Point behind the ear to disable the enemy. Pain points on the human body: to know, but not to use (1 photo)

On the human body, it can be useful not only for guys who are engaged in some kind of wrestling. At certain points in life, it can help women protect themselves.

About places

On the body of each person there are certain places, upon impact, in which he will experience the most severe pain. This knowledge is definitely taught to everyone who attends self-defense courses or masters some kind of wrestling. But it is worth noting that many wrestlers are forbidden to use painful holds, because then it is simply not interesting to continue the fight, because. the enemy is very quickly out of action. But before mastering the art of attack, you need to learn how to protect your pain points.


You can study pain points on the human body from top to bottom down the body. So where are they located on the face? First of all, it's the eyes. Even the slightest blow or a simple poking of a finger into a given part of the body can take a person out of an active state for a certain period. And at this time, you can either run away from the attacker, or hit him. It is worth noting that a blow to the eyes will cause a person to instinctively lean away, and this will open up most of his body. There it is already possible to deliver the next, stronger blows to disarm the enemy. In addition to the eyes, the nose is a rather vulnerable spot. A blow to this part of the body can also take the enemy out of the active state for a long time, causing him considerable harm.


When studying pain points on the human body, one should not miss such a place as the throat. In this part of the body there are many nerve cells, the respiratory tract passes. A blow to the throat will cause great pain to a person. And if you apply a lot of force to the blow, you can even kill the enemy. There are also a couple of points behind the ears, by clicking on which, you can make it very painful.

Solar plexus

If you look at the pain points on the human body (diagram on the right), you can see the familiar solar plexus, which is a very vulnerable place. It is located a little below the chest in a small depression that can be felt. However, pumped up abdominal muscles can perfectly protect it, so you should not rely too much on this pain point.


There are also pain points on the arm, namely on the wrist. This part of the body consists of eight small bones and is called the sliding joint. And such a technique as striking at the joints is taught in almost all martial arts. Properly twisting the wrist of the enemy, you can deprive him of his weapon or make him feel pain.

One of the most painful pain points is in the groin. And do not think that only for men, for women, a blow to the groin will bring about the same pain as for the stronger sex. A strong blow to the groin can even kill the attacker.


There is also a special pain point on the leg - the patella. Due to its fragility, it breaks very easily and incapacitates the enemy. But it is worth remembering that the desired result will bring only a blow from top to bottom.


There are other pain points on the human body. Their scheme is quite large and has a huge number of places to defeat. However, the article lists exactly those that even an inexperienced fighter can get into.

Everyone has pain points, since we are all human, and therefore we are all vulnerable. But finding these very points on our body still does not mean anything, because, firstly, you need to know where they are, secondly, you need to know how to act on the point, and thirdly, you need to choose the moment to strike. On the blog, earlier we talked about some pain points, such as the Adam's apple, groin, solar plexus, but these are far from all parts of our body, by acting on which, you can quickly disable an opponent.

Pain points

Hit on the ears

A blow to the ear with a fist will not give the same effect as a simultaneous blow with palms gathered in a boat on the ears. We put our palms in a boat, and beat on the ears. The effect will correspond to the strength and technique of the blow: shock, damage to the eardrums, or internal bleeding.

A blow to the temple area

In the temporal region there is a bone called the sphenoid, and a blow to this bone, to this part of the skull, can be fatal. The temporal bone, which is a little further away, is much stronger than the sphenoid. It is not difficult to get into the temple area even in the midst of a fight. It can be either a side punch, or. I'm not talking about kicking under certain conditions, and hitting with foreign objects.

Impact on the eyes

Probably everyone knows that the eyes are a pain point, but not everyone knows how to act on this point. In a life-and-death battle, knowledge of the impact on the eyes can help. Firstly, this is an ordinary pressure on the eyes with the thumbs, which is very unpleasant. If you try to hit the eyes with the index and middle fingers when the hand imitates a slingshot, then most likely you can harm yourself, and not the enemy. Yes, the opponent may suffer to a certain extent, but that does not mean that your fingers will remain undamaged. A blow to the eye can be delivered by bending the first and second knuckles of the middle finger while the fist is clenched in this form. That is, we squeeze the fist, but raise the middle finger a little up. This blow was discussed in the article "". You can also hit the eye with the middle, index and ring fingers folded into a bundle. We bend the middle finger so that the pads are in the same plane.

A blow to the nose

A good blow to the nose makes you “think about life”, but you can strike in such a way that a person no longer has to think about life. Of course, it all depends on the strength of the blow, and the average person is unlikely to be able to strike, but nevertheless. A blow from below with the base of the palm (the heel of the palm) can cause the nasal cartilage to enter the brain and "all". Of course, like many other blows, without preparation, he simply will not pass.

A blow to the upper lip

The upper lip, and in particular the connection of the nasal cartilage with the skull, is a rather vulnerable place. In the region of the upper lip, the nerves are close to the surface. The blow should be applied not with a fist, but with the edge of the palm, and as you could already understand, in the upper part of the lip, where the connection with the cartilage is located. The blow must be applied at an angle, directing the blow upward diagonally. Even a not very strong blow causes pain, and a very strong one can lead to a concussion of the brain.

Chin punch

If we talk about a blow to the chin, then there are two options.

The first option is real, which has been tested by many in their own skin. The physics of a knockout come down to the fact that the chin is a lever for the rapid movement of the head. Due to this, the brain is displaced, hitting the skull, and as a result, a short circuit, which is called a knockout.

The second option can be called mythical, which describes the effect on the nerve that goes out on the lower jaw. From a direct impact on the nerve, there will be no knockout, the maximum is a temporary numbness of certain areas.

These are not all pain points. Let's continue.

Strike in the Adam's apple

Described in one of the articles. This kind of blow can be fatal due to suffocation, which is provoked by swelling of the larynx. Such a blow can be applied both with a fork of the thumb and forefinger, as well as with the edge of the palm and forearm. Naturally, a blow using shock technology will be more powerful and more dangerous. Just like the rest of the blows, it’s not enough just to talk about it, and even the knowledge of the technique does not mean that you will be able to carry it out in a real fight. As an option - start a fight with this blow, and finish it with it.

A blow to the lower part of the larynx

The point, which is located at the very bottom of the throat, between the upper segments of the clavicles, in the fossa, is also painful. If you hit there, then the opponent starts coughing and this causes an attack of suffocation. A blow to the lower part of the larynx can be carried out with correctly folded fingers. But the main thing here is not to miss, and to have prepared fingers.

Carotid blow

A blow to the carotid artery cannot be fatal if it is fast. With prolonged compression of the carotid artery, death occurs. I would like to note that there are two of them - left and right. The blow must be applied with the edge of the palm a little closer to the vertical line of the ear. You can hit both from the shoulder, palm down, and palm up, depending on the situation.

Hit on the back of the head

A blow to the back of the head, depending on the strength of the blow, can lead to various consequences. It is not necessary to beat very hard for a person to lose consciousness. Even the cuff is sensitive, to say nothing of a serious blow. You can hit with both the edge of the palm and the sides of the fist. As an option, approaching the enemy with a substep, moving slightly to the side, and hitting the side of the fist from the side of the thumb. The strike can be carried out in different ways, depending on the situation.

Let's continue to consider pain points.

Collarbone strike

A strong blow to the collarbone can break the bone. It is possible to strike the collarbone with the edge of the palm, but an elbow strike, which can be delivered by a person who does not know how to beat with his palms, will be more effective.

A blow to the solar plexus

Already figured it out, but let's look at it a little. Such a blow leads to difficult breathing, almost not allowing breathing. The blow is applied with a fist to the area of ​​​​the solar plexus - the angle of branching of the lower ribs. The person bends down or kneels, which indicates his defeat.

A blow to the armpit

A blow to the armpit causes severe pain, since the nerve is close to the surface. You can hit this area in different ways. When counterattacking, you can strike with your fist, or, when the opponent is on the ground, kick in the armpit.

Stab in the stomach

A blow to the stomach will deprive the opponent of strength, and a strong blow can cause internal bleeding. The effectiveness of the strike will depend on the physical fitness of the person, because it is not in vain that we are given the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Kick in the groin

One of the most effective punches is a kick to the crotch. Pain shock is guaranteed. The blow can be carried out both with the shin and with the knee. It is also possible to strike with the elbow, forearm and edge of the palm. The enemy immediately leaves their formation, and you become the winner.

Kidney kick

Above the kidneys, there is a nerve that leaves the spine and is located close to the top, which leads to pain. And in itself, a blow to the kidneys is quite painful.

False ribs hit

Causes severe pain, up to fractures and so on. Beat with a fist, elbow, knee, foot in shoes.

Blow to the spine

Hitting the spine will not work just like that - for this you need the appropriate conditions. When an opponent is leaning over after a strike, or when he is trying to grab your legs. In this case, there will be an excellent opportunity for an elbow strike to the spinal column. In turn, a blow to the upper part of the spine can paralyze the upper limbs, and to the lower part of the lower limbs.

Kick in the knee

A blow from the side of the knee or to the patella is applied with a heavy boot. The enemy is then not capable of full-fledged movements, as tissues are damaged.

Ankle strike

The blow is applied in heavy shoes on the outside of the ankle. You need to hit with the edge of the boot at an angle of about 60 degrees. A blow can cause a fracture.

Foot strike

A powerful blow is applied from above to the foot, which can lead to bone fracture.

pain point behind the ear

Behind the ear, near the junction, at the level of the lobe, there is a painful point that can be used when grabbing.

Nostril grip

Such a grip is quite painful, which can help out in certain situations. You just need to stick two fingers into the opponent's nostrils, and pull up.

Lower lip grip

Also sensitive grip. The index finger and thumb create a crease on the lower lip, and squeeze as much as possible.

Here, probably, are all the pain points that I wanted to talk about, but not all of the existing ones.


Knowledge of the theory does not mean that either capture will be successfully applied in practice. It takes many hours of practice to incorporate certain punches and holds into practice.

This article is for informational purposes only!

The administration does not bear any responsibility for the use of the material!

Hello, friends. What are the pain points of a person, where to beat in a fight? This question is relevant not only for representatives of martial arts, but not even for athletes. After all, from

This article discusses the most vulnerable areas of the human body. When they are defeated, the chances of defeating their opponent are seriously increased. Also presented are detailed diagrams of where it is better to attack during the battle.

About the body and pain points

The human body is a certain mechanism. Its secrets began to be studied in ancient times. The study concluded that no matter how perfect the body looks, it has masses of vulnerable zones.

These are the pain points. Blows on them cause very severe pain. And they began to be called points because of the method of their point defeat.

They can be affected with different power. To do this, it is important to calculate the strength of this effect.

Determination of the impact force

Today, it is possible to determine the strength of an attack on a vulnerable point using a special technique. It has five levels:

  1. Weak. Such an attack does not cause much damage to a person. It's just a distraction. With it, the attacker can carry out an effective counterattack.
  2. A little stronger than the first.
  3. Can stun an opponent. Also, his limbs may become numb. This is a good way to disable an opponent for a short time.
  4. A strong attack that often results in serious injury. The enemy may lose consciousness. In rare cases, he is struck by paralysis.
  5. The most dangerous attacks May lead to death.

Strikes of the last level should be implemented only in an emergency situation, when you or your loved ones are in mortal danger. Their use can be interpreted as exceeding the required standards.

Finding pain points

Where are pain points located on the human body? All such points are conditionally distributed into "locations". Locations are: head, body and legs.

The scheme for finding the points of the first location is as follows:

The list of points consists of eyes, nose, ears, lips, chin and temples.

The eyes are one of the most vulnerable areas. Any attack on them causes serious pain. To defeat them, the "fork" method is used.

Nose. Even the weakest attack against him causes bleeding and serious inconvenience. If you need to hit the enemy effectively, implement a catchy assault. Engage your knuckles. They affect the convex side of the nose. Impact - side. It will provide a counterpart with a strong pain shock.

Whiskey. Their defeat most detrimentally affects the health of the enemy. Important nerves and vessels are concentrated here. A strong blow to the temples can seriously injure or even kill a person.

Upper lip. This is one of the most vulnerable areas. If it is powerfully hit at an angle of 20-30 degrees, you can injure the brain. If you carry out an attack of medium strength, the opponent will experience burning pain in this place. Also, a lip lesion often causes bleeding.

If you attack the chin effectively, you can break it and cause a concussion. You can use the back of your hand to do this.

The pharynx is also considered a very vulnerable area. She can be hit with a strong poke with her fingers. It will become difficult for the opponent to breathe. His lungs will go into spasm.

You can also attack in the Adam's apple, but only with tearing grips. Many other attacks can result in the death of the opponent.

Most attack options in this place are fatal. It is recommended to use tearing grips.

If you want to quickly knock out an opponent, hit him on the neck with the back of your hand.

Location - building

During the battle, you can hit the points of the body. And in this situation, a detailed diagram will help, where to hit during a fight and an attack on the corps.

Often fist attacks on the solar plexus are carried out to win. After that, the opponent feels a strong burning pain, bends or kneels.

You can't hit this area too hard. Otherwise, just kill your counterpart.

The next group consists of the abdomen, groin and kidneys. By hitting the stomach with the fist, force the opponent to bend. This will allow you to implement additional attacks in the area of ​​​​the back, or the back of the head. You can act here with the toe of the foot.

The groin is a very convenient point for defeat. To immobilize an opponent, he can be attacked with his feet, palms and fists, as well as knees.

If you want to cause a powerful nervous shock in the enemy, attack his kidneys. For this, the edge of the palm and the knee are used. Only if you overdo it with pressure, you can kill a person.

Often a false edge also becomes a target. It can be hit from both sides. The most effective attack follows the right side of the opponent. The elbow, knee, or edge of the palm is used.

Location - legs

Here the danger points are:

  1. Lap. If you hit here in the side or directly in the cup, the enemy will become immobilized, his ligaments and knee joint will be damaged. To implement the attack, use the edge of the boot.
  2. Ankles. To defeat them, the outer edge of the boot is used. It is held perpendicular to such a strike. Hitting with the toe of a boot can cause serious injury.
  3. Shin. Here is the thinnest bone. And she has a weak defense. An effective assault is considered to be an assault with the outer edge of the foot. It is carried out from below on the line of one third of the height of the lower leg.
  4. Foot. Here are the most fragile bones. They are easy to break even with a medium-strength blow. Most often, the heel or foot is used to attack from top to bottom. The best time to attack is when your opponent is behind you.


The defeat of pain points is actively used in special military techniques. Their purpose is to ensure the safety of a person in an emergency.

Try to attack these points when you are in serious danger.

Painful (vulnerable) points of a person

I first became familiar with pain points when my father brought me a printed karate manual in the year 1978. I had just started going to school, and interesting pictures then made an indelible impression on me, awakening an interest in martial arts for the rest of my life. Still not really understanding the significance and effectiveness of the impact on vulnerabilities, I, nevertheless, memorized them as an alphabet. And after starting to train a few years later, I practiced blows directly on these vulnerable points, which later came in handy more than once in fights, both street and sports.

The table contains information from the manual on hand-to-hand combat of the USSR Ministry of Defense and verified by experience. Added something, removed something. For professionals, this information is not very interesting due to the developed skills, but a beginner, especially women and adolescents, can be useful in a critical situation, and possibly save a life.

For convenience, pain points are highlighted in color.

in red the most vulnerable points of a person are highlighted, a weak blow to which is equivalent to a strong blow to black dots. And a strong blow to them can kill a person or permanently or permanently injure (leave disabled).

point number and name

How best to attack

1. Temple

Side kick or kick.


A direct or side punch, very effective against a taller and more physically strong opponent. A teenager or a small woman without special training can "dump" a hefty attacker. If the enemy is on the side, then it is better to strike with the edge of the palm (it can be clenched into a fist) or with the forearm. In my opinion, the most vulnerable point.


Direct or lateral blow with the toe of the foot or knee from below, or with the hand from below. Even if the attacker's abdominal muscles are well developed, they will provide little protection against a blow to this point. The big disadvantage is that it is difficult for an unprepared person to hit this point and, as a result, striking may be ineffective.

Kick (toe of the foot, knee) or hand (fist or palm) from below, capture. It hurts a lot, very effectively, but you can miss if the blow is not worked out (not accurate), the enemy is in an inappropriate position, the enemy’s clothes are loose, etc. In my opinion, punching is more effective.

Base of skull

seventh vertebra

A strike with a fist, elbow or forearm from top to bottom, when the neck of the opponent is in a position convenient for striking. Plus: the neck is the most vulnerable place, a blow to it is always effective, even if the hit is not exactly where they wanted.


Side punch. Minus: without a clear knowledge of anatomy, it is not always possible to hit, but once you try another, you will not miss.

Green with red. A hit on these points is no less effective than on red ones, but it requires certain skills and a good knowledge of anatomy. It is difficult to achieve a lethal outcome, but it can be seriously maimed.

point number and name

How best to attack


Finger poke, you can even make a clap with relaxed phalanges of the fingers (which is sometimes more certain and, as a result, more effective). In the close range, when grabbing or on the ground (lying down), press the thumb between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow (under the forehead).

Solar plexus

Direct, from below or lateral blow by hand, foot. Very effective, but an unprepared person can definitely miss. If the opponent is wearing a shirt, then the gap between the fourth and fifth buttons from the top is just the right place.


Punch or kick (knee) from below. It hurts terribly, it neutralizes the attacker for a long time, but minus: without a clear knowledge of anatomy and a correctly delivered blow, it is not always possible to hit properly, but if you try it once, you will not miss (love the liver, as I love it;).

Middle part of the neck

A strike with a fist, elbow or forearm from top to bottom, when the neck of the opponent is in a position convenient for striking. Plus: the neck is the most vulnerable place, a blow to it is always effective, even if the hit is not exactly where they wanted.

Green with yellow. A strong blow to these points, as a rule, leads the enemy to a loss of consciousness. But it requires certain skills and a good knowledge of anatomy.

point number and name

How best to attack

Direct blow with a fist or from below with the base of the palm, head. It stops the attack on you due to profuse lacrimation or the sight of blood by the enemy (but it happens the other way around, the sight of blood excites someone even more). Rarely leads to loss of consciousness.

13. Chin

In boxing, the chin is called "crystal". Which is 100% true! Punch straight, from below, from the side. Difficulty in hitting accuracy. It is necessary to hit a point with a diameter of about 3 cm and located in the lower part of the face (lower part of the chin). A little to the side or higher, and from the desired effect (loss of consciousness) only broken lips and teeth. Enraged enemy and escape;) Excellent combination of liver + chin!

Side of the neck

Side punch, elbow or forearm strike. Plus: the neck is the most vulnerable place, a blow to it is always effective, even if the hit is not exactly where they wanted.

Center between shoulder blades

Hitting with a fist or elbow.

in green Points are highlighted where it is necessary to hit hard and accurately in order to disable the enemy. They require certain skills and a good knowledge of anatomy. Weak and inaccurate strikes are ineffective.

point number and name

How best to attack

16. Jaw

Side punch, elbow, leg.

17. Region of the heart

Direct punch.

Upper thigh

Lower thigh

Side kick, knee, fist.


Side kick (shin or ankle). But a precise blow with the toe of the foot from the bottom up at an angle of 45 * on the supporting leg (on which the main weight is transferred) of the opponent is more effective, although it requires increased accuracy.

A blow with a folded boat or an open palm (slap in the face) can knock down even a physically strong person. At the same time, it is very demoralizing. Also with two hands. In close combat and stalls - a grab with a jerk.

Points are highlighted in black, at which you need to hit accurately, strongly and sharply, with some skills. But even this does not incapacitate the enemy, but only causes acute pain. Nevertheless, knowing them will not be superfluous and may someday come in handy. Pressing on some points with your fingers (pinching, etc.) is sometimes more effective than hitting.
22. - collarbone (pressure)
23. - armpit (pressure)
24. - lower leg
25. - lifting the foot
26. - brush between thumb and forefinger (pressure)
27. - back of the elbow (pressure)
28. - coccyx
29. - back of the thigh
30. - popliteal fossa
31. - calf muscle
32. - Achilles tendon (pressure)

Eduard Bogolyubov

There are a lot of pain points on the human body, a blow to which can be not only painful, but also fatal. Among the most vulnerable places it should be noted: ears, temple, eyes, nose, upper lip, chin, Adam's apple, base of the pharynx, back of the head; clavicle, armpits, solar plexus, abdomen, perineum, false rib, kidneys, spinal column; fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, leg instep. I would like to warn you that not even a strong, but accurate blow to the above places can be fatal. This should be remembered during training, when you spar with comrades.

A blow to the head or neck
First, you need to fold your fingers in the shape of a cup and hit the opponent's ears hard. Remember that this technique can cause damage to the eardrums, internal hemorrhage, or a nervous shock.
blow to the temple
If you strike the temple with the edge of the palm of your hand or with the pad of your fist, a fatal outcome or a serious concussion is possible. In this place, the bones of the skull are extremely thin, and the nerve and artery are placed close to the skin. Fighters strike in this area of ​​the head and elbow joint. And when they manage to knock down an opponent, it is enough to hit with the toe of the foot.
Punch in the eyes
Bring your middle and index fingers together in a "Y" shape and strike hard. It is important to keep your wrist and fingers straight at this moment. Note that there are several ways to strike at the eyes.
A blow to the nose
You need to beat with the edge of the palm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of the nose. A sharp blow allows you to crush the cartilage, fragments of which can damage the brain, which can lead to instant death.
Hit on the upper lip
The upper lip is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Here, the nasal cartilage connects to the bones of the skull, and the nerves are located near the skin. Hit with the edge of the palm, slightly tilting it up. A strong blow can cause a concussion, and a weak one will cause severe pain.
Chin punch
It is most effective to hit this area of ​​​​the head with the base of the palm. If you use your fist, you can break your arm.
Strike in the Adam's apple
The edge of the palm is also used. With a strong blow, the windpipe can rupture and be fatal. A weak blow will cause suffocation. You can also squeeze the windpipe with your fingers and rip it out. You can still hit the Adam's apple with the knee joint, the toe of the foot.
A blow to the base of the throat
If you hit with 1 or 2 fingers in the dimple at the base of the throat, then the enemy will be incapacitated very quickly. This is a very painful technique that causes coughing and choking.

Hit on the side of the neck
Use the edge of the palm and you can knock out the opponent's consciousness. It is necessary to beat below and slightly in front of the ear. This is not a fatal blow, but it is capable of causing loss of consciousness.
Hit on the back of the head
If you hit with the edge of the palm, then instant death may occur or a displacement of the cervical vertebrae will occur. When the enemy is poorly familiar with the basics of hand-to-hand combat, then you can beat with the outer edge of the fist.
Collarbone strike
If you hit the collarbone hard with the edge of your hand, then it can be broken quite easily. When the opponent is below you, strike with a bent elbow joint.
A blow to the solar plexus
It is located under the sternum and a “pointed fist” strike will be more effective in comparison with the edge of the palm. The enemy will feel severe pain and kneel down. A sharp and strong blow to this area of ​​​​the body can be fatal.
Armpit punch
Here a large nerve comes close to the skin and a good blow is able to neutralize the enemy for a while.
Stab in the stomach
Strike with a "small fist" and immobilize the enemy. If he begins to lean forward, you can hit the knee in the face or the edge of the palm in the back of the head. It is most effective to strike in the stomach with the foot or knuckles.
Kick in the crotch
The crotch is the most convenient place on the opponent's body to hit. You can beat with the knee or elbow joint, leg, fist. After that, it will be permanently disabled.
Kidney kick
Another area in which a large nerve is located at the very surface of the skin. If hit hard, death is possible if urgent medical care is not provided. You can strike with the edge of the fist or palm, knee joint, toe.
False edge hit
If you hit in this area of ​​the body, you can paralyze or even kill your opponent. Strike three or four inches above the waist. This is the most vulnerable part of the spinal column.
Finger grip
If you are grabbed from behind, and the opponent’s hands are located under the armpits, you need to firmly grab his fingers with one hand, and take the wrist with the other. While squeezing your wrist, simultaneously pull your fingers back sharply. This will not only get rid of the grip, but also disable the opponent's fingers.
Incapacitation of the wrist
Sharply take your wrist to any side, the enemy will feel severe pain. Your thumbs for this should be on the back of the enemy's hand. It is necessary to remove the wrist at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the forearm.
Elbow lesion
The elbow is a very weak point that can be easily injured. Grab the opponent by the forearm or wrist and deliver a strong blow to the elbow, sharply pulling the arm back.
Shoulder dislocation
Having knocked down the enemy, rest your knee joint against his collarbone and, turning your arm back, you can dislocate the shoulder joint. If in such a situation a strong blow is applied to the spinal column, then a fatal outcome is possible.
Impact to the knee joint
Hit the patella or the side of the knee with the toe of the foot. So you can immobilize the enemy, crushing the cartilage and damaging the ligaments. If you hit from behind on the popliteal cavity, then the enemy will be immobilized.
Ankle kick
Do not use your toe to strike this part of the body. It can slip off, and no harm will be done to the enemy. Hit only with the edge of the foot perpendicular to the outer surface of the ankle.
Instep kick
Strike with the edge of the boot on the instep of the foot of the opponent's leg of the same name. This will damage the bones and protect against a blow to the perineum.