Truffles from baby formula. Truffle candies from my childhood

On the shelves of modern supermarkets there is a fairly wide range of all kinds of sweets. However, most sweets and chocolates contain dyes, flavors and other artificial ingredients. Therefore, such products should not be purchased for children. After reading today’s publication, you will learn how to make your own delicious and healthy candies from the “Malyutka” mixture.

Classic recipe

This option is interesting because it involves the use of a minimum set of ingredients. In addition, most of the required products are almost always available in every home. To avoid unpleasant surprises, audit the contents of your pantry in advance and make sure it has everything you need. To make candies from “Malyutka”, you must have:

  • Two and a half glasses of sugar.
  • A quarter stick of butter.
  • Four and a half cups of powdered milk formula.
  • Three tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Three quarters of a glass of milk.

Additionally, you will need coconut flakes. It is needed to decorate the finished dessert.

Process description

It should be noted that the candies from the “Malyutka” mixture, the recipe for which is presented in today’s publication, are so simple that even an inexperienced housewife can handle it without any hassle. In one saucepan combine granulated sugar, cocoa, butter and milk. Mix everything thoroughly, put it on the stove and cook over low heat until all the grains are dissolved.

The resulting mass is set aside and cooled. When it has cooled to the desired temperature, gradually add four glasses of dry milk mixture into it. From the resulting viscous mass, which is difficult to stir with a spoon, small pieces are pinched off and formed into balls. To make the process easier, do this with your hands soaked in water. After this, another half glass of the milk mixture is poured onto the table and the resulting balls are rolled in it, simultaneously giving them the shape of truffles. Almost finished candies from “Malyutka” are lightly sprinkled with water, sprinkled with coconut flakes and sent to the refrigerator. A few hours later they are served to the table.

Option with ice cream

It should be noted that using this recipe you can quickly and easily prepare not only a tasty, but also a healthy delicacy. These candies from “Malyutka” can be given to children without fear. To make such a delicacy, you need to inspect the contents of your refrigerator in advance to ensure that all the necessary ingredients are available. In this case, you should have at your disposal:

  • A pack of milk formula.
  • Two hundred grams of ice cream.
  • A stick of butter.

White chocolate and cocoa will be used as additional components. If desired, the last ingredient can be replaced with coconut flakes.

Cooking technology

In order for your family to be able to try from “Malyutka”, the recipe for which is discussed in today’s article, you need to strictly follow the recommended ratio of products. The process itself is extremely simple and does not require specific skills.

Combine the dry mixture, ice cream and butter in one bowl. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer, then rub it with your hands and put it in the refrigerator. After the mass thickens, balls are formed from it and sprinkled with coconut or cocoa.

If you don't want to deal with sticky dough, you can do it differently. In this case, the thickened mass is placed in an ice tray and sent to the refrigerator. After a few hours, the finished candies from the “Malyutka” baby formula are poured with melted white chocolate and served.

Variant with nuts

To prepare such a delicacy, you should go to the nearest store in advance to stock up on all the necessary products. This time you will need:

  • Half a glass of milk.
  • 150 grams of butter.
  • A pack of milk formula.
  • 150 grams of chopped walnuts.

So that your loved ones can appreciate the sweets you have prepared from “Malyutka” (the recipe with photos can be seen below), the above list of products should be expanded a little. Additionally, add four tablespoons of cocoa powder and a pack of wafers.


Place butter and cocoa cut into pieces into a clean bowl. Milk is poured there, everything is mixed thoroughly, put on the stove and brought to a boil. After a minute, remove the container from the heat and cool.

Add pre-chopped walnuts to the cooled mass and mix well. Form small balls from the resulting dough with your hands, sprinkle them with grated waffles and place them in the refrigerator for a short time. After about an hour, dessert can be served.

Option with condensed milk and cognac

Since these candies from “Malyutka” contain a small amount of alcohol, they are not advisable to give to children. Before you start cooking, be sure to check that your kitchen cabinets have all the necessary components. In this case, you should have at hand:

  • A can of boiled condensed milk.
  • A couple of glasses of chopped nuts.
  • About half a glass of cognac.

If the last ingredient is missing, it can be replaced with liqueur or Madeira. You also need to make sure that you have some grated chocolate, crushed wafers or crushed cookies in your kitchen.

Cooking algorithm

Using this recipe, you can make delicious candies quickly and without much hassle. “Baby”, the photo of which is presented above, is the basis of this dessert. It is poured into a clean saucepan, combined with pre-cooked condensed milk, cognac and chopped nuts and mixed thoroughly.

Pinch off the dough from the resulting mass with your hands, form small balls from it and roll them in grated chocolate, crushed waffles or crumbled cookies. The finished dessert is sent to the refrigerator.

Option with glaze

This recipe makes very tasty homemade sweets that are free of dyes, preservatives and other synthetic fillers. Usually such a dessert is eaten much faster than it is prepared. Both adults and children eat it with equal pleasure. To make such a delicacy, you should have in your kitchen cabinets:

  • Three packs of waffles.
  • Two hundred grams of high-quality butter.
  • One pack of powdered milk formula.

Since this recipe contains glaze, the above list of components needs to be expanded. Additionally, one and a half glasses of granulated sugar, four tablespoons of cocoa and two hundred milliliters of filtered water are added to it.

At the initial stage, you should start preparing the waffles. They are disassembled and all the filling is carefully cleaned off. As for the latter, it is not thrown away, but collected in a clean bowl, since it will be needed in the future. The peeled waffle filling is combined with dry baby formula and softened butter. Grind everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. After this, part of the icing made from filtered water, granulated sugar and cocoa powder is poured into the resulting mixture.

From the dough prepared in this way, pinch off pieces with your hands and form small balls from them. After this, the resulting homemade sweets are dipped into a bowl filled with the remaining glaze, then rolled in waffles previously ground in a meat grinder, placed on a beautiful flat plate and placed for further storage in the refrigerator.

Another option

As in all previous cases, before you begin the process of preparing a healthy homemade dessert, you should check the contents of your own refrigerator. This time you will need two hundred grams of powdered sugar, the same amount of dry baby formula and a whole stick of butter. You should also have grated chocolate and cocoa on hand.

In one bowl combine the dry milk mixture, butter and powdered sugar. One hundred grams of cocoa powder are poured there. Mix everything thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency. Then, small pieces are plucked from the resulting dough with your hands and made into balls. If desired, the products can be given any other shape. Almost finished homemade sweets are rolled in pre-grated chocolate, placed on a dish and placed in the refrigerator.

Since the Internet became accessible only in 1991, they looked for information in books, magazines, and if they did not find it, then they asked friends and shared various news, for example, recipes. The method of preparing sweets from a mixture of baby food and ice cream dates back to the 80s of the last century. Almost every housewife willingly tries to cook new interesting dishes to please loved ones. So it was this children's recipe of baby candies and ice cream that was one of the hits in those days.

Today, every store has a wide variety of sweets. But it’s not easy to answer how healthy they are, since most of them contain flavors, dyes and unnatural ingredients. But the real connoisseurs of candy are children. Every mother wants to surprise and pamper her child, to give only the best and natural products, so as not to risk buying candy with unknown ingredients.

An excellent option to prepare sweet treats at home is sweets from the “Malyutka” milk formula, according to a recipe that was used by many mothers almost forty years ago. By the way, this is an interesting and enjoyable time with your child, which he will remember and will 100% like.

Many mothers have formula milk in their kitchen, and even if they don’t, it’s an inexpensive treat that can easily be afforded, while the supermarket shelves sell far expensive sweets.

Ice cream and baby food candies are very easy to make.

How to prepare truffles from Malyutka?

To prepare milk truffles you will need:

  • one package of “Malyutka” milk formula (500 g),
  • a pack of butter (180 g),
  • cocoa powder for sprinkling - 7-8 teaspoons,
  • ice cream ice cream – 200 gr.

These are the main products. The volume of ingredients can be increased, observing the proportions, depending on the desired amount of candy. Ice cream can be not only ice cream, but also fruit, chocolate or creme brulee, with different fillings, but fruit ice is absolutely not suitable.

Before preparing a dish, be sure to ensure the freshness of the ingredients. Additional ingredients are white chocolate and cocoa. As an alternative, you can use milk chocolate and coconut flakes. You can also prepare such treats with nuts, raisins or dried fruits by placing them inside the sweets. Variations of sweets may be different, so you should proceed from your own preferences or the preferences of your child. How to decorate goodies in an interesting and beautiful way will be described below.

The technology for making candy is quite simple and does not require special skills.

So let's get started.

  1. You need to take the ice cream out of the refrigerator and let it thaw a little. To avoid waiting, it is recommended to mash with a fork.
  2. Add baby formula “Malyutka” little by little to the softened ice cream until the mass becomes viscous and thick.
  3. Next, add butter and knead until smooth.
  4. The resulting milk mass can be molded freely, so next you need to form small balls of similar size, or put them in molds to form figures.
  5. All that remains is to roll the resulting future sweets in cocoa or coconut shavings and put them in the freezer for at least 40 minutes. After the recommended time has passed, the sweets can be taken out and served.

There is a way to prepare these delicacies without butter, it is classic, the technology remains the same.

There are many variations on how to decorate finished candies so that they look even tastier and more attractive, and here the imagination is free to fly.

In addition to the options suggested above (rolling the balls in coconut, cocoa or baby formula), there are a lot of ways to decorate differently. For example, before serving, pour the finished candies with hot chocolate (milk, white, black), icing sugar or caramel. While the surface of the sweets is wet, we suggest sprinkling with grated nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds.

Waffle crumbs or the same finely crushed caramel, chocolate chips are suitable as toppings; it will be interesting to mix everything. You can decorate each candy on top with a cherry, raspberry or a piece of nut.

For lovers of filled candies, when forming balls, you should add a nut or raisin inside. It would also be fun to make candies completely different, so to speak, assorted ones - a few with cocoa - classic ones, a few with coconut flakes and nuts inside, a couple more with raisins and white chocolate on top, or, for example, put a piece of milk chocolate inside and roll it on top in crushed nuts. It is certainly possible to please everyone, especially your beloved child.

In the early 90s, when the stores were empty, many sweet lovers tried to make something tasty from the little that could be bought in stores for free. One of the most successful examples of dexterity and invention was “homemade baby truffles.” "Malyutka" is a milk formula for newborns. But in those days it was not always used for its intended purpose, since it was quite sweet and some children were allergic to it. I offer you a very successful recipe for homemade truffles from baby food "Malyutka". “Malyutka” can be replaced with milk powder, but then you also need to add sugar to the truffles to taste.


To make baby truffles you will need:

a pack of “Malyutka” dry mixture (can be replaced with 4 cups of milk powder + add sugar to taste);

100 g butter;

50-60 g cocoa;

300 g condensed milk;

100 g peanuts (or any other nut);

1-2 wafer sheets (or coconut flakes) for decoration.

Cooking steps

Prepare all the ingredients for our truffles.

Combine and mix well the dry milk mixture “Malyutka” and cocoa.

Mix well (this process is very labor-intensive).

Cool the peanuts, peel and grind in a blender.

Prepare waffles for decoration. Grind the waffles into fine crumbs in a blender.

Combine peanuts with chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.

Form into balls and roll in waffle crumbs (very painstaking work).

Place the Malyutka truffles in the refrigerator for several hours, covering the candies with foil or cling film.

My favorite homemade truffles from Malyutka are ready.

Enjoy your tea!

Previously, our grandmothers often made sweets from baby formula.

Powdered milk is an analogue of liquid milk. The composition usually includes skim milk, whey powder and a minimal amount of sucrose. In addition, the product contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, prebiotics, which means it is in no way inferior to regular milk.

If you have a baby, you should definitely have baby food in your kitchen cupboard. It happens that the mixture causes an allergy in the child, or he simply grew up and the need for this type of nutrition has disappeared. I don’t want to throw away the leftovers, but I have no one to give them to.

Some housewives prepare all kinds of desserts from baby food; sweets are especially delicious.

From the milk mixture you can prepare:

  • pancakes, pancakes;
  • sweets, truffles;
  • pies;
  • porridge;
  • cookie;
  • cakes.

Baking with baby milk comes out very soft, fluffy, and most importantly, low in calories. Such food is used both in dry form and in diluted form. Even a teenager can prepare a delicious homemade delicacy for the whole family.

Benefits of baby milk sweets:

  1. Such sweets are considered dietary and do not spoil your figure.
  2. The cost of the products is much lower than store-bought candies.
  3. You know what your products are made of.
  4. Desserts are hypoallergenic and can be consumed even by small children.
  5. The preparation is simple and does not require special skills.
  6. Infant formula has a balanced composition and is therefore very healthy.
  7. The ingredients can be absolutely anything. By showing your imagination, you will get a rich and varied sweet table.
  8. There are many recipes for such sweets, the choice depends on what you have in the refrigerator.
  9. The expiration date is not a reason to throw away the product. This also applies to baby milk. You can cook a lot of delicious things from it.

Required ingredients:

  • baby formula or any other;
  • cocoa;
  • sugar;
  • cookie;
  • butter;
  • coconut flakes;
  • nuts.

Any recipe can be modified. It all depends on who the sweets are intended for.

For example, if you decide to pamper your baby with sweets, then you should not replace sugar with honey, since this product is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. You can replace nuts with dried fruits, put grated chocolate instead of cocoa, and swap cookies for waffles.

Sequence of making candies:

  1. If you are preparing homemade chocolate candies with the addition of baby milk, do not forget about the temperature regime. The kitchen should not be too hot.
  2. You should not get carried away with chocolate and cocoa. It’s better to have fewer of them than indicated in the recipe.
  3. The milk mixture is not diluted in cold water. There is no need to boil all the ingredients, just keeping them hot is enough.
  4. When putting sweets in the refrigerator, you need to cover them with something to avoid absorbing foreign odors.
  5. When using a mixer or blender, you should take a pan with high sides, as the batter will fly in different directions.

Homemade sweets also have expiration dates. Sweets intended for children are served fresh and are not stored for a long time. In the refrigerator, the shelf life can be up to 1 month, depending on the filling and composition.

Without refrigeration, the candies are suitable for consumption for 3-4 days..

Candies from the mixture “Malyutka”

How to make candy quickly? The “Gourmand” recipe is the simplest quick option.


  • a pack of ice cream;
  • dry mixture “Malyutka”;
  • cocoa.

Let the ice cream melt. Gradually add “Malyutka” to it until the mass becomes viscous. It is best to first use a spoon, then form pellets with your hands and roll them in cocoa. Place the candies in the freezer for half an hour. If desired, you can put nuts, raisins, dried fruits inside the sweets, and sprinkle coconut shavings on top.

The next recipe for “Gourmand” is similar to the first. When preparing sweets, you need to add butter (1 pack) to the ingredients.


  1. Mix melted ice cream with softened butter with a mixer.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, dry milk mixture. Make balls, sprinkle cocoa on top, and refrigerate.

Truffle recipe:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • natural milk - 1 glass;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 8 tsp. cocoa;
  • waffles;
  • dry mixture “Malyutka” - 400 g;
  • 200-300 g of nuts.

Mix all ingredients except the mixture and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Let cool, then mix with the dry mixture. Roll the dough into small balls, grate the waffles, and sprinkle the products with waffle crumbs. Give the candies a cone shape. Place the finished homemade truffles in the refrigerator to harden.

"Ksyusha" and "Karapuz"


  • mixture “Malyutka” - 400 g;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 400 g roasted nuts;
  • 1/2 cup cognac or liqueur.

Mix all ingredients until a thick mass is formed. Balls are made from the composition and rolled on all sides in coconut shavings. You can limit yourself to a sprinkling of grated chocolate.

Ingredients for “Karapuz” sweets:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • “Jubilee” cookies - 10-15 pcs.;
  • 200 g butter;
  • any waffles without filling - 200 g;
  • dry milk mixture without additives - 1 pack;
  • a glass of cow's milk.

Boil milk with sugar and cocoa for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly and gradually adding melted butter. The finished mass needs to be cooled, add a pack of baby food and biscuits broken into pieces in small portions. Mix everything thoroughly and roll the dough into small balls, which are then coated in wafer crumbs. The candies must be left in the refrigerator for a day.

"Planet" and banana candies

Ingredients for candy:

  • baby formula - 1 pack;
  • 1/2 cup milk;
  • cocoa;
  • chopped walnuts - 5 pcs.

Ingredients for glaze:

  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • cocoa powder.

First, make the glaze. Heat the milk, add sugar and cocoa, beat the ingredients with a mixer and leave to cool. Milk, cocoa, and nuts are added to the baby formula. Knead until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained, making identical balls.

Roll the candies in glaze and sprinkle with wafer crumbs or coconut flakes.

To make banana candies you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 pack of dry milk formula;
  • 200 g boiled condensed milk without additives;
  • powdered sugar;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • walnuts - 10 pcs.;
  • 1 banana.

Pour melted butter into the condensed milk, add powdered sugar, and stir until creamy. Dry milk should be added to the resulting mass, after which it is whipped with a blender. To make the filling, dry the nuts in the oven and grind some of them into fine crumbs.

Cut the banana into rings and divide each piece into 3 parts. Form circles from the dough, then roll them into flat cakes. Place a nut-banana filling on each one and make balls. The finished candies are sprinkled with nut crumbs and stored in the cold.

Honey and prune candies


  • sugar - 400 g;
  • chocolate - 1 bar;
  • 150 g milk mixture;
  • 150 g honey;
  • butter - 1/3 pack;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • water.

The chocolate is ground on a grater, mixed with sugar, baby formula and water. Cook the resulting mass over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add butter and honey, stir and cool. Crushed nuts are added to the dough.

Grease a baking sheet with butter, spread the mixture, evenly distributing it on the surface in a small layer. Cool for several hours, cut into squares or give another shape (diamonds or triangles), sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Prune candy ingredients:

  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • 250 g of milk mixture;
  • prunes - 10 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • water;
  • coconut flakes.

Dilute milk powder (30 g of hot water per 1 scoop). Mix the mixture with the prepared powdered sugar, a packet of vanillin, then add the butter and beat everything. Grind dried fruits with a mixer, add to the milk mixture, distribute evenly in the dough. If the latter is too thick, add water. Form circles from the mixture, sprinkle with coconut flakes, and place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Sweets made from fermented milk dry mixture


  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • 450 g fermented milk mixture;
  • baby formula - 1 pack;
  • butter - 1 pack;
  • cocoa powder - 1 pack;
  • water - 100 g.

Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar, bring the contents almost to a boil. Cut the butter into cubes, add it to the resulting sweet water, and wait until it thickens. Combine powdered baby milk with cocoa, add to the mixture, stir. Form small balls from the resulting mass, breaded in cocoa powder, sprinkled with powdered sugar, coconut flakes or grated cookies. Let cool, then put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Making sweets together with your children is a pleasant and exciting activity.

Once you try homemade sweets made from Malyutka infant formula, you will forever remain a fan of this delicacy.

This delicacy is well known to our mothers, but the modern generation has almost completely forgotten about it. And in vain. Both you and your child can enjoy homemade sweets with milk formula "Malysh" without harm to your health.

The taste of “Malysh” (“Malyutka”) candies can vary greatly depending on the method of preparation and the proportions of the products.

Some recipes have almost no cocoa, others have too much. Some housewives use baby food, others use regular milk powder. In our case, the main ingredient of the sweets is the “Baby” milk formula.

The following types of baby food have been tried: “buckwheat”, “oatmeal”, “rice”. The most delicious candies are made with buckwheat and oatmeal (oatmeal). But, of course, experiment and decide “what tastes better” for you!

1) 400 g of baby food;
2) 150 ml milk;
3) 150 g of sugar (or 100 g of powder);
4) 75-100 g butter (quality);
5) 50 g cocoa (plus for sprinkling).

Optional: ground nuts (walnuts are best).

Sweets with milk mixture “Baby”, recipe with photos.

1) In a stainless container, mix sugar, cocoa and milk;
2) add oil, put on fire. Cook the chocolate mixture, stirring, for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. The gas is moderate, after boiling, reduce the temperature to a minimum;
3) pour dry baby food into a bowl (saucepan), pour in the hot chocolate mixture;
4) knead thoroughly. Add nuts (optional);
5) leave the candy mass alone until it cools completely;
6) with wet hands (moisten with water), form balls;
7) sprinkle the balls with cocoa powder. Place baby formula candies in the refrigerator.

This delicacy does not contain any artificial additives, preservatives, or dyes - and this is exactly what you can pamper your baby with instead of store-bought sweets.