own image and likeness (after all, man, as stated in the Bible, was created in the image and likeness of God). The last Roman pagan emperor Julian the Philosopher (361-363) in his book “Against the Christians,” written during his last campaign in Persia, noted: “The fact that God forbade the people he created from the knowledge of good and evil is not the height of absurdity After all, what could be more stupid than not being able to distinguish between good and evil? After all, such a person will obviously not avoid the bad and strive for the good. And most importantly, God forbade a person to use reason. "It's clear to a fool." Christians hate Julian. They gave him a nickname: Renegade. The hatred that the Christian Church had and still feels for this “apostate” embellished his image, giving him the features of the Antichrist, a satanic adversary and a persecutor of the Christian faith.

Julian was right. If you want to teach a person how to navigate in life, then teach him what is good and what is evil. Teach him to DISCOVER and be able to determine what is good and what is evil. It was necessary to really teach a person in his likeness. And hiding what good and evil are is simply savagery. How can a person behave if he does not know what good and evil are? The Christian god had bad intentions.

For some reason, this god needed to hide knowledge about good and evil from people. He just needed a reason to drive people out of paradise, humiliate them, instill in them the idea of ​​their sinfulness, curse them, make them his slaves and mock them. Vileness and obscurantism. Vile, very vile. Can a good god act this way? Can not.

Christians say that God supposedly wanted to test man. Stupid argument, worn to holes. They say he wanted to see if people could resist eating these fruits. What follows from this? Theologians constantly insist that the Christian God is omniscient and omniscient. He supposedly knows absolutely everything, even the future. Everything develops only according to his plan. Well, since everything goes according to his plan, it turns out that he should have foreseen what would happen in the end. So nothing happens without his will? If so, then he himself wanted people to violate his ban. The Christian God himself is to blame and responsible for people’s mistakes! And if he didn’t want his unfortunate creatures to break his law, then that means he’s not omniscient or omniscient, but just so-so. One out of two. Which version should we choose? A vile god or a Christian lie about the power of this local Jewish god?

So, I’ll explain two possible options for those who don’t understand:

a) The Christian God knew in advance how this whole test with eating the fruit would end. Nevertheless, he allowed such an experiment and kicked people out of paradise, placing all the blame on them, and especially on Eve. Therefore, he is SNEAKY.

b) The Christian god did not know anything in advance, and he did not foresee the outcome of the event with eating the forbidden fruit. Consequently, he is NOT omniscient, but a petty Jewish god, inflated to the limits of “universal humanity.”

In both cases I could FORGIVE. Nothing terrible happened.

How did this fall take place? The serpent talks to a woman. He says that neither she nor Adam will die if they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but will be like gods, knowing what good is and what evil is (Genesis 3:1-5). By the way, the snake spoke perfectly to the woman in human language. Judging by the Bible, he was the only one who, besides people, possessed human speech. Well, where did the snake get this human speech? Did you teach yourself? Who gave him the ability to speak? Isn't it God himself? There is no one else. So why did God allow the snake to speak human language? So that he could persuade a woman to eat fruit from a tree? So, the root cause of temptation is the Christ-Jewish God himself? Again - mean.

The woman ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and gave it to Adam, who also ate it. God walked through the garden (that is, he was in the body). He walks through the garden and calls Adam. Even though he is a god, he doesn’t know where they are. He calls people and they come. While God is not aware that Adam and his wife ate fruit from the tree. Once he saw that people were ashamed of their nakedness, it began to dawn on him what had happened (Genesis 3:6-11). As a result, he treated them cruelly.

The biblical god abandons his personal responsibility and blames everything on the serpent. A typical Jew is this Jewish god. It is customary for Jews to blame all their mistakes on others. It's not fair. He cursed the snake for teaching a woman to pick a fruit from a tree and eat it. So what did the snake do that was so bad? He just exposed the lies of this god, told people the truth that they would not die after eating this fruit. And they didn't die. What the Christian god does is called confusion of responsibilities. Remember this method. We will return to it later.

God cursed the serpent with the words: “...because you have done this (opened people’s eyes - SCh.), you are cursed above all livestock and above all the beasts of the field; you will walk on your belly, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. ..." (Genesis 3:14-15). What are the conclusions from this? Such:

Firstly, you might think that the snake used to walk on its feet, and then began to crawl.

Secondly, snakes do not feed on ashes. This curse did not work for God (this, by the way, is about his omnipotence).

Thirdly, what kind of snake taught the woman to eat the fruit from the tree? Efa? Cobra? Python? Really? Gyurza? Some other one? If, for example, a cobra taught you to eat fruits from a tree, then what does other types of snakes have to do with it? What are they to blame for? Do they also need to crawl on their bellies? AND Or, let’s say, a cobra persuaded Eve to eat a fruit from a tree and now cobras crawl on their bellies. So all the other snakes walk on their feet or something? Nothing intelligible in the Bible. Complete nonsense and leapfrog.

The Christian God really doesn’t like the truth. He punishes the one who says it. In addition, if the serpent persuaded the woman to eat the fruit, then this was due to an oversight of God. This means that God himself created him this way. He overlooked it, did not hear the dialogue between the serpent and the woman (oh, omnipotent and omniscient!). So, either God simply does not understand what he is doing, who he created and what is happening on his territory in general, or he does not want to be responsible for his affairs, for the results of his work. He cursed the snake, he cursed the people, he cursed the earth (Genesis 3:16-19). Sheer injustice and extravagance.

God kicked Adam and Eve (the woman received her name during exile) from paradise. For what? That's why. “And God said, Behold, Adam has become like ONE OF US, knowing good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” (Genesis, 3:22). Yeah, we've reached the main point. This, it turns out, is what God was terribly afraid of: lest man also eat the fruit of the tree of life and become immortal, like him. He was afraid, very afraid of losing power over a person. So you “created in his own image and likeness.” A blatant, very blatant lie!

It's a shame that Adam and Eve missed the tree of life and did not eat its fruit. The snake turned out to be not so wise and cunning. The woman should have been told: “Eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and you will be wise like gods. Then quickly eat the fruit from the tree of life and you will be immortal, like gods.” If they ate them, they would become immortal and this vile god would not be able to do anything with them.

Now let's pay attention again to the words "one of us." Such words more than clearly prove that the Bible was not written by God, but was invented by Jews, inventing a one-god religion from pagan polytheism. By the way, Jews in ancient times were polytheists, then the cult of Jehovah (Yahweh, Iaho) eclipsed all the other gods of the Jewish pantheon.

About the natural sexuality of people. Why is this a sin? Why is sexuality sinful? Why does it need to be hidden? After all, God created Adam and Eve. So? Well, why did he make them different sexes? I would make it same-sex. And if he made them different sexes, then why is sexuality bad? Even if this is bad, then what is the person’s fault? Guilty for what? For God's poor performance if sexuality is bad? Or are the men and women to blame for being attracted to each other? Finally, sexuality exists to give new life. This is really great. For some reason, the Christian God hides from people their natural attraction to each other, the form of reproduction. So, the Christian god is not a god of life, but a god of death?

After the expulsion of Adam and Eve and paradise, no changes were made related to the form of childbirth and sexuality. Genetics and physiology remained the same. The first people were capable of reproduction from the very beginning. Only God hid it. Then he kicked me out of heaven, cursed me, and declared sexuality to be a sin. In the 18th century in Holland, Adrien Beverpand, in his essay “Original Sin,” argued that an envious and sexless god kicked Adam and Eve out of paradise because they discovered pleasure in love intercourse (Tristian Annaniel, “Christianity: Dogmas and Heresies” ).

Even if a person did something wrong, made a mistake, really succumbed to the temptation of the serpent, realized what good and evil are. Well, what is criminal and terrible about this? Forgive me, help me correct the mistake, teach me again. You are so all-good and all-powerful. But no. You should immediately shower him with curses and drive him out of paradise. Strong on curses, weak on understanding. And do Christians pray to this ghoul and hope for his help?

“Christianity considers human life itself to be torture, a punishment for the original sin of Adam and Eve. God condemned people to endure countless diseases, epidemics, floods, earthquakes, cold and hunger, wars until the “Last Judgment”; God condemned people to be born in unbearable pain, to themselves their daily bread in the sweat of their brow and experience an animal fear of death. Even the earthly life of a righteous man is full of all kinds of ordeals, torments and trials. So, God sent people from Eden to Earth to suffer. They were given an ultimatum - commandments that were imposed by elementary blackmail. and with a bribe: if you submit to me, I will forgive you and posthumously return you to heaven (and we are guilty before him, as he believes, all of us from birth), otherwise you will go to Satan to hell" (Olegern, "The Devil", chapter "Lucifer" ").

But no, they still say that under the influence of Satan, Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command. Okay, let there be Satan. Well, who is he, this Satan? If you look at it impartially, Satan is just a collective image. Every culture has its own "Satans". Why did God, the creator of all things, need to create it? I could have not created it, and everything would have been fine. After all, he could not have done this. And no one would have to be kicked out, and people would live happily. Or did Satan also exist before God? Or did God make him on purpose so that he would spoil people? Well, let’s say that God, out of his stupidity, created Satan and endowed him with a special way of thinking (so that he would do only harm to everyone and nothing more). So what's the point of all this? Test people to see how they, possessed by Satan, continue to believe in God? And this god doesn’t want to do anything more useful for people? Your ways are mysterious, Jehovah.

In this episode, cruelty, inhumanity, the desire to lie, avoidance of personal responsibility, intolerance to the truth, and inability to forgive can be safely attributed to the Christian God. He found a reason to humiliate a person, drive him out of heaven, enslave him, and then mock him.

But Jesus Christ says: " Love your God with all your heart"(Matt. 22:37). Loving that bastard biblical god? With what joy? Love someone who values ​​his apples more than his people? “If God wanted to become an object of love, then he should first renounce the position of a judge dispensing justice: a judge, and even a merciful judge, is not an object of love.”(Friedrich Nietzsche).

Nika Kravchuk

Why did God allow Adam and Eve to sin?

The greatest tragedy in human history occurred in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve, created in God's image and likeness for eternal heavenly life, transgressed the commandment. They ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and thereby fell away from the Lord. How to understand this tragedy? Why did a merciful and loving God allow Adam and Eve to sin? Why did all the descendants of our forefathers have to bear the burden of original sin? Read about this in the article.

Retribution for breaking the commandment

The pinnacle of all God's creations was man, created in the image of God. And God awarded this ideal creation with a special gift - freedom of choice.

The Lord created all the conditions, “provided” a truly heavenly life and set only one commandment - about not eating the fruits of the tree of knowledge. God warned: if you eat from this tree, you will die.

What is death in the biblical understanding? This is a severance of connection with God. The Lord seemed to warn: I gave you only one condition, if you disobey Me, then our relationship will no longer be as trusting as before, everything will change. By transgressing the commandment, Adam and Eve betrayed the Lord and thereby fell away from the Source of Life. In this sense they became dead.

How did God allow the Fall to happen?

Many people wonder: why did the Lord, a loving and merciful Father, allow Adam and Eve to fall into sin? Could He not create man incapable of sin? No, I couldn't. Why? Because God created people in His image. If God is free, then man also has this gift. He is not a robot, not a toy, not a puppet whose actions can be controlled using strings.

The Lord knows about the possible negative consequences of thoughts and actions, and therefore warns a person. But he does not force Adam and Eve to do what is right. They are free to make their own choices and be responsible for the consequences of their decisions.
If God had forbidden the possibility of the Fall, he would have committed violence against human nature.

The Fall of Adam and Eve Affected All Descendants

Even after eating the forbidden fruit, the first parents had the opportunity to repent in the Garden of Eden. Instead, they hid from God. And when the Lord asked Adam if he had eaten the forbidden fruit, the first man, instead of repenting, indirectly accused the Lord: it was the woman whom God created who gave him the fruit, and that is why he ate.

The consequences of the Fall were too great. Sin, which crept into human hearts, was passed on to descendants. People could not defeat him with their own efforts.

Some readers will ask: why then did God not deliver people from the consequences? But how? Sin is already in man. What to do: violently kill sinners and create sinless people in their place? What about freedom of choice? And where is the guarantee that new creations would not violate the commandment? In this situation, the Lord chose a different option.

The price of redemption

The God of love and mercy made a sacrifice Himself for the salvation of people. To redeem all humanity, the Son of God became incarnate and came into the world. To restore immortality to people, Christ was crucified on the Cross and accepted death.

With the help of the fruit on the Tree of Knowledge, Adam and Eve fell into sin, and with the help of the Tree of the Cross, salvation came to the whole world.

Why did God allow the fall of Lucifer and Adam? Archpriest Vladimir Golovin answers the question:

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Jan Van Eyck. Adam. Eve.
Fragments of Ghent
altar. Cathedral of St. Bavo

"And you will be like gods." Adam and his wife lived carefree in paradise. It was so warm there that they didn't need clothes. They ate unusually large and tasty fruits, which they picked from trees. People communicated with animals and birds. God loved to walk through the Garden of Eden and visited them often.

One day the serpent, who was more cunning than all the other animals, asked the woman if God had allowed them to eat the fruits of all the trees of paradise? She replied that they were forbidden to touch only the fruits of one tree, so as not to die. The serpent explained that the fruits of this particular tree give knowledge, and God forbade touching them because he was afraid that people would become as wise as Himself. And the Serpent said to the woman: “You will not die, for God knows that on the day you eat from him, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.”

Adam and Eve pick fruit from the tree of knowledge.

Having learned about this, the woman picked fruit from the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, ate it herself and treated Adam. Suddenly they saw that they had no clothes on. They felt ashamed in front of each other, and they began to make themselves belts from fig tree leaves. [fig], but did not have time to finish a new task for them, when suddenly the voice of God was heard walking in the garden. Adam and his wife got scared and hid behind the trees. But God called Adam. He responded and said that he hid because he was ashamed to show himself without clothes. God asked: “Who said that you have no clothes on? Have you eaten the fruits of that tree that I forbade you to touch?” Here poor Adam immediately put all the blame on his wife, and she blamed it on the serpent who taught her this.

God curses the serpent and punishes Adam and Eve. God was terribly angry and cursed the serpent. He took his legs away and ordered him to crawl on his belly and eat dirt and dust. And God said that now there will be eternal enmity between snakes and people. He also came up with a severe punishment for the woman. God commanded that she would bear children in severe torment and obey her husband in everything. Adam now had to work with great difficulty to obtain food by cultivating the land. Instead of the fruits of paradise, they should have eaten the grass of the field. But even this seemed not enough to God. He decided that because of their disobedience, people would eventually die.

Lucas Cranach the Elder.
The Fall. XVI century

Expulsion of Adam from Paradise
and Eve

The distressed Adam gave his wife the name Eve, which means “life,” since she was to become the mother of all humanity.

And God made leather clothes for Adam and Eve and ordered them to wear them. He decided not to leave them in paradise. God was afraid that Adam and Eve, who at the prompting of the serpent acquired wisdom and knowledge of good and evil, would now eat the fruits of the tree of life and also acquire immortality. So that people could not live forever, God expelled them from paradise and placed a cherub (mythical winged creature) with a fiery sword to guard the path to the tree of life.

The serpent, the tree of life and the tree of death.