Words with a double twist. Doubled consonants: spelling and hyphenation rules

Spelling consonants in the root includes three types of rules:

1) spelling of voiced / voiceless consonants;
2) spelling of unpronounceable consonants;
3) double consonants.

Rules 1 and 2 were considered by us in clause 1.14. Changes in consonants in speech, p. 1.15. The spelling of consonants. At this point, we will dwell in more detail on spelling. double consonants in the root.

For spelling of double consonants at the junction of morphemes, in suffixes, prefixes, see p. 2.5. Attachments, clause 2.7. Suffixes. Postfixes.

1. At the root of the word, double consonants are written, as a rule, in borrowed words.

Alley, assembly, ballad, column, correspondent, repression, tennis, ton, terrace, effect.

    Word score matter:

    1. "unit for assessing the degree of something" ( six points wind);
    2. "assessment in school, in sports, etc." ( passing score).

    Word ball means "big dance evening" ( prom).

2. In the roots of Russian words, two identical consonants are written in the following cases:

3. Root double consonants are preserved in derived words.

Wed: program - program - program - program, Cannes - Cannes.

4. Exceptions:

One consonant is written A double consonant is written
1. In the first part of shortened words: Lump party (communist party), cor paragraph (corr espondent point).
2. In diminutive forms of personal names with the suffix -к-, compare: All a - Al ka, Ann a - An ka, Kirill - Kirilka, Rimm a - Rim ka, Savv a - Sav ka. In other cases, a double consonant is written - All the points, Anne the abalone.
3. In some derivatives of the word crystal (if after l is written b): crystal, crystal, crystal, crystal. In other derivatives, a double consonant is written: crystal ic, crystal ir and etc.
4. In some derivatives from the word column: columnar, columnar, columnar, columnar. In the rest of the words, a double consonant is written: pillared, columns of hell, pillared and etc.
5. In some derivatives from the word operetta: operes ka, operes full-time, operes full-time.
6. In some derivatives from the word finn: finnish, finland, fin ka. But: Finn O-Ugric.
7. In one of the derivatives of separate words, compare: antenna - antenna, ton - three-ton, five-ton. But: antenna points, antennae.
But: tons already and etc.

Exercises to the topic “2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root "

  • 2.4. Spelling consonants in the root

The spelling of consonants consists of 5 basic rules: 1) checked consonants 2) unchecked consonants, 3) spelling of unpronounceable consonants, 4) double consonants in foreign words, 5) doubling consonants in Russian words.

This synopsis discusses last two rules (4 and 5). The first three rules are in the synopsis.

Double consonants in foreign words

In Russian spelling, the doubling of consonants can be caused by various reasons.

  1. Many borrowed words retain source language spelling and we write double consonants in such cases according to tradition, for example: antenna, grammar, colossus ... The spelling of double consonants in words of a foreign language origin is determined in dictionary order, for example: letter of credit, appeal, appendicitis, fiction, boss, hippo, dilemma, indifferent, irrational, college, ratio, pessimism, symmetry, shelving, chlorophyll, ellipse, essence, effect other.
  2. but with one consonant the words are written: aluminum, attribute, bachelor, balustrade, volleyball, gallery, landing, dessert, dilettante, qatar, midget, privilege, producer, resources, sidewalk, etc.
  3. In the suffix -ess- two are written with (poetess, stewardess ), in the suffix -is- one thing with (actress, headmistress ).
  4. In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are usually retained, for example: program - program, telegram - telegram, point - nine points, Gaul - Gaulish ... Wed: Cannes Film Festival, Bonn Government, Lausanne Conference etc.
  5. But in a number of words, as well as in diminutive proper names of persons in this case, it is written one consonant, for example:

a) operetta - operetta, column - column, ton - three-ton, finn - finck a (usually double n contracts into one n before the suffix -к-), Finnish;
b) Anna - Anka, Kirill - Kirilka, Rimma - Rimka, Philip - Filipka, Emma - Emka .

Doubling consonants in Russian words

1. In the roots of Russian words, doubling of consonants is rare. So, SS spelled in a word argument , LJ- in words yeast, buzz, juniper and in related words formed from them: quarrel, buzz, juniper, yeast and others, as well as in the word burning .

2. Double F written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (tourniquet) using alternation: you burn, burn, burn etc. Compare: ignite - ignited, you will burn .

Note. When alternating zg / zzh, zd / zzh written ZZh, not LJ (contrary to pronunciation), for example: screech - scream, arrival - come .

3. in different parts of speech.

4. In other cases, the doubling of consonants occurs at the junction of the prefix and root(for example, tell ), root and suffix (fog ), and then the spelling of words obeys the morphological principle: we keep the same spelling for each of the morphemes. Therefore, you should carefully analyze the composition of the word if the prefix ends, and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: appeal, support, dawn ... Wed: give in - give in. The door gave way under the blows (ceased to remain in its original position). - The door succumbed to the blows of the crowbar (did not keep the pressure, pressure).

5. Double consonants are written in compound words if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: chief physician (chief physician).

Note... In the first part of abbreviated words, which is a stem that ends in a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: gramophone record, bureau .

It came unexpectedly, silver streams ran along the loosened paths. Winged wanderers have returned from distant lands, these feathered toilers tirelessly build their nests. "

The spring picture conveyed by this text makes us remember the rules for writing doubled consonants.

in borrowed words

If the spelling of doubled consonants in a word cannot be checked in any way, then they are called double. These words are to be memorized. As required by this rule, we memorize the words with doubled consonants below.

1. Some Alla, Anna, Vassa, Inessa, Ella, Rimma, Cyril, Savva.

2.Terrace, Ton, Effect, Tennis, Repression, Program, Column, Correspondent, Assembly, Alley, Score, etc.

3. Some primordially Russian words: Russia, burns, buzzes, yeast, quarrel.

4. In all words that are cognate with the above.

Differences between words with different numbers of consonants

When in some words there is one consonant, and in others there are double consonants, the rules are as follows:

1. If it differs in the number of consonants, then these are most likely different words with different lexical meanings:

  • ton - a measure of weight, tone - case form of the word tone - a shade of sound or color;
  • cash register - a device for storing money, touch - connection at any point;
  • score is a unit of assessment, ball is an evening of relaxation with dancing.

Sample sentences:

  • A ton of coal has already been loaded onto the ship.
  • Igor has never heard such a pure tone.
  • The ticket office is closed today.
  • The touch was faint.
  • I got a high score on the exam.
  • Natalia was invited to the ball.

2. There are cases when the number of identical letters does not affect the lexical meaning of words: Alla - Alka, crystal - crystal, art - skillful, correspondent - junior, column - column, Finn - Finnish, ton - five ton.

No doubled consonants

If we take, for example, the word "aluminum", then there is one letter "l" in it. Remember the words that don't have doubled consonants. Examples of words:

  • apartments;
  • balustrade;
  • gallery;
  • humanist, humanistic;
  • decibel;
  • dealer, dealer;
  • amateur, amateurish;
  • drama, dramatic, dramatic;
  • imitation, imitate;
  • corridor, bellhop;
  • midget;
  • producer, producer.

with doubled consonants

Usually words are carried over the syllables: ma-shi-na. doubled consonants are:

  • A part of a word with one consonant remains on one line, and a part of a word with a second consonant is transferred to another: column-na, ton-na, All-la, Russia.
  • Carry out the transfer of words with doubled consonants, if possible, in a place where there is no doubled consonant: art, terra-sa, correspondent.

Unfortunately, even adults sometimes make mistakes, or don't know how to correctly transfer such words. To prevent embarrassment from happening to you, let's discuss in which cases the hyphenation of words with doubled consonants is unacceptable. Examples:

  • all-yea;
  • terrace;
  • art.

In addition, the rules for transferring doubled consonants prohibit transferring words with one vowel sound: class, score, burns.

At the junction of morphemes

When the end of the prefix and the beginning of the root, the end of the root and the beginning of the suffix or suffix are the same letter, doubled consonants appear. The rules dictate this spelling:

  • permanent;
  • fearless;
  • selfless;
  • toothless;
  • lawless;
  • provoke;
  • raunchy;
  • story;
  • get angry;
  • pickle;
  • dissect;
  • dry out;
  • be pinched with cold;
  • the threshold;
  • give in;
  • pry off;
  • thaw;
  • outflow;
  • beat;
  • enter,
  • up;
  • entrusted;
  • art;
  • Russian;
  • sailor;
  • Novocherkassk;
  • picture;
  • old;
  • true;
  • cardboard;
  • cup holder;
  • windowsill;
  • supporter;
  • wanderer;
  • the chosen one;
  • pickpocket;
  • raspberry;
  • aspen forest.

Doubled consonants appear when adding abbreviated stems:

  • chief physician;
  • maternity hospital.

In adjective suffixes

In Russian, one of the most difficult orthograms is one and two letters H in suffixes that are found in words of different parts of speech. Consider the spelling -n- and -nn- in adjectives. And the table will help us with this.

There are several exceptions to this rule: windy (windless), glass, tin, wooden.

It is especially worth mentioning words that are formed without a suffix:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • young;
  • scarlet;
  • blue;
  • green.

In participle suffixes

To apply the rule correctly, words with double consonant participles must be distinguished from adjectives. They are formed from the verbs:

  • to proceed - well-trodden;
  • paint - painted;
  • write - written;
  • to expel - expelled;
  • to desire is desired;
  • buy - bought;
  • to root out - eradicated;
  • to elect - the chosen one;
  • incandescent - incandescent;
  • fry - toasted;
  • wake up - awakened;
  • to delimit - delimited;
  • print - printed;
  • draw - drawn;
  • interrogate - interrogated;
  • to grab - captured.

Spelling of doubled consonants. Rule for participles with one letter N

In short participles

All tasks have been completed.

In imperfect participles without dependent words and prefixes

Painted bench.

Spelling double consonants with two letters N

There are prefixes

Arranged tables.

There are dependent words

A bench painted yesterday.

Words to remember: unseen, unexpected, unexpected, unintentional, unread.

In adverb suffixes

The same amount of adverbial words is written N how much is in the producing word. This is the simplest rule. Words with doubled consonants with this spelling exist in Russian along with those written with one letter:

  • sincere - sincerely;
  • unintentional - unintentionally;
  • beautiful - beautiful;
  • interesting - interesting.


Now that the topic "Doubled consonants" has been studied, the rules are familiar and understandable, you can check how high the level of mastering of the educational material is.

A. Ball. B. Group. B. Class. G. Alley. D. Gallery.

A. Leave both letters on the line.

B. Both letters must be wrapped to the next line.

A. Be sure to check.

B. No, you need to remember.

A. Saturday. B. Telegram. B. Story. G. Hockey.

5. In what word are LJ written? Write it _____________________

  • bry ... gnawing liquid;
  • zadreb ... the iron was red;
  • drive ... cross the bridge;
  • annoying and ... burn;
  • ra ... reap the trap;
  • ra ... pity mom;
  • you are ... a woman's land;
  • out ... a jealous horse;
  • vi ... a child who is biting.

beech a (l / ll) eya, television (n / nn) th ante (n / nn) a, dra (m / mm) atic co (l / ll) iziya, friendly co (l / l) ective, interesting pie (s / ss) a, grabbing (n / nn) th te (r / pp) history, (s / ss) getting along with friends, old draw (w / fzh) and, exhibiting gu (m / mm) anism, crista (l / ll) nny honesty, file a (p / n) e (l / l) ration, alloy a (l / ll) yuminium, inventive claim (s / ss) you, and (c / cc) decompose, interest (l / ll) to talk competently, go to the opera (t / tt) y, ma (s / ss) onskaya lodge, I am fond of be (l / ll) ethics, and (n / n) a cute pie, art (n / nn) th ha (l / ll) herey.

GIA tasks

  • The snow has already melted.
  • The banks ... are heated in the spring.
  • The sun is ... pitifully eats up the snow drifts.
  • The beams are ... pitifully burning the yellowed fields.
  • Brooks and ... dried up.
  • The travelers walked along the road along ... holding each other.
  • Everyone sat around the fire.
  • It is a pleasure to walk with a ... full bucket along the barely visible path to the hut.
  • He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops splashed falling from the leaves of the trees, how peaceful ... about the fire crackled and the forest earth smelled breathtakingly.
  • My grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing mysteries ... their properties.
  • His tanned face was furrowed ... deeply wrinkled.
  • The owner spoke in an unusual way ... tenderly, talking to the pigeons.
  • We approach the house and see that the gate is open: it flaps from the wind, and the latch is ripped off ... ah.
  • The next day the gate was painted ... ah, its hinges were greased ... s.
  • In the park, at the very entrance, there is a tree ... the th bench stands.
  • There were new poles near the bench ...
  • Waves crawled lazily onto the sand and slowly ... they crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
  • The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with a drooping ... tail.
  • The grandmother sat at the table, was silent and slowly ... oh, she chewed bread.
  • The dog was huge, with a big head and lions ... paws.
  • He was wearing faded, incredibly wide canvas ... pants.
  • The posters were put up ... all over the city.
  • They all left, and only the well-worn faces of the lackeys flashed in the corridors.
  • In the center of the room was a table covered with a cloth ... with a gold tablecloth.

3. Select the sentences in which the numbers are correctly indicated, in the place of which NN is omitted.

  • On the table are (1) a lot of vases with flowers and a sketch (2) and a bunch of branches, so that the dishes stand, as if in a sacrament (3) oh more often. (3)
  • At the end of the nineteenth century, a variable filling thermometer was invented. Behind such a wise (2) name was a device designed (3) for measuring temperature in a small interval. (13)
  • On a hot day, I sat by a tree (1) berth and ate ice cream (2) with crushed (3) nuts. (1)
  • On the table are (1) peaches, prepared (2) for compote, not yet cleaner ... (2)
  • The glazed (1) doors were loosened (2), and their standing (3) ringing merged with the ringing of the chandelier. (13)
  • At the end of the long (1) th corridor there was a fenced off (2) and a small room that served as guests (3). (1)


1. What word is spelled incorrectly?

D. Gallery.

2. What is the answer to the question: "How to transfer a word?" will be correct?

B. Leave one letter on the line, and transfer the other.

3. Answer: is it possible to check double consonants?

B. No, you need to remember.

4. In which word is not a double, but a double consonant?

B. Story.

5. In what word are LJ written? Write it: scorched.

6. One or two letters are missing in parentheses:

Beech alley, television antenna, dramatic collision, art gallery, friendly team, interesting play, occupied territory, quarrel with friends, old yeast, show humanism, crystal honesty, file an appeal, aluminum alloy, inventive art, carefully spread out, intelligently talk, go on operetta, Masonic lodge, fond of fiction, mouth-watering pie.

GIA tasks

1. What sentences contain words that are written with doubled consonants?

  • The streams have dried up.
  • The travelers walked along the road, supporting each other.
  • All sat around the fire.

2. What sentences contain words with two letters H?

  • It is a pleasure to walk with a full bucket along the barely visible path to the hut.
  • He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops splashed falling from the leaves of the trees, how the fire creaked peacefully and the forest earth smelled breathtakingly.
  • My grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing mysterious properties.
  • The owner spoke unusually tenderly, talking to the pigeons.
  • There is a wooden bench in the park near the entrance.
  • Waves crawled lazily onto the sand and slowly crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
  • The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with its tail down.
  • Grandmother sat at the table, was silent and slowly chewed bread.

For the third task, the answers are given in the text itself, in brackets.

In this question, I would start from the end of the explanation. After all, for this there is a general rule for transfer. In this case, to make a transfer in the place where the double consonants are located, the rules say. We leave one letter, and transfer the other. And this applies to the letters listed in the question, and to those names in which these letters are.

So we figured out the rules. And now let's move on to examples. I did some good digging and found tons of examples of such names. And, of course, first of all I will show what I have dug up.

Here is the first picture.

And here's another.

I present these pictures in order to show not only how many names in the Russian language are used where such combinations of letters are used, but also so that it is clear how to write them and how such rules appeared.

Well, now we just have to systematize the collected data and add those that are not on the Internet, but which I know.

Let's start with male names.

  • Philip.
  • Hippolyte.
  • Kirill.
  • Apollo.
  • Immanuel.
  • Innocent

And now let's move on to the female names.

Names with two ll - Alla, Stella, Bella, Apollinaria, Isabella, Camilla, Callista, Nelly, Ellina.

Names with mm - Rimma, Emma,

Names with nn - Anna, Nonna, Jeanne, Suzanne, Inna, Marianne.

Names with doubled pp - Philip, Agrippina.

As we can see, there are many more female names with foreign origin.

Lesson objectives

  • Educational: improving knowledge of the spelling of words with doubled consonants in the root; the formation of spelling skills; teach to express their thoughts and understand the position of the interlocutor.
  • Developing: development of students' speech; activation of verbal and logical thinking; the formation of abstract thinking, stability of attention; intellectual development due to a new level of initiative and independence of schoolchildren in organizing the educational process.
  • Educational: education of camaraderie, mutual assistance, love for the Russian language.

Forms of work: intragroup and general class discussions, work in groups, independent dialogue of students among themselves about solving the educational problem.


  • Flashcards: calligraphy, check of theoretical material, creative assignment, self-assessment sheet;
  • Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. Textbook for the 3rd grade. Part 1, 3rd edition, revised - M .: Balass, 2008.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Checking readiness for the lesson.

How would you like to see today's Russian lesson?

Writing on the board:

  • interesting
  • informative
  • fruitful
  • developing

Explain each concept.

For a lesson to turn out like this, one teacher is not enough, your help is also needed. What should be the students in the lesson?

Writing on the board:

  • Students:
  • active
  • thinking
  • workable
  • attentive
  • neat
  • disciplined
  • friendly

Can you become like that? At the end of the lesson, we will analyze whether it turned out the way we wanted it to be.

II. Calligraphy

We'll start, as usual, with a minute of calligraphy.

Each group receives a task to come up with a flourish with letter combinations that are on your table. (ss, ll, nn, bb)

If you have any difficulties, there is a sample on the back of the card, you can use it.

What letter combinations did you write the flourish with? Show the cards to each other.

Why do you think we took these letter combinations for penmanship - ss, ll, nn, bb? (doubled consonant in a word)

On the board: nn, kk, ss, lj, mm, pp, pp, ll, bb

III. Goal setting

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

On the chalkboard: Spelling words with doubled consonants at the root

With a double consonant, we certainly write the words:

antenna, kilogram and gram, and ton,

passenger, highway, column,

quarrel, tennis and program,

group, box office, telegram,

russian, class, saturday, bath,

Rimma, Emma, ​​Inna, Anna.

I hope that you will try to show your knowledge on this topic, the ability to write words with double consonants at the root. We will develop observation skills, our speech, and enrich our vocabulary.

You will be working in groups. Remember - it is important not only to complete the task yourself, but also to help your comrades. After all, it is not only the personal result that is important, but also the result of the work of the whole group, which will lead to the success of the whole class.

IV. Knowledge update (class discussion)

First, let's remember everything you know on the topic of the lesson. Discuss in the group the questions given on the cards, at the end of the work, check yourself with the textbook. The pages of the tutorial are listed at the bottom of the card.

(Self-control on all issues. Group assessment)

  • Green circle - I actively participated in the work of the group, I coped with the tasks successfully. I am very satisfied!
  • Yellow circle - not all tasks in the lesson were so easy. It was difficult for me, but I did it. I am quite pleased with myself!
  • Red circle - tasks were too difficult. I need help!
P / p No. Questions Self-control Group assessment
1 Which of these letter combinations are double consonants?

nn, zhk, kk, dk, ss, sk, tr, zd, lzh, sun, mm, pp, pp, ll, bb

2 What does a doubled consonant mean in a word?
3 Is it possible to check the spelling of the doubled letter at the root of a word?
4 How are words with a doubled consonant transferred? Write two words
5 Write down two words with a doubled consonant that cannot be transferred
6 Is the spelling of the double consonant at the root of the word orthogram? Why?
7 Write down vocabulary words with a doubled consonant at the root of the word
8 Write one word so that it contains a double consonant at the root of the word you wrote in calligraphy. How many letters, sounds in this word?

V. Creative work

1. Exercise in writing words with a doubled consonant (Intra-group discussion, self-examination, mutual examination, mutual assistance)

Now, a creative assignment. Replace a phrase with one word.

1st group

  1. Making drawings from glued or sewn-on pieces of paper or fabric.
  2. Device, technical device.
  3. There is a great desire.
  4. Belts, ropes for horse control.
  5. A substance from microscopic fungi that causes fermentation.
  6. Paved road.
  7. A state of mutual enmity.
  8. A group of persons with special powers.
  9. A child, teenager, who is studying nature.
  10. Director of a theater, film or television production.
  11. An artificial reservoir built for swimming.
  12. Women's names.

2nd group

  1. Several objects or people located close to each other or connected together.
  2. Acute viral disease.
  3. A combination of several musical sounds of different heights.
  4. Produce a monotonous rattling sound, whistling noise.
  5. An executive person who observes order in everything.
  6. Sports running.
  7. A person whose scientific works are of great value.
  8. Doubles sports game with a small ball, which is thrown over the net with a racket.
  9. Sick leave.
  10. A type of city transport.
  11. Popular game on ice.
  12. Workmate.

Group 3

  1. A person with a great inner culture.
  2. Urgent telegraphic message.
  3. Explanatory figure.
  4. Mass units.
  5. Decorative lighting of parks, streets on the occasion of any celebration.
  6. Day off.
  7. A large, usually oblong bathing and washing container.
  8. Summer extension to the house.
  9. Employee of a newspaper, magazine.
  10. One of the types of ball games.
  11. Animal training.
  12. High school graduation certificate.

4 group

  1. The science of changing and combining words.
  2. A pedestrian path lined with trees on both sides.
  3. A group of people united by common work, study, interests.
  4. A systematic collection of items.
  5. The room in which monetary transactions are carried out.
  6. Limited land space.
  7. Medical bandage.
  8. Tamer of predatory animals.
  9. Drawings in a magazine, newspaper, book.
  10. Premises in the school.
  11. A through passage dug underground.
  12. Sports running.

Dynamic pause

Creative tasks (Intra-group discussion, self-examination, mutual examination, mutual assistance)

Now, a creative assignment. Each group has suggestions on cards. Open the brackets and write the resulting words.

1st group

Ra (n, nn) ​​her (o, a) se (n, nn) ​​her morning. Already p (o, a) (ss, s) led. I stand (o, a) u and out (o, a) zhu (na) te (pp, p) a (ss, s) y. Gl (e, u, i) I see through (b) (o, a) to (n, nn) ​​th st (i, u, e) clo (v) tuma (n, nn) ​​uyu gave (s).

2nd group

It blows (i, i, e) r k (o, a) h (a, i) em v (e, i, i) rhu (w, z) ki d (i, i, e) roar (s) ev ... I z (o, a) wu (s) myself with (a, o) baku (S, s) skewer and go (in) with (a, o) with (n, nn) ​​ovuyu grove (y, y). So (n, nn) ​​th (S, s) arrow b (i, i, f) g (s, i) t (behind) me.

Group 3

We br (i, i, e) dim (by) length (nn, n) oh (o, a) (ll, l) her. B (a, o) kru (k, g) gru (n, nn) ​​amy bushes sh (s, i) povnik and m (o, a) (lzh, g) (u, e) (cc, c) grow ate nickname. The soil p (a, o) is covered with a bright rustling (a, z) i ma (ss, s) a.

4 group

Already then (n, nn) ​​s list (s) ev (a, o) bl (i, e) bodies (s) d (i, i, e) roar (s) ev. And there on (w, w) suck (t, d) pr (a, o) (ff, f) f (ss, s) (a, o) p (G, z) e (n, nn) ​​a ( dd, d) ui (K, k) u (pp, p) u (l, ll) ovich b (u, f) g (s, u) t (po) a (l, ll) ee. He loves mornings (s, e) (nn, n) nie cro (s, ss) s.

Read what you have done. Explain the spelling of the words.

Let's read it again, link all the pieces together and see what we get.

What did we do? Prove that this is text. What signs of the text do you know? ( The text consists of sentences. Sentences in the text are related in meaning. The text has a title. The title tells you what the text will say.)

How can the text be titled?

Autumn morning.

Early autumn morning. It was already dawn. I get up and go out onto the terrace. I look through the window pane into the misty distance. The wind shakes the treetops. I call my dog ​​Strelka with me and go to the pine grove. Sleepy Arrow is running after me. We wander along a long alley. Rosehip and juniper bushes grow in groups around. The soil is covered with a bright rustling mass. Already tons of leaves have flown from the trees. And over there our neighbor Professor Gennady Kirillovich is running down the alley. He loves morning runs.

Vi. Lesson summary

What was difficult in the lesson?

What's interesting?

Reflect your progress on your self-assessment sheet. If the lesson was fruitful for you and you were satisfied with your knowledge, skills, actions, draw a green circle. If the lesson went well, but it could have been better - a yellow circle. And if the time in the lesson was completely wasted, then - red.

P / p No. Questions Self-control Teacher assessment
1 I explain what a doubled consonant means in a word
2 I know how words with a doubled consonant are transferred
3 I know vocabulary words with a doubled consonant at the root of the word
4 In the group I helped to find the right words for phrases
5 Listened carefully to the teacher and classmates, actively worked in the lesson, answered questions correctly

Do you think we have solved the tasks of the lesson?

Thank you for the interesting collaboration. The result of each group's work led to the success of the entire class. Well done!